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Prof. J. L. Stein ME560 Winter 2004

MODELING DYNAMIC SYSTEMS Problem Set #7 Assigned March 19, 2004 Due 4:00 Mon. March 29, 2004 ______________________________________________________________________________ An elevator system is shown below in Figure 1. We wish to develop a model of this system so that a control engineer can subsequently design a controller to regulate the elevator position by providing the proper commands to the electric motor.

Figure 1: Elevator system

a) Develop a bond graph (with power signs and causality) of the elevator system. What are the state variables for this system? Note: Km and Rm represent the motor constant and electrical resistance of the motor. Hint: You might want to include block diagram symbols with your bond graph.

ME560 Modeling Dynamic Systems Prof. J.L. Stein b) Assume the pulley speed can be represented by a velocity source. Simplify your bond graph by replacing the appropriate elements with the source. What are the state variables for this system? c) For the system obtained in b), derive the state equations. Hint: Does the type of nonlinearity introduced by the spring affect the number of state equations that you were expecting? d) If all of the damping in the system is assumed to be zero and if the assumption made in part b) is used then one possible set of equations that describes this system is: & y=v & x=Sf v where x is the spring extension
& v = g + ( EA )x ( H y )M

Suppose we want to study the elevator operating about a certain floor (i.e. at y=yo) for a given pulley speed, Sfo. Determine equilibrium values vo and xo given yo and Sfo. Think carefully about this equilibrium, noting that we wish to linearize about an equilibrium pulley velocity as well as an equilibrium height. Not all equilibria are necessarily static, with all state derivatives equal to zero. e) Determine the linearized equations about the equilibrium values yo, vo, Sfo and xo in terms of the perturbation variables y, v, x and Sf. Put the linearized equations in STATE MATRIX FORM with the state vector defined as: x r x = v y f) What does the form of the A matrix tell you about the system? Hint: Find the determinant of the A matrix. What does this tell you? g) Determine the eigenvalues for this system obtained in part e. Describe the dynamic characteristics of the system based on the eigenvalues (assume EA > Mg). h) Assume the elevator is traveling up to the top of building at a constant velocity. At the moment the elevator reaches the floor, y = yo, the pulley is suddenly stopped (at t = to). Obtain an expression which describes the motion of the elevator, x, for all time, t > to, using the linearized state equations obtained in e). i) Make an accurate (axes labeled) plot of x versus time. j) Using the linearized model, determine the maximum upward velocity the elevator can have so that when the pulley stops the cable will not go slack.

For the rest of the problem use the nonlinear equation developed in part c) and the data in Figures 2 and 3. See pp. 4-6.

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ME560 Modeling Dynamic Systems Prof. J.L. Stein The numerical values for the constants are: H = 104 ft Number of landings = 9, therefore 12 ft/floor Elastic Modulus E = 30 x 106 lb./in2 Area of cable A = ?? m2 M = 100 Slugs Be = ?? kg/sec Hint: The probability of a successful run with 20SIM/ENPORT will be increased if you work in SI units! k) With the aid of Figures 2 and 3, determine the missing parameters. State any linearization or simplifying assumptions you make in generating the parameters from the data. This step can be done in many different ways in order to approximate the numerical values needed. Be sure to explain you method, carefully and thoroughly. l) Determine the maximum upward velocity the elevator can have so that when the pulley stops, stopping the elevator at the 4th floor, the cable will not go slack. Remember to adjust the initial stretch, q(0), to account for the varying v(0). Compare to part j). m) Determine the response of the elevator when started from rest if the motor provides a step change in velocity to the top of the cable of 5 ft/sec. Use the velocity of the elevator and the deflection of the cable as the output variables. Try the following two cases: Case i) The elevator starts at the basement, y(0) = 0. (see Figure 4). Case ii) The elevator starts at the seventh floor (see Figure 4). How does the maximum cable deflection (from unstressed length) and system "natural" frequency compare for the two cases? How do they compare to the linear case? The data is supplied below is difficult to interpret without a little help. The data I recorded myself while riding in an elevator. So the data really does represent the acceleration trajectory of the elevator car as it goes from one floor to another. That means it includes all the effects contributed by the motor and the controller both of which we have ignored in our model. Because the effects of these components are quite important, it is necessary to eliminate their effects from the data. This can be done by noting that the last second or so of data shown in the expanded time figure, is the response of the elevator when the motor has been stopped and the elevator is just bouncing up and down on the cable. The decaying oscillating response you see can be interpreted as having a specific frequency and decay rate. These numbers can then be used to define the missing numerical values for the parameters. Finally: To create a nonlinear C element, in this case a modulated nonlinear C element, you need to modify the underlying equations and add an input signal port for the modulation signal. To view the C element equation model, either right-click on the element and choose Go Down, or Click Submodel Down button on the toolbar (has the 20SIM red-blue ball, with blue triangle pointing down. The equation syntax is fairly obvious, and on-line help is available. Be sure to end all lines with a semi-colon. Note that compliance c is a parameter by default. Rename or delete this parameter, and add an input (modulating) signal to formulate the desired modulated compliance.

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ME560 Modeling Dynamic Systems Prof. J.L. Stein To add parameters and input signals, select Tools->Type Editor. You can Edit->Add parameters and name them. You need not assign a value here, as you can do this in the Simulation window after completing the model. You can also Add a port signal (active bond) or power (power bond), name it, and set the orientation (fixed in, fixed out, or indifferent). A third option in the Edit menu allows deletion of a port or parameters. Buttons in the Type Editor dialog box perform the same functions. After adding/modifying the parameters and ports, return to the equation model and modify the equations, using only parameter and port names as variables. If you wish to define further intermediate variables that are not parameters or ports, add the following lines before equations variables real <var1>, <var2>, ..., <var_n>; You may want to save the completed element as MC.em. Select the element, then Save As, and if asked Save only the selected submodel?, click Yes. You can then insert the element into other models, or into the current model again, by browsing and finding the directory to which it was saved, and dragging it into the graph model.

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ME560 Modeling Dynamic Systems Prof. J.L. Stein

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ME560 Modeling Dynamic Systems Prof. J.L. Stein

Figure 4: Cutaway view of elevator shaft/car in a building (car at floor 7)

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