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Railway Reservation & Information System

Design Document 1

Version 1.2

Group Id: Supervisor Name:

Revision History
Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Version Description 21/01/2010 1.0 Design Document-I 25 /01 /2010 1.1 Design Document-I 27 /01 /2010 1.2 Design Document-I Author

Table of Contents

1. Introduction (of analysis and design phase) 2. Overview (of proposed system) 3. Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)

(To be developed using Microsoft Visio)

4. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

(To be developed using Microsoft Visio or ERWIN)

5. Activity Diagram 6. Sequence Diagrams

(To be developed using Rational Rose)

7. Architecture Design Diagram

1. Introduction (of analysis and design phase)

The analysis phase defines the requirements of the system, independent of how these requirements will be accomplished and implemented. This phase defines the problem that the customer is trying to solve. The deliverable result at the end of this

phase is a requirement document. Ideally, this document states in a clear and precise fashion what is to be built. This analysis represents the ``what'' phase. The requirement document tries to capture the requirements from the customer's perspective by defining goals and interactions at a level removed from the implementation details. In the design phase the architecture is established. This phase starts with the requirement document delivered by the requirement phase and maps the requirements into architecture. The architecture defines the components, their interfaces and behaviors. The deliverable design document is the architecture. The design document describes a plan to implement the requirements. This phase represents the ``how'' phase. Details on computer programming languages and environments, machines, packages, application architecture, distributed architecture layering, memory size, platform, algorithms, data structures, global type definitions, interfaces, and many other engineering details are established.

2. Overview (of proposed system)

This system will be designed to provide the online railway reservation system for the users. The interface of this system will be user friendly and graphical. This electronic railway reservation system will be cheaper than the non electronic reservation system.

3. Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) (To be developed using Microsoft Visio) Context Diagram:

C o n te xt D ia g r(Dm D aF) R e q u e st S e a t R e se r va tio n R e q u e st C o n ce ssio n R e se r va tio n R e q u e st S p e cia l & T o u r ist R e se r va tio n R e p ly Q u e r ie s R e ce ive Q u e r ie s & issu e s

U p d a te T r a in R o u te R a ilw a y R e se rva& n tio In fo r m a tio n S yste m A d m in

V ie w R e se r va tio n S ta tu s P a sse n g e r R e q u e st L u g g a g e B o o kin g R e q u e st C a r g o R e se r va tio n V ie w C a r g o & L u g g a g e S ta tu s V ie w R e p o r ts V ie w F A Q V ie w F a r e V ie w F A Q R e q u e st C o n fir m U p d a te s U p d a te F a ir U p d a te F A Q

Show R e sp o n d R e g iste r e d V ie w T r a in R o u te Q u e r y S ta tu s

S ig n U p R e q u e st

Put Query

V isito r

Level-1 Data Flow Diagram:

L evel1 D ata F lo w D iag ram Get F AQ data F AQ& Query U pdate F A Q info D atabase P2 View F AQ Get Query R esponse U pdate Queries Info P4 Put Queries View F AQ View F V iew Quer y AQ R equest R eply P ut Query P6 View F are Get T rain info View T rain R oute Sign U p View R equest R egistered Status P8 Show T r ain Info T rain Info D atabase U pdate T r ain info G et F are data U pdate F are info P5 U pdate F are U pdate T r ain R oute P3 R eply Queries R eply Quer ies U pdate F ar e Adm inistrator P1 U pdate F AQ

U pdate F AQ

View F are Visitor

P7 U pdate T rain R oute

C heck R ules F eedback

Passenger D atabase

R eservation D atabase C heck Seat availability

P9 Sing U p

Provide Session T oken

R eserve U pdate PassengerSeat D atabase

Ver ify Info P10 Log In

P11 M ake Seat R eservation

C heck Seat Status Get Seat Status

P12 C heck S eat Availability

R Pr ovide equest S how Open a ccount Seat R eservation Login info R eservation Session Status


4. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) (To be developed using Microsoft Visio or any other UML tool)

ID D e s ig n a t io n L u g a g _Ua ng ite u N am e T yp e


A d d re ss Am ount N am e D a t e T im e ID Q u e ry A n sw e r

B o g g ie
D e s c r ip t io n

P assenger

F a ir

D is c o u n t


A d d re ss

P a s s e n g e r I D Q u a n tit y

ID U p d a te



has T a ke U p d a te

T ic k e t I D

T ic k e t I D

T ic k e t
N am e

Is s u e

A d m in

D e s c r ip tio n

D e s c r ip t io n

D e s ig n a t io n

ID D e s c r ip t io n D e s c r ip t io n

R e se rve S e _Nt u m b e r a

T yp e

D e p a r tm e n t has has S e _I D at

S u-S t a t io n s b

S u-R o u t e s b

S e ats

N am e


C o n t a in s T r a_Iin D


S ta t io n s

T r a in


R o u te

D e s c r ip tio n

D is t a n c e N am e D e p a r t u r e T im e D e s t in _Tt io ne a im R o u te ID Nam e

5. Activity Diagram
Sign Up Activity Diagram:

Fl t e om tS n p a e i h f r a i u Pg l g

I c r et nor c If n o

Vld t L g I f a a oi n i e n o f o Dt b s r m a ae a

Cr etI f or c n o

C a Ac u t i t e a b s r t co n n h Dt ae ee a

Log In Activity Diagram:

Fill Log In Formand S end W rong Info W rong Info Login Formfields validation at Client S ide

C orrect info

V erify login info

. Fromdatabase

C orrect info

O pen the account

Seat Reservation Activity Diagram:

L gIn o

S le t aR u e c o te F ls In a e fo S le tsaT in e c ra

T eIn ru fo

D p yA a b S a is la v ila le e ts

S le t aS a a d e c et n

Pre s s

Re e e s rv

Nt o Md ae Py e t a mn

Md ae

Cn o firmR s rv tio ee a n

Cancel Reservation Activity Diagram:

Ue L g s r o in

O e C n e R s rv tio P g p n acl ee a n a e

Ep x ire

C e kC n e R s rv tio h c a c l ee a n D eD te u a

V lid a

C n e R s rv tio acl ee a n

T e ru

6. Sequence Diagrams (To be developed using Rational Rose) Sign-up:

: signup : Visitor UserInfo(param) storeUserInfo(param)

: database

Process() Return registered staus Show Status


: login : Passenger requestLogIn()

: database


Process() send result Open Account Session

View Fare:

: fare : Visitor getFare() retriveFare()

: database


send result View Fare

View FAQs:

: faq : Visitor getFAQ() retriveFAQ()

: database


send result View FAQ

Seat Reservation Status:

: seatstatus : Passenger getSeatStatus()

: database


Process() send result Display Seat Status

Update Fare:

: updatefare : Admin updateFare()

: database


Process() send notification Confirm update

Make Seat Reservation:

: seatreservation : Passenger reqSeatReservation()

: database


Process() send result Show Seat Reservation Status

Cancel Booking:

: cancelbooking : Cargo Officer reqCancelBooking()

: database


Process() delete notification Confirm Booking Cancellation

7. Architecture Design Diagram

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