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* WinEdt History.txt Last modified on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 20:32 ____________________________________________________________________ WinEdt 6 [Build 20110315 (v. 6.

0)] ================================== - A problem with locating source files from MiKTeX log files has been fixed - A problem with silent install has been fixed - Support for MetaFont has been added - New functionality with aux directory has been added... - Uninstalling WinEdt 6 no longer removes WinEdt 7 application data folder and more... WinEdt 6 [Build 20101215 (v. 6.0)] ================================== - NSIS configuration has been added. This way WinEdt edits and compiles its own installation scripts... - Enhanced Installation Options (Admin vs. Private Installation, etc...) - Enhanced Icons for filetype associations (much better appearance with large icons) - DDE Fix for Adobe X ( - A problem with properly restoring Execution Modes Settings with Default configuration have been fixed (introduced by accident in Build 20101207 when support for NSIS compiler has been added)... - Two minor bug fixes: local images for Options Interface AV with generic [non-TeX] Wizard - Forward Search with PDF-XChange v.2.5 can now highlight a box (not just a proper page). - Some oddities with undoing and redoing with free caret interface have been fixed. - PDF Alternative Viewer #4 in Execution Modes now works properly (before it would use the value for Viewer #3)... - Some minor enhancements to default settings... WinEdt 6 [Build 20101121 (v. 6.0)] ==================================

- This build uses NSIS Setup Installer (with more install and uninstall options)... Silent Install or Uninstall uses a command line switch /S and /D=<destination> (/D must be the last parameter used in the command line and must not contain any quotes, even if the path contains spaces. Only absolute paths are supported). This can come handy for network installations! - Problems with automatic licensing on Win7 networks have been fixed... - Bug with RegEx containing 8-bit characters or strings has been fixed... - Some problems with WinEdt appearance with 120 dpi screen resolution and Classic Windows Theme (or sometimes non-default themes) have been fixed... In particular, the buttons in the toolbar in Options Interface could become invisible under such settings. - Refresh oddities with dialogs when switching from mouse to keyboard UI have been fixed... - INI Scripts (accessible through the Options Interface) now allow input directive, eg.: %INCLUDE="ConfigEx\Script.ini" This should simplify installation of Configuration Components from Double-clicking on Active String %INCLUDE="?" opens a local copy of included script for editing. %%INCLUDE includes the script and ignores the rest of the file (useful if the script is supposed to replace the contents of the original). %%INCLUDE="ConfigEx\Script.ini" is a shorter equivalent of %INCLUDE="ConfigEx\Script.ini" [END] %include does the same as %INCLUDE except that it ignores the directive if the specified file does not exist (include only if it exists). These directives have been added to highlighting and active strings for INI files. - Comments in the default Private.ini provide some guidance on how (not) to use this feature, its limitations, and possible problems... - There is now only one BackgroundSchemes.ini configuration containing a few examples of background schemes. By default they are all disabled but it is just a matter of changing ENABLED=0 to ENABLED=1 and reloading the script in order to enable any of the pre-defined schemes. Comments in the file provide further guidance

(eg. for those that want to use "fancy" bitmaps for background)... - The same for Toolbar.ini. There are still predefined alternatives but your choice of toolbars (and possible customizations and additions) should be maintained in this file. Comments in Toolbar.ini provide additional guidance... - The Options Interface has been modified in order to accommodate the above changes with Background Schemes and Toolbar. - Context Popup Menu in the Options Interface now contains Expand All and Collapse All items. - Labels in Tree and Gather now contain comments to show how to collect labels with other packages (including listing, beamer, cleveref, etc...). If you are using any of these and would like WinEdt to collect labels in alternative formats remove the comments and reload the modified script... - Fixed right margin can now be changed particular scheme. If not specified (or default one as specified under Wrapping use this feature to reduce right margin as my emails): FONT_SCHEME="ASCII Documents" MODE="ASCII|EDT;INI" RIGHT_MARGIN=67 - Yet another PDFTeX engine has been added to the execution modes: LuaTeX and LuaLaTeX are now there... - Gather interface now uses ICON (if specified) in its list control... - WinEdt did not provide an option to auto-match delimiters in response to mouse click. Delimiters are matched when they are typed and when you move the cursor over them with Left and Right Arrows. The following options in Delimiters.ini (accessible through the Options Interface -> Delimiters!) control this functionality: AUTO_MATCH_LEFT_RIGHT=1 AUTO_MATCH_TOGGLED=1 MATCH_MOVE_OVER=1 Three new options were introduced to further control this feature: MATCH_MOVE_TO=1 MATCH_ON_CLICK=1 MATCH_ON_TYPE=1 - It is now possible to use the same shortcut for different menu items in different configurations... - Using a double-shortcut and then reloading Popup Menus through Options Interface resulted in AV. Fixed... - It is now possible to use variables (such as %H,%B,%!B,%!H, etc...) in the execution modes. This is particularly handy for portable installations where TeX System or other accessories are in Font Schemes for a specified as 0) then the applies... Default settings for ASCII documents (such

installed relative to WinEdt (but the drive letter of the USB stick may change)... Furthermore, PDF Page in in Execution Modes allows you to specify and choose from 4 alternative PDF Viewers (beside the default one that is auto-detected). - TeX System macros for MiKTeX defines a response for "e": // "e" Response with Environment Variable: SetEnvVar('MIKTEX_EDITOR', !'WinEdt.exe "[Open(|%f|);SelPar(%l,7);]"'); - TeX System macros for TeX Live defines a response for "e": // "e" Response with Environment Variable: SetEnvVar('TEXEDIT', !'WinEdt.exe "[Open(|%s|);SelPar(%d,7)]"'); - This build contains macros that work with ConTeXt Mark IV (previous versions were designed for older version of ConTeXt). If you are upgrading from older version of WinEdt make sure that the executable for ConTeXt in WinEdt's Execution Modes is set context.exe (instead of old texexec.exe)... If you want to use old ConTeXt you will have modify the menu: ITEM="ConTeXt" CAPTION="Co&nTeXt" CONFIGURATION="Default;MiKTeX;TeX Live" IMAGE="TeXConTeXt" SAVE_INPUT=1 // ConTeXt Mark IV MACRO="Exe('%b\Exec\TeX\ConTeXt.edt');" // ConTeXt Mark II // MACRO="Exe('%b\Exec\TeX\ConTeXt_old.edt');" REQ_FILTER=:"%!M=TeX"|"%!M=TeX:STY" - New options and enhancements to Execution Modes (including a new page that allows specification of environment variables such as BIBINPUTS and TEXINPUTS)... MIKTEX_EDITOR and TEXEDIT variables can also be defined in this page (if automatic detection is TeX System macros does not work). - Startup macro has been modified to make this work and it now also supports Local Startup... - RunConsole and WinExe macros now contain extra parameters to deal with oddities pertaining to differences between MiKTeX's texify.exe and other executables. MiKTeX's error with initializing GUI Framework (when install on demand package maintenance is triggered during compilation due to a missing package) should no longer be a problem if you are running MiKTeX in WinEdt's Console -- regardless of choices in MiKTeX's Options ("Ask me first" or "Yes")... The default macro %B\Exec\ExeCompiler.edt has been modified accordingly in order to handle the exceptions. - Error Detection now finds proper source file even when the filename in log file is split in two lines and contains a mix of \ and / in path specification... - An Exception when using Unindent (Shift+Tab) at the beginning of an empty line has been fixed. - Auto-Scrolling while selection with mouse is now "smooth" -- it does not accelerate when you want to stop...

- WinEdt is now more selective if it has to activate an already running instance of itself. It is no longer enough for the caption of an existing Windows to match -- also the build and patch of that window's application must match. - A few macros have been fixed (eg. Active String SHORTCUT="" now works properly with an empty argument). - Windows Tooltips are now properly positioned when WinEdt is running on a secondary monitor. - SetFileMode('.'); resets mode depending on the file extension (overwriting any previously set mode)... - Do macro now has an extra parameter Protected:0/1. Do(!"Browse(0,'','%p');",1); IfOK('Prompt("OK")','Prompt("NOK")'); which would execute Macro in "protected mode" and consequently does not stop the execution if the Browse interface has been canceled. There are only about dozen macro functions that act like Browse (EnterReg, EnterLongReg, Open, Exe, GetDim, GetCouter, GetLobgString, GetString, WrS, ReadFile, Browse, McrLoadFromFile, McrSaveToFile) and they could then be executed in a protected mode through Do macro (if desired)... - Line 66 in ExeCompiler.edt macro has been fixed to: IfStr("%!5","","<>",!"JMP(!'GUI-Done');"); instead of (typo): IfStr("%!5'","","<>",!"JMP(!'GUI-Done');"); which prevented the option Enter Extra Switches on Spot (Execution Modes) from working properly for most accessories... - Erase Output Files macro now deletes *.aux, etc... (rather than just %N.aux). It also preserves the option "Include Subfolders" for the next time WinEdt is started (as a part of dynamic data). - Default settings have the option "Use --synctex..." in Execution Modes | PDF Viewer disabled in order to avoid problems related to a bug in MiKTeX 2.8 or 2.9 (when a filename contains a space this option causes TeX to fail)... Also older versions of MiKTeX and TeX Live do not support this option! - If you decide not to create User Profiles during installation you should enable Local Folder Creation. If User Profiles are enabled then Application Data Folder is used for %b otherwise %b=%B\Local is used. This levels the ground for all users regardless of whether they created a user profile or not (eg. portable installations should not enable user profiles)... Local data is preserved during updates or upgrades. Command switches to suppress default behavior are available for advanced users with very special needs. Wizard clearly display the

current %B and %b folder in the readonly control in its first page. If you disable both options then %b=%B and you are assumed to know how to Backup and Restore (preserve) your settings during upgrades... The User Profiles Page of the Wizard allow you to type custom Application Data folder for WinEdt (used only if User Profile Creation is Enabled). This (user-specific) folder is stored in Windows Registry (HKCU)... It should not be used for Portable installations that cannot rely on Registry. %B\Local is a good choice for such installations! - Maintenance has been simplified: by default %b contains all your customized settings and these settings are always preserved during upgrades. Options -> Maintenance Menu contains and item "Cleanup" that removes all local (%b) copies if ini (configuration) and edt (macros) that are identical to the default ones in (%B). Both folders can be browsed from the first page of the Wizard (on Win7/ Vista you may have to start WinEdt as Administrator before you can browse a protected %B folder). Furthermore, the context menu in the Options Interface now has an option "Show Custom Flags" which will cause all branches in this interface that contain local copies of ini or edt files to be flagged with an extra icon. If you first perform a cleanup and then "flag" custom scripts in this interface you'll have a pretty good idea where do your settings differ from the defaults. You can then open local and default (readonly) copy of such a script, use Windows Menu -> Split Left command to align both files next to each other and the use Next Difference (Search Menu) to see the differences. You can then decide if you want to incorporate any of the new default changes into your custom settings... All WinEdt settings are stored in ini files (accessible through the Options Interface) where they can be modified. Before changes become effective you must load a modified script (they are not automatically loaded during startup as many users assume!). The command Rebuild All in the Maintenance menu will load all scripts and thus rebuild the compiled version of your settings (WinEdt.dnt) while Rebuild Local loads only local scripts. Only the compiled version is loaded during the startup (significantly reducing the startup time). However this version is NOT meant to be edited manually (dnt stands for Do Not Touch). These settings are computer generated based on the loaded ini files! Maintenance menu allows you to create a backup of local copies of ini files as well as your current compiled settings WinEdt.dnt. The context menu in the Options Interface contains items to manually create backup for a selected item or else open its backup copy for readonly editing (if it exists). Compiled Settings can restore backup or default compiled version WinEdt.dnt -- restoring requires a restart of WinEdt. These actions are there if you want to quickly compare applied default settings with your custom ones or if you have to do an emergency restore after your customizations went (really!) bad. For example, you could use Default command, restart WinEdt (now it uses default settings) and then use Rebuild command to reload your custom settings or use the Options Interface to load only the selected ones (certainly not those that have been "corrupted")!

In any case, you can either use default settings, stick with your customized settings as they are (ignoring any changes or additions to the defaults) or perform selective upgrades by comparing your settings to the additions (where these are of any interest to you -- such as eg. [perhaps] LuaTeX interface in this version). And if you are moving to another computer and you want to import identical configuration from you other machine: copy the contents of %b folder and you have it! - Cleanup macro in previous build of WinEdt had a problem because edt and ini files were edited without trimming extra spaces at the end of lines and without trimming empty lines at the end of file. This could cause the macro to declare two scripts different even if they differ in some trivial trailing space or empty line. The default scripts have now been cleaned of such spaces and by default WinEdt now trims them when editing such scripts. The following changes have been made to Defaults: TRIM_SPACES=1 FILTER="*;INI;EDT|DATA;Binary" TRIM_LINES=1 FILTER="*;INI;EDT|DATA;Binary" You may have to remove ini files from your project (Recent File List) if you want these changes effective for local scripts that you have already edited (or else use Document Settings Dialog to manually change the values). WinEdt 6 [Build 20100317 (v. 6.0)] ================================== Bug Fixes: - [DICTIONARIES*] now works as expected... - Options Interface can be shown from the context popup menu without causing problems... - A few Filter Sets (containing double quotes) for highlighting were not properly defined in FilterSets.ini -- fixed. - A fix to Load Config.edt in TeX Live folder ([C]onfig.edt typo)... New: - Execution Modes TeX System (for MiKTeX) now has an extra option: Maintain MiKTeX as Administrator When enabled MiKTeX Maintenance Menu Items (and toolbar) uses MiKTeX's Admin Maintenance Accessories... Execution Modes initialize the variable 'MiKTeX-Admin' to '_admin' or '' (empty) and menu items use this variable as follows (in the default settings): ITEM="MiKTeX_Options" CAPTION="MiKTeX &Options" IMAGE="MacroScript" MACRO="Run('mo%$(|MiKTeX-Admin|);.exe');" REQ_FILTER="%$('TeX-Bin');\mo%$('MiKTeX-Admin');.exe" - In Wizard| User Profiles it is now possible to type a custom user

application data folder and then press "Create/ Update User Profile" Button to make this folder your custom application data folder... - During installation there is a new option: Create &Local Application Data This option (with Create User Profile Disabled!!!) is suitable for portable installations on pen drives or custom installations for one user where local data is stored in %b=%B\Local and it is preserved there during upgrades... Between these two options there should really be no need to edit Get Application Data Folder.edt macro script (unless you have very, very special needs). MetaPost and DTX Mode additions: Added command completion in MetaPost mode Added support for building Index and Change History in DTX mode Added gathering of Changes in DTX mode Insert Comment and Remove Comment have been adjusted to work in MetaPost and DTX modes - Added support for inserting stuff in MetaPost and DTX documents The following *.ini files were (slightly) modified from previous build to accommodate the above fixes and new functionality: MainMenu FilterSets Switches Keywords Dictionaries Gather Tree - Create user Profile Macro has been modified so that executes Startup if %b has been changed... WinEdt 6 [Build 20100309 (v. 6.0)] ================================== - Settings, Preferences and Appearance Dialogs have been replaced with the new (customizable) Options Interface. It provides a tree control that can be used to edit new categories (68 of them) of INI files. Most new Keywords in WinEdtEx.dat correspond to the Options that were scattered in the above dialogs. There is plenty to explore there: Options -> Options and read Help for guidance... - INI files have been implemented for Menu Setup, Dictionary Manager and Highlighting Dialogs as well. - No .ini files are loaded during WinEdt's Startup. Compiled (computer generated raw data) is stored and loaded from WinEdt.dnt (Do Not Touch). This makes startup faster and safer. Modifications have to be done through the new Options Interface and loaded immediately in the same interface. All .ini files are stored in %b\ConfigEx folder...

- All Images and Icons used by WinEdt have been redesigned and the appearance of WinEdt and consistency of its GUI has changed quite a bit. Most users should find this an improvement (especially on Windows with Themes enabled). And for others: WinEdt 5.5 is still there (exactly as it was) and you can, of course, continue to use your current (customized) version of WinEdt indefinitely. No need to upgrade if you are happy with what you have!!! -----------------------------------------------------------------CONFIGURATIONS: =============== Configurations Filters for Menu and Toolbar have been introduced. It is even possible to specify sub-configurations (eg. MiKTeX:HTML) which means that all (menu and toolbar) items enabled for MiKTeX or HTML will be visible. Changing the configuration no longer rewrites any menus or toolbar - Configuration filter makes items visible or invisible and disabled. This works very well as opposed to rewriting menus and toolbar which is slow and results in flickering. The code is clean and newly written (rather than patched)... There is no longer any need for Update Configurations in the Maintenance: Configuration filters for menus and toolbar take care of this! New Variable %!C expands to the Current Configuration SetConfig("Configuration",ForceMenuUpdate: 0..1); (Menu and Toolbar are updated if the configuration is changed or if the update is forced). If used properly, this makes WinEdt more versatile than ever! -----------------------------------------------------------------TOOLBAR: ======== In the Options Interface you can immediately chose from a bunch of Toolbar Settings that may be suitable for your work (1 or 2 rows). Functionality and appearance have been substantially extended and changed. The previous toolbar was too restrictive because the layout of two (or more) rows was such that it forced one to match separators or else it looked odd. This means that sometimes buttons that do not really belong there were included just to fill the space. Now each Row is an independent toolbar and they are vertically separated: freedom at last! Toolbar is now edited and loaded through the new Options interface. By default there are some initial choices and they can be easily modified. The following properties are implemented:

[TOOLBAR] TOOLBAR="Name" INVISIBLE CONFIGURATION WIDTH HEIGHT BUTTON NAME TYPE HINT IMAGE MENU Mostly default values suffice. For example omitting the image file means that the button inherits the image from the menu item (as it should). Menu Item ID should be specified as a string parameter for BUTTON. For example: BUTTON="Set_Main_File" BUTTON="Remove_Main_File" BUTTON="|" is separator and BUTTON="-" is divider These two are the only ones that take custom WIDTH as a parameter. In the absence of HINT specification the (stripped of &) caption of the menu item is used (as it should be). If WIDTH and HEIGHT for each toolbar are omitted the (default) dimensions specified in the header of TOOLBAR section are used. That is a preferred way as toolbars should look the same... INVISIBLE and CONFIGURATION filters make it possible to link a toolbar or certain item/ button to a particular configuration. TYPE (3..8) has to be specified for buttons that implement additional functionality: 0 1 2 3 4 5 (default) = ordinary button (no need to specify TYPE) separator (no need to specify if you use "|" as a ID) divider (no need to specify if you use "-" as a ID) Check Button (currently up) Check Button (currently down) Drop Down Menu - clicking on the button only displays this menu 6 Drop Down Menu - Button has a fixed menu item associated with it 7 Drop Down Menu - choosing any menu item associates this item with the button and executes it.. 8 The same as 7 except that choosing a menu does not execute this item 7 and 8 change the icon, hint and MENUID when you make menu selection. This is suitable for a bunch of TeX / LaTeX / PDFTeX / AMSTeX ... Compilers and reduces the clutter in the toolbar. Such buttons are used in the new default toolbar!

3 and 4 could be used for options such as SRC specials on or off etc... Finally items in the dropdown menus are specified as MENU="MENUID" MENU="-" for menu separator NAME is there only for future use for macros that can query and set the status of buttons... It may only be useful for buttons that implement dynamic drop-downs or up/down state. The following macros are available to manipulate buttons: BtnClick("Name","MenuItem"); Simulates a click on the button or its drop-down menu item... BtnGetDown("Name", Register: 0..9); Returns: 1 or 0 for Type 4 and 3 (respectively) BtnSetDown("Name", down: -1..1); -1=up; 0=toggle the value; 1=down (Type 3 and 4 only) BtnGetMenuItem("Name", Register: 0..9); Menu Item Associated with this button (can change for types 6..8) For example it is now possible to introduce a menu item with a single shortcut (eg. Ctrl+T): TeX Compiler BtnClick('TeX Compile'); The main advantage being a single shortcut that executes whatever you select in the drop-down menu. It might be useful to have such an item and omit shortcuts for TeX executables present in the drop-down... Or else perhaps Compile and Preview macros for TeX Mode should take advantage of this. We'll see... Currently all images must be 16x16 and they are loaded from \Buttons\Images (local and global) at startup or later through the Options Interface (or LoadImages Macro). Old Toolbar.dat files cannot be loaded in the new version. WinEdt.btn file no longer exists in the new version: New 16x16 (24-bit) bitmaps can be simply put in the %B\Bitmaps\Images or (private) %b\Bitmaps\Images folder and WinEdt will automatically load them when restarted or through the Options Interface. Contributions with quality images that are not included in the default settings (but can be used for additional configurations) are welcome! -----------------------------------------------------------------MENU: ===== ALL Menu Images have been revisited and are now used consistently

in the Menu and Toolbar (hundreds of hours of work went into this). Te&X menu has been separated from &Accessories. &View Menu has been introduced to toggle visibility of certain GUI controls. No menu or toolbar rewriting is required when switching configurations (only visibility of items changes - much faster and less flickering!). Special menus where file lists are stored can be main Menu or Submenus IDs. WinEdt no longer automatically adds recent file list (it must be included in the menu setup -- that's why ShowFileList; macro was implemented: simpler is better!). [MAIN_MENU] FILE_MENU PROJECT_MENU WINDOWS_MENU MENU CAPTION DISABLED INVISIBLE CONFIGURATION IMAGE SUBMENU END ITEM MACRO SHORTCUT SAVE_INPUT START_FOLDER DEFINITION REQ_FILTER REQ_DOCUMENT REQ_FILE REQ_MAIN_FILE REQ_SELECTED_TEXT REQ_MODIFIED_TEXT REQ_CLIPBOARD_TEXT REQ_A_MODIFIED_DOCUMENT REQ_UNDO_INFO REQ_REDO_INFO REQ_UNDO_BUFFER REQ_WORKING_STATUS ITEM="-" is interpreted as a (horizontal) menu separator. The same for Popup Menus except 3 special menus are different: [POPUP_MENUS] CLIENT_POPUP TEXT_POPUP SELECTED_POPUP When WinEdt exports Menus the SHORTCUT value contains a scan code followed by the English description of the shortcut: SHORTCUT="16576::Ctrl+`"

Scan-codes make loading the menu faster and they also preserve shortcuts when switching keyboards or installing WinEdt on a non-English keyboard. If you edit Menu.ini directly you don't have to specify a scan code. However, avoid specifying shortcuts that may not exist on other keyboards. For example on an English keyboard there is no Ctrl++ (Ctrl+Shift+= is a proper shortcut in this case)... To avoid duplicating quotes in strings that contain macro definitions it is now possible to specify "raw" strings (the rest of the line) in WinEdt's .ini files. For example MACRO=:IfSel("0","=","Ins('\RCSMark{}');CharLeft;","InsLabel('\RCSMark','{', '}')"); rather than MACRO="IfSel(""0"",""="",""Ins('\RCSMark{}');CharLeft;"",""InsLabel('\RCSMar k','{','}')"");" There are no longer shortcuts for invisible popups. Use Popup macro instead to implement double or triple shortcuts (this was on my to-do list). Each menu should have a unique ID that can be used to refer to this item in the Toolbar or by Menu and Popup Macros. Thus translating the menu does not affect any functionality since IDs should be left alone (only Captions are subject to translations). Menu() and Popup() macros now first use MenuIDs and only if this fails menu captions are used (for compatibility with the old version). Old Menu.dat files cannot be loaded in the new version. There may be some manual editing required to change any old menu.dat file into menu.ini that can be used with the new version. WinEdt.img file no longer exists in the new version. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Things have changed between Config and Exec folders. There is more stuff in Exec and less in Config (Load Config.edt etc...). - WinEdt now uses new macros: MACRO="Exe('%b\Exec\PDF\PDF Preview.edt');" MACRO="Exe('%b\Exec\PDF\PDF Search.edt');" MACRO="Exe('%b\Exec\PDF\PDFCloseDoc.exe');" Configuration (TeX System)-sensitive: MACRO="Exe('%b\Exec\TeX\DVI Preview.edt');" MACRO="Exe('%b\Exec\TeX\DVI Search.edt');" etc... (more consistent macro script names and configuration-sensitive functionality!) - New PDF Macros should work with Adobe, Sumatra, GSView, Foxit or

PDF-XChange (compatible with the new Exec Modes but not with old ones!)... Adobe 9 can no longer restore previous position after a document has been recompiled (at the moment there is no remedy for this!). - New Macro MDISplit is used for new items in Window Menu. Split Left or Split Top can be used to quickly tile documents and make them ready for comparison. Compare commands in the Search Menu work with such documents (it is no longer required to first minimize all documents and tile the two that are to be compared -- which was rather annoying with many documents opened). - Highlighting of switches now allows specification of background color. Furthermore background can be painted with gradient (left to right). - New Parameters used for portable installation: %H - drive of %B %h - drive of %b %!H - %B up to the first instance of \WinEdt %!h - %b up to the first instance of \WinEdt This can be used to specify TeX Root relative to WinEdt (drive letter may depend on where you plug your portable device!). - TeX Menu now contains items for ConTeXt and MetaPost. - New: support for compiling MetaPost documents and Documented LaTeX (DTX). -WinEdt now supports long Project Lists stored in a file (rather than windows registry). The default file is: %b\WinEdt-PrjList.dat and it can be adjusted in the (simplified) Project Manager section of the Options Interface. This makes WinEdt portable (if installed on a removable device [without automatic profile creation]) since it no longer uses Windows registry for any of its settings or registration... Also WinEdt now maintains a list of up-to 999 recent projects. - New Macros: IfCMDSwitch("Char","Then","Else"); ShowFileList; ShowProjectList; ReloadImages; SetBTN macro is out as there is no .btn file anymore! - New variables: %!C Variable gives the current configuration %* used for parameters in Filetype Associations (before a global register %2 was used and that was not a good idea) - ADVANCED! New Command Line Switches: -X command line switch suppresses using of the profile. Startup macro contains the lines: IfCMDSwitch(!"I",!"JMP('no_profile_update');"); // Install Run

IfCMDSwitch(!"X",!"JMP('no_profile_update');"); // No Profile... (-x,-Y,-y,-Z,-z switches are admissible but have no predefined meaning. They can have an effect in combination with the above macro...) - Compile and Preview items in Accessories Menu call new mode-sensitive macros. They in turn call TeX Compile or HTML Help Compiler (or any other accessory or appropriate previewer if properly customized) depending on the mode of the main file/ current document... That's why they have generic (Borland-style) shortcuts. ALL Macros in Exec folder have been revisited... - Advanced menu now contains interfaces for new Menu and Toolbar ini files. - WinEdt console now no longer uses RTF control but is based on a custom code. This makes it more robust, less flickering and gives it a more console-like keyboard interface... - Tree Form has an extra (optional) toolbar at the bottom. This interface can be used to show or hide forms that are by default docked at the bottom of the screen (Console, Errors, Gather, Find in Files, and Macro Recorder). -----------------------------------------------------------------The information below pertains to what was initially uploaded as a beta version of WinEdt 5.6. However, due to substantial changes to WinEdt's GUI WinEdt 5.6 project has been abandoned in favor of the new version 6.0 (and the beginning of the new series of WinEdt 6). ------------------------------------------------------------------ A bug fix with the new option to prevent wrapping of comments (Options -> Advanced -> Environments): WRAP_SOFT_COMMENTS=0 // Do not Wrap Comments in Soft Mode! Previously a paragraph was not wrapped if the next line contained a comment... - A filter has been put in place to prevent (unwanted) activation of active strings with wildcards. Both typing, and, double-clicking response is now more selective... - SendMail (MAPI) functionality did not work properly Express. The problem was that the Main Windows Handle a parameter (instead of the Application Handle). This broken keyboard and mouse interface inside the mailer unwanted modal task in the taskbar. Fixed. with Outlook was passed as resulted in as well as

- The Insert key now has the old default functionality (toggle Insert Mode). It can be adjusted in Options Interface -> Advanced -> Common Macros... - Select All functionality (refresh oddity) has been fixed and vertical scroll bar is now properly resized after such selection has been replaced with a smaller text. Previously the last line would end up at the top of the screen...

- Console applications (TeX, LaTeX, and all) now call new common macros in Exec\TeX folder. A new macro ExeCompiler.edt in Exec folder takes care of actual execution as defined in the Execution Modes. By default console applications run in WinEdt's Console docked at the bottom of WinEdt's Window. The appearance and position of this Window can be adjusted through the Forms Section of the Options Interface (just like Tree and Gather Control). Visibility of WinEdt console can be toggled through a new menu item in the Accessories Menu (Ctrl+Shift+C). Note that Console allows keyboard input. When Activated and Focused it captures keyboard input. To give focus back to the Active MDI Window, use ESC key of click on the text or use Ctrl+Shift+C to hide and disable the console. Only one application at the time can be run in WinEdt's Console (which is usually what you want when you are compiling a TeX Document). Execution Modes dialog allows you to change default properties pertaining to the execution of TeX accessories. In particular, you can disable the "WinEdt Console" option and press "Apply to All" button to establish previous mode of execution using a separate Windows Console ("black box"). For some applications this may be a preferred method... At this stage it is up to beta testers to experiment and provide feedback and solutions. My testing with MiKTeX 2.7 and TeX Live 2007 did not reveal any problems with the new default settings and the new console. - The accessories menu and toolbar contains "Compile" and "Compile Selected" items (F9 and Shift+F9). At the moment these two items can be configured in the Execution Modes (compile to dvi, ps or pdf and use 3 different methods to create pdf). Advanced users may take a look at the macros that do the job (the same set is used for MiKTeX and TeX Live) and come up with improvements and new ideas how to quickly configure these two items. The "Compile" item should be defined for the most common kind of compilation that you encounter for your work. That may vary from one user to another... - It is not required that TeXify item in the accessories menu contains texify.exe as an executable (in particular, TeX Live has no texify.exe!). You could specify your favorite TeX Compiler (eg. xelatex.exe) and possibly enable 3 custom iterations in the Execution Modes to let WinEdt's Macro run BibTeX and MakeIndex up to 3 times (as required to get compiled document up-to-date). - Redirection of TeX Aux files to another folder may not work with all accessories and TeX Systems (this was also the case in 5.5). It assumes that they support *-directory=dir switches and that Aux folder already contains subfolders for documents placed relative to the main file. If you encounter problems with this you should consult the macros and the documentation/ help for TeX accessory in question and see if you can come up with an elegant solution (eg. by using the command prompt to achieve what you want). And if it cannot be done than you'll have to give up this feature or resort to some brute force solution in order to allow such accessory process files in "remote/non-default" folders... If you cannot find the way to accomplish the task from the Command Prompt then it is unlikely that a WinEdt macro can do anything about it!

- WinEdt Macro engine was subject to substantial changes that were required to accommodate and ever increasing number of macro functions. The old case sentence executing code on the stack was stretched to the limit and something had to be done about it. Users should not notice any difference except for improved macro execution speed and performance. You should know that it is always possible that some unintentional change in the behavior of macro scripts might result from this... If so, we'll deal with it. - New macros for execution of console applications (inside WinEdt's Interface): RunConsole("Command","Folder","Caption", no_Reset,no_Show,no_Echo,no_Console,no_hide_Console: 0..1); SetConsoleCharset(s: -1..4; charset: 0..255); s = -1: use charset value (0..255) 0: Custom (as specified in Highlighting| Forms) 1: Editor default 2: Windows default 3: ANSI 4: OEM SetConsoleText("Text", GOTO_End,Append: 0..1); GetConsoleText(Register: 0..9); SetConsoleInfo("Info Caption"); GetConsoleInfo(Register: 0..9); ShowConsole(Visible: -1..1, test_Visibility: 0..1); FocusConsole(Focused: -1..1, test_Focus: 0..1); ResetConsole; IfConsoleRunning("Then Macro","Else Macro"); - ShowExecutionModes macro function has been stripped of parameters for extra files that are no longer used (not compatible with the old one!!!): ShowExecutionModes('Execution Modes - MiKTeX',> '%b\Exec\MiKTeX\ExeMode.edt',> '%b\Exec\MiKTeX\ExeMode_Backup.edt',> '%b\Exec\MiKTeX\ExeMode_Custom.edt',> '%b\Exec\MiKTeX\ExeMode_Default.edt',> 1); // Extended Mode with Extra Pages for TeX System and TeX Output - Execution Modes Interface has been redone to allow new options with WinEdt console execution. - New macro to remove extra/ redundant spaces from the command line (except inside double-quotes): TrimCommandLine("Command", Register: 0..9); - Search -> Hide Errors Menu Command (CtrL+Shift+E) now hides the console as well: ShowErrorLog(0);ShowConsole(-1); - Tree and Gather interface now allows some extended processing and specifications in order to include more useful information pertaining to Bibliography Items: EXTENDED="@{}()\" EXITEMS="author,title,year,@"

EXLINELIMIT=16 CAPTION="%?: %!?" If you don't want this in the Tree or Gather comment out this lines and use CAPTION="%?" to display only bib label. Extra processing might be a bit slower in huge bibliography files (data bases). In Gather form docked at the bottom long captions with Author, Title,... make sense. - Macro GDIPopup has extra parameters: GDIPopup("Page","Caption",Refresh,Sort,Track_onClick,Track_onDblClick,OK_onDb lClick:0..1, "Selected Item", "Filter String",Remove_Filter:0..1,Show_Buttons:-1..1, New: Extended_Items:0..1, // Show Extended Bib Data for \cite{} Extended captions must be enabled for Gather interface or else GDIPopup interface always shows short captions. List_Separator_Mode: 0..2, "Separator_Char"); List_Separator_Mode 0 - don't allow multiple selections 1 - allow multiple selections extra edit control is made visible when you press Separator Character (by default comma) 2 - allow multiple selections extra edit control is initially visible - A new Global Options under the [ENVIRONMENTS] section: WRAP_SOFT_COMMENTS=0 // Do not Wrap Comments in Soft Mode! This property is automatically on in Semi-Soft Wrapping (where wrapping such lines would cause problems with compilation!). - Tree Branches now allow specification of # which is expanded to the number of items inside. For Example: BRANCH="Bibliography (# Items)" Repeat ## twice to include character # in this string (if required). - Input Directives (Tree.ini) now allow specification of the CAPTION. Advanced users can change the way the filename will appear in the tree (eg. by stripping off the PATH or Filetype similar to the FILENAME directive). Custom processing takes place after FILENAME has been processed. %? refers to the unprocessed caption (filename)... - New Switch for comments in LaTeX Documents: \begin{comment} .... \end{comment} - New Switch for verbatim: \verb/?/...

- A few enhancements to MUI (including multiple selections in list boxes as documented in Macro Manual). - HTML Compiler now calls TtH for TeX Mode (before it was disabled for this mode and it only worked for HTML Help Files). - Document Tabs now respond to middle click (close the associated document) and double-click on the empty portion (open a new document). The same as Firefox or IE7... - WinEdt now comes with LaTeX Help e-book (HTML File with documentation for LaTeX and other TeX Accessories). WinEdt's Help Menu has an interface for it in its Help Menu... ================================================================== Bug Fixes: ========== - A problem with finding files in the project tree when PATH is being used in WinEdt's Input Directives has been fixed. GetTree macro now correctly qualifies such files (as do other functions that depend on such files such as FindInFiles). - \#{...} and \#~{...} RegEx filters now allows expressions that span over one line if the expression contains > or **. - A Bug with \# RegEx in FindInString has been fixed. - The caret is now properly positioned when large extra line spacing is specified Font section of the Options Interface... - A bug for LstGetItem has been fixed (it now correctly returns an item as specified by the index parameter). - Word Count now properly ignores text in softly wrapped comments (bug fix)... - A delimiter matching bug with (unlikely) constructions like $\$$ or $$\$$$ has been fixed. - WinEdt (in the background) is now properly displayed in the taskbar on Vista even if it is running a modal dialog... - Windows Classic Appearance Fixes: - Unwanted Horizontal Bar no longer appears when not necessary in softly wrapped documents! - A Refresh Oddity with Document Tabs after WinEdt has been resized has been fixed. ================================================================== - Commands (in the menu) have been replaced by macros: simple is better.... CMD(""); macro still exist for compatibility with old macros. Macros give menu items functionality (Commands, Documents and Utilities no longer exist). A bunch of macros have been introduced to replace the old

commands... The file WinEdtCMD.dat describes macro equivalents of old commands (this file is loaded and parameters to CMD macro are replaced by their macro equivalents [...] on the right). - Long Macro definitions in HTML (Insert) menu have been replaced with macro scripts (the same for a few long items in Popup Menus). Neat and tidy.... - The following Macros have extra parameters (extended functionality as documented in Macro Manual): Popup SetSort SortLines GetColor GDIPopup - The following Macros have less parameters (as documented in Macro Manual): ShowExecutionModes SetIndent - All Import/ Export macros have been deleted. The new Options interface makes them redundant... The following macros no longer exist: // Legacy Windows (doesn't work on Windows >= 6) WinHelp HelpKeyword SendToDOS // Not used any more ... SetBTN SetGUI // Obsolete Configuration Macros // Can be adjusted by loading an INI file // Some Settings are now mode-sensitive ... // Use LoadConfig if you really must overwrite this settings from a macro // Tabs.ini and Font Schemes for mode-sensitive settings SetTabs // Project Manager SetRestorePrj // Backup .. File Status Detection SetBackup SetAutoSave SetIdleSave SetUpdateDrives // Editor .. Defaults SetEditor SetModeDef // Events Handlers SetOnStartup SetOnExit SetOnMDIOpen SetOnMDIActivate SetOnPrjClose

SetOnPrjOpen // Import/ Export Functionality AddDictionary RemoveDictionary AddMode DelMode AddActive DelActive ActiveOK AddBackground DelBackground AddFilters DelFilter AddSwitches DelSwitch AddKeywords DelKeyword AddColumns DelColumn HighlightingOK AddMenus AddPopups AddTranslations // Import *.dat ... LoadDictionaries LoadProject LoadMenus LoadPopups LoadToolBar LoadStatusLine LoadBookmarks LoadColors LoadBackground LoadFilters LoadSwitches LoadKeywords LoadColumns LoadSettings LoadLanguage LoadActive LoadTranslations LoadDelimiters LoadPreferences LoadModes LoadDefaults LoadFont LoadTemplates LoadPrint LoadSort // Export *.dat ... ExtractDictionaries ExtractProject ExtractMenus ExtractPopups ExtractToolBar ExtractStatusLine ExtractBookmarks ExtractColors ExtractBackground ExtractFilters

ExtractSwitches ExtractKeywords ExtractColumns ExtractSettings ExtractLanguage ExtractActive ExtractTranslations ExtractDelimiters ExtractPreferences ExtractModes ExtractDefaults ExtractFont ExtractTemplates ExtractPrint ExtractSort ____________________________________________________________________ WinEdt 5 [Build 20071003 (v. 5.5)] ================================== - A new macro function GetAppDataFolder has been added and documented. It is now used in the macro script WinEdt\WinShell\Profiles\Get Application Data Folder.edt The old method of obtaining this value from the registry in some cases failed. On Windows Vista this resulted in WinEdt crashing when being closed (serious enough to merit an investigation). This macro function uses Windows API according to Windows guidelines and it should be completely reliable without introducing any compatibility issues for users that have already created a profile in older version of WinEdt. The problems with the old version were rare (only 3 users ever reported them). However, it is best to follow the proper guidelines and avoid relying on the registry key that may be corrupted... WinEdt 5 [Build 20070921 (v. 5.5)] ================================== - WinEdt Help has been extended with a section on Environment Variables which explains how to define such variables and how to configure WinEdt to locate your input files that reside in designated folders outside the directory where the main file is located. This has been a frequently asked question and many users mistakenly assumed that WinEdt's Input Directives configuration affects where TeX is looking for such files. The new help section (in the Advanced Chapter) explains it all... WinEdt 5 [Build 20070913 (v. 5.5)] ================================== - A problem on Vista with some controls becoming invisible in dialogs with Tab Page Control when both keyboard and mouse has been used to switch between pages has been fixed... - A minor refresh oddity regarding the line numbers has been

detected and fixed... - A minor correction to the default error detection in order to filter out more (harmless) warnings produced by PDFTeX... - A few typos in the help have been fixed... WinEdt 5 [Build 20070819 (v. 5.5)] ================================== - A problem with running WinEdt 5.5 on Win98 has been fixed. - Further improvements to the macro that opens pdf files: it now works correctly with GSView and Foxit Reader as well as Adobe 8... - Added support for \import{dir/}{file} input directive in the default settings... - Minor fixes to the Help and Documentation.... WinEdt 5 [Build 20070716 (v. 5.5)] ================================== - Menus on VISTA now look better (no custom drawing which gave menus old-style [pre-Vista] appearance). - ToolTips (Hints) for WinEdt's Toolbar now use Windows tips which gives them a proper "vista" appearance. - Advanced Page in the Menu Setup Dialog contains options that control the use of Windows Menus and Tooltips (as opposed to Delphi's Menus and Hints): Allow Custom Menu Drawing (off on Vista; on otherwise) Use Windows Tooltips (on on Vista; off otherwise) If on your Vista you encounter any problems with the new options you should use XP settings... - Character | is now allowed in custom hints for WinEdt's MUI controls... - A bug fix related to Find/ Replace in All Opened Files: when soft wrapping and formatting to the size of screen was enabled the first found instance in the file could be mismatched if WinEdt was resized before the search took place (a string where the found string used to be before the document is reformatting is selected instead). Fixed... - A problem with the mouse cursor jumping (up and left) after attempting a selection with a mouse or double-clicking on a word when Vista-style scaling is enabled has been fixed. The source of the problem is a bug in Vista, however, WinEdt now

avoids using SetCursorPos API function to avoid triggering this Vista bug... - A problem with custom iteration through multi-byte (16-bit) Chinese Characters and associated display oddities have been fixed... - A few fixes to the Help and Documentation (fixed links and last minute changes and additions, including some tips on Vista appearance and the new options that control it)... - On Windows Vista MiKTeX 2.6 Update Wizard item in WinEdt's Menu has to be changed from Run(|copystart.exe "%$('TeX-Root');\miktex\config\update.dat"|); to Run(|copystart_admin.exe "%$('TeX-Root');\miktex\config\update.dat"|); Default configuration in this build takes care of this but if you preserved your old settings you must make the change manually in the Menu Setup Dialog. This has to do with Vista security and execution of applications that require administrative privileges. The old command will not work on Vista and WinEdt will simply report that it failed to execute copystart.exe... - Adobe macros have been updated so as to work with Adobe 8 without relying on Menu ID to close a document. We'll see... *** TeX Live 2007 issues only: - WinEdt now has a new TeX Live configuration compatible with TeX Live 2007. It comes with new execution macros including a custom version of [PDF]TeXify and links to the selected TeX Live Documentation in the Help Menu... - In dviout (TeX Live dvi viewer) enter the following as a src command in its Options -> Setup Parameters| Common Dialog: WinEdt.exe^s"[Open(|%s|);SelPar(%d,8)]" Then press the Save Neglecting to do so from dviout... I am in subfolders since as a parameter... Button followed by the Apply Button. will not permanently enable Inverse Search not sure how SRC specials work with files dviout only takes filename (without PATH)

- Ordinary Preview call in WinEdt must fix dviout failing to get in the foreground and it should be: Run(|%$('DVIView'); -1 "%P\%N.dvi"|,'%P',0,0,'%N.dvi - dviout',1,1);SetFocus(' - dviout'); - Forward dvi search in WinEdt should be: Run(|%$('DVIView'); -1 "%P\%N.dvi" # %!l "%/Q%n%t"|,'%P',0,0,'- dviout',1,0); Parameter %Q (see Macro Manual) has been introduced to specify

relative directory names because dviout does not know how to match a full file specification with a relative one... WinEdt 5 [Build 20070501 (v. 5.5)] ================================== - Under VISTA WinEdt sometimes "refuses" to start. This happens because of a Hint Window previously displayed in Windows Taskbar when the mouse was positioned over WinEdt. WinEdt mistook this Window for its running instance. The problem is now fixed for this build... - This build has been extensively tested with MiKTeX 2.6 under Vista. It works well and I did not have to make any manual changes in the Execution Modes Dialog: WinEdt correctly detected all software. It is, however, important that you install all software with Administrative account (especially on Vista). Otherwise you will likely experience a lot of problems because of the new security features in OS... You can later use it as a restricted user (as long as you enabled the profile creation - a default setting in WinEdt's Installation Wizard). - Options -> Appearance Dialog now contains new options whether to use Cool Bar in WinEdt's Toolbar and GUI Control. Depending on your version of Windows and enabled themes cool bars may be aesthetically pleasing (or annoying to some users). However, they may also result in extra refreshing when WinEdt is resized. You can make your choices and apply the changes directly in the Appearance Dialog (Tool Bar and GUI Page) and see what works for you... - Extensive flickering after any system changes or after the computer wakes up from hibernation has been eliminated (traced into Delphi's VCL)... WinEdt 5 [Build 20070417 (v. 5.5)] ================================== - Documentation (help) has been updated including the new section on the Advanced Configuration (new in 5.5)... - A fix to a Compile Selected macro... - Extension to [TREE] and [GATHER] sections: CURRENT_DOCUMENT_ONLY now allows values 0..2: 0 = search only as part of tree (if applicable) 1 = search it when no main file is set 2 = always search the current document The same for ALL_OPENED_DOCUMENTS=0..2. - A minor RegEx fix in Softly Wrapped Documents: "\#{<@^{b}}b" - Forward pdf search now works with Foxit as well thanks to the

fix in "Exec\Adobe OpenDoc-Find.edt" by Robert... - Execution Modes interface now allows Browsing for Folders and Executables rather than having to type them directly in Edit controls... - Changes to GetPreamble Macro -- a minor extension and explanation on how it works (see Macro Manual) - Extra Options in Incremental Search (for even more different opinions on how it should work:-)... - UTF-8 Demo has been slightly corrected. UTF8 euro can be displayed after all (thanks, Robert) if you use: \usepackage{textcomp} % required for \texteuro WinEdt 5 [Build 20070323 (v. 5.5)] (beta 5) =========================================== - Default Settings: WinEdt no longer uses redirected TeX Aux Folder in its default settings. This can be manually turned on and off in the Execution Modes| TeX Output Interface... - WinEdt now properly positions prompts and some "floating" dialogs (eg. Spell Checking) when it is running in the secondary monitor. Previous builds would display such dialogs on the primary monitor. Fixed for 20070323. - WinEdt now properly detects the newest Ghostscript (AFPL is now GPL). Fixed for 20070323. - When a project list was shorter than 2*number of opened files WinEdt did not restore ALL previously opened documents. Fixed for 20070221. - Mouse Popup Menus in Build 20070319 do not work properly. Fixed for 20070221. WinEdt 5 [Build 20070319 (v. 5.5)] (beta 5) =========================================== - Tree and Gather interface now properly work with a current document when no main file is set (or the project tree is not built)... - A bug with manual paragraph wrapping has been fixed (the command was previously disabled when auto-wrapping was turned off). - Log files are now properly parsed even if the line break occurs in the middle of the line number (as TeX has been known to do)... - New Parameter to allow UTF-8 and/or BOM Unicode detection: ReadFile("",#0..9,#0,Unicode: 0..2); 0 - no unicode detection (as before)

1 - BOM Unicode Detection 2 - UTF-8 and BOM Detection - The Wizard now allows you to specify the filter of modes for which UTF-8 format is enabled. By default you'll find something like: UTF-8|ACP;EDT;INI with BOM disabled. Should you want to use UTF-8 for all TeX documents you can add TeX to the filter. Also consult the UTF-8 Demo sample LaTeX Document in WinEdt's Document -> Samples Menu to learn more on how to handle UTF-8 documents and how to avoid corrupted documents... Windows has no direct support for UTF-8 and such documents have to be correctly recognized and then converted to Windows UNICODE or Ansi Page (ACP) when loaded and displayed by WinEdt... This functionality is new and it is possible that some glitches remain to be fixed but the basic functionality should be there. - A new faster and better GetMode macro in Macros\Events is now being used to determine the mode. It recognizes UTF-8 encoding from (emacs coding directive): % -*- coding: utf-8 -*or for TeX documents also from: \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} - New macros for UTF-8 support: IfFileUTF8("Filename","Then Macro","Else Macro"); UTF2Ansi("String", Register: 0..9, Test: 0..1); - if test parameter is set to 1 then no error is reported if the string is not in UTF-8 format and no conversion is performed: used IfOK to determine the format... Ansi2UTF("String", Register: 0..9, BOM: 0..1); - if BOM parameter is set to 1 then Byte Order Mark is inserted at the beginning of the string. Notepad always used BOM to sign and recognize UTF-8 files but many compilers (including TeX) don't like extra bytes at the beginning of the file... Make sure that you understand what is UTF-8 before you perform any conversions. For example converting UTF-8 document with Ansi2UTF will result in a corrupted file! - The Compile Selected macro now works properly with UTF-8 files and it detects the lack of the preamble in which case it uses a generic LaTeX preamble rather than letting the compilation result in fatal LaTeX Errors...

- RegEx extension (see the macro manual for details): <something>\E{isMath} a shorter form of: <something>\X{\"|Exe('%b\Macros\RegEx\isMath.edt');|} matches <something> only inside Math Environments! Switches (as defined in Syntax Highlighting) are used to determine whether a match is inside such an environment... - Execution Modes has been extended with Forward Search option for PDF (when using \usepackage{pdfsync}). The package has some limitations and by default forward search is not enabled but it can easily be changed through Execution Modes interface... - Extra parameters for Browse(Register: 0..9, "Filter|*.*", "Initial Folder", "File Name", "Default Extension", Filter Index: 0..9999); Browse(0,"Folders|*........","Current Folder"); Can be used if you want to browse for input folder rather than a file. Use GetFilePath(0,'%!0'); to get rid of the "Current Folder" part in the return... - MUI Lists now allow "escaped" item separator: A|Bar:|||C... - Drop-Down Boxes and MUI now works properly with resolutions other than 96 when scaling of forms is enabled... - MUIReset macro has an extra numeric parameter. Specify this value to be the your screen resolution if the dimensions in MUI refer to values different from default (96) [not likely on newer computers]... - A few minor bugs (as reported on the mailing list or private correspondence) have been fixed. Confirmations welcome... WinEdt 5 [Build 20061213 (v. 5.5)] (beta 4) =========================================== - Preferences Dialog| Event Handlers now contains an option "Report Errors when undefined %. variables are encountered" By default this option is disabled and WinEdt now acts like before (includes the variable as an ordinary string). Beta 3 translated such variables into empty strings and this could make some macros behave differently. Macro writers can enable this option when they are testing their scripts to make sure that they are not using undefined variables. For the rest

compatibility with the older versions (having the option disabled) is probably safer especially if some macro script behaves differently... - New macro scripts for compilation of pdf files are Adobe 8 compatible. Adobe 8 crashes when it receives a sequence DDE OpenDoc and CloseDoc and a new solution is required to release a pdf file before it can be compiled. The new macros and Acrobat Page in the Execution Modes interface take care of this... - Dictionary Manager now has an option to automatically capitalize the beginning of sentences (a surprisingly popular feature request)... - Dictionary Manager (Ignored Text) now has an option to enable and specify the hyphenation string (\- is used by TeX). When enabled som\-thing is considered misspelled while some\-thing is OK... - Dictionary Manager now has a new Tab Page (Abbr.) where you can enable and define a list of abbreviations that get automatically expanded when you type a trigger string (by default a single space but it can be customized) immediately after the abbreviation. Abbreviations are edited in a format: "abbr" = "expanded string" (one per line). This functionality could be implemented with Active Strings but it is much easier to edit a simple list of substitutions (it is also faster as it does not involve any macro execution). A usual string rules apply: if the double-quote is a part of string it has to be repeated twice... Defaults don't use any abbreviations since the such functionality is very subjective: while some users may love it others may equally hate it! - Menu Setup| Advanced Dialog has an extra option "Automatic Hot Keys"... - A fix to RegEx: A tag can now be used immediately after the wildcard. For example: <\(?*\)><\0> now finds repeated lines. In older versions it does not unless the first expression is grouped: {<\(?*\)>}<\0> - A fix to IfisMode function. IfisMode("LaTeX","LaTeX3","Prompt('True')","Prompt('False')"); now returns "False" as one would expect... - New macros to allow automatic selection of the items in the Tree (Navigation Bar/TOC): TreeExpandBranch("Branch",Recuse_Children: 0..1);

TreeCollapseBranch("Branch",Recuse_Children: 0..1); Empty Branch refers to the file tree and "*" indicates all branches. TreeSelectBranch("Branch",LocateCurrentPosition: 0..2, AutoCollapse: 0..2, AutoCollapseTopBranches: 0..2, AutoCollapseSelected: 0..2); - Empty Branch refers to the file tree and "*" indicates currently selected branch... LocateCurrentPosition: 0 - select the main branch 1 - locate the current position in specified branch 2 - ignore branch and leave the currently selected node: collapsing still applies TreeAutoSelect(Select: -1..1, "Branch", Only_if_Slected: 0..1, AutoCollapse: 0..2, AutoCollapseTopBranches: 0..2, AutoCollapseSelected: 0..2); - Empty Branch refers to the file tree and "*" indicates currently selected branch... - Auto-collapsing may prevent too many branches in TOC being expanded in large projects: 0 = off (no collapsing) 1 = on (do not recurse) 2 = on (recurse and collapse all children) - Context popup menu in tree branches contains an item to manually locate the current position in this branch. - Project Menu contains items to Automatically Select Items in TOC, Files and to turn automatic selection off: TreeSelect('TOC');TreeAutoSelect(1,'TOC',1,2,0,2); TreeSelect('');TreeAutoSelect(1,'',1,2,0,2); TreeAutoSelect(-1); - Help in the "Icons and Filetype Associations" Dialog now works (broken link in the help file has been fixed)... - A few missing links in MUI chapter of the Macro Manual have been fixed... WinEdt 5 [Build 20061121 (v. 5.5)] (beta 3) =========================================== - Changes to the Default Settings: - Preferences| Shell: "Yielding Enabled" if by default off (less responsive more robust!) - Center Lines for Find - Line breaks for soft wrapping are now by default invisible. - Delay in Errors to 0 - \item and \bib out of paragraph breaks (\bibliography in) - compile selected (no selection: current document) - Language Sensitive Script (disabled in Settings| Language Dialog) - fpTeX -> TeX Live (all references and folders have been renamed) - New Menu entry for expanding Tabs in Edit -> Format Menu - Modified Menu Entry for Erase Working Files (see below)

- Modified Menu Entry for Search -> Errors (new settings in 5.5 are not compatible with 5.4 or less) - MUI Menu in Accessories (mostly for future interfaces to TeX Accessories - volunteers needed)... - Documents Menu now has items to access Backup and Auto-Saved Document - Options -> Advanced (default) configurations have been improved or made more suitable for an average user (especially Environments and Font Schemes). Check them out... - Default Highlighting and Special Dictionaries have been added and updated for new Macro Functions, MUI Keywords and properties and Keywords for (advanced) INI configuration files. The following new dictionaries have been added: %B\Config\HTML\HTML.dic (HTML;XML) %B\Config\Edt\MUI.dic (EDT) %B\Config\Edt\Ini.dic (INI) - A bug with "disappearing" caret has been correctly diagnosed by Robert and I was subsequently able to fix it (hopefully for good)... - The Macro Manual is up-to date (MUI Section, updated Tree, Gather, GUI Page and all other extended or new macros). Also the Main Help for the new Execution Modes has been added (a few more sections are missing or need updating in the Main Help). - The Environments section of the advanced configuration now works as intended. Not all environment-sensitive settings are supported in this version but control over formatting should work as intended. This is perhaps the most powerful new feature in 5.5... This makes Smart Wrapping much smarter when properly configured for any particular markup language. Even soft-wrapping users may benefit if they choose to use hanging indents and possibly opt for non-wrapped verbatim environments and some other environment-sensitive functions that are currently supported. Free Caret interface or inputting of Tab characters from keyboard can also be enabled only for selected environments. Furthermore, Free Care Interface is now also a part of a font scheme and can be overwritten for certain modes (eg. managing code or data files). See at the end of the news on this build for a lengthy explanation regarding this functionality.... The environments section in previous beta builds did not work as expected and a few users noticed that their verbatim environments have been corrupted because of that. This is now fixed but just in case be cautious if you decide too customize these settings and create a backup of you documents... - Additional EXTENSION and PATH specification in input directives: // Extended Input for bibliography (expands any TeX \PATH specifications!) // Use PATH sparingly as it may take a long time to build the tree otherwise..

. DIRECTIVE="\bibliography{?}" FILENAME="%[!|Exe('%b\Macros\GetBibFiles.edt');|];%$('_ExTreeInput');" SEPARATOR="," // allows comma separated list of bib files EXTENSION=".;.bib" // possible extensions (.=default [.bib] as appended by the above macro) PATH="%P;%p" // add additional locations for your bib files, eg.: // "%P;%p;%$('TeX-Local');\bibtex;C:\TeX\bibtex\My B ib Files" - SetFileMode Macro has an extra parameter to determine whether or not any submode associated with the line terminators (eg. UNIX) should be appended to the specified mode or not... GetMode* macros in Macros folder have been modified to use this parameter. - a new variable %&x; Stands for chr(x) [x: 0..255 DEC OR HEX $00..$FF ASCII Code of a char] - New File Variables: %A = Auto-Save File (expanded) %R = Backup File (expanded) %u = Drive\Path Document Menu contains items to open (readonly) Backup or Auto-Saved File when they exist. The default settings for Backup and Auto-Saving remain: %p\%n%t.bak %p\%n%t.sav Backup and auto-save files should be there when needed but one usually doesn't want to see them crowding the source folders. Opinions about this may vary; it can be easily customized... For example: %C\Backups\%u\%n%t.bak %C\Backups\%u\%n%t.sav or %b\Backup\%u\%n%t.bak %b\Backup\%u\%n%t.sav or %p\Backup\%n%t.bak %p\Backup\%n%t.sav or %P\Backup\%n%t.bak %P\Backup\%n%t.sav will place such files in another folder. They can still be accessed through the Document Menu but they will not crowd the source folders. The choice is yours. Wizard contains the most common options for Backup while Preferences| Backup Dialog contains the rest (for fine-tuning)... - New Variables for direct access to RegEx Tags in macros: %#0..%#9 This can make such macros shorter and easier to read (rather

than using GetTag function). - Before the log file is loaded into WinEdt's Error Search Interface for error processing WinEdt now executes the macro script: %b\Exec\_errLog.edt This macro can initialize two variables: _errLogFile this string is loaded into the interface if the original log file contains too much of unwanted information or is in a "weird" format... _errLog this string is used to determine warnings and errors: !E:log_line_num["source file"[:source_line_num[+offset][:select_string]]] !W:log_line_num["source file"[:source_line_num[+offset][:select_string]]] When initialized this variable is used to determine where are errors and warnings located in the log file and in the sources... This way you can unleash the power of RegEx to process errors and warnings that are not supported in the defaults (eg. almost c-style but not quite). The default does some processing for "Fortran" mode; it can be customized to do just about anything without introducing more Error Types directly in WinEdt. Check it out (the default macro contains lots of comments and additional explanations)! - A "bug" with reporting files with old dates (<1980) not to exist has been fixed (traced to Delphi's FileExists function). Windows file date starts on Jan-01-1601. A new macro function: SetFileDate(FileName, mode, year, month day, hour, minute, second, msec); where the mode is a combination of: 1 - last modified time 10 - creation time 100 - last access time can be used to manipulate file stamps within admissible range... - New Macro: IfGetNum("String Expression",min,max,"ifOK","ifError"); Can come handy with MUI... - Printing now works properly with tabs and special "environments". A few old bugs have been fixed (total page count with FF) and a few extra options in Advanced Tab. Also there is a checkbox to select current document's font rather than using a custom font for printing... - An extra option in Preferences| Editor Dialog: Allow "Arrow Down" past EOF

(when Free Care Interface is enabled). It is ignored in Soft Wrapping Mode... - Delete Working Files now allows specification of more than one directory separated by semi-columns. Default is %P;%O in order to clean-up both source folder and aux folder if the output has been re-directed via execution modes. The interface is smart enough not to search the same folder twice if the two coincide... The macro EraseWorkingFiles no longer has as the first parameter a macro script that initializes the items: EraseWorkingFiles("Folder List;", "Caption", Subfolders: -1..1, Invisible: 0.. 1); A new macro: ClearFileItems; has been implemented and the menu command now looks like: Exe("%b\Exec\Erase Working Files.edt"); rather than the old EraseWorkingFiles("%B\Exec\Erase Working Files.edt","%P","Erase Output Files", 0); where the default macro script Erase Working Files.edt starts with an extra line: ClearFileItems; and ends with another one to show the interface: EraseWorkingFiles("%P;%O","Erase Output Files",0,0); This makes this interface more consistent with others that follow the same logic (Clear, Add, Show)... If you are upgrading you'll have to take care of this in WinEdt's Tools Menu to: Exe('%b\Exec\Erase Working Files.edt'); - Compile Selected macro now works even if no text is selected (compiling the whole [sub]document in a temporary file)... - A few reported bugs and typos have been fixed (as communicated on the mailing list)... - Custom Font for Docked Forms (Default or Current + Updating): works properly with more than one font scheme... - Found Strings are now centered by default. The option can be enabled in the Context Popup Menu inside the Find Dialog but for some reason disabled option was a default...

- Backup, Restore, Default now allow two more items: Errors Wrapping If you are upgrading from older versions you should load the new default Errors (as well as the default Options menu from the same interface: Options -> Maintenance -> Default)... Also consider executing the Default Startup Sequence from the last page of the Execution Modes: without it some options there will have no effect and may be ignored. There should be no custom TeX System.edt macro in your Application Data folder (%b\Exec\MiKTeX). The default global one (%b\Exec\MiKTeX) is what should be used. - SetSort macro has an extra (-1..1) parameter to control whether a sequence of digits is compared as a number or a string. When Numeric Digits option is enabled A10X is greater than A2Y... SortLines macro still uses "Flags" (for compatibility sake). 10000 is used for Numeric Digits 100000 is used to ignore this parameter and use SaveSort, SetSort and RestoreSort instead... - New Macros to efficiently handle (large) string lists with separators: LstEnum("Source","Separator",Trim_Spaces: 0..3, Remove_Multiple_Spaces: 0..1,Remove_Multiple_Entries: 0..1); LstGetCount(Register: 0..9); LstNextItem(Register: 0..9); LstGetItem(Reg: 0..9,Index: -2..999999999,); -1 returns the source string -2 returns the separator 0..Count-1: enumerated items LstGetStr(Reg: 0..9,"Sep",Last,Original_Sep: 0..1); LstSort(Direction,Case_sensitive,Ignore_Length,Remove_Multiple: -1..1, Table: -7..8,Numeric_Digits: -1..1); LstRelease; - WinEdt now by default preserves tabs in input if they were already present ("Allow Tabs in Input (read)" option in Preferences| Tabs Dialog). That's how it should be. However, Tabs are not always a good thing in some documents (after all they are characters pretending to be spaces but they are not spaces). If you want to get rid of them in a particular document there is now a macro ExpandTabs to expand them into the required number of spaces. The presence of Tabs is indicated in the Word Count. The menu Item (without a default shortcut) "Expand Tabs" has been added to the Edit -> Format menu. ExpandTabs( Tab_Length: 0..99, Properties: 0..2, Scope: 0..2, Quiet: 0..1);

- Macro Function SetTabs has been revisited for the new settings: SetTabs( Tab_Length: 0..99, Properties: 0..3, Allow_Input: -1..1, Allow_Keyboard: -1..1, Optimize_Leading_Spaces: -1..1, Optimize_Non-leading_Spaces: -1..1); Value 0 does not change that property. This affects default Tab Settings as specified in the Preferences| Tabs Dialog. Note that changing Tab properties may require refreshing and even reformatting for softly wrapped documents. Thus this macro should not be used unless absolutely necessary. Set mode-sensitive font schemes with different tab properties for different modes, instead... ===== *** More on ENVIRONMENTS: It is possible that not everything will work as intended in this beta release and proper documentation for this feature is still pending... However, advanced users that feel comfortable diving into Environments.ini will probably get an idea what and how can be done. After giving the whole issue of automatic indentation proper consideration (having a goal to implement at least neat formatting of indented itemized environments) the ENVIRONMENTS section now also has a companion PARAGRAPHS section where special rules can be set for the strings that indicate beginnings of formatted paragraphs. By Default you'll find something like: [PARAGRAPHS] PARAGRAPH="\item" MODE="TeX" ALLOW_SOFT_WRAP=1 CASE_SENSITIVE=1 OFFSET=1 OFFSET_BY=4 PARAGRAPH="\bibitem" MODE="TeX" ALLOW_SOFT_WRAP=1 CASE_SENSITIVE=1 OFFSET=1 OFFSET_BY=4 PARAGRAPH=" " // Tab (not space!) MODE="*" ALLOW_SOFT_WRAP=0 CASE_SENSITIVE=1 OFFSET=1

OFFSET_BY=0 PARAGRAPH="<li>" // Hanging Indent for this tag MODE="HTML" ALLOW_SOFT_WRAP=1 CASE_SENSITIVE=0 OFFSET=1 OFFSET_BY=4 OFFSET indicates that the left margin for rest of the paragraph is offset by a specified number relative to the indentation of the first line of the paragraph which must start with the argument for PARAGRAPH item (possibly indented: Tabs are not treated the same way as spaces). Positive offset means that the item will hang out while negative item means that it will be indented. The string "\item" should be removed from Settings| Paragraph Breaks for this to work but since itemize environments now allow formatting of indented lines it is possible (in the new default wrapping settings and environments) to let WinEdt format such environments in Smart Wrapping... Try it. It is quite powerful functionality and it was anything but trivial to implement. Wait till we hear from more adventurous users. Of course, there will be requests for more environment sensitive functionality (eg. Highlighting, Spell-Checking and more). Eventually it will be implemented but bare in mind it takes lots of work and testing and the existing feature should be well tested before any extensions are added (probably for the next version)... In Environments.ini you'll find examples (mostly of non-formatting/ verbatim) special environments for TeX like: ENVIRONMENT="Preamble" MODE="TeX" ALLOW_SOFT_WRAP=0 // soft wrapping takes care of formatting? SCOPE=1 PRIOR=9 STRICT_PRIOR=1 CASE_SENSITIVE=1 START="\documentclass" STOP="\begin{document}" FORMAT=-1 ENVIRONMENT="Verbatim" MODE="TeX" ALLOW_SOFT_WRAP=0 SCOPE=1 PRIOR=9 STRICT_PRIOR=1 CASE_SENSITIVE=1 START="\begin{verbatim}" STOP="\end{verbatim}" FORMAT=-1 // Allow formatting of indented lines inside this environment

ENVIRONMENT="Itemize" MODE="TeX" ALLOW_SOFT_WRAP=1 SCOPE=1 PRIOR=4 STRICT_PRIOR=0 CASE_SENSITIVE=1 START="\begin{itemize}" STOP="\end{itemize}" // --FORMAT=0 // default=0 on=1 or off=-1 FORMAT_INDENTED=1 MARGIN_OFFSET=-4 // shrink right margin by 4 chars OFFSET=0 // defaults from here on OFFSET_BY=0 AUTO_INDENT=0 LINE_WRAP=0 FREE_CARET=0 INPUT_TABS=0 Except for the offset values (-99..99) all other parameters (from \\ --- on) have values -1..1 (with 0 using the default). Specifying OFFSET here is probably a redundant feature here but it makes it possible to enforce indented or "hanging" paragraphs within certain environments... LIMITATIONS: Only Scope 0 and 1 are currently supported with 1 meaning global scope and 0 ending with the firs empty line. Environments currently cannot start or end in the middle of a line (this would create some problems unless a very fast way of parsing lines for such switches is implemented). Environments are local to a document and do not get inherited by any included files. They are nested according to their priorities the same way as highlighting switches. Only 255 special environments are allowed for any document/ Mode (total can be larger but only 255 or less should be enabled for any particular mode, submode or else WinEdt will report an error there are good reasons for this)... WinEdt 5 [Build 20060905 (v. 5.5)] (beta 2) =========================================== - A problem with Restore (Import) old settings functionality has been detected and fixed. Beta 1 failed to properly load the information pertaining to Menu Images Height which resulted in "inflated" menus as described by a few users after their restores... - The option to Hide Returns now works properly (before it was ignored)... - Dynamic Tabs are now properly displayed (before an extra / no-glyph character #9 was displayed in the center of the tab width)... - A few oddities pertaining to soft wrapping have been fixed. Most notably the wrong caret position after deleting the first word in a softly wrapped line... Also a few problems when the

option "Keep all Spaces" is disabled have been fixed. - Auto Indenting in Soft mode now works properly (before unindented resulted in lost leading spaces!)... - Format Paragraph with selected text in a softly wrapped document now works as expected... - GetSwitchStack macro now returns switches with Scope<2... - Compile Selected Text now works properly with redirected AUX folder for MiKTeX... - Sorting with removing multiple instances in Gather and Tree now works properly. Before Gather removed wrong entries and Tree control simply ignored this sorting preference... - Gather and Tree control did not properly handle multi-line items in files that were not opened. Fixed... - Gather and Tree controls are now smarter and do not collect data in the same file even if they are "oddly" configured (as was the case with Beta 1)... - Input directives now allow specification of a separator when more than one file is allowed. For example: // Extended Input for bibliography (expands any \PATH specifications!) DIRECTIVE="\bibliography{??}" SEPARATOR="," FILENAME="%[|Exe('%b\Macros\GetBibFiles.edt');|];%!0" will correctly handle a document: \def\refs{C:/LocalTexMF/bibtex/bib} in the preamble and \bibliography{\refs/PJCSTR_strings,\refs/PJCBIB_DISreduced} (the number of ?s determines how many lines are allowed). The above is good enough to cover 2 lines: \bibliography{\refs/PJCSTR_strings, \refs/PJCBIB_DISreduced} - The option ALLOW_MUTIPLE_SIBLINGS_INCLUSION=0 now works properly in Input Directives... - A few macro scripts (including Restore [backup] and some settings in Tree.ini) have problems if Application Data folder contained an apostrophe (') in its name. Fixed... - IfFileOlder macro has an extra numeric parameter to be interpreted as: if file1 older than file2 by at least specified extra minutes then...

furthermore if file2 is omitted (empty string) then its date is substituted by the current time: if file1 older than specified extra minutes then... This can come handy in custom backups and such... - A slight fix of RegEx ("." is now more greedy -- as before) - The following RegEx extensions are now implemented but not documented: \&x; Stands for chr(x) [x: 0..255 DEC OR HEX $00..$FF ASCII Code of a char] Also Allowed in simple [sets] For example: tab character = \&9; "white spaces" = [ \&9;] \"'ANSI String' Example: \\begin\{equation\*\}\[llr\] is the same as \"'\begin{equation*}[llr]' Any character (not only ') can be used as a string delimiter. If used in the string it has to be repeated twice... The first one will come handy with documents containing dynamically expanded Tabs that look the same as spaces... The second one can reduce required escaping when strings contain lots of characters reserved in RegEx... - MDIActivate.edt macro script has been fixed (MDI-Locked / MDILocked typo) - The Word Count now displays the number of Spaces and Tabs in the document (if any)... - Execution Modes now allows specifying folder assigned to TeX-Local variable (for private use). There is no auto-detection for this value since MiKTeX 2.5 no longer puts any such thing in the registry. - The options "Auto-detect" in Execution Modes are now automatically disabled when changes to the associated edit control are made (to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings with custom changes being "ignored")... WinEdt 5 [Build 20060814 (v. 5.5)] (beta 1) =========================================== - A problem with Access Violation resulting by using GetDate macro function on some systems with DEP enabled has been patched (traced to Delphi's RTL/ Language callback function). If the problem persists or occurs due to some other problematic code in RTL exclude WinEdt from DEP (there is no real AV; just DEP [over]reacting to code segments on a sack as used by some callback functions in Delphi). On XP this is done through:

Windows Control Panel -> System -> Advanced: Performance Settings... Go to "Data Execution Prevention" and Add WinEdt to Applications exempt from DEP. - *** IMPORTANT: Default settings now use Soft Wrapping for TeX documents because the default mode filter enables Soft Wrapping for Modes: TeX;HTML;ANSI;Soft|Hard This is apparently what most new users expect and many consider WinEdt having serious bugs when it comes to wrapping simply because they are not aware of or don't care for alternatives to Soft Wrapping. Those that want to be more selective (old default behavior) and don't want unconditional Soft Wrapping should Start Options -> Configuration Wizard, go to the Wrapping Tab Page and change the filter to: HTML;ANSI;Soft|Hard Then Restart WinEdt and everything will be as before. The above Wizard also contains other selected options that should allow you to quickly configure WinEdt to your standards. Defaults just can't be everyone's choice but it should only take minutes to reset the main preferences in the Wizard to different standards... - WinEdt now supports dynamically expanded Tab Characters (standard behavior) and variable width fonts such as Lucida Bright or Times New Roman. Default Font and Tab preferences can be set from the new redesigned Pages in the Preferences Dialog. Furthermore, advanced users that want different font or tab properties depending on a document mode can configure additional modes by editing and reloading configuration file (Options Menu -> Advanced -> Font Schemes). NOTE: Fonts used in WinEdt's editing Window have nothing to do with fonts used in your compiled TeX documents as some users mistakenly assumed in the past... The macro SetTabs (now hardly needed since this behavior is mode-dependent and can be configured globally) has been modified to reflect new functionality... - The Extended Configuration has been extended and split from WinEdtEx.ini into sub-sections. The Options -> Advanced Menu has been redesigned to accommodate the new functionality and makes customizing such settings easier. Gather interface and WinEdt's GUI control with TeX Symbols are no longer initialized through the old and convoluted interfaces WinEdt.gdi and WinEdt.gui but are instead implemented as new sections for Extended configurations. The following sections are now available and can be modified and loaded independently if the defaults are not sufficient: Tree Gather GUI Page Font Schemes

Environments Document Tabs All corresponding *Ex.ini files have been placed in a new ConfigEx folder and a copy of that folder is maintained in the application data folder while a global one reflects defaults. Local one is only created when modifications are made. The default Startup.edt macro has been modified to load split components in ConfigEx folder rather than a single one WinEdtEx.ini which is no longer a part of the defaults. NOTE: the changes imply that any custom GUI of GDI additions designed for older versions cannot be imported directly. However, with minimal editing they can be imported in the new settings easily enough... The change is for the better and had to be done (better sooner than later)... The Environments section is work in progress. Currently it can only exclude certain environments (such as verbatim) from formatting. More fancy stuff will be implemented soon... IMPORTANT: It is important that the new default Startup.edt macros is used in order for this to work. If you are not sure execute "Default Startup Sequence" in the Last page of Wizard or Execution Modes. If you have manually modified and created startup macros you may have to revisit the changes and make sure that they are compatible with the new default startup conventions. - The execution Modes interface has been extended and it now allows direct specification of Adobe, Ghostscript, GSView, PATH... For MiKTeX it also allows manual specification of: TeX Root etc..., TeX Output Folder, format for Compile Selected (pdf, dvi or ps) and the method for creating pdf files (PDFTeXify can use either: PDFLaTeX, dvi->ps or dvi->ps->pdf). Compile Selected Macro has been rewritten to allow the extension. Only MiKTeX Configuration supports these additions since both fpTeX and YandY TeX systems are no longer developed and thus WinEdt's configurations for them will stay as they are... With these extensions there should be no need for average user to ever modify any macro scripts even if auto detection of certain accessory fails. Just enter it in the interface and you are fine... IMPORTANT: It is important that the new default Startup.edt and TeX Sytem.edt macros are used in order for this to work! Macros in Exec\MiKTeX folder had to be rewritten to allow the new functionality. If you want output files produced by TeX in a separate folder you should specify a permanent location (eg. C:\TeX\Aux) or a relative location (eg. %P\Aux). If the specified folder does not exists WinEdt can create it when required or else a standard location %P is used instead (depending on the option in the interface). Redirecting the output can keep the source folders clean (free of .log, .aux, .bbl, .blg, etc... files). This configuration has to be

extensively tested but it works reasonably well with samples that come with WinEdt. Try it! This options should not be used with BATCH Execution mode because the number of switches exceeds the number of admissible parameters in bat files. - The macro ShowExecution Modes now has two extra parameters: CS_Mode (use for Compile Selected) ShowExtraPages: 0..1 Only MiKTeX Configuration Macros use extra pages to specify TeX System parameters and preferences... - New Macro: SetExitHandler("Label"); If the script macro is interrupted (eg. due to compilation errors) this procedure Call("Label"); is executed before exiting. This makes sure that any settings can be properly restored (used in Compile Selected macro to restore the main file and execution modes even if the compilation for some reason failed). It can come handy for other situations (procedure specified by the Label must exists and it should be simple with no chance of errors there)... - New variables %O points to the Output Directory as specified in the Execution Modes (by default, or if empty, it is the same as %P -> compatible with the old version). %E returns the name of the Error Log file which takes the Output Directory into consideration. - New Macros that can be used to determine what switches are currently active (eg. are you inside a math environment?): GetSwitchStack(Reg: 0..9, "Separator", Line,Column); GetSwitchIndex(Reg: 0..9, "Switch", Line,Column); if the Switch parameter is empty the function returns the depth of Stack otherwise the result is 1-based index of the switch on the stack. Line and Column are optional (default=current position). The names of the switches and their properties are defined in the Highlighting Dialog... Example: ... ${x_{i|j}}$ ... (where | is the caret position). GetSwitchStack(0,';');Ins('%!0'); $?$;{?};{?}; GetSwitchIndex(0);Ins('%!0'); 3 // Stack contains 3 switches GetSwitchIndex(0,$?$);Ins('%!0'); 1 // bottom of the stack GetSwitchIndex(0,{?});Ins('%!0');

3 // the last one is indexed GetSwitchIndex(0,$$?$$);Ins('%!0'); 0 // not inside this environment - MDI Activate Event Handling has been improved. The new default Macro Event handler illustrates the technique to prevent simultaneous handling of this event when subsequent activations occur before the macro is finished. This should also eliminate the error of "Creating a Child Window" related to this event... - A rare bug with optimizing leading spaces in indented, softly-wrapped paragraphs (resulting in producing extra trailing spaces) has been reported and fixed. - Context popup menu in the Find Dialog now has an extra option "Preserve Page". Unless this option is enabled the dialog always starts with ordinary Find (not Find in Files) even is the previous search has been Find in Files. I just couldn't get used to the alternative behavior... - Branch now allows two extra actions: BRANCH_BEFORE_BUILD = "macro" BRANCH_AFTER_BUILD = "macro" Specified macros are executed before and after the branch is build. For example, to sort items in descending order specify: BRANCH_BEFORE_BUILD = "SaveSort;SetSort(1,1,1,1,1);" BRANCH_AFTER_BUILD = "RestoreSort;" Branches are sorted according to the current Sorting preferences that can be manipulated with the above macros... - Input Directives now allow optional filename specification in order to process more sophisticated directives. Here is an example: // Extended Input for bibliography (expands any \PATH specifications!) DIRECTIVE="\bibliography{?}" FILENAME="%[|Exe('%b\Macros\IncludePath.edt');|];%!0.bib" // Extended Input for import.sty (example) DIRECTIVE="\includefrom{?}{?}" FILENAME="%[|Exe('%b\Macros\IncludeFrom.edt');|];%!0" A new definition for \bibliography{?} can expand TeX definitions in bib file specification (see the macro). This directive eliminates the need to use a "dummy" gather directive for bibliography since the extended version takes care of the ".bib" extension! You can modify the handler or make a custom one to search for files in any custom folders where you may keep such file (rather than entering dummy directive with full path specification)... - Input directives now work properly even if a long filename containing spaces is softly wrapped... - Filenames containing the % characters can now been loaded (previous version could not handle such files). But such files

should be avoided if at all possible as for example TeX does not like them and some "escaping" is required to compile such a file. - A few extra guards inside the event handlers (avoiding triggering an event before the handler is finished) have been introduced. - Some inconsistencies in the Macro manual have been fixed. Keywords used in [INPUT_DIRECTIVES] and [NAVIGATION_BAR] sections of are now explained under the Tree Interface topic in the Macro Manual (thanks to Robert)... - WinEdt Macro Interpreter should now execute macro scripts (especially nested loops) noticeably faster because it uses a much better algorithm to locate IDs of standard functions. The old one searched non-sorted list from top to bottom which became rather inefficient as the number of implemented functions approached 500. Depending on the complexity of the macro the new execution should be noticeably faster... - WinEdt now comes with its own set of macros for MUI. It can be used to implement custom dialogs and interfaces using WinEdt's macro capabilities inside the interface.... May not be completely straightforward to use by macro writers but it can create very nice and powerful interfaces for end-users. TO BE DOCUMENTED! (there is one sample in MUI folder - more pending...) - WinEdt Errors have been extended with extra types so as to better separate LaTeX Errors and Warnings (some serious errors like not finding a package or a sty file were previously treated as Type IV Warnings-- not very good!). Also, a special categories have been created to separate BibTeX Errors and Warnings from LaTeX ones. Help has been updated accordingly and the default settings have been modified. This also called for a change in IfLogErrors and FindError macros. They have been redesigned to accommodate for a new functionality in a more friendly manner. Macro Manual explains how they work. Unfortunately, old macro scripts that call these two functions will have to be modified since the parameters and their meaning have been changed. Defaults in Exec folder have been fixed for the better... This also affects the old Error menu item in the Search menu. It should be modified to: [FindError(1,1,0,4,1);]. This will be automatically done if you restore the default Search Menu. Changes to these two macros are not compatible with parameters in older version. Any macro scripts using these two macros will have to modified in order to avoid syntax errors. This was not done on purpose but once it was done I decided to leave the new syntax... - Some typos in the main Help have been fixed (more Help Updates pending for the official release)... - Minor fixes and enhancements (that escaped being

documented:-) __________________________________________________________________ WinEdt 5 [Build 20050701 (v. 5.4)] (official release / SP1) =========================================================== - A problem with propagating registration data on networks or multi-user installations has been fixed. The process of profile creation and registration is now more transparent... - A problem with non-default projects or configuration files and automatic profile creation has been resolved... - Macro interpreter now reports errors when it encounters empty or multiply defined labels. Before it would quit without a warning or else use the first label definition (potentially making it hard to debug such macro scripts)... - A bug with loosing the first character in a softly wrapped line from Tags when using a Set Regular Expression has been fixed. - Replace All is now much (over 60 times) faster... WinEdt 5 [Build 20050629 (v. 5.4)] (official release) ====================================================== - A few typos in the Help have been fixed and some examples were added to the Macro Manual... Macro Manual is now merged with the Main help. - Installer now offers an option to create a user profile (enabled by default)... - A bug with refreshing the last character with 16-bit (Asian) characters have been fixed. - All samples in the Document Menu now refer to the Application Data folder in order to make the default settings 100% user-profile friendly... - A few minor oddities (such as a reported RegEx bug) have been fixed... - WinEdt can now correctly handle (Read and Write) UNICODE or UTF-8 files that start with BOM (Bite Order Mark, eg. as created by Notepad for such files) as long as these files can be translated into the default code page (language/system dependent) and thus treated as ASCII inside WinEdt. The next version will have more (but not full) UNICODE support... WinEdt 5 [Build 20050513 (v. 5.4)] (pre-release) ================================================ [Friday the 13th edition:-) - All known problems with Incremental Search have now been

addressed and the help has been updated accordingly (as communicated on the mailing list)... - A bug with the License Monitor has been fixed (previous Build reported exceeded quota for site licenses even if only one instance of WinEdt was running)... - A serious problem with sorting GDIPopup items (it could result in a series of Access Violation messages) has been fixed. Beware that the bug in the previous build could cause serious problems with \cite{} active string response!!! - MDIActivate event handler now uses PostMessage in an attempt to solve some SYNC problems in custom event handlers... - A few minor issues as communicated on the mailing list have been addressed... WinEdt 5 [Build 20050509 (v. 5.4)] (pre-release) ================================================ - a few minor and rare refresh oddities have been addressed. - a (rare and previously present but undetected) problem with the cursor position after reformatting a paragraph in response to multiple spaces at the end of the line has been fixed... - WinEdt is now properly activated when clicked upon even if it is displaying a modal dialog... - WinEdt.gdi has been modified to "understand" bibliography files using brackets @book(...,) (rather than only @book{...,})... - An extended functionality for Incremental Search: the dialog now has an option to be executed as non-modal dialog. Also pressing F3 closes the dialog and allows subsequent search with F3 shortcut.. - A bug with RegEx substitutions have been fixed (when using \s in the replacement RegEx). - IfOK macro now acts more intelligently when used in RegEx (it is no longer required to start with SetOK(1); when using macros in RegEx). - If you experienced problems "Error Creating MDI Child" when WinEdt is started with many files opened enable the option "Yielding Enabled" in the Preferences| Shell Dialog. - The SendMail macro now has a flag to suppress any error messages... - Keyword HTML Help now works properly with multiple chm files opened simultaneously. - InsLine(Filter:-1..3); macro has been enhanced... Filter: -1 Always insert a new line (same as NewLine)

0 only if the line is not empty or possibly consisting of spaces if the option "Trim Spaces (EOLN)" is enabled for this document 1 only if the caret is not at the end of line 2 trim spaces at the end of the line (to caret) and then insert a new line if the caret is not at the end of line 3 trim spaces at the end of line (possibly to the left of caret) and then insert a new line if the caret is not at the end of line - Filelist dialog now has a button to remove non-exiting files from the list. This can come handy to clean-up a long file list accumulated over time... - GDI Popup interface now responds to the following shortcuts: Ctrl+R - Refresh Data Ctrl+S - Toggle Sorted Property (Sort/Unsort) Ctrl+T - Track Source file - %y is properly 1-offset (rather than 0-- a bug in previous versions). - The Main Help is now indexed... WinEdt 5 [Build 20050317 (v. 5.4)] (pre-release) ================================================ [St. Patrick's edition:-) - all remaining reported problems (since 20050201) have been thoroughly investigated and hopefully fixed for good: waiting for confirmation. - WinEdt's Macro Manual has been (pretty much) finished. A lot of work went into it. Check it out and report any inaccuracies, typos or (minor) suggestions for improvements, such as a better description or example... - The main Help and Users's guide still need some work and indexing (it will be done in time for the official release). - Default settings are now pretty much as planned for the official release (pending any problems but avoiding any additions that may cause unexpected conflicts [eg. reserved shortcuts] at this stage). - Official release is now within two months and there will be no new functionality until then (except for any remaining minor bug fixes). ______________________________________________________________________________ WinEdt 5 [Build 20050201 (v. 5.4)] (working beta build) ======================================================= - A bug with refreshing line numbers (under certain circumstances) have been fixed. - A problem with using Stop; macro outside a Loop has been fixed. - A bug with automatic matching of toggled delimiters has been

fixed: $\{0,1,2,\dots,T\}$ - The new Macro Call can now be used inside loops - Delete and Backspace in softly indented documents now do what one would expect - Roberts LaTeX Doc macro is now a part of the default settings for MiKTeX and fpTeX: check it out in the Help Menu. - EDT Mode has been updated with highlighting for recently added macros. - More documentation in the new Help and extended and revisited Demo.tex (a LaTeX Sample in the Documents Menu). - HTML Help sources for the new WinEdt Help are no longer included in order to reduce the size of the download by a few MB. They will be made available separately after the official release... - Menu item for GSView has been modified so as to preview the currently edited eps or ps file (when applicable). - A few enhancements to the default settings and a few minor bug fixes as communicated on the Mailing List - (A rare) Access violation when rapidly closing lots of softly wrapped maximized documents in a resized Window has been detected and fixed. - A problem (access violation) with using a mouse wheel in a tree control with less than 3 items has been fixed. - YandY Configuration (as it was) is now again included in the defaults: all required files... WinEdt 5 [Build 20050113 (v. 5.4)] (working beta build) ======================================================= - A problem with WinEdt not starting when its Registry was corrupted has been fixed. WinEdt now issues a warning message about it and then continues to load... - A bug with Run() that has an extra parameter Wait:0..1 has been fixed: Append was interpreted as Wait and that could prevent WinEdt from starting if any application launched with that parameter (eg. GSView) during the previous session was still running... - WinExe now automatically releases STD Handles when Input/ Output stream is redirected to a file (no need to call CloseSTDHandle(3);)... - A bug with custom scroll wheel response in a tree control has been fixed (sometimes a message "List index out of bounds (0)" would popup up... - YandY TeX Configuration is no longer included in the

defaults. Users that want to use WinEdt with their (properly installed) YandY TeX will receive archive (31KB) that can be used to install this no longer supported TeX configuration... - Adobe macros have been improved to work with full Acrobat when more than one document is loaded... - A minor bug/ typo in the Insert Menu has been reported and fixed. - More documentation (all dialogs have now been linked with the new Help). Obsolete help system WinEdt.hlp is no longer included... - The first version of (indexed) Macro Manual is included. WinEdt 5 [Build 20041222 (v. 5.4)] (working beta build) ======================================================= - A bug with auto-delimiter checking $$\$$ which caused WinEdt to freeze when \ was inserted inside $$$$ has been fixed. - A bug with reformatting a paragraph containing empty lines in Soft Wrapping Mode has been fixed... - Rewriting the menu on Win98 should no longer cause WinEdt to crash. - Changes to docked forms in Highlighting Dialog are now instant (no need to restart WinEdt). - Tree operations have been optimized (GetTreeEx and SetTreeEx are much faster with long lists). - Startup macro has been modified to correctly initialize Previous View command for Adobe Reader 7. However, Adobe 7 has some internal problems with placing MDI documents in the task bar creating extra Tabs when more than one document is opened... - Closing a project no longer automatically deletes the tree or erases the file list. It is up to Prj-Close.edt event handler to do it (if required). The macro DeleteTree has two extra parameters to help with selective cleanup: DeleteTree(UseFlag: 0..1, Flag: $$0000..$$1111); // UseFlag: 0..1 // 0 delete the tree (as before) // 1 use flags to select the tasks // Binary Flags from left to right $$0000..$$1111: // Clear Gather Control // Delete the Tree // Clear File List // Remove persistent Main File DeleteTree(1,$$1111); // The same as before... - Removing the main file no longer deletes the tree. The

default menu command was changed from: [CMD('Remove Main File');DeleteTree;] to: [CMD('Remove Main File');] This makes re-establishing the previous main file easier... Set Main File still rebuilds the tree (it does not hurt if it gets updated now and then). - A few minor fixes... - More (but not ALL) dialogs are now linked to the new Help... WinEdt 5 [Build 20041213 (v. 5.4)] (working beta build) ======================================================= - A few minor corrections and fixes to the default settings and installer options (as communicated on the Mailing List)... - There is now only one Configuration Wizard with all actions and less text. - Most dialogs are now hooked to a new HTML Help System (WinEdt.chm). The work on a new help continues (it has to be indexed, proofread and completed with missing topics). The old Help is still there but will eventually be completely replaced by the new one for the official release. Sources for the New Help are in Doc\Help folder (open WinEdt.hhc and set it as a main file in order to have WinEdt build the project tree and navigation bar with over 100 html topics currently available -- more to come). Beside the Main Help WinEedt.chm there is also a working version of what will become an indexed macro manual Macro.chm (sources are included)... Enhancements to WinEdtEx.ini and tree building functionality had to be implemented in order to make WinEdt more suitable for HTML Help authoring. HHC submode is used for this purpose. Accessories menu contains an interface to HTML Compiler (hhc.exe). WinEdt will automatically detect the executable from the registry if it is properly installed - you can get a free HTML Help Workshop form MS Downloads site... HTML Preview macro has been enhanced so that it previews *.chm file while working on an HTML Help Project. Help keyword macro has also been made context-sensitive and brings up a different help depending on the mode of the current document. After a while I found WinEdt better at managing a growing HTML Help project that Help Workshop (I decided to use Soft format for HTML files). Ideas from advanced users for improving HHC mode are welcome (try it first)... - An experiential "semi-soft" wrapping mode (as discussed on the mailing list) has been implemented but remains to be carefully tested...

- While documentation is a work in progress the Help Menu remains in transition. It would be nice to compile (index and organize) the Macro Manual into .chm as well but that would take quite some work. Any suggestions or volunteers? - Default settings no longer use the Pause options in Execution Modes (because a few users were experiencing problems with such console execution mode)... Better avoid such problems in defaults. Help in Execution Modes now explains the details. - A few Dialogs and interfaces have been simplified... - More MDI Events in Preferences Dialog... - Default Event Handler Macro Scripts have been moved to Macros\Events subfolder. By default they also call Local\Event handler (if it exists). They also restore tags and registers (to avoid any problems when an event is triggered during search or another macro execution). - Similarly the Menus Folder contains many new macros used in the Menu (in particular Insert Menu has been reorganized)... - Indented wrapping in Soft Mode. - Options -> Configurations menu has been split into three menus: Configurations (MiKTeX, fpTeX, ...) Maintenance (Backup, Restore, Default...) Advanced (WinEdtEx.ini, Startup and TeX System macros) - Automatic Delimiter matching now properly handles \left and \right delimiters in TeX Mode. - A few refreshing oddities (with background colors) have been fixed. - Nested Popup Menus now work as expected. Furthermore, macro Popup now has an extra parameter for Sync execution: Popup("Popup Menu Name","Popup Menu Item",Visible:-1..1,SYNC:0..1); SYNC parameter suspends WinEdt until the (invisible) popup command is executed... Can be used in macros. - WinEdt now detects screen resolution (eg. Large Fonts) and it scales dialogs and forms according to the font size. - Macro GlobalMark now has an integer parameter Tag: If a nonzero Tag is specified then the mark is set only if the last mark was not set with the same tag. This can come handy in Navigation Bar when inserting labels or citations with double click response while having tracking in source file enabled for single click. GlobalReturn resets the Tag back to 0 thus this functionality will work correctly if you change your mind and return back to the original position through Global Return command (in the toolbar of the Tree Form). - Macro Run() now has an extra parameter Wait:0..1 that can be used for synchronized execution of a sequence of applications

(depending on each others output)... - New Macros for clean macro writing (especially in event handlers). Ring Stack for Tags and Registers 0..15: PushTagsandRegisters; PopTagsandRegisters(Tags,Registers: -1..1111111111); GetTagStack(Register: 0..9); SetTagStack(StackPointer: 0..15); Pop macro allows selective restoring of tags and registers: -1 = none 0 = all 0..9 (mask) The last two macros are there mostly for debugging purposes (to detect bad macros that do not restore the stack)... - New macro: IfScrollLock("Then","Else"); This allows extra qualifier for ALL shortcuts (not just arrows). For example, those that are accustomed to an old IBM Keyboard can define double functionality for arrow keys: [IfScrollLock(!"ScrollDown(1);",!"CMD('Line Down');");] [IfScrollLock(!"ScrollUp(1);",!"CMD('Line Up');");] [IfScrollLock(!"ScrollRight(1);",!"CMD('Char Right');");] [IfScrollLock(!"ScrollLeft(1);",!"CMD('Char Left');");] IfScrollLock always returns false unless the option Enable "Scroll Lock" Key in Preferences| Shell Dialog is enabled! - New Macro: IfKeyDown(Key:0..255,toggled,async:0..1,"Then","Else"); This macro can be used in custom keyboard interfaces. Examples: IfKeyDown(145,1,0,"Prompt('Scroll Lock');"); IfKeyDown(144,1,0,"Prompt('Num Lock');"); IfKeyDown(20,1,0,"Prompt('CapsLock');"); IfKeyDown(16,0,0,"Prompt('Shift Down');"); IfKeyDown(18,0,0,"Prompt('Alt Down');"); IfKeyDown(1,0,0,"Prompt('Left Mouse Button Down');"); etc... Virtual Key codes are described in the Macro Manual... - Sectioning commands in WinEdtEx.ini now allow (multiple) specifications like: ITEM="\subsection{?}" ALT="\subsection[?]" ALT="\subsection*{?}"

ALT="\subsection*[?]" This should reduce unwanted entries when a wildcard is being used instead \subsection?{?}... - BEGINNING_OF_LINE_ONLY filter in TOC now allows values 0..2. 0 - any position 1 - allows indented 2 - must start in the first column - The same in GATHER control... - Highlighting Dialog now allows Custom Font and background color for docked forms (they are imported and exported as a part of Background Schemes) - VCL Application Form Fix: > > > > > - Opening two windows (WinEdt and another application) with Ctrl-Click I often put WinEdt in one half of the screen and Yap in the other. However, the method under Windows to right-click on both programs with Ctrl pressed does not work as the WinEdt window doesn't adjust properly. This happened already in version 5.3.

This is an old issue with ALL Delphi applications. However, after a few weeks of messing up with Delphi's VCL I managed to fix it: Options -> Preferences | Advanced now (next build) has an option "Delphi Application Style". With this option disabled WinEdt reverses the creation of its Main Form and Application Handle (which is then created as a child of the Main Form). This ensures standard behavior of WinEdt in the task bar and eliminates problems with tiling applications (well there is more to it but this summarizes the issue)... With this option enabled everything is as it was... - Problems with MS Virtual Desktop Manager have been fixed (WinEdt no longer "insists" on being displayed in task bars for all 4 virtual monitors). The same reason as above.... - New Macros for macro execution flow: Call(Label"); Return; JMP("Label"); GetCallStack(Reg: 0..9, #0..1); - New Macro (used to reduce oddities with Insert Environments Macros in Soft Mode): TrimLine(LetOfCaret: 0..1); - New Macros (instead of no longer existing TeX and Shell Wizards): ShowLicenseMonitor; SearchForFile(#0..9,"filename","Directory List"); If List is empty Windows PATH Environmental Variable is Searched... - New Macro (consistent with other similar ones):

ShowToolBar(#0..2); - Old previously unfinished macro (inverse of GetTreeEx): SetTreeEx("String Data"); Data must be in the same format as returned by GetTreeEx (properly indented with line numbers and Item Index at the end (?):[?])... WinEdt 5 [Build 20040513 (v. 5.4)] (beta build) =============================================== - A few minor corrections and fixes to the default settings and installer options (as communicated on the Mailing List)... - Open dialog now allows multiple file selections (as it should)... - A problem with DDE Server functionality during synchronized execution has been fixed. MUI plug-in works with this build (it did not with the previous one)... - Rewriting the menu in response to a shortcut no longer results in an error ("List Index out of bounds (-1)") - GUI control now contains two extra buttons for \mathds{} and \mathfrak{} (in the same group as \mathbb{}, \mathbf{}, \mathcal{} and \mathrm{})... - By default [PDF]TeXify no longer uses Clean Build because a few users complained that they can no longer open the log file after TeXify-ing (that is because with clean build option TeXify deletes log and aux , etc... files after a compilation)... Those that feel strongly for "clean" TeXify-ing will have to customize their preferred execution mode (and create a backup of it for future upgrades -backup and restore is just a click on the button in the Execution Modes interface)... WinEdt 5 [Build 20040504 (v. 5.4)] (beta build) =============================================== - WinEdt Setup (winedt54.exe) is compiled with INNO Setup Compiler (see WinEdt's INNO setup files are included in WinShell\INNO Setup folder (advance users can take a look to see exactly what components are preserved during the installation)... The file Administrator.txt in WinShell\Profiles folder explains how to perform a silent install or uninstall and how to configure concurrent license monitoring (if necessary)... - This build has been compiled with Delphi 7 Professional (as oppose to previous version that used an older compiler Delphi 5). This should make the appearance more XP-themes compatible... - Default settings have been slightly modified. In particular, the local folder is no longer overwritten during upgrades and

users can place customized configuration files or macros there... WinEdtEx.ini that is actually used by default is now in %b folder and it can be modified (backup Restore and Default commands can be used to archive this configuration file - see below for more additions and changes in WinEdtEx.ini). User.dic is never overwritten during upgrades and the installer allows an option to preserve previous settings (WinEdt.ini)... - Uninstall now completely removes WinEdt, its application folder and cleans up the registry: use with care unless you want to completely remove WinEdt and all its subfolders from you system... - A known issue with "Range Check Error" (when no project tree is present) has been addressed... - Fixes and enhancements in the default settings as communicated on the Mailing List. - A few minor bug fixes (especially the ones related to Soft wrapping oddities)... - Dialogs are no longer scaled depending on the resolution. This should eliminate bad appearance of Tab pages under some circumstances (eg. switching to Asian Locale)... - Appearance Dialog allows specification of Large Toolbar Icons. On Systems with resolution 1600x1200 (or more) this may improve the appearance of the program. Unfortunately, large bitmaps haven't been re-created manually (time-consuming task!) and have been simply scaled by factor 2. Should anyone with time at hand prepare better looking large images (32x32 or even 48x48) to be included in the defaults let me know... Even if only the most commonly used images are improved it would worth the effort... - GUI control can be enlarged through the interface in the Appearances Dialog. On high-resolution screen non-flat (3-D) button appearance with 115% enlargement looks better (especially on XP). You can experiment until you get optimal result on your system... - Document Tabs allow closing on double-click option (Appearance| Tabs). - Menu Setup| Advanced dialog now allows more control over the presence of Hot Keys and Persistent Accelerators in visible Popup Menus... - Shell configuration Wizard now allows specification of Startup folder... - Filetype associations interface also allows specification of any extra switches (such as -V if you want WinEdt not to load a project when started by double-clicking an associated file). - Concurrent License Monitoring (for network installations) has been implemented and is now documented in "...ShellConfig\Profiles\Administartor.txt."

Shell Configuration Wizard allow you to set it up and monitor the usage (intended mostly for system administrators and advanced users)... - Background attributes for current line can now be specified in the Highlighting| Background Schemes Dialog... WinEdtEx: ========= - LoadConfig() macro now has an extra parameter that allows you to append new items to the existing (default) data: LoadConfig("INI File Name",Append:0..1); This makes it possible to have more than one WinEdtEx.ini file for mode-specific tasks... - Items in the Navigation Bar (TOC) in WinEdtEx.ini now allow and extra option: BALANCED="{}\" This option forces WinEdt to collect balanced wildcards and thus properly display TOC in case the title contains nested braces. The third (optional) character in the string ignores control characters \{ and \} which do not have to balanced if control character is specified... This string can also be used to collect data with ANSI Strings and strings using an ESCAPE convention by setting: BALANCED="""""" or BALANCED="''" (depending on ANSI Quote) and BALANCED="\", (depending on the ESCAPE character) respectively. Defaults have been fixed appropriately... - Items in WinEdt.gdi also allow an extra Balanced parameter with the same meaning as TOC... - Some users also wanted TOC Items to be cleared of labels etc... This is now possible by specifying a set of RegEx substitutions that are performed before the item is placed in the tree. Default for TeX do the following: SUBSTITUTION="\label{*}" SUB_FIND="\\label\{*\}" SUB_REPLACE="" SUB_REG_EX=1 SUB_CASE_SENSITIVE=1 SUBSTITUTION=" " SUB_FIND=" +{ }" SUB_REPLACE=" " SUB_REG_EX=1 SUB_CASE_SENSITIVE=1 SUBSTITUTION="\ldots" SUB_FIND="\ldots"

SUB_REPLACE="..." SUB_REG_EX=0 SUB_CASE_SENSITIVE=1 to remove labels, multiple spaces and change "\ldots" to "...". There is no limit on the number of substitutions but some restrain should be exercised if you don't want to affect the performance too much... - BuildTree macro now has a parameter TreeEx which determines if Branches defined in WinEdtEx.ini (such as TOC) are build as well: BuildTree(Rebuild: -1..1); -1 - never 0 - only if tree control is visible 1 - always - BRANCH_SORTED=1 now works as intended (before it was ignored): the branch items are sorted depending on preferences in the Sort Dialog (Table,Ascending and Case Sensitive)... - *** IMPORTANT: The following Keywords in [DOCUMENT_TABS] are no longer recognized in WinEdtEx.ini: VISIBLE MULTILINE SCROLL_OPOSITE DISPLAY_FILETYPES HOT_TRACKING CUSTOM_COLORS TEXT_COLOR They can be set the Appearance Dialog and were ignored anyway. For the official release it looks like a good idea to clear WinEdtEx from ignored attributes but users that have customized this behavior may have to manually delete a few lines from WinEdtEx.ini before it can be successfully loaded in a new version. WinExe and Execution Modes: =========================== - WinEdt now provide new execution modes interface. It can be started through the TeX Configuration Wizard or directly from the (default) Options Menu. The idea is to give users easy control over extra switches passed to default accessories (including paper size specification for converters that allow such command-line switches). - Macro WinExe has an extra parameter to allow more control over execution of console applications. WinExe("Executable","Command Line","Startup Folder","Caption", Flags:00000000..11111111, Priority: -1..1, "STD Input","STD Output","STD Error", Pause: 0..111); Pause (a combination of):

100 - Pause only if Console is still in the foreground 010 - Pause if OK (Exit Code =0) 001 - Pause if Error (Exit Code<>0) Specifying this flag is ignored in Detached or Background mode. The flag imposes the use of STDIO with console CONIN$, CONOUT$ and CONERR$ for STD IO (specified STD files are ignored). Flag 100 will always cause WinEdt to prevent automatic console closing if the application launching fails thus allowing you to read what's wrong (eg. missing executable or dll or invalid switch or parameter). It is recommended that this flag is ON even if you are not interested in console output... This can be used to avoid using problematic BATCH files (spaces in filenames, etc...) for users that want the console to remain opened after the process is finished until they press any key. This may not work on Win9x/ME because implementation has to take advantage of advanced console creation functions and handlers (some only available on NT,2000,XP). Flags have been extended with two extra options: 100000000 - Force Focus 010000000 - Focus Existing Application with the same caption (if it exists) This way WinExe is in every respect extension of a simpler Run() macro... - Execution Modes have been redone to allow easy specification of common switches (eg. Paper Size and Orientation). The new interface requires more macros. This macros are of no concern to ordinary users but can be (and are) used to prepare a GUI that allows such users to make selections pertaining to how they want their compilation(s) to run [including specification of extra switches]. ShowExecutionModes('Caption','Output','Backup','Custom', 'Default','Direct','Pause','Detached','BATCH'); Show The interface (after all of the AddApplication macros have been processed). The user can now make selections through GUI and the result is saved in the specified Output Macro File. The result assigns 1 to all enabled variables in a specified Output Macro. The macros in Exec folders take these variables into consideration when launching an application... AddApplication('Name','Executable','Switches','Parameters', 'Environmental Variable', EnablePaperSize: 0..1, EnableLandscape: 0..1, EnableFlags: 0..999999999, EnableAttributes: 0..999999999); If Environmental Variable is a non-empty string that this variable is assigned the name of the executable... The Flags have to be specified a combination of binary masks $$10101.... Only checkboxes with the flag 1 will be enabled in the interface. The meaning is described in the macro manual... - A new macro to be used for entering switches on spot like ExternalPrint(); but more compatible with the new Execution

Modes interface: EnterSwitches("Application",Use_Previous_Value: -1..1, Landscape_Enabled: 0..1, Page_Size_Enabled: 0..1, Page_Selection_Enabled: 0..1,"From_Switch","To Switch"); Check for example dvi2ps.edt to see how to use this macro... - A new macro that allows assignment of global registers %0...%9 and provides a drop down interface with previous values: EnterString("Prompt","Caption",Register:0..9, Sorted:-1..1, CustomFont:-1..1, AutoComplete:-1..1, AutoDropDown:-1..1, AutoCloseUp: -1..1, Width,Height:0..999, RestoreFlag:0..1111); Default value 0 Defaults can be interface or in Win9x/ME/NT may drop-down list. uses the current setting for size or property. changed in the Popup Menu in the dialog case of size by resizing the dialog... not respond to all Auto* properties in the

A common use of this function will only specify the first three parameters... Restore Flag can be specified to restore previous values for any combination of the following: 0001 0010 0100 1000 Sorted Custom Font Auto Drop Down List Properties Size

Note: Global registers %0,%1 and %2 are being used in the default settings and should not be used in custom macros to avoid conflicts with the default configurations... - The function LoadToolBar (used in configuration components that require custom toolbar) has been extended: LoadToolBar("Filename", LayoutOnly: 0..1); With LayoutOnly flag set to 1 nonessential toolbar attributes (such as the size and 3-D/ flat appearance of buttons) are ignored... - Regular Expression extensions: ============================== \"'ANSI String' This can be used to avoid extensive "escaping". Eg. <\"'\label{...}'

instead of a longer and more error prone equivalent <\\label\{\.\.\.\} (any character can be used for string delimiter and it has to be repeated twice if it is to appear in the string). \S{Find}{Substitute}{RegEx} can be used in powerful Replace RegEx \s{Find}{Substitute}{RegEx} the same except that ordinary (non-RegEx) substitution is performed it is faster when RegEx is not required while replacing Search for: "<\(Journal+{-+[a-z]}\)" Replace with: "\s{-}{ }{\0}" Is a good example for this one (Tags would not be useful in Replacing because we don't know how many words are in a phrase). Powerful Extension: =================== \X{Macro to be executed} IfOK status determines if match is OK Can be used to collect all labels that are never referred to, etc... Specify Macro inside as an ANSI String (unless you want to use hot Tags!) \x{Macro to be executed} The same except that not IfOK is used \Xx{Macro to be executed} \xX{Macro to be executed} The same but it does not affect matching directly If %!1 contains all \ref items then the following finds labels that are not being referred to: \\label{\{\(*\)\}}\x{\"|GetTag(0,2);FindInString("%!1","%!2");|} and this gives only the ones that are being used: \\label{\{\(*\)\}}\X{\"|GetTag(0,2);FindInString("%!1","%!2");|} Note it is important to use: {\{\(*\)\}} because \{\(*\)\} will not work here! One can use SetOK explicitly... In this case a simple form: \\label{\{\(*\)\}}\X{FindInString("%!1","\0");} works as well but it is safer to enclose macro in "quotes" to avoid any problems with characters that have a special meaning in RegEx... - New Macros (for clean macro script writing): SaveRegisters(Flag: 0..1111111111); RestoreRegisters(Flag: 0..1111111111); ClearRegisters(Flag: 0..1111111111);

ClearSavedRegisters(Flag: 0..1111111111); Flag stands for Registers 0..9 (from left to right). Only registers with flag 1 are affected... - New Macro to make WinEdt more responsive in macros that take a long time to finish. Use with care as it may cause sync problems if used at the wrong spot: ProcessMessages; - Bookmark and Line numbers panels have been given a 3-d appearance and the background schemes now allow specification of background color and font attributes for current line, thus making current position more visible. Defaults do not use this option but it is easy to activate it in the Highlighting Dialog... - Find and Replace Dialogs now have Auto Scope option enabled and Replace All in Selected text restores the selection to its previous state after replacing is finished. Selection can also be restored manually by the new RestoreSelection macro in the tools menu (F10)... - New Macros (by default in Tools Menu): MarkSelection(CurrentMark: 0..9, SelectedMark:0..9); RestoreSelection(CurrentMark: 0..9, SelectedMark:0..9); - New macro to make Replacing in Strings easier (rather than a loop with FindInString and ReplaceInString): SubstituteInString("String","Find_Str","Replace_Str", Flags:0, Result:0..9); Replace all instances of Find_Str in String with Replace_Str and store the result in the %!<Result> register Flags (same as ReplaceInString):: 0 - default 1 - Regular Expression 10 - Case Sensitive 100 - Respect Capitalization (ignored with Case Sensitive!) 1000 - use UNIX EOLN format (LF instead of CR+LF) - Advanced feature (for users that are preparing configuration components that require menu additions): In Extracted Menu Files (eg. Main Menu.dat) as used for importing additional configurations it is now possible to specify shortcuts directly rather than using Windows Shortcut Code. This can be slow if many shortcuts would be frequently loaded like this but it can come handy if you want to specify a few shortcuts directly in Menu.dat file (rather than relying on WinEdt's Import/ Export functionality to update the shortcut). Example: MENU:&Accessories Flags:0 Hint: Macro:387

Item:&TeX Hint: TeX File:"%!M=TeX" Path:%P Definition:Exe('%B\Exec\MiKTeX\TeX.edt'); Shortcut:24660 [Shift+Ctrl+T] Tool Bar:61 Image:206 You can now specify a different shortcut directly as follows: Shortcut:[Shift+Ctrl+Alt+T] If "Shortcut:" is followed by a number than this (much faster) specification is used and the string is ignored when the item is loaded; otherwise WinEdt parses the string and computes the actual shortcut code... Note menu is language dependent and the actual shortcut as displayed in the menu may be different (eg. ALT can be displayed as GRAVE in non-English locales). In Menu.dat files you must always use Shift/Ctrl/Alt quantifiers (they will be properly displayed in the menu once WinEdt calculates the codethe specified string is not used in the actual menu). WinEdt 5 [Build 20031209 (v. 5.4)] (beta build) =============================================== - A few bug fixes and minor changes to the default settings as communicated on the Mailing List... - Exec macros have been extended and modified to cover Acrobat 6 (problem with locked files). - GUI control has been modified so that it now "adjust" to different backgrounds... - New option "Show Line Numbers for Modes" in the Appearance| Bookmarks dialog. This determines the visibility of the line number panel when a document is initially opened. By default Ctrl+= toggles visibility of line numbers and the property is preserved on per-document basis in the project file... - Changes to the Switches Dialog (an extra option that allows to control whether the Start and End Trigger are highlighted the same as the switch). Here is the new meaning of the options: - The Start Option now indicates that the switch becomes effective immediately. - The End option has the same meaning as before: if checked the end trigger is stepped over (essential for toggled and nested environments). However, the switch attributes are applied to the end trigger only if the Option in front of the Scope is checked. - The Switches dialog now has a new option BOLN which indicates that the switch only applies in the beginning of line (useful for things like Fortran comments). Previously the option in front of

the Start trigger had this meaning (far from intuitive). Old Highlighting settings will be correctly imported (without any intervention on users side). - Switch can also have an attribute "Indented". When this option is checked the switch does not apply to the leading spaces inside environments... - More "Require *" properties in the Menu Setup Dialog - Requires Clipboard text (eg. Paste from Clipboard) - Requires Main File (eg. Remove Main File) - Requires a Modified Doc (eg. Save All) - Event Handlers for BuildTree (see Project Before means before the navigation Bar is File inclusion part has been build. After WinEdt is done with building the tree and - New Macro: GetFileTimeStamp("Filename",Register:0..9); Returns @+16 HEX digit representing 64-bit file time stamp identifier. It can be compared with IfStr(...); (not IfNum which uses smaller 32-bit integers). - %X Full name of the currently executed macro file %C Path of the currently executed macro file - Document Tabs can now be rearranged by "drag-and-drop" and the context popup menu has extended sorting capabilities to reorder document tabs... - New Macro: SortDocumentTabs(Flags:-1..1111,Descending:0..1); Flags: -1 - MDI Order 0 - Full path and filename The following can be combined (from left to right): 0001 - Path 0010 - Name 0100 - Type 1000 - Mode Thus 0 is an equivalent (short way) of specifying 0111. - Filelist interface (Complete File List) now allow extra sorting commands and list manipulation (removing files, hiding the PATH) through a newly added toolbar... - Extended Macros: ScrollUp(Lines,MakeCaretVisible:0..1); ScrollDown(Lines,MakeCaretVisible:0..1); - New Macro: GetTreeEx(Reg: 0..9,"Branch Name"); Manager Dialog). build but after the is executed after navigation bar.

If Branch Name is empty then the whole contents of the Navigation Bar is copied as a string into the specified register. Defaults for now only have "TOC" for TeX and HTML mode, respectively... Each Item in the branch consists of 3 lines (except for the branch itself which starts in the first column and consists only of a branch name). A Branch must be defined in WinEdtEx.ini! SetTreeEx("String Data"); Data must be in the same format as returned by GetTreeEx (properly indented with line numbers and Item Index at the end (?):[?])... Example 1: <TOC:[0] >C:\Alex\WinEdt\Samples\Thesis\Abs.tex(2):[9] *\prefacesection{Abstract} :Abstract >C:\Alex\WinEdt\Samples\Thesis\T1.tex(4):[1] *\chapter{The Space of Lomonosov Functions} :The Space of Lomonosov Functions >C:\Alex\WinEdt\Samples\Thesis\T1.tex(17):[2] *\section{Introduction} :Introduction >C:\Alex\WinEdt\Samples\Thesis\T1.tex(51):[2] *\section{Reflexive Topological Spaces and Continuous Indicator Funct ions} :Reflexive Topological Spaces and Continuous Indicator Functions Example 2: <TOC:[0]trailing - Removes TOC from Navigation Bar: [?]WinEdt 5 [Build 20030429 (v. 5.4)] (private build) ================================================== - Gather Interface and the Tree (Navigation Bar) did not properly enumerate lines numbers in softly wrapped documents. This has now been fixed... - A crash with Building a tree (TOC) in deeply nested HTML files have been fixed. - A bug with losing the "Persistent Main File" and "Relative File List" in the Project manager dialog when rebuilding the tree has been fixed. - A Bug with right-clicking on a misspelled word has been fixed (WinEdt now provides a context sensitive response: spell check dialog with a list of spelling suggestions). - A series of problems with non RegEx not inline search have been fixed (especially in Soft documents). This is a search for strings containing spaces that can span over two lines... - Incompatibilities with Highlighting (background color for switches) have been addressed. The defaults have been modified to display math environments with a different background.

- Misspelled option BEGINING_OF_LINE_ONLY has been corrected to BEGINNING_OF_LINE_ONLY. If you want to keep your custom WinEdtEx.ini then you'll have to perform a Replace of the above string before new WinEdt will successfully load it... The one that comes with WinEdt has been fixed. - In the Navigation Bar (WinEdtEx.ini) there are now additional custom responses for: ON_CTRL_CLICK ON_CTRL_DBL_CLICK ON_SHIFT_CLICK ON_SHIFT_DBL_CLICK ON_ALT_CLICK ON_ALT_DBL_CLICK beside the: ON_CLICK ON_DBL_CLICK - In the Navigation Bar (WinEdtEx.ini) items now have an extra property: RETURN_AT_EOF=0..1 (0=no 1=yes) tree appearance in case you want the the same branch as TOC (not how you use input directives in commands...

This is intended for better include directives to be in default). It all depends on combination with sectioning

- In the Navigation Bar (WinEdtEx.ini) items now have an extra property: BRANCH_EXPANDED=0..2 (0-no, 1-yes on level 1, 2=fully expanded) By default TOC Branch is expanded on level 1... - WinEdt now remembers the selected item in the TOC Branch and makes sure that it is visible and selected after the tree is rebuild (assuming that the document has not been rearranged beyond the recognition). - A New (advanced but useful with RCS) property of Document Tab Icons: RESET_TAG=New_Tag_Value Can be used to "remember" that the document was in certain state (eg. Modified) When the document reaches a state (Selector) with non-zero RESET_FLAG Documents's tag is reset to this value (no other action is taken)... - A bug fix with the macros (they did not work in previous Build): CLToIndex(1,2,3,"String"); IndexToCL(1,2,3,"String"); - Find in Files did not find the appropriate line if the string

was found in the last line of softly wrapped document. Fixed. - New Macros to allow taking advantage of Find in Files functionality behind the scenes: FindNext(Direction: -4..4; Track: -1..1; TrackListView: 0..1); Direction: 0 Stay where you are +/-1 Next/Previous instance +/-2 Next/Previous line +/-3 Next/Previous file +/-4 the last/first item Track: -1..1: Off, Default, On TrackListView: 0..1: Off, On If List is Visible tracking the selected item in the list makes macros slow dues to unnecessary refreshing and scrolling in the list... GetFindItem(Reg: 0..9; Object: 0..6); Object: 0 Current Item Actual Found String: After this call with tagged RegEx one can use FindInString and after that GetTag macros to process parameters... 1 Current Item (as displayed in the list) 2 Current Item File 3 Current Item Line/ Paragraph (Soft) Index 4 Current Item Column/ Paragraph Offset (Soft) Index 5 Current Item Index 6 Total Number of Items IfOK responding properly to allow iteration. Note that in combination with: FindInFiles; ShowCollectForm(No_Toggle_Yes: -1..1); SetFindFilesOnly(No_Toggle_Yes: -1..1); SetFindinFilesSelected(No_Toggle_Yes: -1..1); SetFindinFilesCurrent(No_Toggle_Yes: -1..1); SetFindinFilesOpened(No_Toggle_Yes: -1..1); SetFindinFilesProject(No_Toggle_Yes: -1..1); SetFindinFilesFolders(No_Toggle_Yes: -1..1); SetFindinFilesSubfolders(No_Toggle_Yes: -1..1); SetFindinFilesModeFilter("Mode1;Mode2"); SetFindinFilesTypeFilter(".type1;.type2")); SetFindRoot("PATH"); This allows you to collect and process data without ever having to see the actual interface (FindInFiles does not show it) and without any focus shifting... Example: ======== One can write a macro that collects all graphics directives and process them one by one (eg. by converting eps files to pdf or

png for pdf processing). I didn't get around to test it but a sample below works: // Sample code to enumerate found items SaveFind; SetFindinFilesProject(1); SetRegEx(1); SetFindStr("\\include\{*\}"); SearchReset; FindInFiles; RestoreFind; FindNext(-4,-1); Loop(!|> GetFindItem(0,0);> IfOK(!'> FindInString("%!0", "\\include\{\(*\)\}", 0,1, 11);> IfOK(!*> GetTag(0,1);> GetFullPath(1,"%!1.tex","%P");> Prompt("%!1"); //Do something more useful like running gswin32c.exe here<> *,> *Relax;*);> ',> 'Stop;');> FindNext(1,-1);|); End; // Sample code to copy found items into clipboard StartWorking('Copying...'); LetReg(1,''); FindNext(-4,-1,0); Loop(!|> GetFindItem(0,0);> IfOK(!'> LetReg(1,"%!1%\%!0");> ',> 'Stop;');> FindNext(1,-1,0);|); CopyToClipboard("%!1"); FindNext(-4,-1,1); LetReg(1,''); LetReg(0,''); StopWorking; End; - Options to use filters in the Find in Files Dialog interface have been removed. They were deemed redundant since leaving the filter empty does the job and it is easy to forget to check or uncheck the options. Consequently the following Macro functions no longer exist: SetFindUseModeFilter(No_Toggle_Yes: -1..1); SetFindUseTypeFilter(No_Toggle_Yes: -1..1);

- Extension to GDIPopup Macro: GDIPopup("Page","Caption",Refresh,Sort,Track_onClick, Track_onDblClick,OK_onDblClick: 0..1, "Selected Item","Filter",Remove_Filter: 0..1); This function is used in Active String Response to \ref{} and \cite{}. It allows a keyboard interface to find and insert a label. If you specify an Item than this Item is initially selected... If you specify a non-empty filter string then only items starting with this string are displayed. These string can (optionally) be removed from the displayed items (since it is irrelevant). WinEdt 5 [Build 20030401 (v. 5.4)] (private build) ================================================== - Minor Bug Fixes and numerous small enhancements... - Find in Files functionality to collect strings (or WinEdt's RegEx) in files or current project tree. "Find In Files" interface is located in the second Tab Page in the Find dialog (Ctrl+F)... In the Appearance| in which the found docked but you may screen (similar to Docking Dialog you can dock the Collect Form items are displayed. By default it is not want to have it docked at the bottom of the Gather Form).

A Bunch of macros to provide additional interface to this functionality: FindInFiles; ShowCollectForm(No_Toggle_Yes: -1..1); SetFindFilesOnly(No_Toggle_Yes: -1..1); SetFindinFilesCurrent(No_Toggle_Yes: -1..1); SetFindinFilesOpened(No_Toggle_Yes: -1..1); SetFindinFilesProject(No_Toggle_Yes: -1..1); SetFindinFilesFolders(No_Toggle_Yes: -1..1); SetFindinFilesSubfolders(No_Toggle_Yes: -1..1); SetFindinFilesModeFilter("Mode1;Mode2"); SetFindinFilesTypeFilter(".type1;.type2")); SetFindRoot("PATH"); - WinEdt 5.4 now looks better on Windows XP (some controls have been upgraded to have an XP look). However, if you want the Document Tabs to look XP-ish you must disable the option "Custom Colors" in the Appearance| Document Tabs Dialogs. There is now a different way to indicate the document status by using Icons (see below about extensions in WinEdtEx.ini). This limitation is due to a conflict between the Tab Appearance and custom painting of their contents (somewhere deep in Windows API or Delphi but I was not able to find a way around). If you prefer the current Tab appearance then comment out the section [DOCUMENT_TABS] in WinEdtEx.ini (see information below)... - WinEdtEx.ini provides an interface to extended functionality. Unlike WinEdt.ini this file can/ must be edited and this is the only way to change certain settings that rely on this file.

Currently the following sections are implemented: [DOCUMENT_TABS] [NAVIGATION_BAR] [INPUT_DIRECTIVES] The file can be edited (based on the templates provided in the default settings). You don't have to use all or any of the new features provided in this interface but you may have to modify the above file. Use common sense and care when making modifications since the file can be corrupted and you'll use your custom settings until you fix the syntax errors introduced by careless editing. Create a backup to avoid disasters! - New Macro function to load or re-load WinEdtEx format file: LoadConfig("INI File Name"); Startup macro should start with something like: Requires(20030330); IfFileExists('%b\Local\WinEdtEx.ini',> !"LoadConfig('%b\Local\WinEdtEx.ini');",> !"IfFileExists('%B\Local\WinEdtEx.ini',> !""LoadConfig('%B\Local\WinEdtEx.ini');"");"); after you place the WinEdtEx.ini in your Local WinEdt folder (if you created a user profile that's in your application data folder or else in WinEdt's Root folder). - Improved Navigation capabilities (combining the Gather and Tree functionality inside the Tree Control). By default the tree shows document structure and included graphics. This can be customized in WinEdtEx.ini: [NAVIGATION_BAR] BRANCH="TOC" BRANCH_MODE="TeX" BRANCH_ICON="TOC" BRANCH_SORTED=0 BRANCH_CASE_SENSITIVE=1 BRANCH_IGNORE_COMMENTS=1 ITEM="\chapter?{?}" MODE="TeX" CASE_SENSITIVE=1 BEGINING_OF_LINE_ONLY=1 CURRENT_DOCUMENT_ONLY=0 ALL_OPENED_DOCUMENTS=0 COMPLETE_PROJECT_TREE=1 ICON="Chapter" LEVEL=8 CAPTION="%?" MAX_LINE_SPAN=3 ON_CLICK="TreeTrack(2);" ON_DBL_CLICK="Relax;" ACTION="Find"

MENU_ICON="Find" MACRO="TreeTrack(2);" etc.. Note that the LEVEL attribute determines how the items are nested (it is a good idea to leave some breathing space if you later decide to insert more items, eg. Parts contains Chapters)... New Macros used in these files: Used in responses for currently selected item: TreeTrack(SelMode: 0..9, filter=0..2); filter - 0 None 1 Only if Open on Click is enabled 2 Only if Open on Double-Click is enabled TreeGetFileName(Reg: 0..9); TreeGetLineNumber(Reg: 0..9); - How the graphics is collected in the Navigation Bar and displayed: ITEM="\includegraphics?{?}" MODE="TeX" CASE_SENSITIVE=1 BEGINING_OF_LINE_ONLY=0 CURRENT_DOCUMENT_ONLY=0 ALL_OPENED_DOCUMENTS=0 COMPLETE_PROJECT_TREE=1 ICON="Image" LEVEL=0 CAPTION="Image: %?" ON_CLICK="TreeTrack(2);" ON_DBL_CLICK="Exe('%b\Macros\GraphicsPreview.edt');" // %? is filename possibly without extension ACTION="Find" MENU_ICON="Find" MACRO="TreeTrack(2);" ACTION="Preview" MENU_ICON="View" MACRO="Exe('%b\Macros\GraphicsPreview.edt');" You must place GraphicsPreview.edt macro in your Local or WinEdt Global Macros folder. The macro searches for common graphics extension (you can change the order) and uses ShellExecute command to display the graphics. This, too, can be changed if you have a different favorite previewer or if your graphics files are not associated with any application. How this works depends on how is your system configured since WinEdt at the moment does not provide a custom previewer: The following macro function was implemented to make the macro shorter (since the Graphics files are usually located relatively to the main file): GetFullPath(Reg: 0..9,"FileName","Root PATH");

If you want to make changes you must customize the macro GraphicsPreview.edt... - Input Directives can be specified to suppress and extend of the functionality in the Preferences| Input Dialog. Directives now have more attributes regarding recursion and can be specified in mode-dependent groups. [INPUT_DIRECTIVES] INPUT="TeX" MODE="TeX" MAX_TREE_DEPTH=9 OPEN_ON_DBL_CLICK=1 BEGINING_OF_LINE_ONLY=1 CASE_SENSITIVE=1 FILE_MUST_EXIST=0 ALLOW_RECURSIVE_INCLUSION=0 ALLOW_MUTIPLE_SIBLINGS_INCLUSION=1 ALLOW_MULTIPLE_INCLUSION=1 INCLUDE_TYPE_FILTER="tex;ltx;texi;dtx;ins;bib" RECURSE_TYPE_FILTER="tex;ltx;texi;dtx;ins;bib;bbl" DIRECTIVE="\include{""?""}" DIRECTIVE="\input{""?""}" DIRECTIVE="\input ""?""" DIRECTIVE="\include{?}" DIRECTIVE="\input{?}" DIRECTIVE="\input ?" DIRECTIVE="%GATHER{?}" DIRECTIVE="\Input{?}" DIRECTIVE="\INPUT{?}" INPUT="HTML" MODE="HTML;XML;PHP" MAX_TREE_DEPTH=9 OPEN_ON_DBL_CLICK=1 BEGINING_OF_LINE_ONLY=0 CASE_SENSITIVE=0 FILE_MUST_EXIST=1 ALLOW_RECURSIVE_INCLUSION=0 ALLOW_MUTIPLE_SIBLINGS_INCLUSION=0 ALLOW_MULTIPLE_INCLUSION=0 INCLUDE_TYPE_FILTER="html;htm;xml;php;txt" RECURSE_TYPE_FILTER="html;htm;xml;php" DIRECTIVE="<a href=""?""" DIRECTIVE="<frame src=""?""" - Document can be tagged with special attributes (eg. their status in RCS). A document icon displayed in the Tab Control (next to the document name) can be configured so as to depend on the Tag. SetDocTabIconTag(Tag: #0..999999999,"Document Name"); GetDocTabIconTag(Reg: 0..9,"Document Name"); WinEdt does not care about the meaning of the Tag. Document Icons in the Tab controls can indicate if the file is locked, readonly, modified (many combinations and the default use only a

few). This can be tuned in WinEdtEx.ini... - A new option in the Dictionary Manager: Check Only words containing 7-bit ASCII characters in Spell Checking Options Tab Page. This option is intended to make English/ Asian (or any foreign) mixed editing easier because it allows you to spell check the English (7-bit ASCII) portion of the text without highlighting foreign (8-bit extensions) words as misspelled (if there is no dictionary available for this language). For example, Asian (CJK) users will benefit from this as will Hebrew and Arab and possibly other multi-lingual users... - Exe("Macro") function is now more flexible. If you specify %b in a filename or folder and the file does not exist then the function tries %B instead. This should make it easier to write User Profile friendly macros (use %b and WinEdt will execute the default in its root folder if the user did not overwrite it). This also solves problems with multiple-instance configurations... - Fixes and enhancements to the Gather and Tree (Navigation Bar) Interface... - New Macro: GetCheckListItem(Index: 0..999, Reg: 0..9); Get a string associated with a specified item in the CheckBox interface. - A bug with choosing the appearance of Bookmarks on XP has been fixed. - An elusive BUG with Backspace and Delete commands sometimes not working if executed *immediately* after moving a caret to a new position with a mouse has been fixed... - ADVANCED: UNICODE Copy and Paste and Read/Write: In Preferences| Advanced dialog you can specify the preferred format (CODE PAGE) that should be used for advanced (UNICODE) clipboard operations. This data can also be specified with the following macros: SetClipboardPasteFormat("CP List"); SetClipboardCopyFormat("CP"); SetUnicodeCP("CP"); // affects Read and write of UNICODE files GetLastPasteCP(Reg: 0..9); // Last CP used for UNICODE Paste Code Page can be specified for Clipboard and Read/Write UNICODE conversion. The following Constants have a special meaning: _ACP Windows ANSI Code Page _OEMPCP OEM (DOS) Code Page (CP_ACP) (CP_OEMCP)


MAC Code Page Current ANSI Code Page Current OEM Code Page


If a non-empty string is specified then WinEdt requests clipboard data in Unicode format (if available) and then performs a conversion to specified code pages from left to right until it encounters CP that allows the conversion without loss of data. For example, Paste can use the following CP list: SetClipboardPasteFormat("ACP,OEMCP,1251"); // First try the current code page, dos code page and finally // Cyrillic code page (see below for the list of CP codes) Whether or not any such conversion is required depend on your version of Windows and the way other applications use Windows Clipboard. Of course in order for WinEdt to properly display the text you have to use proper charset (font script). Check the help on SetFontCharset(Value: 0..9999); macro function to see how to change the font (some common scripts are available in the Options| Font Menu). Unless you encounter problems with plain text copy and paste operations you should avoid using UNICODE since it doubles the data size and slows down the operation due to conversions. However, on some systems (XP) you may have to use UNICODE format if you want to exchange data containing more than 7-bit characters between different applications. For example (if required) one could have more than one Copy and Paste commands. The following macros are examples: Copy as OEM SetClipboardCopyFormat("OEMCP"); CMD("Copy"); Paste as Greek SetClipboardPasteFormat("1253,ACP"); //just in case if text is NOT Greek CMD("Paste"); Not all of the CPs are available on all systems. 65000 CP_UTF7 UTF-7 translation 65001 CP_UTF8 UTF-8 translation Following are the ANSI code-page identifiers: 874 Thai 932 Japan 936 Chinese (PRC, Singapore) 949 Korean 950 Chinese (Taiwan, Hong Kong) 1200 Unicode (BMP of ISO 10646) 1250 Windows 3.1 Eastern European 1251 Windows 3.1 Cyrillic 1252 Windows 3.1 Latin 1 (US, Western Europe) 1253 Windows 3.1 Greek 1254 Windows 3.1 Turkish 1255 Hebrew 1256 Arabic



Following are the OEM code-page identifiers: 437 MS-DOS United States 708 Arabic (ASMO 708) 709 Arabic (ASMO 449+, BCON V4) 710 Arabic (Transparent Arabic) 720 Arabic (Transparent ASMO) 737 Greek (formerly 437G) 775 Baltic 850 MS-DOS Multilingual (Latin I) 852 MS-DOS Slavic (Latin II) 855 IBM Cyrillic (primarily Russian) 857 IBM Turkish 860 MS-DOS Portuguese 861 MS-DOS Icelandic 862 Hebrew 863 MS-DOS Canadian-French 864 Arabic 865 MS-DOS Nordic 866 MS-DOS Russian (former USSR) 869 IBM Modern Greek 874 Thai 932 Japan 936 Chinese (PRC, Singapore) 949 Korean 950 Chinese (Taiwan, Hong Kong) 1361 Korean (Johab) - Extended functionality for ListFolderFiles Macro: ListFolderFiles(Reg: 0..9,"Path", "filetype filter", recurse_subfolders: 0..1, relative_path: 0..3, flags:0..111); Flags (from left to right): Include System Files 100 Include Hidden Files 010 Include Readonly Files 001 - Extended functionality for Beep Macro: Beep(#0..4,"Filename.wav"); The second (optional) parameter can specify an existing AUDIO (*.wav) file to be played... WinEdt 5 [Build 20020826 (v. 5.4)] (private build) ================================================== - Extended CL <-> Index Macros... - New Open and Save As dialogs on Win2000/XP... - New XP-style appearance of dialogs and controls on WinXP. WinEdt now uses TMS Delphi package available at:

Another possibility to achieve this is to PATCH WinEdt.exe with Style-it XP utility available at: Thanks to Denis who directed me to the above web sites. - a problem with assigning shortcuts to context popup menus that are also linked to the right mouse response has been fixed. - a few oddities and bugs (especially a serious problem with popup menus) have been fixed in this build... WinEdt 5 [Build 20020725 (v. 5.4)] (private build) ================================================== - A (not commonly encountered but reproducible) problem with saving the ini file has been fixed... - A problem with corrupted or disappearing menu with auto-configuration event handler has been eliminated (resource leak has been fixed)... - A bug with the "Idle Saving" option has been fixed... - RegEx that compile in more than 255 RegEx instructions are now handled properly. - C-style errors are now detected with UNIX specification and they allow drive specification for full filename. - Compounded Words Option has been introduced for Dictionaries. Compounded words can be highlighted with different attributes that misspelled ones. - An oddity with files reported as externally modified after a switch to/ from daytime savings has been fixed: WinEdt now properly handles UTC (Universal Time Coordinate) format... - WinEdt Wizards are now centered with respect to the Main Form (rather than desktop which caused problems on two monitors)... - In WinEdt 5.4 it is possible to change Command, Utility, or Document into a Macro without deleting the old menu item and inserting a new macro. Just enter a new definition inside square braces [...] and WinEdt will automatically change the item to macro. I found it useful because in the long run all/ most menu items will be eventually converted to macros... - SetSort macro has an extra parameter: SetSort(Ascending,Case_Sensitive,Ignore_Length,Remove_Duplicates: #-1..1, Table: -7..8); Extra parameter for Tables (0..7): Table: -7..8 0: 1..8: use the current table (whatever it may be) use table x-1

-7..-1: if current table is 7 (Dictionary) then use -x-1; - Sorting of GDI Pages (Page directive now allows Sorting Preferences): Page("Caption", "Mode Filter", "External File?", Case Insensitive: 0..1, Always Sorted: 0..1, Quick Sort: 0..1, Ascending,Case_Sensitive,Ignore_Length,Remove_Duplicates: -1..1, Table: -7..8); Parameter for Tables has the same meaning as in SetSort. The Page sorting preferences (if specified with non-defaults) also reflect the initial preferences in the Sort Dialog displayed when explicit Sort command in the interface is executed with Quick Sort option disabled. Furthermore, the context popup menu contains the option to enable or disable Auto Sorting and Quick Sorting. This option changes the properties of the current page for the duration of the current WinEdt session. Permanent changes require modifications to WinEdt.gdi... - Prefix and Suffix may be specified as the last two parameters for GDI Items. These two strings are a part of data displayed in the gather list control... The TOC Page has been modified to take advantage of the new functionality: // Item('TeX','*',1,1,'\chapter?',0,1,1); // Item('TeX','*',1,1,'\appendix?',0,1,1); // Item('TeX','*',1,1,'\bibliography?',0,1,1); // Item('TeX','*',1,1,'\nonumchapter?',0,1,1); // Item('TeX','*',1,1,'\prefacesection?',0,1,1); // Item('TeX','>>*',1,1,'\section?',0,1,1); // Item('TeX','>>>>>>*',1,1,'\subsection?',0,1,1); // Item('TeX','>>>>>>>>>>*',1,1,'\subsubsection?',0,1,1); Item('TeX','',1,1,'\chapter?{?}',0,1,1,'Chapter: ',''); Item('TeX','',1,1,'\nonumchapter?{?}',0,1,1,'chapter: ',''); Item('TeX','',1,1,'\appendix?{?}',0,1,1,'Appendix: ',''); Item('TeX','',1,1,'\bibliography{?}',0,1,1,'Bibliography: ',''); Item('TeX','',1,1,'\prefacesection?{?}',0,1,1,'Preface: ',''); Item('TeX','>>',1,1,'\section?{?}',0,1,1,'Section: ',''); Item('TeX','>>>>>>',1,1,'\subsection?{?}',0,1,1,'Subsection: ',''); Item('TeX','>>>>>>>>>>',1,1,'\subsubsection?{?}',0,1,1,'subsection: ',''); LoadSettings - parameter for extras (See the Macro Manual) ExtractSettings - parameter for extras (See the Macro Manual) - New "Colors and Highlighting" interface. The Colors page has been moved from Preferences Dialog to the new interface (previously called just Syntax Highlighting). Also, the Background Page in the appearance dialog has been removed and it is now replaced with a new page, called Background Schemes, in the extended Colors and Syntax Highlighting Dialog. It allows you to setup mode-dependent background, left / right margin color schemes. Furthermore it is possible to specify bitmaps for fancy tiled background effects (should one feel less stressed writing on a piece of wood or on a brick wall:-). Of course this means more import/ export macros and modifications to the default settings...

First, there are two different schemes for Views A and B (view can be toggled in the status line or Ctrl+Shift+=). The rule is as follows: The last selected scheme for a particular mode applies. By default "A: Dots Blue" is enabled for EDT mode (eg. WinEdt Macros). You can change the mode filter to empty or * and now it will apply to all (primary view) documents except for any modes that are enabled after this point in the list. That's why it is best to put the "default" scheme to the top of the list and then only overwrite those modes that you want... *** Remember: The last enabled scheme always applies!!! - New Import/Export Macros to cover Background Schemes: AddBackground("Filename"); ExtractBackground("Filename"); LoadBackground("Filename"); - Also: ExtractBookmarks("Filename"); LoadBookmarks("Filename"); - New macros for process launching (execution): IfFinished("Then","Else"); GetExitCode(Reg: 0..9); TerminateProcess; These macros refer to the last process launched from WinEdt with WinExe or Run macro. Use with care (TerminateProcess should be used only for emergency and it may result in lost data or resources). WaitForMessage(timeout: 0..99999; Process_Messages: 0..1); A custom Sync handler (after WinExe) should look like: Loop('IfFinished("GetExitCode(0);Stop;","WaitForMessage(10,1);");'); Without WaitForMessage call WinEdt would compete with the running process for CPU in a tight loop (thus making the compilation much slower)! - New Macros (or symmetry reason): SetEnvVar <-> GetEnvVar (even if one will mostly use %@();) ReadFile <-> WriteFile (dump a register in one step) WriteFile("Filename","String"); GetEnvVar(Reg: 0..9,"VAR");

- New Parameter for EOLN format for WrL macro: WrL("String",EOLN: -1..3); EOLN: 0 1 2 3 -1 Default=CR+LF UNIX=LF VMS=CR Exotic=LF+CR Current Document

Note that before -1 (Current Document's EOLN format) was the default which does not make much sense... - New Macros to manipulate/ navigate Strings: GetDocEOLNFormat(Reg: 0..9); SetDocEOLNFormat(EOLN: 0..3); GetStrEOLNFormat(Reg: 0..9, "String"); SetStrEOLNFormat(EOLN: 0..3, "String", Output Register: 0..9); EOLN: 0 1 2 3 Default=CR+LF UNIX=LF VMS=CR Exotic=LF+CR

MoveBy(chars:-999999999..999999999, useCLStart:0..1, eoln_length: 0..2); Move by a specified number of characters in the current document (left or right depending on the the parameter chars being negative or positive, respectively). SetCLStart(flag: 0..2, eoln_length: 0..2); flag 0 = beginning of the document 1 = selected portion (or block) 2 = current position Sets the parameters for Index <-> Line Column functions IndexToCL(index, regC, regL, "String"); This function returns 1-based Column and Line of the text corresponding to the given Index in a 0-based string extracted from the text... If the optional String Parameter is omitted then the current file is used. SetCLStart is only used for the current document... An Example: =========== // A portion of text is selected LetReg(0,"%S"); // Get Selected Text SetCLStart(1); // Remember where the string came from... // Pass the string %!0 to some external application which finds // the index of the position you are interested in... // Store the index in register 1 // Go to that Position in your document IndexToCL(%!1, 2,3); GotoCL(%!2,%!3); CLToIndex(c,l, reg, "String"); The inverse of IndexToCL();

-New macros to change or obtain the font script: SetFontCharset(Value: 0..9999); GetFontCharset(Reg: 0..9); - New macro for WordWeb (Thesaurus): WordWebLookup(Reg: 0..9,"Word",CloseonCopy: 0..1); Requires WordWeb installed. Free download is available at: WinEdt macro function to check and possibly replace a word (after copying a word in WordWeb interface [eg. pressing on a Copy button or using a shortcut Alt+C]) can be defined as: SelWord(1);WordWebLookup(0,"%S",1); IfOK(!'BeginGroup;CMD("Delete");Ins("%!0");EndGroup;'); For more information on how to use and configure WordWeb consult its own Help... - A new Option (Preferences| Shell) for Custom Scroll Wheel response when the mouse pointer is placed on Document Tabs (Next and Previous) - GUI Control and Toolbar now implements scrolling if WinEdt Window is resized so as to hide a portion of the GUI control... - A new option for Backup of Project files. - New Options for soft wrapping (currently no interface????) Format on Resize (true){}{}{} Proper Line Numbers (true) Use Bold Attribute (false) - Reduced/ eliminated flickering on XP when switching between maximized documents by using the Tab control. - WinEdt now implements concurrent license monitor which was requested by quite a few administrators on larger networks. WinEdt's Site Licenses and Subscription License limit the number of concurrently running instances of WinEdt on a network to a specified number of users. When the quota is reached no more instances can be started until another instance of WinEdt is closed. An attempt to start another instance results in the following message: Licensed quota of concurrently running instances of WinEdt is exceeded. Try again later or contact your system administrator about this message! This functionality ensures that the use of the program on networks complies with the licensing agreement. WinEdt's Shell Configuration Wizard allows the administrator to monitor the usage of WinEdt on a network. WinEdt also produces a minute by minute log file detailing a usage of the program on

a network. This data can be used should a need to upgrade a license arise... If you encounter any problems with this functionality contact WinEdt Team at: ______________________________________________________________________________ WinEdt 5 [Build 20020323 (v. 5.3)] (official release) ===================================================== After the installation is finished WinEdt displays a (consolidated) Configuration Wizard allowing you to quickly configure basic aspects of WinEdt and its integration with Windows and TeX. The Wizard keeps on appearing until the option "Show this Wizard next time" at the bottom of the dialog is unchecked. Later it can be started from the Options Menu... Check it out!!! The TeX Configuration Wizard is now implemented and documented for MiKTeX, fpTeX (web2c) and YandY TeX. - More robust Backup and Restore macros to better preserve custom settings. User profile is upgraded with new files as required... - Minor fixes (a few typos in the documentation) and a few enhancements to the default interfaces (context sensitive help in popup menu)... - Slightly improved EOLN format handling when the document mode is changed... - Minor improvements when it comes to handling relative file specifications in the Project Tree... - WinEdt now properly installs or upgrades itself even if the previous instance was using user profiles (the defaults are the proper defaults that come with the new version)... - The Default Settings have now been stripped of all Alt+Ctrl (AltGr) shortcuts to avoid (too) many conflicts with different keyboards... - A bug with RegEx A**C has been fixed... - An oddity with overwriting a Selected Column (Block Mode) has been fixed. - A new shortcut Ctrl+Shift+E is (by default) used to Hide the Errors interface. - \OE and \oe have been added to the default Read and Write Translation Tables... - Help has been updated with the new Menu and Shortcuts Scheme (minor modifications mostly pertaining to Ctrl+Alt).

WinEdt 5 [Build 20020317 (v. 5.3)] ================================== - Improved and extended Help, (Illustrated) Users Manual, Macro Manual and Documentation. See WinEdt's Help -> WinEdt Documentation Menu. CHECK IT OUT! - Doc Menu now contains a short LaTeX demo (graphics inclusion, colors, international characters, rotated tables and some useful TeX-ing advices and hints (7 pages). - A few shortcuts (Ctrl+Alt+[Shift]=) have been eliminated from the default setup to avoid conflicts with certain keyboards (French, Italian, Swedish)... - Wildcard "*" in strings is limited to one line to make the search in strings more compatible with the search in text. Use "**" if you want the search scope spanned over line terminators... - A few fixes and enhancements to the default Insert Menu. - A new parameter to suppress warning if the application is not running and it is not (properly) specified. Use IfOK after the macro to check the status of the execution: DDEOpen("Server Application","Service","Topic",Suppress_Warning:0..1); - A minor enhancements to the Block (Column) Delete operation... - Standard (ASCII) Wrapping Extension: By default (See Settings Dialog: Comments) WinEdt uses %% as a Hard Return when Standard ASCII Wrapping is enabled for TeX Mode. In the default settings "Shift+Ctrl+Enter" is assigned to the macro that in TeX Mode inserts %%+<line terminator>. Under some circumstances this strategy can ensure simple and efficient wrapping in your TeX documents (without restoring to "Conventional (Soft) Wrapping")... You should take advantage of this functionality is you want to enable wrapping for indented environments (which can be handy if you want nicely auto-formatted itemized environments). Hard returns may be required inside equations or tables to prevent WinEdt from re-formatting such environments as if they were plain text... - A better recovery should the WinEdt.ini file get corrupted (if possible a backup or else the default is automatically loaded). - Locale (language) specification for GetDate: GetDate(StrRegister: 0..9, "Format", "Locale"); This macro provides an interface to FormatDateTime function. The function takes current date and time and formats it as specified by the user in the "Format" parameter. The results is available in the local register %!0..%!9. If the Optional "Format" parameter is omitted or left empty then the function returns the previous value which (in English) is equivalent to the format:

'dddd, mmmm d, yyyy "at" hh:nn' Tuesday, September 1, 1998 at 16:49 The following is produced with 'dddd, mmmm d, yyyy' and Locale specified as: dimarts, mar 12, 2002 Catalan Tuesday, March 12, 2002 English mardi, mars 12, 2002 French Dienstag, Mrz 12, 2002 German marted, marzo 12, 2002 Italian torek, marec 12, 2002 Slovenian Martes, Marzo 12, 2002 Spanish Note that it is up to your Windows Language Support to properly format the string according to the specified language's rules... - FormatString(); function now has an extra formatting command "capitals" to convert the initial capitals... - A few minor selection refresh oddities have been fixed... WinEdt 5 [Build 20020219 (v. 5.3)] ================================== - The Bookmarks Menu has been restored back to the default Ctrl+Shift+0..9 scheme to avoid problems with some keyboards that use Ctrl+Alt 0..9 for {,}, etc... Popup Menus are now defined as: =============================== Grave Ctrl+` (Invisible) Acute Ctrl+' (Invisible) Umlaut Shift+Ctrl+' (Invisible) Tilde Shift+Ctrl+` (Invisible) Circumflex Alt+Shift+Ctrl+6 (Invisible) Thus Ctrl+` followed by a character "a" produces "", etc... This works with Western fonts! This is final solution for the default settings: I cannot please everyone and the conflict between Set Bookmark 6 and Circumflex in the default settings has to be resolved! If you have a problem with this scheme change your settings through the Options -> Menu Setup Dialog. For example go to the Popup Menus Tab Page and change the shortcut to Circumflex to a keystroke of your choice (it used to be Shift+Ctrl+6). - A few minor oddities in the Insert Menu have been fixed. - Improved Insert and Remove Comment Commands (Ctrl+Alt+Shift Left or Right). - The bullet character (ASCII 127) is now translated to highlighted (red+Bold) "*" in the Screen Translation Table. This makes bullets visible in non-Western version of Windows (with different fonts and encodings)... The translation and highlighting attributes can be changed in the Settings: Translations dialog and Highlighting| Filter Set dialog,

respectively. - TeX Live 6 detection has been improved in the TeX System Macro. - Oddity with the TeX Configuration Wizard in YandY Configuration has been fixed... - To avoid confusion with Filetype Associations and Projects the filetype associations are now done without -V command switch... This can be customized (on per-filetype basis by editing the "...WinShell\Create WinEdt Filetypes.edt" macro script: Change the value assigned to Register 7): // Command Line Switches: // Affects the first instance of WinEdt // -V: Temporary Project // -0: Don't restore other documents // Empty: default... // Can be customized on per-filetype basis: // Search for %!7 or %$('WinEdt-Exe'); // and add, remove or change the switch LetReg(7,''); // Default Command Switch: None - Improved Combo box for the list interface (minor enhancement). - Additional bitmaps for Toolbar and Menu (mostly for XML Mode)... -------------------------- Yet another bug with Optimized RegEx has been fixed: ">" in Softly Wrapped documents... - The Document Settings Dialog now displays the time when the file was last modified, Created or accessed... - A few enhancements to the macros and a few minor (bug) fixes have been implemented... Error Search has been further improved to filter out more Warnings in c-style error log file... - An (optional) alternative mode for bookmarks has been introduced: Floating Bookmarks mode always links the current bookmark to the current cursor (caret) position. The Appearance dialog has been modified to allow a selection of Standard or Floating Bookmark mode. Furthermore, for visual effect the appearance of the current bookmark can be selected to be different from others. Floating bookmarks closely resemble multiple instances of the same document. To avoid messing up the current position when text is being positioned through the tracking in the Gather interface or Error Search it is possible to set Zero as a "roaming" bookmark. With this option SetBookMark(0); (by default Ctrl+Alt+0) macro is always executed before any of the above interfaces resets the position in your document. Thus GOTOBookMark(0); (by default Ctrl+0) in the Standard mode brings you back to your last working position while in the floating bookmarks it prevents your last (proper/non-roaming) bookmark to be reset. Note that with this option enabled 0 should not be used as a real bookmark since it can get reset. With "roaming" approach it makes sense to define an inverse search as:

WinEdt.exe -F "[SetBookMark('0');Open(|%f|);SelPar(%l,8)]" depending on whether or not you want your current bookmark reset to the new position when you initiate an inverse DVI Search from the previewer (such as YAP). Note that in the Floating Bookmark mode you can never erase the current bookmark. The context popup menu (displayed in response to the right mouse-click on the left margin) has been enhanced with context-sensitive bookmark commands... In addition to bookmarks, the status line contains the panel displaying A and B which can be used to switch between two different positions in the current document. Bookmarks and alternative position are preserved for the next session (they are part of the file attributes in the project list). Note that (by default) Ctrl+[Shift+]Backspace still moves you back (or forward) in the "ring" of recent positions in your document and Alt+Backspace [or Ctrl+Z] (initiates the undo) positions you to the place of the last change before undoing it with the next undo command. This, too, can come handy when navigating through large documents... Users that don't care for bookmarks may still choose the Floating Bookmarks since the left margin provides a useful visual effect pointing to the current line in a document. - To avoid the conflict with shortcuts to the Invisible Popup Menus for international characters the Circumflex Popup menu shortcut has been modified from Ctrl+Shift+6 to Ctrl+Alt+Shift+0..9 Popup Menus: ============ Grave Acute Umlaut Tilde Circumflex

Ctrl+` (Invisible) Ctrl+' (Invisible) Shift+Ctrl+' (Invisible) Shift+Ctrl+` (Invisible) Alt+Shift+Ctrl+6 (Invisible)

Thus Ctrl+` followed by a character "a" produces "", etc... This works with Western fonts! This eliminates the conflict between the default shortcuts (Popup Menus have a priority over ordinary menu items). If you prefer some other scheme for Bookmarks you have to modify shortcuts in the Bookmarks Menu in the Menu Setup Dialog. However, note that in this case the shortcut to Circumflex disables the default shortcut to set the bookmark 6. Bookmarks can also be accessed through the double-shortcuts (Alt+=). You can check the Shortcut List and Menu Listing Tab in the Menu Setup Dialog for the list of all shortcuts and menus... Hint: the list can be copied and pasted into WinEdt and then printed for a quick reference. WinEdt 5 [Build 20020127 (v. 5.3)]

================================== - A refresh oddity with bookmarks has been fixed (auto wrapping). Bookmarks now "float" better when a paragraph is re-formatted... - TeX Configuration Macros have been fixed so as to allow easy switching between MiKTeX, fpTeX (web2c) and YandY TeX implementations. It has been tested with all configurations: the trick is that WinEdt inserts the binary folder of the current configuration in front of the PATH. As a consequence WinEdt Options -> Configurations Menu now contains two entries: Startup.edt where variables independent of the TeX system are initialized (GS, GSView, Acrobat [Reader])... TeX System.edt where variables specific to the current TeX System are initialized... For most users this should happen transparently (the default macros take care of everything). However, advanced users can now use more than one TeX system and switch between them at their convenience by executing the appropriate Configuration command in the Options -> Configurations Menu... - WinEdt's customizable menu was designed without taking into consideration a possibility of switching between configurations depending on the mode of a document or a temporary choice of a TeX system. Such extensions came to life later and the current mechanism is too static to handle them. Changing a shortcut for LaTeX in such settings becomes a nightmare (after the change is made in the Menu Setup one also has to manually update the configuration menu [eg. Config\MiKTeX]). Neglecting to update the configuration(s) would result in the loss of custom shortcuts after switching between different configurations... (at the moment MiKTeX, fpTeX, YandY TeX, HTML and ASCII configurations are included in the default settings while others [Perl, Fortran, Java, C, ...] are available from an ever growing collection at The Options -> Configurations menu now has a Maintenance Utility (macro) called "Update Configurations...". It can be used to apply the current settings (or a part of them) to any of the pre-defined configurations. Macro is rather sophisticated and it offers suitable choices (eg. common LaTeX Insert Menu for all TeX Configurations). It also disables components that are already updated thus providing a useful visual feedback. Furthermore, the macros to load configurations have been revisited and they can and do use a private copy of the configuration (%b - User Profile) if one is available. Private copies are automatically generated with the Maintenance Macro... The macro is sophisticated enough that it can extract, compare and update individual menus in the single Menu.dat file. Users that want to use configurations and also want to customize re-loadable [configuration-sensitive] menus (Insert, Accessories and Help) have to run the "Update Configurations..." Macro after their customizations to export the modified menus into the appropriate configuration components.

- A new macro has been implemented: SortLines("Source String",Flags:0..1111,Table: 0..7,Result:0..9); Flags (from left to right): 1000 Remove Multiple 100 Ignore Length 10 Case Sensitive 1 Ascending It works regardless of the format (CR+LF or LF). - SearchInString function has been optimized (huge difference in large strings with non case-sensitive search). - A bug with backward search in selected strings has been fixed. - Document Settings Dialog now displays times when the file was last modified (created and accessed)... - Error Search dialog now has an "up/down" button which can be used to enable or prevent search for Warnings with the commands in Error's Dialogs Toolbar (Next and Previous Error). Warnings (TeX errors of type 2-4) are enabled only when this button is down. - Modified macro IfLogErrors and a new macro FindError have been implemented to make error recovery in background mode compilation more useful... The default macro scripts have been modified with new parameters: IfLogErrors("Then","Else", c-style: -1..1, type1,type2,type3,type4: -1..1, type_1_filter: 0..9); Used for Error Log file parsing and the execution flow control in compilation macros... c-style: -1 OFF 0 Default (depending on Error Settings) 1 ON type1-4: -1 OFF 0 only if the Warnings "button" is down 1 ON (if enabled type 1..4 in Error Settings) type_1_filter: 0 - OFF n - if the RegEx string "<!* warning*:" is found within n lines backward then the error is downgraded to a type 4 warning. This helps filtering out some warnings... (eg. PDFTeX Type 1 Warnings). FindError(Initialize:-1..1, Direction: -1..1, c-style: -1..1, type1,type2,type3,type4: -1..1, type_1_filter: 0..9); Initialize: -1 - NEVER (keep current log file as loaded) 0 - UPDATE Log file if necessary and then search for errors 1 - UPDATE Log file if necessary and stay at the beginning if the file has changed (suppress searching for next error) Direction: -1 - previous error 0 - stay where you are

1 -1 0 1 type1-4: -1 0 1 type_1_filter: c-style:

- next error OFF Default (depending on Error Settings) ON OFF only if the Warnings "button" is down ON (if enabled type 1..4 in Error Settings) 0 - OFF n - if the RegEx string "<!* warning*:" is found within n lines backward then the error is downgraded to a type 4 warning. This helps filtering out some warnings... (eg. PDFTeX Type 1 Warnings).

- Extended macro (added parameter "Selected String"): ShowList(DblClickExecute:0|1,DblClickClose:0|1,"OK Macro","Cancel Macro", Selected_Item: 0..999999999,"Selected String"); - Enhancements to the macro GetColor: GetColor(Register: 0..9, "InitialColor", RGB_Format: 0..3, "Delimiter"); // RGB: 0 = HEX FF0000 (Red) // 1 = DEC 255 0 0 (Red) // 2 = PERCENT 100 0 0 (Red) // 3 = Fraction 1.00,0.00,0.00 (Red) // // Color Delimiter has to be entered for 1..3: // in our example '',' ' and ',' are specified as RGB delimiters This should make it possible to define Active Strings for double-clicking on \textcolor[RGB]{?} or COLOR="#?" - Environment Completion Active Strings are now defined as follows: \begin{?}> triggers ChangeEnv macro. \begin{?}} triggers CompleteEnv macro. \end{{ triggers completion (backward). - More RegEx oddities have been fixed:-( - Minor problems with scroll bar position when switching between instances have been fixed. - New Macro GetDocAsASCII(Register:0..9, "Filename", Translate: -1..1, EOLN: 0..4); Store the result in specified register.

If Filename is empty (or the file is not currently opened) then the current document is exported. The Write translation is applied depending on the value of the Translate Parameter (-1=off, 0=default, 1=on). The line terminator can be specified as follows: 0: Default (usually CR+LF unless otherwise specified or imported) 1: CR+LF (Windows/DOS) 2: LF (UNIX) 3: CR (VMS) 4: LF+CR This macro can come handy if you want to export Softly Wrapped document as an ASCII file (reflecting the currently wrapped lines). For Example: // Get Main File or Current Document in Register 0 GetDocAsASCII(0,'%F'); // Save as *.tek OpenOutput('%P\%N.tek'); WrS('%!0'); CloseOutput; etc... - The following macros now allow default value parameters. %!? or %!x,%!y and %!z (respectively): GetLongString("Prompt","Caption","Default Value"); GetString("Prompt","Caption","Default Value"); GetDim("Label1","Label2","Caption","x","y"); GetCounter("Label","Caption","z"); - Binary Mode now supports Wrapping and Formatting in blocks of binary data (not extensively tested and rarely used: WinEdt is not designed as a binary or HEX editor!!!)... - A long list of minor enhancements and fixes (mostly of "look-and-feel" nature)... WinEdt 5 [Build 20011213 (v. 5.3)] ================================== - The Configuration Wizards have been consolidated: Shell and TeX Configuration Wizard can now be started from within the WinEdt Configuration Wizard (which is placed in the Options Menu). WinEdt is initially started with the Configuration Wizard Displayed and until the Option "Show this Wizard next time" at the bottom of the Wizard is unchecked the Wizard remains active on subsequent launches of the program. - TeX configuration Wizard has been simplified (it contains less checkboxes for Customization of the Execution Mode). - Project Menu has been split into Document and Project Menus to distinguish between settings pertaining to current document from the project manger commands... - Tool bar contains a few new buttons (an interface to

frequently requested [font] commands). - WinEdt can now load UNICODE files. However, this does not imply that they can be edited as such. WinEdt converts them to ASCII and can convert them back to UNICODE when they are saved. This can result in loss of characters that are not available in the current ANSI Code Page. WinEdt warns you if this is the case. However, many UNICODE files are just inflated ASCII files and this extension enables WinEdt to handle such files as if they were ASCII. Document Settings Dialog now contains an extra control that displays the ANSI/UNICODE format of a document. - The menu items Insert and Remove Comment (in Edit| Move Menu) now properly handle HTML Mode [they were converted to macros]. Also in the default settings delimiter matching for <...> is enabled in HTML mode. - Active String \begin{?}> for TeX mode has been associated with a macro (based on Robert's ChangeEnv.edt) which does the following: if the closing \end environment is found it prompts you to change the environment name otherwise it completes the current environment (nice). - Improved highlighting for citations: \cite[...]{...} - Some Macros in the WinShell folder have been slightly improved and the information in the Shell Configuration Wizard has been simplified. - A bug with double-quotes inside strings have been fixed... - Backup and Auto Save now allows specification of backup files in folders that don't necessary exist. The Option Create folder if needed should be used to force WinEdt to create a folder. Also a prefix # (for filenames and path specifications) has been introduces to extract a unique path: for %P = C:\WinEdt\Doc %#P = C\WinEdt\Doc This makes it possible to specify C:\My Backups\%#P\%N.bak for global backup folder, etc... This works with UNC filenames as well (\\Server\...). - Requires File functionality affects the launch of compilers for new documents. Since many users find this behavior contra-intuitive (eg. a disabled LaTeX button is often taken as an indicator that WinEdt cannot find latex.exe) I've now decided to extend this functionality in a way that should cover more preferences. The default "Requires File" filed for LaTeX now reads: "%!M=TeX" As long as the current document (or the main file when set) has mode TeX[:submodes], the menu item is enabled. This can be

combined with the rest of the menu item filters, eg. "%!M=TeX"?<%F>%P\%N.tex?<%F>%P\%N.texi This restores and enhances the "old" behavior in the sense that the document mode (rather than an extension) determines whether TeX compiler is enabled (and this applies to new documents as well). For dvips, DVI Preview, or dvi2pdf, the existence of the dvi file remains a "good" filter since all of the above actions will fail if the dvi source does not exist. But of course, it all boils down to the personal preferences and taste (simple vs. "smart" configuration). - WinEdt suffered from a bug in Delphi's VCL: when WinEdt Windows was tiled or cascaded an extra ghost Window was taken into consideration thus preventing WinEdt from being properly tiled with a previewer. After a long investigation the problem has now been fixed in my private VCL unit. - The input directives in the Preferences| Input dialog now allow specification with multiple parameters, such as \MYINCLUDE[?]{?}{?} the last parameter is considered to be the filename and the rest is ignored... - A bug with Remove Comment command with comments larger than one character have been fixed. - OpenOutput macro now correctly interprets the meaning of the Append parameter. - The default Macro Scripts for launching pdf-creating accessories have been improved to make sure that Acrobat Reader releases a document before the compilation starts. - Settings | Matching Dialog now has an extra parameter Timeout which can be used to specify the timeout (in milliseconds) for automatic matching of delimiters. In huge documents typing { at the beginning could result in a noticeable delay of 5-10 seconds, which is not acceptable for the automatic delimiter matching functionality... - A new Macro GetColor(Reg: 0..9,InitialColor: String); can be used to display the Common Colors Dialog and return the HEX RGB value of the selected color in the specified Register. Use IfOK function to see if the dialog was properly terminated... The color is specified as a 6-digit HEX RGB value. - Regular Expressions: a bug with the Optimized Regular Expressions has been fixed. The Option in the Context Popup Menu in the Find Dialog remains until this is confirmed. A few other RegEx oddities have been fixed as well.. - Regular Expressions: The Character # now has an ordinary meaning. \# has to be used for a filter.

RegEx - New in WinEdt 5.3: ========================== ** stands for a wildcard that is not limited to one line it can come handy but it has to be used with care in large documents (especially with tags it can get slow!!!) a single * has the same meaning as before... \#{Expression} or \#~{Expression} can be used as filters in front of the next expression. The filter is calculated (backward) after the match to the next expression has been found and the filter is limited to one line (the beginning of the line in which the expression has been found even if the line is only softly wrapped). The control sequence \# is being used instead of # to avoid compatibility problems with older RegEx (# was and remains an admissible (ordinary) character in strings). Examples: \#{\\}label all labels that are preceded by \ (\ is not a part of the match). \#~{\\}label all labels that are not preceded by \ (\ is not a part of the match). and \#~{\\\\}#{\\}label all labels that are preceded by \ but not \\... This can come handy and can significantly simplify the current method of handling such cases. Note that for a similar filter at the end of the expression one can use ~ (negative) or ~~ (positive). WinEdt 5 [Build 20010815 (v. 5.3)] ================================== - The default menu no no longer contains any documents or utilities. The macros Open and Run are used, instead. If you make modifications you should probably observe this practice which will make your configurations easier to upgrade or enhance (should the need for more sophisticated application launching of some accessory arise in the future, as it often does!). - The new Shell Configuration Wizard makes the following tasks

easy and gives users choices when it comes to the integration of WinEdt with their Windows: ----Create Links and Shortcuts to WinEdt Filetype associations User profiles Creation and configuration Uninstalling

In the default settings the Macro Menu Item: ShellWizard; is placed at the bottom of the Options Menu... The Wizard uses a series of WinEdt macros in WinShell folder. Since User Profiles are a reality on Win2000 systems (many users prefer to work without administrative privileges even if they are the sole users of the machine) the information no longer belongs to the Network folder but is now stored in the WinShell\Profiles folder. Creation of User Profiles is fully automated and WinEdt's Wizard explains a few basic concepts for users that don't know anything about it... New Macro: ShellWizard("Caption"); - WinEdt's "Configuration Wizard" in the Help Menu now only deals with Editor related issues (Wrapping, Project Manager, Application Launching, etc...). TeX- related issues are addressed in the new TeX Configuration Wizard that is placed in the Accessories menu and contains information specific to the selected TeX system (eg. MiKTeX, fpTeX or YandY TeX). New Macro: WinEdtWizard("Caption"); - The new TeX Configuration Wizard is placed in the Accessories Menu and contains TeX system specific information and diagnostic utility. [TeXWizard('*** WinEdt MiKTeX Configuration Wizard', '%B\Doc\Wizard-MiKTeX','%B\Exec\MiKTeX', '%b\Exec',1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,'%b\Exec\MiKTeX');] The following macro has been implemented to cover different TeX system Wizards: TeXWizard("Caption","Doc folder containing .rtf files", "The folder where TeX system specific configuration is stored", "The folder where the current TeX system configuration is stored", Custom_Configuration: 0..1, BATCH_Configuration: 0..1, Direct_Configuration: 0..1, Background_Configuration: 0..1, Detached_Configuration: 0..1, isMiKTeX: 0..1, isfpTeX: 0..1, isYandYTeX: 0..1, "The folder where the local TeX system configuration is stored"); Note that the Doc Folder has to contain .rtf files that

are displayed in the Wizard's .rtf control(s). The rest depends on the state of configuration and execution macros for the selected TeX system. For more information consult the macros in WinEdt's Exec\MikTeX folder. In particular, the macro TeXConfig.edt contains your selections pertaining to the execution mode and the macro Create TeX Configuration.edt provides a GUI for custom execution mode... The Startup macro executes TeXConfig.edt in Exec folder. The macro may appear complicated but it was prepared with differen preferences and different TeX systems in mind... Currently only MiKTeX configuration contains the Wizard and it uses a series of macro scripts in WinEdt WinEdt's Exec to launch MiKTeX's executables. The macros in Exec folder have been rewritten and now take into consideration many options that can be determined in the above Wizard... I will shortly prepare a similar setup for fpTeX and YandY TeX. For now they use the old configuration (Options->Configurations Menu). For now I'll wait for feedback regarding the new MiKTeX configuration... fpTeX and YandY TeX do not offer any Wizard or additional Configuration options at this stage... - New Macro for HTML Help: HTMLHelp("Help File.chm", Main_Window_is_the_Owner: 0..1, Mode: 0..5, "Keyword or Link", Get_Keyword: 0..1); If Main Window is the Owner WinEdt cannot be used until the Help Window is closed. Otherwise you can minimize the Help Window and continue to use WinEdt (the HTML Help Window is in Windows Task bar). Mode determines how is the HTML Windows called: 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC HH_DISPLAY_TOC HH_DISPLAY_INDEX HH_DISPLAY_SEARCH HH_KEYWORD_LOOKUP HH_ALINK_LOOKUP

Keyword or Link can be passed in Modes 4 and 5, respectively. Get_Keyword parameter instructs WinEdt to pass the currently selected string as a keyword. It can come handy if you are using MiKTeX's Help for LaTeX which is defined in WinEdt's Menu as the following macro: HTMLHelp("%$('TeX-Root');\doc\latex\help\latex2e.chm",0,4,"",1); It is enabled only if the .chm file exists (should be the case in MiKTeX 2.1). If no word is selected WinEdt passes the current word or TeX command...

If you need more information read MS documentation for HTML Help systems (the above macro is an interface to Windows API)... - The default settings use MiKTeX's HTML Help files (*.chm) which in MiKTeX 2.1 replace the older WinHelp (*.hlp) files. - New Macro(s) for Self-Installation Script(s): CreateLink("Destination", "Link Name", "File Path and Name", "Arguments", "Working Directory", "Description", "Icon Path", "Icon Index"); For more information consult the macro WinShell\Create WinEdt Links.edt Where this macro is being put to the test... GetBuild(Reg: 0..9); GetVersion(Reg: 0..9); GetCaption(Reg: 0..9); Store WinEdt's Version information in the specified register. - New Macro(s) to manipulate a special dialog interface used for WinEdt's Icons and Filetype associations (eg. from the Shell Configuration Wizard): ClearIconList; ShowIconList("Caption"); IfIconChecked(Index: 0..999, Level: 0..2,"Then Macro","Else Macro"); AddIconItem(Checked: 0..1, OpenWith_Checked: 0..1, UseIcon_Checked: 0..1, "Extension (eg. .tex)", "Description Extension (eg. TeX Document)", "Open_IconFilename.ico", "Explorer_IconFile", xChecked: 0..1, xOpenWith_Checked: 0..1, xUseIcon_Checked: 0..1); The last three optional parameters are used if no Item in the interface is checked. This comes handy, when the interface is called for the first time (nothing is associated with WinEdt) to provide the user with suitable defaults (rather than all items being unchecked). The dialog interface is slightly more complicated because it allows you to independently choose if WinEdt should open the files and if the assigned icon should be used in the explorer (that's why there are three levels 0..2 in the IfIconChecked macro). For more information consult the macro WinShell\Create WinEdt Filetypes.edt Where this interface is being put to the test... The Macro OpenIcons(",",",",",","); is no longer there as it has been replaced with the above interface that relies on WinEdt's Macro language rather than

Windows ability to properly execute the .inf scripts... - New Macro IfFileLocked("Filename",flags:00000..11111, "Locked Macro","not Locked Macro","does not exist Macro"); Executes one of the three specified macros depending on the Status of file. Flags from left to right: Sharing: FILE_SHARE_DELETE FILE_SHARE_WRITE FILE_SHARE_READ Access: GENERIC_WRITE GENERIC_READ Used in the new and enhanced PDF macros to solve the problem with Acrobat locking the PDF files... - New Macro RunPrompt RunPrompt("Caption", isMacro: 0..1, isCustomFont: 0..1, isEmpty: 0..1; EraseList: 0..1); It is used in the "Accessories| Run" and "Macros| Define and Run Macro" Menu Items. It maintains a drop-down list of recently executed accessories and macros... - The macro OpenOutput now has an extra parameter Append: 0..1 OpenOutput("File Name", Append: 0..1); - The macro AddCheckList now has an extra parameter Enabled: 0..1 AddCheckList("Check Box Caption", Checked: 0..1, Enabled: 0..1); Add a new item to the list. Up to 999 items are admissible. - The macro Open(...) now has extra parameters: Open("Document Name", Readonly:-1..1, Update: -1..1, "Document Mode", SetFolder: -1..1, Main: 0..1); - the last parameter of the Registry Key Query function has an extended meaning: ' ' - Get the Default Key Value (as before) ' ' - Get the First Subkey Name ' ' - Get the Last Subkey Name This should address the automatic detection of future versions of Ghostscript in Startup.etd. The code is now modified as follows: // Get AFPL Ghostscript from Windows Registry Assign("GS-Version","%@('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE','SOFTWARE','AFPL Ghostscript',' ');"); // Get the last Key!

//? Enter the version explicitly if the above failed to detect the latest inst alled version // Assign("GS-Version","7.00"); Assign("GS-Bin","%@('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE','SOFTWARE','AFPL Ghostscript','%$(|GS -Version|)','GS_DLL');"); Assign("GS-Lib","%@('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE','SOFTWARE','AFPL Ghostscript','%$(|GS -Version|)','GS_LIB');"); GetFilePath("%$('GS-Bin')", 0); Assign("GS-Bin","%!0"); // Prompt("%$('GS-Bin')"); // Debugging - Page specification in the Print dialog now allows %p and %P variables to stand for the Current Page and Total Page numbers, respectively. Parameter %S truncates the string unless Print Selected Text Option is enabled. To enter % use %%... Default: Page %p of %P%S (selected) - OpenProject and CloseProject macros now have an optional parameter _level which allows you to Open only nodes on level less or equal than the specified limit and close only the nodes greater or equal to the specified limit. The Tree Form provides a drop down buttons OpenAll and CloseAll where the dropdown Menu provides and interface to the above macros with levels (0=all) 2 and 3. - Open and Close Project event handlers now allow the specification of two macros: the first one is executed before the project is opened or closed and the other one is executed after. This should address the problem with the default folder after the documents have been restored... - Additional filter to prevent mistaking certain lines in TeX's Log file for c-style errors has been implemented... - A series of problems with using Large System Fonts have been addressed: the Dialogs and Forms (eg. Wizard) are now properly resized to accommodate all controls in different resolutions. Furthermore dropdown boxes and list controls now properly space lines when the font is larger: the items no longer overlap... The Spell Checking dialog now also displays a Cancel and OK button if you make it large enough for each button to fit in the panel on the right of the dialog. - Create User Profile macro has been modified to comply with the new distribution. - Some active strings were referring to %b instead of %B folder which disable their functionality after the User Profile is created. - The "Log File" menu item in the accessories has been renamed to "STD Log File" to make it clear that this document represents a STD Output+Error file captured by WinEdt while executing an application in a detached or background mode... - Enhanced and debugged version of Window switching macro: ActivateNextChild(Direction: -1..1, MDI Order: 0..2, Index: -1..99999);

If the direction is 0 then you can specify the (zero-based) Index. Index=-1 is the last document... The direction can be based on the Tab Index or MDI Order (the same as as in the ListOpenedFiles function). Examples: ActivateNextChild(1,1); toggles between two documents ActivateNextChild(1); Next Tab ActivateNextChild(-1); Previous Tab ActivateNextChild(0,0,0); First Tab ActivateNextChild(0,0,-1); Last Tab ActivateNextChild(1,2); Next MDI Child (Ctrl+Tab) ActivateNextChild(-1,2); Previous MDI Child (Shift+Ctrl+Tab) The last two examples do not change the MDI Order. Others do: the newly activated child gets in front of the others... Note that this macro can be used to redefine the Next and Previous Child functionality. However, the MDI Shortcuts [Shift+]Ctrl+Tab cannot be suppressed and are always interpreted as the MDI Next and Previous commands. Windows Menu now contains the command to switch between documents (note the above restriction when it comes to assigning [Shift+]Ctrl+Tab shortcuts). You can place more such items based on the examples above and assign them shortcuts of your choice... In the new default settings the current document list is now packed in the Submenu at the bottom of the Windows Menu. If you don't like this Start the Menu Setup Dialog and delete the submenu at the end of the Windows Menu. Usually, the filenames are long and unless one uses the Windows Menu to switch between documents often it is best to keep the list in a submenu. The logic is the same as for the File and Project menus: if any of these menus end with an open and non-empty submenu then the list is maintained in this submenu rather than its parent (applies to File, Project and Windows menus, respectively). - A minor extension of the Prompt macro functionality (buttons 4 mode was added): Prompt("Prompt",Type,Buttons: 0..4, "Macro 1","Macro 2","Macro Yes/No: Cancel "); Displays the Dialog Box with the specified Prompt. Macro execution is resumed after the user closes the dialog box... Type: 0: Information 1: Confirmation 2: Warning 3: Error Buttons: 0: OK Cancel (Cancel terminates macro execution) 1: OK 2: OK Cancel (Cancel sets OK flag to 0) 3: Yes No 4: Yes No Cancel (Cancel sets OK flag to 0 and executes the last macro) Depending on the clicked button the associated macro is executed...

- A few extra bitmaps for toolbar and menu and an enhanced appearance of the TeX (lion) icon... - Slightly improved BibTeX templates... - Oddities with Regular Expressions in softly wrapped lines have been addressed... WinEdt 5 [Build 20010613 (v. 5.3)] ================================== - WinEdt Macro Library is now on-line and alive: <> - A problem with saving dictionaries (which could result in a crash during WinEdt's closing cycle) has been finally pinpointed and fixed. - The default settings now display the right margin as a highlighted column for ASCII mode. You can quickly enable such functionality for other modes (or disable it altogether) in the Options -> Highlighting| Columns Dialog Help in that dialog explains the details... - The WinExe macro has been slightly modified: The priority has been removed from the flags and it is now a parameter on its own with admissible values: -1=low 0=normal 1=high - The "Requires File" filter functionality has been extended to prevent accidental compilation of a log (instead of a tex source): If the file is preceded by <foo> then the file existence is only checked if the filename equals foo otherwise the result is false. Thus specifying: <%F>%P\%N.tex?<%F>%P\%N.ltx?<%F>%P\%N.dtx?<%F>%P\%N.ins?<%F>%P\%N.texi as a filter makes sure that the LaTeX button is enabled only if the Main File (or the current document) is one of the above. - WinEdt now allows backup and auto-save specifications such as: C:\your backup folder\%n%t.bak or even %p\Backup folder\%n%t if you want to create a backup folder within a project. The same goes for Auto Saving specification (previous specifications with wildcards remain the same but if there are no wildcards WinEdt now parses the file and creates the specified

backup folder(s) if necessary). - The Insert Overwrite switch now affects how the Block Mode Cut and Paste operation act (as many users were expecting)... - New Macros (not extensively tested): SetTree("Data", Reset_MainFile: 0..1); Tested on the situations below: GetTree(0);InsText("%!0"); *"C:\Alex\WinEdt\Samples\Thesis\Thesis.tex" * "C:\Alex\WinEdt\Samples\Thesis\ABS.tex" * "C:\Alex\WinEdt\Samples\Thesis\ACK.tex" * "C:\Alex\WinEdt\Samples\Thesis\T0.tex" * "C:\Alex\WinEdt\Samples\Thesis\T1.tex" * "C:\Alex\WinEdt\Samples\Thesis\T2.tex" * "C:\Alex\WinEdt\Samples\Thesis\T3.tex" * "C:\Alex\WinEdt\Samples\Thesis\xBib.bib" * "C:\Alex\WinEdt\Samples\Thesis\Thesis.bbl" ListOpenedFiles(0);InsText("%!0"); C:\Alex\Temp\macros2.txt C:\Alex\Temp\macros.txt C:\Alex\Temp\update.txt C:\Alex\Web\download.html C:\Alex\WinEdt\Macros\References\Reference.edt C:\Alex\Temp\x.tex C:\Alex\WinEdt\Samples\Thesis\Thesis.tex C:\Alex\WinEdt\Doc\Macros.txt C:\Program Files\WinEdt\WinEdt.mcr C:\Alex\WinEdt\ C:\Program Files\WinEdt\WinEdt.gdi C:\Program Files\WinEdt\Doc\News.txt -------ListFolderFiles(Reg: 0..9, "Path", "filetype filter", recurse_subfolders: 0..1, relative_path: 0..3); WinEdt 5 [Build 20010402 (v. 5.3)] ================================== - A bug with lost Hard Returns when pasting text in Soft wrapping mode in the middle of the line is fixed. - "-D" Qualifier now produces an enhanced (%B\ which can be used to track down any problems with event handlers (eg. access violation during the exit). - New macros: GetTag(Tag: 0..9, Register: 0..9); SetTag(Tag: 0..9, "Value");

can be used for advanced Search/ Replace Macros. - New Macro: ListOpenedFiles(Register: 0..9, Order Flag: -2..2, "Mode Filter", "Filetype Filter", New: 0..1, Readonly: 0..1); Order Flag: -2 -1 0 1 2 decreasing MDI decreasing Tab cyclic Tabs Increasing Tab Increasing MDI Order (Ctrl+Shift+Tab) Order (Right to Left) Order (Left to Right) Order (Ctrl+Tab)

Filters can be used to select only certain documents. The result is a list of files starting in the first column and separated by CR+LF (EOLN). The list can be iterated with FindInString macro.... - New Macros: ActivateNextChild(Direction: -1..1, MDI Order: 0..1, Index: -1..99999); If the direction is 0 then you can specify the (zero-based) Index. Index=-1 is the last document... The direction can be based on the Tab Index or MDI Order (the same as as in the ListOpenedFiles function). In this group there is also previously existing macro that can be used when iterating through opened documents: ActivateChild("Caption"); WinEdt 5 [Build 20010328 (v. 5.3)] (Spring alpha edition) ========================================================= - A few reported bugs and oddities pertaining to bookmarks have been addressed... - A bug with Popup Gather Window initialized through an external file interface (not WinEdt.gdi) has been fixed [not commonly encountered and not used in the default settings] - Book Marks are now better preserved when a large portion of a document if re-formatted (or a softly wrapped document is wrapped or un-wrapped). - The Appearance| Background Dialog now contains an interface that allows you to set the background color for alternative view (this way the "B" View can be displayed on a gray background alerting you that you are working at an alternative position). The background colors can be chosen from the Colors Common dialog and they do not depend on the 16 colors specified for highlighting in the Preferences| Colors dialog... - Bookmarks require an increased Left Margin specification (in the Preferences| Shell dialog). This may result in an unwanted

illusion that your text is indented. To remedy this problem you can now specify the highlighting (background color) for the bookmarks portion of the left margin by introducing a column with the first column -1 and the last column specifying the margin between highlighted area and the text (values -2..-4 are recommended). This is done in the Highlighting| Columns dialog (the same background as Line Numbers is recommended to keep the screen moderately highlighted). - The Appearance| Advanced Dialog now provides an interface to choose up to 12 different sets of 14x14 bitmaps used for bookmarks. Currently only the default set is provided. However, users that prefer different bitmaps (lighter or darker) should send me a set of 10 14x14 alternative bitmaps of their choice and I'll include them in WinEdt's Default settings... The interface to use them is already there (hurry up with the alternatives!)... Custom bookmarks are loaded from %b or %B \Bitmaps\Bookmarks folder containing files A0.bmp..A9.bmp, ... ,K0.bmp..K9.bmp. - Context Popup Menu on the Left margin now contains Goto commands for all set Bookmarks. - The following macros have been introduced to provide better control of the Error Log file parsing and the execution flow control in compilation macros: ErrorLogUpdate(Force Update: 0..1); Updates the log file... IfLogErrors("Then","Else",noWarnings:0..1); CloseSTDHandle(#0..3); 0 = STD Input 1 = STD Output 2 = STD Error 3 = All (currently opened) - A fix with the ExportDoc macro should take care of nested attributes... - A new macro BookMarkLineNumber(Reg: 0..9, BookmarkIndex: 0..9); stores the line number assigned to the Bookmark Index (-1=not set) in the specified register %!0..%!9. - The meaning of the value -1 and 2 in some Bookmark macro functions has been reversed (from the first release) for the consistency sake (2 usually stands for toggle). The documentation below has been updated with the changes... WinEdt 5 [Build 20010317 (v. 5.3)] (St. Patrick's alpha edition) =============================================================== - A few minor improvements in the default settings (including

some minor fixes to the default macro scripts) - Get Mode Macro now parses the first two lines for the (optional) mode information... - The MDI Open Event handler is executed for New Templates - The "Quit Project" command removes the project from the list of recently opened projects - A new option "Track Files" in the Tree control (the selected node changes to the currently active document)... - A problem with a 512 character limit for environmental variables has been fixed... - GDI (Gather Interface) has an additional parameter for Pages in order to allow Pages always being sorted when displayed (see Doc\Gather.txt for details). - WinEdt now properly parses log files in UNIX format and recognizes extended C-style errors (including the FreePascal error log files). - The Tools Menu now has a new macro item Evaluate Integer Expression: LetRegNum(0,"%S");SetSel(0);Ins(" = %!0"); It uses WinEdt to calculate a selected expression and inserts the result at the end of selected text. WinEdt supports nested expressions with +,-,*, and / operators and standard evaluation rules... - The Menu Setup| Advanced dialog now has an option "Custom Masked Image List Additions" When enabled, this option instructs WinEdt to add images using Windows API rather than Delphi's VCL interface. This fix should accelerate the startup and addresses some problems with extremely long delays and/ or poor quality images in the tool bar or menu. It remains to be seen what is the general result, but on my system loading of bitmaps is decreased from 1 sec. to approx. 0.55 second without any loss of quality... - A new (powerful) macro WinExe: WinExe("Executable","Command Line","Startup Folder","Caption", Flags:000000..111111, Priority: -1..1, "STD Input","STD Output","STD Error"); 0/1 Flags (form left to right): Maximize Application Run in the Background Detached Process Synchronize: wait for the termination before resuming Use STD I/O/Error Handles (if specified by filenames) Use the Startup Directory in the names of redirected STD I/O

Note that this macro allows you to re-direct console application's IO and Error stream to files and thus run such process in a detached mode (often much faster). It can also be used to synchronize sequences of actions, etc... Example: ======== WinExe('','C:\Alex\Delphi\Graphics\netpbm\bin\pngtopnm.exe',> 'C:\Alex\Delphi\Graphics\Temp','NetPbm', > // isMax isBack isDetached doSync StdIO UseDir > 011111,1,> // Input Output Error > 'Image.png',> 'Image.pnm',> ''); End; - Autosaving now allows you to use the Alteration measure as a trigger for saving: the Alteration counter is increased when a line is modified and a new position is in some other line or when a group of actions is completed (pretty much based on the information in the Undo buffer). Some commands such as inserting or deleting a string in a paragraph with auto wrapping on can trigger two alterations. When the Alteration count exceeds a threshold specified in the Preferences| Backup Dialog the Autosaving takes place (and the Alteration counter is reset back to 0). Furthermore, if you choose to redirect auto-save to files with a different extension (eg. *.*.sav or *.aus) you can instruct WinEdt to delete such files when the real file is saved or when WinEdt is closed. Such Autosaving can be combined with the existing one triggered by a timer (if you really want to be on a safe side)... - Support for 10 bookmarks per document with visual feedback: Before taking advantage of this feature you should increase the left margin in Options->Preferences| Shell Dialog to at least 14 (required for visual feedback) WinEdt implements the following macros that can be used to implement a custom Bookmark Keyboard interface of your choice: SetBookMark(Index: -1..9); GOTOBookMark(Index: -1..10, Center Line: 0..2, Extend Selection [if not greater than]: 0..15); ClearBookMarks(All Documents: 0..1); BookMarkLineNumber(Reg: 0..9, BookmarkIndex: 0..9); If the Center Line Parameter is set to 2 then the line is centered only if it is not visible while 0 completely suppresses line centering... Once you set the bookmark, the corresponding line is marked by an icon displaying the index of the bookmark. Bookmarks are floating (ie. they move if the text is inserted or deleted anywhere previous to the marked position). By default the following Keyboard interface has been implemented:

Ctrl+Alt+0..9: Ctrl+0..9:

SetBookMark(0..9); GOTOBookMark(0..9,1,0);

Currently no Shortcut assigned: SetBookMark(-1); - Use (or GOTOBookMark(-1,1,0) GOTOBookMark(10,1,0) the first available Book Mark 9 if all bookmarks are assigned) Go to The Previous Bookmark (Backward) Go to The Next Bookmark (Forward)

Note, however, that you can place these commands in an invisible Popup Menu and provide a double-shortcut scheme that you may be accustomed to from some other environment. To remove a bookmark you have to assign the same bookmark while you are in the marked line. In particular, marking the place twice adds and removes the bookmark... Alternatively you can assign the Macro ClearBookMarks to the shortcut of your choice. Bookmarks are preserved in WinEdt's Project file(s) if the corresponding option in the Preferences| Project dialog is enabled... Known Issue: Heavy Undoing and Redoing can result in misplaced bookmarks inside a paragraph (especially when auto wrapping is turned on). Solution: manually correct the bookmark after such undoing (if necessary). - In addition to Bookmarks, WinEdt maintains two different views of the same document. Although this functionality currently falls short of displaying split Windows with two different text segments it comes with a handy interface: The first panel in the status line displays the letter "A" or "B" for the primary and secondary view of the file. Clicking on this panel allows you to jump from one to another view with a single click. This can come in handy if you want to copy and paste some text segment into another position or if you are working on two places simultaneously. The view contains information about the selected text as well, and it is preserved in WinEdt's Project file (similarly to bookmarks). ChangeView(Flag: -1..2, Set View: 0..1, Center: 0..1); Flag: -1 - don't change the current view 0 - primary view (A) 1 - secondary view (B) 2 - toggle view Set View: 1 - (set the alternative view to the current view: makes sense with the flag -1) Center: 0 = never 1 = only if not visible on the screen 2 = always (if the line changes)

If clicking on the Status Line Panel is not your preferred interface, you can assign a shortcut of your choice to the Macro Menu Item ChangeView(2);

To make the first status line panel in an upgraded version of WinEdt visible, specify a non-empty string (eg. A) in the Appearance| Status Line Dialog. Remark: there is a good reason for WinEdt not yet simultaneously maintaining two different views on the screen. Such functionality will require an extra layer in WinEdt's screen management routines, and its implementation is not straightforward. A large chunk of complicated code will have to be rewritten, with lots of testing to be done before the result performs reasonably well on different platforms. For now I've decided against it but it remains on my to-do list... - The following macro has been introduced to add Line Numbers on the left of the text: ShowLineNumbers(Visible: 0..2); // Invisible=0 Visible=1 Toggle=2 Line numbers are displayed on the screen for reference, but they are not inserted in the text. NB: WinEdt also has a very different command "Enumerate Lines..." which inserts line numbers in the text (or selected block). This command modifies the text and has to be used with care (only if you really want the numbers to be inserted in your document)... By default the command is in the Tools Menu. The displayed line numbers are highlighted as specified in the Highlighting| Columns dialog: the first enabled column scheme with the first and the last column specified as 0 is applied. Note that selecting a dark background can result in flickering when the page is scrolled (choose a light background color). Right-clicking on the left margin (in the child window) brings up a popup menu that can be used to Erase the bookmarks and Toggle the presence of the Line Numbers. - A new macro interface for Save All functionality allows more demanding users to customize this action: SaveAll(Confirm: 0..1, Focus: 0..1, Project Files Only: 0..1, New Documents: 0..1, Readonly Documents: 0..1); With Confirm Option the macro prompts with a All/Yes/No/Cancel confirmation dialog. The document to which the confirmation applies is (optionally) brought in the foreground. The Project Files Only options determine if the Save All applies only to the files that are currently in the Project Tree... The remaining two (optional) parameters enable the action for new and readonly documents (respectively). - Occasionally you may want to export a document in some other format while preserving the highlighting scheme as used by WinEdt. This can be done through a macro ExportDoc. Below is an example of usage of this macro that exports a document in HTML

format. Note that this macro does not perform any conversion on the TeX<->HTML level (or anything of this kind); it simply exports ASCII text with highlighting attributes as used by WinEdt. The example below is best viewed in <pre>...</pre> or <tt>...</tt> HTML environment. The macro does not provide any header or trailer and the resulting file has to be embedded in an HTML document: // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // Export Highlighted Document in HTML Format If the filename is missing then Output File is considered: if previously opened with OpenOutput Macro in this case the file has to be closed with CloseOutput... RGB: 0 1 3 4 = = = = HEX FF0000 (Red) DEC 255 0 0 (Red) PERCENT 100 0 0 (Red) Fraction 1.00 0.00 0.00 (Red)

Color Delimiter has to be entered for 1..3: in out example ' ' is specified as RGB delimiter HTML_Export Translation Table should be defined to take care of: """" -> "&quot;" " " -> "&nbsp;" "&" -> "&amp;" "<" -> "&lt;" ">" -> "&gt;" // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // Output File<> HEX RGB Format<> RGB Color: Delimiter<> RGB Color: Trailing String<> RGB Color: Start + RGB<> RGB Color: End<> Font: Start Italic<> Font: End Italic<> Font: Start Bold<> Font: End Bold<> Font: Start Underline<> Font: End Underline<> Font: Start Strikeout<> Font: End Strikeout<> Line Break (or '' if inside <pre> ... </pre>)<> Translation Table: Char -> String!!!

ExportDoc('%f.html', 0, '', '">', '<font color="#', '</font>', '<i>', '</i>', '<b>', '</b>', '<u>', '</u>', '<s>', '</s>', '<br>', 'HTML_Export'); End;

- Note that comments at the end of concatenated lines are now admissible if the line ends with <> (as in the example above). The line end >> strips the comment (if any) starting from the left margin while <> searches for the comment backward... - The Macros ExtractSettings and LoadSettings now have optional parameters that can be used to export and import only selected components. Parameters:

Filename, Selected Items Flag: 0..1 // 1 = use the rest of parameters Errors: 0..1 Wrapping: 0..1 Comments: 0..1 Word Count: 0..1 Sounds: 0..1 Static Data: 0..1 The data has to be exported with the same parameters as used in the import function. Note that this allows (advanced users) to quickly change the Error Processing data (once they prepare and export alternative settings)... ______________________________________________________________________________ WinEdt 5 [Build 20001220 (v. 5.2)] ================================== - A bug in the "Create Personal Profile.edt" macro has been fixed: LetReg(2,"%@('HKEY_CURRENT_USER','Software', 'WinEdt', 'INIT');"); should be LetReg(2,"%@('HKEY_CURRENT_USER','Software', 'WinEdt', 'INIT', ' ');"); - A bug with non-existent (subsequently deleted or moved) files persisting in the file list is fixed... - A new macro: ChangeKeyboard(Iterate: -99..99; Flag: -1..1); Interface to Windows ActivateKeyboardLayout API function. See: ...Doc\Macros.txt for the full description. - Some changes to prevent problems during the first activation have been made to the "...Config\WinEdt-Env.edt" macro and the Configuration Wizard initialization code... WinEdt 5 [Build 20001215 (v. 5.2)] ================================== - The problem with non-default Code Pages in the Spelling dialog has been fixed. Dialogs that use the "Custom Font" now use proper Script in the Combo and List Boxes. This problem was particularly obvious with the Spell Checking Suggestions which may not be displayed properly when the dictionary did not use the default ANSI encoding. To further address this problem the Spell Checking Dialog now has an option which determines if the Caption of the Suggestions dialog reflects the current selection. The font in the Caption cannot be customized and words encoded in non-standard scripts are not properly displayed in the Caption. In this case simply disable the Option "Use Caption"...

The above changes only affect some users with non-Western version of Windows (eg. cp1250). ____________________________________________________________________ WinEdt 5 [Build 20001213 (v. 5.2)] ================================== This is the official release of WinEdt 5 with enhanced settings and additional configurations. The code for this release has been patched with fixes for all reported problems encountered in WinEdt 5.1 on different platforms. Here is the summary of (major) new features and recent additions: - New Macros: CreateFolders("Folder", CreatePath: 0..1); CopyFile("Source", "Destination", Overwrite: 0..1, CreatePath: 0..1); MoveFile("Source", "Destination"); DeleteFile("Filename"); RemoveDirectory("Directory Name"); SetEnvVar("Name","String Value"); SetWinEdtRegStr("String Name","String Value"); SetRegKey("HKEY_...","Key1\Key2...","String Value"); SetRegStr("HKEY_...","Key1\Key2...","String Name","String Value"); RegDeleteKey("HKEY_...","Key1\Key2...","Delete Key Name"); RegDeleteValue("HKEY_...","Key1\Key2...","Delete Value Name"); Registry Handle must specify one of the following reserved handles (case sensitive): HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT HKEY_CURRENT_USER HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE HKEY_USERS Some of these macros are used in the new Network installation macro to create local WinEdt folder(s) and copy the User Application Data. WARNING: Use with care (or if you are not experience don't use them at all in your custom macro scripts...)! - "Direct" configurations for MiKTeX and fpTeX have been reinstated in the Options| Configurations Dialog. These configurations are "safe" because they do not rely on BATCH files that may be problematic on certain platforms. If you are experiencing problems with the default configuration execute the "MiKTeX Direct!" command in order to update the accessories menu (the same goes for fpTeX users). - The Restore macros in WinEdt's Options| Configurations Menu now allow users to select the components that are to be Restored. This can come handy when you upgrade and want to keep your custom settings but may still want to upgrade certain individual menus to their new default contents and

appearance... For more information consult the ".txt" files in WinEdt's Config folders... - A column of buttons with frequent actions (Replace, Global Replace, Add) has been reinstated in the Spell Checking Dialog (popular demand) - FindInString Macro is now much faster (especially for large strings). - A bug with the "Erase Working Files" Mode Filter is fixed (submodes were not handled properly!) - A bug with numeric expressions (parameters for macros) containing brackets is fixed. - The LetRegNum macro has been enhanced to allow basic formatting of the string: LetRegNum(StrRegister: 0..9, Num_Expression; Length: 0..99; Leading Zeros: 0..99); - The macro Mark(Scope) now traces the Bookmark after the paragraph is formatted (previous behavior resulted in oddities with some Macros in the Default Insert Menu). - The Macro IfFileExists("\"); returned true which prevented the Startup macro from detecting certain TeX installations (MiKTeX users should not be affected). - A Context Popup Menu in the Search/ Replace Dialogs now has an option for "Auto Scope" selection... - A bug (refresh oddity) with Showing Hard returns has been fixed. - A bug with missing %%PATH%% in Config\WinEdt-Env.edt has been fixed... - Help and the Doc folder have been seriously updated! ____________________________________________________________________ The following new macros have been implemented and are used in the default setup: EraseWorkingFiles("Interface.edt","Startup Folder","Caption",Subfolders: -1..1) ; This macro displays a dialog box with a checkbox list of files to be deleted. The list is based on the macro script specified as the first parameter. The default "Erase Output Files" item in the Accessories Menu is defined as: EraseWorkingFiles("%B\Bin\Erase Working Files.edt", "%P","Erase Output Files",0); The default ("%B\Bin\Erase Working Files.edt") Interface looks like: // Erase Working Files Interface

// ============================= // // Modify the default in this value (if needed): // // AddFileItem(Enabled: 0..1, "Description","Filename","Mode Filter "); // // Use the macro EraseWorkingFiles to invoke a GUI for this interface: // // EraseWorkingFiles("Interace.edt","Mode Filter","Caption", Subfol ders: -1..1); AddFileItem(1,"DVI AddFileItem(1,"PDF AddFileItem(1,"PS AddFileItem(1,"TOC File","%N.dvi","TeX"); File","%N.pdf","TeX"); File","","TeX"); Files","%N.toc","TeX");

AddFileItem(1,"LOG File","%N.log",""); AddFileItem(1,"TMP Files","*.tmp",""); AddFileItem(0,"BAK Files","*.bak",""); AddFileItem(1,"AUX AddFileItem(1,"BBL AddFileItem(1,"BLG AddFileItem(1,"IDX AddFileItem(1,"IND AddFileItem(1,"ILG AddFileItem(1,"GLS AddFileItem(1,"GLO AddFileItem(1,"LOF AddFileItem(1,"LOT End; AddFileItem(Enabled: 0..1, "Description","Filename","Mode Filter"); Used in the Interface for EraseWorkingFiles... For more information Consult the Help in the Dialog. ____________________________________________________________________ ShowCheckList("Caption", Width: 300..1000, Height: 250..1000); This macro displays a dialog containing a check-box list. The contents of the list and the actions taken depending on which box is checked are user-definable with the macros that follow: ClearCheckList; Erase the checkbox list. AddCheckList("Check Box Caption", Checked: 0..1); Add a new item to the list. Up to 999 items are admissible. IfChecked(Index: 0..999, "Then Macro", "Else Macro"); After the dialog has been executed an action depending on which box is checked can be specified. Example: ======== Files","*.aux","TeX"); Files","*.bbl","TeX"); Files","*.blg","TeX"); Files","*.idx","TeX"); Files","*.ind","TeX"); Files","*.ilg","TeX"); Files","*.gls","TeX"); Files","*.glo","TeX"); Files","*.lof","TeX"); Files","*.lot","TeX");

For real examples check the macros _Backup.edt and _Restore.edt in WinEdt's ...Config\Default folder. // Update selected Main Menu Components Requires(20001122); ClearCheckList; AddCheckList('Main Menu (Complete)',1); AddCheckList(' Main Menu: Shortcuts',1); AddCheckList(' Main Menu: Alternatives',1); AddCheckList(' Main Menu: &File',1); AddCheckList(' Main Menu: &Edit',1); AddCheckList(' Main Menu: &Search',1); AddCheckList(' Main Menu: &Project',1); AddCheckList(' Main Menu: &Insert',1); AddCheckList(' Main Menu: &Tools',1); AddCheckList(' Main Menu: &Macros',1); AddCheckList(' Main Menu: &Accessories',1); AddCheckList(' Main Menu: &Options',1); AddCheckList(' Main Menu: &Window',1); AddCheckList(' Main Menu: &Help',1); // Show the selection ShowCheckList('Default Components',300,300); // Upgrade IfOK IfOK('','Exit'); LetReg(0,'21'); IfChecked(%!0+0,"LoadMenus('Main Menu.dat');",> !|> IfChecked(%!0+ 1,"AddMenus('Main Menu Shortcuts.dat')");> IfChecked(%!0+ 2,"AddMenus('Main Menu Alternatives.dat')");> IfChecked(%!0+ 3,"AddMenus('Main Menu &File.dat')");> IfChecked(%!0+ 4,"AddMenus('Main Menu &Edit.dat')");> IfChecked(%!0+ 5,"AddMenus('Main Menu &Search.dat')");> IfChecked(%!0+ 6,"AddMenus('Main Menu &Project.dat')");> IfChecked(%!0+ 7,"AddMenus('Main Menu &Insert.dat')");> IfChecked(%!0+ 8,"AddMenus('Main Menu &Tools.dat')");> IfChecked(%!0+ 9,"AddMenus('Main Menu &Macros.dat')");> IfChecked(%!0+10,"AddMenus('Main Menu &Accessories.dat')");> IfChecked(%!0+11,"AddMenus('Main Menu &Options.dat')");> IfChecked(%!0+12,"AddMenus('Main Menu &Window.dat')");> IfChecked(%!0+13,"AddMenus('Main Menu &Help.dat')");> |); Prompt('Selected menus have been successfully upgraded.',0,1); End; ____________________________________________________________________ WinEdt 5 [Build 20001115 (v. 5.2)] ================================== - The documentation and Help have been updated with the information relevant for this version of the program...

The Help file now displays important information and examples in Courier New font which (hopefully) makes it much easier to read. - A default response for active strings \cite{} and \ref{} (used for cross referencing) has been modified to bring up a popup (resizable) form that allows keyboard interface to locate the label or tag in the list of collected items. The file(s): %B\Macros\Active Strings\Cite.edt %B\Macros\Active Strings\Ref.edt define the detailed behavior of the interface. The following macro function has been implemented (and is called in the above macro scripts) to allow this new functionality: GDIPopup("Page","Caption", Refresh,Sort,Track_onClick,Track_onDblClick,OK_onDblClick:0..1); Depending on the size of your project and the speed of your computer you may have to turn the Refresh in the default settings off if you find the response too slow... - A nice (mode-sensitive) GUI for "Erase Working Files" command has been implemented. The default Erase Working Files item in WinEdt's Accessories Menu is no longer defined as a call to the Batch file but calls the macro: EraseWorkingFiles("%B\Bin\Erase Working Files.edt", "%P","Erase Output Files",0); For more details consult the macro interface "%B\Bin\Erase Working Files.edt" which can be modified for your particular needs... - The spell checking dialog has been redesigned: It no longer has two rows of buttons (which are not a suitable interface for too many actions). Instead it provides a menu with pre-defined shortcuts for (grouped) actions. The dialog is now user-resizable. I know that some users might prefer buttons but having 10 buttons stacked at the side of a dialog (plus a mysterious popup context menu with [hard-to-find] options) is a poor GUI design and the change is final. After a while you'll see that most common responses are Enter (Replace) or ESC (Cancel) and/ or Alt+R,G,I,A (for Replace, Global Replace, Ignore, and Add actions) and until you get used to them you can always choose the required action from the Actions Menu in the Dialog (using either a mouse or a keyboard interface). For consistency's sake the Complete Word dialog is now also user-resizable... - A major new feature (lacking in the official release of WinEdt 5.1) is the ability of tracking the input files from [La]TeX's log file. This is now implemented. Thus MiKTeX users no longer have to use any "src*.sty" packages or non-standard input

directives (such as \Input) in order to make WinEdt properly locate a sub-document containing an error... - The default shortcut for the Cancel command has been changed from ESC to Shift+ESC in order prevent unwanted cancellation of message boxes or modal dialogs that might have been displayed during the cancelled operation. Note that the execution of out-of-control macros and lengthy operations that might have gone out of control can be Cancelled by pressing and holding the Shift+ESC key (rather than killing WinEdt)... - The Preferences| Editor Dialog has an option "Smart Line Centering". When enabled it prevents the Find, Replace, Spell Word, Complete Word and Paragraph/Up/Down commands to center the line if the line is already visible on the screen thus reducing the unwanted (and sometimes distracting) jumps... - The Preferences| Backup Dialog has two new Options pertaining to file sharing. - The "Save" command is now enabled for New documents (even if they are not modified). The "Save All" command gets disabled when no document needs saving. Note that the Option "Save All Applies to New documents" in the Preferences| Saving Dialog affects the saving of new documents with the Save All command. By default it is disabled (in 5.1 it does not work properly when enabled and the new documents are usually exempt from saving regardless of the above preference- this has now been fixed)... - A (tricky) bug with files being removed from the File List when the Gather interface was collecting items in non-opened files is fixed. - The "EDT" mode for writing WinEdt macros (highlighting, spelling, and code-completion) is now included with the default settings together with an enhanced and updated HTML mode. - WinEdt 5.2 is MiKTeX 2.x aware. It also provides basic configurations for fpTeX (web2c) and YandY TeX (see the Options| Configurations Menu)... - The default settings provide an interface to many PDF conversion utilities (as well as MiKTeX's TeXify utility that can compile and process documents as required)... An interface to AMS TeX is also provided (amstex is included in MiKTeX 2.0). - The Options Menu provides (macro) items that allow you to associate WinEdt with certain file types. There is also a set of commands (macros) that install TeX Icons (making TeX feel more at home on Windows platform). Read the associated ".txt" files in the Options Menu for more details... - Changes to the Startup macro make it easier to fix and diagnose problems related to the location of TeX accessories and the value of the PATH environmental variable. - Network and Multi-user configurations have been automated and

WinEdt can create personal profiles for users transparently. Read the file 0Readme.txt in WinEdt's Network folder for more information on such installations. - Numerous enhancements to the default settings and WinEdt's Menu and GUI have been implemented for this release (eg. a more consistent use of menu icons and slightly redesigned tool bar). - The Configuration Wizard (see WinEdt's Help Menu) now provides more detailed diagnosis and instructions when certain TeX components cannot be detected... - The default settings define [Exe("%B\Macros\GetMode.edt")] as the MDI Open Macro event handler in the Preferences| Events dialog. This macro determines the mode of the document from the comment in the first line (if present)- emacs convention. For more details and examples check out the "...Macros\GetMode.txt" document. - Samples in the Macros folder have been extended and updated... - The Menu Setup dialog now allows an option "Invisible Item" that can be used to make any item invisible (hardly ever needed but it's there just in case). - WinEdt now comes with a larger English dictionary containing US and UK spelling conventions (before it was only available as a separate download). Check the file English.txt in WinEdt's Dict\English folder... - The filters for enabling accessories have been changed (hopefully for the better but let me know if you experience problems): still better make changes to the "Requires File" filter in the Menu Setup and let me know why the default settings were not acceptable for you... --------------------------------------The following new macro functions have been implemented since the release of WinEdt 5.1: SetErrorFlag(isError: 0..2); GDIReset; GDISort; GDICopy; LoadPrint("Filename"); ExtractPrint("Filename"); QuitWinEdt; SetSaveWinEdtConfig(AutoSave_onExit: 0..1); ShowHardReturns(Visible: 0..2); GDIPopup("Page","Caption",Refresh,Sort,Track_onClick,Track_onDblClick,OK_onD blClick:0..1); SetSort(Ascending,Case_Sensitive,Ignore_Length,Remove_Duplicates: #-1..1);

SaveSort; RestoreSort; EraseWorkingFiles("Interace.edt","Mode Filter","Caption",Subfolders: -1..1); AddFileItem(Enabled: 0..1, "Description","Filename","Mode Filter"); Additional parameters for the Run macro: Run("Command Line","Startup Directory", Maximized,Background: 0..1,"Caption",Focus,Append: 0..1); Additional parameters for the Open macro: Open("Document Name", Readonly:-1..1, Update: -1..1, "Document Mode"); ____________________________________________________________________ WinEdt 5 [Build 20000415 (v. 5.1)] ================================== April 2000: =========== The alpha and beta versions of the next major release of WinEdt have been around for over a year under the name WinEdt 2000 or WinEdt2K. Unfortunately, this name caused WinEdt to be frequently mistaken for another program: programmers code editor WinEdit 2000. The misunderstandings were made even more frequent because of the similarity of the www address: WinEdt <> WinEdit and <> !!!

After quite some feedback from WinEdt's Mailing List the decision was made to simply call the next release with its version number (rather than any suffix such as 2000, 2K, or +). The old version enumeration method (inspired by Knuth's method of labeling versions of TeX with digits of pi) was to add the next digit of sqrt(2) and use the approximation as WinEdt's version identifier. The current release would be 1.4142. However, this method is getting a bit confusing since many users fail to recognize the significance of the last digit(s). That's why a "standard" version enumeration is being adopted from here on. This being the fifth major release of WinEdt, the program is now officially called "WinEdt 5". The Build and Version number (v. 5.1) as displayed in the About Dialog identifies the date when the program was compiled and it could be used to unambiguously identify your instance of the program. This information can now be copied from WinEdt's About Dialog into the clipboard (use the popup context menu responding to the right-mouse clicks on the Build Edit control in the About Dialog!). ____________________________________________________________________ Build 20000415: =============== Minor default setup problem with the Exit procedure has been

fixed. IfOK macro now detects the status of execution for Delimiter Match and most other editor commands (I did not extensively test it-- hopefully it works)... A (rare) problem with Focusing WinEdt when Windows Open Dialog was visible and a document was opened through the explorer interface (right-click+popup context menu) is fixed. The problem was not commonly observed because most users double-click on the selected files in the Open Dialog and only occasionally would one use the explorer functionality in the Open Common Dialog... ____________________________________________________________________ Build 20000413: =============== Minor improvements to the default settings and documentation... The Help File has been updated and re-compiled... The file Macros.txt has been updated with accurate information pertaining to the current state of WinEdt's Macro Language... A bug with the automatic update of externally modified files has been fixed. New Macros: SaveFind; RestoreFind; can be used to save and restore the Search attributes. The active strings in HTML Mode have been modified to restore previous Search attributes after performing a backward RegEx search... If the folder is specified in Exe("Macro File Name", "Default Directory"); the default folder previous to the execution of the macro is restored before the macro returns. Thus the configuration macros in WinEdt's Options Menu no longer change your working directory. The default settings now have the Option "Ignore Metrics" in the context popup menu corresponding to the Preferences| Font Dialog enabled. This in some cases speeds up the screen refreshing and should not cause any problems if you are using truly monospaced font. If you observe any screen refresh oddities disable this option and let me know what font you are using in WinEdt. ____________________________________________________________________

Build 20000405: =============== Some (minor) fixes recently discussed on the mailing list... A few enhancements to the default settings (new menu images)... WinEdt's Gather Interface can now collect items in the files belonging to the project tree without opening all the documents. See "...Doc\Gahter.txt" for more details on the new functionality, the purpose of bullets in front of the collected items and a few examples... The default settings in this version illustrate how one can quickly change the font through a pre-defined menu commands. There is a sample Options| Font Menu with a few predefined fonts and the instructions ("...Config\Fonts\0Readme.txt") on how to prepare more... The pdf macros now use DDE to close all the documents in the Acrobat Reader to prevent the file access conflict between pdflatex or dvipdfm and the AcroRd32. The following new Macros have been implemented: GetLine(Reg: 0..9, Line: 1..16000000); Store the line in the current document into the specified register. GetTree(Reg: 0..9); Stores the current Tree into the String. Can be used to iterate through the project files and perform tasks on them... Example: *"C:\Program Files\WinEdt\Samples\Thesis\Thesis.tex" * "C:\Program Files\WinEdt\Config\ABS.tex" * "C:\Program Files\WinEdt\Config\ACK.tex" * "C:\Program Files\WinEdt\Config\T0.tex" * "C:\Program Files\WinEdt\Config\T1.tex" * "C:\Program Files\WinEdt\Config\T2.tex" * "C:\Program Files\WinEdt\Config\T3.tex" * "C:\Program Files\WinEdt\Config\xBib.bib" * "C:\Program Files\WinEdt\Config\Thesis.bbl" In the Project| Events Dialog there is now a new event handler: MDI Open Document New macros to set the event handlers have been implemented: SetOnMDIOpen("); SetOnMDIActivate("); SetOnStartup("); SetOnExit("); SetOnPrjOpen("); SetOnPrjClose("); For example, by default the Startup Macro is set to [Exe('%B\Config\Startup.edt')] which in turn defines

SetOnExit("[Exe('%B\Config\Exit.edt')]"); // Cleanup on Exit... ____________________________________________________________________ Build 20000329 contains a few fixes: ==================================== Some (minor) fixes recently discussed on the mailing list... There are now 250 (rather than 100) available buttons for the ToolBar and Menu Images. By default only the first 100 are used. Better delimiter matching for toggled delimiters such as $...$ in TeX documents. Custom Translation Tables for Sorting... ____________________________________________________________________ Build 20000319 contains a few fixes: ==================================== An attempt to fix recent problems with the Scroll Wheel has been made (it appears that an old bug in Delphi's VCL has returned to haunt me). The Option for "Custom Wheel Response" has been moved to the Appearance| Advanced Dialog and the Wheel should now work regardless of this option if you have a recent enough mouse driver or else the Custom Response should make the Wheel Work with older drivers. Those that reported problems please let me know... Also the Refresh oddity when switching between maximized MDI windows by pressing Tabs should now be fixed. The Preferences| Save Dialog now hosts most of the options pertaining to Saving (which were before scattered around for historic reasons and many users were not able to find them). Help update pending... The Panels that host docked controls have now been modified so as to prevent users from shrinking them to the size 0 (which was causing problems and was puzzling a few users). ____________________________________________________________________ Build 20000316 contains a few enhancements and fixes: ===================================================== WinEdt now provides a custom response to the mouse Scroll Wheel (if required due to an obsolete device driver). WinEdt now allows language sensitive sorting (including custom compare tables). A bug with the SendMessage macro (it used to call the

PostMessage function) is now fixed and the new PDFLaTeX.edt macro should now work on all versions of Acrobat Reader... A bug with the (NOT) Required File field has been fixed: useful for the CS-RCS setup... The contents of the Preferences Dialog has been slightly re-arranged (hopefully for the better) based on the responses from a few users that could not find certain options. The appearance of (custom) buttons and bitmaps in dialogs has been improved... The Context Menu corresponding to the tabs now contains a "Close File" command that can be used to close any document by right-clicking on its Tab and choosing this menu command... The Select Paragraph Command has been modified to indented paragraphs (even when the option "Format Lines" is disabled). This change also affects the "Format Paragraph": after thinking about it for a realized that this change makes sense... select Indented command while I

____________________________________________________________________ Build 20000309 contains two major bug fixes: ============================================ - Changing the "Hot Track" or the "Custom Colors" property of the Document Tabs from the Context Popup Menu resulted in disabled and invisible Tabs (and a consequent crash when exiting WinEdt): fixed! - Horizontal Scroll Bar in documents was not working at all: fixed! Both Bugs were introduced in the Build: 20000308... ____________________________________________________________________ Build 20000308: =============== The following problems have been addressed for for this Build: - A (critical!) bug with scrolling in docked Gather form is fixed - An error in macros for insertion of matrices and arrays have been fixed (a missing ")"), - WinEdt now allows more than one row of document tabs. There is a new option in the Appearance| Tabs Dialog that controls this behavior. The Tab control gets automatically re-sized. Although with 50+ document tabs the control produces some visual flickering when adding or removing new document tabs (depends on your hardware) it can still come handy for users that want direct access to a few dozen opened files (assuming

they have a large enough screen to use the upper space for 3 or 4 rows of document tabs). - Most WinEdt's Modal dialogs now center with respect to the Main Form rather than the screen. Also the "Parent Font" inheritance have been disabled in some dialogs to prevent odd alignment of buttons in dialogs as experienced by users that use larger default fonts... - A minor problem with rearranging the tool bar and dropping the buttons on the left edge has been fixed. This might have to do with the two reported spaces on the left of the first button... - In the Syntax Highlighting Dialog -> Columns, the heading says Highligted columns (missing h): fixed... - A bug with the ghost caret after scrolling by clicking on the scroll bars is fixed. - The email and www field in WinEdt's About box now respond to clicks (made possible by the macros below and the ShellExecute macro function)... - The following new macro functions have been implemented: SetFolder("Path"); SetEnvVar("Name","String Value"); SetRegKey("KEY_...","Key1\Key2...","String Value"); SetRegStr("KEY_...","Key1\Key2...","Strung Name","String Value"); SetWinEdtRegStr("String Name","String Value"); SendMail("Subject","Text","Recipients","Attachments"); For example: ============ SendMail('Test Message',"Attached is WinEdt.txt",> "WinEdt Team|","%F|WinEdt.txt"); You can specify more than one recipient or attachment (separate up to 1024 items by semi-columns ;) The second optional filename, following the bar |, is the one that the recipient sees... All parameters are optional and can be entered or modified once the e-mail client is started. If a recipient is preceded by "*" or "?" the massage is CC'd or BCC'd (respectively) to that address: "WinEdt Team|;*Alex|" IMPORTANT: The MAPISendFunction (and the rest of the MAPI interface on which the default WinEdt's Send Mail command and macro rely) does not work unless the Windows Registry contains the string MAPI with value "1". This can be checked and set from within WinEdt with:

// Returns the value 1? %@("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE","SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem","MAPI "); // Sets the value to 1 SetRegStr("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",> "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem", "MAPI", "1"); If WinEdt's Send Mail Command fails and WinEdt detects the absence of the above Registry Entry the user is prompted to allow WinEdt to add the value and restart the program. The lack of this registry key indicates that your email client may not support MAPI in which case the above fix won't make any difference. However, in some cases it is possible that although your email client has a sufficient MAPI functionality to allow WinEdt to send email messages the registry was not appropriately modified during its installation. The above fix will enable the MAPI functionality (assuming that it is supported by your email program). For example, the registry entry may have been deleted when you uninstall some other email client that you are not using (eg. Outlook Express)... ____________________________________________________________________ WinEdt 5 [pre-release, beta and alpha history (v. 5.0)] ======================================================= The alpha and beta versions of the next major release of WinEdt have been around for over eight months under the name WinEdt 2000 or WinEdt2K. Unfortunately, this name caused WinEdt to be frequently mistaken for another program: programmers code editor WinEdit 2000. The misunderstandings were made even more frequent because of the similarity of the www address: WinEdt <> WinEdit and <> !!!

After quite some feedback from WinEdt's Mailing List the decision was made to simply call the next release with its version number (rather than any suffix such as 2000, 2K, or +). The old version enumeration method (inspired by Knuth's method of labeling versions of TeX with digits of pi) was to add the next digit of sqrt(2) and use the approximation as WinEdt's version identifier. The current release would be 1.4142. However, this method is getting a bit confusing since many users fail to recognize the significance of the last digit(s). That's why a "standard" version enumeration is being adopted from here on. This being the fifth major release of WinEdt, the program is now officially called "WinEdt 5". The Build and Version number (v. 5.1) as displayed in the About Dialog identifies the date when the program was compiled and it could be used to unambiguously identify your instance of the program. This information can now be copied from WinEdt's About Dialog into the clipboard (use the popup context menu responding to the right-mouse clicks on the Build Edit control in the About Dialog!). ____________________________________________________________________

The Build: 20000309 contains two major bug fixes: ================================================= - Changing the "Hot Track" or the "Custom Colors" property of the Document Tabs from the Context Popup Menu resulted in disabled and invisible Tabs (and a consequent crash when exiting WinEdt): fixed! - Horizontal Scroll Bar in documents was not working at all: fixed! Both Bugs were introduced in the Build: 20000308... If you've installed WinEdt 5 [Build: 20000308] you can only download the basic Patch and Upgrade to WinEdt 5 and unzip the archive over your existing WinEdt 5 installation! ____________________________________________________________________ Below is a complete history of additions and fixes since the release of WinEdt32: What's new since release 1.414 19-8 (October 1998)? =================================================== May 1999: --------Bug Fixes: - access violation with entering the Main Document directly in the project setup dialog... - infinite loop with certain "Replace All" regular expressions has been fixed - a bug with saving documents even when they are not modified when launching a utility (such as LaTeX) is fixed... - a rare problem with scroll bars on Win95 has been reported to be fixed (scroll bars were not visible in child windows and the page down command caused an access violation) - over 20 reported (minor) oddities and bugs has been fixed (hopefully without introducing any new problems) New features: - Most dialogs are now equipped with Buttons and Tool Bars that provide alternative access to the commands available in Context Popup Menus. Many users were not comfortable with the Context Menus (right mouse clicks) and additional interface hopefully makes the program more intuitive.... - Project Management: WinEdt now allows you to to save currently opened files and desktop to "*.prj" files. The file-list is no longer stored in WinEdt.ini but in the project files that can be opened, created and restored through the newly introduced Project Management Commands. By default these commands are placed at the bottom of the project menu. Furthermore, WinEdt stores up to 10 recently opened projects in Windows registry and

optionally appends them to the project menu... Those users that do not care for multi-project functionality can continue to work as before. Their "Default" project file-list is stored in WinEdt.prj (making future upgrading procedure easier if you decide to inherit the new default settings while preserving your file-list)... As a consequence of the new functionality a Project Setup Dialog has been redesigned to include only information pertaining to the current project. To accommodate the rest of its ex-contents (Templates, etc...) the Preferences Dialog has been expanded. - Project %!f %!p %!n %!t File can be accessed through the following parameters: Project File ... path ... name ... type (usually .prj)

- New variable: %!l Paragraph Number In Soft Wrapping Mode this parameter should be used for Search because that's how TeX sees your wrapped paragraphs/ lines! Otherwise this value coincides with the Line Number. Similarly SelPar should be used for SoftMode Inverse Search (again it acts as SelLine otherwise). - Status Line contains two optional custom panels that can display any combination of %X parameters. In the Appearance Dialog you can specify the contents and visibility of these panels and the macro response "on click". In particular, specifying %!n displays the project file and [CMD("Open Project...")] is a possible macro response on clicks. - Split View: Splitters can be used to align certain controls on the left, right or bottom of the client area. In particular, the Project Tree and Gather Form which were previously displayed as "Stay on Top" forms can now be aligned on the side of the client Window and you can have them opened all the time (depending on the size of your monitor). The same goes for the Error Search Dialog which can be aligned at the bottom of the screen. To activate this alternative behavior please check the options in the Appearance Dialog (previously "Tool Bar Appearance"). - Record and Play: You can start a Macro recorder to record a sequence of (simple) actions and then have them performed on the rest of the document. This can come handy when you want to perform a repetitive task on a large block. Macro recorder does not store your actions as a sequence of "low-level" shortcuts but converts them in a simple Macro Script. This script can be edited, and saved or used as a start point for a more sophisticated macro containing "intelligent" loops and conditional "statements". Recorder is implemented as a special GUI control aligned on the right in the client area. Buttons can be used to Stop/ Continue the recording session, play/ load/ edit or save the recorded macro, etc... The recorded script is constantly being updated in the visible list box. Try it it is quite intuitive!

A new Main Menu Item (Macros) has been introduced to accommodate the Macro recording commands. You can also save frequently performed recordings and define them as Macro menu Items in the new menu... - In the Appearance Dialog you can now specify the use of the background color for text. If this option is enabled it is possible to see the "trailing spaces" which are otherwise invisible. The color specified as the background for the custom color #15 in the Preferences| Colors Dialog is used for this purpose... - In the Appearance Dialog you can now specify the ".wav" files that can be used for sound effects when WinEdt displays different messages. By default the sounds assigned through the Windows control panel are used but if you have your favorite effects on your system you can now use them. Note that you can also disable (certain or all) sound effects... - In the Appearance Dialog you can now specify if the names in Document Tabs should include the filetype or not. - The Appearance Dialog now allows you to specify the size of the font used in the Status Line and Document Tabs as well as the format of the Date and Time that is optionally displayed in the Status Line. The GetDate macro function now allows you to specify the format of the date (see the description in Doc/Macros.txt for the syntax of date and time specification). - A new ability to define the lines that should not be formatted: in Settings Dialog you can now specified strings that prevent wrapping of a line if they are positioned at the end of line or anywhere inside. For example \\ and \\? prevents wrapping of lines ending with \\ or \\[1pt]. This extends the previous functionality where only the beginning of a line was examined to determine if a line should serve as a "paragraph" break. This is a minor enhancement to WinEdt's wrapping (the rest will be coming soon)... - Highlighting attributes now allow the specification of the background color combined with the font color and attributes. It is also possible to highlight certain columns (eg. for Fortran Mode)... - Highlighting in Modes with plenty of reserved words has been accelerated by the factor of 10-20 times. If you've experienced annoying visual flickering effects related to highlighting of (a few times hundred) reserved words you'll notice a drastic reduction in flickering... - Switches now allow a specification of two strings. This makes it possible to highlight environments such as \begin{equation} .... \end{equation} by specifying "\" as the filter set for Begin and End and use "begin{equation}" and "end{equation}" as the string delimiters... It has been suggested (and admittedly it makes sense) that

Regular Expressions should be allowed in the Highlighting Schemes and Active Strings: there are a few problems related to the speed of WinEdt's RegEx evaluation and representation which would significantly affect the screen flickering and the memory consumption. I'll do something about it in one of the future releases... - Keyboard translation now allows "String->String" table (very rarely needed) - In Preferences| Font Dialog you can specify two different shapes for the Caret (one for the Insert Mode and the other one for Overwrite). - A different comment can be defined for each Mode (eg. % for TeX and "//" for C, etc...). - The "Word Count" Command has been implemented... - The "Send Mail" Command has been implemented... - The "Next/ Previous" Difference Command can now Highlight the position where a difference is found and can skip through the difference until the next identical lines are encountered. See the new options in the Compare Documents Dialog... - The Replace Dialog's Context Popup Menu (click with the right mouse button in dialog's client area) has a new Option: "Quick Replace". When this option is enabled the screen refresh is turned off in case of multiple replacement with no confirmation ("Replace All"). This can make the replace MUCH faster... - Environments for which spell checking is enabled or disabled can now be nested. For example, in TeX Mode it is now possible to configure Spell environments as follows: $$ zzz not checked \text{zzz check here $zzz don't check$ zzz check again} not checked zzz $$ - In Dictionary Manager there is a new set of options previously only available through the Context menu in the Word Suggestions Dialog. A new option "Center Lines Containing Misspelled Word" determines whether or not the line containing a word for which suggestions or completions are to be compiled is centered in the screen (some users found centering disturbing: - they should disable this option). - The Option "Immediately Execute Global Substitutions" (in Dictionary Manager| Options Dialog) instructs WinEdt to perform the global substitution for the whole document when the suggestions dialog was displayed in response to the misspelled word. A bug with capitalization and multiple global substitutions has been fixed... - A new String parameter %[/][~]("<filename>"); Prefix is applied after the string parameter is expanded! This makes it possible to pass the short filename of files

associated with the Main file to 16-bit accessories (eg. DVIWIN). - A new String %\ expands to CR+LF (End of Line) Can come handy in the Prompt macro function if you want to control the line breaks in the resulting Message box... - Strings Parameters for WinEdt Macro functions can be enclosed between any of the following characters (serving as quotes): ",',`,:,*,| This (somehow) eliminates the need to use repeated quotes for strings inside strings... - Three special menus (File, Windows, and Project) allow you to append the list of recently opened Files, Documents and Projects. If such menu ends with an "open" submenu that is not ended using the "Return" menu Item then the lists are placed at the bottom of such submenu rather than the menu itself. This makes it possible to "hide" such lists should you wish to do so... - The Preferences| Saving Dialog now has a series of Options that determine the way WinEdt detects (the change in) the Readonly Status of any of its opened documents. This options should be particularly useful in combination with RCS (Revision Control System) packages for WinEdt. For more information on RCS see the link on WinEdt's Downloads Page. - The field "Requires File" in Menu Setup now allows you to specify which files should and which files should not exists in order for the Menu Item to be enabled: ? * | / OR AND AND NOT OR NOT

%P\\%N.eps -- enabled if either .ps or .eps file exists %P\*%P\%N.eps -- enabled if both .ps and .eps files exist |%P\ -- enabled if .ps doesn't exist The symbols "?*|/" above were chosen because they are not admitted in filenames and should suffice to specify any combination of such filters that may arise in practice... - It is now possible to specify the translation applied to the Error Log File (see Settings| Errors Dialog). - A new command line qualifier -V has been introduced: -V Starts WinEdt in Virgin Mode: The last project is not automatically opened and no files are immediately restored If you want to start WinEdt in such mode when browsing your computer with Windows Explorer set the Open action associated with file types you want WinEdt to Open as: ...\WinEdt.exe -V "%1" This is done in Windows Explorer| View| Folder

Options| File types... To offer a wider range of options WinEdt now implements the following qualifiers: -P starts WinEdt with the Default Project -N starts WinEdt with a new project -0 do not restore previously opened documents For example if you want to do some non-project related editing/ browsing but would like WinEdt to keep the history of opened files you can start WinEdt with -P -0 (rather than a more radical -V). In fact one may prefer to always start WinEdt with -P -0 and then choose a project from the list of recently opened projects (only if one is in the working mood:-). New Commands ============ Word Count Send Mail New Project Open Project... Save Project Save Project As... Close Project Quit Project Record Macro Play Macro Once Play Macro Repeat Macro Repeat Last Command Insert Command Insert Macro Insert Parameter Go To Screen Top Go To Screen Bottom The commands: Upper Case Lower Case were incorrectly defined with 2 spaces between words. This has been corrected. However, if you have a macro using eg. CMD('Lower Case'); it will no longer work in the new version. You have to remove the extra space (which was a source of plenty of confusion in the previous version).

- WinEdt16 allows you to define GUI and "List" interfaces: Dialogs containing custom buttons or List Box Items associated with macro commands. In WinEdt32 the GUI dialogs were replaced by the GUI Page Control. However, occasionally a need for List Box Interface (providing you a selection of predefined macros) may still arise. That's why the "List" interface functionality has been re-introduced. If you didn't miss such functionality you're probably not interested in it... Simple Example (of no practical use): ===================================== Interface("New Document"); //Caption Item("New","CMD('New')"); // List Item // Macro to be executed ShowList(1,1,"",""); // Execute on DblClick // Close on DblClick // Macro to be executed on OK // Macro to be executed on Cancel // Macros are redundant if DblClick response is enabled // Something like: "Do('%%?')" could be specified as an OK // Action if the first parameter is 0 (%? expands to the // macro associated with the selected item End; New or extended macros: ======================= AddDictionary("Name","File","Filter", Enabled,Load,Save,Add,Completion: 0..1); Add the dictionary to the list of WinEdt's Dictionaries in the Dictionary Manager Dialog. If the dictionary exists then it updates its properties. RemoveDictionary("); Removes the specified dictionary from the list of dictionaries. RefreshAll; Refreshes all document windows (may be necessary after adding a dictionary). ResetGDI("Mode"); Makes sure that GDI (Gather) control displays tab pages relevant to the current mode. One can optionally specified mode to suppress current value which depends on your main document or current document... Exe("Macro File Name", "Default Directory"); Opens the specified Macro File and interprets it as a sequence of WinEdt's Macro Commands (see ".edt" file in Macros Directory). If the filename is empty the Open dialog starts in the specified Default Directory allowing you to choose the file from the existing macro scripts...

GetDate(StrRegister: 0..9; "Format"); Now allows you to specify format of the output string. This macro provides an interface to FormatDateTime function. The function takes current date and time and formats it as specified by the user in the "Format" parameter. The results is available in the local register %!0..%!9. If the Optional "Format" parameter is omitted or left empty then the function returns the previous value which (in English) is equivalent to the format: 'dddd, mmmm d, yyyy "at" hh:nn' Tuesday, September 1, 1998 at 16:49 FormatDateTime formats the date-and-time value using the format given by Format. The following format specifiers are supported: c Displays the date using the format given by the ShortDateFormat global variable, followed by the time using the format given by the LongTimeFormat global variable. The time is not displayed if the fractional part of the DateTime value is zero. Displays the day as a number without a leading zero (1-31). Displays the day as a number with a leading zero (01-31). Displays the day as an abbreviation (Sun-Sat) using the strings given by the ShortDayNames global variable. Displays the day as a full name (Sunday-Saturday) using the strings given by the LongDayNames global variable. Displays the date using the format given by the ShortDateFormat global variable.

d dd ddd dddd ddddd

dddddd Displays the date using the format given by the LongDateFormat global variable. m Displays the month as a number without a leading zero (1-12). If the m specifier immediately follows an h or hh specifier, the minute rather than the month is displayed. Displays the month as a number with a leading zero (01-12). If the mm specifier immediately follows an h or hh specifier, the minute rather than the month is displayed. Displays the month as an abbreviation (Jan-Dec) using the strings given by the ShortMonthNames global variable. Displays the month as a full name (January-December) using the strings given by the LongMonthNames global variable. Displays the year as a two-digit number (00-99).


mmm mmmm yy

yyyy h hh n nn s ss t tt am/pm

Displays the year as a four-digit number (0000-9999). Displays the hour without a leading zero (0-23). Displays the hour with a leading zero (00-23). Displays the minute without a leading zero (0-59). Displays the minute with a leading zero (00-59). Displays the second without a leading zero (0-59). Displays the second with a leading zero (00-59). Displays the time using the format given by the ShortTimeFormat global variable. Displays the time using the format given by the LongTimeFormat global variable. Uses the 12-hour clock for the preceding h or hh specifier, and displays 'am' for any hour before noon, and 'pm' for any hour after noon. The am/pm specifier can use lower, upper, or mixed case, and the result is displayed accordingly. Uses the 12-hour clock for the preceding specifier, and displays 'a' for any hour and 'p' for any hour after noon. The a/p use lower, upper, or mixed case, and the displayed accordingly. h or hh before noon, specifier can result is



Uses the 12-hour clock for the preceding h or hh specifier, and displays the contents of the TimeAMString global variable for any hour before noon, and the contents of the TimePMString global variable for any hour after noon. Displays the date separator character given by the DateSeparator global variable. Displays the time separator character given by the TimeSeparator global variable.

/ :

'xx'/"xx" Characters enclosed in single or double quotes are displayed as-is, and do not affect formatting. Format specifiers may be written in upper case as well as in lower case letters--both produce the same result. StartWorking("Panel Text"); Changes the shape of the cursor to hour glass and displays the specified string parameter in the status line (user-friendly macros). StopWorking; Restores the Cursor Shape and clears the working string in the status line. MatchDelimiter(SelectionMode: 0..15, Delay: 0..1);

A Macro interface to the Match Delimiter Command with optional parameters. The Selection Mode should normally be 1 and the Delay can be normally turned off inside macros (but not necessarily in the interactive version of the command where one might be interested to see what exactly is being matched). Beep(#0..4); Displays one of the sounds as defined in Appearances| Sound Dialog (0=Beep, 1=Information, etc...) SelPar(Paragrpah: 1..16000000, SelMode: 0..15); The same as SelLine except in the Soft Wrapping Mode where it selects the "real" line (as seen from the outside) which when wrapped may appear as a paragraphs. McrLoadFromFile("FileName.edt"); Loads a pre-existing macro from a file to the Record and Play control (Open dialog if the string is empty). McrSaveToFile("FileName.edt"); Saves the current recording from the Record and Play control to a file (Save As dialog if the string is empty). ShellExecute("Action","File","Parameters","Initial Directory",ShowFlag: 0..); A powerful interface to Windows ShellExecute function. Action: open, print or explore File: a file that should be opened Parameters: usually none or else filetype and application specific Initial Dir: can be empty or else wherever you think it should be Show Flag: 0-Default, 1=ShowNormal For example ShellExecute("Open", ""); starts your default internet browser and connects it to WinEdt's Home Page. ShellExecute("Open", "%f", "", "%p"); Opens your current file with the applications associated with its file type (eg. a quick preview in your Internet Browser for ".html" files). InsertString("String", Append: #0..1); Inserts or Append a string in the selected block (a macro interface to the Insert String Command by default Alt+Right). RemoveString(", #0..1); Removes inserted or appended string from the selected block (a macro interface to the Remove String Command by default Alt+Left). ScrollUp(#1); ScrollDown(#1); ScrollLeft(#1); ScrollRight(#1); Simple commands that scroll your Window by a specified number of Chars or Lines (without moving the caret position inside a text). IfFileOlder("File1","File2","Then Macro","Else Macro"); Executes one of the specifies macros depending on the modification stamp for the specified files. True if File1 is older than File2. Assumes that both files exist (use the IfFileExists macro to decide what to do if one of the files does not exist)... IfOK("Then Macro","Else Macro"); SetOK(isOK: 0..1);

WhileOK("Macro"); These functions are intended to implement macros that terminate once the action fails (eg. a string was not found, or the command line up was executed when at the beginning of the document). However, it is rather tricky to find all the places and exceptions where the OK indicator should be turned off. I'll try to go through the code carefully and maintain the OK flag accordingly but it may take some time before this idea becomes useful... IfOK should work with most macro functions (but not necessarily all the commands and CMD calls). Popup("Popup Menu Name","Popup Menu Item",Visible:-1..1); Same as Menu except that WinEdt executes the command associated with the specified Popup Menu's Item. If the second parameter is empty then the macro activates the specified Popup Menu. Visibility of the Popup can be enforced or prevented by setting the Visibility parameter to 1 or -1, respectively (only applies when the second parameter is empty). SetTracking(#0..1); Some users wrote advanced macros which were running very slow because WinEdt was refreshing the screen after every change. It is now possible to turn tracking off and thus speeding up such macros. However, if you forger to turn Tracking Back again WinEdt may be a little confused and the arrows will appear no longer to work. In such case just press ESC for a second to restore tracking... Note that the Replace Dialog has an option for Quick Replace in its context popup menu. It has the same effect: it temporarily turns screen refreshing off while performing Replace All... SetCaption("WinEdt's Title"); You can now reset the Application Title through this Macro function (by default WinEdt). SetLogFilename("Log File"); For different compilers one may want to change the log-file name as specified in the Settings| Errors Dialog. Now it can be done on the run. SetLogTranslation("Translation Table"); Specify the translation table used when reading the log file into the Error Dialog. ShowErrorLog(Visible: 0..2); Shows Error Dialog (0-hide, 1-show, 2-toggle visibility) In WinEdt the Error dialog is by default aligned at the bottom of the client window. CopyToClipboard("String", Append: 0..1); Inserts or appends a string into Windows Clipboard in Text format. OpenPrj("ProjectFile.prj", RestoreDocuments: -1..1); Opens WinEdt's project file and (optionally) restores opened documents (No=-1, Default=0, Yes=1). SavePrj("ProjectFile.prj");

Save the current project to a ".prj" file. SendToDOS("DOS Window Caption","Command"); With this macro function it is possible to run a permanent console window and send the commands to be executed there. The following macro compiles and previews a LaTeX document: SetFocus("MS-DOS Prompt"); SendToDOS("MS-DOS Prompt", "cd ""%P""%\latex --src %N%\yap -1 %N%\"); %\ is a line separator (CR+LF) Note that by skipping the SetFocus everything happens in the background. This macro was suggested by Leva and is intended for advanced users with programming skills. It is possible that on some systems there are problems or resource leaks with it. WinEdt sends the (already running) DOS Window the wm_DROPFILES Windows message with a globally allocated command line(s) string as a parameter. DOS interprets this as a sequence of command lines and executes them consecutively (as if they were pasted in the console window). WinEdt deletes the memory after the message is processed by a DOS Window... The following Macros have been implemented to allow advanced users to manipulate strings inside macros. They have not been extensively tested so use them with care and report any problems: GetLength(Reg: 0..9, "String"); Put the length of String in Reg. ExtractByIndex(Reg: 0..9, "String", Start:0, End:0); Put the substring of String between Start and End (where String is considered to have a zero-based index) into Reg InsertByIndex(Reg: 0..9, "S1", "S2", Index:0); Insert S2 into S1 starting at Index and put the result into Reg. FindInString("S1", "S2", Start, End:0..9, Flags, Resume:0); Put the start index of the first occurrence of S2 in S1 into Start (a register), the end index into End (a register). Flags allow the user to specify the search method: 0: default 1: search using regular expressions 10: case-sensitive search 100: backward search 1000: begin searching at Resume index. (This allows one to repeatedly search the same string for multiple occurrences of the same substring, etc.) The flags are chosen so that they may be specified as follows: 1100: begin searching backwards through S1 starting at at Resume. 0101: Backward search using regular expressions. ReplaceInString("S1", "S2", Start, End, Flags:0, Result:0..9);

Replace the string between Start..End in S1 with S2 and store the result in the %!<Result> register Usually called after FindInString ifOK Flags: 0 - default 1 - Regular Expression 10 - Respect Capitalization FormatString("String", Reg:0..9, "format"); Perform the specified conversion to String and put the result in Reg. Formats are specified through the following keywords: "": default -- no conversion "whitespace": remove repeated whitespace between words "uppercase" : MAKE UPPERCASE "lowercase" : make lowercase "trimleft" : trim all whitespace on the left of the string "trimright" : trim all whitespace on the right of the string "trimboth" : obvious so, if %!9 = " Convert("%!9", Convert("%!9", Convert("%!9", etc. foo bar ", 9, "uppercase") = " FOO BAR " 9, "whitespace") = " foo bar " 9, "trimleft uppercase") = "FOO BAR "

----------------------------------WinEdt has a new Tab Page in the Settings Dialog called Wrapping. It is intended for those that prefer a more conventional style of wrapping where they are in charge of Returns while the editor can temporarily wrap the lines with respect to the Window size. It is now easy to impose such wrapping for all documents through this dialog. In this Soft wrapping mode WinEdt never inserts any line terminators and it is possible to wrap and unwrap a document by clicking on the WRAP panel in the status line. More on the new Project Management: ----------------------------------If you want to associate .prj files to open WinEdt projects after being double-clicked you should associate the following Open action with .prj (WinEdt Project) files: ...\WinEdt.exe -V "[OpenPrj(|%1|,1)]" Note that I am using | as a string delimiter in the file specifications because Windows strips parameters of double-quotes and (unlike a bar) single quotes could be a part of the filename, eg.: ...\my mother's recipies.prj -V prevents any previous project to be opened and immediately closed if a new instance of WinEdt is about to be started.

Here is the info on OpenPrj macro function: OpenPrj("ProjectFile.prj", RestoreDocuments: -1..1); Opens WinEdt's project file and (optionally) restores opened documents (No=-1, Default=0, Yes=1). This macro also allows you to create a project-specific Icons (shortcuts to WinEdt.exe) -- just follow the above example placing the actual project filename instead of %1... ____________________________________________________________________ Build: 19991013 is now available. Below is the list of the new features and fixes. Let me first answer a few questions that I am receiving in large quantities. There are several reasons why work on WinEdt 5 is going slowly (compared with a much more bold releases of previous versions): 1. I would like to make it easy to upgrade: users that are not interested in the new features (and believe me there are plenty of those who have contacted me with such concerns) will benefit from bug fixes and optimization in WinEdt 5 while having all their custom settings preserved. I'll prepare a separate "upgrade" version for such users and make sure that everything goes smoothly. 2. I am receiving over 20 reports, feature requests and support questions (not necessarily related to WinEdt) and addressing such e-mails this is taking over four hours of my programming time per day. In fact, my backlog folder has over 200 unanswered e-mails and it is becoming more and more obvious that I won't be able to catch up. I am forced to focus on bug reports, leaving feature requests for later and possibly ignoring non-WinEdt related support questions. 3. I have to update the on-line documentation with all the new features in WinEdt 5. In fact a need for a printable WinEdt manual is becoming more and more obvious and I'll have to do something about it before embarking on more features... 4. The list of improvements in WinEdt 5 does not necessarily reflect the effort that went into it. Bug fixes and numerous speed improvements have been implemented behind the scene. I spent a lot of time organizing all the new options in a comprehensible manner (rather than just throwing new check-boxes in dialogs and letting things go out of control). The official release of WinEdt is now a year old and it is really important for the future of this project that WinEdt 5 gets released within a month. That's why I am once again asking you for patience with feature requests and limit your reports to bugs that you have observed in the alpha version... Changes from build (19991004): ==============================

In Preferences| Project dialog you can now specify the extension of WinEdt project files (the default .prj is recommended). The (Read) translation table can now be specified for the log file as displayed in the Errors Dialog. There is now a button and popup menu command "Reset GDI" which resets the pages according to your current mode as well as a new macro function ResetGDI("Mode"); does a similar thing with optionally specified mode. A bug with pasting a large string in the middle or the end of the paragraph with wrapping turned on is now fixed (a part of paragraph could be lost doe to an error in an (over)-optimized WinEdt code). AddDictionary("Name","File","Filter", Enabled,Load,Save,Add,Completion: 0..1); Add the dictionary to the list of WinEdt's Dictionaries in the Dictionary Manager Dialog. If the dictionary exists then it updates its properties. RemoveDictionary("Name"); Removes the specified dictionary from the list of dictionaries. RefreshAll; Refreshes all document windows (may be necessary after adding a dictionary). ResetGDI("Mode"); Makes sure that GDI (Gather) control displays tab pages relevant to the current mode. One can optionally specified mode to suppress current value which depends on your main document or current document... IfFileOlder("File1","File2","Then Macro","Else Macro"); Executes one of the specifies macros depending on the modification stamp for the specified files. True if File1 is older than File2. Assumes that both files exist (use the IfFileExists macro to decide what to do if one of the files does not exist)... SetLogTranslation("Translation Table"); Specify the translation table used when reading the log file into the Error Dialog. ShowErrorLog(Visible: 0..2); Shows Error Dialog (0-hide, 1-show, 2-toggle visibility) In WinEdt the Error dialog is by default aligned at the bottom of the client window.

Changes from build (19991007): ============================= A bug with appending "odd" extensions in save as dialog when the specified file-type was not one of the declared ones in the dialog has been fixed. Note that this bug only affected you if you have the option "Append Extension" in Preferences| Include

Dialog Enabled. The problem was that Windows Save As Common Dialog acts oddly when given a default extension parameter (..tex was appended by the common dialog rather than WinEdt). Now WinEdt takes care of appending the default extension (only when the file is opened in the Mode associated with the specified default extension and the above option is enabled and NO extension was specified in the Save As dialog). Most users (me being one of them) may prefer to have no appending done by WinEdt and this is done by disabling the above mentioned option. The following two macros were added for additional control over this behavior: SetDefExt("File Type"); SetAppendDefExt(Append: 0..1); The Project Dialog now allows you to specify macros OnOpen and OnClose that are executed when the project is opened or closed. This makes it possible to redefine WinEdt's appearance and behavior when opening projects dealing with different types of files (eg. TeX vs. HTML, etc...). The macro IfMode proved rather useless since the mode could be compared as a string directly (using ifStr('%!m'...) macro). That's why a new function IfisMode("Document Mode","Mode or Submode", "Then","Else"); has been introduced. It returns true if the specified Mode or Submode is a part of Document Mode. Document Mode can be specified as %!m or %!M for the current or main document (respectively). For the sake of consistency the following macro functions have been added to implement the Import/ Export functionality for highlighted columns: AddColumns("); DelColumn("); LoadColumns("); ExtractColumns("); NEW: WinEdt's Macro language has been extended to allow user-defined local variables (rather than only the predefined registers). The parameter: %$('local variable') expands to the value assigned to the local variable or an empty string if the variable is not defined or no value has been assigned to it. Users can define up to 1000 local variables (but in reality a few will do). This makes it possible to store some information without relying on other macros not to overwrite the value of a local register. The names of variables

are case sensitive and can consist of any string. The following macro functions can be used to manipulate local variables: Declare("Name"); Release("Name"); Assign("Name","Value"); Release('') erases all local variables. Assign can be used even if the variable was not previously declared (it gets declared on spot). This makes it possible to declare variables (such as the one pointing to the drive on which WinEdt is installed) in the Startup Macro and then use them in your definitions as eg. %$('Base Drive');

Changes from Build (19991013) ============================= From the response regarding the Activate event in the aligned Gather Form it became clear that something has to be done about it. I've explain technical difficulties that made the event handler useless when the form is aligned. However, I've managed to find a way around and now the OnActivate Macro (usually GlobalMark) happens when the Gather Control is Activated. Actually, that's almost true: the macro gets executed if any item in the gather list is clicked and in the meantime the focused document or the position within it has changed as a consequence of a keyboard command or macro (not associated with the Click or Double-Click event in the Gather Form). In any case, this should solve the oddities with Double-click response inserting citations to an unexpected place and establish the behavior compatible with the non-aligned forms. The buttons Global Mark and Global Return in the Gather Form remain to give you more manual control over the position in your documents when "GDI Tracking" is enabled. I've also changed the standard List control with the List View control which displays hints when an item doesn't fit in the Window (similarly to the Tree View). The Gather control (especially TOC) looks better but the price is a 40KB (approx. 2%) increase in the size of WinEdt's executable (nothing comes free). A small change has been made with respect to readonly files: even if automatic detection of readonly status is enabled (and Readonly timer is ticking, eg. for the purpose of RCS) WinEdt preserves those Readonly files that were explicitly opened as such through the check-box in the Open Dialog. Furthermore, the check-box is no longer present in some Open dialogs (eg. Execute Macro) where it does not make sense. Finally, a minor bug fix: WinEdt makes sure that the Status Line and the Tool Bar reflect the current state with an

infrequent timer (just in case if something has escaped). This is fine. However, if you enter the Tool Bar Setup WinEdt disabled buttons associated with disabled menu items make it very hard to rearrange the Tool Bar (one has an average of 5 sec. to move a button). This is now fixed and Tool Bar buttons are left alone in the Tool Bar Setup Mode... ______________________________________________________________________________ WinEdt 5 [Build 19991117 (beta)] ================================ Beta Release, the new Default Settings, and Upgrading Instructions -----------------------------------------------------------------Help has been updated to reflect most of the changes since the official release of WinEdt32. Slightly modified message processing which (unusual) problem with Kernel32 crash when the project files- I don't think this is a failed to trace it to any specific Windows should address the opening or closing bug in WinEdt but I dll...

A few (very minor) reported bugs have been fixed and further speed improvements have been made (eg. the Build Tree command is now faster). The need for the following Macros has arisen when preparing different configurations for WinEdt: SetDefMode("Mode"); SetDefPath("Path"); SetInitLang(0..1); SetDefColors; SetVirginStart; The main focus has been on preparing the default setup for this beta version of WinEdt 5. Import/ Export macros have been around since the last release of WinEdt32 but only a few users realized their power when it comes to preparing and sharing WinEdt configurations or making smooth upgrades while preserving those private settings that took some effort to prepare. To illustrate how this can be done, WinEdt's Options Menu now contains a Configurations Submenu with the following basic configurations: Default (MiKTeX+Default Settings) ASCII Editor - Basic WinEdt's menu and Tool Bar HTML Editor - Basic WinEdt's menu and Tool Bar suitable for HTML Mode (without a flavor of TeX) MiKTeX Default - MiKTeX's Accessories and Help Menu and Tool Bar MiKTeX Direct - same as MiKTeX except that TeX is called directly (rather than through the Batch Files) Works even if the PATH does not contain MiKTeX's Bin Folder

YandY TeX

- Basic configuration for Y&Y TeX System

These menu commands execute macros in the corresponding folders inside the Config directories. These macros, in turn, update certain WinEdt menus, change the Tool Bar, and set a few task specific parameters. IMPORTANT: After you customize WinEdt you SHOULD run the Configurations| Backup Macro even if you don't plan to play with any other configurations! This will save you a lot of problems if anything goes wrong with your configuration. Of course, you can make more than one setup (just follow the examples in the Config directories). There really isn't much to this and it does not take an expert to prepare or modify such configurations. The macro that defines MiKTeX's Mode looks like: __________________________________________________________________ //MiKTeX Setup for WinEdt Requires(19991101); //Build number (About Dialog) SetCPPErr(0, 0, ""); // C-style Errors: Off SetDefExt(".tex"); SetDefMode("TeX"); SetDefPath(!"%P"); ExtractMenus('_Main Menu.dat'); ExtractToolBar('_Tool Bar.dat'); SetCaption(' WinEdt/MiKTeX'); AddMenus('MiKTeX Default.dat'); LoadToolBar('Tool Bar.dat'); LetStr(0,'--src'); // Backup the Menus // Backup the Tool Bar // // // // Caption Accessories: MiKTeX Indirect Tool Bar Enable SRC Specials

End; __________________________________________________________________ The key functions are AddMenus and LoadToolBar. These two functions use DATA files that were created by first extracting the appropriately defined Tool Bar and Menu by the ExtractMenus and ExtractToolBar macros. The file "MiKTeX Default.dat" has been then edited (as an ASCII/DATA file in WinEdt) to include only those menus that are (MiK)TeX specific: Insert, Accessories and Help. You can quickly try other configurations (eg. HTML or ASCII) and see how the above mentioned Menus Change and how the Tool Bar is modified to include only the buttons relevant to the current configuration... Note that the folder "...\Config\Backup" contains two macros "_Backup.edt" and "_Restore.edt". These two macros can be executed through the associated commands in the Options|

Configurations Menu. If you perform any changes to WinEdt you may want to run Backup and thus make it possible to restore your custom settings with a single command. This will make your future WinEdt upgrades easy, allowing you to check out the new appearance and features of WinEdt and then restore (some of) your settings. In particular, you may want to selectively restore only those components that you have extensively customized (eg. Translation Tables, Dictionaries, Defaults, Modes, Active Strings, Templates, etc...). When it comes to the menu you may want to add your custom menus or merge them with the ones that come with the new release, thus taking immediate advantage of any new functionality that has been added to WinEdt. Note that a complete Restore takes a few seconds, while a selective configuration macros (such as the predefined ones) work very fast because they only modify the selected components. Users that are concerned about their custom settings should definitely take a look at the existing configuration macros and ".dat" files and prepare similar scripts for their own needs. While testing such macros it is a good idea to make a backup copy of your WinEdt.ini (just in case something goes wrong!). Note that WinEdt also provides user-defined Event Handlers for: MDI Activate - when a new document window gets focus Project Open Project Close WinEdt Startup WinEdt Exit This makes it possible to call a project-specific configuration macro when a project is opened, thus making sure that WinEdt is properly configured... Advance users can consider taking advantage of such functionality. To avoid performing configuration in a case when WinEdt is already configured for the task, one can use global registers, store the name of the current configuration, and execute the macro only if needed (thus reducing the unwanted flickering). -----------------------A note on Startup Macro: By default the Startup Event calls "...Config\Startup.edt" macro. This macro defines certain variables that are used in WinEdt's menus: ______________________________________________________________________________ // WinEdt Startup Macro // You can modify this file and restart WinEdt to reflect // any characteristics specific to your (TeX) system... // Get MiKTeX Install Root Directory from the Windows Registry Assign("MiKTeX-Root","%@('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE','SOFTWARE','MiK','MiKTeX','Curre ntVersion','MiKTeX','Install Root');");

Assign("MiKTeX-Bin","%@('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE','SOFTWARE','MiK','MiKTeX','Curren tVersion','MiKTeX','Install Root');"); IfStr("%$('MiKTeX-Bin')","",">",> !"Assign('MiKTeX-Bin','%$(''MiKTeX-Bin'');\miktex\bin\')",> !"Assign('MiKTeX-Root','c:\texmf')"); // Try this but MiKTeX is probably not (properly) installed //YandY TeX Install Root Directory Assign("YandY","c:\yandy"); // Change this to your YandY TeX Install Root Dire ctory... // TeX Accessories (optional) Assign('GSView','c:\gstools\gsview\gsview32.exe'); // Change this to your GSVi ew executable Assign('AcroRead','C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 4.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe'); / / Acrobat Reader End; ______________________________________________________________________________ MiKTeX's Root directory (usually "c:\texmf") is obtained from Windows registry. This makes it possible to define Help Items or call MiKTeX's executables regardless of where MiKTeX has been installed. For example: MiKTeX's Help is defined in WinEdt's Menu as the following macro: WinHelp("%$('MiKTeX-Root');\doc\miktex\miktex.hlp"); Similarly, in the MiKTeX Direct configuration yap is called as: %$('MiKTeX-Bin');yap.exe -1 etc... This should work even if MiKTeX's Bin directory is not on your PATH (a very common problem that takes a lot of my correspondence). I have also decided to define GSView and AcroRd variables; thus users that installed these programs in some other folder can modify these entries and restart WinEdt without the need to modify the menu (another commonly encountered problem that takes a large part of my time). Note that this macro takes advantage of the newly introduced local variables "%$('variable') rather than the string registers which can be used and overwritten by other macros. The cleanup macro that is executed when WinEdt is closed by default closes YAP (if running). You can modify it to do something more intelligible... ______________________________________________________________________________

SRC packages have been simplified to avoid problems and unwanted interactions with other packages. Since MiKTeX can insert the src specials when started with --src qualifier the packages don't have to be used or else they can be used as inactive (to take advantage of the re-defined \include command that can keep track of input files for Error Search from WinEdt). The samples included in the default settings thus contain the following line in their preamble: \usepackage[inactive]{srcltx}%SRC Specials for DVI Searching In MiKTeX configuration the Accessories menu has two items: SRC Special On and Off These items are defined as macros that assign or erase the value "--src" for the %0 global string register. This works because by default the LaTeX command is now defined as: %~B\Bin\MiKTeX\Latex.bat %0 "%N%T" and %0 is expanded accordingly. ______________________________________________________________________________ MiKTeX's Folder in the default settings has been expanded with dvipdfm and tth utilities. For more information on these utilities please consult MiKTeX's Documentation (...texmf\Doc\...). An enhanced version of HTML Mode as prepared by Denis Stancer has now become a part of the Default, as well as (a more specialized) HTML Configuration. Furthermore, I made an experiment and in the Settings| Wrapping Dialog I defined Soft Wrapping for HTML files (new feature). It appears to work fine and WinEdt's web pages have been converted appropriately for such editing. Of course this can be changed instantly by users that do not like such preferences by changing the settings the above mentioned dialog. A new menu Macros has been introduced to accommodate the new Record and Play commands. Items "Execute Macro" and "Define and Run Macro" has been introduced in this menu to allow you to execute a predefined macro script (.edt file) or to type and run a custom macro. Note that previously the "Execute Macro" menu item had been placed in the (somewhat crowded) Accessories Menu. In the default settings the File and Project Menu end with an "open" submenu and thus the file list is appended there rather than in the corresponding main Menu Item. You can change this by appending the "Return" to the Submenu or deleting the submenu and placing its contents in the main menu item. This choice is now available due to the following extension of WinEdt's Menu management functionality: - Three special menus (File, Windows, and Project) allow you to append the list of recently opened Files, Documents and

Projects. If such menu ends with an "open" submenu that is not ended using the "Return" menu Item then the lists are placed at the bottom of such submenu rather than the menu itself. This makes it possible to "hide" such lists should you wish to do so... The Tool Bar Buttons and Menu Icons have been improved and now (hopefully) look more professional. In particular the Menu Icons now no longer load a disabled image but generate one as needed. Unfortunately, a few Tool Bar Images (a total of six of them) have been (re)moved (their index in WinEdt.btn has changed) or replaced with the new ones. The idea was to leave the last five images undefined and thus allow users to use these buttons for their own bitmaps without sacrificing compatibility with other configurations. I suggest that you stick with the new scheme and possibly copy any custom images in the new setup (modify the last five buttons in Winedt.btn) and make a few changes in the Menu Setup (if needed). However, if you are determined to stick with your current configuration as it is you can simply copy your current WinEdt.ini .btn .img and the whole Bitmaps folder over the files in the new WinEdt 5 setup... A known problem (and solution) with tool bars in dialogs: ========================================================= If the Tool Bars in your Dialogs display no images this is due to the obsolete version of your "comctl32.dll" in Windows System directory. You should download and install a newer version from Here is a report from one of the users that had a similar problem: >This is to confirm that in my case updating comctl32.dll did indeed >solve the problem of missing bitmaps in the dialog buttons. > >The comctl32.dll causing the trouble was 371KB big and had date 22/03/97 > >I found in Microsoft's site THREE different comctl32 updates: > >Com32upd.exe, which reported that the installed comctl32.dll was the >same or newer. > >401comupd.exe, which I installed and solved the problem. > >50comupd.exe, which I did not try. > >I should add that I do not have Internet Explorer installed in this computer. ______________________________________________________________________________ How to upgrade to WinEdt 5: ===========================

Depending on the importance of your custom settings there are a few different options: (0) If you don't care for any new functionality (or you prefer to make additions to the menu yourself) you can start Setup.exe and choose the Custom Setup Install Shield Option. You can select only the Basic Upgrade component. This way only the executable is installed over the old version of WinEdt. However, to see the new appearance of bitmaps and menu you may want to try the steps (1) and (2) below. You should still be able to restore your current configuration by following the instructions below... (1) If you did not customize WinEdt extensively, exit WinEdt, rename the old WinEdt directory to WinEdt.old and install WinEdt 5 from scratch: - place a self extracting archive winedt5.exe to a temporary directory and double-click on it to unpack it - Go to the folder where you have unpacked winedt5.exe and double-click on the Setup.exe - Let install Shield guide you through the rest (2) If you did customize WinEdt perform the steps in (1) (a) you can radically move your old WinEdt.ini to the new installation and thus preserve all your previous settings while also not taking immediate advantage of any new features (you'll have to manually add the selected new menu items following the instructions in What's New). (b) you can start the old WinEdt and perform a backup of your configuration settings using the "_Backup.edt" macro in WinEdt's "...\Config\Backup" folder. Now you can selectively add only those components that you have extensively modified. Note that the AddMenu macro allows you to add only certain menus after you edit the "Main Menu.dat" file. Almost all components (eg. Translation Tables, Active Strings, Highlighting Schemes, etc...) can be exported and imported either from the corresponding dialogs or through the import/ export macros as described in WinEdt's "...\Doc\Macros.txt" document. The Option (2) only applies if you have WinEdt32 Build 19981001 (or [yyyymmdd] later) installed on your system. Both (a) and (b) may leave you with a few improperly assigned tool bar buttons. You can, of course, copy your old Bitmaps folder together with WinEdt.btn but this will make your configuration incompatible with others. I would strongly recommend that you manually correct your tool bar buttons and (in the Menu Setup Dialog) assign the proper images to a few commands and accessories that are affected by the changes made in the default setup. It should only take a a few minutes to do so. After you've configured WinEdt 5 to your standards you should run the "_Backup.edt" to ensure that your setup can always be restored after some other configuration is being executed (either on purpose or accidentally). Making a backup

of your private WinEdt.ini in WinEdt's Config\Backup directory is also a good idea! After WinEdt 5 is installed you should go through the dialogs in the Options Menu to get a feeling how the Options and Preferences are organized. Even if you are not planning to make any immediate changes it is good to know what is there for later when you may want to change something... Some of the features described here are not yet a part of the regular documentation or on-line help. Reading *this* file is strongly recommended! ______________________________________________________________________________ WinEdt 5 [Build 19991121 (beta)] ================================ A bug with refreshing long lines has been fixed. Sorry about that (many users panicked because of it)! Some users misunderstood the meaning of the new configuration settings in the options menu and they overwrote their custom settings. Here what you should know: IMPORTANT: After you customize WinEdt you SHOULD run the Configurations| Backup Macro even if you don't plan to play with any other configurations! This will save you a lot of problems if anything goes wrong with your configuration. Of course, you can make more than one setup (just follow the examples in the Config directories). The Options| Configurations| Restore command restores your "last" backup! If you've managed to overwrite your configuration without backing it up you can still restore it immediately after you tried any other pre-defined configuration by doing the following: In the \Config subfolder where you have experimented with one of the pre-defined settings there are two (backup) files "_Tool Bar.dat" and "_Main Menu.dat". The following Macro restores the settings if placed in the same directory and executed through WinEdt's Macros| Execute Macro Command: // Restore All Important Settings Requires(19991027); LoadMenus('_Main Menu.dat'); LoadToolBar('_Tool Bar.dat'); End; The status line now takes advantage of the second custom panel and it toggles the --src specials qualifier for MiKTeX. You can easily change or hide this panel through the Appearance|Status Line Dialog. A new macro UpdateStatus has been introduced to

make this functionality work better (it refreshes the Status Line). Additional macros for use in the configuration macros: SetPanelA(visible:0..1; "Max String","Parameter","On-Click Macro"); SetPanelB(visible:0..1; "Max String","Parameter","On-Click Macro"); SetPanelB(1,'--src','%%0',> !|IfStr("%0","--src","=","LetStr(0,'')","LetStr(0,'--src')");UpdateStatus]|); Does the trick. The startup Macro now searches Windows registry to find GSView and AcroRd32. This should work in most cases regardless of where are the above utilities installed. The following macro does this: LetReg(0,|%@('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE','SOFTWARE','CLASSES','psfile','DefaultIcon', ' ');|); GetLength(1,|%!0|); ExtractByIndex(0, |%!0|, 0,%!1-3); Assign('GSView',|%!0|); //Prompt(|%$('GSView')|); // Debugging IfStr("%$('GSView')","","=",> !"Assign('GSView','c:\gstools\gsview\gsview32.exe')"); // GSView not Install ed? // Assign('GSView','c:\gstools\gsview\gsview32.exe'); // GSView LetReg(0,|%@('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE','SOFTWARE','CLASSES','Software','Adobe','Acr obat','Exe',' ')|); GetLength(1,|%!0|); ExtractByIndex(0, |%!0|, 1,%!1-2); Assign('AcroRead',|%!0|); //Prompt(|%$('AcroRead')|); // Debugging IfStr("%$('AcroRead')","","=",> !"Assign('AcroRead','C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 4.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe' )"); // Acrobat Reader not Installed? // Assign('AcroRead','C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 4.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe') ; // Acrobat Reader If for some reason this does not work don't panic! Just Open the Startup.edt file and enter the definitions: Assign('AcroRead','<your location>\AcroRd32.exe'); // Acrobat Reader Similarly for GSView. Restart WinEdt or execute the Statup.edt through the Macros| Execute Macro command. Let me know if you have problems with the New Startup Macro (even if AcroRd32 and GSView has been properly installed on your computer)... Note that all this is irrelevant for users that upgraded WinEdt32 and kept their old WinEdt.ini file...

Help in the Settings Dialog explains the meaning of the new options in the Wrapping Tab Page. You should read this information if you want to take advantage of new wrapping options which were introduced for users that prefer more word processor like wrapping. And don't worry: the old wrapping is still there but you may have to enable the option "Persistent Line Wrapping" in the above mentioned dialog to ensure the "line wrapping" even if the Wrapping is turned off in the Status Line... ______________________________________________________________________________ WinEdt 5 [Build 19991123 (beta)] ============================== Minor fixes, improved documentation and setup... ______________________________________________________________________________ WinEdt 5 [Build 19991226 (beta)] ================================ New Docking Options and improved default setup... ______________________________________________________________________________ Pre-release of WinEdt 5: -----------------------WinEdt 5 [Build 20000222 (beta)] ================================ A few reported minor bugs (form the last official build 19991226) have been fixed and the default settings have been slightly improved (once again!). The system-specific problems with some accessories and macros in the default settings (such as PDFLaTeX.edt and AcroRd32.exe in Startup.edt) have been addressed... Improved GUI (including Tool Bar Buttons and GUI control as modified and announced by Alexander Kiselov). To avoid problems with small screens and low-color settings (in which case the "improved" GUI isn't really an improvement) WinEdt detects such settings when launched for the first time and uses the old GUI bitmaps if the system does not meet the requirements (at least 800pxl horizontal resolution and 16-bit [or more] color scheme). I've tested it my old computer and it appears to work as intended... The Project Manager now allows optional "relative file specification" which makes it possible to carry the projects between different folders, drives, or computers.

Conventional wrapping is a choice of many new users. WinEdt now "intelligently" print such files. In fact, the printing dialog has a new option "Word Wrapping" which instructs WinEdt not to break lines blindly at the right paper margin... The highlighting| Switches Dialog have been slightly re-designed in an attempt to make it more intuitive. It does not, however, implement any new functionality... The gather form's List View control was too slow when a large number of items were appended to it. In fact, the time for (1000+) additions turned out to be of order "n^2" which is unacceptable (out of principle). WinEdt now takes care of this by representing the collected data in its own structures and this makes it possible to insert many more items. The Tool Bar in the Gather Form now has a button for Copy to the Clipboard which was before only possible through the context popup menu. Furthermore, while experimenting with collecting items in a large data base I've discovered that some feedback might be needed when collecting 10K+ items: this is now taken care of. *** NEW: WinEdt now comes with a configuration Wizard which is displayed the first time the program is started and can later be called through the Help| Configuration Wizard Command. It has a selected set of option pertaining to Wrapping, Backup, Projects, etc... The Wizard also contains a page that helps you fix any (MiK)TeX related problems and suggests solutions and alternatives (eg. MiKTeX Direct Configuration if the PATH does not contain MiKTeX's Binary directory but MiKTeX can be detected from the Windows Registry). There are also a few pages containing (selected) answers to FAQs and explanations on "how to...". This should (hopefully) make it easier for new users to understand how WinEdt interacts with other accessories and how many minor system-specific issues can be addressed and resolved. The text in Wizard's Pages and WinEdt's Help needs some editing and polishing. While processing the incoming reports I'll focus on this aspect and (pending any major disasters) WinEdt 5 will be finally released by the end of March. Many users are asking what happened to the self-imposed January dead line: The answer is that I simply cannot keep up with the feedback and I find it extremely hard to draw a line. So once again, limit your reports to WinEdt-related problems and save your suggestions for later. WinEdt 5 is much better and problem/bug-free compared to the official WinEdt32 and it is time to make it available to wider audience on CTAN. For those that are keen to have WinEdt improved further there will be plenty of opportunities to speak out and test new features as they become available in the new alpha and beta versions. The majority, however, appears to prefer a stable release every 12 months rather than downloading permanent beta versions... ____________________________________________________________________

WinEdt 5 [Build 20000308 (v. 5.1)] ================================== The following problems have been addressed for for Build 20000308: - A (critical!) bug with scrolling in docked Gather form is fixed - An error in macros for insertion of matrices and arrays have been fixed (a missing ")"), - WinEdt now allows more than one row of document tabs. There is a new option in the Appearance| Tabs Dialog that controls this behavior. The Tab control gets automatically re-sized. Although with 50+ document tabs the control produces some visual flickering when adding or removing new document tabs (depends on your hardware) it can still come handy for users that want direct access to a few dozen opened files (assuming they have a large enough screen to use the upper space for 3 or 4 rows of document tabs). - Most WinEdt's Modal dialogs now center with respect to the Main Form rather than the screen. Also the "Parent Font" inheritance have been disabled in some dialogs to prevent odd alignment of buttons in dialogs as experienced by users that use larger default fonts... - A minor problem with rearranging the tool bar and dropping the buttons on the left edge has been fixed. This might have to do with the two reported spaces on the left of the first button... - In the Syntax Highlighting Dialog -> Columns, the heading says Highligted columns (missing h): fixed... - A bug with the ghost caret after scrolling by clicking on the scroll bars is fixed. - The email and www field in WinEdt's About box now respond to clicks (made possible by the macros below and the ShellExecute macro function)... - The following new macro functions have been implemented: SetFolder("Path"); SetEnvVar("Name","String Value"); SetRegKey("KEY_...","Key1\Key2...","String Value"); SetRegStr("KEY_...","Key1\Key2...","Strung Name","String Value"); SetWinEdtRegStr("String Name","String Value"); SendMail("Subject","Text","Recipients","Attachments"); For example: ============ SendMail('Test Message',"Attached is WinEdt.txt",> "WinEdt Team|","%F|WinEdt.txt"); You can specify more than one recipient or attachment

(separate up to 1024 items by semi-columns ;) The second optional filename, following the bar |, is the one that the recipient sees... All parameters are optional and can be entered or modified once the e-mail client is started. If a recipient is preceded by "*" or "?" the massage is CC'd or BCC'd (respectively) to that address: "WinEdt Team|;*Alex|" IMPORTANT: The MAPISendFunction (and the rest of the MAPI interface on which the default WinEdt's Send Mail command and macro rely) does not work unless the Windows Registry contains the string MAPI with value "1". This can be checked and set from within WinEdt with: // Returns the value 1? %@("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE","SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem","MAPI "); // Sets the value to 1 SetRegStr("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",> "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem", "MAPI", "1"); If WinEdt's Send Mail Command fails and WinEdt detects the absence of the above Registry Entry the user is prompted to allow WinEdt to add the value and restart the program. The lack of this registry key indicates that your email client may not support MAPI in which case the above fix won't make any difference. However, in some cases it is possible that although your email client has a sufficient MAPI functionality to allow WinEdt to send email messages the registry was not appropriately modified during its installation. The above fix will enable the MAPI functionality (assuming that it is supported by your email program). For example, the registry entry may have been deleted when you uninstall some other email client that you are not using (eg. Outlook Express)... ______________________________________________________________________________ For the latest news and future plans see also News.txt! ______________________________________________________________________________

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