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1. PREFACE............. 2. ACKNOWLEGEMENT.............................. 3. DRAWBACK OF EXISTING

SYSTEM........... 4. TOOLS AND

TECHNOLOGY.............................................. 4.14.2HARDWARE REQUIREMENT SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT

5. SYSTEM DESIGN............................................................ 5.1 5.2 DATA FLOW DIAGRAM E-R DIAGRAM

5.3 - HIERARCHY DIAGRAM 5.4 - DATA DICTIONARY 5.5- TABLE LAYOUT 6. OUTPUT DESIGN....................................................... 6.1 FORM LAYOUT

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7. BIBLOGRAPHY..............................................................


This is to Certificate that Miss Barot Saroj v.& kandoi roshani j.of B.C.A of Merchant Institute of Post Bechelar of Computer Application, Visnagar has completed the project report of Mobile Shop Management System as an integral of their curriculum project is successfully completed & up to mark during the project at our Visat mobile Stores, Vijapur.They taken interest in the related field of their student. The duration of project was 1-jan-2011 to 25feb-2011. We give them all the best for their future with regards.


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Computer is an inherent part of the life body.virtually,in every walk of life.a person in expected to be able to use computers.The impact of computer technology in several aspect of accouting profession and practice has been pronounced over the last two decades in India. Now,We are in hyper technology era.there are several revolution in any field.We have got more and more machine support in any kind of work in the world.In the medical science.We have more efficient equipments available having all more,computerization becomes a painful factor behind this technology.And We can do any work faster, and time consumed all this process become very less than ancient era. We are doing a project named ONLINE MOBILE SHOP. 4 | Page

The project has maintained All types about the admission process.

First Of All, We are Thankful to Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University for Giving Me Opportunity to develop The system. Secondly we are Thankful to MERCHANT COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES &RESEARCH, VISNAGAR to Provide the Excellent Environment to Me for Develop the Project.

We are Also Greatly Thankful to gs JAY SHREE CHAMUNDA MOBILESHOP for Giving Chance to Develop the Project in Their Organization.

We Express My Deep Sense of Gratitude towards OurGuides,PROF. Mr. JAYDEEP SIR, Mr. SUNILSIR For Their Precious Guidance Encourages Me To Developing The Project In The Right Way. We are Also Thankful to Mr. jagdishbhai barot Owner of and And Their Staff to Co-operate Us at the Time of Information Gathering for System Development.


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Project Title Project Objective

: Online Mobile Shop : Create a Web application to be used in place of old paper based user mobile purchase process. ASP.NET and SQL Server technology to create strong and secured database connectivity. Runtime package and deployment instructions are given. : Jay Shree Chamunda Mobile Shop : Intel Pentium Dual-Core, 1 GB, 128 GB Hard Disk

Developed for Hardware Configuration

Front End Back End Technology Operating System Developed by

: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 : Microsoft SQL server 2005 : .NET 3.5 : Windows XP or later : Barot Saroj v. Kandoi Roshani j.

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Online Mobile Shop system is built on and SQL Server 2005. The web application is built to serve the following areas. -To make the mobile search process is fast, reliable and error free. - Hosting on the Internet can provide a secured channel for purchase the mobile. - Real time report generation gives quick results of given order of mobile by User. -User can also purchase the mobile by online payment facility.

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Online Mobile Shop System is designed for search, purchase various companies mobile. The system handles all the operations and generates reports as soon as the order is given by the Customer which saves the precious time of Customer as well as company. The existing system is weak when we want to purchase mobile instantly. We can also search for the new arrival mobile models.

Study & weakness of Current System

Weaknesses in Current System

The current system is as mentioned earlier very complicated and expensive as compared to the new system. It also wastes the precious time of the customer. In current system customer must go to the Mobile Store and then only purchase the mobile. In current system customer see only limited companys mobile as well as limited models of mobile. In current system customer cant see the new arrivals of mobile in the market.

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Requirements of the new system

User Requirements The user requirements for the new system are to make the system fast, flexible, less prone to errors and reduce expenses and save time. - Time can be saved in purchasing mobile at a time. - Systems that can automate update new arrivals of the mobile in the market. - An admin can generate the report according to the order of the customer. - The new system should be more secure in managing user records and reliable enough to be used in any condition. - Finally, it should prove cost effective and easy as compared to the current system.

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3.1.1. What is .NET Framework?

Applaid .net frame work programing.

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Basic souece Code File(s)

Basic Compiler

Managed module (IL and Metadata)

If you use the .NET Framework, your code targets the common language runtime (CLR), which affects your decision about a programming language. The common language runtime is just what its name says it is: A runtime that is usable by different and varied programming languages. The features of the CLR are available to any and all programming languages that target it-period. If the runtime uses exceptions to report errors, then all languages get errors reported via exceptions. If the runtime allows you to create a thread, then any language can create a thread. In

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fact, at runtime, the CLR has no idea which programming language the developer used for the source code. You may develop your code in any programming language you desire as long as the compiler you use to compile your code targets the CLR. Microsoft is creating several language compilers that target the runtime: C++ with managed extensions, C# (pronounced C sharp), Visual Basic.NET, JScript, Java, and an intermediate language (IL) Assembler. In addition to Microsoft, there are several other companies creating compilers that produce code that targets the CLR. At this writing, I am aware of compilers for Alice, APL, COBOL, Component Pascal. As per our requirement we have also used some AJAX tools and AJAX extensions.

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3.1.2 What is AJAX?

AJAX web applications, made famous by GMail and Google Maps, seem to be the flavour of the month in some circles. Using a combination of HTML/XHTML, XML, CSS, DOM scripting via JavaScript, and XMLHttpRequest (for exchanging data with a server asynchronously), AJAX allows you to do many interactive things with your website, making it appear almost like a native application running on your system. Incidentally, in case you were wondering, AJAX is an acronym for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML".

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4.1 What is system analysis?

The collection of notations, methodologies & tools used to gather details &analyse a problem situation prior to information system design & implementation is called system analysis. Record inspections: In this method analyst examines information that has been recorded earlier about system & users. It can be applied at the beginning or end as required. Observations: Observation allows analyst to gain information they cant by any other fact finding technique. Experienced observers know what to look for & how to access the significance of what they observed.There are distinct approaches to the development of computer information system. Here described is the method called as SDLC(System Development Life Cycle).

4.2 SDLC(System Development Life Cycle)

Itconsists of following 6 activities:1. Preliminary Investigation : This activity has three parts:

1) Request clarification It deals with clarity of requests from users.

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2) feasibility study: Feasibility study is a stage in the system development life cycle following the information phase. In this phase, it is decided whether it is worth automating/computerizing the problem. The information collection that occurs during preliminary investigation examines system feasibility, and find out whether system will be beneficial to the organization or not.

Technical feasibility: The following factors suffice for considering the given project as

Technically Feasible. 1. The system developed in .net technology which is well known and today we can easily get the technical help of .net technology from the internet. 2. The system development in .net technology is specified by client. Operation Feasibility:

The following factors suffice for considering the given project as operational Feasible.

1. Sufficient support from the user. 2. Acceptance from the user side for active involvement and interest in project

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Economic feasibility : The following factors suffice for considering the given project as Economically Feasible. 1. The system does require investment which provided by client. 2. The system will perform according to client requirement and Economical will not much expensive. Implementation Feasibility: This system is developed using Visual Studio .NET 2008 as front end and MySQL as back end. The softwares are available in the development company.


Request approval:

It deals with selection of feasible projects among various projects.

2. Determination of system requirements: Detailed understanding of all important facts of business area under investigation.

3. Design of System: The design of system consists of logical & physical types of designs. The design that produces the details stating how a system will meet the requirements identified during system analysis. This stage is referred as logical design. The process of developing application is referred as physical design.

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4. Development of software This part refers to the coding of the system.

5. System testing The system is used experimentally to ensure that the application does not fails.It should run according to its specifications & in the way users expect. 6. Implementation & Evaluation: Implementation is the process that checks the system & put it into use. Evaluation is performed to identify its strength & weaknesses. Dimensions in which evaluation may occur are: 1) Operation Evaluation 2) Organizational Impact 3) User management assessment 4) Development performance

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A flowchart is a diagrammatic representation that illustrates the sequence of operations to be performed to arrive at a particular solution.

There are several notations available for use in flowcharting. Some used in the described system are listed below:

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Start or end of program

Computational steps

Decision making & Branching

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5.1.1 Flow Chart:



yes Adm in

C usto m er

U pd ate m obile com pan y

U pdate m o bile in fo

U p date m obile featu re

C h ek order info

G enerat e report

Search m obile

Seach m obile info

Purchas e m obile

or der


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5.2:E-R DIAGRAM:After carefully analysing the requirements and functionality of the webapplication, We had two important diagrams by the end of the analysis phase for documentation.They are the ER diagram and data flow diagram which were the basis for finding out entities and relationships between them,the flow of information




Company _name Company _id


Company master




Model feature


Model_ma ster

Model name

Company _id Model feature Model_id


phone E-mail




Client order
Order date

Address state Creditcard

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5.3:Data Flow Diagram

A Data-Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the flowof data through an information system. A data-flow diagram can also be used for the visualization of data processing. DFD is also a virtually designable diagram that technically or diagrammatically describes the inflow and outflow of data or information that is provided by external entity. DFD levels Context(Zero) level diagram First level diagram Second level diagram

5.3.1 Context Level Diagram:

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Online mobile shop

Send request/Search

Client _order

Fetch detail

5.3.2 1st level Data flow Diagram for Admin

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User_table response Confirm



1.0 Log in

Add mobile feature

Add mobile info

Check order info

2.0 Mobile information

Update mobile info

3.0 Mobile feature

Update mobile feature

4.0 Order information

5.0 Reports

Check order info

Check report

Generates reports Give response Display info

Model _master

Retrieve info

Model _master

Retrieve info



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5.3.3 1st level Data flow Diagram for client

Confirm username,password

Search mobile

2.0 Search mobile

Store product mobile

Store payment info

Reply Select product/mobile

3.0 Select product

Give order

3.0 order

Give payment

4.0 Payment

Store mobile info

Retrieve info

Store order info


Retrieve data


Retrieve info




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5.4:Data Dictionary:
1. Table Name:-Company_master
Description:- It stores the company id and name . Field name Company_ id Company_name Data type Int Varchar(50) Description Id of company Constraints Primary key

Name of company Allow null

2. Table Name:-Admin
Description:-.It stores the admin id, username and password.

Field name Id User name Password

Data type Int Varchar(20) Varchar(20)

Description Id of Admin

Constraints Primary key

Admin login name Not null Password belongs Not null to admin

3. Table Name:-model_master
Description:- It stores the details of models or mobiles.

Field name Model_id Company _id Model_name

Data type Int Int Varchar(50)

Description Id of mobile Id of company Name of model

Constraints Primary key Foreign key from company_master Allow null

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MRP Sale Discount Image name Imagepath Description

Numeric(18,0) Numeric(18,0) Numeric(18,0) Varchar(100) Varchar(500) Varchar(200)

Retail price of Allow null mobile Less price from the Allow null MRP Provide discount Allow null Name of image Path of image Description of model Allow null Allow null Allow null

4. Table Name:-Client_order
Description:-It stores order details. Field name Order _id First name Middle name Last name Address1 Address2 City State Country Email Mobile no Phone no Data type int Varchar(15) Varchar(15) Varchar(15) Varchar(20) Varchar(20) Varchar(15) Varchar(15) Varchar(15) Varchar(20) Int Int Description Id of order First name Middle name Last name Address of client Address of client Name of city Name of state Name of country Email of client Constraints Primary key Not null Not null Not null Not null Not null Not null Not null Not null Allow null

Mobile number of Allow null the client Phone number of Allow null

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client Credit card no. Mobile_ id MRP Discount Sale Order date Int Int Numeric Numeric Numeric Datetime Credit card no. of Not null the client Id of mobile Foreign key of model_master Retail price of Not null mobile Provide discount Not null Less price from MRP Date of order Not null Not null

5. Table Name:-Product_master
Description:-It stores the information of product.

Field name
Product _id Product name Price

Data type
Int Varchar(15) Float

Id of product Name of product Price of product

Primary key Allow null Allow null

Product company Varchar(20) name Color Varchar(10) Photo Feature Description Varchar(20) Varchar(25) Varchar(30)

Company name of Allow null product Color of mobile Allow null Photo of mobile Feature of mobile Description of mobile Allow null Allow null Allow null

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6. Table Name:-Model_feature
Description:-It stores the information about feature of model. Field name Data type Description Constraints

Model feature_id Int Model_id Feature_id Description Int Int Varchar(50)

Id of model feature Primary key Id of model Id of feature Description of mobile Foreign key of model_master Foreign key from feature Allow null

7. Table Name:-Feature
Description:-It stores the info of feature of model accordingly client requirements. Field name Feature_id Feature Description Data type Int Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Description Id of feature Feature of mobile Description of mobile Constraints Primary key Not null Not null

8. Table Name:-User_table
Description:-It stores the username and password of client. Field name Id User name Password Data type Int Varchar(20) Varchar(20) Description Id of client User login name Constraints Primary key Not null

Password belongs Not null to client

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9. Table Name:-Payment
Description:-It stores the information about payment.

Field name Product_id Login_id

Data type Int Int

Description Id of product Login id of client

Constraints Foreign from product Foreign key from

10. Table Name:-Contact_us

Description:-It stores the contact detail.

Field name Id First name Last name Company Address City State Zip code Telephone no Mobile no Fax

Data type Int Varchar(20) Varchar(20) Varchar(20) Varchar(30) Varchar(20) Varchar(20) Int Int Int Int

Description Store the id

Constraints Primary key

Store the first name Not null Store the last name Not null Store the company Not null name Store the address Allow null Store the city Store the state Store zip code Store telephone number Store mobile number Store fax number Not null Not null Not null Not null Not null Allow null

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E-mail Website Mode of inquiry comments

Varchar(30) Varchar (30) Varchar(15) Varchar(50)

Store email address Not null Store website name Not null Store mode of inquiry Store comments Not null Allow null

10.Table Name:-Query
Description:-It stores the query details which are given by the user. Field name Cust _no First name Middle name Last name Address Phone no Fax no E-mail Query description City State Data type Int Varchar(20) Varchar(20) Varchar(20) Varchar(30) Int Int Varcahr(20) Varchar(30) Varchar(15) Varchar(15) Description Store client no. Store first name Store middle name Store last name Store address Store phone no Store fax no Constraints Primary key Not null Not null Not null Not null Allow null Allow null

Store email address Not null Store query description Store city name Store state name Not null Allow null Allow null

11. Table Name:- feedback

Description:- It stores the feedback details.

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Field name Id First name Middle name Last name Address1 Address2 City State Country Email Phone no Mobile no Feedback

Data type Int Varchar(15) Varchar(15) Varchar(15) Varchar(25) Varchar(25) Varchar(15) Varchar(15) Varchr(15) Varchar(20) Int Int Varchar(30)

Description Id of client Store first name Store middle name Store last name Store address Store address Store city name Store state name

Constraints Primary key Not null Not null Not null Not null Not null Not null Not null

Store country name Not null Store email address Not null Store phone number Allow null Store mobile numberAllow null Store feedback Allow null

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6.1 Home page:--

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6.2 Admin Login Page:--

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6.3 Feedback:--

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6.4 Query:-

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7.1. Books referred:

7.1.1 complete reference

7.2 Websites referred:



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