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Board Resolution No.

100 The Amended Bylaws of the Graphics Club of 2012

April 11


This Document contains Board Resolution No. 100 or the Amended Bylaws of the Graphics club of 2012.




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BY-LAWS of the Graphics Club Article I Purposes and Objective The general objective of this organization is to continuously develop the skills and talents of its members with the primary purpose of promoting excellence in graphic and visual presentation by providing free tutorial services through peer advising. Article II Membership Section 1. only. Membership. This Organization shall have regular membership

A regular member is one who has complied with all the membership requirements and entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership. Section 2. Qualification for Membership - The membership of this Organization is open to all 2nd and 3rd year students of the School of Architecture, Industrial Design and the Built Environment (AR-ID-BE) of the Mapua institute of Technology, with capacity to contract, within the common bond and field of membership described as follows: a. b. Section 3. Passed all Graphics & Visual Communication courses. Considered in good standing, maintain an average of 2.75 for the major courses. Requirements for Membership.

A member must have complied with the following requirements: a. c. d. Duly accomplished application form Submitted a copy of previous Term grades Submitted a copy of current Term schedule

Section 4. Application for Membership. An applicant for membership shall file a duly accomplished form to the Head of Members Development Committee who shall act upon the application within three (3) days from the date of filing. The application form for membership shall include an undertaking to uphold the By-laws, policies, guidelines, rules and regulations promulgated by the Members of the Board and the general assembly. Section 5. Duties and Responsibilities of a Member. Every member shall have the following duties: a. b. c. d. e. Support the organization, the Graphics Club Attend and participate in the deliberation of all matters taken during general assembly; Participate in all organizational activities --- approved by the general assembly and the board members; Observe and obey all orders, decisions, rules and regulations adopted by the members of the Board of Officers and the general assembly and; Promote the purposes and objective of the organization.




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Section 8. Rights and Privileges of Members. A member shall have the following rights and privileges: a. b. c. d. e. f. Attend during general membership meetings; Inspect and examine the books of accounts, the minutes books, and other records of the Organization during reasonable time and day; Agree and disagree with decisions during the deliberation of all matters during general assembly; Question any decision made by the Members of the Board of Officers that is against the purpose and goal of the Organization and the majority of its members. Recommend possible Board position in case of vacancy. Such other rights and privileges as may be granted by the General Assembly.

Section 9. Termination of Membership. Termination of membership may be automatic, voluntary or involuntary, which shall have the effect of extinguishing all rights of a member in the Organization. a. Automatic Termination of Membership. The expulsion from the school; transfer to another school; change of program within MIT that is not included in the programs offered within the School of AR-ID-BE of a member shall be considered an automatic termination of his membership in the Organization. Voluntary Termination. A member may, for any reason, withdraw his membership from the Organization by giving a forty-five (45) day notice to the Head of the Members development Committee. However, no member shall be allowed to withdraw or terminate his membership during any period in which he has any pending task and obligation with the Organization. Involuntary Termination. A member may be terminated by recommendation of the Head of the Members Development Committee followed by a vote of the majority of all the members of the Board of Officers for any of the following causes:
i. ii. iii. Has not supported all the activities of the Organization. Has continuously failed to comply with his obligations as provided for in the policies approved by the Organization; and Has violated any provision of this By-laws and the policies promulgated by the members of the Board as approved by the general assembly.



Section 10. Manner of Involuntary Termination. The members of the Board of Officers through the Head of the Members Development Committee shall notify in writing the member who is being considered for termination and shall give him the opportunity to be heard.




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ARTICLE III Administration

Section 1. The General Assembly. The general assembly is composed of all the members, duly assembled and constituting a quorum and is the highest policy-making body of the Organization. Section 2. Powers of the General Assembly. Subject to the pertinent provisions of the Organization Code and the rules issued hereunder, the general assembly shall have the following exclusive powers which cannot be delegated: a. b. c. d. To determine and approve amendments to the organization Articles of Organization and By-laws; To recommend or reject possible apprentice of each board members; To approve organizational plans; To remove a board member or an apprentice if by chance, he/she is not complimenting with the objectives of the organization.

Section 3. Meetings. Meetings of the general assembly, members of the board and committees may be regular or special. All proceedings and businesses undertaken at any meeting of the general assembly or members of the board, if within the powers or authority of the Organization, there being a quorum, shall be valid. Section 4. Conduct of the Meetings . The Presiding Officer/ Chairman of the Board shall preside over all meetings, and in his absence, the Junior Presider or a duly appointed board member shall take his place temporarily. The Secretary shall act as secretary of every meeting, and in his/her absence; the assistant secretary shall be the secretary of the meeting. Section 5. Regular General Assembly Meeting. The General Assembly shall hold its regular meetings at the selected place by the members of the board within the Institute on each term of each academic year. Section 6. Special General Assembly Meeting. The members of the Board of Officers may, by a majority vote of all its members, call a special general assembly meeting at any time to consider urgent matters requiring immediate membership decision. The members of the Board must make an announcement to all the members three (3) days before the assigned date of the meeting. Section 7. Notice of Meeting. All notices of meetings shall be in writing and shall include the date, time, place, and agenda thereof stated therein. a. Regular General Assembly Meeting. Notice of the regular general assembly meeting shall be served by the Secretary and/ or the Head of Information and Liaison Committee, personally or his duly authorized representative, by letter, or by electronic means to all members, or by posting or publication though the Organizations web page (Facebook account), or through other electronic means, at least five (5) days before the said meeting. It shall be accompanied with an agenda and the minutes of meeting of the last general assembly meeting.
b. Special General Assembly Meeting. Notice of the regular general assembly meeting shall be served by the Secretary and/ or the Head of Information and Liaison Committee, personally or his duly authorized representative, by letter, or by electronic means to all members of record,




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or by posting or publication though the Organizations web page (Facebook account), or through other electronic means, at least 5 days before the said meeting. It shall be accompanied with an agenda and the minutes of meeting of the last general assembly meeting. It shall state the purpose and, except for related issues, no other business shall be considered during the meeting. Section 8. Order of Business. As far as practicable, the order of business of a regular general assembly meetings and other meetings shall be: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. Call to order; Roll Call; Proof of due notice; Declaration of presence of quorum; Consideration of presence of quorum; Reading and approval of the previous minutes of meeting; Matters arising from the minutes; Consideration of the consolidated report of the board of directors, officers, and the committees, including audited financial statements of the Cooperative; Unfinished business; Approval of organizational plans and developments; New business; Other matters; and Adjournment

Section 9. Quorum for General Assembly Meeting. During regular or special general assembly meeting, at least 50% plus one (1) of the total number of members entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum. Section 10. Voting System. All members (except the Organizations Secretary and Assistant Secretary) are entitled to vote and are qualified to participate and vote in any general assembly meeting. A member is entitled to only one vote. ARTICLE IV Members of the Board of Officers Section 1. Composition of the Members of the Board of Officers. The members of the Board shall be composed of ten (10) members who shall hold different powers. It shall be composed of a Chairman of the Board of Officers, secretary and the Committee Heads. Section 2. Functions and Responsibilities. The members of the Board of Officers (BOO) shall have the following functions and responsibilities: a. From time to time, to make and change rules and regulations not inconsistent with these by-laws for the management of the business and affairs of The Organization. To organize, secure permits and report all activities of the organization through assigned Committees subject to the approval of the department and the OSA; To delegate, from time to time, any of the powers of the Committee which needs to be delegated in the course of the current business of the Graphics Club (G-Club); To attend to the giving and serving of all notices to their respective schoolmates and;







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To implement these by-laws and to act on any matter not covered by these by-laws

Section 3. Qualifications. No member shall be appointed or to continue as such member of the Board of Officer unless he is a member entitled to vote and has the following qualifications: a. b. c. d. e. Has qualified the membership requirements; A member in good standing for at least three (3) terms and; Willingness to take responsibility. Has qualified to be an apprentice and; An apprentice for at least three (3) months, or one (1) term

Section 4. Disqualifications. Any member who is under any of the following circumstances shall be disqualified to be appointed as an apprentice or member of the Board; a. b. Holding any elective position in any major organization within the Institute, except that of a representative and; Having served as a member of the Board.

Section 5. Appointment of Members of the Board. The members of the Board of Officers shall be appointed and shall be composed of members of the organization who have selected or applied to be the apprentice for the positions and whose appointments have been evaluated by the existing board, recommended by the organizations adviser and approved by the dean of the school. Section 6. Term of Office. Each Board member duly appointed shall hold office for a minimum period of one (1) academic year and may only extend up to two (2) additional academic terms until all the monies, properties of The Graphics Club have been liquidated and accounted for. . Section 7. Meeting of the members of the Board. The regular meeting of the members of the Board shall be held at least once a school term. However, the Chairman of the Board or majority of the members may at any time call a special Board meeting to consider urgent matters. The call shall be addressed and delivered to the Secretary stating the date, time and place of such meeting and the matters to be considered. Notice of regular and special meetings of the members of the Board, unless dispensed with, shall be served by the Secretary in writing to each director at least two (2) days before such meeting. Majority of the total number of Board members constitutes a quorum to transact matters. Any decision or action taken by the majority members of the members of the Board in a meeting duly assembled shall be a valid. Section 8. Conduct of the Meetings. The Presiding Officer/ Chairman of the Board of Officers shall preside over all meetings of the Committee, and in his absence, a duly appointed board member shall take his place temporarily. The Secretary shall act as secretary of every meeting, and in her absence, the Presiding Officer shall appoint a secretary of the meeting. Section 9. Penalty. There shall be imposed a penalty of One Hundred Pesos (Php100.00) if a board member fails to attend t 2 consecutive Board of Officers Meeting within a span of one (1) term. Fines shall be deposited to the Organizations funds. Section 10. Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring in the members of the Board by reason of death, incapacity, removal or resignation may be filled-up by a majority vote of the remaining Board members, if still constituting a quorum;




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otherwise, such vacancy shall be filled by the general assembly in a regular or special meeting called for the purpose. A member so appointed to fill a vacancy may have the option to serve in office only for the unexpired term of his predecessor. In the event that the general assembly failed to have a quorum to fill the positions vacated by the officers, the Organizations adviser, the chairman of the Board of Officers and the Head of the Members Development Committee (MDC) may appoint a member to a vacant position temporarily and is subject to change by the Board members quorum. In the absence of the Head of MDC, he/she may be replaced by the Organizations Secretary. Section 11. Removal of Officers. All complaints for the removal of any appointed Officer/Head shall be filed with the Members of the Board of Officers and such Officer/Head shall be given the opportunity to be heard. The members of the Board shall conduct investigation and form an appropriate judgment. If removal from the position is the option, majority voting shall be conducted with the quorum. ARTICLE V Apprenticeship Section 1. Functions and Responsibilities. The apprentices of the Members of the Board shall have the following functions and responsibilities: a. b. c. To assist the corresponding Committee Head; In the absence of the corresponding Committee Head, to attend Board meetings and occasions that needs the participation of his/her committee head. To serve as vice leader to the members of his/her committee.

Section 2. Qualifications. No member shall be appointed or to continue as an apprentice unless he is a member entitled to vote and has the following qualifications: b. b. c. Has qualified the membership requirements; A member in good standing for at least one (1) term and; Willingness to take responsibility.

Section 3. Disqualifications. Any member who is under any of the following circumstances shall be disqualified to be appointed as an apprentice: a. b. Holding any elective position in any major organization within the Institute, except that of a representative and; Having served as a member of the Board.

Section 4. Appointment of apprentices. The members of the Board of Officers have the right to choose only one (1) member of the Organization each to be enrolled in apprenticeship. Each members of the board of Officers is responsible to choose a member to be enrolled in apprenticeship. No other board member shall influence the decision of the other Board member to choose an apprentice. His/her apprentice must come from his/her own committee with the exception of: a. b. the Chairman of the Board of Officers, who may choose an apprentice from all the members (except the members of the Board), which shall be called Junior Presider and; the Secretary, who shall have the assistant secretary as his/her apprentice automatically.




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The member of the board of officers who wish to enroll a member of the Organization into apprenticeship must submit a request for approval in writing, containing the profile and standing of the selected member, to the Chairman of the Board of Officers. The Chairman of the Board of Officers shall take the request to the Board quorum and shall be voted for approval. Once the apprenticeship has been approved, the selected apprentice shall be informed in writing by the members of the Board. Section 5. Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring in the apprentices by reason of death, incapacity or removal may be filled-up by a majority vote of the Board members, if still constituting a quorum; otherwise, such vacancy shall be filled by the right to appoint by the Head of the corresponding Committee. Section 6. Right to appoint. Each members of the Board of Officers is entitled to right to appoint in the event that the members of the Board failed to have a quorum in the case of filling vacancies. In this event, the respective member of the Board may appoint his/her apprentice without the approval of the majority of the members of the Board. Section 7. Removal of apprentices. All complaints for the removal of any appointed apprentice shall be filed with the members of the Board of Officers and such apprentice shall be given the opportunity to be heard. The members of the Board shall conduct investigation and form an appropriate judgment. If removal from the position is the option, majority voting shall be conducted with the quorum. ARTICLE VI Officers Section 1. Officers and their Duties. The officers of the organization shall include the Chairman of the Board, secretary, and the Committee heads which is the composition of the Board of Officers which shall serve according to the functions and responsibilities of their respective offices as follows: a. Chairman of the Board The Chairman of the Board shall: i. ii. iii. iv. Set the agenda for board meetings in coordination with other members of the Board. Preside over all meetings of the Board of Officers and of the general assembly. Sign Contracts, agreements, certificates and other documents on behalf of the Organization as authorized by the Board of Officers or by the General Assembly. Perform such functions as may be authorized by the BOO or by the GA.

b. Secretary The Secretary shall: i.

ii. iii. iv. Keep an updated and complete registry of all members, prepare and maintain records of all minutes of all meetings of the BOF & the GA; Ensure that necessary BOOs actions and decisions are transmitted for compliance and implementation; Issue and certify the list of members who are in good standing and entitled to vote as determined by the BOO; Serve notice of all meetings called and certify the presence of quorum of all meetings of the BOO and GA;




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v. vi.

Keep copy of the Treasurers report & other reports; Perform such other functions as may be prescribed in the By-laws or authorized by the GA.

c. Committee Heads The Committee Heads shall: i. ii. iii. Manage and regulate the committees assigned; Lead and perform the functions of the assigned committee as presented in the by-laws of the organization. Perform such functions as may be authorized by the BOO or by the GA.

Section 2. Liabilities of the Officers. Officers who willfully and knowingly vote for or assent to deliberately unlawful acts, or who are guilty of gross negligence or bad faith in directing the affairs of the Organization or acquire any personal or pecuniary interest in conflict with their duties as officers shall be liable jointly and severally for all the damages resulting therefrom to the Organization, members and other persons. ARTICLE VII Committees Section 1. Members Development Committee. A Members Development Committee is hereby created and shall be composed of ______ ( ) members to be appointed by the Members of the Board and shall hold office for a minimum of one (1) year. The Members Development Committee shall: a. b. c. d. e. f. Develop the Organizations members; Monitor the academic standings of the members; Submit reports regarding the academic standings of the members; Recommend activities for the development of the members; Organize activities related to the development of the members; Recommend awardees based on members performance to the members of the Board and; g. Recommend peer advisers. Section 2. Peer advising Committee. A Peer Advising Committee is hereby created and shall be composed of ______ ( ) members to be appointed by the Members of the Board and shall hold office for a minimum of one (1) year. The Peer Advising Committee shall: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Appoint peer advisers; Remove peer advisers; Monitor peer advisers frequently; Submit reports regarding the activities of the Organizations peer advising and its advisers to the members of the Board. Coordinate with CSA, Center for Student Advising, with regards to peer advising; Submit reports regarding the condition of the peer advising and its activities to CSA; Submit program outlines within the Organizations peer advising to CSA every Academic Term and; Perform such functions as may be authorized by the BOO or by the GA.




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Section 3. Permits and Licenses Committee. A Permits and Licenses Committee is hereby created and shall be composed of ______ ( ) members to be appointed by the Members of the Board and shall hold office for a minimum of one (1) year. The Permits and Licenses Committee shall: a. Secure all permits and licenses from the institution needed in every activities of the Organization; b. Submit accreditation requirements to OSA, Office of Student Affairs; c. Coordinate with OSA, Office of Student Affairs, regarding the accreditation of the Organization; d. Provide necessary information to the Members of the Board regarding the activities of the committee and; e. Perform such functions as may be authorized by the BOO or by the GA. Section 4. Special Events Committee. A Special Events Committee is hereby created and shall be composed of ______ ( ) members to be appointed by the Members of the Board and shall hold office for a minimum of one (1) year. The Special Events Committee shall: a. Organize special events of the Organization such as induction ceremonies, team building activities, etc.; b. Recommend/propose organizational events and activities that shall support the objectives and purpose of the Organization; c. Submit reports regarding organizational activities to the members of the Board and; d. Submit activity proposals for each term every academic term to the members of the Board and; e. Perform such functions as may be authorized by the BOO or by the GA.

Section 5. Finance Committee. A Finance Committee is hereby created and shall be composed of ______ ( ) members to be appointed by the Members of the Board and shall hold office for a minimum of one (1) year. The Finance Committee shall: a. Monitor and manage every monetary income or funds that shall enter the Organization. b. Monitor activities that shall use the Organizations funds. c. Propose and organize fund raising activities if necessary. d. Submit financial report, at the end of each academic term, to the board members; e. Safe keep the funds of the organization and; f. Perform such functions as may be authorized by the BOO or by the GA. Section 6. Documentation Committee. A Documentation Committee is hereby created and shall be composed of ______ ( ) members to be appointed by the Members of the Board and shall hold office for a minimum of one (1) year. The Documentation Committee shall document and record every activity of the Organization and shall be in charge of the compilation of such records and documents.




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Section 7. Information and Liaison Committee . An Information and Liaison Committee is hereby created and shall be composed of ______ ( ) members to be appointed by the Members of the Board and shall hold office for a minimum of one (1) year. The information and liaison Committee shall: a. Disseminate necessary announcements and notices such as meetings, provisions, organizational activities, and other events related to the organization. b. Assist the organizations secretary in publicizing announcements and notices. c. Regulate and monitor the web page (Facebook page) of the Organization and; d. Provide necessary information to the members of the Board regarding any concerns that is related to the Organization. Section 8. Advertising and Promotions Committee. An Advertising and Promotions Committee is hereby created and shall be composed of ______ ( ) members to be appointed by the Members of the Board and shall hold office for a minimum of one (1) year. The Advertising and Promotions Committee shall be in charge in the design and methods of advertising and promotions of the Organizations activities or events and perform such functions as may be authorized by the BOO or by the GA. Section 9. Other Committees. By a majority vote of all its members, the Board of Officers may form such other committees as may be deemed necessary for the operation of the Organization. ARTICLE VIII Funds Section 1. Source of Funds. The Organization may derive its funds from fund raising activities and/or members monetary contribution and other sources of funds as may be authorized depending on the necessity of the organization. ARTICLE IX Settlement of Disputes Section 1. Mediation and Conciliation. All inter and intra-organizational disputes shall be settled within the organization in accordance with the pertinent Guidelines issued by the Organization. Section 2. Mediation and Conciliation Sub-Committee. The Members of Board of officers may convene into a Mediation and Conciliation committee in the presence of inter or intra-organizational disputes with the majority approval of the Board of Officers.

Section 3. Functions and Responsibilities. The Mediation and Conciliation Committee: a. Formulate and develop the Conciliation-Mediation Program and ensure that it is properly implemented; b. Monitor Conciliation-Mediation program and processes; d. Accept and file Evaluation Reports;




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e. f.

Issue the Certificate of Non-Settlement; Perform such other functions as may be prescribed in the By-laws or authorized by the GA.

ARTICLE X Amendments Section 1. Amendment of Articles and By-laws. Amendments to the Articles and this By-Laws of the Organization may be adopted by at least two-thirds (2/3) votes of all members with voting rights. The amendment/s shall take effect upon approval by the Members of the Board of Officers.
Voted and adopted this _____ day of _______, 2012 in ____________, Mapua Institute of Technology, Intramuros, Manila, Philippines.






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