Offshoring To Guatemala

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Offshoring a Call Center to Guatemala

Guatemala: One Of The Best Countries To Offshore

Guatemala can be considered a two time zone country when compared to the US time management system. We range between MST and CST depending on the daylight saving model, giving an edge on all scheduling arrangements
Guatemala offers key factors in the call center industry. Offshoring your call center operation to our country can open up the door to new opportunities. Guatemalas strategic geographical location allows you to be a couple of ours away of your operation, being able to make rush trips that consume less time tan other locations such as Asia. The country also offers competitive costs mixed with fiscal incentives. The average wage in Guatemala of any position is 60% less than in the United States of America, this reduces costs without sacrificing quality. The Law on the Promotion and Development of Export Activities and Drawback highly benefits the call center industry. Applying to license you company under this law will even reduce more cost by guaranteeing tax exemptions. Guatemalan Laws promote commercial access by providing free or low cost establishment of businesses, transparency and legal certainty and free trade agreements. Sourcing-Corp has been helping call centers throughout the world to ramp up their operations in Guatemala. We can provide our support in different areas at the same time, helping your company to be cost effective.

Outsourcing: The Best Option

Outsourcing while offshoring is extremely helpful. In Guatemala some permits are easy to deal with, but regularly they take a long period of time to be ready. This permits are mandatory in order to have employees. SERH can outsource the entire payroll . This will guarantee that the operation will star as desired and in the planed period of time. Outsourcing also generates many other benefits such as:

Eliminate recruiting costs due to attrition.

Company is exempt of legal responsibility,

Leveled cash flow. Human Resources support structure.

Organizational climate and targeted train-

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Offshoring a Call Center to Guatemala

Payroll Costs in Guatemala
Salaries are impacted by additional costs, this costs are divided into two categories: Social Burden and Provisions. The social burden is composed by three governmental entities: IGSS, INTECAP and IRTRA. IGSS is the national social security, the employers contribution is 10.67% and the employees contributions is 4.83% per month. This institute provides free health care to all the employees inscribed in the program. IRTRA provides recreational parks at no cost for contributors and INTECAP offers technical degrees programs to employees at a low cost. The monthly rate is 1% for each of this institutions. Provisions area divided into three areas: Severance, Bonuses and Vacations. Severance equals to a salary per year worked. Mid-year and End-year bonus are both equivalent to an additional salary proportional to the days worked per bonus period. The law grants 15 days of vacations per year worked. Provisions add up to be a 30.55% of the salary per month. All of the percentages are calculated over the ordinary salary. Social Burden and Provisions represent 43.22% on top of the salary.

Outsourcing and Taxation

When outsourcing any service you will acquire fiscal credit. Having the employees in you payroll will not reduce taxation since it is an exempt expense, but when having them in an external payroll is not exempt, this will automatically generate 12% of the total invoice in fiscal credit due to VAT. According to the Value Added Tax Law (Ley del Impuesto al Valor Agregado - Decree 2792), VAT is levied on sales, services, leases and imports. The tax is applied in such manner that, through a system of debits and credits, the tax is charged only once on the various transactions of chargeable goods. This expenses will also help diminish the companys income taxes, since it is deductible from gross income.

Guatemalas foremost asset: Its People

Workforce is one of the most important factors in the call center industry. Guatemala offers neutral English speakers with a 80% to 100% language level, most of them having prior call center experience. Our cultural affinity with the US provides a bilingual (Spanish and English) labor force with neutral accent and a workforce knowledgeable in US culture with a customer service oriented mentality. There is a 81.55% literacy rate, Guatemala has a solid educational system offering a broad spectrum of technical degrees as well as graduate, master and post-graduate degrees.

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Our Specialized Recruiting Process

SERH has a wide experience in doing massive recruiting with high quality standards. We look exactly for what our client expect from its personnel. We use trustful and fresh resources to conduct our recruiting process. Once we have a poll of candidates we begin with the interview process, taking into consideration risk factors that may cause attrition or NCNS. Afterwards we do psychometric evaluations, which helps us determine the candidates personality, drive, push, IQ and abilities. English level is measured by the candidates fluency, vocabulary, spelling, grammar and accent. After being interviewed by a recruiter, an accent trainer does a final interview to calibrate the candidates English level. Parallel to all this process we do various exercises with the potential representatives such as role plays, records, mock calls, computer skills, listening skills and retention skills to assure a good performance in your operation. As professional consultants in this area we are able to personalize or match any requirement. Helping our clients staff their operations in a timely manner is our core business.

81.55% literacy rate, Guatemala has a solid

Background Checks
Doing a background check is part of recruitment and personnel selection in the search for suitable candidates for a job requested, according to a profile previously defined by the customer. Every background check includes information of the past ten years or more including the candidates driving records, vehicle registration, bankruptcy, property ownership, former jobs, education records, personal references, police records, credit records, court records, incarceration, criminal records, labor unions, register addresses and phone numbers. Additional to this information we do the lifting of work references and individual references of the candidates. The entire research and background check is delivered to the client with a Hiring Category, helping our clients to take the right decision during the hiring process.

educational system offering a broad spectrum of technical degrees as well as graduate, master and post -graduate degrees

Aggregate Values
In Sourcing-Corp we provide long-term assistance as needed. We can completely take charge of the Human Resources Department or we can partially give support in special projects or ramp-ups. We offer a wide range of services such as: organizational environment, performance evaluationsm social economical investigations, polygraph, Voice Stress Analysis, Lab and Drug tests, Outplacement, Organization Charts and Structures, Retention Plans, Career Paths, Side by Side Training and coaching, Benefit Packages and Communication Strategies. Our job goes beyond HR Services, since we specialize in simplifying our clients need. We have also developed housing and transportation services, legal assistance, work permits, residence visa acquisition, among other service. Having all of this integral services make us a different option, guaranteeing the highest levels of comfort, quality and timely personalized service for your convenience.

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Telfono: 555-555-5555 Fax: 555-555-5555 Correo:

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ste es un lugar ideal para insertar unas lneas acerca de la organizacin. Puede incluir el propsito de la misma, su misin, la fecha de su fundacin y una breve historia. Tambin puede incluir una lista de los tipos de productos, servicios o programas que ofrece la organizacin, la zona en la que trabaja (por ejemplo sur de Espaa o mercados sudamericanos), as como un perfil de los tipos de clientes o miembros a los que atiende. Resulta tambin muy til especificar un nombre de contacto para aquellos lectores que deseen obtener ms informacin acerca

Ttulo del artculo de la pgina posterior

Este artculo puede incluir 175-225 palabras. Si el boletn es para plegarlo y enviarlo por correo, este artculo aparecer en la parte posterior. Por tanto, es una buena idea que pueda leerse de un vistazo. Una lista de los directores de la organizacin da un toque personal al boletn. Si la organizacin es pequea, quiz desee enumerar la lista de nombres de todos los empleados. Si tiene precios de productos o servicios estndar, puede incluir una lista en este espacio. Tambin puede hacer referencia a cualquier otro modo de comunicacin que haya creado para su organizacin. Tambin puede utilizar este espacio para recordar a los lectores que marquen un evento peridico en el calendario, como un desayuno de negocios con los proveedores el tercer martes de cada mes o una subasta benfica bianual. Si dispone de espacio, puede insertar una imagen prediseada o algn otro grfico.

Pie de imagen o grfico.

Un modo de llamar la atencin del pblico es incluir una seccin de preguntas y respuestas. Recopile preguntas que haya recibido desde la ltima edicin o resuma algunas que se realicen con frecuencia acerca de su organizacin.

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