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Advanced Well Completion Technology to Reduce Methane Emissions

Phil Snider Marathon Oil Company

and Use of Infared Cameras for Leak Detection

How am I going to frac this???


Conventional Industry Solution

a few years ago

Common stimulation technique

cherry pick individual zones Perforate and attempt to stimulate multiple intervals Flow back (venting gas) Isolate lower intervals (repeat process multiple times) Remove all isolation devices and flow well.

Not very effective

Inevitably bypass much pay Compromise stimulation design Time consuming and costly Infrastructure issues in certain locations


Conventional Well Completion

Water and Frac Fluid Rate

Gas Rate

Time (days)

Casing Conveyed Perforating Completion

A *


Cross-Section of Gun Assembly

2 guns 3 casing

sin ha ble e P vaila a rg s A Ch r itie the ns O De ot Sh


s, g

A *


control line

Isolation Valve Below

External Perforating Gun

Firing the gun actuates a lower isolation valve. Valve actuates when a protective sleeve shifts.
Compatible with cementing and fracturing operations

Frangible; flapper valve removal is usually easy

PAST: with coiled tubing. NOW: DISAPPEARING
Next firing removes the lower isolation valves


Module Placement


Pressure Time


Technical Achievements Marathon Alaska

Single Day Completion 24 hour period
16 stages fracture stimulated with well cleanout and isolation valve removal gas to sales within 30 hours

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Excape Well Completion

Water and Frac Fluid Rate

Gas Rate Unloading Rate

Time (days)
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Marathon Alaska Excape Well Post Completion Production Data

KBU 23-7 Test Data As of 0530 7/25/04
4000 3750 3500 3250 3000 2750 Flowrate, MCFD 2500 2250 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 630 500 250 0 7/22/2004 0:00 346 Place well in Sales 3789

7/22/2004 12:00

7/23/2004 0:00

7/23/2004 12:00

7/24/2004 0:00

7/24/2004 12:00

7/25/2004 0:00

7/25/2004 12:00

Date & Time WHP GAS RATE

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How Much Gas Was Not Vented? Marathon Alaska Excape Wells
Excape Completion Process Location Well Name
KBU 42-7 Alaska 7,500 feet


Modules Completed (Zones Competed)

15 modules


Excape: Estimated Venting Before Sales

700 MCF

Total Vent time

3,150 MCFD

Conventional: Number of Frac Stages

Conventional: Conventional: Estimated Number of Estimated Venting Venting Days Per per day, per Stage Stage

Conventional: Total Vented Volume

Reduction in Venting Volume

350 MCFD

3. days

4,200 MCF

3,500 MCF

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1,000 MCF

2,000 MCF

3,000 MCF

4,000 MCF

5,000 MCF

6,000 MCF

7,000 MCF

8,000 MCF

9,000 MCF



(Alaska Only)

Estimated Gas Not Vented

Reduction in Venting Volume

Sum of the amounts: ~150 MMSCF

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4 KB 2-7 U 2 KB 4-6 Be U av 44 er C re 6 ek K Be BU 11 av 43 er -7 X C re ek KB 13 U Fa 33 -6 lls X C C an re ek ne ry 4 Lo op KB 8 U 23 K B e BU -7 av 11 er -8 X C Be re av ek er 12 C C a n re e k ne 14 ry Lo o KB p 9 U 4 KB 2-6 U KB 22C 6 an U ne 11 ry Lo 8Y op # KB 10 U 4 KB 1-6 U 11 -7 KB GO U 24 4 -6 R D C LU KB 11 U 24 -7 x

Modules Run Per Well

Modules Run Per Well
30 modules

25 modules

20 modules

15 modules

10 modules

5 modules


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Well Depths Well

Excape Installations, Well Depth 20,000 Feet 18,000 Feet 16,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 12,000 Feet 10,000 Feet 8,000 Feet 6,000 Feet 4,000 Feet 2,000 Feet Feet

5,000 M 4,000 M 3,000 M

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Mud Weights Encountered

Excape Installations, Mud Weights 18. lb/gal 16. lb/gal 14. lb/gal 12. lb/gal 10. lb/gal 8. lb/gal 6. lb/gal 4. lb/gal 2. lb/gal . lb/gal

2.0 S.G.

1.5 S.G. 1.0 S.G.

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Well Deviations

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Excape: Technical Operating Efficiencies

Marathon Total Industry Horizontal

Modules Attempted to Install Modules Actually Installed Module Installation Success Statistics

501 modules 501 modules 100.0%

1001 modules 984 modules 98.3%

329 modules 312 modules 94.8%

Modules Attempted to Fire Modules Successfully Fired Firing Success Statistics

493 modules 491 modules 99.6%

946 modules 923 modules 97.6%

303 modules 290 modules 95.7%

Successful Well Installation Count

44 wells

96 wells
Review Date 10/4/2008

32 wells

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Recent Marathon Horizontal Well Depth: 17,300 feet (5,300 meters)

Cana 1-15H Woodford Shale Well Conventional Completion Costs Excape Completion Costs Estimated Savings
$ $ $ 4,374,500 3,994,200 380,300

Cost Reduction Safety

* e: exta tm e f drli rg durng com pl i i i uded not r i or ilng i i eton s ncl

Excape - Cana 1-15 H Well COMPLETION Phase MAN DAYS 205 man days Man Hrs. 4,908 man hours
High Risk Man Days High risk Man Hours

Conventional - Cana 1-15H Well COMPLETION Phase MAN DAYS 321 man days Man Hrs. 7,692 man days
High Risk Man Days High risk Man Hours

8 man days 192 man hours

51 man days 1,224 man hours

Man Hr. Reduction for Completion Personnel Exposure Reduction High risk Man Hr. Reduction for Completion High Risk Personnel Exposure Reduction

2,784 man hours 36% 1,032 man hours 84%

Believed to be worlds first totally intervention-less completion

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Conclusion This Technology is reliable, and has safety and environmental benefits
(~50% reduction in man hours, less exposure)

It has led to development of competing multi-zone stimulation techniques, which is beneficial to industry as a whole. The amount of gas which can avoid being vented is very significant.
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ThermaCAM GasFindIR Camera

The hand-held infrared (IR) camera is a screening tool Can detect emissions not visible to the naked eye Provides actual images of the gas plume in real-time

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ThermaCAM GasFindIR Camera

Can see natural gas & other volatiles:
Benzene Butane Ethane Ethylbenzene Ethylene Heptane Hexane Isoprene MEK Methane Methanol MIBK Octane Pentane 1-Pentane Propane Propylene Toluene Xylene

Cannot detect H2S, CO2, CO, or NOx Cannot differentiate the gas components or quantify the emissions
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IR Survey: Total Gas Saved per Component per Year

10,000 Total Gas Saved per Component (mcf/year) 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 Compressor Seal Tank Thief Hatch Compressor Other Component Type Total Gas Saved per Component
Component Type Leaks: Valve (37) Tank Thief Hatch (30) Other (10) Compressor Other (6)


1,515 2 30

1,364 577 6 5 505 10

Compressor Valve


Total # of Leaks per Component

Cumulative Gas Saved

Compressor Valve (5) Connection (4) Open Ended Line (3) Compressor Seal (2) Flange (2)

Compressor Connector (2) Compressor Open Ended Line (2) Pressure Relief Valve (1) Compressor Pressure Relief Valve (1)

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Camera Video

Video 1 Video 2

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