Development Control Rules Modifications Jan 2012

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Maharashtra Reglo&al & Towrl

Plaruing Act, 1966. . Saactlo! to modltlcatlon to the Development Cor1trol Regulatlon for Greater Mumbai 1991 Uader Sectton 37(IAA)IC) of the sald Act.

Urba! Development Department, Manttalaya, Mumabt 4OO O32, Dated: 6tt January, 2012.
NOTIFICATION No. CMS 43r 1/4S2lcR-58/2or 1/IrD-11:

Whereas, the Development Control Regulations for Greater Mumbai, 1991 (hereinafter referred to as "the said Regulations") have been sanctioned by Government in Urbar Development Depar"trnent, under section 31(l) of the Malarashtra Regiona-l and Town Planrling Act, 1966 (hereinajter referred to as

'the said Act') vide Notifrcation No. DCR - 1090/RDP/UD- 11, dated the Febmary, 1991 to come into folce vith efect froia the 25th March, 1991.
And whereas,


fhereinafter referred to as the 'the said Corporation") as well as Golt. have carried out lrumbers of modifications to various provisions of the said regulatiols and have a.lso added number of Corporation
regulations. Ttrese modfications were carrieil out to impleErent various policies of t.l.e Gort./the said Corporauon formulated fiom tir]xe to time. Some of the provisions were amellded as a result of recoioaendations made by the various committees, appointed by the State Govemment. Some amend$ents were made due to the court decisions. The aroendments were done with a view to have efective implementation of t]le provisions of tie sajd regulations for the benefit of the public at large. (hereinafter referred to as "the said modilied Regulation"). Amendrxents to the said Regulation Nos. 33(5),33{7),33(9) and 33(10) fa.ll in such categories of amendments. Govt. has carried out amendme[ts to the said Regulation by adding few more regulations, so as to meet with requirements of various depa-rtments of Gol't., Corporation and other users so as to make the said Regulation more user fi:iendly.

of Gr. Muabai

it is [oticed that, in the last twenty

yea-rs, the Muricipal

And whereas, i! is seen lhat no major or for thar marter even minor modfications have been done to the piovisions of the said Regulation No.35, which with exemption of some structures/features from FSI computations. Sirarilarly provisions of tlle said Regulation Nos. 43 and 44, which dea.l with the fue prevention/protection measures have also remfied
untouched. And whereas, the said Corporation has submitted its detailed report vide

exemption from FSI computation and flre, protection measures (hereinaJter referred to as "the said proposed modifications').

its letter No. MrsclAla2T9 dated the 13l7l2oll to the covernment for modification to provisions of the said Regulations specilically dealing 'r.itl


\NOTIFICATIoN\DcR Mu6bai Modincation\noticeDCREodincation.- Idoc.doc

And whereas, amendments ale required to be implemented expedidously' the Municipal Colnmissioner of the said Corporation has reqlrested- vide letter ll". i,ti""le)szzs d,ated t\e l3l7 l2ol1 tlat the Govt may issue the suitable as to glve ellect to the above anendments and to tale expeditious air""ti'rrei requested "o ir p"tU" ilierest under section 37 of the said Act and also of Section ""ti"" fri" letter dated lt.le 21 17 l2O1'1' to invoke t}le provisions C""t. "ial the said AcL 37(1AA) of

And whereas, the Govt. is satisfied tiat in tie pubLic interest it is -u..y out urgently ttre said proposed modifigatiol ard the said ,r""""".!-,o -not of the Development Plan of clange the will ;;;il;i;;dt#don the sajd Corporation 'haiacter
And whereas, the Govemment had issued notice No CMS-4311/452/CR58/20i1l UD-ll, iated the 25 July 2o1l (hereinafter refer to as "the said to lhe any person with i"i.l- i'i.i '""lr'ii,g suggestion/ objiction from Director of Town PlanninB' " ar"J appointed Depury 'especr .iJ"loain"u,iot arr oltrcei under section 162 of tre said Act (hereinaiter ; ;;;"-;;. to ." ' the said officer")'the submit the report to Golt after serutinizing I"f"-"a t said ploposed modiicatioos and sav of the ouj."tiott" on ;h;;gg;J;" 7 said Municipal CorPoration.

And whereas, t]:e said notice was published in the Malarashtra cor".rr-"rrt G;tte' (Extraordinaty) dt. the 01/08/2oll arld the corrigendum ^r"iii"fr"a rj-,ovem:rrent Gazette (Extraordinaty) dt the

a fi, iajdsjiolt.


The said notice was also Published in news paper' daily nartrelv " dt. the 03/08/2011

; li"]pt"shtr"

the And vhereas, the said officer has subaitted his report to vide Planning, Maharashtra State' Cou"--"rrt ttuough the Director of Town letter No. 2368, dt. the 3I/ 10/201I
And whereas , aJter considering the rePort of the said officer' suggestions louiecJons ,"""irr"a'to* genera-l public, say of tha said Corporation and after State thereon' the i."'"J*t"" .itrr. pirecto-r of To*tr Plarming, Maharashtiashall be sanctioned said oodfication i" ot th" opinion that ttre a;;;;; chatrges with some
Nov,r, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred 3TllAAllcl of the said " -ii'--s.-rr"ti."" Act, the Covemment hereby ::

under section


Bl Cl -'

Reeulation the" schedule attached herewith)' Fixes the date of publication of this Notjfication in the Government Gazette as the daie of coming into force of this Notiflcation' Directs the said Corporation that, in the schedule of modification i.ttctionirlg the said- Regulation, aJtei the last entty' the schedule referred to as (A) above shal be added' By order and in t}Ie name of Covemo;.9[ Maharashtra'

the said modiication to Development control of Greater Muobar 1991 { ore specifically described irl

--8.l.l. )4{a'

(Rajenhra Habde) Under Secretary Lo Covemment

cation - ldoc'doc D:\NOTIFICATION\DCR Mumbai Modifi cation\noticeDCRmodifi

SCHEDULE (Accompaniment to notification no, CMS 4311/45ZCR-58/201 Dated : 6s January, 2012)


1 .

Modification to D.c. Reoulation No.29(1)(f)


Existing provision

sanationed provision


Where a room does not Where a room does not derive derive light and ventilation light and ventilation from an from an exterior open spacei exterior open space; the width the width of the exterior open of the exterior open space as space as given in this given in these Regulations may Regulations may be reduced be reduced to a minimum of 3.6 to one-fifth of the height of m, in respect of residential the buildino subject to a building and 4,5 m. for a minimum of 3.6 m. in respect commercial building upto a

of residential building and 4.5 height of 24 mt. For a building m. for a commercial building with height of 24 m or rnore subject to a maximum of 12 such exterior open space shall m. For a building with height be minimum 6 m or more, of 24 an, or more, such subject to the requirements of exterior open space shall be 6 the Fire Bigade Authorities,

mt. subiect to requirements of the

Brigade Authorities.

the Fire

Add the following new clause in D.C.Rgulation No.29

29(6) (c)
For multi-storeyed, high rise and special buildings, the provisions as stipulated in

Regulation No,43(1) shall apply,

D.C.Reoulation No.3O
The modifications proposed in the D.C,Regulation No,30 are as under:-

30. Features permitted in open spaces:Certain features may be permitted in the prescribed open spaces as enumerated below:-

Existing Existing provisions Reg. no.

3o (i)

Prop posed

30 (i)

sanctioned provisions
Covered parking spaces at least 7.5 m. away from any access road, subject to Requlation no. 36 (5)(d) A cantilevered and unenclosed canoqy over common entrance and each common staircase not more than 5.5 m long and at least 2,2 m. above ground level with level difference of 0.3 m. in relation to the floor level, The outer edge of the canopy shall be at least 1,5 m, from the plot boundary. The Commissioner may permit canopies of larger size in public, multistoreyed or high rise or special buildings, An unenclosed porch open on three sides, not more than 5,5 m. in length parallel to the main building in front of common entrance only and except rear open space with level difference of 0,3 m, in relation to the floot level. No part of such porch



Covered parking spaces at least 7.5 m. away from any access road, subjed to Regulations 36.





unenclosed canopy over

common entrance and each common staircase not more than 5.5 m long and at least 2.2 m. above ground level. The outer edge of the canopy shall be at least 1.5 m. from the plot boundary. The Commissioner may permit canopies of larger size in public multistoreyed high rise special buildings;



30(ii) (c) An unenclosed porch open 30(ii)(c) on three sides, not more

than 5.5 m. in

length parallel to the main building common entrance only and except rear open space. No part of such porch shall be less from the than 1.5 boundary.

in front of

shall be less than 1,5 m,

from the plot boundary.


A chajja, cornice, weather i0(ii)(e) A chajja, cornice, weather shade, sun-breaker; at lintel shade, sun-breaker and (i) level only projecting not other ornamental projection projecting not more than more than 1.2 m, from the face of the building. No 1.2 m. from the face of the chajja, cornice, weather building. No chajia, cornice,
weather shade, sun-breaker or other ornamental

projection etc. shall be permissible, which will reduce the width of the
required open space, to less Further, Chajja, Cornice, Weather Shade, sun breaker or ornamental other

than 2.5 m.

shade, sun-breaker etc. shall reduce the width of the required open space to less than 2,5 m, Furthet Chaija, Cornice, Weather Shade, sun breaker $ other ornamental projections etc, shall be permissible upto 0,3 mt. in Gaothan area for the plots adm, upto 250 sq.mts.

etc. shall


However in

permissible upto 0.3 mt. in Gaothan areas for the plots adm. Upto 250 sq.mts.


case of of cessed

distances are less, chajia projedion maximum uP to 0,45 m. may be allowed, 30(ii)(e) The ornamental projection, (ii) flower beds etc. projecting not more than 1.2 m. from the face of the building, No

building, where

ornamental projection, flower beds etc. shall be permissible, which will reduce the width of the
required open space to less than 2.5 m. A chajja, cornice, weather shade, sun-breaker over a balcony or galleryt lts


A chajja, cornice,

weather 30(iixD shade and sun-breaker over (i) balcony or gallery, its projection not exceeding from the balcony or gallery face with level difference of 0.3 m, in relation to the floor level. However and/or ornamental projection over a balcony or gallery may be project upto allowed 0.75mt.


exceeding 0.75 mt from the balcony or gallery face with level in difference 0,3 relation to the floor level.



a m.




[n case of of cessed

building, where

distances are less, chajja projedion maximum uP to

0,45 m. may be allowed,

30(iixf) (ii)

flower bed etc. over a balcony or gallery, /ts projection not exceeding
0,75 mt. from the balcony or gallery ,

The Ornamental projection,

3s (2),

This regulation shall be substituted

by regulation 35(2) and

35(3) as stated belowt3s(2)

The following shall not be counted in FSI


Areas of structures pemitted in recreational open space under clause (g) of sub-Regulation (1) of Regulations 23. Areas covered by features permiXed in open spaces as listed in
Regulation 30 except for regulatian 30(i) 30(iD

(b),30(ii) (e) (ii)




Areas covered by staircase rooms, lift rooms above topmost storeyl


wells and passages in stilt, basement and floors exclusively used for parking and othet ancillary users as permitted


in this regulation No,35(2)

Areas covered by staircases/ lift wells including lobbies as specified, excluding those covered under D.C,Regulation No,35 (2) (iii) with special written permission of the Cdmfiissioner subject to payment

Provided that in the wards of the Island City such exclusion from FSI computation will be available in respect of buildings to be constructed or reconstructed only, the same being not available for existing buildings or proposals decided by the Corporation prior to coming into force of these Regulations,

Provided further that where the permissible FSI has not been exhausted in the case of existing buildings and cases decided by the Corporation prior to coming into force of these Regulationq the exclusion from FSI computation as [n these Regulations will be
available for construction of balance potential, Provided fufther that the reconstruction scheme under Development Control Regulations No. 3i(6) such exclusion will be permissible as per guidelines here under: i, While working out total existing built up area, the built-up area of existing staircase will not be taken into account.


The premium for the area of the staircase and lift-well will be recovered after working out the area of the staircase and lift-well in the proposed bu ding minus area of the existing staircase, lift-well etc,/ if any

v) vi)

Area of the basement used exclusively for patking and other

ancillary uses as permitted in regulation No. 38(9) (iv) (b ,c ,d,& e), Area of covered parking spaces as provided in sub-Regulation (5)


of Regulation No,36,

Provided, however, the additional parking to the extent of 25a/o of the required parking may be permixed with permission of the
Commissioner without payment of premium, Provided further in non-residential building, where entire parking is

proposed by mechanical the extent of


automatic means, additional pa*ing to

of the required parking shall be permi1ed free of

FSI as vehicle holding area,

vii) viii) ix) ^) xi)

Area of one office room of

Regulation 38.

apartment owners association as

co-opefttive housing society or provided in sub-Regulation (11) of

Lofts [vide sub-Regulation (5) of Regulation iB.] Porches [vide sub-Regulation (2O) of Regulation 38],
Canopy [vide sub-Regulation (21) of Regutation 38].

Area of structures for an elfluent treatment plant as required to be provided, as per the requirements of the Maharahstra Pollution Conlrcl Board or other relevant authorities:
Provided, however, in the case of an existing industry, if no vacant

land is available the Commissioner may permit the structures with

dimensions to be approved by him for such effluent treatment plant on 10 per cent afienity open space.



A chajja/ cornice, weather shade, sun-breaker; at lintel level onty: pqeding not more than 1.2 m. from the face of the building as provided in sub regulation no.30 (ii) (e)(i). Further Chajja, Cornice, Weather Shade, sun breaker or other ornamental projections etc. shall be permissible upto 0.3 mt. in Gaothan area for the plots adm. upto 250 sq.mts A chajja, cornice, weather shadet ,sun-breaker over a balcony or galleryl as provided in sub regulation no, 30 (ii)(fXi)
Area covered by pump rooms, electric substations. Area covered by new lift and passage thereto in an exlsting building with a height upto 16m, in the Island City [vide clause (iv) of subRegulation (19) of Regulations i8l Area of a covered passage of clear width not more than 1.52m (5ft,) leading from a lift exit at terrace level to the existing staircase


xiv) xv)


so as to enable descend to lower floor in a building to reach tenements not having direct access to a new lift in a building without an e\isting lift.


xviii) xix) xx) xxi) xxii) xxiii)

Area of one fitness centre for a Co-Op Housinq Society or Apartment Owners Association as provided in sub-regulation i8(32). no' 44(8) The fire chutes as provided under D.C'Regulation The refuge areas subject to D.C Reg' 44(7) mt' Fire Check ftoor / Service Floor of height not exceeding 1 8 7'2 mt" Entrance lobbies in stilted portion, heiqht not exceeding Open to sky swimming pool at the terrace above the top most storey or on the top most podium only' 7'2 Area of the service ducts abutting Sanitary Block not exceeding higher width/size as per ii n wiatn. In case of high rise buildings commissioner but not 'iiquirem.rt and design approved bY
exceeding 2,0 mts. -orii.itat

proj."tion of glass fa7ade/glazing not exceedinq o'iom xxiv) ' from buitding line for non-residential building (provided its height below xxv) nr;,a ir" ry cnimney, elevated tanks1'5 m) the tank from ihe floor does not exceed the xxvi) lii of sanitarv block for use of domestic servants engaged intevet 2.2 ;;;t;";; ;; Lxceedins levelsq mts at staircase midtandins
and at stitt, Parking floor

Note : '-i.ireat

corered by the pqections exceeding those specified in clauses xii, xiii, xxiii and xxiv above shall be counted in fst' ii.ODen to sky swimming pool at any level other than (xxii) above' "'i{Jiaiig-ii grornd leiet as provided in D'c resutation 30 (ii)' shatt be counted in FSI' iii.Any passage bY whatever name not covered under D C'R' i5(2) shall be counted in FSL

35(3) i) ii) iii) iv)


fo owing shall be counted in FSI.

Covered parking spaces as provided under Regulation no. 36 (5Xd)

Area of fire escape balcony as provided in regulation 44(5)

Area of Sanitary block for the use of domestic servants engaged in

the premises, other than at staircase rnidlanding level, Stilt level, parking level. Part / Pocket / Covered teffaces, for whatever purpose, except
open teftace above the top most storey and the part terrace at top most storey due to planning constraints but accessible frcm
common staircase.

v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv)

Area below open to sky swimming pool, clearance exceeding 1.5

Mtr, from floor level.

Air condition plant room / Air handling un[t room, meter rooml
D.G.set room except provided in basement. Fire check floor

service floor of height exceeding 1.8 mt.

Area of balconies as provided in sub regutation 22 of Regulation 38.

Niches below window sill.

Area of one public telephone booth and one telephone exchange (PBx) room per building.

The ornamental projectiont inctudiig the voids, flower beds, etc. pqec ng from the face of the building except at the terrace level,
Ornamental projection, flower bed etc. over a balcony or gallery Area of one room for installation of telephone concentrators as per

rcquirements of Mahanagar Telephone Nigam limited. Area of a separate letter box room on the ground floor of residential and commercial buildiogs.
Covered areas required on top terrace far antenna

dish antenna

communication tower used


Telecom (basic cellular ar satellite

telephone) or ITE purposes, V-Sat, Routes, Transponders or similar


xvi) xvii) xviii)

related structure or equipment , in excess of 20.00 sq.mts, The parking floor in excess of required parking under these regulations t35(2)(vi)1. Deck parking inctusive of Car ltfts and passages thereto on habitable floors; Diver's rcom / sanitary block on podium and or parking flaor, Covered swimming pool.

Add the followino new tedulation D.C.Reoulation 35(4) Compensatory Floor Space Index (FSI):Notwithstanding anythlng contained in the D.C.Regulations 32, 33 & 34, the Commissioner may, by special permlssion, permit fungible compensatory Floot Space Index, not exceeding 35o/o for residential development and 20o/o for Industrial/Commercial development, over and above admissible Floor Space Index, by charging a premium at the rate of 600/0, A0o/o and 100Vo of the Stamp Duty Ready Recknor Rate, fot Residential, Industrial and Commercial development respectively. Provided in case of redevelopment under regulation 33(7)/33(9) A 33(10) excluding clause no.3.11 of Appendix-Iv of Development Control Regulation 1991, the fungible compensatory F,S.I. admissible on rehabilitation component shall be granted without charging premium. Provided further that redevelopment under b.C.regutations no. 33O) and redevelopment proposal of existing buildings in suburbs and extended suburbs by availing TDR, the fungible compensatory F.S.I. admissible on F.S.L consumed in existing structure shall be ghnted withaut charging premium.

Provided further that such fungible compensatory FSI for rehabilitation component shall not be used for free sale component and shall be used to give additional area over and above eligible area to the existing tenants / occupants,
Provided, that this regulation shall be applicable in respect of the buildings to be constructed or reconstructed only,

Explanatory Note:Where IOD/IOA has been granted but building is not completed, this regulation shall apply only at th.e option of owner /developer, For plots/ layouts, where IOD is glanted for partial development, this Regulation wi apply for the balance potential of the plot, The fungible FSI is useable as regular FSI,




Provided, further, the devetopment in Coastat Regulation Zone (CRZ) areas shall be governed by the Ministry of Environment & Forests Notification issued from time to time,


The premium amount cotlected shatl be kept in to be utilized for infrastructure development.

separate Account

Modification to D.C.Redulation 36 Existinq provision


(5) Parkinq Spaces, Where to be

Pa*ing Spaces: Where to

accommodated-The may be provided,-

Sanqtioned provision


be spaces

accommodated-The parking spaces may be provided,underneath building, in (a) underneath the basements, podiums, within its stilted portion, building, in basements upper floors if within its stilted portion, or exclusively used mandatory parking, on upper floors;



or on


Note: (i) The deck parking inclusive of car lifts & passages ehereto shall be
counted in FSI.

/ automatic meansl additional parking to the extent of 10o/o of the required parking shall be permitted free of FSI as vehicle holding

(ii) Additional parking floor in excess of required parking shall be counted in FSI subject to the Novisian of D.c.R.35(2Xvi). (iii) In.non-residential building, where entire parking is proposed by


Proposed modification to D.C.Regulation No,38

Reo.No 38(s)

sanctioned Provisions Existino Provisions (5) Loft- (1) Location and extent Loft : :-Lofts may be provided over i) Location : Lofts may be provided over kitchens, habitable rooms, kitchens, habitable rooms, bath-rooms, water closets, and bathrooms, water closets and corrldors within a tenement in corridors within a tenement in

shops, and in industrial industrial buildings. buildinqs, subject to the ii) Height :The height of the loft

residential buildings, over

rcsidential building, in shops and in

restnctlons: tricti



permitted (1)

(2\ Kitchen



shall not be more than 1.5 Mtr. If it exceeds 7,5 Mtr. shall be counted towards F,5,L iii) The lofts in non-residential buildings shall be located at least 2 mts. away from the entrance.


Bathroom, water closet,



with width
uDto 3m Shops



with width
exceedin9 3m


33 t/3

commercial or


that (a) lofts in

industrial buildings shall be located at least away from the entrance; and (b) loft area shall not be counted towards F.S,l. subject to (ii) below. (ii) Height,-The clear head-room


than 2.2 m. and that above it shall not be more than 1.5 m. if

a loft shall not be less 1.5 m. it shall



counted towards F.S.l.


38(2) (ii)

(ii) Height.- (i)The minimum and maximum height of a habitable room shall be as given in Table 19 hereunder:(ii) Notwithstanding the above restriction as stated in Table 19, any telematic equipment storage

(iD Height.- (i)The minimum and maximum height of a habitable rcom shall be as given in Table 19

Notwithstanding the above Notwithstanding the above restrictions as stated in Table restrictions as stated in Table 19, 19, for cinema/W films for cinema/TV films production, production, shooting, editing, shooting, editing, recording recording studios, more height stuilios, more height as required as required for their effective for their effective functioninq shall
functioning shall be permltted
TABLE 19 be

Notwithstanding the above restriction as stated in Table 19, any telematic equipment storage erection facility can have a efection facllity can have a height heiqht as required for effective as required for effective functioning functioning of that system of that system



Heiqht of Habitable Ro aottaDle Room




hight (in

height (in meters)

(1 1.

(6)Any habitable (b) Habltable











Oensity Housins (c)

Denslty (c) 2.4 4.2



3.6 halls, residential
3 Star



subject to

category institution






greater height




ntal malls, LTbuildings, halls and lobbles to departme


Any habitabl

2.75 (avera 9e

4.2 (averaee

with 3.2















tr'ith 2.8 M


4.2 (average

with 3.2



2.0 t4 at the


the (b)



3.9 2.0


thal (i) the minimum clear head-way under any beam shall be
2.4 m.


(ii) in all occupancies, except lhose Provided lhat- (i) the mininun clear head-way under any beam shall be 2.4 included in Serial No. 1(d) in the m, Table above, any heighl in excess of 4.2 m. shall be deemed to have ii)ln all occupancies excepl lhose consumed an additaonal FSI of 50 per included in Sr. No. 1 (d) in the table cenl of the relevani floor area. above, any height in excess of 3.9 Mlr. (iii) other requirements.- One full side shall be deemed to have consumed an of a habitable room musl abul an additional F.S.l. ot 50% of the rclevant

exterior open space same






floor area-


Regulation 29.

(iii) other requirements.- One full side


a habitable room fiust abut an exteriot oPeh sqace same as Prcvided in sub-



(9)Basement-(i) Area and (9)Basement-(i) The basement Extert.- The total area of any shall not be constructed in the basement shall not exceed twice required front open space under the plinth area of the building or DCR 29. The open space from the the area of the plot, whichever is other boundaries of the plot shall less, It may be in one level or not be less than 1.5 Mtr. It may be
at one level or more. (iv)Uses Permitted.- A basement may be put to the following uses only: (a) storage of household or other non-hazardous goods; (b) store rooms, bank lockers or safe-deposit vaults; (c) air-conditioning equipment and other machines used for services and utilities of the building; (d) Parking spaces; (e) Electric sub-station (which will conform to required safety requirements) i Provided that use. strictly ancillary to the principal user

38(e) ( iv)


other non hazardous goods; (ii) Store rooms, bank lockers or safe deposit vaults; (b) Air conditioning equipment /AHU and other mach[nes used fot the se ices and utilities

may be put to the following uses only : (a) (i) Storage of household or

Uses permitted

A basement


buiFing; (c) Parking spaces; (d) D.G, set room, meter room and Eledric sub station (which will contorm to required safety



Effluent Treatment Plant, suction tankt pump raom Provided that the users mentioned basement. at (a) above shall be permixed in the lst basement only by counting in F,S.L subject to the following conditions : requirements regarding , acces, safety (including fire safety), ventilations etc. shall be complied with. the planning standards (particularly as regarding parking) should be strictly adhered to. (L2) Letter Box: - A letter box of (12, Lexer Box Room: - A sepatute appropriate dimensions shall be Ietter box room or othetwise of provided on the ground floor of ap$opriate dimensions shall be commercial provided on the ground floor of residential commercial buildings with flve and more residential storeys to the satisfaction of the buiHing. Commissioner. (20) Porch.- A porch, if any, (20) Potch.- A porch, if any, shall shall be at least 1.5 m clear of be at least 1.5 m clear of the plot level the plot boundary; the area of a boundary, shall have porch upto 5.5m. length difterence of 0.3 m, in relation to (parallel to the main building) theJevel of the floor; the area of a shall not be counted towards Dorch uDto 5.5m. in lendth harallel
may also be permitted



i) AIt ii) A





to the main building) shall not be counted towards FSI. A parapet height is porch. The Commissioner may wall 0.2im. in height is permissible permit larger Porches for over a porch, The Commissioner mercantile, hotel and Public may permit larger porches for
FSL permissible over
in a

A parapet wall 0.23m,

buildings. 38(21)

(21) Cahopy :- A cantilevered and un-enclosed canopy may be permitted over each entrance and staircase, if a clear distance of at least 1,5 m is maintained between the plot boundary and

mercant e, buildinqs.

hotel and



over each entrance and staircasel if a clear distance of at least 1.5 m is the outer edge of the canopy. maintained between the plot The minimum clear height of the boundary and the outer edge of the canopy. The minimum cleat height canopy shall be 2.2 m. of the canopy shall be 2.2 m. The Commissioner may permit larger can1pies for mercantilet hotel and Dublic buildinas. (22) Balcony i- ln any (22) Balcony :- In any residential

(21) Canopy:- A cant evered and un-enclosed canoqy with level difference of 0,3 m. in retation to the floor level; may be pemitted

residential zone (R-1) and res,dential zone with shoP line (R-2), or in a purely residential building in any other zone,

with shop line (R-2), or in a purely residential building in any other zone, balconies may be permitted permitted free at each floor, excluding the ground balconies may be of FSI at each floor, excluding and terrace floors, of an area not the ground and terrace floors, of more than 70 per cent of the area an area not more than 10 per of the floor from which such cent of the area of the floor from batcony projects subject to the which such balcony projects conditions that :- (i) No balcony subject to the following shall reduce the minimum marginal conditions :- (i) No balcony sha,l open space to less than i mt. at reduce the minimum marqinal the rear and sides and 1.5m in the open space to less than 3 mt. at front. The width of the balcony will the rear and sides and 1.5m in be neasured perpendicular to the the front. The width of the building line and reckoned from balcony will be measured that line to the balcony's outermost perpendicular to the building line edge, (ii) The balcony may be and reckoned from that line to enclosed. the balcony's outermost edge, (ii) Balconies may be allowed to be enclosed With written . permission of the Commissioner.

zong (R-1) and residential zone

When balconies are enclosed, one-third of the area of their faces shall have louvers glass shutters or grills on the top and the rest of the area except the

parapet shall have





Regulati on

38 (34),- Podium i, A podium fiay be DermiXed in plot admeasuring 1500 or more. The podium provided with ramq may be pemitted in one or more level, total height not exceeding 24 m
above ground level,

provided with ramp but provided with two car lifts may be permitted in one or
exceeding 9 mt above ground level. The podium shall be used for the parking of vehicles. The recreational space prescribed in D,C.Regulation 23 may be provided either at ground level or on open to sky podium. Podium be
more levelt total height not

However, podium



in required front Such podium may be extended beyond the buildinq line in consonance provision of with
open space.

shall not

D,C,Regulation 43(1) on one side whereas on other side and rear side it shall not be less than 1.5 m from the plot boundary, Ramps may be provided in with D. C. Reg ul ati on 38 ( 1 8). Adequate area for Drivers rest rooms and sanitary block may be permitted on podiums by counting in FSL



Proposed amendment in relevant regulations applicable to Fire Fighting Requircments

Reg. no.
43 (1)

auilding Code, shal, apply. IV: Fire Protection Chapter, For multistoried, high rise and National Building Code, shall apply, special buildings, additional For multistoried, high rise and provisions relating to fire protection contained in spgcial buildings, additional Appendix VIII shall also apply. provisions relating to fire The approach to the building protection contained in Appendix and open spaces on all sides up VIII shall also apply, to 6 m width and their layout shall conform to the (A) For proposal under regulations requirements of the Chief Fire i3(7) and 33(10), Officer. Ihey shall be capable of

Existing provisions Sanctioned provisions General - The planning design 43(1) General: and construction of any building The planning design and shall be such as to ensure construction of any building shall safety from fire. For this be such as to ensure safety from purpose, unless otherwise specified in these Regulations, fire, For this purpose, unless the provisions of part IV : Fire otherwise specified in these Protection Chapter, National Regulations, the provisions of part

weighing up to 18 tonnes. These open spaces shall be free exceeding 600 Sq,Mts. and having of any obstruction and shall be height more than 24 m, at least, motorable. one side other than road side, shall have clear open space of 6 m at ground level, accessible from road side. Proyided, the building abuts another road of 6m or more this condition shall not be insisted,

taking weight of a fire engine

In case of

rchabilitation / composite buildings on plots


Provided further that in case of redevelopment proposals under DCR 33(7), for plot size upto 600 | 1.5mt open space will be deemed to be adequate, (B) For the proposals othet than
(A) above

(a) Buildings having height more

than 24 m upto 70 m, at least one side, accessible from road side, shall have clear open space of 9 m
at ground level.

Provided, however, if podium is proposed it shall not extend 3m beyond building line so as to have clear open space of 6m beyond
Provided, further, where podiufi is accessible to fire appliances by a rampt then above restriction shall not apply. (b) Buildings havinq heiqht more

than 70 m, at least two sides, accessible from road side, shall have clear open space of 9 m at
ground levet.

Provided, however, if podium is proposed it shall not extend 3m beyond building line so as to have clear open space 6m beyond podium. No ramps for the podium

shall be provided


these side

43(2) (r) (ii)

Assembly, business, mercantile, industrial and storage buildings : 30 m. Note.- The travel distance to an exit from the dead end of a corridor shall not exceed half the distance

specified above, When more than one exit is required on a

floor, the exits shall be as remote from each other as possible: Provided that for all multi-storeyed high rise and
special buildings, a minimum of tvlo enclosed type staircases shall be Drovided, at least one

open spaces, Prcvided, further, where podium is accessible to fire appliances by a ramp then above restriction shall not apply. (c), Courtyard ramp podium accessible to fire appliances shall be capable of taking the load up to 48 tonnes. (d) These open spaces shall be free frory any obstruction & shall be motorable, Assembly, business, mercantilel lndustrial and storage buildings : 30 m. Note,- The travel distance to an exit from the dead end of a corridor shall not exceed half the distance specified above, When more than one exit is required on a floor, the exits shall be as remote from each other as possible: Provided that, subject the provision under D,C. Regulation 44(5)(a) for all multi-storeyed high


of them opening directlY to the rise and special buildings, a exterior, to an interior, open minifium of two enclosed tyPe space or to any open place of staircases shall be provided, at least one of thefi opening directl| to the exterior, to an inteior, oqen space or to anY oPen Place of

F:re Escape or external stairi Multistoreyed, high rise and

special buildings shall


provided with flre escape stairs, which will be free of F.S.I., and they should conform to the following: (a)They shall be taken into account in calculating the

evacuation time



directly connected to the

of them shall be

safety. 44(5) (A) Additional Staircase(a) multistoreYed case residential buildings having height more than 24 m, and less than 70 m additionat staircase shall be necessary, Provided, however, it vrill nat be necessary , if, (i) Travel distance does not exceed as mentioned in sub regulation




i)(i & ii) of resulation


ground. (c) Entrance to them shall be remote separate internal staircase. (d)Routes to the fire escape of obstruction at all times, except for a door way leading to the flre escaPe, which shall have the required flre resistance. (e)They shall be constructed non-combustible materials. (f) They shall have a straight flight not less than 75 cm wide with 15 cms treads and risers not more than 19 cms. The number of risers shall be limited to 16 per flight. (g)They shall be provided with handrails at a height not less than 90 cms above the tread.

and from the

(ii) If floor area on anY floor does

not exceeds 500 sq mtrs Note: These staircases shall be of ena,lased type having minimum wid,th of 1.5 mt, (b) Buildings having height 70 m or morc, shall be provided with twa

shall be free


type staircases,



having width not less than 2,0 m (c) Whenever two staircases arc necessaryt both the staircases shall open & terminate at ground floor or to any other place of safetY. The staircase shall be as rcmote as
possible, (B) Fire Escape balcony:

(a) For industrial buildings, a fire escape balcony not exceeding 7'5
meters width shall be provided at the periphery of every floor level
and shall be connected to staircase and shall have a railing parapet of 7,10 meters height on external sides, (b) Fire escape balcony to the


buildings other than residential occupancy shall be decided by

Chief Fire Officer,



of Fire



Balcony (i) It shall always be kept free from obstructions & no partitions shall . be erected, (ii) It shall be provided with wall type sprinklers at every floor level. Note: - Fire Escape balcony shall be counted in FSL Refuge area: Refuge a rea: a) In multi storyed and hagh (a) (i) The refuge area shall be least rise buildings, prcvided within building line at


one refuge area shall be provided on the floor immediately above 24 m. b) It shall be on the external

(ii) In

floor level.

walls as


a cantilevered projection or in any other manner. It shall have a minimum

and minimum width of 3.0 m. It shall not be counted in FSI.

of 15 sq m

case of multistoreyed & high rise buildings having height more than 30 mts,, first refuge area shall be provided at 24 mt, or 1st habitable floor, whichever is higher, Thereafter, the refuge area shall be provided at every 7th habitable floor, The refuge arca shall be 4Eo of the habitable floor area it serues, and will be frce of FSI. f it exceeds 4qo, the ekcess area shall be counted in

(b) Notwithstanding clause (a) for

buildings having height upto 70 mts, as an alternate, Refuge areas can be provided as R.C.C. the cantilever projections


alternate mid-landing level of staircase , free of FSL Each refuge area at midlanding shall have a minimum width ol 310 mts and minimum area of 10,0 sq.mts for residential and 15 sq.mts for non-residential
buildings, (c) In case of multistoreyed & high rise buildings upto 30 mts. height, the terrace floor of the


sha be

treated as the

44(8) Fire Escape

refuge area,


Controlled Lowering Device for evacuation :(A)(i) High rise building having height more than 70 mt.,
shall necessarily be prcvided with escape chute shaft/s every wing adjacent to staircase, walls of the shaft shall have 4 hours fire resistance. One side of the shaft shall be at external face of the proper building ventilation. The dimension of the shaft shall not be less than 2.5 m X 1,5m. The access the fire escape chute's shaft shall be made at alternate floor level

fire for

(ii) (iii) (iv)




from staircase midlanding

with self-closing door having fire resistance of at least one hour,


The fire chute sha be of staggered type with landing of each section at the vertical height of not more

than 21 m. Alternatively, For High rise bullding having height more than mt.,





"External Evacuation System" as approved by CFO shall be provided. 44 (9) Fire Check Floor A high rise building having height more than 70 m, shall be provided with nre check floor (entire floor) at every 70 m level. Heiqht of the fire check floor shatl

evacuation" or

"Contrclled Lowering Device for

not be more than 7.8 hts. The fire check floor shall not be used for any purpose and it shall be the responsibility of the owner/occupier to maintain the

same clean and free


encumbrances and encroachments at all times, Periphery of the Fire Check floor shall not be enclosed. Fire Drenchers shall be pravided at the periphery of the each fire check floor externally.

added to APPendix The following aclditional clause no'19 to be (Regulation 43)


Appendix VIII
( 1e)

i) '"

Z*rc""i'"iil*it"line onl|. '.i- -

Manner of Providing refuge area : face the access -;^ -^t,,-: ".aa <hetl he so located that it shalt preFerably of the buildinq *ia"' open space on the side ru,'i perpendicular to the main access road'


b)ThecantileveredRefugeafeaoncantileverwillbepermissibleatthemid. be within the buitdins

ilri,r'tli'ii" ti"r*ri iiv. att other refuse areas shatt

i; :t

1 20 mt' iii *r"n" ","" shatl be provided with railing / parapet ofcantilever refuge ;.;';, iovering shall be ptovided above the topmost

Type ' refuge area shall necessarily be of RCC

fl The refuse area shall have a door which-shatt be painted or fixed AREA" lion in tumino16 paint mentioning "RFFUGE -oi permitted to open into the refuge areas ne tift/s snatt not be rrom "r') ;;2";:;;;;;;; i'oiii"a *itnin buitdins tine shatt be accessibte


common Passage/ staircase' tJse of refuge area :

-\ThArFfttdcereashallbeearmarkedexcltisivelyfortheuseofoccupants other Department "r', use ,"*ii"ii"li"i",-ui'i roi n" otherof Fire Brigadewhen occur inor anv building the. ""ir"rii!"i"i oi"i,,n with fire or emergencies


liiiriii"ii, -

ii ii" o'riii'iiin"

if conducted bv the Fire Brigade Depadment' any other purpose "*"r",t"s/drilts r"rin" areas shatt not be a owed to be used for maintain the same "i,'ro isponsioilitv of the owner/occupier to at all times' Itiur- ana *eu or en,umbrances and encroachments iii) Facitities to be provided at refuge area ttghtinq facilitv shall be provided iieqi"r" ;; "^"ig"n'v iv) Terrace floor as a refuge floor: etc ,i"- nZr"rtui n,,'tiis such as emergehcv lightins' dinking water
shatl be Provided

b)Theaccessdoor/sfromtheenclosedstaircase/stotheterracefloorshall "n'"r" entrance doors to the terrace the 'iili irr"*-", ,"i-haif ponion of signdoor'The in luminous paint mentionins painted i" i",*.a or fixed with




Under aecretary to Govemment'

nalenar} nauae ;


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