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EMC SMI-S Provider

Version 3.2.2

Release Notes
P/N 300-005-588 Rev A01 August 24, 2007

These release notes contain supplemental information about EMC SMI-S Provider version 3.2.2 for SMI-S version 1.2. These release notes are organized as follows:

Product description.............................................................................. 2 New features and changes .................................................................. 3 Fixed problems ..................................................................................... 7 Environment and system requirements ............................................ 8 Known problems and limitations .................................................... 11 Technical notes .................................................................................... 13 Documentation ................................................................................... 15 Software media, organization, and files.......................................... 15 Installation ........................................................................................... 16 Troubleshooting and getting help .................................................... 35

Product description

Product description
EMC SMI-S Provider V3.2.2 supports the SNIA Storage Management Initiative (SMI), an ANSI standard for storage management. This initiative has developed a standard management interface that has culminated in a comprehensive specification (SMI-Specification or SMI-S). The SMI-S defines the open storage management interface that enables the interoperability of multiple vendors storage management technologies. These technologies are used to monitor and control storage resources in multivendor SAN topologies. The SMI strives to ensure consistent data and eliminate inconsistencies between management tools by providing a unified interface to the many storage objects that must be managed in a storage environment. This enables application developers to focus on a single, standard interface for the development of management tools. The EMC SMI-S Provider has been paired with the Pegasus CIM Server to provide an SMI-compliant interface for EMC Symmetrix and CLARiiON arrays. These release notes identify new EMC SMI-S Provider V3.2.2 enhancements and any known functionality restrictions and performance issues that may exist with the current version of this product and your specific storage environment. Certain functionality restrictions in previous versions of EMC SMI-S Provider have also been corrected in this release. More recent versions of EMC SMI-S Provider may be available, refer to the EMC Powerlink website for updates:

EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes

New features and changes

New features and changes

This section details critical changes, new features, and software enhancements provided in the EMC SMI-S Provider V3.2.x product. For information on previously released features or any updates to this document, refer to the corresponding release notes located on the EMC Powerlink website at: Note: Support for EMC SMI-S Provider V3.0 ends October, 2008, 18 months after the release of SMI-S Provider V3.2. It is recommended that customers who are still running SMI-S Provider V3.0 upgrade to a newer version as soon as possible.

SMI-S Provider V3.2.x features

SMI-S Provider V3.2.x provided a number of new features and enhancements that are described here:

SMI-S Provider: Support for Solutions Enabler ............................... 3 Stand-alone install kit .......................................................................... 3 Change to interop namespace............................................................. 4 Supported profiles ................................................................................ 4 Supported packages ............................................................................. 4 Supported subprofiles.......................................................................... 4

SMI-S Provider: Support for Solutions Enabler Solutions Enabler customers that choose to upgrade their environments to EMC SMI-S Provider V3.2.2 must uninstall their existing version of Solutions Enabler prior to the installation. The SMI-S Provider V3.2.2 installation is bundled with the required Solutions Enabler V6.4.2 libraries that have some additional functionality supported in SMI-S Provider V3.2.2. Stand-alone install kit Beginning with V3.0, the SMI-S Provider has been delivered as a stand-alone installation kit. Previously, the EMC SMI-S Provider was provided within the EMC Solutions Enabler installation kit, which required the user to select numerous optional parameters during the Solutions Enabler installation script to install the provider.

EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes

New features and changes

As a stand-alone product, the process has been streamlined so that the EMC SMI-S Provider can be installed with fewer installation screens. The compatible version of EMC Solutions Enabler is automatically installed, if not already present. For more details on installing the EMC SMI-S Provider, refer to Installation on page 16.
Note: Solutions Enabler provides the interface between the Storage Management Initiative (SMI) and the Symmetrix and CLARiiON storage arrays. As such, the Solutions Enabler components required for SMI-S Provider operations have been included as part of the EMC SMI-S Provider installation for those that may not already have the proper version of Solutions Enabler installed.

Change to interop namespace The interop namespace for the EMC SMI-S Provider has changed from root/PG_Interop to interop. Supported profiles The EMC SMI-S Provider V3.2.2 supports the following profiles:

Array Server

Supported packages SMI-S version 1.1 introduced a new component called Packages. Packages are collections of classes and associations that are used in multiple profiles or subprofiles. Rather than repeat the material in each of the Profile models, the information is packaged and referenced in the appropriate Profile and Subprofile models. The EMC SMI-S Provider supports the following Packages:

Health and Fault Management Block Services Physical Software

Note: In SMI-S V1.2, these components are referred to as profiles.

Supported subprofiles Table 1 lists the supported subprofiles and the version of the SMI-S that supports it:

EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes

New features and changes

Note: In SMI-S V1.2, subprofiles are referred to as profiles.

Table 1

SMI-S supported subprofiles (1 of 2) SMI-S V1.0.3 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SMI-S V1.1 X X X X SMI-S V1.2 X X X X

SMI-S supported subprofiles Access Points a Location Software Job Control Cluster b Multiple Computer System Disk Drive b Disk Drive Lite LUN Mapping and Masking b Masking and Mapping Pool Manipulation Capabilities and Settings b LUN Creation b Block Server Performance Extent Mapping b Extent Composition FC Initiator Ports FC Target Ports iSCSI Target Ports SPI Target Ports c Indication Copy Services d Volume Composition e Block Storage Views e

EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes

New features and changes

Table 1

SMI-S supported subprofiles (2 of 2) SMI-S V1.0.3 SMI-S V1.1 SMI-S V1.2 X X X X

SMI-S supported subprofiles Storage Server Asymmetry e Health Physical Package Block Services

a. This subprofile is only supported for CLARiiON storage arrays. b. The following subprofiles have been deprecated in SMI-S V1.0.3 and replaced with new subprofiles or packages. While these subprofiles are still available in the SMI-S V1.1, it is recommended that you use the new subprofiles or packages described here. The following list identifies the deprecated V1.0.3 subprofiles to the new V1.1 subprofiles packages: Cluster --> Multiple Computer System Disk Drive --> Disk Drive Lite LUN Mapping and Masking --> Masking and Mapping Pool Manipulation Capabilities and Settings --> Block Services package LUN Creation --> Block Services package Extent Mapping --> Extent Composition c. This subprofile is supported only for Symmetrix storage arrays. d. This subprofile is considered experimental for SMI-S V1.1 and SMI-S 1.2 and will change in future releases. As a result, backward compatibility cannot be guaranteed with the next release. Please contact EMC for permission to use this subprofile. e. This subprofile is considered experimental for SMI-S V1.2 and will change in future releases. As a result, backward compatibility cannot be guaranteed with the next release. Please contact EMC for permission to use this subprofile.

EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes

Fixed problems

Fixed problems
A complete list of issues that have been fixed in SMI-S V3.2.2 and Solutions Enabler (and other EMC product releases) can be viewed, searched, and parsed online by using the EMC E-Lab Issue Tracker tool available from the EMC Powerlink website.
Note: EMC E-Lab Issue Tracker is the main source for details about all open and fixed SMI-S Provider issues. It is regularly updated to contain the most current information regarding all versions of the SMI-S Provider. Details from E-Lab Issue Tracker can be viewed on screen, exported to Microsoft Excel, and printed for your convenience.

EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes

Environment and system requirements

Environment and system requirements

The following should be considered when working with EMC SMI-S Provider V3.2.2 to manage EMC Symmetrix and CLARiiON storage arrays.

SMI-S supported products and specifications

Table 2 lists the various SMI-S schemas and specifications that are supported by EMC SMI-S Provider V3.2.2.
Table 2

EMC SMI-S Provider support for SMI-S Supported schemas and specifications Distributed Management Task Force Common Information Model (DMTF CIM) Schema V2.14 Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI-S) V1.0.3, V1.1.0, V1.2.0 (preliminary) OpenPegasus V2.6.0 a
a. This is included as part of the EMC SMI-S Provider installation.

EMC hardware supported by the SMI-S Provider

Table 3 lists the various Symmetrix and CLARiiON arrays that are supported by the SMI-S Provider V3.2.2.
Table 3

EMC hardware support for SMI-S Supported Symmetrix arrays (supported with EMC EnginuityTM 5x67 or later) Symmetrix DMXseries (DMX-3, DMX-2, DMX-1) Symmetrix 8000 Series Supported CLARiiON arrays (supported with EMC Navisphere Release 19, 22, 24, 26) CX3 Series, CX Series, and AX Series

EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes

Environment and system requirements

Supported host operating systems

Table 4 lists the host operating systems that support the SMI-S Provider V3.2.2.
Table 4

Host operating system support Supported operating systema RHEL 3.0, RHEL 4.0 SLES9 SP3 Solaris 8, 9, 10 Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4 Microsoft Windows Server 2003
a. The SMI-S Provider is supported only on 32-bit platforms.

CLARiiON-specific requirements
Table 5 lists additional software that must be installed to manage CLARiiON arrays using the SMI-S Provider V3.2.2.
Table 5

CLARiiON-specific requirements Requirements CLARiiON Navisphere Release 19, 22, 24, or 26 EMC Solutions Enabler V6.4.2 a
a. Solutions Enabler V6.4.2 provides the interface between the Storage Management Interface (SMI) and the Symmetrix and CLARiiON storage arrays. As such, the Solutions Enabler components required for SMI-S Provider operations have been included as part of the EMC SMI-S Provider installation.

EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes

Environment and system requirements

Symmetrix-specific requirements
Table 6 lists additional Enginuity requirements that must be installed to manage Symmetrix arrays using the SMI-S Provider V3.2.2.
Table 6

Symmetrix-specific requirements Requirements Enginuity version 5x67 or higher EMC Solutions Enabler V6.4.2 a
a. Solutions Enabler V6.4.2 provides the interface between the Storage Management Interface (SMI) and the Symmetrix and CLARiiON storage arrays. As such, the Solutions Enabler components required for SMI-S Provider operations have been included as part of the EMC SMI-S Provider installation.

Note: When using the SMI-S Provider to manage Symmetrix arrays, it is recommended that three or more gatekeepers be present for use by the provider.

Backward and forward compatibility for applications

An SMI-S V1.1.0 client that was written by using the CIM_ classes will run against the EMC SMI-S Provider V3.2.2 without modification.
Note: Backward compatibility of clients that are written by using EMC-specific subclasses cannot be guaranteed.


EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes

Known problems and limitations

Known problems and limitations

The following are performance or functionality restrictions and limitations that may apply to your specific storage environment or host platform. In addition to these release notes, EMC SMI-S Provider fixes, known issues, and limitations (and other EMC product releases) can be viewed, searched, and parsed online using the EMC Issue Tracker tool available from the EMC Powerlink website.
Note: E-Lab Issue Tracker is the main source for details about all open and fixed SMI-S Provider issues. It is regularly updated to contain the most current information regarding all versions of the SMI-S Provider. Details from E-Lab Issue Tracker can be viewed on screen, exported to Excel, and printed for your convenience.

EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes


Known problems and limitations

Provider and CIMOM restrictions

CIMOM startup messages: Ignore The following messages will appear in the cimserver.trc file during CIMOM startup and can safely be ignored:
02/17/06-20:33:30: DiscardedData [2196:620:CIMOperationRequestDispatcher.cpp:292]: All completed responses (3) for current request have been accounted for but expected count (4) does not match the received count (3). error count (0). 02/17/06-20:33:30: DiscardedData [2196:2640:CIMOperationRequestDispatcher.cpp:292]: All completed responses (3) for current request have been accounted for but expected count (4) does not match the received count (3). error count (0).

Shared CIMOM restriction The CIMOM installed with the EMC SMI-S Provider does not support or allow any third-party SMI-S providers. Solutions Enabler Access Control limitation If Solutions Enabler Access Control is enabled on the Symmetrix array, then the host on which the SMI-S Provider is running must have sufficient privileges to perform the necessary operations. Network port contentions By default, EMC SMI-S Provider listens on network ports 5988 (for http) and 5989 (for https). If these ports are in use by some other process (such as WMIProvider), the EMC SMI-S Provider will not start. Examine the EMC SMI Provider log file EMCProvider-<date>.log (in the symapi\log directory) for messages indicating something like a socket busy, port in use, or bind failed. When this occurs, you can either move the other process to a different network port, or specify different port values for the EMC SMI-S Provider by changing the httpPort and httpsPort parameters of the cimserver_planned.conf file (located in the symcli directory) and restarting the provider. During installation, the scripts attempt to determine if the default ports, 5988 and 5989, are in use. If they are in use at install time, the installation will attempt to use other ports until free ports are found. Once a usable port value is found, the script will update the cimserver_planned.conf file with the ports that will be used after installation.

EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes

Technical notes

Technical notes
This section provides technical notes for advanced configuration of EMC SMI-S Provider V3.2.2.

CIM interop namespace

The CIM interop namespace for the EMC SMI-S Provider is:

Creating or expanding Snap pool capacity differs by array

Creating or expanding a Snap pool capacity differs for CLARiiON and Symmetrix arrays:

CLARiiON arrays Supply additional LUNs to add to a Snap pool to increase the pool's capacity. You cannot specify the new size. Symmetrix arrays Supply the new size for the Snap pool. You can not supply additional LUNs to add to a Snap pool.

Unexpected termination: Windows dump file

The EMC SMI-S Provider has been enhanced this release to produce a dump file on the Microsoft Windows platform should the provider terminate unexpectedly. If an unexpected termination occurs on the Windows platform, a dump file is produced in the symapi\log directory with the name cimserver.mdmp. If this should occur, send this file along with the remaining contents of the log directory to EMC Technical Support for analysis.
Note: Windows 2000 users must obtain the Microsoft DLL dbghelp.dll for the log file to be properly created. This DLL must be added to the symcli\storbin directory prior to starting the EMC SMI-S Provider. Windows 2003 has the correct DLL and no additional action is required to produce a dump file.

EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes


Technical notes

Certain devices not exposed as StorageVolumes

The majority of the devices on Symmetrix and CLARiiON arrays are exposed as StorageVolumes. The following devices are not exposed as StorageVolumes in this SMI-S Provider V3.2.2:

Any device that is marked Private. Currently, the following devices are marked Private: Vault Devices (Symmetrix) Symmetrix File System (SFS) Devices (Symmetrix) SAVE Devices (Symmetrix) SNAP/Mirror Cache Devices (CLARiiON)

Composite Members (Symmetrix and CLARiiON)

Note: Composite Heads are exposed as StorageVolumes.


EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes


These release notes provide the latest information for the EMC SMI-S Provider V3.2.2. Release notes as well as all EMC documentation can be found on the EMC Powerlink website:

Software media, organization, and files

This section described the EMC SMI-S Provider kit, its components, associated documentation, and relevant part numbers.

EMC SMI-S Provider kit

The EMC SMI-S Provider kit contains three distinct components:

EMC SMI-S Provider Pegasus CIM Server EMC Solutions Enabler V6.4.2 runtime libraries

EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes



The EMC SMI-S Provider installation and setup process installes the EMC SMI-S Provider, Pegasus CIM Server, and EMC Solutions Enabler V6.4.2 runtime libraries.

The EMC SMI-S Provider installation: Windows: Installing the EMC SMI-S Provider on page 17 Solaris: Installing the EMC SMI-S Provider on page 20 Linux: Installing the EMC SMI-S Provider on page 22
Note: If you have a previous version of the SMI-S Provider or Solutions Enabler installed, you must uninstall it before attempting this installation. It is recommended that you back up your data before uninstalling. The SMI-S Provider V3.2.2 installation is bundled with the required Solutions Enabler V6.4.2 libraries.

Post installation: Post-installation tasks on page 24 Starting and stopping the Pegasus CIM Server on page 25 Controlling the EMC SMI-S Provider at runtime on page 27 Optional SSL configuration on page 29 Optional SLP configuration on page 33

Uninstall: Windows: Uninstalling SMI-S Provider on page 19 Solaris: Uninstalling SMI-S Provider on page 21 Linux: Uninstalling SMI-S Provider on page 23

Note: Management of EMC Symmetrix and CLARiiON arrays using the EMC SMI-S Provider does not require license keys.


EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes


Windows: Installing the EMC SMI-S Provider

Note: If you have a previous version of the SMI-S Provider or Solutions Enabler, you must uninstall it before attempting to install Solutions Enabler with SMI-S Provider V3.2.2. It is recommended that you back up your data before uninstalling.

1. Download the EMC SMI-S Provider V3.2.2 software from the Powerlink website or insert the EMC SMI-S Provider V3.2.2 CD. 2. Save all files and exit all Windows applications. To install the EMC SMI-S Provider V3.2.2 software on a Windows platforms, launch the self-extracting executable, se6420-WINDOWS-x86-SMI.msi. 3. WinZip unzips the installation files and starts InstallShield. The EMC Solutions Enabler With SMI dialog box opens to the welcome page. 4. Click Next to begin the installation. The Destination Folder dialog box opens and prompts you to select an install directory for Solutions Enabler and EMC SMI-S Provider. It is recommended that you choose the default directory.

Figure 1

Destination Folder

EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes



5. Click Next to continue. The Ready to Install the Program dialog box opens.

Figure 2

Begin installing the software

6. Click Install to begin installing files to your selected folder. This may take several minutes. The Installation Wizard Completed dialog box open. 7. Click Finish to complete the setup. 8. When complete, update your environment variable for path to include the Solutions Enabler installation directory, which by default is C:\Program Files\EMC\SYMCLI\bin, in order to run the command line utilities from any directory.


EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes


Windows: Uninstalling SMI-S Provider

1. Verify that all application processes that use the SMI-S Provider or Solutions Enabler libraries and binaries are stopped. 2. Use the Windows Add/Remove Programs Properties dialog box to remove EMC Solutions Enabler With SMI. If the uninstall process detects that a service or library is in use, a message appears. If this occurs,: a. click OK to abort the uninstall process, b. close the application using the service or library, c. restart the SMI-S Provider unistall.

EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes



Solaris: Installing the EMC SMI-S Provider

1. Download the EMC SMI-S Provider V3.2.2 software from the Powerlink website or mount the CD. If you have downloaded the software from Powerlink, extract the TAR image to a temporary directory. 2. Change directory to the location of the EMC SMI-S Provider kit and run the install script using the following command:
cd /<location of extracted files or CD>/UNIX -install

The installation program will begin copying the files. When complete, the installation program will automatically start the storapid daemon and the cimserver, which may take a few minutes. When complete, the installation program will return the following confirmation message, which lists EMC Solutions Enabler with SMI-S Provider in the HAS BEEN INSTALLED list:
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------# The following HAS BEEN INSTALLED in /opt/emc via the pkgadd utility. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------ITEM PRODUCT VERSION 01 EMC Solutions Enabler V6.4.2.0 SMI KIT #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------


EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes


Solaris: Uninstalling SMI-S Provider

1. Verify that all application processes that use the SMI-S Provider or Solutions Enabler libraries and binaries are stopped. 2. Change the directory to the location of the EMC SMI-S Provider kit and run the uninstall script using the following command:
./ -uninstall Note: If you have not properly shut down the SMI-S Provider or Solutions Enabler processes, you will be prompted to do so during the uninstall process.

The installation program will begin removing the files. When complete, the installation program will return the following confirmation message:
Solutions Enabler sucessfully uninstalled from your system.

EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes



Linux: Installing the EMC SMI-S Provider

1. Download the EMC SMI-S Provider V3.2.2 software from the Powerlink website or mount the CD. If you have downloaded the software from Powerlink, extract the TAR image to a temporary directory. 2. Change the directory to the location of the EMC SMI-S Provider kit and run the install script by using the following command:
cd /<location of extracted files or CD>/UNIX -install

The installation program will begin copying the files. When complete, the installation program will automatically start the storapid daemon and the cimserver, which may take a few minutes. When complete, the installation program will return the following confirmation message, which lists EMC Solutions Enabler with SMI-S Provider in the HAS BEEN INSTALLED list:
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------# The following HAS BEEN INSTALLED in /opt/emc via the rpm utility. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------ITEM PRODUCT VERSION 01 EMC Solutions Enabler V6.4.2.0 SMI KIT #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------


EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes


Linux: Uninstalling SMI-S Provider

1. Verify that all application processes that use the SMI-S Provider or Solutions Enabler libraries and binaries are stopped. 2. Change directory to the location of the EMC SMI-S Provider kit and run the uninstall script by using the following command:
./ -uninstall Note: If you have not properly shut down the SMI-S Provider or Solutions Enabler processes, you will be prompted to do so during the uninstall process.

The installation program will begin removing the files. When complete, the installation program will return the following confirmation message:
Solutions Enabler sucessfully uninstalled from your system.

EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes



Post-installation tasks
There are post-installation tasks for both CLARiiON and Symmetrix arrays:

Symmetrix array: Post-installation tasks CLARiiON array: Post-installation tasks

Note: The EMC SMI-S Provider will discover all storage arrays available in your environment. However, if you choose to limit discovery of specific arrays using SystemRegistrationService, or other means as directed by EMC Customer Service, any established relationships, such as an RDF link, between discovered and avoided arrays will not be manageable by the SMI-S Provider. To prevent this situation, make sure that all arrays, including remotely connected storage arrays, are fully discoverable.

Symmetrix array: Post-installation tasks When using the SMI-S Provider to manage Symmetrix arrays, it is recommended that three or more gatekeepers be present for use by the provider. CLARiiON array: Post-installation tasks Managing CLARiiON arrays through the SMI-S Provider requires some additional post-installation setup. You must complete the following tasks to manage your CLARiiON arrays in any environment: CLARiiON discovery and authorization connectivity in Solutions Enabler For the SMI-S provider to automatically discover locally attached CLARiiON storage arrays, authorization information must be provided to properly communicate to the CLARiiON storage processors. A locally attached storage array is one in which at least one CLARiiON LUN is visible to the host on which the provider is running. If the provider is setup to automatically discover locally attached CLARiiON storage arrays with the emcprovider.conf setting OslProv/ (see Table 7 on page 27), or the client appilcation is making use of the EMCDiscoverSystem method of the EMC_SystemRegistrationService, then the authorization information for each CLARiiON storage processor must be provided as shown next.


EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes


Use the SYMCLI symcfg command, as shown in the following syntax example:
symcfg authorization add -host HostName -username UserName -password PassWord

For example, to add authorization for CLARiiON storage processor A with IP address, username clariion and password clarpass, use the following command:
symcfg authorization add -host -username clariion -password clarpass

You must list the information for Storage Processor A first, then Storage Processor B.
Note: If the client application is using the EMCDiscoverSystem method of the EMC_SystemRegistrationService then it is recommend that the emcprovider.conf setting OslProv/ be set to false.

Note: You must add authorization for each CLARiiON storage processor. If you fail to complete this task prior to running the SMI-S Provider, you may receive an error message stating that you do not have NaviCLI installed. NaviCLI is not required for Navisphere Release 19 or later, however, you must supply the authorization connectivity information as described previously.

If all CLARiiON arrays are being discovered out-of-band, then it is typical to have the emcprovider.conf configuration file setting OslProv/ set to false. See the EMC SMI-S Provider Programmers Guide for further information on discovering CLARiiON storage arrays out-of-band.

Starting and stopping the Pegasus CIM Server

The Pegasus CIM Server runs in both Windows and UNIX environments. Upon completing the installation, the Pegasus CIM Server is started automatically. You can use the following commands to manually stop and restart the service should the need arise.
Note: Prior to starting the CIM Server, you must ensure that environment variable PEGASUS_HOME is not set. If this value is set, the CIM Server will not properly start.

EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes




On Windows, the CIM Server runs as a service and can be controlled through the Windows Services control panel. The service will not restart at boot unless you modify its startup property in the Services control panel to start automatically. The service name is EMC_SMI_Provider and it displays as Pegasus CIM Object Manager - EMC_SMI_Provider in the Services control panel. The cimserver.exe file in the Solutions Enabler storbin directory implements the CIM Server. Use the following command to stop the CIM Server:
cimserver -stop EMC_SMI_Provider

Use the following command to start the CIM Server:

cimserver -start EMC_SMI_Provider


EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes



On UNIX, the CIM Server runs as a daemon in the background. Use the following command from the SYMCLI directory to stop the CIM Server:
./storbin/cimserver -s

Use the following command from the SYMCLI directory to restart the CIM Server:

Controlling the EMC SMI-S Provider at runtime

The EMCProvider.conf file allows you to configure the behavior parameters of the EMC SMI-S Provider. This file is located in the EMC Solutions Enabler Windows storbin directory or the UNIX storbin directory.
Table 7

EMC SMI-S Provider properties (1 of 2) = <OptValue | DefaultValue> [filename] | <empty> Description Specifies the Solution Enabler database filename. If empty, will use the default database file. Specifies whether a one time discover is done, upon a cimserver start, prior to processing the first request received by the CIM Server. Note when the CIM Server is started the EMC SMI-S Provider is not loaded until it is requested from the CIM Server.

EMC SMI-S Provider properties OslProv/


true | false

EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes



Table 7

EMC SMI-S Provider properties (2 of 2) = <OptValue | DefaultValue> FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO Description Severity can be set to one of the following. Each setting will cause messages of the set severity and more severe to be appended to the log. The list below shows most severe at the top, and the least severe at the bottom. FATAL Events leading to shutdown of the system ERROR Internal or client error conditions WARNING Potential errors NOTICE Very important information (default if not present) INFO Informational, non-error messages Specifies the log directory. If removed or empty, the EMC SMI-S Provider log file will go to the default location, which is the log directory of the EMC Solutions Enabler. The filename will take the format:

EMC SMI-S Provider properties */


[directory] | /var/symapi/log/


EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes


Optional SSL configuration

Some SAN topologies implement additional security by utilizing Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) verification. You can optionally use your CIM Server via SSL. If you choose to, you can configure the CIM Server to use an SSL server certificate and private key you have created using a tool such as OpenSSL. Once you have created the server certificate, place the public certificate in the server.pem file and the private key in the key.pem file, which are located in the ../symapi/config Solutions Enabler installation directory. These files can be replaced with new files by overwriting the old ones. For added security, the private key can be stored in a separate location from the certificate file by configuring the CIM Server configuration file, cimserver_planned.conf, which is located in program files\emc\symcli. The client uses a store of server certificates to identify trusted servers. This store is maintained in the trusted.crt file, which is located in the symapi/config Solutions Enabler installation directory. After completing the installation, this file contains only the EMC CIM Server certificate. To add additional server certificates, append the trusted.crt file with the additional certificates content using any text editor.

EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes



CIM Server configuration file On startup, the CIM Server accesses the cimserver_planned.conf file to obtain connectivity values. The following properties can be configured:
Table 8

CIM configuration file (1 of 2) = <OptValue | DefaultValue> TRUE | FALSE Description When set to TRUE, the CIM server will log active commands and configuration settings. Used in conjunction with enableRemotePrivilegedUserAccess parameter. When set to TRUE, a valid CIM username and password is required to perform any operation. CIM users can be created with the cimuser CLI utility. If set to TRUE, the CIM server will start on the non-secure port. If set to FALSE, no non-secure ports are available. If set to TRUE, the CIM server will start on the secure port using SSL. If set to FALSE, no secure ports are available. Refer to the enableAuthentication parameter. Identifies the non-secure port on which the server should start. Identifies the secure port on which the server should start. Specifies the location of the Pegasus log files. Specifies the location of the cimserver password file. When set to TRUE, the cimserver will register and activate the SLP Server Agent daemon.

Parameter enableAuditLog







enableRemotePrivilegedUserAccess TRUE | FALSE httpPort httpsPort logdir passwordFilePath slp [valid port number] | 5988 [valid port number] | 5989 [any_valid_path] |
var/symapi/log a

[any_valid_path] |
var/symapi/config/cimserver.passwd a



EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes


Table 8

CIM configuration file (2 of 2) = <OptValue | DefaultValue> [any_valid_path] | [any_valid_path] |

/var/symapi/config/key.pem a /var/symapi/config/server.pem a

Parameter sslCertificateFilePath sslKeyFilePath

Description Identifies the path to the server.pem file. If not set, the private key is expected to be in the same file as the server certificate.

a. The path shown is a UNIX-specific default installation path. Your actual install path may differ.

EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes



Creating a CIM user

The cimuser command is an optional utility to add, modify, remove, and list CIM users.
Note: It is only necessary to create CIM Users if the enableAuthentication and enableRemotePriviledgedUserAccess parameters are set to true in the cimserver_planned.conf file. In addition, only a valid system user that can log into the system can be added.

The cimuser command enables the management of CIM users. If the password is not specified at the command line, the user will be prompted for it. The following syntax applies:
cimuser cimuser cimuser cimuser -a -u username [ -w password ] -m -u username [ -w password ][ -n newpassword] -r -u username -l

Note: This command can be executed by privileged users only.

The cimuser command recognizes the following options:


Indicates that a CIM user is to be added.


Indicates that a CIM user's password is to be modified.


Indicates that a CIM user is to be removed.


Displays the names of the CIM users.

-u username

Indicates a specific user name that must already exist on the system.
-w password

Indicates the password for the specified username.

-n newpassword

Indicates the new password for the specified username.


EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes


Optional SLP configuration

The WBEM Discovery using the Service Location Protocol (SLP) specification (DMTF document DSP0205) defines WBEM discovery using the SLP version 2. SLP is a discovery infrastructure defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force in RFC 2608. The user is expected to have a working knowledge of SLP and WBEM discovery using SLP. 1. Stop the cimserver. 2. Set slp=true in the cimserver_planned.conf file. The default is false. 3. Start the cimserver. 4. View the PegasusStandard.log file to verify the SLP registration. The following is an example of the SLP registration entry in the log file:
04/01/07-10:00:19 INFO cimserver: SLP Registration Initiated

5. Verify that your SLP Client User Agent (which is not provided with Solutions Enabler) can query for a URL and attributes, and that the Server Agent responds. The following is an example of a command-line client User Agent request and Server Agent response. It does not reflect an exact syntax of requests and responses:
slptool findsrvs service:wbem service:wbem:,56706 service:wbem:,56706 slptool findattrs service:wbem: (template-url-syntax=, (service-id=PG:7F9BF3F0-CF1A-4E4C-B8EE-C0FEA0BD4A23), (service-hi-name=Pegasus), (service-hi-description=Pegasus C IM Server Version 2.6.0), (template-type=wbem), (template-version=1.0), (template-d escription=This template describes the attributes used for advertising Pegasus CIM Servers.), (InteropSchemaNamespace=interop), (FunctionalProfilesSupported=Basic Read, Basic Write,Schema Manipulation, Instance Manipulation,Association Traversa l, Qualifier Declaration,Indications), (MultipleOperationsSupported=FALSE), (AuthenticationMechanismsSupported=Basic),
EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes


(AuthenticationMechanismDescriptions=Basic),( CommunicationMechanism=CIM-XML), (ProtocolVersion=1.0), (Namespace=root/PG_Internal,interop,root/cimv2,root,root/emc), (RegisteredProfilesSupported=SNIA:Array,SNIA:Server)


EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes

Troubleshooting and getting help

Troubleshooting and getting help

When experiencing difficulties with your host and connected storage environment, be sure to examine Technical notes on page 13 to see if your difficulty is a known problem recognized by EMC. If an EMC feature does not function properly, or does not function as described in this documentation, contact EMC Customer Support for assistance.

Where to get help

EMC support, product, and licensing information can be obtained as follows: Product information For documentation, release notes, software updates, or for information about EMC products, licensing, and service, go to the EMC Powerlink website (registration required) at:

Technical support For technical support, go to EMC Customer Service on Powerlink. To open a service request through Powerlink, you must have a valid support agreement. Please contact your EMC sales representative for details about obtaining a valid support agreement or to answer any questions about your account.

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Troubleshooting and getting help

Legal notices
This section provides legal attribution for acknowledging open-source and third-party software copyright and licensing requirements. OpenSSL copyright information
EMC SMI-S Provider uses OpenSSL. Copyright (c) 1998-2001 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. 2. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgment: This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. ( 4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, contact Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL" nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written permission of the OpenSSL Project. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following acknowledgment: This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit ( THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE OpenSSL PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OpenSSL PROJECT OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young ( This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (





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Info-Zip licensing information

EMC SMI-S Provider uses InfoZIP. For further information, refer to: Copyright (c) 1990-2003 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved. For the purposes of this copyright and license, "Info-ZIP" is defined as the following set of individuals: Mark Adler, John Bush, Karl Davis, Harald Denker, Jean-Michel Dubois, Jean-loup Gailly, Hunter Goatley, Ian Gorman, Chris Herborth, Dirk Haase, Greg Hartwig, Robert Heath, Jonathan Hudson, Paul Kienitz, David Kirschbaum, Johnny Lee, Onno van der Linden, Igor Mandrichenko, Steve P. Miller, Sergio Monesi, Keith Owens, George Petrov, Greg Roelofs, Kai Uwe Rommel, Steve Salisbury, Dave Smith, Christian Spieler, Antoine Verheijen, Paul von Behren, Rich Wales, Mike White This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In no event shall Info-ZIP or its contributors be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use this software.

EMC SMI-S Provider uses software from OpenPegasus. License information can be found at: The text of the license follows:The Pegasus code uses the MIT open source license. This license was used to provide a minimum encumbrance on the code and allow maximum usage. This license is as follows: Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L. P.; IBM Corp.; The Open Group; Tivoli Systems.Copyright (c) 2003 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L. P.; IBM Corp.; EMC Corporation; The Open Group.Copyright (c) 2004 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L. P.;IBM Corp.; EMC Corporation; VERITAS Software Corporation; The Open Group.Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND THIS PERMISSION NOTICE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN ALL COPIES OR SUBSTANTIAL PORTIONS OF THE SOFTWARE. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTIONWITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.

Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

EMC SMI-S Provider includes code licensed from RSA Security, Inc. Some portions licensed from IBM are available at:

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Troubleshooting and getting help

Perl licensing information

Solutions Enabler uses Perl and Perl extensions software. The standard version of code is located at: For license information, refer to:

XML::Parser licensing information

Solutions Enabler uses software from the XML Parser and an extension to Perl. For further information, refer to: Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Larry Wall and Clark Cooper. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Expat Parser licensing information

Solutions Enabler uses software from the Expat XML Parser as part of the XML::Parser. For further information, refer to Copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2000 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaininga copy of this software and associated documentation files (the"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, includingwithout limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and topermit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject tothe following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be includedin all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANYCLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THESOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.

Info-Zip licensing information

Solutions Enabler uses InfoZIP. For further information, refer to: Copyright (c) 1990-2003 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved.


EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes

Troubleshooting and getting help

For the purposes of this copyright and license, "Info-ZIP" is defined as the following set of individuals: Mark Adler, John Bush, Karl Davis, Harald Denker, Jean-Michel Dubois, Jean-loup Gailly, Hunter Goatley, Ian Gorman, Chris Herborth, Dirk Haase, Greg Hartwig, Robert Heath, Jonathan Hudson, Paul Kienitz, David Kirschbaum, Johnny Lee, Onno van der Linden, Igor Mandrichenko, Steve P. Miller, Sergio Monesi, Keith Owens, George Petrov, Greg Roelofs, Kai Uwe Rommel, Steve Salisbury, Dave Smith, Christian Spieler, Antoine Verheijen, Paul von Behren, Rich Wales, Mike White This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In no event shall Info-ZIP or its contributors be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use this software.

End of Legal Notices for Open-Source & Third-Party Copyright and Licensing


EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes


Troubleshooting and getting help

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EMC SMI-S Provider Version 3.2.2 Release Notes

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