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Chemistry Unit 1 Checklist:

Atomic Structure
- be able to describe the properties of protons, neutrons and electrons in terms of relative charge and relative
- know that early models of atomic structure predicted that atoms and ions with noble gas electron
arrangements should be stable
- understand the importance of these particles in the structure of the atom and appreciate that there are
various models to illustrate atomic structure
- be able to recall the meaning of mass number (A) and atomic (proton) number (Z)
- be able to explain the existence of isotopes
- understand the principles of a simple mass spectrometer, limited to ionisation, acceleration, deflection and
- know that the mass spectrometer gives accurate information about relative isotopic mass and also about the
relative abundance of isotopes
- be able to interpret simple mass spectra of elements and calculate relative atomic mass from isotopic
abundance, limited to mononuclear ions
- know that mass spectrometry can be used to identify elements (as used for example in planetary space
- know that mass spectrometry can be used to determine relative molecular mass
- know the electron configurations of atoms and ions up to Z = 36 in terms of levels and sub-levels (orbitals) s, p
and d
- know the meaning of the term ionisation energy.
- understand how ionisation energies in Period 3 (Na Ar) and in Group 2 (Be Ba) give evidence for electron
arrangement in sub-levels and in levels
Amount of substance
- Be able to define relative atomic mass (Ar) and relative molecular mass (Mr) in terms of 12C. (the term relative
formula mass will be used for ionic compounds)
- understand the concept of a mole as applied to electrons, atoms, molecules, ions, formulae and equations
- Understand the concept of the Avogadro constant.
- be able to recall the ideal gas equation pV = nRT and be able to apply it to simple calculations in S.I. units, for
ideal gases
- understand the concept of, and the relationship between, empirical and molecular formulae
- be able to calculate empirical formulae from data giving percentage composition by mass
- be able to write balanced equations (full and ionic) for reactions studied
- be able to balance equations for unfamiliar reactions when reactants and products are specified. (this is an
important skill that applies in all units.)
- be able to calculate reacting volumes of gases
- be able to calculate concentrations and volumes for reactions in solutions, limited to titrations of monoprotic
acids and bases and examples for which the equations are given
- know that % atom economy = mass of desired product 100
Total mass of reactants
- be able to calculate reacting masses, % yields and % atom economies from balanced equations

Structure & Bonding
- recognise the four types of crystal: ionic, metallic, giant covalent (macromolecular) and molecular
- understand that ionic bonding involves attraction between oppositely charged ions in a lattice
- know that a covalent bond involves a shared pair of electrons
- know that co-ordinate bonding is dative covalency
- understand that metallic bonding involves a lattice of positive ions surrounded by delocalised electrons
- know the structures of the following crystals: sodium chloride, magnesium, diamond, graphite, iodine and ice
- be able to relate the physical properties of materials to the type of structure and bonding present
- be able to explain the energy changes associated with changes of state

- understand that electronegativity is the power of an atom to withdraw electron density from a covalent bond
- understand that the electron distribution in a covalent bond may not be symmetrical
- know that covalent bonds between different elements will be polar to different extents
- understand qualitatively how molecules may interact by permanent dipoledipole, induced dipoledipole (van
der Waals) forces and hydrogen bonding
- understand the importance of hydrogen bonding in determining the boiling points of compounds and the
structures of some solids (e.g. ice)
- Understand the concept of bonding and lone (non bonding) pairs of electrons as charge clouds.
- be able, in terms of electron pair repulsion, to predict the shapes of, and bond angles in, simple molecules and
ions, limited to 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 co-ordination
- know that lone pair/lone pair repulsion is greater than lone pair/bonding pair repulsion, which is greater than
bonding pair/bonding pair repulsion, and understand the resulting effect on bond angles
- be able to classify an element as s, p or d block according to its position in the Periodic Table
- be able to describe the trends in atomic radius, first ionisation energy, melting and boiling points of the
elements Na Ar

Nomenclature & isomerism
- know and understand the terms empirical formula, molecular formula, structural formula, displayed formula,
homologous series and functional group
- be able to apply IUPAC rules for nomenclature to simple organic compounds, limited to chains with up to 6
carbon atoms limited in this module to alkanes, alkenes and haloalkanes
- know and understand the meaning of the term structural isomerism
- be able to draw the structures of chain, position and functional group isomer

- know that alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons
- know that petroleum is a mixture consisting mainly of alkane hydrocarbons
- understand that different components (fractions) of this mixture can be drawn off at different levels in a
fractionating column because of the temperature gradient
- understand that cracking involves the breaking of CC bonds in alkanes
- know that thermal cracking takes place at high pressure and high temperature and produces a high
percentage of alkenes (mechanism not required)
- know that catalytic cracking takes place at a slight pressure, high temperature and in the presence of a zeolite
catalyst and is used mainly to produce motor fuels and aromatic hydrocarbons (mechanism not required)
- understand the economic reasons for the cracking of alkanes (e.g. ethene used for poly(ethene); conversion of
heavy fractions into higher value products)
- know that alkanes are used as fuels and understand that their combustion can be complete or incomplete and
that the internal combustion engine produces a number of pollutants (e.g. NOx, CO and unburned
- know that these pollutants can be removed using catalytic converters
- know that combustion of hydrocarbons containing sulfur leads to sulfur dioxide that causes air pollution and
understand how sulfur dioxide can be removed from flue gases using calcium oxide
- know that the combustion of fossil fuels (including alkanes) results in the release of carbon dioxide into the
- know that carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour are referred to as greenhouse gases and that these
gases may contribute to global warming

Chemistry Unit 2 Checklist:

- understand that reactions are either exothermic or endothermic and apply the sign convention
- define the term enthalpy change, recall what standard conditions are and understand that conditions affect
enthalpy changes
- define activation energy and relate it to bond breaking
- recall and use q = mcT and H = q/n and explain how simple enthalpy changes are measured
- use bond dissociation enthalpy data to calculate approximate enthalpy changes and vice versa
- Define Hess' Law, standard enthalpy of formation and standard enthalpy of combustion
- Calculate enthalpy changes from enthalpy of formation data using Hess' Law and vice versa
- Calculate enthalpy changes from enthalpy of combustion data using Hess' Law and vice versa

- Explain collision theory in terms of collision frequency, collision energy, activation energy and the fraction of
successful collisions
- Outline an experimental procedure for measuring the rate of a reaction which involves a gas being evolved
- Sketch graphs to show how the concentration of a reactant varies with time in a chemical reaction and know
that the gradient of the graph is the rate of the reaction
- Sketch the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of molecular energies at two temperatures
- Explain the large effect on rate of reaction of a small increase in temperature by reference to Maxwell-
Boltzman, collision energy, fraction of successful collisions and collision frequency
- Define the term "catalyst" and explain that the catalyst lowers the activation energy by providing an
alternative reaction pathway
- Explain by reference to Maxwell-Boltzmann how a catalyst increases the rate of a reaction
- Explain how concentration, pressure and particle size affect the rate of a reaction

Redox Reactions
- Define oxidation and reduction in terms of electron transfer
- deduce half-equations for oxidation and reduction processes and hence derive ionic equations for redox
- define the terms oxidizing and reducing agent and recognize them in chemical reactions

Group VII, The Halogens
- describe the trends in physical appearance, boiling point, electronegativity and oxidising power of the
halogens, and known the different colours of iodine in vapour, solid and aqueous form
- write equations and observations for the displacement reactions of halogens with halide ions
- describe and explain the trend in reducing power of the halides, and write equations and give observations for
the reactions of solid halides with concentrated sulphuric acid
- describe how nitric acid and silver nitrate can be used to distinguish between aqueous halide ions, and know
the solubility of the silver halides in ammonia
- write equations for the reactions of chlorine with water and dilute NaOH and know the uses of the solutions

Group 2, the Alkaline Earth Metals
- describe and explain the trends in electronegativity and melting point of the elements in group 2
- describe the reactions of Mg with steam and of Ca, Sr and Ba with water and write appropriate equations
- describe the trends in the solubility of hydroxides and sulphates write ionic precipitation equations where
- know that acidified barium chloride can be used as a test for sulphate ions
- know the uses of magnesium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide and barium sulphate

- give the mechanism for the reaction between methane and chlorine, give the name of each step and know
how termination and further propagation steps can give a number of different products
- know that chloroalkanes and chlorofluoroalkanes are used as solvents
- explain with aid of equations how chlorine radicals can destroy the ozone layer
- describe the structure and bonding in haloalkanes, use it to explain why they react with nucleophiles and
explain how CN
, OH
and NH
can behave as nucleophiles
- Give the mechanisms for the nucleophilic substitution reactions of NH
, CN
and OH
with haloalkanes
(including the role of ammonia as both base and nuleophile) and know the conditions for the reactions
- recall that haloalkanes can undergo elimination in the presence of hydroxide ions, know the conditions which
favour elimination over substitution, understand that the two reactions compete and know the different roles
of the hydroxide ion in both reactions
- Predict and explain whether one or two alkenes will be obtained from the elimination reaction
- Recall that the rate of reaction of haloalkanes depends on the C-X bond enthalpy

- Recall the conditions for the fermentation of glucose to produce ethanol and understand the advantages and
disadvantages of this method compared to the hydration of ethane, including the classification of ethanol as a
- Give the reagents and conditions for the dehydration of alcohols to form alkenes and predict and explain
when two different alkenes will be formed
- Give the reagents and conditions for the oxidation of primary alcohols to aldehydes and then to carboxylic
acids, of secondary alcohols to ketones
- Describe and explain the simple chemical basis for the tests to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones

Maths Core 1 Checklist:
Algebra 1 Differentiation

- Factorising
- Completing the Square
- Solving Equations:
- Completing the Square
- Formula
- Nature of roots
- Graphs
- Simultaneous (incl one
quad & one linear)
- Inequalities
- linear & quadratic ones
Intro to
- Gradients of tangents and chords
- Gradient of tangent as a limit
- Interpretation of rate of change
- Algebraic differentiation
- Notation:
y d
f'(x), f''(x)
- Notion of increasing & decreasing
functions by looking at their
- Finding Stationary pts
- Determining their nature
- Maximum, Minimum & inflection
- Maxima & Minima problems
Sequences &

- Definition
- Use of Summation sign
nth term of a sequence
- Gradient of a line
- Equation of straight line:
y = mx+c
- distance between two
y y
= m(x x
- Coordinates of mid-points
- Parallel lines:
= m

- Perpendicular lines:
x m
= -1
Integration 1

- Reverse of Diff
- Integration Constant
- General and particular olution of
dy/dx = f(x)
Algebra 2 - Laws of indices
- Manipulation of surds
- (incl rationalize

Maths Core 2 Checklist:
- Only division by (x + a) or (x a) will be required.
- Should know that if f(x) = 0 when x = a, then (x a) is a factor of f(x).
2. Coordinate geometry in the (x, y)

- Coordinate geometry of the circle using the equation of a circle in the
- (x a)
+ (y b)
= r
and including use of the following circle
o the angle in a semicircle is a right angle;
o the perpendicular from the centre to a chord bisects the
o the perpendicularity of radius and tangent.
Sequences and Series
Recurrence Relation

Binomial Expansion
- Definition of Recurrence Relation: u
= f(u
- Binomial expansion: using Pascals triangle to obtain coefficients of
powers of x such as: (1 + x)
and (a + bx)
where n is a positive
integers and n is small .
- Extension of the Pascals triangle to obtain the Binomial Expansion
formula :
(1 + x)
n r
x ... x
1) r 2)...(n 1)(n n(n
... x
1) n(n
nx 1
+ +

+ +

The sum of a finite geometric series;
the sum to infinity of a convergent
geometric series, including the use of
1 < r .
- The general term and the sum to n terms are required.
- The proof of the sum formula should be known.

Exponentials & Logarithms

- Definition of an exponential function: e
is The Exponential Function
- Graph sketching (such as y = 2
- Definition of a logarithmic function: The inverse function of an
exponential function of the same base.
- Use the relationship between the graph of a function and its inverse
function to illustrate the graphs of logarithmic functions.
- a = b
a = c
- Notations:

- log
x + log
y = log
- log
x - log
y = loga(x/y)
- log
= n log
- log
a = 1 and log
1 = 0
- log
a = log
a/ log

- The sine and cosine rules, and the area of a triangle in the form
sin C.
Radian measure, including use for arc
length and area of sector.
- Use of the formulae s = r and A =
for a circle.
Sine, cosine and tangent functions.
Their graphs, symmetries and
- Knowledge of graphs of curves with equations such as y = 3 sin x,
y = sin(x + /6), y = sin 2x is expected.

- Knowledge and use of tan u =
, and sin
u + cos
u = 1.

- The notation f(x) may be used for the second order derivative.
- To include applications to curve sketching. Maxima and minima
problems may be set in the context of a practical problem.
Interpretation of the definite integral
as the area under a curve.

- Candidates will be expected to be able to evaluate the area of a region
bounded by a curve and given straight lines.

Numerical Methods
Numerical Integration - The use of the Trapezium Rule:
)} y ... y 2(y ) y h{(y ydx
1 n 2 1 1 0 2

+ + + + + ~
a b


Maths S1 Checklist:
Representation & Summary of Data
Intro of Data

- Data = Observation = Variable
- Discrete & Continuous Data
- Quantitative & Qualitative Data
- Mean, Median, Mode (Quartiles)
Measures of


- Range & Percentile ranges
- Cumulative Frequency Polygons
- Variance & Standard Deviation

- Simple Interpolation
- Concept & Definition of Skewness
- Symetrical, Positive, Negative Distributions
- Concept of outliers
Stem & Leaf
Box Plots
- Frequency = Area
- Frequency density = Frequency/Class Width
Correlation & Regression
Correlation - Product-moment correlation coefficient: Its use, interpretation and limitations
Scatter Diagrams

Linear Regression
- Variables: Explanatory (independent) variables and Response (dependent)
- Straight-line law: y = bx + a
- Linear regression model :
- The least square regression line: y = a + bx , where

Set Notations
- Use of standard formulae
- Exclusive events
- Complementary events

i i i
x y + + =
x b y a ,
= =
B) P(A P(B) P(A) B) P(A
P(A) 1 ) P(A'
+ =
Independent events

Probability - Tree diagrams
- Conditional probability
- Solving Probability problems
Discrete Random Variables
Discrete Random Variables - Concept of random variables
- The probability function:
- Use of p(x) where p(x) = P(X = x)
- The cumulative distribution function:

= s =
) ( ) ( ) (
0 0
x x
x p x X P x F

Mean & Variance
(Expectation Algebra)
Discrete Uniform
- Calculating the mean E(X)
- The use of E(X) and E(X2) to calculate the variance Var(X)
- Knowledge and use of
- E(aX + b) = aE(X) + b
- Var(aX +b) = a2 Var(x)
- Each event is equally likely to occur.
- The mean and the variance of this distribution
The Normal Distribution

- Properties of Normal Distribution:
- Shape of a Normal Distribution curve
- Symmetrical about mu
- Mode = Mean = Median
- Total area under the curve = 1
- The Standard Normal Distribution
- The use of its table

P(B) P(A) B) P(A =

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