2 Essays by Almine

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The Source of Power and Energy

Power is needed to effect changes in reality through intent. The great differences between incorruptible white magic gifted to us by the Mother and Father, and other forms of magic to use as tools to direct this power are: 1. Other forms of magic (Mother has removed their ability to work effectively) exerted the individuals will over the environment whether or not it was beneficial for the inter-connectedness of life. White magic cannot be used to benefit selfish desires or bring individual benefit at the cost of the whole. 2. Other forms of magic derived their limited power from another life-source (external) to put awareness, power and energy into an incantation, ritual or object. Even though millennia later someone may have used it with good intention, the source of its power was tainted in that a life was taken for its power source. Using such power created a cosmic debt (karma). The source of power for white magic comes from within and benefits all life in that the practitioner utilizes the principles explained in the following section. These principles are based on changing a lower order to a higher order. 3. The practices of external magic used to deplete the practitioner and the environment because they were not lifeenhancing to the whole. White magic enhances the practitioner every time it is used since it raises consciousness, benefitting all life. What is Power?

Power is the cohesive force that holds the building blocks (omniparticles) of existence in a specific pattern. When a lower order or pattern makes way for a higher one less cohesive force is required and power is released. What is Energy? When power as a force of cohesion is released it causes movement. The other building blocks around the new pattern move. But because their pattern has not been changed or because they are not in a pattern (either a part of an electro-magnetic field or a form) but part of an empty space, they return whence they came. They bounce back. They could ricochet back and forth multiple times, depending on the force of power released. That movement becomes the energy source. How White Magic gets its Power from the Building Blocks of Life The indirect source of the power in the incantations, or sigils, are the compressed building blocks of life the Mother or Father have placed in them. They do not provide the power directly. White magic does not use an external source (Toltec seers call internal magic second ring magic). The infinitesimally small building blocks called omniparticles communicate to the same particles within us through a universal language of love and light. A pattern of perfection is broadcast, inspiring the building blocks within us to rearrange themselves into a higher and higher order with each use. This results in releases of power which, with focused intent and pure emotion, will influence the environment. Beneficial white magic takes place.

Understanding White Magic

Starting in November 2006, a re-emergence of bodies of white magic is taking place. Great gifts to restore to humanity its magical birthright have been given. The various mystical kingdoms have participated in this dawning of an era of magic among men by sharing with us their precious secrets. The greatest sources of mysteries and magic have been found in the hidden libraries of the earth. The Isis libraries opened their secrets in December 2006. The libraries of the order of the White Dove opened not quite a year later in September 2007. Others have followed in the succeeding months. Yet man has had trepidations about embracing these gifts. Perhaps it is because over eons magical powers have been abused. Or perhaps an innate knowing that the magic that has always been available to man was communicated from a tainted source and exacted a price. It is time now for us to understand the vast difference between first and second ring magics so that these prejudices can be released. A day shall come when magic is restored When man again shall have what was his before (From the 13th plate in the White Horse Libraries)

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