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System Requirement Specification Document

School Management System Enhancements (SMSE)

Pushp Naidu

Document Number Prepared By Authorized By Approved By

QMS_SRS_1.0 Santosh Ugale

Version. Rev Date Date Date 30-Nov-11


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Contact for Enquiries and Proposed Changes

If you have any questions regarding this document contact: Name: Designation: Phone: Sunil Sanap CEO +91 20 32517794

Revision History
Revision No 0.1 Revision Date 30-Nov-11 Nature of Amendment Initial creation by Santosh Ugale

Document Sign Off



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1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................4 2. PURPOSE of the document.........................................................................................................4 3. Application Overview...................................................................................................................5 4. Functional Requirements.............................................................................................................6 4.1 List of features in the application............................................................................................7

4.1.1 Manage Users..........................................................................................................8 4.1.2 Manage Terms.........................................................................................................8 4.1.3 Manage Subjects.....................................................................................................9 4.1.4 Manage Forms.........................................................................................................9 4.1.5 Manage Departments..............................................................................................9 4.1.6 Manage Student.......................................................................................................9 4.1.7 Manage Teacher......................................................................................................9 4.1.8 Manage Assignment..............................................................................................10 4.1.9 Manage Staff ...............................................................................................10 4.1.10 Manage Attendance............................................................................................10 4.1.11 Manage Holiday..................................................................................................10 4.1.12 Fee Management.................................................................................................10 4.1.13 Library Management...........................................................................................11 4.1.14 Exam Schedule....................................................................................................11 4.1.15 Fine Setup............................................................................................................11 4.1.16 Communication Management.............................................................................11 4.1.17 Timetable Management......................................................................................11
4.2 Flow of Application..............................................................................................................12 4.3 Enhancements....................................................................................................................12 5. Non Functional Requirements....................................................................................................12 5.1 Performance........................................................................................................................13 5.2 Security...............................................................................................................................13 5.3 Support ..............................................................................................................................13 5.4 System Architecture Diagram..............................................................................................13


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INTRODUCTION School Management System is a web-based system which can be used for managing your school's day to day business. School Management System allows users to store almost all of their school's information electronically, including information on students, teachers, fees, properties, teaching materials etc. Most importantly, this information can be easily shared with authorized users, records can be easily searched, and reports can be easily generated.




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This document contains the requirement specifications for School management system enhancement application. This document will cover the detailed requirements for the School management system enhancement application.


APPLICATION OVERVIEW School Management System is a web-based system which can be used for managing your school's day to day business. School Management System allows users to store almost all of their school's information electronically, including information on students, teachers, fees, properties, teaching materials etc. Most importantly, this information can be easily shared with authorized users, records can be easily searched, and reports can be easily generated. School Management System is configurable and can be configured to meet most individual school's needs. It is a multi-user system. Wherever you are, once you have an Internet connection, you can logon to the School Management System easily just the same as if you were sitting in the school office. However, the speed limitation is up to Internet speed. School Management System could make your school staff's life easier than ever. Using School Management System, finding student information is just a few seconds away which might have cost hours, or even days, before. At the end of the semester/term, printing students' statement becomes just a few minutes' job (the speed limitation determined by your printer). The general objective of the project is to automate the School Management System. In order to attain the general objective, the following list of specific objectives is set:

Student registration Teachers information setup To facilitate attendance record keeping, Subjects assign to Forms Teachers assign to Subjects to teach by form Teachers Assign to departments e.g. Maths/Science, Language,

Commerce Fee management Setup Library Management To produce a timetable To facilitate various report generation,


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Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Module Name Add / Edit / Delete Attendance View Attendance Add / Edit / Delete Department View Department Add / Edit / Delete Terms View Terms Add / Edit / Delete Subjects View Subjects Add / Edit / Delete Forms View Forms Add / Edit / Delete Holidays View Holidays Add / Edit / Delete Fees against selected student View Fee details against selected student Add / Edit / Delete Books View Books Assign Book to student Return Book from student. Add / Edit / Delete Students View Students Add / Edit / Delete Teachers

Admin Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Teacher Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No

Librari Parent an No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No


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22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

View Teachers Add / Edit / Delete Assignments Assign assignments to required student. Send messages to other users View messages send by other users Add / Edit / Delete Users View Users Prepare timetable for forms Prepare timetable for teacher Add / Edit / Delete Exam Schedule View Users Exam Schedule Add / Edit / Delete Staff View Users Staff Add / Edit / Delete fine charges against existing Delayed duration

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No

No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No

No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No

4.1 Add / Edit / Delete Users. Display added user in the grid. Add / Edit / Delete Terms. Display added terms in the grid. Add / Edit / Delete Subject. Display added subjects in the grid. Add / Edit / Delete Form. Display added forms in the grid. Add / Edit / Delete Department.

List of features in the application

Display added departments in the grid. Add / Edit / Delete Students. Display added students in the grid. Add / Edit / Delete Teacher.


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Display added teacher in the grid. Add / Edit / Delete Assignments. Assign assignments to required student. Add / Edit / Delete Staff. Display added staff in the grid. Take / View attendance. Add / Edit / Delete Holiday. Display added holiday in the grid. Add / Edit / Delete Fee against selected student. Display fee details against selected student in the grid. Add / Edit / Delete Books. Display added book in the grid. Assign books to student. Return book from student. Calculate fine on the basis of Return Date. Add / Edit / Delete Exam schedule. Display added Exam Schedule in the grid. Add / Edit / Delete fine charges against delayed duration. View / Send messages to required user. Prepare time table for forms. Prepare time table for teachers.

4.1.1 Manage Users

This module is used for managing the users of the system. Add User / Edit user / Delete user processes done from this module. All available users in the system is displayed in the grid. There are four types of users available in the system namely Admin, Teacher, Librarian and Parents. Every user type has different application rights but Admin user has all rights for accessing the application.

4.1.2 Manage Terms

Terms in school is nothing but an academic term. An academic term is a division of an academic year. It is a the time during which a school holds classes. These divisions may be called terms. The schedule adopted by school vary widely e.g. A semester system divides the academic year into two terms, roughly 16 18 weeks each.


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A trimester system divides the academic year into three terms, roughly 14 - 16 weeks each. A quarter or quadmester system divides the academic year into four terms, roughly 12 weeks each, and generally counts the summer as one of the terms. Manage Terms module is used to manage terms of the system. All available terms of the system is displayed in the grid. User can Add new terms, Edit existing terms or delete any term from this module.

4.1.3 Manage Subjects

Subjects are the parts into which learning can be divided. At school, each lesson usually covers one subject only. Manage Subjects module is used to manage subjects of the system. All available subjects of the system is displayed in the grid. User can Add new subjects, Edit existing subjects or delete any subject from this module.

4.1.4 Manage Forms

Forms are nothing but the standards available in the school. e.g. Nursery, Standard 1, Standard 2 etc. Manage Forms module is used to manage forms of the system. All available forms of the system is displayed in the grid. User can Add new form, Edit existing forms or delete any form from this module.

4.1.5 Manage Departments

There are number of departments in the school like Admin Department, Exam Department, Account Department etc. Manage Department module is used for Add / Edit / Delete departments. All available departments in the system will be displayed in the grid.

4.1.6 Manage Student

A student is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution. So in general Student is anyone who is learning. Manage Student module is used to manage student details i.e. Add new student, Edit existing student or delete required student etc. All available students in the system will be displayed in the grid.

4.1.7 Manage Teacher

A teacher is a person who provides education for pupils (children) and students (adults). The role of teacher is often formal and ongoing, carried out at a school or other place of formal education.


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Manage Teacher module is used to manage teacher details i.e. Add new teacher, Edit existing teacher or delete required teacher etc. All available teacher in the system will be displayed in the grid.

4.1.8 Manage Assignment

Assignment is nothing but allocation of task to someone. Manage Assignment module is Used to manage assignments for Student i.e. Add new assignments, upload Documents, add comments against assignment, Select date range for assignments, edit Assignments, Delete assignments, assign assignment to required student. Teacher & Admin assign assignments to students.

4.1.9 Manage Staff

In Every School staffs are there. These staffs are Teaching & Non Teaching Staffs. Manage Staff module is used for managing staffs i.e. Add staff, update existing staff, delete required staff.


Manage Attendance

In school Attendance of students is taken on daily basis in school working days. So Teacher Take attendance of the students. Mark student as present or absent for a particular day. So Manage Attendance module is used for managing attendance of students i.e. to take attendance of students & view attendance of students. Admin,Teacher & Parents can view attendance of students


Manage Holiday Every school has holidays. These holidays are maintained according to current working year. So Manage holiday module is used for managing holidays. i.e. user can add holidays to current working years, Update holidays, display holidays on yearly basis.


Fee Management

Fee collection and management is one of the critical processes of a school. The system should stores all fee-related information along with the frequency at which it is collected. Administrators can easily use this school fee management system to create dynamic fee structures defining the type of fee to be collected from a specific Form/grade and the time of collection. This school fee management also generates a complete summary of payable fees and collected amount. In addition, with this school fee management, daily fee collection reports can be made available to the concerned staff. Fee management module is used to manage fees of students i.e. User can add fee against student, Update fee against student.


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Library Management

In School Library has number of books so Librarian managing books in library. Librarian keep records of all books in library. So library management system is used to managing books in library i.e. add books in Library, update books in Library, Delete books in Library,Search books in Library, assign books to students, return books from student, Calculate fine according to return date.


Exam Schedule

In School there are various exams are held during semester or Year. So School is preparing Schedule for every exam. Students giving exam according to schedule. Every exam is conducted for particular subjects. So Exam Schedule module is used for managing exam schedules i.e. User can add new exam schedule,Edit exam schedule,Delete exam schedule,display search criteria for viewing schedule.


Fine Setup

Students take or issue books from Library so according to specific time period they have to submit books. If they are not submitting books to given time period fine is charged according to delayed days. So In School fine is applicable for various delayed activities. So Fine set up is used for managing fine i.e. User can add fine charges against delayed duration,Edit existing fine charges against delayed duration,Delete existing fine charges against existing delayed duration.


Communication Management

In school the Communication are happened between various entities in schools. So communication management is used for managing communication between different users i.e. user can send messages to other users. View messages send by other users.


Timetable Management

School is working according to time table. School is preparing time table for students,Teachers & other staff. School is preparing time table for every standards or forms of class. So Time table management is used for managing timetable i.e. Prepare Time table for Forms or standards & prepare Time table for Teachers.


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Flow of Application

4.3 NA





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Performance Below table details on the performance metrics of the application

Number of logged-on users for the web tool Expected number of total application users(Average) Expected number of transactions performed by each user per hour Total number of transactions on the web server (web tool) per minute

~100-1000 1000-30000 NA NA

5.2 allow to login into application.

Security This application will have login page. Unless user is authorised, system will not

Not applicable at this stage. 5.4 NA


System Architecture Diagram


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