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Chapter 12 Institutional Group Agencies for Education As far as education is concerned, there are three very important institutional

groups that serve as agencies for learning: the family, the school and the church The family 4. Is the smallest social institution A social sanctioned group of persons united by kinship, marriage or adoption, who share a common habitat generally and interact according to well-defined social roles that maintain and protect its members and perpetuate the society (Bertrand) Is composed of a father, a mother, and their children c. b. a. b. c.

descent is through the fathers line

Matrilineal descent is through the mothers line Bilineal descent is through the fathers and mothers line

According to Residence

Patrilocal when the newlyweds live with the parents of the husband Matrilocal when the newlyweds live with the parents of the wife Neolocal when the new couple live by themselves and have a separate household

Classification of the Family 1. According to Structure a. Conjugal or nuclear family Consisting of a husband, wife, and children b. Consanguine or extended family Consisting of married couple, children, and relatives 2. According to the Number of Spouses b. a. Monogamy Consisting of only one husband and one wife married at a time. This means that a widower or widow can marry again b. Polygamy Plural marriage. There are three classes 1) Polyandry o one woman married to two or more men at the same time 2) Polygamy o one man married to two or more women at the same time c. a.


According to Dominance

Patriarchal when the father is the head and makes the major decisions and is dominant Matriarchal when the mother is the head and makes the major decisions and is dominant Equalitarian when the father and mother share in making major decisions and have equal authority

General Functions of the family 1. perpetuation of the human race The most important function of the family is sexual reproduction to perpetuate the human race. Without sexual reproduction, humanity would face extinction. But human reproduction should be tempered to suit the needs of the society, particularly economic in nature


According to Line of Descent



Family planning is now a necessity in the socioeconomic life of the people

the house always clean including the surroundings for sanitation, and keep things in their proper order They are taught to have proper rest and sleep and avoid things that are harmful to health such as sleeping to late, drinking liquor, smoking and many others that would make the body unhealthy


Rearing of the young Children are helpless when they are born They need to be taken cared of. They need to be properly fed, clothed and sheltered and given all the necessary comforts. Then they are sent to school All these things are done until the children capable of leading a independent life 2.

Ethical standards Rudiments of ethical standards are already learned by the children at home Spiritual, moral and desirable social values are taught to them in simple ways so that they will have some ideas about what is right and what is wrong


Providing psychological needs of the young Are as important as the material needs of children They need love, affection, and sense of security Embracing, kissing, praising, giving them touches and taps of tenderness, playing with them, admonishing them gently to do good and avoid bad things, and many other similar acts as signs of love and affection mean a lot to the children for their growth and personality development Good environment should be provided for the growth and personality development of the children A good aspiration in life must also be inculcated in the minds of children

Educative Functions of the Family (home) Things that children generally learn from their respective families:


Healthful Living Children are taught what proper foods to eat, and to eat regularly; to brush their teeth regularly; to take a bath regularly; to keep themselves always neat and clean, properly dressed, and wellgroomed; how to use the toilet properly; to keep

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