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Formatting of Bioequivalence Summary Tables

1. Please provide these tables as pdf files and in MSWord. Place the MSWord format of all the tables in Module 2.7 and the pdf files in the appropriate eCTD/CTD locations. Margins for the paper should be 1 for the top and bottom and 1.25 for the left and right sides. All text should be Times New Roman 10. Please use the Default Table Style when creating the tables when they are created in Microsoft Word. (Select Menu Table-Table Auto Format-Table Normal) Table 1, Table 4, Table 7, Table 8, and Tables 10-16 should be in PORTRAIT orientation. Table 2, Table 3, Table 5, Table 6, Table 9 should be in LANDSCAPE orientation.

2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

Table 1 Submission Summary

Drug Product Name Strength(s) Applicant Name Address Point of Contact Name Address Telephone Number Fax Number Or, please provide an electronic copy of Form 356H.

This information is needed for a complete Bioequivalence review and, although required for the archival copy submitted to the Agency, it is frequently not readily available in the Bioequivalence Submission. The Division of Bioequivalence prefers that this information be submitted as a electronic Form 356H. If this is not possible, then please complete Table 1.

Table 2 Summary of Bioavailability Studies

Study Ref. No. Study Objective Treatments (Dose, Dosage Form, Route) [Product ID] Test product strength Tab./Cap./Susp p.o. [Batch #] Ref. product strength Tab./Cap./Susp p.o. [Batch #] Test product strength Tab./Cap./Susp p.o. [Batch #] Ref. product strength Tab./Cap./Susp p.o. [Batch #] Subjects (No. (M/F) Type Age: mean (Range) Mean Parameters (+/-SD) Cmax (units/mL) Tmax (hr) AUC0-t (units) AUC (units) T (hr) Kel (hr-1) Study Report Location

Study Design

Study #

Randomized Fasting study single-dose title crossover

# completing (#M/#F) Healthy subjects or patients mean age (range)

M (%CV)

Median M M (Range) M (%CV) M (%CV) (%CV) (%CV) Vol.# p.# M M Median M (%CV) M (%CV) (%CV) (%CV) (Range)

M (%CV)

Study #

Fed study title

Randomized single-dose crossover

# completing (#M/#F) Healthy subjects or patients mean age (range)

M (%CV)

M M Median M (%CV) M (%CV) (%CV) (%CV) (Range) M M Median M (%CV) M (%CV) (%CV). (%CV) (Range)

Vol.# p.#

M (%CV)

Table 3 Statistical Summary of the Comparative Bioavailability Data

Drug Dose (# x mg) Least Squares Geometric Means, Ratio of Means, and 90% Confidence Intervals Fasted Bioequivalence Study (Study No.) Test Reference Ratio

Parameter AUC0-t AUC Cmax Parameter AUC0-t AUC Cmax

90% C.I.


Fed Bioequivalence Study (Study No.) Reference


90% C.I.

Table 4 Bioanalytical Method Validation

Information Requested Bioanalytical method validation report location Analyte Internal standard (IS) Method description Limit of quantitation Average recovery of drug (%) Average recovery of IS (%) Standard curve concentrations (units/mL) QC concentrations (units/mL) QC Intraday precision range (%) QC Intraday accuracy range (%) QC Interday precision range (%) QC Interday accuracy range (%) Bench-top stability (hrs) Stock stability (days) Processed stability (hrs) Freeze-thaw stability (cycles) Long-term storage stability (days) Dilution integrity Selectivity Please include table for each analyte. Please submit all Method Validation SOPs. Data Provide the volume(s) and page(s) Provide the name(s) of the analyte(s) Identify the internal standard used Brief description of extraction method; analytical method LOQ, units % % Standard curve range and appropriate concentration units List all the concentrations used Range or per QC Range or per QC Range or per QC Range or per QC hours @ room temperature days @ 4C hours @ room temperature; hours @ 4C # cycles 17 days @ -20C (or other) Concentration diluted X-fold No interfering peaks noted in blank plasma samples

Table 5 Summary of In Vitro Dissolution Studies

Dissolution Conditions Apparatus: Speed of Rotation: Medium: Volume: Temperature:

Firms Proposed Specifications Dissolution Testing Site (Name, Address) Study Ref No. Study Report #: Study Report #: Testing Date Product ID \ Batch No. (Test - Manufacture Date) (Reference Expiration Date) Test Product Dosage Strength & Form mg Tablet Capsule mg Tablet Capsule No. of Dosage Units 12 Collection Times (minutes or hours) Study Report Location

Reference Product


Mean Range %CV Mean Range %CV

Provide dissolution data for all strengths (test and reference).

Table 6 Formulation Data

Ingredient Cores Amount (mg) / Tablet Strength 1 Strength 2 Amount (%) / Tablet Strength 1 Strength 2


Total Please include the formulation of all strengths.



Table 7 Demographic Profile of Subjects Completing the Bioequivalence Study

Study No. Treatment Groups Test Product Reference Product N= N= 50 15 21 - 64 N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%)

Age (years) Age Groups

Mean SD Range < 18 18 40 41 64 65 75 > 75

Sex Race

Male Female Asian Black Caucasian Hispanic Other Mean SD Range

BMI Other Factors

Please provide a separate table for each Bioequivalence Study

Table 8 Incidence of Adverse Events in Individual Studies

Body System / Adverse Event Body as a whole Dizziness Etc. Cardiovascular Hypotension Etc. Gastrointestinal Constipation Etc. Other organ sys. Reported Incidence by Treatment Groups Fasted/Fed Bioequivalence Study Study No. Test Reference N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%)


N (%)

N (%)

Provide separate table for each Bioequivalence Study

Table 9 Reanalysis of Study Samples

Study No. Additional information in Volume(s), Page(s) Number of samples reanalyzed Number of recalculated values used after reanalysis Actual number % of total assays Actual number % of total assays T R T R T R T R

Reason why assay was repeated

Pharmacokinetic1 Reason A (e.g. below LOQ) Reason B Reason C Etc. Total 1 - If no repeats were performed for pharmacokinetic reasons, insert 0.0. Please provide a separate table for each analyte measured for each in-vivo study.

Table 10 Study Information

Study Number Study Title Study Type Submission Location: Study Report Validation Report Bioanalytical Report Clinical Site (Name, Address, Phone #, Fax #) Principal Clinical Investigator (Name, Email) Dosing Dates Analytical Site (Name, Address, Phone #, Fax #) Analysis Dates Principal Analytical Investigator (Name, Email) Storage Period of Biostudy Samples (no. of days from the first day of sample collection to the last day of sample analysis) Please provide separate table for each Bioequivalence Study

In Vivo BE

In Vitro BE


Other (Specify)

location, ex: location, ex: location, ex:

Table 11 Product Information

Product Treatment ID Product Name Manufacturer Batch/Lot No. Manufacture Date Expiration Date Strength Dosage Form Bio-batch Size Production Batch Size Potency Content Uniformity (mean, %CV) Dose Administered Route of Administration Test Reference



Table 12 Dropout Information

Subject No Study No. Reason for dropout/replacement* Period Replaced? Replaced with

Please provide separate table for each Bioequivalence Study * Please provide time, treatment (test or reference), and cause of dropout, if reason of dropout is other than personal reasons.

Table 13 Protocol Deviations

Study No. Type Subject #s (Test) Subject #s (Ref.)

Please provide a separate table for each Bioequivalence Study

Table 14 Summary of Standard Curve and QC Data for Bioequivalence Sample Analyses
Bioequivalence Study No. Analyte Name Standard Curve Samples

Parameter Concentration (ng, mcg/mL) Inter day Precision (%CV) Inter day Accuracy (%Actual) Linearity Linearity Range (ng, mcg/mL) Sensitivity/LOQ (ng, mcg/mL)

(Range of R2 values)

Parameter Concentration (ng, mcg/mL) Inter day Precision (%CV) Inter day Accuracy (%Actual)

Bioequivalence Study No. Analyte Name Quality Control Samples

If applicable, please provide separate tables for the parent drug and metabolite(s)

Table 15 SOPs Dealing with Bioanalytical Repeats of Study Samples*

SOP No. Effective Date of SOP SOP Title

* Please include the SOP for Bioanalytical Repeats in your submission.

Table 16 Composition of Meal Used in Fed Bioequivalence Study

Composition Fat Carbohydrate Protein Total

Composition of Meal Used in Fed Bioequivalence Study Percent of total Kcal Kcal

If the standard meal referenced in the CDER Guidance for Industry Food-Effect Bioavailability and Fed Bioequivalence Studies is used, then it is not necessary to complete the table. In that case, please add a statement in the fed bioequivalence study report indicated that the FDA standard meal was used. If an alternative meal is used, then please complete the above summary table.

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