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Chapter 27 Notes- The Global Crisis

Myth of Isolationism? The nation had turned its back on the rest of the globle and rejected its international responsibilities FALSE US played a more active role in world affairs in the 20s had before An attempt to prevent what was threatening to become a costly and destabilizing naval race between the US, Britain and Japan -proposed the reduction of all three fleets and a 10 year moratorium on the construction of large warships. -scrapping of nearly 2mill tons of ships -conference accepted most terms -Began the New Era effort to protect the peace without accepting active international duties 5 tons of American & Brit warships, Japan could have 3, and France/Italy could have 1.75 each -pledged a continuation of the Open Door Policy to China and the respect of other nations Pacific territories and prevent aggression. -A multilateral treaty outlawing war as an instrument of national policy -14 nations signed the agreement on Aug 27, 1928 in Paris. -First responsibility was to ensure that American overseas trade faced no obstacles to expansion and would remain free to interference -Charles G. Dawes- banker- negotiated an argument under which American banks would pay Germans in loans so they could pay their reparations, and in return, France & GB would reduce the amount of the payments. -Dawes won a Nobel Piece Prize for his efforts although he did little to solve the problems it addressed -US loaned to Germany- Germany paid GB & France reparations- GB & France paid US for reparations -America became dangerously involved in the industries of unstable European nations (dependant) - Euro countries found it hard to gain the money needed to pay off their reparations High tariffs on US imports -Gave loans to LA nations as well, same problem with raising enough funds to repay -US investments doubled btw 24 & 29 -Reasons= to put down revolutionary forces but also to continue having access to LA resources -Producing dangerous nationalism that threatened the weak international agreements established in the preious decade. -Depression = toppling some existing political leaders and replacing them with powerful, belligerent govt. that

Washington Conference of 1921?

-Five Power Pact of Feb 1922? -Nine Power Pact? -Kellog-Briand Pact?

Diplomacy? Dawes Plan?

Circular Loans?

Eco Expansion in Latin America?

Hoover & World Crisis?

Europe effort to stabilize economy? Hitler beliefs? Manchuria?

FDRs Bombshell message?

New administration differences? Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act?

Soviet Union?

Good Neighbor Policy?

Old Wilsonian internationalists?

were set on expansion as a solution to eco issues - Hoover lacked tools to face the oncoming threat of war Proposed that the US cancel all war debts to the US, Hoover refused and tensions grew more between the nations. Racial superiority of the Aryan people, commitment to providing Lebensraum for his master race, AntiSemitism (hate of Jews) and strong militarism -Japan invaded because they were worried about Chinas growing nationalism under Chaing Kai-sheck. -Sec of State Henry Stimson hoped that Jap moderates would gain control but too late - Hoover banned them from the League of Nations -Japan attacked again, proof of the failure of the League -Rejecting any agreements on currency stabilization other than what he had already done (gold value of the dollar to drop and allow American goods to compete in world market) -Signed a bill that forbid any bank to loan money to any nation in default of its debts -War payments from every nation except Finland halted -No interest in international currency stabilization or settlement of war debts -Active interest in in improving Americas position in world trade -Authorized the admin to negotiate treaties lowering tariffs by as much as 50% in return for reciprocal reductions by other nations. -Sec. of State Cordell Hull- new treaties with 21 nationsincrease of Amer expts by 40% -imports still lagging -American interest because of Trade -Russian interest partly because they were hoping that US could help restrain the power of Japan (threat to them) -Soviets would cease propaganda efforts in US and protect US people in Russia, and US would recognize the Communist regime - Amer failed to establish foothold in Russia and Soviets didnt see any interest of the US to help slow Japan in Asia. -- Mistrust once again by the end of 1924 -Latin America- more successful - most important trading area. - Imports and exports up by > 100% -Simply replaced one form of leverage with another from military force to use of economic influence -Eased tensions -Grown disillusioned with the League of Nations and its inability to stop Japanese aggression in Asia- failure of internationalism

-popular among populist-minded politicians in the MW and W began to believe that Wall St and other strong business people had tricked the US into entering WWI Continued suspicions of WWI? -Investigation of Senator Gerald Nye of North Dakota revealed exorbitant profiteering and blatant tax evasion by many corporations during the War -Suggested that bankers pressured Wilson to intervene in the war to protect their loans abroad. Neutrality Acts? -Designed to preent a recurrence of the events that many Americans now believed had pressured Amer into WWI -Mandatory arms embargo against both victim and aggressor in any military conflict and empowered the president to warn American citizens that they might travel on the ships warring nations only at their own risk --Cash-carry policy? -Belligerents could purchase only nonmilitary goods from the US and had to pay cash and carry the goods away on their vessels. Attack on Ethiopia? -Lead by Italy (Mussolini) and formed an alliance with Nazi Germany (The Axis) Leader of the Falangists? -General Francisco Franco of Spain Quarantine Speech -Roosevelts efforts to break the isolationist views once again -Stated that Japan was becoming dangerous and that their actions should not go unpunished -Failed and gained hostilities, Roosevelt backed down once again Japan attack on US ship? -Panay- US gunboat sailing through China, clearly marked with a flag, Japan bombed and sank it in broad daylight -Isolationists pressured the administration into accepting Japans apologies and overlooking the attack Munich? -Appeasement of Hitlers invasion and clear disregard of the rules- staying out of the Rhineland and then continuing into Czech. - Hitler promised to expand no further -Prime minister Neville Chamberlain- peace in our time Wrong- Czech WWI begins? -Hitler stages an incident and claims that Germany was attacked and rages full on into Poland -Brit & Francs hold true to their pledges and declare war on Germany two days later Orson Welles & the War of the Worlds? Radio broadcast about aliens attacking Earth, but people missed the announcement that it was a play and began to totally panic Revision of the Neutrality Acts? -Made isolationists angry, but Roosevelt pushed, although he was ultimately forced to accept less than wanted -US able to aid France and GB to some extent by providing weaponry Fall of France? -Germany pulled Italy into war- who attacked up into France and Paris on June 10 and France fell June 22

Military leader in Great Brit? Burke-Wadsworth Act?

Committee to Defend America? Fight for Freedom Committee? America First Committee? 3rd term candidacy? Republican candidate? Lend-lease policy by GB?

Churchill -Inaugurating the first peacetime military draft in American history. -American shift away from neutrality and began supporting the war after Germany took France down -William Allen White -Lobbied for increased Amer assistance to the Allies but opposed actual intervention -April 1940 -Urged the immediate declaration of war -Chairman General Robert E. Wood -attracted some of Americas most prominent leaders -Roosevelt wouldnt back down, hard for anyone else from the Dem party to rise - accept a DRAFT FROM HIS PARTY? (pg. 732) -Wendell Willkie- publisher of Time and Life magazines -Dynamic & attractive but inexperienced -Would allow govt. could funnel weapons to Eng on the basis of no more than Brits promise to return or pay for them when the war was over -Isolationists disliked- devise to tie the US more closely to the Allies, but Congress enacted it anyway - Roosevelts idea- US navy would defend transport ships only in the Western Atlantic a neutral zone and a responsibility of the Amer. Nations -June 1941- Amer shops were patrolling the pcean as far E as Iceland escorting the ships and radioing info to Brit vessels about the location of Nazi submarines -

hemispheric defense

Germany invasion of the USSR?

Atlantic Charter?

Tripartite Pact?

Tokyo & War?

Pearl Harbor? -2nd wave came an hour later

-7:55am Sunday December 7, 1941 Hawaii -Within 2 hours, US lost 8 battleships, 3 cruisers, 4 other vessels, 188 airplanes, and several vital installations ->2,000 soldiers died and another 1,000 injured -

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