Implied Main Ideas Guided Notes

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Name:__________________________Date:_________________Period______ How to Identify the Implied Main Idea Slide 1: Implied Main Idea A main idea that is not

t stated. It must be suggested or inferred by using the details in the passage and the readers prior knowledge.

________________________+___________________=___________________ Slide 2: Goal ___________________________________________________________

Slide 3: REMEMBER!! A MAIN IDEA IS ______SENTENCE!! Slide 4: Major Question How do I find the implied main idea? Slide 5: Step 1 Read the passage thoroughly or even several times through if needed. Slide 6: Example #1-Model Miguel got an F on his history test. He only completed 30% of the class work, and 0% of his homework. When the teacher called Miguels father, Miguel was grounded for a month. He had to bring his books home every night and sit at the kitchen table to study. Slide 7: Step 2 QUESTIONS TO PONDER: What are the most important events or details linked to the who or what do I need to pay attention to? Slide 8 & 9: Miguel got an F on his history test. He only completed 30% of the class work, and 0% of his homework. When the teacher called Miguels father, Miguel was grounded for a month. He had to bring his books home every night and sit at the kitchen table to study.


Slide 10: Step 3 Link the details from the passage with my prior knowledge. Slide 11:

Slide 12: Step 4 Compose your main idea sentence from the details and prior knowledge. QUESTIONS TO PONDER: -What are the details and my prior knowledge telling me about this paragraph? -Do I know enough or understand the information enough to identify my implied main idea? Slide 13: See Slide 11 Slide 14: THE IMPLIED MAIN IDEA

Name:__________________________Date:_________________Period______ Class Practice: The United States calls its basic unit of currency the dollar. Australia and New Zealand have also measure their currency by dollars. The money in Great Britain is called the pound. Korea uses the won. In Russia you spend rubles. Mexico and the Philippines use a peso. And the country of Zaire calls its money unit a Zaire. 1. Who or what is this passage about? __________________ 2. Highlight the major details linked to the who or what. 3. Fill in chart to link major details and prior knowledge.

Major Details

Prior Knowledge

4. What is the implied main idea?______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

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