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Name : _________________________ Section A : Multiple Choice Questions 1. pH?

A B C D Which one of the following can be added to lemon juice to increase its lime juice baking powder concentrated hydrochloric acid ethanoic acid

2. Which magnesium compound does not increase the pH of dilute ethanoic acid? A B C D 3. A B C D magnesium carbonate magnesium hydroxide magnesium magnesium chloride Which statement describes a property of a weak acid in solution? The weak acid completely dissociates in water. The solution contains OH- ions. The solution turns Universal Indicator solution violet. The solution is likely to have a pH of 2.5 6.5

4. Element Y has the electronic structure Element Z has the electronic structure The compound formed between Y and Z will probably A B C D not dissolve in water. have a low melting point. conduct electricity in aqueous solution. have a metallic structure.

5. Boron nitride has a similar structure as graphite. Based on this statement, what can be deduced about boron nitride? A B C D Boron nitride is very hard. Boron nitride has a low melting point. Boron nitride is a simple molecular substance. Boron nitride conducts electricity.


The following description applies to a substance W: W has a high melting point. W does not conduct electricity when in solid or molten states. W does not dissolve in water.

Which substance is likely to be W? A B C D diamond graphite potassium bromide strontium iodide 1 2 3 4 5 6

Question Answer Section B 1. (a)

Magnesium reacts with oxygen to form the ionic compound magnesium oxide. With the aid of the Periodic Table, draw a dot and cross diagram to show the bonding in magnesium oxide. You only need to draw the outermost electrons of magnesium and of oxygen.

[2] (b) The physical properties of a compound are related to its structure and bonding. Magnesium oxide has an ionic lattice structure.


Suggest one physical property (other than electrical property) of magnesium oxide. [1]

ii. Explain the reason why molten magnesium oxide conducts electricity.



State the number of protons, electrons and neutrons of a magnesium ion. [1]


Magnesium oxide reacts with dilute nitric acid to form salt and water only. Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction. [1]


Magnesium can also form a compound with nitrogen. Suggest the chemical formula of magnesium nitride. [1]


Write equations for the reaction between the following pairs of reactants: [4] (a) zinc hydroxide and dilute sulphuric acid.

___________________________________________________________ (b) calcium carbonate and dilute nitric acid.

___________________________________________________________ (c) potassium hydroxide solution and dilute sulphuric acid.

___________________________________________________________ (d) sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid


ammonium sulphate and sodium hydroxide

3. The table lists some of the gases that are produced from the reactions of acids and metals, carbonates or alkalis. [4] (a) Complete the table by adding the names of suitable substances. Reactio n Number 1 Reagent X Dilute Hydrochloric acid Ammonium nitrate Reagent Y Gas Produced Hydrogen

2 3

Ammonia Carbon dioxide

4. (a) (b) (c)

State the tests to identify carbon dioxide ammonia hydrogen [3]

5. State the type of bonding and chemical formula of the chemical product formed when (a) barium reacts with chlorine Type of bonding : ______________________ Chemical formula : ______________________ [2] (b) carbon reacts with chlorine Type of bonding : ______________________ Chemical formula : ______________________ [2]

6. A human stomach contains hydrochloric acid. Billy has stomach indigestion. He takes an antacid tablet containing magnesium hydroxide. (a) Write the chemical equation between the reaction of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and the antacid tablet. [1]

(b) What is this reaction known as? [1]

(c) State a likely pH of the stomach. [1]

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