DEMISSION Brother Otis Saulsberry &amp Brother Conrad Taylor

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The Regular Grand Lodge of North Carolina Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons

In good standing with the Masonic High Council of the World


At the will and pleasure of: MW Grand Master Anthony Moore of Regular Grand Lodge of North Carolina, MW Bro Rodney Reed of Regular Lodge Tyler Ninety-Five No 2, MW Bro. Maury Black of Regular Lodge Tyler East No. 4, MW Bro. Clarence Johnson of Regular Lodge King Tyre No. 5,

To: the Officers, Past Officers, Members of all Regular Lodges of North Carolina, and all Brothers throughout Universe. Most Worthy Matron and members of the Adoptive Rite of the Order of Eastern Star, Greetings and salutations on this glorious day, may peace be with you all:
WHEREAS, The statues of the Regular Grand Lodge and Masonic High Council of North Carolina of the United States of America, provides for the holding of stated sessions and other gatherings as the need may require and further notifications be made by the secretary of these meetings to each officer and the various Lodges respectively.

The Regular Grand Lodge of North Carolina Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons
In good standing with the Masonic High Council of the World

Be it therefore known, THE RIGHT OF DEMISSION The word of demit is peculiarly and technically Masonic, and has no relation to the obsolete verb to demit, which signifies to let fall, to depress, to submit. A Freemason is said to demit is, in fact, the act which in any other society would be called a resignation. The right of demission is, then, an important right in its reference not only to the Brother who applies for it, but also to the Lodge and in this case the Grand Lodge which grants it, since its operation is dissolves all Masonic connection between the two parties. To exercise this right the Brother must be in good standing at the time of his request. Freemasonry is, in all respect a voluntary association, and as no one is expected or permitted to enter within its fold unless it be of his own free will and accord, so should be the performance of this and every other Masonic duty. This being said Brother Otis Saulsberry & Brother Conrad Taylor as requested to withdraw, to leave, to dismiss, themselves from all connections of the Regular Grand Lodge of North Carolina, As senior representative and officer within RGLNC, We have found Brother Otis Saulsberry and Brother Conrad Taylor to be unworthy of any acquaintance of any members within our assembly. In the array to be found in good standing all debts, property and items that maybe the property of a member also finding there to be no tides after the return of if any property that rightfully belong to The Regular Grand Lodge of North Carolina that if any that would be the owner of to keep the two parties connected, will honor and Grant his Request to dissolve All Masonic Connection All have the right of choice, to choose as these brothers have, so it shall be, let there be no brother are Sister to Communicate Masonry to Brother Saulsberry & Brother Conrad Taylor whom have relinquish the right to travel the true path of the righteous but learn the ways of the Step Sisters may they have peace in their endeavors Also: Brother Saulsberry being the founder of the Regular Joppa Lodge No. 3, if theres any brother that desire to Demit with him may go and Return all Documents, Materials and Items that rightfully Belongs to the RGLNC, But if three or more remain then so shell the Warrant so that the remaining Brothers may have peace in their endeavors. Also: If there be any other Member within the State that has the same desire, I solicit all to come forth to be recognized to withdraw your membership NOW so there maybe peace in this valley. This Grant shall be come factual in three businesses Days from the below date, all are hereby duly noted. Done under my hand, and The Great Seal of the Regular Grand Lodge of North Carolina Masonic High Council, of North Carolina of the United States of America, to affix hereto, this 7th day of April 2012 A.D., 6012 A:.L:.

The Regular Grand Lodge of North Carolina Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons
In good standing with the Masonic High Council of the World

/////S///// Joseph McMiller MHCNC

RW Grand Secretary

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