So Much Itching

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So Much Itching

Morning Report 4/9/12 Adam Ware

4 year old with rash

CC: Rash History of Present Illnes:
2 weeks ago had 10 days of cough, congestion, rhinorrhea. Received vaccinations 6 days ago
MMR, DTAP, IPV, Varicella Local reaction with erythema, swelling, pus that lasted 2 days.

3 days ago mother noticed pruritis of buttocks. Next morning he was covered in red bumps. Severe itching of bumps even while sleeping. 3 episodes of loose stools today. Calamine lotion over past day not helping.

4 year old with rash

Review of Systems:
Positive: Subjective fever, pruritic rash, loose stool Negative: HA, congestion, rhinorrhea, cough, sore throat, vomiting,

Past Medical History:

34 week gestation hospitalized x 1 wk for respiratory distress, ROS. No recent hospitalization No surgeries

4 year old with rash

Family History:
Multiple family members with URI sx 2 weeks ago. Brother, Mother, Grandmother all in ED today with similar rash.

Social History:
Lives with father, mother, 10 year old brother. Have stayed at grandmothers house for last 4 days. + smokers, 2 dogs, 1 cat, no travel.

4 year old with rash

Vital Signs:
T: 36.8, P: 92, BP: 94/66, SPO2: 97%, Weight 19.3 kg (88%)

Physical Exam:
General: Running in room HEENT: NC/AT, PERRRLA, No cong/rhin, MMM, No oral lesions, No LAD, Skin: clusters of erythematous, blanching, macules with vesicular appearing center on back buttocks, legs, arms. Some with central Itching throughout the exam.

Papules in non-follicular pattern Linear or in clusters (breakfast, lunch, dinner) Cause papular urticaria Can cause resp. symptoms. No anaphylaxis. Vector: Plague, Typhus, Bartonella

Flea Treatment
Symptomatic Treatment
H1 blocker for pruritis (loratadine, cetirizine) Topical steroids

Eliminate infestation.
Flea bomb Pet Collars/Treatments

Professional Insecticides


Typically bite at night. Sx start morning after and up to 10 days later. Typical sites: Face, neck, hands, arms (exposed skin) Signs: fecal stains, blood spots, shed skins, carcasses, eggs and live bed bugs. Unclear if vector for disease but have been shown to carry Hep B/C, Chagas, HIV.


Symptomatic Management:
Topical steroids H1 blockers

Wash/dry clothes, Vacuum Super heating room: 50 C x 90 mins Card Method

Professional Insecticides:

Bedbugs vs Fleas
Flea Trap Check your pet carefully. These include: fecal stains (aka blood spots), shed skins, carcasses, eggs and live bed bugs. Look for bugs in mattress, box spring & bed frame. Search all the seams, cracks & crevices where BBs may hide and/or place their fecal stains & eggs. Note that at 1 mm eggs are tiny and difficult to see.

Flea Trap
Soap Water Light

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