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Families First Presents 7th Annual Slate Belt Idol Competition

singer(s). The event will also include a 50/50 raffle, and light refreshments. This years host is Mrs. Carol Scarangello. The contestants for Slate Belt Idol 2012 are: Jermaine Adderely, 17, of Nazareth; Deana Deaza, 18, of East Stroudsburg; Tiana Marie Gonzalez 18, of Bethlehem; Ilka Hanselmann, 44, of Pen Argyl; Kaitlin Huggins, 27, of Bethlehem; Gabriela LoBasso 16, of Bethlehem; Paula Nadeau, 51, of Bethlehem; Ashley Phelps, 24, of Pen Argyl; Zachary Rodger, 17, of Bangor; Mike Sullivan, 20, of Portland; Joe Volpe, 17, of Bethlehem; and Tracy Would, 54, of Bangor. Support your favorite vocalist and help Families First at this years Slate Belt Idol Compeition on April 27th.

Families First presents their 7th Annual Slate Belt Idol competition on Friday April 27th, at 7pm in the auditorium of the Wind Gap Middle School, 1620 Teels Road, Pen Argyl. Doors open at 6:15pm. Come out for a family evening of entertainment

and help a local organization. The Slate Belt Idol is a vocal competition to benefit Families First - an organization that helps families in need in the Pen Argyl Area School District. Twelve very talented vocalists will be competing for the title of Slate

Belt Idol 2012. The winner will receive $500 and a recording session at Scorpion Sound Factory and the Runner up will receive $250. The audience votes for the winner. The donation will be $1 per vote for your favorite

Slate Belt Heritage Center Celebrates Italian Heritage

Famiglia, Fede, E Comunita: 'Family, Faith, and Community: The Italian Experience in Pennsylvania's Slate Belt will be presented by the Slate Belt Heritage Center, 30 N. First Street, Bangor, on Thursday, April 19th, at 7pm, by author Angela Herrlinger. Mrs. Herrlilnger's book captures a slice of Italian life in the Slate Belt. She traces local traditions to their roots in various sections of Italy and explores why each of the Italian communities in the Slate Belt developed its own distinctive style. Angela, who is a Policelli descendant, weaves new material into some otherwise familiar stories. She handles problems of prejudice with sensitivity. Information is well documented and each page serves a tasty helping of Italian flavor. Whether it be pinching a child's cheek or watching proudly as they receive their first Holy Communion, calling their child by an affectionate Italian name, preparing a meal in the cucina with Nonna's favorite recipe, visiting with Zia Louisa and Zio Antonio, drinking a glass of Pop's homemade wine, bowing in reverence while walking in a religious procession, ordering favorite foods by their Italian name, talking with their hands

in great enthusiasm, coaxing a daughter's boyfriend to have a second helping of pasta, or just enjoying a quiet

evening passing on stories of ancestors in the "Old country," the spirit of the Italian immigrant endures.

Check This Out! Every Saturday, stop by Schochs Harley Davidson in Snydersville for free food and drinks while you browse. Drop by to check out the new renovations to Schochs! We would like to wish

Monique Stivala a very Happy Birthday! She will be celebrating on April 11th. Have a wonderful day, Monique! We would like to wish Michelle RoweSutherland a very Happy Birthday on April 13th. Have a

fantastic day, Michelle! Happy Birthday wishes are sent to Jason Lefsyk, who will be celebrating on April 12th. Have a great day, Jason! Happy Birthday wishes are sent to Nicolas Albert, who will be celebrating on April 15th. Have a great day, Nico! We would like to wish Sarah Loren a very Happy Birthday. Sarah will be celebrating on April 15th. Have a fantastic day, Sarah! Lauren Krapf will be celebrating her birthday on April 15th as well. Have a wonderful birthday, Lauren! Check out this years Easter Coloring Contest Winning Entries on page 13. Looking for somewhere to eat? Check out The PRESS new Dining Section on Pages 16 thru 18! If youre looking for a craft to keep your child learning, Bangor Child Care has a crafty idea on page 20! Try it now! If you are searching for the right place to hold your wedding reception, looking for the perfect flower arrangements and bouquets, or want the perfect hair style for your special day, Our Spring Bridal Section on page 8 has just what you need. The PRESS would

like to thank everyone who entered our Annual Pet Photo Contest. Though the contest is over, we will continue to run the entries received. Famiglia, Fede, E Comunita - 'Family, Faith, and Community: The Italian Experience in Pennsylvania's Slate Belt, will be presented by the Slate Belt Heritage Center on April 19th, at 7pm, by author Angela Herrlinger. Mrs. Herrlilnger's book captures a slice of Italian life in the Slate Belt area. The Heritage Center is located at 30 North First Street in Bangor. For additional information, please contact Karen Brewer at 610-588-8615. On April 13th, the kindergarten through third grade classes of Faith Christian School will be presenting the children's musical It's Cool in the Furnace by Buryl Red and Grace Hawthorne. The performance will be held in the gymnasium of Faith Christian School in Roseto at 7pm. We love hearing from you! Send your birthdays, anniversaries, and tidbits of information to us at: The PRESS 1 Broadway, Bangor, PA 18013

Here is a list of the new items added to the collection of the Bangor Public Library during the week March 22 through 28, 2012. Adult fiction: DeMille, Nelson, The charm school; Henley, Patricia, Other heartbreaks. Adult non-fiction: Kach, Tanya, Memoir of a milk carton kid; Lansky, Bruce, 60,000+ baby names. Junior fiction: Wood, Maryrose, The unseen guest. Easy fiction: Butter-

field, Moira, The littlest reindeer; Capucilli, Alyssa, Happy Thanksgiving, Biscuit!; Cumming, Hannah, The lost stars; Edwards, Julie, Dumpys saves Christmas; Kubler, Annie, Wee Willie Winkie; Ross, Mandy, Night night; Ross, Mandy, Snuggle up; Winters, Kay, The teeny tiny ghost; Wood, Audrey, Balloonia; Wood, Audrey, Tooth fairy. Reference: Vaccines. DVDs: The firing line, Mystic pizza, Pulse.

Colleen ODonnell Golf Tournament To Benefit Jack Culbertson

Colleen O'Donnell sadly passed away on February 2, 2007 after a long battle with brain cancer. The annual golf tournament was started to help Colleen and her family lessen the financial hardship due to her increasing costs regarding her medical care. A dear friend, Colleen, touched the hearts of so many individuals, which is why her spirit lives on through those who loved her. It was truly an honor to have known her and been considered her friend! This year, $1000 of the proceeds from the golf tournament will be donated to Dr. Brem (Colleen's doctor at Johns Hopkins) to help with his ongoing research to find a cure for brain tumors. The remainder of the proceeds will be donated to Jack Culbertson, a 4th grader at Five Points Elementary, Bangor. Jack is an amazing young man and a wonderful son to Dan and Becky Culbertson. He is also a great older brother to Max and Julie. Jack was diagnosed May 12, 2009 with high-risk Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is a childhood cancer that develops in the nerve tissue. Since being diagnosed, Jack has completed 6 rounds of chemo, surgery, radiation, a stem cell transplant and numerous rounds of antibody therapy. He finished his treatment the summer of 2010 and began enjoying his life and racing his quarter midget again until his family learned that two spots appeared on Jack's hips in September 2011. His family received news on October 12, 2011 that his cancer had returned ... their response ... WE FIGHT! They would like to ask for your help by coming out to golf, becoming a sponsor for the tournament, and/or making a donation of any amount. With your help, they will be able to support this family during a difficult time and make this annual event another true success! Colleens friends thank you in advance for your time and consideration. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Maggie Kluska at (610) 588-6983 or at or Philomena Sandt at (610) 972-8870 or at 'Colleen O'Donnell Golf Tournament Is honored to sponsor Jack Culbertson on Saturday, May 12, 2012, at Whitetail Golf Club. The event will start at 1pm with a shot gun start. Donations may be made to: Colleen O'Donnell Fundraiser, and mailed to: Maggie Kluska - 680 Jacktown Road Bangor, PA 18013.

Musical at Faith Christian School Set for April 13th

On Friday, April 13th, the kindergarten through third grade classes of Faith Christian School will be presenting the children's musical, It's Cool in the Furnace, by Buryl Red and Grace Hawthorne. It tells the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and how they followed God's command no matter the consequences, and God's miraculous way of saving them from destruction. The performance will be held in the gymnasium of Faith Christian School at 7pm. There is no admission charge. For more information call (610) 588-3414.

Faith Bunny Starts the Ackermanville UMC Free Hunt for Eggs
Concert April 15
The Ackermanville United Methodist Church Choir will present a free encore presentation, for the community, of the Easter Cantata Champion of Love by Marty Hamby. This cantata is filled with inspirational songs celebrating Christ's victory over the grave, through His glorious resurrection. The 29 member choir is led by Del Roberts. Soloists will be Cindy Doll and Brittany D'Alessio. This concert will be held Sunday, April 15th at 7pm, at the church on Ackermanville Road (off of Rt. 191 south of Bangor). Anyone and everyone is invited to join them for this inspirational experience. A free-will offering will be taken. Expect to stay after for refreshments and fellowship. For more information please see the website: there to pose for pictures and encourage the children. The event was undertaken by Faith United volunteers: Alexis Brooks, Angela Brooks, Pastor Ruth Ann Christopher, Christine Dania, Ashley Flyte, Lori Pensyl, and Dwayne Woolley. Pastor Christopher commented, In spite of the weather, there was a great turnout and the children really enjoyed themselves. Dont forget the upcoming skit, How did Jerry Get to Heaven, to be performed by the churchs drama team on Sunday April 15th at10am. For directions, please visit the churchs website at

On Sunday, April 1st, the weather was no April fool as in between the wind and cold, the Faith United Presbyterian Church Annual Hunt for the Eggs went off as planned. Parents and children braved the weather and

were rewarded with baskets full of eggs. Prizes consisting of tshirts, bowling tickets, toys, and large chocolate bunnies were awarded to the winners of the drawings and for finding prize eggs. The Faith Bunny was

Betty White Raps, and Boomers Worried About Retiring Listen

able. In the video, titled "I'm Still Hot," which also stars English pop singer Luciana -- and lots of hunky guys being hand-fed cheesecake by guess who -White raps: "I hooked up with The Lifeline./I got big cash in no time./I'm living life at the top./Guess what? I'm still hot." Okay, so maybe Betty only hit the highlights. But know she's referring to The Lifeline P r o g r a m (, which already had a sterling, two-decadeslong record of protecting the interests of those senior citizens whose life settlements it handled before recently deciding to expand to boomers. "Baby boomers don't realize they could be sitting on hidden wealth that could ease the anxiety so many of them are now feeling," says William Scott Page, the company's president and CEO. Well, life settlements can be offered on term, whole or universal life policies, with the specific dollar amounts dependent on life expectancy, premiums and death benefits. And many believe life insurance policies may soon become the bestperforming retirement investment if used as an asset for sale in one's golden years. That said, the Wall Street Journal, in recently noting that they "may be a good idea if your policy's beneficiary has died and you have no one to replace him or her, or if you no longer need insurance," cited this example of a typical Lifeline settlement: A 72-year-old man expected to live for seven more years with a $250,000 whole-life policy and annual premiums of $9,400, could expect to get a $110,000 settlement. Maybe that helps explain why Betty's video is so popular.

(NewsUSA) - How do you convince aging baby boomers that others are willing to pay them to make sure their nightmares of a threadbare retirement don't come true? Answer: Get Betty White to cut a rap video so campy that it's at 1 million hits-andclimbing on YouTube. Polls consistently show that nearly half of all boomers -- who were never known for saving even before the market crashed -- aren't confident they'll have enough money to retire comfortably. But here's the crucial point: As bad as they've been at adequately funding their 401(k)s and IRAs, they've been really, really good at buying insurance policies -- a record hundreds of billions of dollars worth, according to Conning Research & Consulting -- and many of those policies were taken out under circumstances that now make it more financially attractive for their holders to sell them to companies, in what's known as a "life settlement," rather than to, say, re-up or let them lapse because the payments are unafford-

(NAPSI)If youre part of the soon-to-besenior generation, its a healthy idea to learn all you can about Medicare, the U.S. governmentadministered health insurance program for seniors, before youre eligible. Medicare is similar to a major medical plan, but like other health insurance programs, it doesnt cover everything. Combined with rising health care costs, this can lead to a financial burden, but one that may be eased with supplemental coverage. Medicare Supplement is add-on insurance coverage that can help pay expenses not covered or only partially

covered by Medicare, such as deductibles, copays and other out-ofpocket expenses. Medicare Supplement plans generally work like major medical insurance, says John Fauzey, national director of senior products for Combined Insurance, a leading supple-

mental insurance provider. The supplemental policy help make up the difference between what Medicare pays and what you are charged for care. For example, with hospitalization, Medicare will pay all but $1,132. A Medicare Supplement policy can be purchased to cover that $1,132. All Medicare Supplement policies are not created equal. Its important to find the right coverage for your specific needs. Fauzey offers these tips: Look for a policy that goes into effect the moment you qualify for Medicare. Be sure pre-existing conditions are covered immediately and that there is no waiting period or reduction in benefits. Find a policy that lets you choose your health care providers (as long as they accept Medicare).

Rules of Engagement: What to Know Before Popping the Question

(NewsUSA) - An engagement ring symbolizes your promise to love and cherish your partner forever, and shows the world your commitment to your fiance. Many women dream about their engagement ring their entire lives, so choosing the right style is of utmost importance. Here are some tips to ease the pressure of finding the ring and proposing: It's Not Only About the Diamond A ring's setting is as important as its diamond because the setting is what displays and secures the stone. Platinum provides an ideal setting as it is stronger than other precious metals, which means that you don't have to worry about losing the center stone with everyday wear. Also, platinum is a naturally white metal, allowing the diamond to sparkle even brighter. Did you know that a platinum engagement ring will last forever? Since platinum is so durable and loses little metal over time, the ring will undoubtedly become a family heirloom that can be passed down for generations to follow. And platinum engagement rings are surprisingly affordable. Contrary to popular belief, they are available in a wide range of price points, starting at around $1,000 at Know Her Style Before you go to the jewelry store, know your future fiance's style, personality and lifestyle since there is a ring to suit her perfectly. For example, a woman with a hands-on job, like nursing, might prefer a simple band with a secure setting, while a woman who has a less active job might want something more intricate. A woman with classic style will want a different band design than a trend-setting fashionista. "A classic polished platinum band from Michael Barin will suit a girl with more traditional tastes, while a birth stone of colored diamonds on an embellished band like one from Suna Bros. will look bold and unique," says jewelry and style expert Michael O'Connor. "To figure out her ring size, press one of your girlfriend's rings in a bar of soap until it leaves a mark. You can also put one of her rings on your own hand, mark where it falls on your finger and have the jeweler measure that area," suggests O'Connor. How to Propose Some women want a public proposal in front of friends and family, while others want something private and special. In either case, your fiance will remember the day for the rest of her life. Think about what your fiance likes, and where and how you met. For more tips on proposing marriage or choosing an engagement ring, visit www.engagementguide. com or www.preciousplatinum. com.

(NewsUSA) - When it comes to finding a new look this spring, it's less about spending and more about closet creativity. According to fashion expert and host of TLC's "What Not To Wear," Stacy London, "this season, use the basic rules of fashion and fabric care to recreate spring's hottest looks." Fashion basic 101: Shop your closet first. You may already have some key items within your wardrobe that can stand as a strong foundation. Building upon key

pieces, like a little black dress, can be an easy way to update your style without breaking the bank. Regardless of the monetary or emotional price, in today's economy, clothing can be seen as an investment. "Women spend so much time finding their perfect look, it is important to educate them on helping to extend the life of their wardrobe," says London. Having recently partnered with Woolite to create the "Find the Look, Keep the Look" program, London is dedicated to helping educate clothes-minded individuals on looking their best every day. Ten boutique owners from across the country have also joined this partnership to offer their insight on regional style trends. Together, they created the "Look Book," a compilation of basic must-haves to update your wardrobe. The entire book is available online for free at www.findthelookkeepth - Protect your style investments. According to a recent survey sponsored by Woolite, over $2 billion worth of clothing was ruined last year due to laundryrelated mistakes. A non-harsh detergent like Woolite is the key to extending the closet-life of your favorite wardrobe pieces. It's easy to breathe new life into classic wardrobe basics if they have been maintained through proper laundry care. - Shop your (or your boy-friend's) closet. Chances are, you prob-

ably already have key pieces to build on to recreate spring's biggest trends. One must-have silhouette for spring is the relax-fit pant -- AKA the boyfriend jean. - Be bold with color. Bold, neon colors are back in a big way. To update your look, try punching up a neutral outfit with a touch of bold color. No need to go neon head-to-toe to translate this hot look. - Make a statement with accessories. Big necklaces can streamline a silhouette and quickly update a dull outfit.

Pocono Raceway Repaving Near Completion, Goodyear Tire Tests Scheduled

Goodyear Tire, the Official Tire of NASCAR, recently announced that April 24 & 25, 2012 will be the dates for the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series tire tests at Pocono Raceway. The Raceway is in the final stages of repaving the entire track and its essentially a brand new track. Goodyear engineers will provide a number of different tire compounds and will determine, through this test, what are the best compounds based on results of the test. Goodyear will then produce the tires that will be used in the June 10, 2012 Pocono 400 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race. The drivers and teams tentatively schedule for the Pocono test are: Jamie McMurray from Earnhardt Ganassi Sabates Racing (Chevy, car # 1); Kasey Kahne, Hendrick Motorsports (Chevy, car # 5 ); Joey Logano, Joe Gibbs Racing (Toyota, car # 20); A.J. Allmendinger, Penske Racing (Dodge, car # 22) and Aric Almirola, Richard Petty Motorsports (Ford, car # 43). Fans will be permitted to view both days of the test from the grandstand area at no charge. Fans should enter the parking lots via Gate #5 (Andretti Rd.) with Gate #11 opening at 9am. Fans will be directed to grandstand seating areas near the Start/Finish line.

Cleaning And Organizing-Year-Round Newest Lawn Mowers Are A Cut Above

(NAPSI)Once a year, many people scour their homesdeep cleaning and getting rid of items they havent used or worn in years. However, people who clean and stay organized throughout the year are more likely to be happy, healthy and financially comfortable. I see clients every day who are extremely stressed due to the level of disorganization in their life, said Lisa Zaslow, professional organizer and owner of Gotham Organizers. If you keep your home organized, with a minimal level of clutter, youll see a number of benefits above and beyond being able to see your floor. What are the other areas of your life that benefit from being organized? EmotionalA high level of disorganization can lead to excessive stress. Zaslow helped one client reorganize her home, and afterward the client woke up happy, instead of stressed like before. HealthAn organized home is cleaner, keeping germ and bacteria levels to a minimum. FinancialYoud be surprised how many people have money in old purses when I come to help them get organized, said Zaslow. Additionally, being organized means youll be on top of paperworkone missed credit card payment can rack up late fees, increase your interest rate and affect your credit score. Knowing that there are all these additional benefits, how can you get started? According to Zaslow, it doesnt matter where you start, so begin with the easiest or most annoying task. Cull through closets and storage to find items that youre no longer using and get rid of them, like gadgets, last seasons clothes or collectibles. If they are still in great condition, bring them to an eBay Trading Assistant. Trading Assistants are experienced eBay sellers around the country who will sell your items on eBay for a commission. They do all the work for youmaking you money while you clear out clutter. Box up excessive paperwork or magazines and label them Items to sort as the first step. It will make you feel better to know the process has begun. Organize one room at a time to make the task less overwhelming. Making yourself a schedule of which room comes next helps show your progress. Finally, Think of it as a treasure hunt. Youll find something that youve been missing and something you didnt even know you had, said Zaslow. For more information, go to http://ebaytrading (NAPSI)If your lawn mower is more than 10 years old, it may be time to consider a replacement. In the past decade, engineering advances have produced gas-powered lawn mowers that run cleaner, start easier and are more fuel efficient than ever before, while providing a variety of options that make yard care easier. Gas-powered mowers remain the No. 1 choice among homeowners, accounting for four out of every five mowers sold in the United States, according to The Stevenson Company, a leading consumer research organization. Lawn care experts say they aren't surprised because gas mowers give consumers so many choices when it comes to power, price and optionssomething they don't get with electric and batterypowered mowers, which are mainly an option for homeowners with small yards. "Gas mowers provide a range of power to reliably mow any size yard and even tall, thick grass," explains Rick Zeckmeister, a vice president at Briggs & Stratton Corporation, which engineers and manufactures gas engines for outdoor power equipment. Today's gas-powered lawn mowers, he points out, are also in tune with today's environmentally conscious lifestyles. Since 1995, Briggs & Stratton has reduced carbon emissions produced by its gas engines by 75 percent. According to EPA statistics, all gaspowered outdoor power equipment combined accounts for less than half a percent of all carbon emissions in the U.S. (Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the U.S. Transportation Sector 19902003, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, EPA 420 R06 003, March 2006). Based on EPA statistics, if a family replaced a single 75-watt incandescent lightbulb with an equivalent compact fluorescent bulb in their home, it would more than offset the carbon emissions from using a gas walk-behind mower for an entire mowing season. Briggs & Stratton provides an online tutorial on how to select a lawn mower at For information on environmental and product performance considerations, visit www.briggsandstratton. com.

Welcome Home LCPL Brandon Lynn, And Happy Birthday!

The USS Bataan Amphibious Ready Group returned to Norfolk, Virginia, following a 10 1/2 month deployment, the longest deployment for a Navy ship in nearly 40 years. More than 4,000 Sailors and Marines from the USS Bataan Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) and 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) began to deploy from Norfolk and Little Creek, Virginia, in support of Operation Odyssey Dawn on March 23, 2011. The decision to deploy 3 months ahead of schedule was based on a continuing urgent need to support NATO in Libya and the region. LCPL Brandon M. Lynn returned to the area for a short break. Brandons return to Pennsylvania was celebrated with a party on March 24th at the Colonial Hotel in Bangor. It was attended by 40 family members and close friends who welcomed him home and celebrated his 21st birthday. He returned for duty to Cherry Point, North Carolina, on March 27th.

Juicy Recipes Get Grill Season Off To A Sizzling Start

grapefruit juice, chilled cup 100% apple juice, chilled cup chilled strong mint tea* Fresh mint leaves, as garnish (optional) In a tall iced-tea glass, combine the juices with the mint tea. Add ice to fill the glass, preferably using cubes made from the juice-and-tea blend. Garnish with fresh mint leaves, if desired. *Note: For strong mint tea, pour 6 ounces boiling water over 1 tea bag and steep for 5 minutes. Chill before using. Italian Salsa Verde Makes cup Pass this bright green, classic Italian sauce to accompany grilled meat or chicken. Its also great tossed with cooked shrimp or spooned over salmon. cup flat-leaf parsley leaves, lightly packed 2 tablespoons chopped spearmint 2 tablespoons capers, rinsed and chopped 1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic teaspoon dried oregano cup 100% orange juice 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 to 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 2 anchovy fillets, finely chopped, optional Finely chop the parsley by hand (there should be cup chopped) and place it in a small mixing bowl. Add the mint, capers, garlic and oregano. The sauce can be made up to this point and refrigerated, covered, for 8 hours. Just before serving, mix in the orange and lemon juices and stir in the olive oil. Mix in the anchovies, if using. For more delicious, juicy recipes, go to

Grow Floral Cupcakes: No Green Thumb Required

(NAPSI)Bring the beauty of flowers indoors with Delicate Blossoms Cupcakes. The stunning rainbow color palette will have everything coming up roses. Begin with a basic cupcake made with any favorite mix. Then watch as they bloom into a beautiful bouquet with the addition of vibrantly colored icing, cake sparkles and sugars. These little cakes will be a sensational seasonal dessert or party treat for kids and adults alike. For more inspired decorating ideas, visit Delicate Blossoms 1 package (15.518.25 oz.) favorite cake mix Eggs, water and oil to prepare mix 2 cans (16 oz. ea.) White Decorator Icing Lemon Yellow, Orange, Teal, Rose, Violet and Leaf Green Icing Color Yellow, Blue, Pink and Purple Cake Sparkles or Colored Sugars Preheat oven and prepare cake mix following package instructions. Fill standard muffin pan with white baking cups; fill cups with batter about full. Bake following package instructions. Cool completely. Tint portions of icing yellow, orange, teal, rose, violet and green; reserve some white. Using spatula, ice cupcakes smooth with colored icing. To make two-tone effect on flower petals, fit bag with petal decorating tip 127; before filling bag, use round tip 12 to pipe a stripe of white icing on the inside of the decorating bag from the narrow end of tip and up the length of the bag; pipe two additional lines on top of the first line of icing. Fill bag with desired color. Pipe a 6-petal flower on each cupcake beginning with wide end of tip touching center of cupcake, narrow end pointing out slightly above cupcake. Move tip inch out toward edge of cupcake. Turn tip slightly, forming remainder of petal, relaxing pressure when moving tip back to center. Repeat for 5 more petals. Pipe round tip 5 dot or open star tip 16 swirl icing flower center. Sprinkle flower petals and centers with matching Cake Sparkles or Colored Sugars. Makes 24 cupcakes.

(NAPSI)Here are two tasty new recipes to help you wow your friends and neighbors at your next outdoor gettogether. Featuring nutrientdense 100% juice, they can brighten any gathering. Along with incredible flavor, fruit juice provides vitamins, minerals and beneficial plant nutrients. Its a terrific beverage to sip

on a sunny afternoon or a refreshing ingredient to liven up recipes such as these: Purple Passion Juice Serves 1 This juicy trio is a cool grown-up refresher. If serving to kids, you may prefer to omit the tea and mint garnish. cup 100% grape juice made with Concord grapes, chilled cup 100% white

Delicious Dessert To Start Outdoor Season

(NAPSI)For barbecue lovers, the season cant start too early. As daylight hours get longer, the action heats up and the season can last well into the frosty days of fall. But the standard fare of such traditionally warmweather gatheringsgrilled meat and veggiesdeserves to be followed with a delicious chilled dessert. One tasty way to kick off the outdoor season is with Strawberry Lemonade Pie, a light summer dessert with a nontraditional twist. Strawberry Lemonade Pie 1 (9-inch) unbaked pie crust cup sugar 3 tablespoons allpurpose flour 4 eggs cup Karo Light Corn Syrup cup lemon juice teaspoon vanilla extract 2 tablespoons Karo Light Corn Syrup 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon freshly grated lemon peel 3 cups thinly sliced strawberries Sweetened whipped cream and thinly sliced lemon, optional Fit pie crust into a 9-inch tart pan with removable bottom and trim the edge OR a 9-inch pie pan and flute the edge. Line the crust with a double sheet of foil. Bake in preheated 350F oven for 10 minutes. Remove foil and cool slightly. Combine sugar and flour in a medium bowl. Add eggs, cup corn syrup, cup lemon juice and vanilla. Beat until smooth. Pour into partially baked shell. Bake about 30 minutes until filling is golden brown. Cool. Refrigerate at least 2 hours. Combine remaining 2 tablespoons corn syrup, 1 teaspoon lemon juice and lemon peel. Cover and set aside. Just before serving, arrange sliced

berries on top of baked filling and drizzle with lemon mixture. Top each serving with whipped cream and a lemon slice, if desired. For more dessert recipes, visit

Fire Up the Grill With U.S. Farm Raised Catfish

Made in under 15 minutes, this nutritious recipe is perfect for those with busy schedules. Grilled Catfish With Avocado Sauce and Roasted Peppers Four 7-ounce catfish fillets Olive oil Salt and pepper Avocado Sauce: 1 large avocado, peeled, pitted and cut into 1/2-inch cubes 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice 1 teaspoon mayonnaise 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon cayenne 1 hard-boiled egg, peeled and chopped 1 cup toasted and chopped pecans (optional) Combine all ingredients except pecans (reserve for garnish) Roasted Peppers: 2 red bell peppers 1. Place peppers over hot grill or over gas flame on stove. Char the peppers on all sides. Place the peppers in a zip-top bag and let steam for 5 minutes. 2. Remove peppers from bag, peel skin and remove inside ribs and seeds. Cut into strips. (Roasted peppers may be purchased.) To Serve: 1. Brush catfish fillets with oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Preheat grill on high and oil grill surface. 2. Grill fish for about 3 minutes per side, brushing with oil as needed. 3. Place one fillet on each of 4 plates. Arrange avocado sauce and peppers over fish. Sprinkle with reserved pecans. For more grilled catfish recipes, visit

Tips for Eating Healthy When Eating Out

As a beverage choice, ask for water or order fat-free or low-fat milk, unsweetened tea, or other drinks without added sugars. Ask for whole-wheat bread for sandwiches. In a restaurant, start your meal with a salad packed with veggies, to help control hunger and feel satisfied sooner. Ask for salad dressing to be served on the side. Then use only as much as you want. Choose main dishes that include vegetables, such as stir fries, kebobs, or pasta with a tomato sauce. Order steamed, grilled, or broiled dishes instead of those that are fried or sauted. Choose a small" or "medium" portion. This includes main dishes, side dishes, and beverages.

(NewsUSA) - Want to add a little variety to your menu this grilling season? Spice up your dinner table with Grilled Catfish, Avocado Sauce and Roasted Peppers for a quick, simple solution to breaking the burger routine. U.S. Farm-Raised Catfish, which are sustainably raised, are low in saturated fat, high in protein and a good source of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Consumption of these types of fatty acids is thought to be associated

with reduction in blood pressure and reduced risk for certain cancers, inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and even mental decline.

Lakeview Restaurant and Pizzeria

John and Andrea Miller opened Lakeview Restaurant and Pizzeria in December 2011; it is located directly across the street from scenic Lake Minsi. The Millers are no strangers to the restaurant business; they are the former owners of Lees Cafe in Pen Argyl. They have over 30 years combined experience in the food and restaurant industry. The staff at the restaurant is truly a family affair, John and Andrea, their son Jeff, Johns mother Natalie, nieces and nephews, and Tami Frey, a long time family friend, who has worked with them at Lee's Cafe are all eager to make your dining experience the best it can be. The restaurant serves
By Candy Martin

breakfast, lunch and dinner 6 days a week. The menu has something for everyone from traditional Italian dishes such as pasta and meatballs, chicken and veal parmigiana to comfort foods such as meatloaf, stuffed chicken breast and pork chops with home made stuffing. All dinners include your choice of soup or salad and bread. Nepolitian and Sicilian pizza are also on the menu as well as cheese steaks, chicken cheese steaks, subs, burgers, calzones and much, much more. John and Andrea both agree that their breakfast menu has a few items that you will only find at Lakeview Restaurant and Pizzeria. The Jumbo Cinnamon Toast, the Eggs Supreme, and The Stacker, are just a few of the customers favorites and coming soon they will be serving breakfast pizza. Everything on the menu is made to order. The soups, chili, sausage gravy and creamed chipped beef are all made in house. Andrea said, We make all our own desserts including our Canoli cream.

The house dessert is a must try fried dough filled with Canoli cream and topped with whipped cream and chocolate syrup. They also serve Hersheys Ice Cream. Everything on the menu is available for take out. Customers can call or fax orders for quick pick up or delivery. There is a private party room with accommodations for up to 40 people for birthday or anniversary parties or any special occasion. Party platters and trays are also available for business functions, parties, or any event or occasion. Please call for additional information. If you are looking for good food, friendly service and a beautiful view while dining Lakeview Restaurant and Pizzeria is the place. The Restaurant and Pizzeria is located at 1495 Lake Minsi Drive, Bangor. The Phone number is 610-599-8000. Hours are Tuesday-Saturday 7am-9pm and Sunday 8am-8pm. The restaurant is BYOB. Gift certificates are available. All major credit cards are accepted.

Gary Oiler will lead a six-week apprentice group for girls and boys ages 12-14 teaching many of the basic skills of farm life in the 1800s. They will be getting acquianted with the Quiet Valley kitchen garden by planting beans, comparing potatoes and sweet potatoes, learning about compost and using cabbage and cucumbers to make sauerkraut and pickles. They will be learning about typical farm machines as well as woodworking tools and using them, making quill pens and turkey calls which would be common activities for farm children. The 1800s rural child would also know all about chickens and eggs; we will study Quiet Valleys

poultry population. They will investigate the smokehouse and dry house and explore the orchard, pond and nature trail. No summer would be complete without helping with a harvest like raking the hay or cutting the wheat. A special field trip to the Goshenhoppen Festival is planned for the next to the last week of the sessions. Enjoying treats like homemade root beer and pretzels, and taking a horse-drawn wagon ride are a great way to end the fun on the farm. Wednesdays July 11, 18, 25, August 1 and 15 from 9:30 to 1:00 Boys and girls ages 12 to 14 Friday August 10 Goshenhoppen Field Trip Cost is $ 85.00 or

$75.00 for members. Instructor - Gary Oiler Children should come in costume and wear sensible shoes or boots. Apprentice programs are for older students who are ready to learn more in-depth skills and work on more difficult projects. Participants in the apprentice programs are required to come in a simple costume and bring their own lunch. The programs start at 9:30am and end at 1:00pm. Please contact the farm at 570992-6161 Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4pm or E-mail them at to register for the apprentice program you wish. Please register early to ensure an opening.

decorated for Easter and inside, the Book Nook, located on the second floor, is featuring books on Gardening, Planting and Landscaping. All hardcover books cost $1 and soft cover books cost $.50. If you do not have a library membership, stop in and open one. Membership is free to all residents living in the Pen Argyl Area School District and $12 per year for all nonresidents. With over 26,000 items on the shelves, you are sure to find something of interest. The library is located at 216 S. Robinson Ave. in Pen Argyl.

Hours are Monday throuh Saturday, 10am to Noon, and Monday through Thursday, 6pm to 8pm. On April 11th and 12th, Annette Weeks, owner of Mikes Produce in Wind Gap will be at both 10:30am Story Hours for a fun activity about seeds and planting. All preschool children with an adult are welcome. Story Hours will continue through the end of May and will resume again in September. For information or to become a volunteer, please call Lisa at 610863-3029.

Spring has sprung at the Blue Mountain

Community library. The planter outside is

Curves Mt Bethel Celebrates 8th Anniversary

On April, 5th, Curves Mt Bethel observed their 8th year anniversary. With 278 members and still growing, Curves Mt Bethel owner Darlene White said, I would like to thank all the members for helping to make Curves of Mt Bethel such a success. We truly are a family of sisters and I am so blessed to have each and every one of the ladies who come here part of my Curves family. Curves is a fitness program that allows you to get a complete aerobic and strength training workout in only 30 minutes. Offering CurvesSmart, a stateof-the-art personal coaching system that has been incorporated into a 30 minute circuit workout. Curves Complete the new weight loss plan that has it all so you can lose it all, diet exercise and motivation all in 1 place. Curves Zumba is a party in the circuit. Its a great work out combining both strength training and a total cardio body workout all while having fun and burning a lot of calories! Curves caters to every age group of women. The 30 minute work out can be as intense as you want for those women who like to push themselves to the next level, or for the beginner, women who are just beginning to work out. No matter what your fitness level Curves is for you! This month, Curves Mt
By Candy Martin

Bethel is asking its members and the community at large to show their support to the troops stationed in Afghanistan by donating non-perishable items gum, hard candy, playing cards, sun block, chapped stick, phone cards and batteries, etc. These young men and women put their lives at risk every day this is just a small token of appreciation and a show of support for all they do for our country and our freedom on a daily basis, said Darlene. You do not have to be a member of Curves to make a donation. All donations are greatly appreciated and will be accepted until May 10th. Last month during the annual Curves Food Drive, Curves Mt. Bethel members and the community donated 1,020 1/4 pounds of food which was donated to P.U.M.P. (PortlandUpper Mt. Bethel Food Pantry) to help local families in need. Darlene and her staff are available to help you reach your fitness goals. Check out the Curves website at, or you can find them on face book. Curves is located in the Mt Bethel Plaza, Mt Bethel, and is open 6 days a week. The phone number is 570-897-TONE (8663).

Hours are Monday through Thursday, 6:30am-1pm and 3pm -8pm; Friday, 6:30am1pm and 3pm-7pm;

Saturday, 7am-Noon; and they are closed on Sunday. The last work out each day is half hour before closing.

East Bangor UMC Upcoming Events

The East Bangor United Methodist Community Church has announced upcoming events. The East Bangor UMCC Singles Ministry is having a "Burgers and Bowling" night for singles, divorcees, widows and widowers. The event will be held on Friday, April 13th, at 6pm at Bangor Bowling Center and Augie's Restaurant. The church is having a "Sundae Family Game Night"on Friday, April 13th, at 6:30pm. Ice cream will be supplied. Bring your favorite sundae toppings and Board Games to share. There will be fun for all ages. The Church is holding a "Used Book Sale" on Friday, April 20th from 5pm to 8pm, and Saturday, April 21st from 10am to 2pm. There will be books for children and adults, as well as DVDs and CDs, all at bargain prices. Baked goods will also be for sale. The church is located at 136 W. Central Ave. (Rt. 512), East Bangor. To donate, call Lisa at 610-588-8881. For more information, call 610-588-4453 or visit

Program Teaches Children Kindess To Animals

The Adopt-AClassroom Program teaches kids to care. The Monroe Animal League is seeking businesses, civic groups, parents and community leaders to 'adopt a classroom'. The Adopt-aClassroom Program teaches elementary school children (grades K thru 6th) kindness and respect for animals, wildlife & the environment. Your tax-deductible contribution of just $22 (made to MAL) will provide the classroom of your choice with 28 "Kind News" subscriptions and teacher's materials - 5 bimonthly issues in all, starting in September). If you are interested in this humane education program, please contact MAL at 570-476-8444 or go to h. For a subscription to begin in September 2012, your payment must be received by May 2012.

Upland Wood Burning Stove: Cast Iron, very good condition, takes up to 24 logs. $495, firm. Call 610Queen Pillow Top 381-5389. (1/5) For Sale: Trailer Mattress Set: New, Mounted Aerial Lift. $150. Very comfort- For Sale: Portable Air $3,500. Call 610-588able, could help with Conditioner: Used 2 1034. (5/5) delivery. Call 570- days, 9000 BTU, 213-7731. (10/10) digital readout with 1993 Ford Aerostar remote. Latest tech- Van: 75k miles, runs Piano: Free. You call, nology. Was $508, will well, new tires, new you haul. Call 610- sell for $375. Call brakes, new battery. 863-4193. (5/5) 570-236-4172. (1/5) Asking $3,200, or best offer. No rust. Call Rigid 10 Inch Belt Cookbook Collection 610-905-0511. (4/5) Drive Table Saw: For Sale: Too many to $300; Craftsman 12 list, must take all. All 1997 Dodge Grand inch Band Saw, $100. kinds, $200. Great for Caravan: Inspection call 610-588-1246. book sellers and book good until September (4/5) collectors. Call 610- 2012, runs and drives. 588-1968. (1/5) Call 610-393-3435. Queen Size Duvet (4/5) Cover: with comforter, terra-cotta 1994 Mercury color. 2 shams, dust Villager: Inspection ruffle, and pillow, all good until July 2012, for $40. Call 610everyday driver, $800. 349-2871, excellent Call 610-393-3435. condition. (4/5) (4/5) Clothes: Boys sizes, 8, 9 & 10; Girls sizes, 3, 4 & 5 - Brand Names; excellent condition, $1-$3. Call 610-759-7295. (3/5) 1987 Mustang Convertible: (Antique) Pearl White with black top, red and white interior. Fully restored, $9,000. Call 570-2361301. (3/5)

1997 Ford F-150: Extended Cab, 4x4, automatic, towing package, bed liner, 160k miles, $5,299. Call 570-897-6672. (3/5)

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