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Prof. Dr.

Haluk Abbasoluna
65. Ya Armaan

Festschrift fr
Prof. Dr. Haluk Abbasolu
zum 65. Geburtstag

Suna - nan Kra Akdeniz Medeniyetleri Aratrma Enstits

Suna & nan Kra Research Institute on Mediterranean Civilizations

Prof. Dr. Haluk Abbasoluna

65. Ya Armaan

Festschrift fr
Prof. Dr. Haluk Abbasolu
zum 65. Geburtstag
II. Cilt


Yayna Hazrlayanlar


Suna - nan Kra Akdeniz Medeniyetleri Aratrma Enstits

Suna & nan Kra Research Institute on Mediterranean Civilizations



Armaan Kitaplar Dizisi: 1

Prof. Dr. Haluk Abbasoluna 65. Ya Armaan
Festschrift fr Prof. Dr. Haluk Abbasolu zum 65. Geburtstag
II. Cilt

Yayna Hazrlayanlar

zgr TUR AK

ISBN 978-605-4018-00-0
Suna - nan Kra Akdeniz Medeniyetleri Aratrma Enstits, Antalya 2008

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II. Cilt
Kaan ren

The Necropolis of Kyme Unveiled:

Some Observations on the New Finds ........................................................................................................................................................ 613
Havva kan

Pataradan bir Demos Kabartmas .............................................................................................................................................................. 639

lk zmirligil

Tarihi Sre iinde Koruma ve Gncel Sorunlar ......................................................................................................................... 649

Deniz Kaptan

Sketches on the Archaeology of the Achaemenid Empire in Western Turkey . ...................................... 653
ehrazat Karagz

Travma Tarihi (Travmalogos) .............................................................................................................................................................................. 661

Ute Kelp

Darber wachen Verderben und Schrecken und Todeslos Erinyen als Grabwchter:
Zum Eunuchengrab in Anazarbos (Kilikien) .................................................................................................................................... 675
Zeynep Koel Erdem

mparator Hadrianus Dnemi Mimari Sslemeleri:

Stun Yivleri arasndaki Vazo Benzeri Motifler ............................................................................................................................... 699
Wolf Koenigs

Die Erscheinung des Bauwerks. Aspekte klassischer und hellenistischer Oberflchen . .............. 711
Taner Korkut

Adak Sunaklar Inda Likyada Artemis Klt . ........................................................................................................................... 727

R. Eser Kortanolu

Phrygiada Makedonia Kalkan Bezemeleri ile Sslenmi bir Kaya Mezar ve

Mezar Sahibinin Kkeni zerine ...................................................................................................................................................................... 735
Veli Kse

Dionysos Felicitas Bereket

Kk Asya Ta Ustalarnn Roma Mimarlk Sslemelerine Katksna bir rnek:
Kvrml Sarmak Dal .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 747
Hasan Kuruyazc

stanbulda Beyazt Meydan: Oluumu Geliimi Deiimi ..................................................................................... 759

Ingrid Laube

Eine frhkaiserzeitliche Bste in Tbingen ........................................................................................................................................ 773


Wolfram Martini

Perge und seine Akropolis:

Zur Funktion der Akropolis in der frhen und mittleren Kaiserzeit . ................................................................. 779
Friederike Naumann-Steckner

Eine glckbringende Pressblechfibel im Rmisch-Germanischen Museum

der Stadt Kln ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 799
E. Emine Naza-Dnmez

znik Yeil Camii ve Trk Mimarisindeki Yeri . .................................................................................................................................. 807

Mihriban zbaaran

9000 Yllk Bezemeli Kiretalar ........................................................................................................................................................................ 833

Akm zdizbay

Pamphylia - Perge Tarihi ve Roma mparatorluk Dnemi ncesi Pergenin Geliimi:

Gncel Aratrmalar Inda Genel bir Deerlendirme ..................................................................................................... 839
Eylem zdoan

Trakyada bir Tmls Mezarl: Dokuzhyk ............................................................................................................................. 873

Mehmet zdoan

Krklareli Aa Pnar Kazsnda Bulunan Arkaik Dneme ait bir Zar ............................................................... 883
Ramazan zgan

Adana Arkeoloji Mzesinde Bulunan Klasik a Sonlarna ait bir Mezar Ta . ................................... 891
Hseyin Murat zgen

Latmos Dalarnda bir Snr Yerleimi Gzeltepe . .................................................................................................................... 899

Mehmet zhanl

Alanya Mzesindeki Kilikya Kaynakl Tun a Pimi Toprak Figrinleri ............................................ 911
Mehmet zsait Nesrin zsait H. Il zsait Kocaba

Senitli Stelleri . ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 923

Hatice Pamir

Antakya (Antiocheia ad Orontes)daki Baz Hamam Yaplarnn Yeniden Deerlendirilmesi

F Hamam, Narlca Hamam ve ekmece Hamam . ................................................................................................................. 945
David Parrish

A Selection of Late Roman and Early Byzantine Mosaics from Constantinople-Istanbul:

A Prelude to the Corpus of the Mosaics of Turkey ..................................................................................................................... 963
Urs Peschlow

Das Sdtor von Perge ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 971

Felix Pirson

Akzidentelle Unfertigkeit oder Bossen-Stil?

berlegungen zur siebten Basis der Ostfront des Apollontempels von Didyma .................................. 989
Jeroen Poblome Markku Corremans Philip Bes Kerlijne Romanus Patrick Degryse

It is never too late

The Late Roman Initiation of Amphora Production in the Territory of Sagalassos . .................... 1001
Richard Posamentir

Ohne Mass und Ziel?

Bemerkungen zur Sulenstrasse von Anazarbos im Ebenen Kilikien .............................................................. 1013


Friedhelm Prayon

Ein Felsdenkmal in Kappadokien ................................................................................................................................................................. 1035

Wolfgang Radt

Ein ungewhnliches Pfeilerkapitell in Pergamon ..................................................................................................................... 1045

Wulf Raeck

Ein attischer Skyphos mit Perserdarstellung ................................................................................................................................... 1051

Matthias Recke

Zwei parische Sphingen aus Kleinasien:

Eine archaische Doppelweihung an Artemis Pergaia ........................................................................................................... 1057
Frank Rumscheid

Ein in situ entdecktes Kohlenbecken aus dem Haus des Lampon in Priene:
Neues zur Verwendung, Chronologie, Typologie und technischen Entwicklung
hellenistischer Kohlenbecken ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1077
Turgut Saner

Karaman-Badada Hellenistik(?) Yap Grubu II .................................................................................................................... 1091

Mustafa H. Sayar

Karasis Kalesinin (Kozan, Adana) Tarihlenmesi ve levi zerine Dnceler . ................................. 1097
Hakan Sivas

Eskiehir Karatuzla Nekropol ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1105

M. Baha Tanman

Anadolu Trk Mimarlnda Kullanlm bir Silme Trnn Kkeni

ve Geliimi hakknda ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1123
Mete Tapan

Yap Boyutunda Koruma ve Uygarlk likisi zerine ............................................................................................................ 1135

Ouz Tekin

A Small Hoard of Drachms of Ariobarzanes I and II from Tire Museum ................................................... 1137
Recai Tekolu

On the Epichoric Inscription from Perge ........................................................................................................................................... 1143

Veysel Tolun

Assos Nekropolnden Tahtta Oturan Kadn Heykelcikleri ........................................................................................ 1147

zgr Turak

Perge Bat Nekropolisinden bir Mezar: Artemonun Kenotaphionu ............................................................. 1157

Taciser Tfeki Sivas

Karakaya Frig Kaya Mezar . .................................................................................................................................................................................... 1169

Fsun Tlek

Kilikya Ak ykleri: Mozaikte mgelenmi Antik Yazn .................................................................................................. 1177

Mjde Trkmen

Perge Aa ehir Surlar . ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 1187

Mkerrem Usman Anabolu

Tokat Mzesindeki Mermer Trophaion Tasviri . ....................................................................................................................... 1201

Burhan Varkvan

Antalya Kaleiinde Ta Mimarideki Teknik Sreklilie ilikin bir Gzlem ............................................. 1205

Remzi Yac

A Grave at Soli Hyk from the Hittite Imperial Period .................................................................................................. 1217
Oya Yaz

Tekirda Arkeoloji Mzesindeki Ainos ve Maroneia Sikkeleri ............................................................................... 1227

Levent Zorolu

Kelenderis ve Karaall Nekropolleri:

Klasik aa ait ki Mezarlk hakknda Dnceler . ................................................................................................................. 1235

I. Cilt
Suna - nan Kra

SUNU ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. XIII

nci Delemen Sedef okay-Kepe Akm zdizbay zgr Turak

Pergeli bir Euergetese .................................................................................................................................................................................................... XV

M. Taner Tarhan

Anlar .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
zgen Acar

Pergede Pandorann Kutusu .................................................................................................................................................................................. 17

Mustafa Adak

Winde am Pamphylischen Golf ............................................................................................................................................................................... 45

Hsamettin Aksu

Satrap Lahdinin Transkripsiyonu ................................................................................................................................................................... 55

Yldz Akyay Meriboyu

Akhaemenidlerden Osmanlya Benek Motifi .......................................................................................................................... 61

N. Eda Akyrek ahin

Eine neue Ehrung fr den Kaiser Domitian aus Bursa ............................................................................................................. 79

Gven Arsebk

~ M.S. 1492 Yl ncesi Dnemde Kuzey Amerikada Tarihncesi Toplumlar

(Kzlderililer) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 83
Smer Atasoy

Zonguldak - Filyos (Tios/Tieion/Tion/Tianos/Tieum) Kurtarma Kazs ....................................................... 91

. Akan Atila

1993 Yl Aksu Anadolu retmen Lisesi Kazs n Raporu .............................................................................................. 99

M. Nezih Aytalar

The Collaboration of the Painters on Some South Ionian Orientalizing Vases ..................................... 109
Martin Bachmann

Lichtvolle Perspektiven. Ein Fensterglasfund aus Bau Z in Pergamon ............................................................. 117

Nur Balkan-Atl

Obsidiyenin Gemiten Gnmze Yolcuu. Yar Bilimsel Yar rek (Ezoterik) bir Yaz ........ 127
Cevat Baaran

Pariondan Persiaya Yol Gider ............................................................................................................................................................................ 133

Dani Baykan

Assos Athena Tapnann Herakles-Kentauroslar Frizi iin Yeni bir Tmleme nerisi .......... 139
Oktay Belli

Dou Anadolu Blgesinin En Eski ve zgn Banyo Odas:

Van-Yoncatepe Saray Banyosu ve Kveti .................................................................................................................................................. 145
Handan Bilici Binnur Grler

Kaystros Ovasnda Roma mparatorluk maj:

Buluntularla Kltr ve Kimlii Tanmlamak ...................................................................................................................................... 159
Jrgen Borchhardt Erika Bleibtreu

Von der Pferdedecke zum Sattel: Antike Reitkunst zwischen Ost und West .............................................. 167
Christine Bruns-zgan

Notre me est heureuse et notre coeur en joie!

Zu einer neuen Stockwerkstele aus Harran ......................................................................................................................................... 217
Selma Bulgurlu Gn

Die Nischen der Plancia Magna an der Aussenmauer

der Palstra der Sdthermen in Perge ....................................................................................................................................................... 233
Mustafa Bykkolanc

Side Dionysos Tapnana ilikin Yeni Bulgular ........................................................................................................................... 259

Hseyin Cevizolu

oniada Arnma Gereleri: Louterion, Perirrhanterion, Asamynthos / Pyelos ..................................... 283

Aye alk Ross

Bir Kadn Portresi: Agrippina Maior (?) .................................................................................................................................................. 309

A. Vedat elgin

Termessostan Sorunlu bir Agona Ik Tutan bir Agonistik Yazt Fragmenti . ........................................... 315
Nevzat evik

Kitanaura: Dou Likyada bir Kent ................................................................................................................................................................. 327

Altan ilingirolu

Urartu Tapnaklar Kutsal Odalarnda Taht Var Mdr? ...................................................................................................... 341

Sedef okay-Kepe

Sa nesi? Maryonet? reke?

Pergede Bulunmu Aphrodite Betimli bir Eser zerine Tanmlama Denemesi .................................. 347
zg mezolu

Demre (Myra) Aziz Nikolaos Kilisesinde Bulunan Cam Hac ieleri .............................................................. 351
Natalie de Chaisemartin

Heros cavaliers et Eros chasseurs sur un sarcophage dAphrodisias .................................................................... 359

nci Delemen

Pergeden bir Yemek Sahnesinde Bat Yanklar ........................................................................................................................... 371

Ali Dinol Belks Dinol

Neue hethitische Siegelabdrcke aus den Ausgrabungen

von Soli und aus der Privatsammlung Halk Perk . .................................................................................................................... 383
Meltem Doan-Alparslan

Hitite Metinlerde Reverans Yapmak: aruwai- ve hink- Fiilleri zerine bir Deneme .................... 389

evket Dnmez

Halk Perk Mzesinden Orta-Kuzey Anadolu Kkenli bir Grup Metal Eser ........................................... 405
Turan Efe

Demircihyk ve Klloba T I-II Katlarnda Ele Geirilmi Olan

bir Grup Boyunlu mlek ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 413
Ylmaz Selim Erdal

Pergeden bir Trepanasyon: Olas Nedenleri .................................................................................................................................... 421

Rifat Erge

Gaziantepte Gemiten Bugne l Gmme Gelenekleri ............................................................................................ 435

Grkan Ergin

Geography-Human Relationships in Ancient Sources:

Some Remarks on Geopolitics and Environmental Determinism ........................................................................... 449
Norbert Eschbach

Eine ungewhnliche Hydria von der Akropolis in Perge ................................................................................................... 463

Axel Filges

Die Mnzbilder der Artemis Pergaia

Bemerkungen zu Tradierung und Wandel von Motiven .................................................................................................... 479
Turan Gkyldrm

Etenna Definesi (1991) ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 505

Emre Gldoan

Akl Hyk Srtmeta Endstrisi Kesiciler ve Dier Ara, Silah ve Aletler Grubu ......................... 521
Ahmet Gle

.. Rektrl Mercan Kaps emelerinde Koruma Uygulamalar . ............................................................. 531

Reha Gnay

Side Antik Tiyatrosu Sahne Binas 1992-2006 Yllar almalar Sonucu n Rapor . ..................... 541
Bilge Hrmzl

Remarks on Local Imitations of Import Pottery in the Sixth Century B.C.:

Clazomenian Chalices ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 557
Fahri Ik

Mopsos Mitosu ve Bilimsel Gerekler: Perge ve Karatepenin Kuruluu zerine ................................. 571
Gl In

Pataradan Terrakotta bir Portre-Bst ........................................................................................................................................................ 587

Zhre ndirka

Gustave Moreau
Tarihselci Resim ve Oidipus ve Sfenks zerine konografik Yorumlar ......................................................... 601

On the Epichoric Inscription from Perge

Recai Tekolu*

Professor G. Neumann, whose great memory I will always remember, kindled in me the enthusiasm to study in the field of ancient Anatolian languages with his papers. One of his last works
titled Eine epichorische Inschrift was published in Die Akropolis von Perge 1. Survey und Sondagen
1994-1997 edited by H. Abbasolu and W. Martini in 2005. The fragmentary inscription that he
treated in this article was on the bottom of a crater found on the acropolis of Perge (inv.no. K
14.95.13). It gave him the opportunity to discuss an epichoric script from Perge dating back to
the sixth century B.C. Neumann read the fragmentary inscription as dai, seeing a resemblance
with the alphabetic signs of the Sidetian inscriptions. Even though he stated that there was more
than a gap of 200 hundred years between the archaeological date of this material and the early
appearance of the Sidetian signs on the coins of the fourth century B.C., he thought that a reading of the local script was possible on the basis of a comparison with the Sidetian. According to
his analysis the reading may concern a personal name like * or , abbreviated forms
of the Greek . It could appear in the form of dai in the Sidetian language.
On the occasion of celebrating the 65th birthday of carissimus magister H. Abbasolu, I am
pleased to present a new evaluation of this epichoric inscription from Perge. My results are as
1) A dating in the early sixth century B.C. is likely as several testimonies of epigraphic basis with
local scripts of fragmentary nature and of unknown origin like those in Sardis, Aphrodisias,
and others from Asia Minor also belong to the same time.
2) The script direction is sinistrorse; at least the Signs 2, 3 and 4 here give the impression that
were they cut into the surface from left to right.
3) The character of the script seems to be alphabetic as observed by Neumann.
4) Five signs can be counted in the inscription (fig. 1). As the four signs in Neumanns suggestion of reading can be really interpreted as dai when compared with the Sidetian signs, I will
not follow the same method, mainly because the Sign 5 was not attested among the Sidetian
signs. I will focus mainly on the interpretation of this sign.
Sign 1: not considered as a sign by Neumann.
Sign 2: as seen by Neumann.
Sign 3: as seen by Neumann.
Sign 4: seems to be rho reversed.

* Do.Dr. Recai Tekolu, Akdeniz niversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakltesi, Eskia Dilleri ve Kltrleri Blm Kampus 07058

Antalya - Trkiye.


Recai Tekolu

Sign 5: Neumann made a sketch like the transliteration of the Sidetian , as he thought that
the sign was varied in the form of Qoph known only in the Canaanite script on seals and precious small stones1. In fact it may belong to the western tradition in the Aegean area instead
of the Semitic. It shares a similarity in form with a certain sign known from some stamps and
graffiti from Sardis2 and in the so-called Psychro inscription from the island of Crete3.
The reading of a stamp on a fragmentary tile from Sardis (fig. 2) was suggested to be a ligature
writing of the word art, possibly an abbreviated form for a personal or divine name in Artimu
or Artima in Lydian or the sign of a manufacturer4. Meanwhile, the fragment of a simple bowl
rim (fig. 3), datable to the late seventh early sixth century B.C., included a ligature of two
letters and could be read as ati?5.
The tree symbols of the Psychro Inscription are more problematic (fig. 4). Since its publication, the authenticity and bilingualism of the inscription have been a matter of dispute6. Many
of the scholars who dedicated papers on the decipherment of the inscription sought a certain
connection of the symbols with some contents of Linear A and B and hieroglyphic Cretan
scripts7. We shall not discuss here the Psychro Inscription, but express that the sign under
examination is completely the same with that in the Psychro Inscription. We can suppose that
the sign was in use as a symbol or as a letter in some way in western Anatolia and maybe also in
the Aegean area. I see no reason to think that it was derived from a Semitic qoph model.
5) A reading of the inscription can not be suggested as it will always be hypothetic.
6) It is the earliest sample of any written material known so far in Pamphylia. It precedes the Sidetian by 200 years and the Pamphylian Greek dialect nearly by 250 years, as pointed out by
Neumann. Was indeed any script model in practice in Pamphylia at this time? We cannot be
sure about this issue without additional examples of the script in the region. First of all, the use
of a certain and defined script in practice needs a consensus in the social, economic, and governmental administration, and the attestation is sufficiently frequent. It seems likely to me that
the inscription from Perge represents a single case. In other words here the script itself may be
an instrument of a vigorous and expert manufacturer / entrepreneur to define his products.
What could its language be? As we know from the epigraphic documents found in the region
of the Hellenistic and Roman periods, some Pamphylian cities spoke different languages which
were connected to both the Greek and Anatolian substrata. But it is observed that even in the
Late Roman Imperial period the Pamphylian region may furnish a new epigraphic testimony of
an unknown language origin. Discussions on pre-classical languages of Pamphylia are apt to be
limited to assumptions at the present time.
For the development and diffusion of the script in Asia Minor, the inscription of Perge like
the other graffiti datable to the sixth century B.C. and onwards may play a role to discuss the existence of the tendency towards the use of script among individuals and particularly kerameikoi
before any Semitic, Greek, or Persian influence.
1 Neumann 2005: 165.
2 Gusmani 1975: pl. 31 A 3.1 and 52 B 2.8.
3 Marinatos 1958: 227ff.
4 Gusmani 1975: 36.
5 Gusmani 1975: 76.
6 Cf. Kritzas 2004 [2006]: 255-261. He was of the opinion that it was a modern fake.
7 Brice 1959: 330; Davis 1961: 26-35; Raison Brixhe 1961: 127-136; Gordon 1962: 213 ff; Stieglitz 1976: 84-86; Andray 1978:

4-46; Brown 1978: 43-46; Finkelberg 2002/2003[2006]: 95-97. Cf. Neumanns review (1962) on Davis publication.

On the Epichoric Inscription from Perge


Andray, C.
The Eteocretan Inscription from Psychro,
Kadmos 17.1: 4-46.
Brown, R.B.
Eteocretan Inscription from Psychro, Kadmos 17.2: 43-46.
Davies, S.
The Phaistos Disk and the Eteocretan Inscriptions from Psychro and Praisos, Johannesburg.
Finkelberg, M.
Eteocretan Inscription from Psychro and
Goddess of Thalamai, Minos 37/38: 95-97.
Gordon, C.H.
Eteocretan, JNES 21.3: 211-214.
Gusmani, R.
Neue epichorische Schriftzeugnisse aus Sardis, Harvard.

Marinatos, S.
Grammatn Didaskalia, Minoica. Festschrift fr J. Sundwall, ed. E. Grumach, Berlin: 226-231.
Neumann, G.
Rec. Davis, S., The Phaistos Disk and the
Eteocretan Inscriptions from Psychro and
Praisos, 1961, Gnomon 34: 574-578.
Eine epichorische Inschrift, Abbasolu H.
W. Martini (Hrsg.) Die Akropolis von Perge
1. Survey und Sondagen 1994-1997, Mainz:
Raison J. C. Brixhe
Compte rendu de Minoica, Kratylos 4: 127136.
Stieglitz, R.
The Eteocretan Inscription from Psychro,
Kadmos 15: 84-86.

Recai Tekolu


Fig 1 The inscription from Perge

Fig. 2 A stamp from Sardis

Fig. 3 A graffito from Sardis

Fig. 4 Enigmatic signs of the Psychro inscription

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