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`jxq AvjvPbv (GjwmGm `j) FGD (LCS Group)

cvvii bvg BDwbqb (UP)




Mvg Village:

mvvrKvi MnYKvix bvg Facilitator: bvU jLKi bvg Note taker: mvvrKvi MnYi ZvwiL Date of interview mvvrKvi MnYi mgq Time of interview
Section A. GjwmGm MVb I cvvi eevcbv (LCS formation and polder management)

1. Avcbv`i cvvi/ GjvKvq gvwU KvUv `j (f~wgnxb wVKv`vi mgvR, GjwmGm MVb) mK wevwiZ ejyb
a. KLb MwVZ nqQ (Kvb mvj), b. Zviv wK KvR Ki? c. Gi MVb wK cKi mv_ mKhy? cKwU wK? Please tell us about formation of this earthworks group (landless contracting society, LCS): a. How and when (mention year) was it formed b. What does it do? c. Is its formation linked to any project? What project?

2. GjwmGm mwKZ Aviv Z_ More information on LCS

a. LCS Gi m`m msLv KZ? How many members are there in this group/LCS? b. Avcbviv wKfve GB LCS `ji m`m njb?How did you become LCS member? c. GB LCS (Avcbv`i) `ji mi`vi K? Who is the head/leader of this LCS group? d. Avcbv`i KD wK WMG/WMA (BWDB) WMCA (LGED) Gi m`m? (ce: Kb ev Kb

bq, GZ wK evowZ Kvb myweav AvQ? Avcbviv wK m`m nZ Pvb?) Is anyone a member of a WMG/WMA (BWDB) or WMCA (LGED)? (Probes: Why or why not, is there any value added? Would they want to?)

3. eZgvb Avcbviv Kvb cK Ges gvwUi KvR KvR KiQb? Kvb msv/GbwRI A_vqb KiQ? What
projects and earthworks is this group currently engaged in? What agency(ies)/NGOs are funding this? a. GB Kvhg evevqb K wmv MnY Ki? KvRi wej cwikvai `vwqZ Kvi? Who takes decision of implementing the works? Who pays? b. KvRi wej wK mgqgZ I mwVK cwigvY cvIqv hvq? hw` bv nq, Avcbviv wKfve AwfhvM Kib? Is the payment timely and accurate? How do you complain if it is not?

4. Avcbviv mgZv ewi Rb Kvb cwkY cqQb wK bv? Kvb aiYi cwkY cqQb? Kviv w`qQ? Kviv
A_vqb KiQ? Has any training been received by this LCS groups members? What type of training, who provided it, who funded it?

5. Avcbviv (gwnjv I cyil m`m) KvR KiZ wMq Kvb wekl aibi mgmvq cob Ges Zv wKfve mgvavb
Kiv nq? What specific problems do LCS members (men and women) face and how are such problems resolved/ addressed?

6. LCS Gi gvag Avcbviv eQi KZw`b KvR cvb? mUv wK h_? hw` mviv eQi KvR bv cvb, Zvnj evwK
mgq wK KvR Kib? How many days of job do you get through the LCS? Is that number of days of job enough for you? If you do not get job for the whole year, what kind of work do you do in the time when there is no LCS job?

7. GjwmGm m`m nIqvi ci Avcbv`i RxebRxweKvq wK cwieZb GmQ? wK DbwZ nqQ? Has your
standard of living/ livelihoods improved after joining LCS? What improvement? Section B: Water Management and Agriculture

8. Avcbv`i wK Rwg Rgv AvQ? hw` _vK, mLvb wK Pvl (avb Ges gvQ) Kib GesKvb gmyg ? Do you
have land? If yes, what crops (including paddy and shrimp) do you cultivate? In what seasons?

9. eZgvb dmj I wPswo/gvQ Pvli Rb ? dmji Rb: ewi cvwb/ yBP _K Lvji cvwb/ cv/ Mfxi I AMfxi bjK~c/ cyKzi/ Ni / Abvb Drm wPswo/gvQ Pvli Rbt Iqvc`v MBU/ewgvwjKvbvaxb MBU/ cvBc/ mvBdzb/ wfZii bvjv/cv/ Mfxi I AMfxi bjK~c/ cyKzi/ Ab Ni / Abvb Drm
From where do you get water for your agriculture/aquaculture activities? Probe: For agriculture: BWDB Sluice gate/ Private sluice gate/ inner canal/ Low Lift Pump/ Pond/ Gher /other For aquaculture: BWDB Sluice gate/ Private Gate/ Inner canal/Pipe/ Syphone/ Form river or canal by Low Lift Pump/ Other gher/ Other type


Avcwb wK KvR cvwb eenvi Kib? (evwo/Lvevi cvwb, mP ev Kwl/ grm Pvl Kvb aiYi) KvbwU Avcbvi KvQ mePq iZc~Y Ges Kb? What do you use water for? What use is most important for you and why? hw` Avcwb cvwb eenvi wbq Kvb mgmvq cob Zvnj Kvi KvQ Ges Kv_vq AwfhvM Kib? hw` AwfhvM KiZ bv cvib, Ze Kb cvib bv? If you face any difficulty to use or access water, where have you go to complain and to whom? If no why? cvwb eevcbvq BDwbqb cwbl`i f~wgKv wK? GB f~wgKv wK evovbv ev Kgvbvi `iKvi AvQ? Kb? What is the role of Union Parishad in water management? Should it be increased or decreased. Why?



Section C: RbmvaviYi AskMnY Peoples Participation


Avcbv`i GjvKvq cvvi givgZ, BPMBU DVvbv bvgvbv BZvw` KvR Kivi Rb Kvb KwgwU y AvQ wK? wK KwgwU? KwgwUi bZv Kviv? KwgwU Avcbv`i gZvgZi g~j `q wK bv?

What do you know about formation of any committee to take care of the embankment repair/ sluice gate opening closing etc? What committee Who are the leaders? Do they listen to your opinions and make decisions that you think are good? Why or why not? miKvwi KwgwUwjZwK Kvb f~wgnxb m`m AvQ? mwgwZZ hvM`vb wKfve Avcbv`i cvwbi cvcZv ev Abvb RxweKvK mvnvh KiZ cvi? Are any landless people members in these committees? How would participation in committees help improve your access to water/livelihood? Avcbv`i GjvKvq Kvb Kvb GbwRI mwqfve KvR KiQ? Which NGOs are active in your area?



Section D: Riix Kvhg Emergency response

16. Avcbvi GjvKvq mwZ cvvi f _vKj Zvi KviY wK? Riwi cqvRb Avcbviv wKfve ZvrwYK givgZ KvR KiwQjb (Kviv hy wQj, Kviv GKwZ KiwQj, Kviv A_vqb KiwQj I Kviv ^Qvkg w`qwQj BZvw`)? Did the polder break recently/Aila in your
area? If, so, why did it break in your assessment? How did the community respond for immediate repair? (Who were involved, how was it organized, mobilized voluntary labor and funded?)

17. `yhvMKvjxb Ges cieZx mgq cvwZvwbK Ges AcvwZvwbK msvjv wKfve KvR KiwQj? How did the BWDB/LGED respond when repair work became essential? Was the
response timely and effective? Why or why not?


Riwi givgZ Kvhg fvjvfve mv`b Kivi Rb Avcbv`i civgk wK? Provide

some most important suggestions for better emergency response (try to keep it polder relevant).


Avcbv`i BDwbqb Kvb Kvb GbwRI KvR KiQ? List all other NGOs working in

this UP

Section E: mgvcwb AvjvPbv (Concluding discussion)

eZgvb Aev PjZ _vKj AvMgx 10 eQi ci (2022) Avcbv`i Mvg/BDwbqbi wP Kgb `vove?

If things continue as they are now, what will this village/union/polder look like in 2022?

21. Avcbv`i cvvii cvwb eevcbv Dbqbi Rb wK cwieZb `iKvi? wKfve cvwb eevcbvi
Dbqb Kiv hvq ej gb Kib?
How can water management in this polder area/village/union be improved?

22. Kvb cwZvb Gi evevqbi `vwqZ wbZ cvi? (cvwb Dbqb

evW/GjwRBwW/BDwc/GbwRI/wmweI/vbxq mvgvwRKwfwK msMVb)
Which organization should take care of polder management (BWDB/LGED/NGO/CBO/Local communities)?

23. Abvb ge, hw` Aviv wKQz ejZ Pvb? Additional (Avcbv`i abev`)

comments, if any.

Additional comments and notes by facilitator

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