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CJ 10& FK M

.11-&17, 2012
III. 16. d. e. Television Cartographer - - - - iv) Kedarnath v) Punjab vi) Map maker vii)A type of iron

SOCIAL Science
Model Question Paper - 4
SECTION - A Time : 2.30 Hrs. I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 13. 14. Marks : 100 14 x 1 = 14 Choose the correct Answer (Compulsory) : Germany invaded France by crossing. a) Netherland b) Luxemburg c) Rhineland The founder of the Fascist Party was a) Adolf Hitler b) Benito Mussolini c) Stalin

ANSWER ANY TEN OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN BRIEF: (CHOOSE FOUR FROM SECTION A, ONE FROM SECTION B, FOUR FROM SECTION C, AND ONE FROM SECTION D) 10 x 2 = 20 SECTION - A Write a note on Taiping Rebellion. What are the organs of the League of Nations? What were the four pillars of Fascism? Why did America declare war on Japan? Write a note on the Revolt at Delhi What was the aim of Outcastes Welfare Association? [ Bahiskrit Hitkaraini Sabha] Name the states comprised of Pakistan. Why do we all Periyar as Vaikam Hero? SECTION - B Why is world peace an essential one? Give Abraham Lincolns definition of Democracy. SECTION - C What are the main physical divisions of India? Name the regions of heavy rainfall in India. Write a note on wind energy. What are plantation crops? What are agro based industries? Give examples. What is meant by pollution due to e- waste? Write a note on Sub urban railway. Mention the basic components of Remote sensing. SECTION - D What is Laissez - faire? What do you mean by Globalization? PART - C 4x2=8

d) Belgium d) Lenin 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. d) hot d) Coniferous d) Kolkata d)Railways 34. d) investment 35. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

The Unification of the country was brought by the British a) Imperialism b) politics c) Conquests d) negotiations Vaikam is a place in a) Tamil Nadu b) Andhra Pradesh c) Karnataka d)Kerala The first Secretary General of SAARC was a) Jinnah b) Ashan Election Commission is situated at a) Madras b) Mumbai The customers are exploited by the a) Carpenters b) Farmers d) Gandhiji d) New Delhi d) Traders c) Kofi Annan c) Moradabad c) Tailors

The Coastal areas enjoy __________ climate a) continental b) Equable c) Humid Mangrove forests in West Bangal a) Sundarbans b) Grass lands c) Savanna Manchester of India is a) Delhi b) Chennai Cheapest means of transport. a) Waterways b) Airways c) Mumbai c) Roadways

Income method sums all forms of a) expenditure b) income c) savings Nehru decided that India would be a a) mixed economy b) Socialist economy c) capitalist economy d) Money economy Five year plan in India was borrowed from a) Soviet Russia b) United States of America c) United Kingdom d) United Arab Emirates

IVDISTINGUISH BETWEEN ANY FOUR OF THE FOLLOWING: 36. 37. 38. [ 10 x 1 = 10 ] 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. V) 44. Western ghats and Eastern ghats. Western disturbances and tropical cyclones. Tropical ever green forest and tropical monsoon forest. Thermal electricity and Hydro electricity. Iron and steel industry and Software industry. Air pollution and Noise pollution. Internal trade and international trade. Roadways and Railways.

II .Match the following : 15 15 (A) a. International colony - b. EURO d. Vallalar - - - - - - - - - c. Bhahadur Shah II e. Veera Tamilannai (B) a. Pilgrim centre b. Lignite c. Wheat ii) Ramalinga Adigal iii) Currency iv) Japan v) China vi) Delhi vii)Dr.S.Dharmambal i) A type of coal ii) Mass Communication iii)Delhi

i) Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy

CHOOSE ANY TWO OF THE FOLLOWING AND ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS GIVEN UNDER EACH CAPTION: 2 x 4 = 8 COURSEOF THE FIRST WORLD WAR a) Give the duration of the First World war. b) Who were called Central powers? c) Who were called the Allies? d) What were used in the war

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