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On the Road

towards a better tomorrow.

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One death every 30 seconds

gra vity of the situation

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the top 10 causes of death

4.18 5.71





1.46 1.18 1.27 1.32

* Death in millions

the top 10 causes of death

4.18 5.71 3.02

2.16 7.2

2.04 1.46 1.18


1.32 * Death in millions

more than 1.3 million people are killed in road accidents,

Worldwide , Every year.

ranges between 1 5% of GDP for Every Nation.

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the economic cost of this epidemic

some countries ha become accustomed to ve accepting these deaths as part of development.

some countries ha become accustomed to ve accepting these deaths as part of development.

in india more than 240 people die everyday in vehicle

crashes the equivalent of a jumbo jet falling from sky everyday yet their deaths are not newsworthy.

for every death, there are far greater number of injuries.

for every death, there are far greater number of injuries.

four person with sever/permanent disability.

for every death, there are far greater number of injuries.

four person with sever/permanent disability. ten person requiring hospital admission.

for every death, there are far greater number of injuries.

four person with sever/permanent disability. ten person requiring hospital admission. thirty person requiring emergency room treatment.

for every death, there are far greater number of injuries.

four person with sever/permanent disability. ten person requiring hospital admission. thirty person requiring emergency room treatment. and more than two hundred requiring first aid .

which also means that

road traffic injuries

cause death & disability in short period of time.

cause death & disability in short period of time.

affect & impact low & middle income countries.

cause death & disability in short period of time.

affect & impact low & middle income countries.

which means an increased social & economic burden.

cause death & disability in short period of time.

affect & impact low & middle income countries.

which means an increased social & economic burden.

and impact the lives of poor & vulnerable.

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victims suffer with injuries /longtime disabilities, often

loose their job, suffer depression/ substance abuse.

victims suffer with injuries /longtime disabilities, often loose their job, suffer depression/ substance abuse.

survivor suffer from post-traumatic anxiety, fear &

depression & if they were at fault, experience a lifelong sense of guilt & regret.

victims suffer with injuries /longtime disabilities, often loose their job, suffer depression/ substance abuse. survivor suffer from post-traumatic anxiety, fear & depression & if they were at fault, experience a lifelong sense of guilt & regret.

families of victims also suffer they loose their loved

one & many times a breadwinner for family, sometimes without any insurance for the victim.

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road to life

three pointers 1. preventing a crash before it occurs.

three pointers 1. preventing a crash before it occurs.

setting, raising awareness of & enforcing laws

three pointers 1. preventing a crash before it occurs.

setting, raising awareness of & enforcing laws

formulating & implementing transport & land-use

policies that promote fewer, shorter & safer trips.

three pointers 1. preventing a crash before it occurs.

setting, raising awareness of & enforcing laws

formulating & implementing transport & land-use policies that promote fewer, shorter & safer trips.

encouraging the use of safer modes of travel.

three pointers 1. preventing a crash before it occurs.

setting, raising awareness of & enforcing laws

formulating & implementing transport & land-use policies that promote fewer, shorter & safer trips. encouraging the use of safer modes of tra vel.

develop gadgets for collision prevention.

three pointers 1. preventing a crash before it occurs.

setting, raising awareness of & enforcing laws

formulating & implementing transport & land-use policies that promote fewer, shorter & safer trips. encouraging the use of safer modes of tra vel. develop gadgets for collision prevention.

incorporating injury prevention measures into

traffic management & road design.

three pointers
1. preventing a crash before it occurs.

2. minimizing injuries if a crash does occurs.

three pointers
1. preventing a crash before it occurs.

2. minimizing injuries if a crash does occurs.

stay calm, respond

quickly but smoothly.

three pointers
1. preventing a crash before it occurs.

2. minimizing injuries if a crash does occurs.

stay calm, respond quickly
but smoothly.

choose your course of


three pointers
1. preventing a crash before it occurs.

2. minimizing injuries if a crash does occurs.

stay calm, respond quickly
but smoothly. brake with control.

choose your course of


three pointers
1. preventing a crash before it occurs.

2. minimizing injuries if a crash does occurs.

stay calm, respond quickly
but smoothly. brake with control.

choose your course of


steer smoothly.

three pointers
1. preventing a crash before it occurs.

2. minimizing injuries if a crash does occurs.

stay calm, respond quickly
but smoothly. brake with control. accelerate if needed.

choose your course of

action. steer smoothly.

three pointers
1. preventing a crash before it occurs.

2. minimizing injuries if a crash does occurs.

stay calm, respond quickly
but smoothly. brake with control. accelerate if needed.

choose your course of

action. steer smoothly. take steps to recover if you start to skid or lose control.

three pointers
1. preventing a crash before it occurs.

2. minimizing injuries if a crash does occurs.

stay calm, respond quickly
but smoothly. brake with control. accelerate if needed. if a crash is una voidable, try to minimize damage.

choose your course of

action. steer smoothly. take steps to recover if you start to skid or lose control.

three pointers
1. preventing a crash before it occurs.

2. minimizing injuries if a crash does occurs.

stay calm, respond quickly
but smoothly. brake with control. accelerate if needed. if a crash is una voidable, try to minimize damage.

choose your course of

action. steer smoothly. take steps to recover if you start to skid or lose control. call emergency services after a crash.

three pointers
1. preventing a crash before it occurs. 2. minimizing injuries if a crash does occurs.

3.treating the injuries to minimize the trauma.

three pointers
1. preventing a crash before it occurs. 2. minimizing injuries if a crash does occurs.

3.treating the injuries to minimize the trauma.

medical infrastructure needs a

significant boost.

three pointers
1. preventing a crash before it occurs. 2. minimizing injuries if a crash does occurs.

3.treating the injuries to minimize the trauma.

medical infrastructure needs a significant boost.

first aid facility available in public

transports, community markets etc.

three pointers
1. preventing a crash before it occurs. 2. minimizing injuries if a crash does occurs.

3.treating the injuries to minimize the trauma.

medical infrastructure needs a significant boost. first aid facility available in public
transports, community markets etc.

basic training on first aid to all citizens.

three pointers
1. preventing a crash before it occurs. 2. minimizing injuries if a crash does occurs.

3.treating the injuries to minimize the trauma.

medical infrastructure needs a significant boost. first aid facility available in public
transports, community markets etc. basic training on first aid to all citizens.

law to not be the hurdle for immediate

treatments in case of an accident.

three pointers
1. preventing a crash before it occurs. 2. minimizing injuries if a crash does occurs.

3.treating the injuries to minimize the trauma.

medical infrastructure needs a significant boost. first aid facility available in public
transports, community markets etc. basic training on first aid to all citizens. law to not be the hurdle for immediate treatments in case of an accident.

any procrastination should be


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one for the road

remember road traffic injuries are already the

number one killer of 10-24 year olds.

would you still regard road accidents as

unfortunate mischance or an inevitable accompaniment?

think again!
someone is waiting at home

Special thanks to

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