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The Power of Thought

The Power of Thought Exposed...

The Power Of Your Thoughts Author: Robert Williams Throughout the ages mankind has attempted to control his world around him by many different means. In the physical world we have invented all kinds of ways to make our lives better. If you believe the bible then in the beginning everything was perfect, mankind was in need of nothing. God took care of everything, He provided food and not much else because there was no need for much else. Mankind did not even need clothes. Can you imagine that, everybody going around totally naked! Anyway if we are to believe the bible, and I do by the way , I am a Christian, mankind began to look out for themselves after the story of thru fist sin. The first item they made was clothes. Thereafter we have been constantly inventing and making anything that will make life easier for ourselves, from houses to cars, boats, airplanes, microwave etc, etc. Look around you, with every glance of the eye you will see something that mankind has made in an attempt to better out lives. That is unless you are in the middle of some untouched part of the world where man has yet to disturb and even then you are probably not naked. We must admit that as far as material things go we have come a long way. The question is, with all that we have done materially to make life better, why is it that so many people are unhappy, feel that they are not loved, many do not see any purpose in

life and tragically some reach the point of ending it all in suicide. This is the question, why? There must be another aspect, another dimension to our lives that we need to be mindful of. This other realm is the spiritual, or the supernatural or whatever you want to call it, the realm of the mind. More and more we are beginning to realize that this world, this spiritual world, is what really controls us and all that we do is a result of whats going on in the mind. The wisdom literature of the ages all point to this fact that it is not what you have on the outside that really matters, but what you have on the inside.

Eastern religions do meditation and things like yoga exercises all intended to improve your state of mind. Christians believe in a life changing power coming from God that manifests itself from the inside out through prayer and meditation and a study of the bible. We can see that all of these religions seek to bring about change in our lives by changing our thoughts, what goes on in our minds. Quite recently I have come upon what is a new subject to me and that is the power of manifesting. This is where one zeroes in on our thought processes and literally attempts to bring about something, be it a physical item or an intangible such as wisdom for example, by using the power of our minds. Christians would call it a prayer of faith, where they believe for something and that God would bring it to pass. It is a very interesting topic and one in which we might all benefit if we can approach this it with an open mind. No matter your religion, or your prior spiritual beliefs there may be something in manifesting for all of us. Thought Control of the Weather Author: Jeffry Palmer Recent natural disasters such as the earthquakes in Pakistan, hurricane Katrina, the tsunami in Indonesia and others have caused measureless devastation and suffering. Can such disasters be avoided or diminished in strength and destructiveness? Can the collective thought energy of a large group of people have an affect on the weather? A study carried out in 1993 demonstrated the power of collective thought energy. A large group of people skilled in the practice of transcendental meditation focused their collective minds on the problem of crime in Washington D.C. The results were impressive, to say the least. Crime rates fell 25 percent during the weeks of focused meditation. This test of the power of thought energy was scientifically validated and shown to affect an entire city. Can similar results be achieved in controlling or diminishing the strength of natural disasters? Is it possible for a large group of people sharing the same intentions and focus of will power to have the power necessary to control the

weather? Is this idea a dangerous one? Could such an attempt backfire and cause even more damage to the human race? Is such an exercise a complete waste of time? Perhaps it is possible for a thought collective to control weather patterns but fear of success or fear of failure deters the modern mind from making such attempts. It is possible that such things are happening right now and we just havent being informed. Our understanding of the power of the human mind is incredibly limited, our understanding of the subtle energies which compose the universe and all that it contains are even less understood. Weather modification by means of collaborative mental effort does not seem at all unreasonable to me. There are numerous historical references to mental weather control. Sahaja Yogis, for instance, claim to be able to control the weather by means of collective intent and focused meditation; Tribes among the Yoruba Nation of South West Africa indulge in the shamanistic practice of Ifa or wisdom of nature to control weather conditions; Hopi Indians of North America practice ceremonial dances to evoke rainfall during times of need. The purposeful control of weather is common to every culture on the planet. Embodied within these various belief systems human beings are viewed as one part of the complex, living whole of Nature, connected to all other living things and to the Universe itself. It is my personal belief that a careful, deliberate and concentrated group of individuals, experienced in focused meditation techniques can have a positive affect on controlling the damage caused by natural disasters. I would like to invite anyone interested in answering these questions to join the debate and see which way the wind will blow. Jeffry R. Palmer Ph.D. - Author, Thought Energy Consultant and Syndicated Columnist, Is the author of "Judo for the Soul - The Art of Psychic Self Defense", as well as numerous articles and papers relating to metaphysics and the study of paranormal phenomena. Further information about Mr. Palmer, his books and articles can be found at Related Article(s): Law of Attraction

make some sense of life. In the end, I am an agnostic and believe the true meaning of life, if one even exists, is unknowable to anyone. A lot of people, religions and groups claim to know. They all have their beliefs, theories, opinions and realities. The only reality I believe in with any certainty is my own reality of uncertainty. Although I do not believe, with any certainty, any one theory, the following is something I wrote, which was inspired by my understanding of Metaphysics as explained to me by my spiritual guide, Susan Bog. Basically Metaphysics is about REMEMBERING. REMEMBERING that we are all infinite non-physical spiritual beings who have chosen to have a finite experience in physical bodies as human beings in order to experience soul growth, part of which is remembering that we are all spiritual beings. REMEMBERING that our reality is the manifestation of what we think, what we believe and what we give our attention to.


Many of us have been taught for ages that God is a somber, fearsome, judgmental character that exists outside of our selves. But God is indeed none of these things. The God who judges, who intimidates, who persecutes, has never existed except in the minds of men. It is man who created a god that condemns some and exalts others. Know yourself. Look within, for that is where God exists.

Each one of us has a soul. Your soul is your spiritual self, your nonphysical self, your higher self or your Divine self. It is impossible to be human without a soul. It is easy for us to experience or recognize our physical selves. It is harder to experience our nonphysical selves for all of us chose at birth to temporally block the memory of our Divine selves in order to experience soul growth or enlightenment.The sole purpose of life is soul growth. All pain and suffering is the result of unlearned spiritual lessons. All pain and suffering has purpose and meaning. Every life has purpose. Even the life of a child, born into third world misery and then dying young has meaning. In the end all pain and suffering aids in individual and global spiritual growth which will eventually get us all back to where we came from, Heaven. The real joy in life is remembering the truth, remembering, experiencing and appreciating our divinity. If you are having trouble getting in touch with or experiencing your spiritual self, heres a tip: When you are thinking things, saying things, believing things and doing things that make you feel good, then thats you being your Divine self. Thats you being the self God intended you to be. There is only one commandment in Metaphysics. God commands you to be happy. The following is from the best-selling book "Eat Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert: "Different schools of thought over the centuries have found different explanations for mans apparently inherently flawed state. Taoists call it imbalance, Buddhism calls it ignorance, Islam blames our misery on rebellion against God, and the Judeo-Christian tradition attributes all our suffering to original sin. Freudians say that unhappiness is the inevitable result to the clash between our natural drives and civilizations needs. The Yogis, however, say that human discontentment is a simple case of mistaken identity. Were miserable because we think that we are mere individuals, alone with our fears and flaws and resentments and mortality. We wrongly believe that our limited little egos constitute our whole entire nature. We have failed to recognize our deeper divine character. We dont realize that, somewhere within us all, there does exist a

supreme Self who is eternally at peace. That supreme Self is our true identity, universal and divine. Before you realize the truth, say the Yogis, you will always be in despair, a notion nicely expressed in the exasperated line from the Greek stoic philosopher Epictetus: You bear God within you, poor wretch, and know it not. THE CAUSE OF ALL EXPERIENCES: Its your beliefs that cause your every experience. Most of us tend to believe everything we think. Our thoughts validate our beliefs about what we think is real. In Metaphysics thoughts not only validate ones beliefs about what is real, more importantly; thoughts are what created ones beliefs in the first place. You have been inundated all your life by commonly accepted, but flawed, belief systems. These beliefs have been the cause of your every life experience. Why? Energy follows attention to make physically real the focus of your attention. Whatever you give your attention to aids in its creation. To believe that it is normal to get sick is what allows ill health.

You have the free will to think and believe whatever you personally choose. You are not tied or held to anyone elses beliefs about life, including those of all of humanity itself. You are a sovereign being. You are free to detach from common ways of thinking. You are free to release those beliefs that have been the cause of your common, unwanted experiences. You are free to replace your old beliefs in human illness, lack and accidents with new beliefs in your natural God-given states of health, abundance and Divine life-protection. This new empowered uncommon thinking is what will set you free from life suffering. Life does not have to work in the common difficult way that it does no matter how many others continue to suffer because of their attachment to an outmoded belief-system. A belief is simply a habit of thought and easy to change, for it is not an integral part of who you are. It is only the habitual way of thinking that you are used to. Once you are aware that this old way is flawed, that it is the sole cause of all unwanted experiences you can then choose to think differently. Your normal, difficult experience of life is strictly the result of your unconscious attachment to the false belief-system of common life. Life is not meant to be difficult! You have complete command over your choice of thinking and believing. To effortlessly invalidate the entirety of lifes inculcated common fear-based

beliefs is to remember that your natural Divine states of being are automatic health, abundance, and life safety. Your new focus of attention to these automatic states is what will assure you an entirely new experience of life, devoid of suffering! Unlock from all group beliefs related to suffering, for suffering is no longer necessary. Step into your power by accepting your natural Divine states, by releasing your old flawed human-thinking states. Contribute your powerful new understanding of your Divine rights of life, which will not only upgrade your personal life to one of empowerment, but will exponentially help to make health, abundance, and safety a new common experience for all! THE TRUTH ABOUT DEPRESSION: We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world. Buddha

Your life is what your thoughts make it. Marcus Aurelius Change your thoughts and you change your world. Norman Vincent Peale Many people believe the reason they think depressing thoughts is because they FEEL depressed. The truth is they feel depressed because they THINK depressing thoughts. Rule your thoughts and you rule your life. Your feelings, good or bad, are the manifestation of your thoughts. Thoughts come first, then feelings. After youve tried everything else, diet, exercise, therapy, antidepressants, had your vitamin B12 levels checked, etc; you might try The Seven Second Rule. THE SEVEN SECOND RULE: Thought energy conversion into a physical experience begins after seven seconds. Hold a particular thought for more than seven seconds and you begin its physical creation process. There is a commonly accepted rule, drop food on the floor and you have five seconds to pick it up before it becomes contaminated. Think of all thoughts in this accepted way. If you think a negative thought quickly change it within seven seconds to a positive thought and you stop the manifestation of feeling bad. The trick is YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BELIEVE YOUR THOUGHTS! Just think them. If you think thoughts like I am happy (even if you are not) often enough, eventually those thoughts will manifest into happy feelings and YOU WILL be

happy. Tell yourself you already are how it is you want to be. Here are some powerful what I like to call I AM affirmations. I am happy. I am healthy. I am wealthy and wise. I feel great. I look great. I am pain free, stress free and dept free. I am anxiety and fear free. Im loving and kind. I am accepting and thankful. I am worthy and good. My all time favorite affirmation is "I feel magnificent". Don't be discouraged if at first your positive thoughts don't manifest as positive feelings. Be patient. Sometimes it takes more than seven seconds to reprogram a mind that suffers from a lifetime of habitual negative thinking. The more you tell your self that you are happy today contributes to your happiness tomorrow. According to a Harvard study one is happiest when ones mind is occupied with ones current activity. An idle mind goes negative by default. Never let your mind wander. Instead always fill it with positive thoughts. Be vigilant for it only takes seven seconds to start the downward spiral into the black hole of depression. The power ones gains over ones life when one can control their thoughts is nothing short of miraculous. PAY ATTENTION Randomly giving your attention to whatever is a low level of consciousness/awareness. Paying attention and choosing WHAT you give your attention to is a higher or expanded level of consciousness. If something in life causes us to feel miserable, it's up to us to do something about it. The solution however, is not always to get out of the situation. Sometimes it's simpler than that.

We each have the ability to shift even something we love, into something we don't. How? Simply by focusing our attention on all the parts that we really don't like. Remember that EVERY situation has plus and minus aspects. The reason we love something is because we are looking at its good parts! What determines our experience is what we choose to look at, the positive or the negative aspects of things. CHOOSE to find the good parts, the parts you are glad about that really do benefit you. Overlook the minus parts. According to the Metaphysics law of attraction Energy Follows Attention, by placing your attention on or thinking about the negative aspects of something you are aiding in its creation, in its expansion. By placing your attention on or

thinking about the positive aspects of something you are aiding in its creation, in its expansion. The truth is that you are always free to choose where you place your attention. You are always free to think positive or negative thoughts. Its up to you. DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY Life as we know it, which is based on fear, is an un-natural experience. The natural, intended, true experience of life is life, in which health, wealth, and safety are natural, automatic experiences. Humans think that to love is to worry. It is not. Worry is fear, which is the opposite vibration of Love. Worry is Loves opposite. Worry is the obstacle to automatic health, wealth, and safety.

The root cause of worry is the responsibility in your life for your well-being. We are finally remembering that each of us has a higher self, a spiritual self, a Divine self, whose part it is, is to release you of responsibility for your well-being, through a conscious partnership with it. Your Human-self is the physicalcounterpart to your Divine non-physical essence, an invisible but tangible presence within you, within your DNA, who awaits your memory of it in order to activate your personal Divine-Human partnership. Your Human goal now is to live within the state of Love by delegating responsibility to your Divine partner for your health, wealth, and safety. Once trusting in your higher or Divine self (God/Love) there is no reason to worry or fear anything. This trust relationship is the tangible means to maintain a state of Love (without worry), which is the conduit to automatic health, wealth, safety, and 100% life-support for living life on Earth. The goal now is to awaken, to remember and connect with your Divine partner, your literal Soul-mate, which will restore you to your natural state of Love. The Human emotion of Love is not only the conduit to your Divine Source energy; it also triggers your memory of it. The block to Love and thus the block to your Spiritual memory is called fear/worry, which is strictly the result of lack of information. The route to Love is Divine information. Divine information is within each of us. Its in our DNA.

This is the time of the Grand Awakening in Human Consciousness. This is the time to remember your Divine Partner, who awaits your memory of it to activate its higher Divine assistance within your physical life. In Metaphysics there is only one commandment. God commands you to be happy. There is nothing more important in the universe than your happiness. SUMMARY: There are two worlds, the physical and the non-physical. We each have a physical body and a non-physical soul. We each exist in both worlds simultaneously. We all chose to forget the non-physical world at birth in order to achieve soul growth. The sole purpose of life is soul growth. We all agreed to be who we are and to take on the roles we play in each others lives to aid each other in soul growth. We are all each others teachers and students here to learn our spiritual lessons. A measure of ones spiritual growth is ones level of happiness and ones ability to love and be loved! It seems now is the time for global spiritual awakening. Now is the time for us to remember what we chose to forget at birth. Now is the time for us to remember, get in touch with and experience our non-physical spiritual selves. YOU ARE PERFECT:
When you look in the mirror stop giving your (falsely perceived) flaws any attention. According to the law of attraction energy follows attention. So if you're giving your (falsely perceived) flaws any attention, you're aiding in their creation. When you look in the mirror do not give attention to or dwell on what you may see as flawed. Instead look yourself in the eye. Look into your own soul. See/sense your non-physical, awesome, perfect, beautiful spiritual self. You are flawless.

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