English 1 - R&J - Character Comparison Paper

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Mr Doyon

English 1

Date ____________ Hour ________

Character Comparison Essay

Writing Prompt:
Choose a character from Romeo and Juliet whom you are most like. Write a brief essay (one long
paragraph minimum of 11 sentences) explaining why you are like that character. Include three
specific reasons (similar qualities, traits, or behaviors that you share with the character) and
examples (from the play and your own life) to illustrate or support your reasons.

Title (Be creative)
Topic Sentence - Remember! This is the main idea of your paragraph. Write a statement
declaring that you are most like a certain character for three reasons (i.e. Of all the characters in
Romeo and Juliet, I am most like Romeo because we are both passionate, reason 2, and reason 3)
Or if you are only similar in one or two ways, but different in a third, write a statement that shows
that (i.e. Of all the characters in Romeo and Juliet, I am most like Romeo because we are both
passionate and reason 2; however, we are different because reason 3)
Reason 1 - State the first reason that you listed in your topic sentence, perhaps adding a further
explanation (i.e. Romeo and I are both very passionate about our feelings when it comes to love)
Examples for Reason 1 Show how the character exhibits the quality you mentioned in reason 1
by using evidence from the text. Then, show how you exhibit the quality mentioned using
evidence from your own life. (i.e. In the play, Romeo shows his passion when he I tend to be
passionate as well. For example, when I )
Include transition words or devices when appropriate to use: ( For example...; For
instance,,,; To illustrate this, consider;
Reason 2 follow model for reason 1
Use a transition word or device to introduce it
Another reason we are alike. ; We are both reason 2 as well; Secondly ; Furthermore;
Similarly; Likewise.; In addition to being; On the other hand.; However;
Examples for Reason 2 - follow model for examples for reason 1
Reason 3 - follow model for reason 2
Examples for Reason 3 - follow model for examples for reason 2
Concluding Sentence (Restate your topic sentence using different words and leave the reader
with a clever connection back to the world, or a final thought to consider) use a transition word
to introduce it: In conclusion,; As you can see; etc

Character Comparison Essay Outline/Rough Draft

_____ / 5 Points Possible

Creative Title_________________________________________________
Topic sentence - state all three reasons that you and the character are alike
Of all the characters in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, I am most like ____________
____________ because ___________________ , ________________ , and _________________
Or if you are only similar in one or two ways, but different in a third, write it like this:
Of all the characters in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, I am most like ____________
____________ because ____________________ and _____________________ ; however, I am
different than (him,her) because _________________________________________.
Sentence stating first reason you and the character are alike
Sentence showing example from the play that shows how the character fits the first reason
Sentence showing example from your life that shows how you fit the first reason
Sentence stating second reason you and the character are alike (start with transition device)
Sentence showing example from the play that shows how the character fits the second reason
Sentence showing example from your life that shows how you fit the second reason
Sentence stating third reason you and the character (are/are not) alike (start with transition device)
Sentence showing example from the play that shows how the character fits the third reason
Sentence showing example from your life that shows how you fit the third reason
Conclusion Sentence restate topic sentence differently and add a final thought to consider (start
with transition device. ~ i.e. As you can see It should be clear that.. I hope I have shown that)

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