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The ever popular last minute tips for Nursing licensure examinations by Budflick on January 3, 2012 in Nursing In NP1,

Please FOCUS on the following: 1. Types of leadership: Autocratic, Laissez faire, Democratic, transformational, transactional etc. etc. 2. Pattern of Nursing care: Primary nursing, case nursing, functional, team etc. 3. Expanded Nursing role: Nurse anesthetist, Nurse practitioner, Nurse researche r etc. etc. 4. Levels of prevention by Leavell and Clark. Remember that crisis is always sec ondary. 5. 3 way bottle system: simply reconnect the tube, continuous bubble is a sign o f leakage, no bubbling is obstruction [in the waterseal] and you should palpate the surrounding area for subcutaneous emphysema. 6. Care of clients with tracheostomy and suctioning a tracheostomy tube [sterile technique] know the functions of the cuff, obturator and the tie. care of clien ts with pooling of secretions. Postural drainage: do this before meals, the posi tioning depending on the location of secretion, POPEVICO [arrangement] that is p ositioning, percussing, vibrating and coughing etc. study suctioning. 7. The independent and the dependent variable in research 8. Know your PURE and APPLIED as well as EXPERIMENTAL and NON-EXPERIMENTAL also your QUANTITATIVE and QUALITATIVE designs 9. IV fluid tonicity: D5LR is hypertonic while LR is isotonic 10. Complication of IV and its intervention such as FLUID OVERLOAD, PHLEBITIS, I NFILTRATION. 11. Blood transfusion 12. Complication of immobility: DECUBITUS ULCER, HYPO PNEUMONIA, ATELECTASIS, DE EP VEIN THROMBOSIS 13. The VIRTUE ETHICS and ETHICS: Justice, fortitude, prudence, temperance, char acter, double effect, paternalism etc etc and the Patients bill of right. 15. Teaching and learning steps: Man initially needs information and MOTIVATION is needed for adherence to teaching. First step in teaching is to ASSESS LEARNIN G NEEDS before planning what to teach. 16. SAFETY: Causes of injuries according to age eg: elderly = falls, infant = su ffocation and aspiration, adolescence = suicide and homicide. Intervention in an elderly client who falls frequently = keep the bed at the lowest possible posit ion. etc. 18. BON RESOLUTION 220 [CODE OF ETHICS] RA 9173 AND 7164 [COMPARE AND CONTRAST] and the CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION. [To enhance knowledge with regard to specific field of interest] NP2 1. Stages of labor. The first stage up to the fourth stage and the LATENT ACTIVE AND TRANSITION of the first stage. study the intervention in all stages. Read p illeteri for this. 2. The menstrual cycle, what glands secret what hormones. The MENSTRUAL, PROLIFE RATIVE, SECRETORY and ISCHEMIC phase. what hormone is at peak during what stage. etc. etc. 3. Causes of bleeding during pregnancy: Ectopic, abruptio and previa plus their nursing intervention. 4. Endometriosis and Endometritis. 5. IMCI : Pneumonia, Diarrhea and Dengue especially the breathing cut off [Eg. 6 0 for under 2 months], Acute/Chronic cutoff [Acute diarrhea and ear infection under 14 days]. The inter ventions for CHILD A, B and C. 6. COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING PROCESS: Assessment, Planning, Implementation and Ev aluation. refer to the DOH book please read this one. 7. Managerial principles. PODC. Types of budgets. Direct, indirect, cash, capita l, operational budgets. 8. Read pilleteri for : Characteristic of a toddler and preschool [ eg : asking

too many questions, negativistic for toddler. Preschool = associative, imaginary , see the world on his own point of view, superego development etc.] 9. POISONING: Lead, aspirin, etc. etc. this is the common cause of accident amon g toddlers. 10. Leukemia, Anemia and Sickle cell anemia, chemotherapy for pediatric clients. 11. NEWBORN SCREENING 12. Amniocentesis = VOID, Ultrasonography = DRINK, Leopolds Maneuver = VOID, Par acentesis = VOID 13. Changes during pregnancy [eg: Leukorrhea, braxton hicks, anemia] and what ch anges occurs early or late. Refer to Pillitteri 14. Pregnancy and nutrition: Balanced diet + 300 cal for pregnant. +500 cal for breastfeeding 15. PIH and MAGNESIUM SULFATE. [cns down, rr down, u/o down ] priority : RR NP3 AND NP4 1. Burns, Classification of Burns and Nursing Diagnosis for Burns, Drug use in b urns [Silver Sulfadiazine], Electrolyte changes in burn [Hyperkalemia, Hyponatermia]. The WHO Pain ladder sc ale, Pain medications especially Demerol, Morphine and Fentanyl. Remember that P AIN is the hardest part for the nurse in caring for a burned victim. Burn wounds heal by secondary intention. 2. Nursing diagnosis after anesthesia : RISK FOR INFECTION or INEFFECTIVE AIR CL EARANCE. 3. PACU MONITORING = Q15 , SURGICAL FLOOR MONITORING = Q30 4. Pancreatitis, Cholecystitis, Hepatitis. Morphine causes spasms in the sphinct er of oddi. Hepa B is caused by blood exchange. Hepa A is oro-fecal. both have v accines either passive or active but if already exposed, Give PASSIVE. 5. Diabetes mellitus, Metformin and contrast medium [stop metformin due to renal toxicity], Insulin rotation and administration, diabetes r/t footcare. Avoid we aring canvass shoes, check for the sensation, do not go outside without slippers . PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY. OHA drugs. 6. Electrolytes abnormality especially HYPOCALCEMIA and HYPER/HYPOKALEMIA. The E CG changes in potassium alteration, intervention and causes. 7. Myocardial infarction : ECG changes as well as nursing intervention. Causes a nd risk factors. Refer to BRUNNER. 8. Pharmacologic and Nonpharmacologic pain relief : Guided imagery, Biofeedback, Intrathecal [into the spinal canal directly to mix with csf] and epidural [ int o the epidural space ] pain management. side effects of morphine in elderly = PR URITUS and ALLERGIC RXN and RR DEPRESSION. Reason for intrathecal admininstratio n = prevent Blood brain barrier. 9. BREAST and CERVICAL cancer. Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment. 10. Management for a client with COLOSTOMY. The irrigation, diet and body image alteration as well as perioperative management of a client undergoing your ABDOM INAL PERINEAL RESECTION with permanent colostomy. Drugs given before APR such as neomycin and sulfasuzidine, Diet before APR [low fiber], normal color of the st oma just after APR [slightly bleeding, red and protruding] 11. Insulin administration, types and rotation. Refer to brunner. 1 inch away fr om each injection site, administer at room temp not cold to prevent lipodystroph y, abdomen has the fastest absorption. etc. etc. 12. Interventions during hypo- and hyperglycemia 13. Care of clients with hyper- and hypothyroidism, study TAPAZOLE/METHIMAZOLE a nd LUGOLS SOLUTION, PTU. Care of clients after thyroidectomy: Monitor for hypocal cemia teach clients HEAD SUPPORT by putting hands at the back of the neck before trying to move the head. 14. Tuberculosis and Leprosy, its early / late sign and symptoms. 15. Acute and Chronic renal failure. Causes [Post/pre/intra] and hemodialysis. 16. AGN, Rheumathoid and Ostearthritis, Bells Palsy and Trigeminal neuralgia 17. Study radiation and chemotherapy and their usual side effects [Skin burn, re dness, do not wet radiation mark]. Mammography, BSE, TSE, DRE, Prostate and Colo n cancer, Changes that occurs during elderly, Bladder, Colon and Cervical cancer Diagnostic examination/CEA, Proctosigmoidoscopy, Biopsy, Pap smear.

18. Laryngeal cancer and tracheostomy care. [refer to Kozier for tracheostomy ca re] NP5 1. In your Test V study the following: Anxiety and anxiety disorders, The level of anxiety and your anxiolytics, Schizophrenia: Paranoid type and Catatonic type and your nursing interventions for these clients as well as your priority nursi ng diagnosis. 2. Depression and your antidepressants, Mania, Personality disorders especially your Antisocial, Borderline and Paranoid. The defense mechanism use for differen t types of disorders and the priority NURSING DIAGNOSIS for each psychiatric dis orders, Antipsychotic drugs its side effects and nursing intervention for each s ide effects. 3. Electroconvulsive therapy, Thought process disturbance manifestation such as Clang Association, Pressured speech, Thought blocking, Word salad, perseveration etc. etc. Alteration in perception and thought like hallucination and delusion. Types of delusions eg. religious and persecutory. Activities and diet as well a s nursing diagnosis for a client with Mania, Depressed and Alzheimers/Dementia pa tient. 4. Eating disorders and the treatments of choice [Behavior therapy for Anorexia, Psychotherapy for the Personality Disorders, Cognitive therapy for depression ] Always answer STAY WITH THE CLIENT especially if the question is about anxiety di sorders and panic attacks. Always choose an option that will encourage verbaliza tion of feelings, never answer an option with the word WHY. 5. Study your countertransference and your transference, Glaucoma, Cataract and crutch/cane walking. The principles of body mechanics, cranial nerve functioning and how to assess them as well as their disturbances especially Bells and Trige minal Neuralgia. Menieres disease, Delirum, Dementia, CVA/Stroke pathophysiology and Factors. 6. Psychotherapy : Behavior therapy aversion, operant conditioning [positive rei nforcement] systematic desensitization. Cognitive therapy is the PSYCHOTHERAPY o f choice for depression. Study therapeutic milieu general pt management, environ mental manipulation, uses democratic leadership to test new patterns of behavior . Community meeting is the heart of milieu therapy. Pharmacotherapy: Drug classi fication and side effects of ANTIPSYCHOTIC, ANXIOLYTICS, ANTIMANIC [Tegretol, Li thium, Valproate] 7. Transfer of clients from BED to CHAIR as well as MOVING CLIENT UP IN BED [REA D KOZIER] 8. Supporting the client in: SUPINE [eg. prevent neck hyperextension by putting pillow], FOWLERS [prevent posterior curvature of the spine], DORSAL RECUMBENT [p revent hyperextension of the knee] AND SIDELYING position [Prevent lateral flexi on of the sternocleidomastoid] 9. Equipments for immobility : Trochanter roll/sandbags prevent external rotatio n of the hips. Pillow to support back, head, arms and shoulders. Footboard to pr event footdrop. Trapeze bar to move the client up in bed. Knee gatch or pillow t o slightly flex the clients knee. 10. INTRODUCE CHANGE GRADUALLY Study methods of implementing change such as FORC E FIELD ANALYSIS THE DRIVING AND THE RESTRAINING FORCES, FOCUS FIND ORGANIZE CLA RIFY UNDERSTAND SOLUTION. THE PDSA CYCLE PLAN DO STUDY ACT.

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