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Category CRM

Type Security/Access

Frequently Asked Question Can all PM and above roles view visibility of opprtunities information by default? Can an account managers calendar be seen? Is it possible to track what deals/leads Account Managers are working on?






Security/Access Functionalilty



Does an AM get the visibility to an opportunity created by a PM by virtue of relationship if a PM reports to AM? Is it possible to provide visibility of opportunities to designated PMs Any flag to differentiate key customers and normal? For example message campaign only to key customers Can a CP update the data in CRM system?


Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty

Can an Opportunity be tagged to two different companies or do we have to create trisects? Can meetings / conversations with customers be maintained in the system? Can the contacts in ESA be exported / imported to/from a file or say Microsoft Outlook Contact's?


Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty

Can we enter new business from current customers in the system? Can we maintain customer hierarchy by geography? Contact management- not currently used fully in CRM. How is it used for Europe? CRM is going to give visibility into all the opportunities in a practice to the Top management Can we customize the view such that any opportunity < 1M consolidates to Miscellaneous projects account wise. This will help to reduce the number of rows in t Diff between Company and Customer in ESA implementation (is there a 1 to many relationship) Do we consider Contract renewal as an Opportunity?









Does Potential have confidence %?



For creation of new Company, AM/AE may not have full details of the company. Our understanding is that DMG would use Hoovers database to get the exact company information. Please confirm. Has the ESA team begun the process of getting company/customer data so DMG can create this data within compass? How about moving a customer from one vertical to another vertical? How are alliances and partners setup?




Functionalilty Functionalilty



How can the customers be grouped?


Functionalilty Functionalilty



How do we handle 1-2 people project in Opportunity Management? How does someone export a list of all his/her opportunities from CRM to Excel? I know the spreadsheet icon in CRM exports data to Excel, but we couldn't find a view that would allow us to export a list of all of someone's opportunities. Does this functionality exist? If so, what view should be used to do this? How is a very large new deal handled where a customer could potentially give a number of projects? How sister companies can be created?





How the notification mechanism works while creating opportunities in CRM? Who are the people who get notification messages through e-mail? How to delete an opportunity?




Functionalilty Functionalilty

How would DMG ensure data quality if there is a change in contact details? In CRM while choosing Strategic Opportunity one of the criteria is that the project should be an Intermediary Driven Opportunity What is Intermediary Driven Opportunity?



In customer contact, can one create a contact tree, which describes the client organization hierarchy. This way it would be easy to identify if the efforts are being spent on the right client people i.e. the real decision makers. Do we such functionality in CRM Is Contract mandatory for initiation of Online / Go Forward Project? Will e-mail approval do? Can we recognize revenue against this project? Is CRM system going to be integrated with any other application? Is it possible to form a relationship between 2 opportunities? As an example, in large accounts, if 2 account managers enter opportunities which are closely related, is it possible to relate them? Is it possible to track status of the lead?




Functionalilty Functionalilty





Is there a way to upload proposal related documents in CRM?


Functionalilty Functionalilty

List of data that flows from CRM opportunity to ESA Partner involved (what about Cognizant as a sub when going to a customer?)



Product Group: Once you save, the system doesnt allow you to change. Is it a function?



Should opportunity be in CRM to create a Project ID?





Total SOW Value / contracts values for any external projects not shown in project general information pages/subsequent pages? TSAs currently create customers why is this being changed?



What about Old (historical) Customer data? Will it get migrated in the new system?


Functionalilty Data Query Functionalilty

What are the changes in the customer code creation form? What does (AE) stands for? What happens when parent company changes?



What is "type" under opportunity? It says it can be either potential or project. But an opportunity is always potential, right?


Functionalilty Functionalilty

What is meant by Horizontal Solution1, 2 etc? What does a value of 25 mean in this field? What is the 360 degree view?



What is the difference between the types "Potential" and Project" in the opportunity forecast page (CRM)?


Functionalilty Functionalilty

What is the equivalent of Hoovers for Europe? What is the link between resource management and CRM?



What the rationale behind having DMG under the finance organization?



When I go to My Account, what will get listed?




Functionalilty Functionalilty

When we search for a contact in CRM, our understanding is that the contact search is done across the entire database and not across the practice alone. Please confirm. Where will it be located? And will the contact details be published? Who uses the current contact management available in the CRM system?



Why did we choose CRM for Customer data? Is there no equivalent in ESA? Will project details from CRM flow into Prolite? Will the customer creation form be online or a manual form? Will we have divisions of customers also created as customer? Now that opportunity is tracked on CRM. Is there any plan to attach revenue forecast with CRM?


Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty





Are we going to do budgeting & resource forecasting in CRM?



Is there any thought to integrate emails to CRM? If not, what are reasons why this is not being done. Most of the Managers feel that its a cumbersome to maintain Calendar reminders/Task reminders in CTS emails and in CRM system. We have to enter opportunities in CRM as well as forecast in E-Forecaster. Are we not entering information twice?





What is the purpose of an Account team?



Who can be opportunity owner in an Account?



Why am I unable to create opportunities for an account I am responsible for?


Data Query

What are the criteria to decide on the visibility of an opportunity?


What steps do I need to ensure as a Horizontal BDM to create an opportunity in CRM?


Data Query

Why do I see some duplicate opportunities in my account?



Why should I create an opportunity for creating projects in ESA?



What is opportunity synchronization in CRM?



Why am I being asked to fill the project creation template?


Data Query

Why am I receiving emails from ESA application when I am not the project manager and my role involves Business Development?



Questions have also come from Delivery Directors that they would like to view all the projects under their customer in such case will the delivery director be able to click on the customer listed here and view project details by click on the project I am not able to see myself as the PM for my Project or not able to view Project Costing link







A project can have only one PM at any point of time. If so, is the AM dependant on the assigned PM for making any changes in ESA? After releasing the resources to which project or pool does the released resource get allocated?





AM should have the ability to approve all expenses within his account since AM is responsible for profitability. Is there any time limit between the actual expense date and expense report submission date?



Are there any other companies doing the same kind of ESA Implementation? Are we going to replace or link e-Forecaster with ESA? As per the defined activities for Proposal project against which activity can we record the travel and expenses? Assuming that the offshore PM is assigned as PM in ESA, Is the Onsite PM dependant on Offshore PM for making any changes in ESA? Can a project be changed from a Fixed-bid to a T&M after completion of a milestone? For ex: Pilot is in T&M but the actual implementation is Fixed-bid Can an individual see what project they are assigned to and who is the PM of that project?


Functionalilty Enhancement











Can at some stage the proposal project activities be billed to the customer? If yes, how this can be accomplished through the system ? Can I use ESA to create Staff augmentation project?





Can Onsite Approver see expenses approved by offshore approver or can offshore approver see those approved by onsite approver? Can PM of the project see all the expenses approved by offshore and onsite approvers if PM himself is not the approver? Can some one let me know if there is a way to suppress / block such messages by giving an 'OK' till end of project date and avoid such daily mails / messages ? (without change of PM option). Case here - Project End Dates Can the Account Manager view Projects / Resources in the account based on the Customer ID?





Can the AM allocate cost from the Unbilled AM/CP project to various EXTN projects in his account? Basically a peroration of his own cost. Can the delivery manager view and modify all the service orders created by the project managers reporting to him? Can the PCB see the project financials?






Functionalilty Functionalilty Enhancement

Can the PM assign multiple PBCs in one project? Can we change the resource class value Labour resource to something else Can we change the resource class value Labour resource to something else Can we create multiple bench projects at account level? Can we have more insight on the Project billing coordinator roles and responsibilities Do Go-Forward & proposal projects go through same process of Contracts setup?


Functionalilty Functionalilty





Do I need to do anything if one of my associates moves to a different work location?


Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty

Do we get automatic e-mail trigger from the new ESA T&E system for allocations and expenses? Do we have delivery manager role on ESA? Does the AM need to be assigned to all EXTN projects in his account? Or is it by default that he would have access to all projects and then he can fill up the timesheet accordingly? Enterprise Program Tree is in ESA System. One of the CA's jobs is to add the project to the Enterprise Tree under appropriate Node after updating the project attributes. Even when theoretically the direct assignment for External and External-Anticipated projects is not allowed, the system allows us to do a direct assignment of resource by selecting an employee id & role. But it doesn't confirm the assignment & doesn't all Every associate has access to default projects like Bench, Rcrmt. Can the associate track hours across these projects. Existing projects data and tagging of horizontals and verticals to a project - we heard in a lot of cases that Horizontals were not being tagged correctly and they wanted to see the converted data to sign off? For approvals, can we tag separate PM's for a project at offshore & onsite?













For External Anticipatory projects, do we need to provide PO details? For online projects or GoForward projects how is the notification mechanism work? Who are people in the distribution list? Go Forward Project - Is expense an activity that is created in the go forward project. The PPT is has conflicting information. How can we tag a project to our business Unit ? How do I know I am a Project Manager in ESA? How do we handle PMO projects? What will be the Project Type for this? Will it be EXTN or EXTAN or INTNL or UAMCP? The cost for this currently gets attached to the Account under Direct Costs. If it is treated as INTNL project, it will not come under the Account cost. Also, PMO projects are typically NonBillable and dont have a contract. EXTN or EXTAN are projects needing contracts. How do we handle PMO projects? What will be the Project Type for this? Will it be EXTN or EXTAN or INTNL or UAMCP? How is project closure done part of ESA? How is the Percent Complete for a project being populated? How this implementation maps to our onsite-offshore model? I.e. what is the role of an off-shore delivery manager and an onsite AM/PM?






Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty


Functionalilty Functionalilty




Functionalilty Functionalilty

How to assign a PBC. Is he the Onsite approver, offshore approver in the User fields? How will program manager view the project details (different tab details of projects through enterprise program tree path)



I am a Project Manager / Client Partner / Account Manager / Ops Lead but I am unable to see my customer projects



I am a Project Manager but I dont seem to have the right access in ESA?



I am a Project Manager. What should I do to insure I maintain assignments properly in ESA?


Functionalilty Functionalilty

If a PM assigns a PBC in the project, will he lose his PM access to the project? If a resource is 75% allocated on a project. Where does the 25% costing reflect (on practice deployable pool or Account holding him for 75 %?)? If it is just flagging off current PM and flagging new temporary PM, then what is difference between permanent Pm change and temporary PM change over a short duration? If the AM decides to appoint a PBC for all the projects within his account then our understanding is that the PBC would need to be assigned to all the all projects first. Please confirm. If the horizontals are added to the proposal project will there be any impact to the account profitability report? In case a PM end date has passed and if the PM is trying to release an onsite resource who is Onsite PBC for the project, the system doesnt allow the release and says associate is an onsite/offshore approver and hence the assignment cannot be released In the current project if we do business development where do we book time?













In the project general fields, can the user filed be changed multiple times?




Functionalilty Functionalilty

Is it possible to make the project creation form and customer creation form online instead of sending out e-mails? Considering that many projects under existing customers would be created as online projects managers want to reduce the overhead of followin Is it required to close a Proposal Project? Is there a link between resource forecast outside & on ESA?



Once a project approaches end date, the PM will have access to extend the project end date or send mail to CA for project closure Please confirm Organization Hierarchy : Will it be possible for Delivery Manager to see all the projects under his BU? Please provide the meaning for the reason codes assigned while updating the location for a particular assignment.






Functionalilty Functionalilty


Functionalilty Functionalilty

Printing the Claim, can the server name, pdf format, window can be defaulted? Program tree - Currently, program tree doesn't seem to be set up in the training instance. Our understanding is that when we go live, the program tree would be set up at the BU level within a practice. For e.g. in BFS, we have US North East as a BU and our understanding is that North East BU head would be able to see all the customer, projects and resources for his BU by using the program tree. Please confirm. Project Closure - What is the scope for ESA Phase 1 & 2? Project creation is done thru Excel sent by mail to Contract Admin group? How will the Contract Admin validate that duplicate projects are not created if the request comes from different PMs / AM? Does the CA group have a designated set of PMs for Account Project info mgmt: Whose responsibility is it? Offshore PM or Onsite PM? Should projects be kept in "Open" status until the project closure audit is complete? If the manager releases himself, he will not be able to provide the details for the audit, right? Should the expense be entered in ESA from Apr 4th?


Functionalilty Functionalilty





There are scenarios where PM assignment has ended for the project and the PM still has the full access to the project. Is this intentional? (or) should the PM not have access beyond the end date ? In such case who would be the PM for the project ? Total SOW Value / contracts values for any external projects not shown in project general information pages/subsequent pages? Training time - should this be policy time or project time? We need to have provision for delegating the PM activities to other responsible individual during the times when PMs are not available. Can this be accomplished through the system? What about activities like campus projects where large number of people need to log time like campus recruitment? What are the control reports on project allocations that Practice can run? Can we still run LOB reports?




Functionalilty Functionalilty






Functionalilty Functionalilty

What if people put in actual hours and ask for compensation for the additional hours worked? What is the enterprise program tree?



What is the generic email ID that PMs have to send the project template to for creating online projects?




Functionalilty Functionalilty


Functionalilty Functionalilty

What is the restriction on Bench projects? Can any project manager create a Bench project? Or is it by AM through CA with VH approval? How about offshore? What is the SLA for company creation by DMG? When the project is moved to Go forward stage, can the Account Manager assign a different PM to take this project forward? When will I get Access as PM to my Project Where is Project Budget updated in ESA from PPW?





Where to log the cost for recruitment expenses. (On your point about Recruitment cost, here is an extension - It has been told that there would be an internal project called recruitment. Is this at account or practice level. Will this be visible to all associates within the project? For time spent on recruitment in campus interviews, will HR need to create a separate project and assign the associates or the associate can book his cost under the generic recruitment project? In this case the cost can hit the account profitability. ) While closing the project the PM closes any open SO's, releases resource (with status as "complete") and releases himself from the project. The PM then sends an email to the CA informing him about the projects end. The CA changes the project status as "complete". Once any pending revenue from the project is realized the CA updates the status to "Closed" upon which the ESA system automatically triggers an email to the PM. Who creates the UAMCP, INTNL etc - CA? Based on whose input?




Functionalilty Functionalilty

Who will the RAMS supervisor be and where will this information be stored in the new system? Why are proposal and Go Forward projects two separate streams?



Why are we having the opportunity id in the online project creation template as a mandatory column? Will all the projects that are active as at the end of the month get migrated to ESA? What about resource requests that are still open as at the time of going live with Phase 1? Will CA has the ability to change the PM for proposal projects Will e-Forecaster continue to exist after ESA goes live? Will it be possible for Delivery Manager to see all the projects under his BU? Will proposal project be open perpetually?








Functionalilty Functionalilty




Functionalilty Functionalilty


Functionalilty Functionalilty

Will the AM have an access to all the projects, opportunities, T&E within his account or only for the projects where he has been assigned? Will the contract administrator be aligned to a vertical? Will the time captured for working on the proposal project have any impact to the account or the project profitability? Will the training be role-based and tailored for each role? Will time be recorded at activity level or project level? How do we get it done if invoice requires activity level time for billing?



Would the AMs get a dashboard of all the expenses approved by PMs on the projects in his account? In PPW, do we have to mention resource estimates only by Month? Can we mention 0.25 or 0.75 on the estimates?




Enhancement Enhancement



Provision of assigning additional project manager is required. Is it possible to make the project creation form and customer creation form online instead of sending out e-mails? Considering that many projects under existing customers would be created as online projects managers want to reduce the overhead of followin How can new associate assignments be back dated?



How does a Project Manager in ESA maintain assignments properly?



Why is there a need to Add a new row while maintaining assignments?



Can an associate be assigned more than 100% to multiple projects at the same time?



What is the significance of Resource Status in Direct Assignments and addition of generic resources?



How do we account for Horizontal BD costs for an opportunity which has both Vertical and Horizontal projects in pipeline?



How can I change attributes like Billability and Customer/Vertical for a Project?



How do I reserve associates for a Project starting sometime in the future?



Is it possible to create a single Service Order (SO) for multiple resources of same skill set for a single project?


Data Query

In the assign resources page, what is the purpose of the field Operational Role? How is it different from the Project Primary Role?



Can the PM perform a mass release of associates upon Project Completion?



How is the reason for resource release captured if the PM doesn't extend the assignment and the resource is automatically released to the practice pool?



There may be cases where an account has seen a lot of expansion. There may be a necessity to split the account. How would the Account manager handle this with regards to customer creation and projects?



How can we address a situation where the PM has not updated an associates location change before the freeze date and the associate has been paid the payroll of the old location?



When an associate gets promoted, how will this information get reflected in ESA?



Should the PM manually end an associates assignment in ESA (or will it be completed automatically?) when associate exits the Company and is Terminated in HCM?



How are Proposal and Go-Forward projects created in ESA?



Can a project have two or more sub-projects?



Can an associate be assigned to multiple projects simultaneously?



What happens if the project assignment end date has elapsed for an associate?



Can a PM perform backdated associate release for a project?



Which project or pool is an associate assigned after the release from the project?



Actuals vs. billable time how is it going to be managed? Do we edit in BYT or ESA? After the April Install what would be the impact to BYT. Will BYT be integrated with ESA





Finance Finance

Functionalilty Functionalilty



Apart from quarter end and year end financial settlement, do we have a time frame for other expenses to be filled in a month's time(is there a time frame for expense submissions) Are Projections of benefits benchmarked against Competitors? As per the defined activities for Proposal project against which activity can we record the travel and expenses? BCM projects can we generate a single invoice for the 2 separate projects? Big change for the customers: Contract to be signed before invoicing. How do we manage this?





Bill-back Expenses - Are expenses captured as part of Profitability sheet also be part of budget?

Finance Finance Finance

Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty

Budget for Proposal Project: By when the project needs to be connected with contracts? Can an Amex Corporate card expense be split across 2 projects without having to make 2 manual entries? Can at some stage the proposal project activities be billed to the customer? If yes, how this can be accomplished through the system Can online project billed to client? Is SO needed for online project or direct assignment is possible? Contract end dates and project end dates - do we have a check to ensure that these two are not conflicting?









Cost of Lost opportunity / delayed starts metrics to be captured.



Do we do profitability sheet for small T& M Project creations? Do we have plans of outsourcing the customer or contract set-up process to BPO? Do we have the reconciliation ability in BYT even though ESA data will be ported for billing? Do we still have the ability to bill based on customer timesheet? (this means our ESA timesheet and Customer timesheet should match) Does the system auto-compute per diem? During the project, if my resource estimates are changing, I will update the estimates in ESA. Will the system force me to update the estimates and profitability back in PPWI? EDI required.

Finance Finance Finance

Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty

Finance Finance

Functionalilty Functionalilty











Even if default location is entered at header level in expense entry, again at line level location is mandatory and highlighted in red? Why so? Expense items would be applicable for UK and continental Europe and a description of what should be used when. TTT could not easily figure this out from the massive list For air ticket expense, which should be the location? For example travel from offshore to Onsite or Onsite to offshore.? For online projects or Go Forward projects how does the notification mechanism work? Who are people in the distribution list? How can the expenses be billed to a different project other than what the associate is allocated too? How do Horizontal resources record expenses if they travel for multiple projects? How do we address time sheet and billing approval for small projects that do not have onsite PM or where AM plays that role? How do we treat airfare expenses booked through expedia apparently, they have a contract with Expedia in Europe through which they book their air travel. When the tickets are booked by the admin gets the project ID for the booking. They assume they need



Finance Finance

Functionalilty Functionalilty







How does an associate allocated to one project, charge expenses for other / multiple projects for which he is traveling? How does the notification mechanism work while creating opportunities in CRM? Who are the people who get notification messages through e-mail? How is the Change order/(change in project value) for T&M projects handled in ESA? How is the revenue shared when resources are tagged to multiple projects? How is the revenue shared when resources are tagged to multiple projects? How is very large change requests handled in ESA?













How will horizontal associates who travel on BD project will track their expenses and especially if they travel only for a day or two? How will the integration work for mega million dollar deals where we are proposing resources for multiple projects through one same profitability sheet? How would discount be addressed in ESA. In the current system, it seems we have created a project for this? If an associate is allocated (50-50 %) to 2 projects, where will the cost of resources go after he completes one project? If we capture the cost of BD, when we look at the cost at customer level, can we roll up the BD cost into it? Is an Associates VISA expenses allocated to project? Is contract admin role tied to finance?











Finance Finance

Functionalilty Functionalilty

Is it possible to track profitability at project level? Is paycost based on allocation or timesheet?



Is PPW mandatory for all go forward and online projects? Since budget information can be captured and loaded into ESA only through PPW?

Finance Finance Finance

Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty

Is printing/fax receipts needed in case of Amex expenses too? Is Project Billing Co-coordinator a part of account team or corporate team? Is the Contract Admins role same as the contract teams role today?



Is there a provision in ESA to carve out the Rebillable expense report? If it is available in ESA what is the procedure to generate it. ?



Is there any scope to alter the invoice format?



It appears that info entered by Associates are considered for billing purposes. What are the checks and balances in the process? Is that through BYT or ESA timesheet system? MyTravel is it going to be retired? New reimbursement of expenses is going to be faster since it is not from payroll. If not payroll, then how it is handled?

Finance Finance

Functionalilty Functionalilty



Once the Contract is signed, can we go back & change it?





Production support allowance claim is done by project teams on a spreadsheet sent to finance. How will this be handled? Profitability reporting at project level can it be done at Program level??? Project-level profitability is not accurate today. SO how will this be used to prevent hiding of resources in fixed bid projects?







Some customers have weekly timesheet and the AMs need to wait for customers to approve the timesheet before they finalize the billing internally. How can they meet the approval by 4th day of the month enforcement if they have to wait on customer approval Sometimes even if SOW is not signed, we still bill the customer. In the new system can we not bill the customer if CA is not signed?

Finance Finance

Functionalilty Functionalilty

What happens to umbrella projects in ESA (A lot of projects under one customer)? What impact does 'Project Role' field have?



Finance Finance Finance

Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty

What is Preferred and Non-preferred in expense entry? Why that field is a mandatory? I was getting the field mandatory and highlighted in red during my hands-on. What is somebody doesn't fax the receipt for expenses approving? What is the baseline for benefit calculation? What is the cut-over strategy? Is there going to be any black-out period? What is the expected length of cycle for contract creation? Is there any SLA for contract creation by Contract administrator (CA)? What is the method of revenue recognition for testing projects?







Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance

Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty

What would happen if an associate does not have bank details setup apparently some associates will not have bank details setup and they do not cut checks in Europe. Where do we put the cost for a proposal ex: Client traveling to India? Where is the actual contract stored? Will AM have access to the contract? Who is going to bear the cost for soft-tagging? Will AM having visibility to offshore PHs doing approvals for expenses? Will AMEX Expenses be paid as part of payroll? Will CA has the ability to change the PM for proposal projects



Will Contract Administrator (CA) work with Legal Team?

Finance Finance Finance

Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty

Will Control-M also retire along with BYT after phase 3 implementation? Will costs on proposal projects be tracked against both customer & vertical admin? Will ESA have a numbering scheme for work orders/contracts? Will ESA have profitability sheet that AM/DM need to fill?



Finance Finance

Functionalilty Functionalilty

Will MSA come under Contract Management? Will role change in go-forward project affect payroll? Will role change in proposal project affect payroll. I guess answer is No. Please clarify. Will the Contracts vary by accounts / customers? Are legal aspects parts of Contracts?



Finance Finance Finance General

Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty Scenario

Will vendor Info for sub-contractors be available in search? Would cost be rolled into profitability model, if we win the deal? Would T&E invoicing be done to customer? If EDS sub contracts a project to Cognizant and ABNAMRO is the end customer and say, the contract includes all 3 companies; who would Cognizant's customer be - EDS/ABN-AMRO? Would EDS be considered a partner? Encountered data integrity error during direct assignment. Work Experience is incorrectly populated in the resource profile. Can the contacts in ESA be exported / imported to/from a file or say Microsoft Outlook Contact's?

General General

Page Error Functionalilty





Can we get a RACI chart listing all the key actions in the new ESA world that would be part of the managers role (PM/DM/AM/CP/GM/Ops/TSA/so on)?



Can we group multiple projects into one program and generate one invoice at a program level?

General General

Functionalilty Functionalilty

CTSWW business unit- what about the current definition Do we have any data validation check that every manager should do after the ESA roll out? Say for example there is no clear project end date for the existing project contracts (few accounts)? Who should validate and when? How are we addressing connectivity and performance since these are so important for the success of the system? How are we handling postproduction support? Will we have an onsite support team? How are we dealing with scale and process changes that are occurring while the build is on? How can I get my Supervisor changed under Maintain Profiles? How can I update My Assignments/Schedules?



General General General

Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty

General General

Functionalilty Functionalilty



How can we change a leave approver for an Associate?? How does ESA impact Account Managers (AM) and Project Managers (PM) from a time spent on system related tasks perspective? Is it more or less? Do we have metrics? How does ESA Impact the Corporate Functions?



I am a PM and I need to create a project



I am a PM and need to get my Project End Dates extended?



I am a Project Manager in ESA. What is the role of a Contract Administrator relative to my job?



I am a Project Manager in ESA. What is the role of a WFM in ESA relative my job?



I am a TSA, where can I create projects now?



I am not able to view certain competencies under Specialist Specialities in Maintain Profiles? I need help. Whom do I contact?





Some of the data like Customer ID, Solution, technology, billing currency etc are not correct for my project?



Was there any study done on the time AM / PM has to spent in completing his responsibilities in ESA ?



Were other products evaluated before PS was selelcted? What all activities as a PM do I need to ensure while Project Completion?





What are the fields that need to be ported from Peoplesoft to ESA as a part of clean up activity. What are the reports that can be created? Where can one see that? What can I do in My Assignments and Schedules?





General General General General

Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty

What does PH mean? What is a BFD milestone? What is DSO? What is SetID?



What kind of Project access will Delivery Managers/Practice Directors have?



When the system goes live, will each product group contain all the products aligned to it? Where do I need to update competencies?



General General

Functionalilty Functionalilty

Where do I need to update VISA information? Which field is translated as HCM supervisor to the HCM system?



Who is the point of communication for Parking Lot Questions / Concerns / risks & their responses? Whom should I contact regarding problems in assignment reports for their account/project Why did we choose PeopleSoft platform? Will Leave Management system a part of ESA? How many leaves does a associate have and used up? Can this be determined in ESA? Can the home page be customized i.e. can the end user customized the page in such a way that only the links that would be used by him is visible?

General General General

Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty





What are the issues you are currently working to fix or suggest a solution?


Data Query

Who are the approvers in systems like RAMS, Firewall, MyTravel etc. upon ESA Phase 1 deployment


Data Query

General General General

Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty

Before going live, it is important to know for the AMs/PMs etc how their life will change - this has to be captured in terms of comparison of the current processes covering resource management, project management, T&E, etc. For leave system and RAMS system request, who will be the approver? How do we plan to support Advance Loan (for PC, Car, etc) after we go live? What are my tasks as a Project Manager in ESA?



What is a Program in ESA?



What is the definition for PM for the entire process like TS approval, Expenses approval & billing?



What is the frequency of Data synch between ESA and other applications like Prolite, etracker etc?



What is the User Interface given to Managers? Is it as sophisticated as BPM?



What would the CP screen look like?



General General General

Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty





When Look-Up for currency is displayed, can USD & INR displayed on top since those will be used most commonly? Who approves Project Manager Time and Expenses? Will certain portions of the system be restricted for access from outside Cognizant network? Will compensation be based on timesheet entries by resources? What about future phases? What if a resource has genuinely worked for more than 8 hours and needs to be compensated for it any legal implications in any country for noting more than 8 hours i Would the reason code for permanent move in India (e.g. From Kolkata to Pune) be Domestic Transfer or Location change? What is the procedure for data synchronization from HCM?



Why is ESA data not being reflected in other systems like Leave Management System, RAMS, WHIZZA, My Travel?



Does ESA application allow setting up Favourite links at one place?

Infrastructure Technical Bug

ESA application is very slow

Infrastructure Technical Bug

What should I do if process is not getting posted?

Infrastructure Security/Access

Infrastructure Security/Access Infrastructure Functionalilty RM Scenario

I am getting ""Authorization Error -- Contact your Security Administrator " message while printing expense report I am not able to access the application Whom should I contact if there is a process schedular issue? How do we handle situations where project creation in ESA is delayed by a week, owing to internal client matters or our own processes.





If the PM is offshore (for example) he/she may be required to commit changes that have payroll impact elsewhere and at the same time may not have all the right data at the right time. Do we have any supporting role in the system or can WFM activity be delegated? Right now, each practice will have a primary WFM and all the Service Orders will get routed. This Primary WFM is going to be a bottleneck as he/she is in turn going to route



How the "Account Resource Manager" is going to access all the open Service Order and Resource Requests associated with different Projects in the account?



Associates who are on long leave Does this mean that if < 1 month residual approved leave left as of date, the person will automatically move to the deployable pool How are we going to track leave at onsite How will the approvals be tracked Offshore NBL resources > 30 business days How will the NBL buffer resources be treated? At times we hold buffer resources for strategic opportunities and the time taken for the resource to become BLB may be greater than 30 days. Recommended resource(s) What is meant by recommended resource? Will the manager be able to request an internal resource by name?







A couple of the client partners in our training said they had attended a different training in which they were told that they will need to submit some type of notification two weeks prior to the date that a resource will no longer be billable to a project A resource is "Considered" when a generic resource is estimated. When a SO is created for a generic resource then it changes to 'Requested'. When the PM approves the resources then it becomes committed. For a direct assignment, resource is always 'Request After releasing the resources to which project or pool does the released resource get allocated?







AM/PM should have the flexibility to move resources between projects in the same account



Any SLA for moving people out from deployable pool?


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Are there sub-vertical views for associates in a pool? Are we going to eliminate TSAs As-Is process after ESA goes live or what would be future role of TSA?


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Are we incorporating SLAs to fulfill SO? As a centre head, can I decide to some extent as to how much of a minimal bench I can maintain. I understand I have to take the concurrence from the Workforce Manger, but can I initiate the RRs independently?



Assignment data -When we convert the allocation data from Projects 8.0 and not the assignment data, PMs would like see the data and what the process of sign off on allocation data was?



Associates able to see the personal detail of any associate in the new ESA system.



Can a project manager make a pre dated assignment to his project?



Can a resource be allocated 100% to multiple proposal projects at the same time?



Can a resource released with 2 weeks notice be rejected by the WFM manager back to the account (there will be instances where we need this)? Can an associate be moved into Global Deployment pool only from the practice Deployable pool or can he/she be moved from practices non-deployable pool too? Can an associate request to be moved to a Deployable pool or a different practice deployable pool? (What will happen if a resource requests a release out of a project and does not satisfy the deployable criteria? Will his/her request be accepted and she/h Can I update any information in a Service Order once Submitted?









Can online project billed to client? Is SO needed for online project or direct assignment is possible?




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Can the resource be marked as unbilled for a proposal project, if he is just consulting not required to be billed? Can the SO /Generic RRs be viewed at the account level? Can there be a provision to assign the responsibility to recruitment team. This will help stream line follow up process and recruitment team will know about the numbers of RR;s to be sourced. Can we release resources on one day notice using ESA?




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Can we request more than one resource under one RR? Can you only be proposed for one project at a time? The calendar will be blocked - so does that indicate you can't be proposed for anything else until calendar is freed? Can horizontal resources be tagged to a project in ESA Complete Order button in SO creation appears and disappears. It doesnt provide a valid message saying that the SO has been submitted to WFM for review? Concern should have an outside agency to control Workforce Managers/Pools Currently most account has PMO project, where they park the associates involved in a. BD activities, business enhancement for the client b. Some critical resources whose assignment shall start in next few days, SOW approved for start date in future. c. T Currently when an associate moves from onsite to offshore, we don't consider it as resource release. How will it be implemented in new ESA systems? Direct assignment feature is available for proposal project? Do deployable pool guidelines apply to horizontals as well? Do the AM/PM get an opportunity to check for data accuracy after Phase 1 goes live - how do we address issues relating to resource allocation, etc - in other words, teething problems during the first 1-2 months when things are not stabilized yet? Who in E Do we create RR for transferring resources within projects in an account? Do we have sub-pools within a vertical? Does all Resource Request end up in Internal job post? Or will it be posted by the discretion of the project manager? Does domestic transfer and location change cause a change in payroll? Does the drop down list all associates within the vertical for Direct Assignment? Does the PM have ability for look at the resources in the deployable pool?








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Does the system automatically release a resource from the project in the event of a resignation? Domestic Transfer Is it only for within NA domestic transfers? Or within India also applicable? Email trigger should be sent to the Onsite Account Manager (not just the PM) whenever assignment of resources are modified/added/deleted. For a proposal project when I do a direct assignment I dont find any location. Can you please let me know on this. For an SO with resource request, will WM manager provide you a list of resources you can select ? Or only 1 resource for selection? For few associates, while creating a Generic request, the system automatically changed the status to Allocated and they were not visible in the SO creation screen. What is the reason? For first time upload of resumes from the Resume Mirror to the ESA system, will this be done automatically the first time or associates will have to do this manually? For Resource Estimation - How do you know freeze date for a project? How can referrals resume be available in the system














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How do I ensure that an appropriate pool is selected for a Resource Request in Service Order? Where can I review profiles of Cognizant Associates to ensure the department and pool they come from? How do people get allocated to Workforce manager?







How do we address issues involving change of location of an associate and movement from one account to another. The old project closure date falls on Friday and new project start date is the following Monday. How do we take care of the intervening weeke How is access maintained in system?



How is the Future RM model different from Current RM model?



How is the Onsite-Offshore transfer handled?



How is the Partial allocation of a resource done in ESA? How is the resource soft tagged? how is the status created in ESA and where is the resource actually allocated to - Whose cost?





How long will it take from the moment a SO is raised to the allocation of the resource to the PM by the WFM? An approximation should be okay.


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How resources are released from a Proposal Project? How to add a PM temporarily when actual PM is on leave? Could you give me the steps? Do we have to add a new row for actual PM and a new row for new temporary PM? If it is just flagging off current PM and flagging new temporary PM, then what is difference How to cancel already submitted SO? How to enter Visa details in creating an SO? Not able to find that fields in Additional Info page in SO.



How will estimates in profitability sheet flow to RMG?





How will Service Orders be handled if you amend an SOW? E.g. will you need to amend the Service Order, create a new Service Order, etc? How will the initial deployable pools be set? Are the deployable criteria finalized, and is this how the initial deployable pools will be set up (i.e. will all associates who have been on the same project for 18 months or more be in the deployable pool on How will you get a RR for backfills? If 2 or more PMs Select the same associate for Direct Assignment, what happens?


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If a PM is assigned to a project in ESA along with offshore approver/onsite approvers, can the PM still have the rights to approve timesheets? If an associate at onsite is moved to a deployable pool will he/she have a priority for onsite job opportunities (if he/she prefers to be at onsite)? If data has to be entered wrt associate in ESA regarding location and if this data is fed into HCM, then will there be a time period when updates regarding location etc can be updated in both HCM and ESA. Appreciate if you could outline the data flows be If the PM created an SO with resource recommendation, Can a SO for recommended resource tagged differently on the System. It makes it easier for WFM to recognize and act on it immediately. If the PM doesn't extend the assignment of resources then our understanding is that the resources would automatically be released to the practice pool. In that case how can the reason for release be captured? If the resource is allocated 100% but only utilized or billed for 50% on the project, this is generally for horizontal resources on a vertical project, There are people below VP Level who is not part of utilization? How do we handle this? If there is a contractual non-compete clause applicable and an associate applies to a job with a competing customers project, how do we control this?













If we propose two resource models to a customer and only one is accepted, how do we show this visibility? At what stage do we upload the estimates? In maintain assignments - for an assignment to be extended, the CA will update the end date of the project based on notification from PM. Is this a true statement? If yes, how does the PM inform the CA through email, phone call etc? If not, what is the In submitting an SO, once Submit is pressed, but didnt go through correct due to incomplete information, second time when tried after filling up all info, the Submit button is not present. Only Save is present. It should allow Submit second time. In the assign resources page, what is the purpose of the field Operational Role. How different is it from the Project Primary Role? In the ESA world, will the project managers or sourcing coordinators have the view to the RR allocation and work in progress; this will reduce some status follow-ups. In the Resource detail screen can we change the primary project role In the SO lifecycle, the workflow model in slide 12 shows the RMSSO marks the requirement for lateral hire. We are moving towards Vertical owning pools and resource management. The pool manager / WM manager should be able to make this call too for vertica Is Direct assignment feature available for proposal project? Is ESA integrated with Resume Builder Is it possible to clone the competency requirement for one resource to other resources (OR) can we attach the same set of competencies to all resource requests in a service order, without having to repeat the competency selection process for individual re Is it possible to clone the competency requirement for one resource to other resources (OR) can we attach the same set of competencies to all resource requests in a service order, without having to repeat the competency selection process for individual re Is it possible to create a single Service Order for multiple resources of same skill set for 1 project ?














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Is it possible to do a Back Dated Location Change.? Is leave application integrated with ESA? Is open Resource Requests (RR) for either TM or FF closed when a project is closed for BCM programs? Is some prior fitment assessment done for associates requested by PM? How about subcontractors? Is the mapping process of resource to RR any different for contractors? Is there a automated process defined for mapping resources to RRs? If yes, how much of it will be automated? If I am not wrong the PM will still have the ability to evaluate the resource and then inform the WF manager whether he wants to go with the resou Is there a check to ensure that competencies are updated when a project ends? Is there a concept of reserving a candidate for client selection process?




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Is there a provision to check using the system previous employment details of consultants? This will become very handy during resource evaluation. Is there a set point in the process when we will need to start the staffing process (e.g. when SOW is signed) or will there be some flexibility around this? All accounts are different, so it seems like we will need some flexibility around this. Is there a warning for resource assignment enddate? Is there a work flow to start with Project creation to the entire list of activities in the new modules and respective actors? Is there any hierarchy followed when Workforce managers search resources across different pools? Is there any integration between Opportunity & Resource management? Is Workforce Manager same as Pool manager or are they 2 different roles?




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It has been mentioned that WFM would be part of Career Counseling. Can associates directly interact with Work force managers to discuss their career options? Minor Observation: Create Service Order button When clicked gives a message as Successfully created Resource Request Non-performing candidates cannot be assigned back to RMSSO Global pool. The major issue raised was how do practices deal (on their own) with non performers? Notification of potential staffing resources from WFM, will it be sent to Cognizant mail box as part of email triggers or should the PM go and check the system frequently to see if a resource is suggested by WFM or not. (Managers wanted email triggers to Once resource estimation is uploaded using PPW, SO has to be created? Once the service order is completed and submitted, how does the PM/AM get to know who is working on it and the next action items?


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Partial allocation of a resource in Go-Forward project? Is it possible?



Partial allocation of a resource in Go-Forward project? Is it possible?


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Post date service order creation- Is this feature available for updates to project through WFM. Project Closure: Is there a mass release of resources? Or each resource has to be individually released from the project? Projects with ramp-up. What happens if associates become deployable just when they are required for the ramp-up? Provide more insight into the soft tagging period.



Provide SLA document on RR fulfillment.



Reassigning of associates between projects Assignment back dating is a challenge? If assignment for an associate is only for a day or two in a project and if it is missed on those days, how do we handle the back dated assignments? Relocation of associate within US - will it be handled within the ESA? Should a RR be created even for moving resources with in the account?


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Should contingent workers (sub contractors) be assigned to my Project?


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Should pool guidelines be communicated to customers? Should the associate be a part of the account for Direct Assignment? SO report by aging and priority is it available? The deployability guidelines state that associates who have been on the same project for > 18 months will enter the Deployable Pool. What about associates who jump from project to project within the same account? Does the clock still start over each time The ESA implementation roadmap shows information on projects and contracts? Will there be cascading sessions for these? The FAQ states that against 1 RR, only one resume will be proposed by the WFM. At another place in the FAQ, it states that WFM can propose multiple resumes for 1 RR. Please clarify? The feature of using PPWI worksheet for creating service order - Does this feature allows any one to upload the sheet. The help documents mentions that the PM will create the RR. Can other team members also raise the RRs? In a big project it will not be possible for the project manager to create all the RRs. The matching of a resource to an RR is done based on the skill set. But what about a skill that is not defined in the system? What is the process for this?


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The project manager is released and notification is sent to CA for changing status to complete from active. How will the pre-closure activities such as approval of timesheets, expense reports or audit activities by the PM be undertaken if the PM is relea The restriction on the System is one Project id will have only one Project manager. There is no provision for Onsite and Offshore Manager. With this scenario, which manager will be PM on the people soft for the whole project (Onsite and Offshore)? The workforce manager role is mostly the same as current role under a different ownership. Am I correct? Is there any additions and deletions, I missed out? There were concerns around how Competency structure in HCM can be updated (as well as compliance to updates) since this drives RM search. This is the demand-side of the process. Will the supply side (resource releases specifically) still work in the form of redeployment template sent by email? Why cant the resource releases too be initiated and tracked through the system by the respect Today for hiring sub contractors, there is a specific person who is approached. this person has a list of sub contracting firms that Cognizant has negotiated with and work with this agency to fulfill resource request. How will this work in the future? Today the RMG SSO has various guidelines implemented as it relates to releases, deployments, allocations etc. Is there any provision to manage this through ESA? Or will it continue on spreadsheets? Tracking / Reporting needs to be at Service Order (SO) as well as RR level Transfer of resources across accounts, onsite to offshore and vice-versa














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Under-Performers need to be part of exception to Utilizations We allocate (5% or 10% PeopleSoft allocation) SQAG / Quality people to some of our projects. Do PMs need to raise a Service Order for this allocation also?



We are concerned about the rules around deployability. Can these be adjusted? We understand that any non-critical resource who have spent more than 18 months in an account/project becomes part of deployable pool and also a maximum of only 5% (personally not sure about the number) of resources can be classified as Critical. Does t What are other rules for moving resources (other than 30 days old resource on Vertical Pool)?








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What are the "explicit reasons" for movement from pools Will these explicit reasons affect associate's appraisal? What are the threshold metrics that will be tracked? What do DFR and LFR mean on Reason code drop down box when location is changed? What does Available Resources mean? What happens in case of Architects or especially skilled resources? What happens to the resources in case of project ramp down? What if PM get non-performers for project assignments? What is Job Code in creation of SO?


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What is meant by "backdated SO"?


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What is RMSSO? What is the current SLA for RR & what is it going to be in future system? What is the difference between "Operational Role" and "Project Role" when assigning a resource's role in ESA? The screenshot on slide 221 of the EUT training deck shows both of these fields. What is the frequency of Data synch between ESA and other applications like Prolite, etracker etc?





What is the rationale of considering people who are non-billable, for utilization? ASG feels that if we include all associates above Manager, it might impact their utilization a lot?



What to be done if a resource is to be assigned after freeze date? I m not talking about newly recruited resources where their joining date can be made earlier. The question is about the resources already existing in the system, but need to be allocated a What to be done if at proposal stage, a resource is needed but do not know the person to make direct assignment? Is generic request possible at proposal stage? When a associate is a deployable pool (Practice) and Work Manager allocates him for a new project, will the current project manager be contacted for approval? This is not clearly mentioned in the slides. It mentions that a the current mananger will get a When a project is completed and PM is released from the project, who will approve any pending expenses? When a resource goes on long leave, how can he move to practice pool? How does he get reassigned? Is any SO required once again? When a resource is matched to an RR does the WF manager look for a 100% match on skill set? When a resource is released, the project manager updates his assignment as complete. Where does this associate reflect on the System? Will he reflect on Practice Bench as far as cost is concerned? When a resource is requested, where is the SLA for the workforce manager defined? Is it defined on the RR? When a resource is soft tagged , who bears the cost? When a resource proposed by WM is accepted to a project, why Priority Field is important?










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When is the status of resource changed to commit from considered? How is this done? When the fitness of a resource to an RR is based on the skill set then how specific should the RR be? Will searching for VB give me a resource automatically or the RR should specify What about project leads - can you give us some examples o



When the location field is being updated or when a 2nd row is being added for extending a resource on a project, the system prompts the user to revise the start date of the original row assignment to be made current or either for a future date. Else, the When the project is moved to Go forward stage, can the Account Manager assign a different PM to take this project forward? When WM proposes resources in response to an SO, can the PM see feedback from previous managers in resource history page? When Work Force Manager (WFM) searches for a resource in deployable pool & does not find resource, is it possible to keep the requirement logged, so that if / when such a resource comes into the deployable pool in future, WFM can get a notification? Who all can search the resume of resource? Who all has view in the pools? Who decides the priority for WorkForce manager? What if he decides to work on certain SOs based on his own prioritizing?








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Who defines SLAs for workforce manager? Who initiates the release to deployable (or) RM SSO global deployable pool - is it the PM (or) WFM (or) Associate (Self)? Who tags associates as ineligible for staffing? Who will the RAMS supervisor be and where will this information be stored in the new system? Why a TSA can not raise an SO?


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Why is "Expense" treated as an 'Activity'?


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Why was Recruitment not decentralized? Will current problems with customer ownership by verticals be solved with DMG ownership? Will it be possible to view from all the pools for direct assignment. For example Will I be able to pick a resource from the Organization deploy pool and attach him to a proposal project. Will recruitment request get closed when project is closed







Will resources fall down to some other bucket from practices if they are in deployable pool for long? Will role change in go-forward project affect payroll? Will role change in proposal project affect payroll. I guess answer is No. Please clarify. Will the resource get billed under proposal project?









Will vertical take care of resource with performance issues, resignations, long term vacations, any disability breaks? Will we have visibility (from utilization perspective) for people reporting in a dotted-line fashion? Workforce manager will perform career counseling? Please explain. Would change in location cause an automatic move request to our corporate movers ? My understanding is that it wouldn't but would like to confirm. Can the system display warnings if an associate is being released from a project and his expenses are still not done? Can we get the details of Visa personal Interview date of a resource so that based on this results PM can do the future project planning? Currently, during the Project closure and subsequent release of resources, the system constraint only allows the PMs to release resources One at a time before releasing oneself. i.e There needs to be a provision for 'Bulk' release of the resources (especi If SO is about to expire (required from date is reaching) and the required from date is modified to a future date then its also a case when RMG/Recruitment is not doing the job properly, not meeting the SLA s and organization may lose business. May nee In a direct assignment project, the default value should be 'requested' Why is the drop down menu showing the option for Considered? This is misleading In a Go-Forward project for a Generic resource creation, the default value for the resource status should be defaulted to 'Considered' and also locked on this value. i.e No other status options need to exist to prevent confusion/wrong selection etc





















Mandatory fields' identification in Resource Requests does not exist. Is it possible to add a * in front of the field. Will we have visibility for associates UK Work Permit in ESA system?



How do I ensure that Contingent Workers/Contractors are assigned to my Project and they fill timesheets?



How to view the Defaulters List



What all activities as a PM do I need to ensure while Project Completion?



What kind of Project access will Delivery Managers/Practice Directors have?



What is the rationale behind time entered against proposal projects. Will these hours be used for calculation of utilization?



Work Experience is incorrectly populated in the resource profile.



How do contingent workers (contract employees) get access to ESA? RM Functionalilty Do PMs need to enter Pool ID in each resource request while creating Service Orders?



How do I ensure that the Job Code details are correctly entered while creating SOs?



How do I re-assign an associate to the same Project?



After releasing the associates, to which project or pool does the released associate get assigned?



Can Recruitment Project PMs raise service orders against these projects for fulfilling Recruitment needs?



When an associate gets promoted, how will this information get reflected in ESA?



Should the PM manually end an associates assignment in ESA (or will it be completed automatically?) when associate exits the Company and is Terminated in HCM? I am an associate. How do I get access to ESA System ?





What should I do to get access to special role of ESA system?

Security Security

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How long user ID of an employee who has resigned would be active? I am a APM / Manager. But, I do not have PM access in ESA Module. What role a newly joined PM will get?



Security Security Security

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What role a user will get assigned by default? What Roles have been given in ESA System as default roles for users Active before ESA Go Live. What will happen when a PM is de allocated from the project? ESA Time entry If some one is assigned for 3days for example in a project and end of that reporting period, will he /she get an opportunity to book their time against the project for their earlier assignments?







An associate who has been assigned to a project for part of the month and for the balance part remains unassigned, how will such associate enter time sheet? Are there any restrictions on the timesheet upload template?



Billing and timesheets. Integration?





Can a resource enter 8 hrs against delivery activity if his assignment is only 50%. Will the system say that your assignment is only 50% and you cannot enter more than 4 hrs or so ?? Can customer timesheets and Cognizant timesheets be reconciled? Is it a manual process? Can customer timesheets be uploaded on PeopleSoft? Do people have to record time on bench-level projects created in practice? Do the subcontractors in the organization need to fill timesheets? Do we have control reports on Time & Expenses? Do we have control reports on Time? Do we have provision to enter more time than actual hours committed to client? Does the system have a holiday calendar defined and linked to timesheet/billing? Every associate has access to default projects like Bench, Rcrmt. The associate can track hours across these projects. For an associate who is at onsite on business visa (India payroll), will he enter time sheet by selecting Onsite or Offshore? For Personal/Sick/Vacation leaves, what entry we need to enter the timesheet for such days and where to enter? For the past how many duration the Time sheet is visible (1 month prior etc) How can I do a Mass Approval for Time Reports?







Timesheet Timesheet Timesheet Timesheet Timesheet

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Timesheet Timesheet

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Timesheet Timesheet

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How do I ensure that Contingent Workers/Contractors are assigned to my Project and they fill timesheets?



How do the employee enter the prolite hours?



How does the Billing Location impact timesheets? What does DFLT mean? How to view the Defaulters List?





How will unassigned associates enter time sheet?



I am entering time in prolite against various activities. How can I see the same in ESA?

Timesheet Timesheet

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If a PM assigns a PCB in the project, will he lose his PM access to the project? If an associate is going on a vacation how does he/her enter time sheet. ESA allows associates to enter timesheet in advance.? If some one want to enter 12 hrs against a project with the following split 8 hrs as billable (delivery) and 4 hrs as non billable(worked in the project but cannot charge the same to the client) How do we do this currently ? If someone is entering their hrs using Prolite/etracker how do we need to address this?



In terms of cost calculation (and billing subsequently) based on timesheet entry, how does the billable hrs calculation happen.



In terms of cost calculation(and billing subsequently) based on timesheet entry, how does the billable hrs calculation happen. For example if a resource is assigned as Non-Billable (in a Billable T&M project) and enters 8 hrs against the delivery tasks



Is it possible to enter time lesser than 8 hours also?





Provision of assigning multiple team leads who are can approve the timesheets, expenses etc. Currently we can designate only one offshore and one onsite personal, this may not be sufficient for large projects (as in the case of horizontals). Should the project billing coordinator from the team, Should the person be in the project to approve the time sheets. Kindly get back to me on the same The menu Holiday stands for what (public holidays or leaves)? The time entered against proposal project. Will these hours be used for calculation of utilization ? My assumption is that it is NOT as confirmed by Praveen earlier. Please re-confirm. Time sheet can be entered to any number of cycles in future and one cycle in the past period Timesheets on PS 8.0 show who the approver is, but in PS 8.9 we could not see the timesheet approver name anywhere. Shouldn't this information be displayed on the timesheet, to detect discrepancies? What entry we need to enter for menus like? How many hrs we need to enter for such days per day?

Timesheet Timesheet

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Timesheet Timesheet

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What if a project runs in multiple locations like Europe, NA & India (and each location has a PM) how does the approval of Time & Expenses works?

Timesheet Timesheet

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What if the email is sent from other ids like rediff or yahoo will the system accept? What is location field on time sheet?



What is Onsite and Offshore on the timesheet?





What is the rationale behind time entered against proposal projects. Will these hours be used for calculation of utilization? When do I start filling in Timesheets?



Where do we need to send the csv file

Timesheet Timesheet

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Where would be the Excel upload template available? Whether we need to enter time for Saturday/Sunday also in timesheet or how?





While submitting the timesheet where do associates mark time for Sick leave, Holiday, Personal Leave and other leaves? In other words, what is the difference between Family Medical Leave Act & Paid leave, Holiday & Vacation? Who approves Time and Expense for the Horizontal PM of a Horizontal project? We assume that HCM supervisor will continue to be his/her Horizontal Manager. Will Non-Billable projects(go-forward/online) also have the same three categories (delivery/training/ travel?) ? In this case, if an associate enters say 8 hrs in delivery task will this hours be considered as Billable / Non-Billable ? Will the approver get email on the submission of timesheet? Will the associate get email on the submission of timesheet? Will the time entered in time sheet have any impact on associate cost allocation in projects? Also, if there is no difference between 'Deny' and 'Send back' (while approving Time and Expense) can one of them be disabled? Is it possible to list the activity name (like delivery, training, travel) in the timesheet, instead of just the activity id(like 0001,0002,0003 etc.). It gets confusing when we are entering time under multiple activities. If you have entered Project Id then Onsite/Offshore, Billing location and activity types are mandatory



Timesheet Timesheet Timesheet Timesheet

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Invalid Employee Status



You are not a Team Member during the some days of the duration of the Timesheet



Not able to view timesheet after submitting/saving once



I am at a Client/external Location and not able to access to ESA system



I have already submitted my timesheet but I am getting email from and PeopleSoft to complete timesheets



ELT and dont know which project to book time into



I have submitted my Timesheet but when I search I cant find it. How do I see my submitted Timesheet I am a Contractor and not able to enter ESA/Timesheets







Even after submitting the timesheet, the status is shown as Submission in progress. Or I have approved the timesheet for the below associate, but still it shows as Ready for Approval In terms of cost calculation (and billing subsequently) based on timesheet entry, how does the billable hrs calculation happen.

Timesheet Timesheet Timesheet

Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty

Can we delegate the approval of TS to a subordinate? For the past how many duration the Time sheet is visible (1 month prior etc) For timesheets, can the excel option be used by (a) associate traveling on emergency leave (b) subcontractor (c) extract hours entered in client internal system (say Amex) and copy them into the excel timesheet on a regular basis - this will avoid hours How are we planning to manage TS compliance Ex: CP doesnt enter it today? How to enter non billable Project hours?

Timesheet Timesheet

Functionalilty Functionalilty



How to enter time sheet in proxy for an associate left on leave without a proper notification or emergency? Is it by suing the excel sheet to be emails? If an associate is going on a vacation how he/her does enter time sheet? In time sheet, can the leading zeros be suppressed in activity id field? There are only 3 activities. But since zeros are there, user has to move cursor in the field to view the last digit in activity id. In Timesheets, can the Project Manager's supervisor approve/view timesheets of an Associate? Is it possible to enter time lesser than 8 hours also?

Timesheet Timesheet

Functionalilty Functionalilty







Is it possible to list the activity name (like delivery, training, travel) in the timesheet, instead of just the activity id(like 0001,0002,0003 etc.). It gets confusing when we are entering time under multiple activities. It is mandatory for the Associates to submit Time through ESA or Prolite? Need ability to mail TS reminders to personal mail IDs if Cognizant mail is not accessible. Profitability - In time sheet if time goes over 40 hours how is cost measured. How does it reflect profitability? Provision of assigning multiple team leads who are can approve the timesheets, expenses etc. Currently we can designate only one offshore and one onsite personnel, this may not be sufficient for large projects (as in the case of horizontals).

Timesheet Timesheet Timesheet

Functionalilty Functionalilty Functionalilty





There is no restriction on the number of future or previous time periods for filling out the timesheets. Does the system validate that the future or previous timesheet being submitted for a project falls within the start and end dates of assignments for t There should be an option to route Timesheet and Expenses to 2 different individuals in the same project.







Time sheet is done on 15days basis customer timesheet come in once in a month how do we reconcile this. Timesheets on PS 8.0 show who the approver is, but in PS 8.9 we could not see the timesheet approver name anywhere. Shouldn't this information be displayed on the timesheet, to detect discrepancies? We are encouraging the associates to enter actual hours, what is the legality of the process. Is there any salary, bonus revisions attached? Are we covered on the legal side of the time entry? What is difference between Deny and Send Back in Time Sheet Approval? What kind of enforcement we will have on sub contractor time entry? Will resources be able to submit timesheet for a future period say someone going on leave etc should be able to submit their timesheet well in advance? Will sub-contractors have access to the Timesheet application? In future how will associates enter time?



Timesheet Timesheet

Functionalilty Functionalilty



Timesheet Timesheet

Functionalilty Enhancement



Timesheet Timesheet

Functionalilty Functionalilty

How do we handle people allocation and time entry for those who are billable in current project and who are working on proposals? Right now, we have scenarios where associates working on Billable projects are pulled into proposals? Is there any time limit for the expense approver to approve the reports submitted to him? As the Time Sheet system let us fill actual hours, how will ensure only 8 hours are taken for T&M billing?



Timesheet Timesheet

Functionalilty Functionalilty

Timesheet Timesheet

Functionalilty Functionalilty

Assuming that I am allocated to Project A for 4days in a week (i.e. 80%) and Project B for 1day in a week (i.e. 20%). If in a fortnight I enter timesheet with 6.4hrs everyday for Project A (i.e. 80%) and 6.4hrs everyday for Project B (i.e. 80%) Are we going to integrate CTS TS with Customer TS? Can the onsite/offshore approver be used to approve only time or expense? Rather can PM nominate one for Time & other for Expenses irrespective of location? Can TS entry for management staff be automated? What happens when associates are on unplanned leave and are not able to enter time? Holiday calendar of various geographies - can this be integrated into the timesheets billable hours to be computed after adjusting for geography-specific holidays? If someone is entering their hrs using Prolite/etracker how do we need to address this?







Under which timesheet bucket do the Client Partner and Account Manager book time when the opportunity is the Generate Interest and Qualification stage?




Technical Bug

Will compensation be based on timesheet entries by resources? What about future phases? What if a resource has genuinely worked for more than 8 hours and needs to be compensated for it any legal implications in any country for noting more than 8 hours i Why do we get e-mails from saying timesheets could not be approved?



What is the Timesheet Approval workflow when associate enters policy time?



How can I re-assign time and expense report approvals to another project member if the timesheet is routed to me by mistake?



Where can Associates log in time spent on Internal (non-Project) initiatives?



Can an associate fill in timesheet when on long leave?



Can an Account Manager (AM) generate a report for a list of associates who have not submitted their timesheets?



Why does the system throw an error when associates try to fill time against a time period for a project?


Data Query

What do the activities - Delivery, Travel or Training refer to and against what shall I fill time?


Data Query

What is the relevance of various heads under Policy time?



Where can Associates log in time spent on Internal (non-Project) initiatives?



Can an associate fill in timesheet when on long leave?



Can associates set default values to reflect on every timesheet?



How can associates submit time if they dont have access to ESA through Internet/Intranet and ensure that they are not defaulters?



How are timesheets routed for approvals?



How can associates re-assign time and expense report approvals to another project member if the timesheet is routed to them by mistake?

Solution Role If the PMs are part of the Opportunity team they can view this Account Manager information by default. The Opportunity Owner (or users who create the opportunity), will have to add the PM to the team All the Leads/deals that the Account Manager is working on, is Account Manager visible to the corresponding Client Partner and all others who are above the AM in the Hierarchy. For example, a Lead created by MetLife Account Manager will be visible to him, MetLife Client Yes.. Account Manager

Date Added 04/05/07



Yes. The Opportunity Owner will have to add the designated PMs Project Manager to the Opportunity team There is no such flag. However if you want to message to specific Client Partner audience it is possible. Yes, a CP can update the data for the opportunities which are Client Partner created by AM reporting to him. He can also create opportunities if he so desires. Opportunity can only be created for each company Account Manager Yes. No, as of now you cannt export any data to Microsoft Outlook from ESA. But, reports can be download generate in MS Excel. Account Manager AM/PM/CP

04/05/07 04/05/07


04/05/07 04/05/07 04/05/07

Yes. We can add new opportunitiies to existing customer.

Account Manager

04/05/07 04/05/07 04/05/07

Yes, we handle by using the territory tree in CRM and Customer Client Partner Tree in ESA It is available now for new accounts across geographies. Once Account Manager CRM 2.0 is rolled out along with ESA phase 1, it will be available for existing customer also. There is no customized view. As long as it is an opportunity AM/PM/CP the top management gets to see it. However to your point, to get top management focus on key deals we have a field on the opportunity details page called Strategic.


Basically it's the same. The Company / Customer data flows from AM/PM/CP CRM into ESA & we can have multiple projects for one customer / company. If there is automatic contract renewal without an RFP, it is NOT Account Manager and opportunity. If client invites fresh bids then it is a new opportunity. Yes, confidence % is basically denotes how close we are to win AM/PM/CP the business (either the business could be potential or a project). The confidence adjusted pipeline we generate is on First Year revenue.




Yes, you are correct that DMG would use Hoovers database by default. However, if the DMG also does not have and you want the DMG to create a company, you need to send across the relevant info. Yes. All Company/Customer data has been successfully synced to the ESA system. An attribute VERTICAL is available in customer component that can be updated with new value. It is set up in customer tree with information from Hoover database. Alliance information is also tracked as part of the customer Bill to and Ship to relationships on the contract. For example a contract or SOW with EDS Coors is set up as EDS as the Sol Customers can be group based on multiple parameters. For eg. It can be grouped based on geography, Customer(New/existing), vertical. No - They won't be treated as an opportunity. This will be tagged as an additional project to the Customer. Yes, there is a facility to export all opportunities in the system. For instance, you can search all the opportunities in the system and click on the Oval shape sheet to export. If the user is not able to find that icon, he/she can get into customize option and change the order of appearance.





DMG Account Manager

04/05/07 04/05/07

Client Partner


Project Manager AM/PM/CP

04/05/07 04/05/07

Current Opportunity and its follow on potential can be captured in the Opportunity - Forecast section. Going forward, all the new projects from that Customer can be tagged directly in ESA as an Online Project. It will be created on a need basis similar to the way any other company is created by DMG. The DMG associates the companies in a relationship, which could be parent-child or sister companies. Once the opportunity is assigned to an AM/PM, they can see the recently assigned opportunities in the homepage and search opportunities page. Email notification is currently not available for Opportunity assignment. One cannot delete an opportunity but can make the status of the opportunity to Inactive. The ability to inactivate an opportunity is ONLY available to application administrator. A request to with approval from your manager needs to be sent to CRMCOMPASSHe DMG governs company details not contact details. But person who owns account will maintain contacts Intermediary are companies that manage mega deals for customers. Few such companies are EquaTerra, Inc, Everest Partners Llc, Neoit etc. When there is an opportunity where there is an intermediary involved, the Opportunity Owner should flag it as Strategic. We also fill the partner field and relevant details in the Opportunity page.

Account Manager




Account Manager




DMG Account Manager

04/05/07 04/05/07

The contact tree is a very basic functionality in CRM and we are not using that



Contract is mandatory for billing and revenue recognition, and email approval will do but till the time the contract is signed the revenue will be reserved. CRM will be the single source for customer data & other applications would subscribe info from CRM. There will not be any relationship between opportunities in CRM. If it is for a large account with 2 account managers they can have a view of both opportunities ($Pipeline details will not be shown) in Customer 360 degree view. Leads/deals can be tracked by various statuses: New, Open, Accepted, Deferred, Rejected, Turnback, Working, Closed, Converted to Opportunity Yes. You can Upload only Proposal Related documents in the Notes Section of an Opportunity. NO Contract related documents should be uploaded here. The proposal related documents size should not exceed 5 MB Opportunity Description, Start & End Date of Opportunity, Opportunity owner & Team, Vertical, Product group Nothing will change for Phase1. Ex: EDS. We are now creating EDS-COORS as a customer and when we are subbing at Coors through EDS, a project will be created and tagged to the EDSCoors customer. When Phase 3 goes live, this will change and we will communicate the change at that time.



AM/PM/CP Account Manager

04/05/07 04/05/07

Sales Support Group AM/PM/CP



Project Manager AM/PM/CP

04/05/07 04/10/07

Once the Forecast Summary section has been filled completely AM/PM/CP and saved, a new row appears in the Forecast section at the bottom of the page. Also, the following fields in the Forecast Summary section become read only: Product Group Type Forecast No. It is not necessary that all projects IDs have an Opportunity in Project Manager CRM. For example, Online Projects are uploaded directly to ESA. Yes, there is no field to store that value on Project General Project Manager Information page. Where as PM/AMs can store this in Long Description Field on General Information page for references. This is because we want to have a single source of customer DMG data and centralize the Company Creation process in Cognizant. Going forward, only Customer Data Management Group (CDMG) will be creating customers in CRM (single source of truth).





Old project data is not going to be converted but we will maintain AM/PM/CP the customer data in some database. We need to consult Karen regarding old customer data. As far as we remember, there could be some issues pertaining to customer data prior to 1998. No changes. Account Executives If a parent company changes, the relationship changes will be effected on CRM/ESA customer databases by Data Management Group (DMG). The contracts if redone also have to be changed in the system. The Contract Administrator will work with the AM in redefining such contracts By default the type of an opportunity is project and in most cases the opportunities are in this category. The type is potential when we are not aware of the total deal size for ex: there could be an opportunity where the client asks us to do a pilot project and on the basis of how we execute the pilot we win a bigger project in this case the business that is outside of pilot will be a potential. Horizontal Solution is the services that we are offering to a vertical Client as part of the engagement / contract. 360 degree view gives us an overall view of the account, basically the number of leads, opportunities,intreactions and marketing contacts that are associated with the account. 360 degree is a way in which anyone who has access to CRM could go into the details of a customer and get to know what kind of leads and opportunity we are pursuing. By default the "type" of an opportunity is projects and in most cases the opportunities are in this category. The "type" is potential when we are not aware of the total deal size for ex: there could be an opportunity where the client asks us to do a pilot project and on the basis of how we execute the pilot we win a bigger project in this case the business that is outside of pilot will be a potential. Currently we are in the process of identifying an equivalent for Hoovers for Europe. There is no link between resource management and CRM. DMG Account Manager DMG


04/10/07 04/10/07 04/10/07

Account Manager


AM/PM/CP Account Manager

04/10/07 04/10/07

Account Manager



04/10/07 04/10/07

The current structure of creating customer in a project includes DMG customer code creation, which goes for approval to the vertical heads. Then it goes through a function within finance and they get the customer created. The same structure had to be maintained as the data is not just related to customer name, but there are other fields also like the invoice details, billing addresses, shipping addresses, account owner details so on and so forth. These are critical fields that are very important when you are doing some of the key downstream transactions. Currently there is one DMG to handle existing accounts. When marketing campaigns take place to prospect for new customers, there is a requirement to create these customers as well with DMG. When we acquire a new customer/logo, then there are key fields that get captured, which finance has to have control over. So thats one of the main reasons why DMG is now part of the finance.


My Account shows those accounts which are aligned to a Account Manager particular Account Manager or Client Partner. A person might be working on or owning responsibilities in certain accounts, so those accounts will show up on My Accounts. Yes, it searches across the entire database. AM/PM/CP



DMG is part of the finance organization based out of Chennai.


04/10/07 04/10/07

Its available for the sales users and the Sales Support Group. Sales Support Our project managers, Account Managers and client partners are Group maintaining contacts on a separate system / MS Outlook. There is an equivalent solution in ESA. However, it is common best practice to choose CRM as the customer data if the customer is implementing both CRM and ESA No. Project Details will not flow from CRM into Prolite. Today it is an excel format and will continue to be that way. AM/PM/CP


Project Manager DMG

04/10/07 04/10/07 04/10/07

We will follow a standard customer creation process and use DMG Hoovers as our standard. But exceptions are created by CDMG (in CRM) based on Business requirements. CRM is a pipeline tracking tool so all activities that happen AM/PM/CP before a deal is signed is in CRM where as revenue forecasting is on existing projects and hence outside the scope of CRM. At this point there are no plans to track revenue forecasting in CRM. No, it would be done in forecaster for future and existing projects Account Manager and in ESA for existing projects



We have thoughts around this but since we have some sensitive AM/PM/CP information in the system, we would see how the user community utilizes the system and accordingly we will take the necessary action.


CRM will track the opportunity throughout the sales cycle where as e-Forecaster will be used for revenue and resource forecasting. At some point in the future, forecasting may be fully integrated with the other PeopleSoft applications, doing away with the need for double entry. Account teams are a group of people who collaborate to generate business from an account. The account team is responsible for creating and maintaining opportunities associated with the account. Only an account team member can create opportunities for the account and only owner of the account team can add members to the account. -For a new account, Account Executive (AE) is the owner of the account -For an existing account, Account Manager (AM) is the owner of the account AE is the opportunity owner for a new account. AM is the opportunity owner for an existing account. Following are recommendations to ensure smooth collaboration in cases where more than one person is pursuing business development in an account. -Add AE or AM to Opportunity team in case an AE and AM are pursuing the business development initiatives (e.g. carryover account). -Add AE or AM to opportunity team in case it is created by horizontal BDM. -Consult the Client Partners or Ops Leads in case of any doubt to avoid creation of duplicate opportunities. To create opportunities for an account you should either be an Account Owner or an Account team member in CRM. -If you are an account manager as per eForecaster application than you will be made account owner for the corresponding account in CRM. No further action is required. -If you are an Account Executive, approval from the sales manager is needed and it needs to be sent to Data Management group (, for execution. -If you are a horizontal Business Development Manager (BDM) who needs to create an opportunity then account owner will need to add you as an account team member to enable opportunity creation. -In all other cases approval is required from respective operations lead for adding you as an Account owner.






All the users can view the basic opportunity details like the description, owner and status. However, only opportunity team members have ability to update the opportunity.


An opportunity team members manager (as defined in CRM) has visibility by default all the opportunities of his/her team. -Being part of the account team does not entitle one to get visibility to an opportunity, unless person has created the opportunity. -To be able to modify the opportunity, the opportunity owner should add you to the corresponding opportunity team. -A horizontal BDM, who needs visibility into an existing opportunity, needs to request the opportunity owner to add him/her as part of the opportunity team. If you are a Horizontal BDM, ensure that the following steps are Contract taken care of: Administrator -Co-ordinate with the account owner for the accounts that you are responsible for, to be part of the account team to ensure ability to create an opportunity for the account. -Collaborate with the account owner to prevent duplicate opportunity creation. -Ensure that you are part of the opportunity team in case the Account Owner is creating the horizontal opportunities -If you are opportunity owner for the horizontal, ensure that the project template is filled and Projects creation is done with correct project manager data. The customization to restrict opportunity creation to Account AM/PM/CP Team was deployed on April 30th. It is possible that some duplicate opportunities were created before this date and may not have gone through scrutiny. Please get in touch with the CRM Helpdesk ( to clean up the data. This integrates two crucial pieces of our business process: sales/BD and delivery. This ensures - Linkages between opportunities and projects. -Tracking proposal costs. -Ensures good visibility into pipeline. -Understanding of resource requirements. The lack of opportunities in the CRM system will result in the lower value of account pipeline and will also impact the pipeline of your vertical since CRM is being used as a source of truth for all the pipeline information. AM/PM/CP

CRM application is integrated with ESA to ensure that AM/PM/CP downstream applications get visibility into opportunity information. A check-box is provided on opportunity screen, when it is checked it will trigger a one time synchronization of opportunity with ESA. This synchronization results in the creation of Proposal and Go-Forward projects in ESA. Please refer to CRM-ESA communication of May 21, 2007 for more details on this process, and changes introduced by Stage I, CRM ESA release on May 21st. The opportunity team in CRM becomes the project team in ESA and the opportunity owner becomes the Project Manager (PM). PM is notified via email that proposal and go-forward projects are created. The status of these projects is Pending. PM then needs to fill project details in the Project creation template, found on associate compass portal This completed template has to be sent to the Contract Administrator (CA) at the following e-mail: CA will then ensure that project details are updated appropriately and status is changed to Active. Stage II release of CRM ESA changes scheduled on June 4th will eliminate additional step of going to Project creation template and sending it to CA. In Stage II release Project creation template attributes will be available in CRM itself enabling you to submit project creation information within CRM Application. You will receive a detailed communication about this change before June 4th.

The Opportunity interface triggers the projects creation in ESA. AM/PM/CP When the Proposal and Go-Forward projects are created, they are in a Pending status. Project manager has to activate these projects by filling project details in the project creation template and sending it to the project administrator. The template captures additional project attributes such as -Billability type -Onsite/Offshore Solution -Department. The projects have to be activated before any service orders (resource requests) can be raised and to capture the resource efforts. It is very critical that project templates are filled up in a correct and timely manner since resource allocation to projects is dependent on projects creation. The opportunity interface allocates the opportunity owner as the PM of Proposal and go-Forward projects. If you are an opportunity owner, you will be assigned as the PM and an email is sent to you. However, we are ensuring that emails to AE/AM/Horizontal BDMs are not sent, if they are not opportunity owners. AM/PM/CP

Only the team members with role APM and above would be able Project Manager to view the Project Resource list through Project Costing link. The Delivery Directors/Program Managers will not have any access until they are a part of Project team.

The assignments in the ESA system have got converted from Projects 8.0. Hence, if you were not a PM in 8.0, your status will not get reflected in ESA. However, the current manager can be able to change the PM. Yes

Project Manager

Project Manager

After release the resource will continue to be in same practice Project Manager pool (main/deployable depending upon deployability guideline) and they need to be explicitly assigned to practice bench project by practice bench PM. This is possible in the system. All we need to do is tag AM as the Project Manager onsite approver for all the projects within his account No there is no limit on this, but while creating the expense report Project Manager the person has a to be a part of the project for the month expenses were incurred and it is recommended you submit an expense report once every 15 days. IBM, KPMG are companies where ESA is being implemented but Project Manager it doesnt cover all the modules that we are implementing. No. Associate

Currently all activities in Proposal Project are Time activities. We Project Manager will add Expense activity to Proposal project. Yes, if the PM is offshore based Project Manager


Project Manager

When they go into the timesheet, they can see all the projects Associate they are assigned to. However, the system does not give who the PM is on that project until they submit the timesheet for a project. Billing proposal projects This was never a requirement and will Project Manager not be able to do so. Yes. You can create Online projects for this with help from CA Project Manager

The onsite approver cannot see the expenses approved by offshore person and vice versa. There are reports available for PM to see all the expenses approved by the onsite and offshore approver

Project Manager

As of now, there is no way around this, as we have designed this Project Manager as per requirements, which was to intimate PMs of upcoming project close dates within the next 20 days. We will come up with a revised design for this, and take this up as an enhancement.

Yes, Through Enterprise Program Tree AM can drill down to the customer node and then view Projects and further go to projects to view the resources on that project. The program tree has the following structure: Vertical -> Sub vertical ->Customer -> Proje

Account Manager

This cannot happen. By default, the Onsite Account manager Project Manager should be part of all the projects in the account. If he /she want to proportion their costs across projects, they should enter time against each project No Project Manager

Yes PBC will be responsible for Billing Approval when Phase 3 goes live. You also have an option of specifying PBC as an onsite or offshore approver. However, in such a case, they cannot approve billing on the project No. Only one offshore and onsite PBC can be assigned. Yes

Project Manager

Project Manager Project Manager

No this is delivered by PSFT & we are not customizing it. We can Project Manager consider this feedback in our future enhancements There will be single bench project at practice level only Project Manager

The PBC will have the same authority as the onsite approver. In a Project Manager large project, the PBC can be assigned as a onsite approver or a off-shore approver No, only Go-Forward projects go through the approval cycle. Project Manager

Yes. Go to your project, then proceed to the resources page of Project Manager the project (you can get there by clicking on resources link at the bottom) and then click on the name of the associate for whom you want to make a location change. You will see the details of their assignment. Click on the last assignment ID for the associate and at the bottom of the screen, you will see the location of the associate. A new location has to be added by clicking on the + sign. Make sure you choose the right location change reason when you change associate location upon approving a new assignment or simply on an update to an associates assignment information. - Reasons that will have Payroll Impact: Choose Move across country when Associate moves from one country to another long term and chose Domestic Transfer when Associate moves from a city/state to another long term (Payroll Impact Onsite) - Reasons that will not have Payroll Impact: Choose None when Associates are traveling back & forth regularly for client work onsite, Deputation when Associates traveling onward to another city/state in country short term offshore, Short term business trip when Associates traveling across country on a short term business trip and choose Location Change when Associates are changing Facility offshore or Returning from deputation (usually offshore) or Returning from short term Yes. Associate No. For phase 1- he needs to be part of the project team and assigned. We are also converting the Onsite account managers for each project from Projects 8.0. When Phase 3 goes live, all account managers will be part of customer support team. Yes. Project Manager Project Manager

Contract Administrator

Yes. The option "Requested" is not available as in a Go-Forward Project Manager the Only available value for a PM is considered. He can't do a direct assignment & he has to go through the SO route.

Yes they can


All projects will be tagged to vertical; horizontal is an attribute - I assume we can update even after go-live. We have the new values for Horizontals with mappings to the old and CA can update this info even after go-live. Yes we can, but only one person at both locations. This is used only for approval of actual time and expenses.

Project Manager

Project Manager

From our understanding we explained to the team that EXATN projects are created when we have won the project but the contract is yet to be signed. When a Go-Forward project is created a workflow mail is triggered to CA and PM. For online projects (which are created by CA) mail is triggered to PM once CA attaches the PM to the project. That is the just the way PeopleSoft built the system, it is not a project delivery task but an activity for the system to book your expense. Contact your project administrator and they will do the needful. Once the CA (Contract Admin) attached the PM to a Project, a mail will be sent to the respective PM Only projects which have contracts attached to them can have project type as EXTN and EXANT. So for PMO projects project type will be either INTNL or UAMCP.


Project Manager

Account Manager

Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager

Contract Admin does this manually

This will remain as it is for Phase 1. It will be calculated from Control-M. The new calculation will go-live in phase 3 and users will be trained at that time Typical offshore PM tasks are raising Service Orders, approving Project Manager associate allocations to projects, approving timesheets for offshore resources, approving expense reports for offshore resources (phase 2), approving PM billing worksheets at month ends (phase 3), confirming fixed bid project estimates at monthend, confirming achievement of contract milestones for fixed bid projects (phase 3) and releasing associates at project close. Typical onsite AM tasks are: Approving contract set-up (phase 3), approving AM billing worksheets at month-end (phase 3), approving timesheets and expense reports for onsite associates, nominating PHs on auto-created projects. Yes. There is no other place. Onsite approver/offshore approver Project Manager in User fields is also called as PBC. Program Managers and Delivery Directors can ask the WFM's of Project Manager their practice to pull out the Allocation reports related to Practice/customer/projects etc.

Contract Administrator Project Manager

We are in the process of developing a query which would provide AM/PM/CP the following information: PM, Onsite Approver, Offshore Approver, Account Manager for all projects in an Account. In addition, If you are assigned to the project (in a non PM role) you would be able to view the customer projects If you do not have the right access, you are either not assigned Project Manager as a Project Manger in ESA for the project(s) in question or you were just assigned and a batch process is pending (usual lag of 8 hours). As part of maintaining assignments please make sure you Project Manager choose the right location change reason when you change associate location upon approving a new assignment or simply on an update to an associates assignment information.

No The remainder cost will go to the practice.

Project Manager Project Manager

There is a check-box to do this. The navigation that a current PM Project Manager has to follow is:Project Costing -> Project Definitions -> general Information -> (Search for Project) - ? Resources link -> Click on the Resources name who needs to be the PM -> See below Yes Project Manager


Project Manager

even if the End date of the current PM is passed he will still have Project Manager full access to the project until a new PM is assigned to the project. In case he goes and tries to release an Onsite PBC the system will not allow him and give an error message.

Associate can book time against a External project under 3 activities Delivery, Training and Travel and against a Proposal project under 13 activities. They can choose activities only from this pre-defined list. Yes

Project Manager

Project Manager

Project Manager

Yes. The PM has to notify CA to close it No. Forecasts maintained on e-Forecaster are not linked with those on ESA. This linkage may be established only when eForecaster is replaced by an equivalent PeopleSoft or other platform module under the Compass BI track. Yes

Project Manager Project Manager

Project Manager

Need to create a program and group all projects under that BU.

Project Manager

Reason code is same as that of Proj 8.0. Deputation - Deputation Project Manager to another city/state, Location Change - For India geography associate is moved from one facility/floor/building to another, Associate is returning from Short Term Business trip etc Yes it will be defaulted. Project Manager

Yes. Program tree will be created in the live system as explained Project Manager by you. However, only account managers will have access to projects and customers. The BU heads will be able to run reports to get the data.

Projects will be closed after the receivables have been collected Contract and the revenue has been recognized for the client Administrator The practice or the account should make sure they are sending Project Manager the request only once to the CA. However, the CA also validates the data before creating the project. Since there are only 2-3 CAs for the entire organization, the validation of data should not be an issue Anyone who is tagged as the PM can do this work. We recommend that it should be the offshore PM Yes. CA will not close until all the soft processes are completed Project Manager Project Manager

Expense module roll out has been shifted to 1st week of May.

Project Manager

This is working as per the delivered PeopleSoft functionality. In case there is no PM on the current date in a Project the last PM will be designated as the PM and he will have full access to the Project.

Project Manager

Yes, there is no field to store that value on Project General Information page. Where as PM/AMs can store this in Long Description Field on General Information page for references. Should be policy time.

Project Manager


Currently this can be accomplished only if the Project Manager Project Manager goes and makes some other team member of the project as PM. At a time only one PM can exist in a Project. For time sheet approval and expense approval PM can nominate PBCs (which have to be from the project team There will be some such projects against which anyone will be Associate able to log time, even if not allocated. These reports can be run at the BU, Vertical and at Project level Project Manager and not at the practice level -Alert Project End Date, At BU levelEfforts on Proposal, At vertical level for one project-Entry Non Compliance Report, For 1 PM at vertical level and for one time period,Project without contract, At BU level-Time Sheet Non Approval, At vertical level and for one time period-Total Hours By Associates We cannot provide a systemic solution for this. Project Manager It is a hierarchical structure of Programs and Projects, and it is Project Manager created and managed using the PeopleSoft Tree Manager. The enterprise program tree is structured by vertical, sub vertical and customer. The email ID for Contract Admin group is Project Administrators Project Manager (Cognizant Finance). PM will send the project template to this ID for creating the online project and also if they want to make any changes to the project start and end dates. Also, in case of online projects and projects created from opportunity in CRM the Contract Admin will be assigned by PC Admin. All the CAs that are in this group will be given access to any new project created. Bench projects are always created by a CA Contract Administrator

One Day Yes

DMG Project Manager

Once the CA (Contract Admin) attached the PM to a Project, you Project Manager will get a mail. This is part of Phase-3 (would be part of Project Costing) Project Manager

Yes, the recruitment project will be visible to everyone & it will be Project Manager at Practice level

There is no automated email for Closure of Project. Once the revenue is received, the CA manually closes the project & informs the PM.

Project Manager

CA creates the UAMCP, INTNL projects. INTNL projects are Project Manager created based on Practice's requirement UAMCP type projects are created at the account level and it already exists in Project 8.0. This will be carried forward during conversion to ESA System when we go live. The PM defined in the Projects in ESA will be the RAMS Project Manager supervisor People wanted the proposal project to flow into go-forward Project Manager project. The main reason for this was a) we did not want the proposal cost to impact the profitability of the actual project and the allocations for proposal project are very different then actual This is not mandatory field. This is corrected Project Manager

Yes. Both active projects & Open RRs will be converted in new ESA system in Phase 1.

Project Manager

CA can change the PM of a Proposal project only if he has access to that Project. The access to any project is given to CA using the Project Access page by FAST team Yes it will. Is likely to continue to exist until it is replaced by an equivalent PeopleSoft or other platform module under the Compass BI track. Need to create a program and group all projects under that BU. No It will be closed when the opportunity is won or lost (typically contract signing).

Project Manager


Project Manager Project Manager

For phase 1 where he has been assigned only

Project Manager

Yes, they would be aligned to a vertical. No

Project Manager Project Manager



Time can be recorded at an activity level in Prolite or etracker. Project Manager ESA will have only project level activity. For invoices that require activity level time for billing, annexure will be provided. If the activity billing for the customer is really the billing for maintenance or development and the same team is working on both the activities, these will be setup as two separate projects in the system and billing can be sent out to the customer by activity or by project AM would get a report Project Manager

Both resource load by Week & Month can be used. Resource Project Manager load by Month is suggested. One can use decimal values up to two levels. Make sure you run the macro before uploading this sheet to transpose the values from resource load by month/week to profitability Currently system allows only 1 PM per project at any given point Project Manager of time. We will take this as a feedback for future enhancements. But WFM/SSO right now it will be the same process mentioned in the presentation

PM can backdate the start dates just prior approving an assignment. They can set it to any date after last Peoplesoft freeze date but they cannot postpone the start date to a future date.

Project Manager

Project Manager in ESA can maintain assignments properly by Project Manager ensuring the following: Assignment Changes: The Project Manager needs to maintain changes in Assignments, Locations and billability. Percentage assignment can be changed with Maintain Assignments feature by adding a new row and changing the assigned hours and minutes appropriately. 8 hours is treated as an assignment of 100%. PM needs to make sure the right location change reason code is selected -Location change reason with Payroll impact: Choose Move Across Country for Long term onsite; Choose Domestic Transfer for Long term change within the country and state -Location Change reason with No Payroll impact: Choose None when associates are traveling back and forth for client work onsite; Deputation when traveling for short term offshore; Short Term Business Trip when traveling across country for short term; Location change When associates are returning from Deputation and Short term business trip Assignment changes Backdated: These can be done by a) Updating the end date of previous row and b) the start date and end date of newly added row. This is subject to freeze date. For example: If an Associates location needs to be changed from 3rd April (with current date April 20th ) with present Assignment start date as March 01 and end date as December 31. Following changes need to be made in the assignment rows: Start date End date Current row (with present location) March 01 April 02 Newly added row (with new Location) April 03 Dec 31 Note: For all assignment changes, Reason code is a mandatory field row is needed to indicate the effective date of assignment, A new with a reason code. This information is passed to downstream applications like HCM to make location changes and indicate payroll change. Adding a new row will clearly indicate how associates assignment has progressed. There is no system restriction on assignment of more than 100%. Project Manager The system however, gives warning messages if an associate is assigned to more than 1 project on any given day. The PMs while approving will see a day by day conflict of associate assignment For direct assignments, the resource status always has to be set Project Manager to Requested and associate ID has to be always specified. -For generic resources, resource status always has to be Considered and associate id always has to be Generic.

A single opportunity may have both Vertical and Horizontal AM/PM/CP projects in the pipeline. In such cases to account for Horizontal BD costs an additional Proposal project needs to be created (for the Horizontal) through Contract Administrator. Both Vertical and Horizontal resources are assigned on to their respective proposal projects to book time and expenses against them. These Proposal projects are owned by their respective owning practices.

Attributes like Billability (Fixed Bid or T&M) and Customer/Vertical Project Manager data cannot be changed for a Project. However, a PM can close the existing project and get a new Project created (with the latest billability and customer/vertical information) with the help of Contract Administrator.. The PM needs to ensure that all the key activities before closing the existing Project are completed and associates are assigned to the new project. A PM should get an EXTAN or External anticipated project Project Manager created from the current start date (or a Go-forward project is automatically created when the opportunity reaches Scope & Requirements stage). On this project, the assigned PM can create SO for assignments related to future anticipated dates. These projects can be changed to EXTN or External by Contract Administrators when contract with customer is signed or upon requests by PM.

PM can create a single SO for multiple resources. More than one Project Manager Generic Resource can be converted to a similar number of Resource Requests (RR) under one SO from the Manage Generic Resources section. All these RRs will come under a single SO ID. However, Project Role, HCM Set ID, Location and Job Code along with desired Competency needs to be specified for each RR. These fields are available on the Resource Requests tab. Competency addition can be simplified by the use of Qualification Profiles.

Operational role is the role an associate performs on a project whereas the Project Primary Role is connected with Billing and will be relevant once ESA Phase 3 goes live. Both roles can be updated through the resources page while creating a new assignment row.

Project Manager

PM cannot release more than one associate at a time. Each resource has to be released individually from the project. This is a prerequisite to Project Completion and kept intentionally to capture the feedback and release history of the resources from the PM.

Project Manager

The resource will be automatically released to the pool based on Project Manager deployability guidelines, once the assignment is completed. However, the assignment itself will not be set to complete and the PM has to update the status of the assignment to complete manually. The reason code is captured at the time of marking the assignment as Completed.

Account Manager should request Data Management Group (DMG) to split the account. DMG will validate the request and accomplish this. All the current projects will reflect the old account/customer and any new projects created going forward will reflect new customer.

Project Manager

If you are a PM in ESA, you can make location changes effective Project Manager after the freeze date and also provide an appropriate location change reason. Once this is done, you need to follow up with the payroll teams of the old and new locations to insure changes reflect in payroll. That said, we urge you to keep track of the location changes and update it on time as they have an impact on payroll. Upon promotion, the job code of the associate gets updated in Associate HCM. Once this is done, this information is reflected in the My Profile section under Resource Management. In the Assignment Page, accessible to the PM, the job code is automatically updated. -But the PM does need to update the Primary Project Role by creating a new assignment row. Once this field is updated, the cost of the associate will affect the project accordingly. It is the PMs discretion to update the Project Role as this field impacts billing (ESA Phase 3). -However, when the promoted associate is assigned to a new project (through Direct Assignment/Service Order); the Primary Project Role gets populated based on the promoted designation.



Project Mangers should proactively plan and release the associate on a future date if they are aware of the associates termination of employment. Subsequently the PM can raise Service Order for replacement.

Project Manager


The CRM-ESA opportunity synchronization results in the creation AM/PM/CP of Proposal and Go-Forward projects in ESA. This creation is as per the system design. For more information on the latest changes to this process, please refer E-Mail from ESA support titled CRM ESA Interface (Changes in Project Creation) sent May 21, 2007. The user (opportunity team member in CRM) has flexibility to decide when to initiate action in CRM which will create Proposal & Go-forward projects in ESA.

A project cannot have any sub-projects as there is no concept of AM/PM/CP a sub-project in ESA. One can create a program and include as many projects under that program. The program itself will not have any activities or resources. Timesheet cannot be entered against the program.

Associates can be assigned to multiple projects simultaneously. However, at the time of assigning an associate, ESA provides a warning in case of an overlapping schedule or if the total assignment % exceeds 100%.

Project Manager

Ideally, Project Managers need to ensure that all assignments Project Manager with elapsed end dates should either be extended (to retain the associate) or Completed (to release the associate). PM should also specify the reason code at the time of marking the assignment as Completed. If these actions are missed by the PM and the associate assignment for a project elapses, a batch process would autoextend assignments for a period of 1 month or up to the project end date (which ever is sooner) taking the following points into consideration: Assignments for associates will be extended only if the end date has elapsed and the PM has not explicitly released the associate by changing the Assignment Status to Completed. Assignments for all project types would be considered for extension. Freeze date for the month has not passed However, if the above criteria are not met, the associate will be released automatically to that projects practice pool based on deployability guidelines.

PM cannot perform a backdated associate release for a project. PM can only release the associates as of the current date or a future date.

Project Manager

When the PM releases the associate from the project, associate Project Manager will be assigned to that projects practice pool (main/deployable depending upon deployability guidelines). Associates have to be explicitly assigned to practice bench project by the practice bench PM.

Until PH3 it would still be done in BYT. After PH3 goes live with Billing module, BYT will retire & a PM / AM can do this in the Billing Approval screen Since we are rolling out by vertical for Phase-III, each vertical which goes live in phase III will be reporting from ESA while others continue on the old systems, and there will be the RC database where numbers from both ESA and BYT will be recorded to get final numbers. No there is no time frame

Project Manager



They are benchmarked taking into account industry best Associate practices. Currently all activities in Proposal Project are Time activities. We Project Manager will add Expense activity to Proposal project Technically possible, but may not be practically feasible as FB Project Manager invoices are due on milestone achievement and T&M invoices based on time periods. The contract can still be billed without the SOW being signed and Contract this needs a finance approval or notification to finance. However, Administrator we want to make sure this is an exception rather then normality Travel and hardware expenses which are part of project estimates will not be captured and included for purposes of arriving at total effort cost. They can however, be captured separately for tracking purposes. Budgets will typically not be uploaded for proposal projects as we do not prepare profitability worksheets for these. Projects & CA are 2 parallel tracks & they get connected as soon as the contract is signed. Yes you can split the AMEX expense using the receipt split functionality Project Manager

Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager

Billing proposal projects This was never a requirement and will Project Manager not be able to do so. If the online project is a client billable project then SO has to be Project Manager created. If the online project is a bench or recruitment type of project then direct assignment is possible Only reports to check and control this. Contract Administrator

Go-forward projects will be created for all opportunities, regardless of whether they are eventually won or lost. We will therefore, not be able to use any linkage of proposal and goforward projects to determine the cost of lost opportunities. Not necessary. However, if you do not have a profitability sheet, you have to create the resource requests by first creating those estimates manually No. We will wait for system to stabilize before thinking of this. Yes Yes

Client Partner

Project Manager

Contract Administrator AM/PM/CP Associate

No. Account Manager Our answer was no, the integration is only one way from PPWI to AM/PM/CP ESA

EDI is not planned with the current releases of ESA 8.9. Subsequent enhancements may include this. The system is designed to support EDI, though. The Location refers to where the Expenses has been incurred



Theyll face this problem only if they try to create expense reports AM/PM/CP from scratch. If they use the template defined for UK/Europe, theyll only see the expense types that are applicable to them. Same with India and NA geographies. It should be the location where Travel is originating from AM/PM/CP

When a Go-Forward project is created a workflow mail is AM/PM/CP triggered to CA and PM. For online projects (which are created by CA) mail is triggered to PM once CA attaches the PM to the project. He/she has to be allocated to the projects he needs to put the AM/PM/CP expense for. They should be allocated to all the projects AM/PM/CP

Summary of billable hours will be approved by the offshore PM AM/PM/CP but the invoice level billing approval will be done by the AM for such cases. If the expense is being charged to their cards, theyll definitely AM/PM/CP have to put them on their expense reports. If they are paid for by the company, they need not, unless UK decides to implement the same model as India for accounting company-booked expenses

Associates will still have to be assigned to the project they are AM/PM/CP traveling for. If they are traveling on a BD project, they should be assigned to BD project. Once the opportunity is assigned to an AM/PM, they can see the AM/PM/CP recently assigned opportunities in the homepage and search opportunities page. Email notification is currently not available The change in value should not change anything in ESA for phase 1. There will be some implications in phase 3 and the customer will be educated accordingly When you split the expense on multiple projects you need to assign the percentage of amount allocation on the projects detail line. The total has to be 100 % When you split the expense on multiple projects you need to assign the percentage of amount allocation on the projects detail line. The total has to be 100 % It will affect estimates and contact may also change how are these things handled? Estimates are confirmed every month by PMs and any changes will have to be made. Contract amendment follows a workflow that is similar to the contract setup process on ESA. The contract admin will make the changes, finance will approve the amended set-up, AMs will also approve and only then will the changes take effect. AM/PM/CP




They will need to be allocated to the respective project (via direct AM/PM/CP assignments) to be able to log time or expenses. In such cases, estimates can be entered directly against the projects on PeopleSoft instead of using the upload facility. AM/PM/CP

Volume discounts will be handled by raising credit notes while rate discounts will be handled by changing the billing rates. It will go to the associates owning organization



Yes by creating a customer level program


There is a proposal made by finance to charge visa expenses to projects only when associates utilize visas and travel. This proposal is being analyzed. Contract administrators will be aligned with the verticals they are embedded in. However, they will report into the finance SSO. IBIS tracks profitability at project level even today and this will continue. Based on timesheet




PPW does two things one to create generic resource request AM/PM/CP lines and second is to create a baseline budget. Please remember it is one time and any subsequent revision of Budget is done directly in the ESA system. It is not mandatory from the system side. Yes AM/PM/CP Account Team On BYT also, PMs are required to set-up contract data before billing & revenue are processed. How is the ESA system different? Contract set-up on PS includes much more than what is currently set-up on BYT. CAs role is different from the contract teams r Every expense line on a expense report can be tagged as rebillable expense. The Associate has the chance to bill it and the PM has the ability to override it. Once over ridden by PM, it will go into billing from phase 3. There is no such report that has been created so far to track rebillable expenses. It will be available in Phase 3 Actually we want to get away with this & it would be one standard format. If something is not standard, then that would be as an attachment to the invoice This will be through BYT for Phase1. When Phase 3 goes live, the time entered by the associate will be defaulted into billing and PM can change the billing amount and hours. Nothing will get billed before the PM approval and then the approval by AM AM/PM/CP AM/PM/CP




No. It will still be used for pre-travel authorization. AM/PM/CP It is going to be paid through Accounts payables depending on AM/PM/CP how fast the expense report is approved. The associate has the option of Direct Deposit also. Associates do not have to wait till 15th or 30th to get a direct deposit. It will be much faster than it is today Yes. Contract amendment follows a workflow that is similar to the AM/PM/CP contract set-up process and involves entry by CA and approval by finance and AMs before the changes can take effect. No change if it is a payroll payment. AM/PM/CP

Profitability reporting can be done at program level, but this will involve changes to IBIS since profitability reporting is done from there. This is being fixed.



Such cases will have to identified and flagged as exceptions


We have to work with finance on this process - Our answer was in general we will not bill the customer if the contract is not signed. However, if we have special cases, the AM will have to work with finance in setting up the contract as active before the SOW is signed Projects can be grouped using programs. There is no other logical grouping of projects. Project Role is purely for operational for phase 1. For phase 3, it will be used for billing where we have contracts where billing is done by a project role and also for building initial estimates We have corporate discounts with certain vendors for hotel / airfare etc & we can enter those in that fields. This is applicable only for certain expense types. The PM should not approve but if the PM approves, it goes to audit in finance January 2006. Yes there would be a black out period for 3 to 4 days. However the endeavor would be to go live over a weekend to minimize the impact. The entire role of CA is to set-up the contract in ESA system based on the information received from AM / CPs. Also SLAs have not been finalized yet, but it will there from both sides (CA & account management teams) Revenue recognition method depends on the contract billing terms. If it is fixed bid, revenue is recognized on effort completion. If T&M, revenue is recognized on as-incurred basis. In the profile update, associate can select either Direct Deposit or System Check. If an associate selects Dir Dep, or does not select any option, AND leaves bank details page unfilled, s/he will not be able to submit any expense report. Record it at customer level projects for existing accounts & add it to proposal projects for new customers Actual Contract is stored in CDMS. The AM can see the link to the contract from the PeopleSoft system. Practice Yes No. It will be in the form of a cheque CA can change the PM of a Proposal project only if he has access to that Project. The access to any project is given to CA using the Project Access page by FAST team.









No - The CA will be aligned with the practice & his role would be primarily financials driven. In ESA the CA will work with account management teams for billing, revenue recognition etc. Yes Yes. Contract should not be signed without a contract number. Contract number is not generated on the ESA system. However, it is captured on ESA. Project profitability estimates can either be uploaded from the proposal profitability templates, or entered manually on the ESA system. They can also be maintained on the ESA system and any amendments/adjustments required, made directly on the ESA system No. MSA will be outside of the system, but we will be capturing the MSA number in system No, this wont affect Payroll





Each contract is set up independently on PS ESA. Contract will AM/PM/CP therefore, vary. ESA captures contract terms that drive downstream financial activities billing and revenue recognition. Non financial contract terms will not be captured on ESA. Legal revie The trail for sub-contractors will be there in the system but vendor AM/PM/CP info is not part of this rollout. Yes AM/PM/CP Yes. The PM will get to see what is billable which he can also AM/PM/CP change & bill it to customer Customer would be EDS-ABN-Amro. EDS would be considered a Associate partner

Please raise a remedy ticket.


The Work Experience seen in the Resource Profile shows only Associate those assignments that were converted based on the Conversion Strategy employed by ESA. No, as of now you cannt export any data to Microsoft Outlook Associate from ESA. But, reports can be download generate in MS Excel.

We have done a stakeholder analysis which actually lists out the Associate process changes that impacts each role.

Invoice cannot be generated at program level. Grouping of invoices across projects to one customer can be achieved through contract creation which goes live in phase 3


This is a system definition and may not replicate the actual Account Manager business unit structure in Cognizant. We dont have data validation sheet available with us. But there Project Manager have been numerous communication mails being sent to PM by COMPASS ESA team. There it has been detailed what all are the tasks of the PM and what the new ESA system will have. Performance testing to ensure speed and performance at higher Associate scale of operations is part of the project plan.

We have points of contact across functions and are tracking any Associate changes that need to be factored into the design. This information comes from HCM 8.9. Kindly raise a ticket in gsd Associate under category HCM 8.9 for HCM issues You cannot update these items. These get updated wherever you Associate get assigned to a project. This is done through Service Orders (involving PM and WFMs) and directly by PM in some of the cases. That has to be done in HCM. Leave approver is the HCM supervisor and it is maintained in HCM. The overall administrative workload for Account Managers & Project Managers will come down as in the future state they would not be spending time following up on mails and calls. Project Manager Associate

With ESA, the primary means to track resources and costs is the Associate Project. This applies to both client projects as well as the corporate functions (HR, IT, Finance, Legal, Marketing, Executive, etc.). Generally, External Projects are created (go-forward and Project Manager proposal) after an opportunity reaches Scope and requirements stage. For creation of projects online (both internal and external) Project/ Account managers need to fill up the Project creation template and send it to the Contract Administrator Project end date can be extended only by the Contract Project Manager Administrator. For all External/ Customer projects, please reach out to For all Internal/ Support projects, please reach out to

The contract administer will -Create & assign PM for online projects (projects for which opportunities havent been created in CRM) -Extend a project end date -Create and change billing locations -Perform Horizontal tags reflecting appropriate horizontal involvement in a project Your Workforce Manager -Searches for associates with right skills and available for your projects -Can create a back dated service order as long as the date is within the current month freeze date Generally, External Projects are created (go-forward and proposal) after an opportunity reaches Scope and requirements stage. For creation of projects online (both internal and external) Project/ Account managers need to fill up the Project creation te

Project Manager

Project Manager


This data comes from HCM 8.9. HCM does periodic updates to Associate these Competencies and sends it to ESA .Kindly raise a ticket in gsd under category HCM 8.9 for HCM issues You can contact the ESA Helpdesk 24/5 by e-mail Associate ( or phone. You can call VNET 56666 or US Number 866 822 2024. From Europe you should dial UK number 207 136 1414 & extension 56666. You can also enter issues in Remedy at https://esahd/ This can be updated by the by the Contract Administrator. Project Manager For all External/ Customer projects, please reach out to For all Internal/ Support projects, please reach out to

It was estimated initially that there would be a reduction in the AM/PM/CP administrative overload on the PM. Actual studies have not been done. For transaction heavy tasks like timesheet and expense approval, an alternative exists for optimizing workload (by designating Project Billing Coordinators). . No, PS ESA was chosen because we wanted a common PS Associate platform. However, the assessment project evaluated and confirmed the suitability of ESA modules to our requirement. Primarily, a Project Manager needs to ensure that the Project Manager Assignment Status for all the resources (excluding self) in the Project is changed to Completed. Before this activity, Onsite and Offshore approvers also need to be changed to PM.

All the projects data including the allocations, assignment details Associate of PM, OAM and FAM and the project attributes for horizontal, vertical and customer are getting converted We will circulate the list of various reports as part of PH1 & 2 Project Manager Implementation to everybody later. These can be generated in the system itself My Assignments shows all pervious and current assignments Associate for an associate. Whereas, My Schedule shows how an Associates calendar is blocked due to one or more assignments. Project Hours Fixed Bid Milestone Day Sales Outstanding. SetID is a 5 character field where first two characters depict Cognizant Business (2 standard types: BP = BPO; IT = Information Technology). The next 3 characters in the SetID field depict the Country location (Standard Country codes e.g.: IND = India; GB As a Business Requirement, no associate can have access to the Project Resource page (accessible through Project Definitions) until he is a member of the Project team with assigned role APM and above. However, they can see the tagging of Projects in RM Yes. Significant clean up effort has gone in to align this. If for any reason a product is missing from the list Data Management Group will be involved to create this. You neYou need to update competencies in HCM. E-learning material on HCM is available. This information will get interfaced to ESA automatically. Associate Associate Associate Associate

Project Manager



All associates can update additional information in Maintain Profile and also add your Res Whizza system https://whizza. This information will get interfaced Associate to ESA automatically. In the new system HCM supervisor is not updated directly by Associate ESA. The maintenance of HCM supervisor is an independent activity in HCM. Talent managers will have access to update associate managers in HCM directly. All questions can be addressed to Associate

Please contact your WFM The PeopleSoft platform was felt to be the most appropriate one for service-centric companies. This was the main reason. No. There is no integration of Leave Mgmt system with ESA

Project Manager Associate Associate

No, the user cannot customize it. However, the users will get to see only those links that they have access.


Some SO are getting cancelled and workflow notification is Project Manager triggered. The team is currently working on the resolution. Managers and WFM are advised not to manually cancel any SO. The System name & Approver information for a few systems are provided below a) RAMS: PM Project Manager (Source is ESA) b) Firewall: PM (Source is ESA) c) Leave Management System: HCM Supervisor (Source is HCM) d) Timesheet & Expenses, MyTravel: The approvers are: Supervisor (ESA): If PMs (requester) supervisor set-up in ESA PM: If Onsite/Offshore approver is the requester Onsite Approver: If Requester's assignment location is onsite Offshore Approver: If Requester's assignment location is offshore

We are already working / almost on the verge of completion on creating Quick Reference cards / Quick Reference Guides for every role getting impacted by ESA. This will cover in detail the As-Is & To-Be processes.

Project Manager

For Leave it will be the HCM Supervisor & RAMS it will be the PM Project Manager of Projects in ESA The process would continue to be the same as it is today Associate As a Project Manager you would; - Enter effort estimates - Create Service Orders(SO) to request for associates with desired skills - Approve and maintain associate assignments - Approve timesheet for the project A program in ESA is a notional grouping of projects. For example all projects performed for a clients IT department could be clubbed under one program. Please note; -There is no reporting at the program level The PM is the Project Manager designate for that particular project. All timesheets and expenses of associates assigned to that project will be routed to the PM of that project who will be the approving authority. I hour batch between Prolite & eTracker. CRM is real-time. HCM Allocation interface 3 hrs, Recruitment interface half hr. All other systems are on a daily, weekly, twice daily depending on application requirement. It is not as sophisticated as a BPM based but the users will have access to only what they have to do. It will be role-based & specific to what AM has to do. As part of workflow, it's a combination of emails & worklist feature in application. Project Manager

Project Manager

Project Manager


Project Manager

CPs will not have access to the actual transaction pages in Project Manager Phase 1. They will get to know the data only from reports. The only place where CPs will have access to is Time entry for practice level sales projects, time and expense entry for proposal projects. It depends. Expense can happen anywhere irrespective of any Project Manager currency across the world. So we cant treat USD & INR as most commonly used It is the HCM supervisor. Project Manager No. As of now, Payroll is not driven by Timesheet Associate Project Manager

It would be Domestic Transfer.

Project Manager

Data from HCM is synchronized on a real time basis. However, Associate due to load on the messaging servers sometimes it takes couple of hours for the data to be synchronized with ESA. It could be an issue with that application also. To insure speedy Associate resolution, any data issue in any application, other than HCM and CRM, should be raised against the respective application support team. The respective application team would be the first line of support, which will then analyze the issue and route it to ESA team, if necessary, after evaluation.

All associates can now use the My Favourites link that has been recently launched in ESA. Do browse to your most used pages in ESA and set them to Favourite by clicking on My Favourites -> Add to Favourites. You may edit your Favourite Links anytime. We advise you to set Employee Self Service -> Time Report -> Modify as a Favourite right away! This will help you in quick retrieval of saved timesheets or the ones that you subscribe from Prolite and E-tracker. Similarly, you can set My Assignments and My Profile as favourites.

We are facing some performance constraints due to a large number of hits on the application. This will be fixed in some time Raise a remedy ticket and it will get routed to the infrastructure team automatically.



Raise a remedy ticket with category security/access issue and it will get routed to the security group automatically.


Raise a remedy ticket and it will get routed to the infrastructure Associate team automatically. Raise a remedy ticket and it will get routed to the infrastructure Associate team automatically. The PM has the ability to segregate actual & billable hours in the Project Manager billing approval screen in PH3. The creation of project should be fairly easy going forward. Also, in situations like this, we can have the WFM back date the SO to the previous week onsite PM should inform offshore PM on time and offshore PM should update the information on a timely basis; if there are too many such changes, then offshore PM can assign onsite PM as the PM for the project for that period. Every pool can have multiple workforce managers called Additional Workforce Managers who have similar access to Primary WFM in terms of staffing and reassigning work within pool. Hence if adequate WFMs are there no bottleneck will be experienced. Project Manager

Project Manager

WFM is not aligned to the Account rather he/she is aligned to the Account Manager Vertical or Horizontal and belongs to the practice and is also governed by Global Deployment Workforce Group. The current model is built for the PM to do most of the activities like creation of SO and the approval of resources. As we spoke in the training, if you already have "Account resource managers" you might want to consider turning them into a WFM. The associates who are on long leave will be a part of practice WFM/SSO pool and will be made ineligible for staffing so that they dont move into deployable pool based on automated process. Leave at onsite as well as approval is a part of Leave Management System (LMS) and we dont have data flowing into ESA from LMS. NBL Buffer in the project will be treated as a normal resource and Project Manager his/her movement to deployable pool will as for normal resource. If the NBL buffer is marked as critical then his/her movement to deployable pool will as for critical resource. Recommended resource is an associate, whom the manager Project Manager recommends for the RR he/she has raised. If a manager knows a resource from his current project, who is getting released and will be available from the start date of assignment, then he/she can recommend the resource

In ESA the PM would get an email trigger from the system 10 Project Manager days prior to the associates assignment end-date & based on this he can take a decision to release or extend the assignment dates for resources in his project. Since associates are release to Practice and not to RMG as it used to be, there is no need for two weeks notification. Yes this is correct. Removing 'Considered' from the drop down Project Manager box will be a D304customization and having it there is not a harmful action.

After release the resource will continue to be in same practice pool (main/deployable depending upon deployability guideline) and they need to be explicitly assigned to practice bench project by practice bench PM. This can be achieved by raising SO and recommending the resources to be moved. The recommendation will be treated by WFM and they will assign the resource without search after doing preliminary checks. All associates with standard skill sets, who are in the deployable pool for more than 30 days, monthly review will be done with the Pool Managers by Resource Management Shared Service Organization (RMSSO) before moving them to the global RMSSO pool. Review will consider practices next month requirement forecast and past months utilization before determining and ensuring block shift of deployable associates from Practice Deployable Pool to RMSSO Global Deployable Pool for redeployment to other practices. No. Going forward this role will not be there. Some of the TSAs will be trained for the Contract administrator role & they will be part of Finance organization. They can also be part of various PMO s for supporting organizational activities Yes Bench Strength will be decided at practice level, not at a location for a practice. Irrespective of any location, the bench resources will be a part of Deployable pool. In ESA, we are only telling that the percentage of critical resources at a project level should be 5%. Any RRs to be raised has to have an estimation. Any RR for a bench project can only be raised by Workforce Manager not a Project Manager. We are converting assignments (for PMs - not for TSAs) and allocations; if both exist for overlapping period - then allocation takes precedence. There is strategy which is signed by concerned person on what needs to be converted and what not. As owner of assignment, GWFM wil sign off on assignment conversion with inputs from practice ops leads. No they won't be able to see any such details of other associates. Personal details are captured in HCM.

Project Manager

Project Manager


Project Manager Project Manager

WFM/SSO Project Manager

Project Manager


PM can not make back dated assignments. PM cannot back date Project Manager SO. To make a back dated SO, WFM will aid PM to make back dated SO and hence back dated assignment is possible in exceptional cases. The freeze date logic will apply in this case. The system does not pose any restriction on allocation. The Project Manager system however, gives enough warning messages and email notifications to the current PM if a resource is trying to be allocated more then 100% on multiple projects. The notifications are available to the WFM - whey they allocate the resource, they will see a day by day conflict of allocations if any. The PM while approving will also see a day by day conflict of resource allocation and the email is sent to the current PM when a resource is allocated to a new project The current system allows the manager to release the resources Project Manager any time. Anyway the resources are released to practice and not RMG. Practice deployable pool only that too after discussion with WFM WFM/SSO and RMSSO

Associate won't be aware of the pool where he/she is currently Associate placed. The associate can discuss with regarding the release from current assignment depends on the discussion with Manager / WFM. If the release happens, then the pool movement is an automated process which will take care of pool movement. A service order cannot be updated once submitted. However, PMs may recommend resources against a Resource Request later if not done earlier. Project Manager

If the online project is a client billable project then SO has to be Project Manager created. If the online project is a bench or recruitment type of project then direct assignment is possible. Essentially Online project is a way it is created. Any type of project (client billable/non billable/internal etc) can be created online. Yes, he can be marked as Billability to No in the Assignment Schedule page Project Manager

Relation between SO/Generic RR is always with Project. There is Project Manager no account level view. Yes, Workforce manger can directly flag requests for recruitment WFM/SSO and also get a report to track open requests flagged for recruitment. We also need to add to give a pipeline status view / report to workforce managers (we hope to do it by rollout - may be Yes. Essentially resources are released to practice and not to Project Manager RMG as it used to be.

NO. But you can group multiple generic resources into one service order and thus essentially request multiple resources. An associate can be proposed for more than one project. No calendar will be blocked.

Project Manager Project Manager


Project Manager

Complete order button is always present in Resource Request Project Manager screen hence if you try to find it on Order Summary screen it is not present. Once SO is submitted then option Save and Submit goes and only Save option is available. Workforce Manager will be embedded in Practice and will have a WFM/SSO dotted-line reporting to RMSSO. RMSSO will conduct monthly review. All the PM projects have been converted into the system. You Project Manager can continue the same process as you had in Projects 8.0.

In ESA, if the associate moves from onsite to offshore, the PM should only change the location in assignment details and need not release a resource from the project

Project Manager

Yes and for Internal, Recruitment, Bench, unbilled AM CP project Project Manager types as well. It is not available for project type External and External anticipated. Yes, they apply to Horizontal resources also WFM/SSO In ESA, for allocations the PMs can work with WFM & for Project Manager Projects & Opportunity data Accuracy, the point of contact will be CA & DMG respectively. Also the first point of validation is between now and March 23rd. Every AM can go into the PS system and vali Yes Project Manager

No. Now it will be only one pool for each practice & we will also Account Manager have visibility across all pools Yes, All RRs created by PM will be displayed as a part of Internal Project Manager Job postings to all associates across all practices. Yes it will make a change in the US only Project Manager

No restriction for choosing the associate for direct assignment as Project Manager it lists all employees No. PM does not have the ability to view the deployable pool Project Manager

No. The PM is responsible to do this

Project Manager

It is applicable for any transfer within any country

Project Manager

At present email trigger goes to respective Project Manager in PeopleSoft-ESA. PBCs can only perform Time Sheet/Expenses approval. The direct assignments always need associate id. If the PM doesnt know, then he/she can request the WFM to search for his requirements and propose an id. The PM then does a direct assignment with that id. WFM can propose (assign) only one resource for a request for PM approval. However WFM can soft tag several resources and PM will be notified through email. We have made modifications in the live system and the system does not allow you to add a named resource to a external project and it does not allow you to add a generic resource in any other state then considered state. Will have to be done manually by the associate

Project Manager

Project Manager

Project Manager

Project Manager


Freeze date is not for a Project. It is across the practice. RMG will publish this annually. Referral resumes are not catered to in ESA. Resume upload feature is available only for Cognizant associates which is used by the ESA search engine. System defaults the Pool ID based on the Project Owning Department. For example: the Project Owning Department is a Vertical, the default Pool selected would be for that Vertical but if PMs know that the resources have to be sourced from a Horizontal they People never get allocated to WFM. They get attached to a pool based on certain set of guidelines. They will initially get allocated based on the actual department they belong to. Movement from one project to another is only possible through raising SO. For any intervening period the associate cost goes to practice associate belongs to.

Project Manager Associate

Project Manager


Project Manager

It's based on Roles

Project Manager

It would be different in terms of current operations of RMG. In WFM/SSO current model the point of contact today directly reports to RMG & in a dotted-line fashion to vertical PMO or Ops lead. In new model the Workforce Manager (WFM) is a critical role & will have the entire responsibility from creation to fulfillment of RRs. The WFM will be directly reporting to Practice head or Ops lead & the practice would have more control over WFM. The WFM will also have transparency across all the pools in the organization. Even incase of lateral hires the WFM in a practice will work with recruitment group & RMG will not be involved in this. Therefore the objective of Future RM model is to get closer to the practice The PM is responsible to update the location of an associate by Project Manager suitable indicating Global Assignment/return from global assingment in the system. Once the location is updated on the assignment details, this is sent to HCM and is treated as a transfer Partial allocations are handled by specifying less than 8 hrs on Project Manager resource request or while entering resouce estimation specifying less than 100 units. The resource is soft tagged by using assingment statuses such Project Manager as 'Propose', 'Interview', 'Reserve'. The resource does not actually belong to the project. The cost will be borned by projects to which he/she is assigned or practice for unassigned portion. The PM can see the Lead time on a RR Fulfillment in the system Project Manager but it really depends on the availability of resources and skills that are requested. While clicking 'Add resource' can we have the name of the resource to appear automatically? When you click on Add Resource button, you are routed to the Resource Detail page. The first Field on this page is ID Number wherein a PM can enter Emp ID (if he is aware of) & after entering this, the name of resource automatically comes in the Resource name field. If a PM is not aware of the EMP ID of a resource he can click on the look-up icon there & on the next page he can search for resources by their name Very similar to a release on a normal project i.e. by completing Project Manager the assigment. There is a check-box to do this. The navigation that a current PM Project Manager has to follow is:Project Costing -> Project Definitions -> general Information -> (Search for Project) - ? Resources link -> Click on the Resources name who needs to be the PM -> See below

By changing the status to Cancel for each RR in SO and changing the SO status to cancel Flex Field (Visa details) details field can be added to RR by searching the Qualifications through List of type Other and adding a description on the Resource request Page. This is true for VISA as well as Geographic Location.

Project Manager Project Manager

Generic Resources are created based on estimates when PPW Project Manager upload is done. This can be converted to SO for staffign purpose. If you amend an SOW, you have to re-enter your estimation Project Manager based on which new SO will be created. SO already created can be cancelled. Deployable pools will be always set on defined Dewployability WFM/SSO guidelines. Post assignment data conversion, 1st time when the Batch program runs, it will ensure that all the resources matching deployability guidelines will be moved to respective deployable

The Project Manager has to raise a RR through WFM. Backfilling Project Manager is subject to freeze dates. Since direct assignments are for proposal, bench etc projects Project Manager overall allocation is allowed and acceptable. The PM who will select later will receive an Assignment Conflicts warning. No Project Manager

There is no priority concept for associates. But attributes GEOG- Associate LOC and VISA status contribute to fit score due to which the score card for the onsite resources for onsite assignment will automatically increase. This is a real-time integration of ESA with HCM. The PM has to Associate specify the associates work location in his assignment details & this will be fed into HCM real-time.

It wont be tagged separately. But as the PM is recommending that resource the WFM should be able to consider that resource depending on his availability / assignments

Project Manager

The person will be released to the pool based on deployability guideline. However, the assignment will not be set to complete and the PM has to update the status of the assignment to complete manually. The reason code is captured at the time of setting it to complete. They are going to be included in the new utilization definition.

Project Manager

Project Manager

Workforce manager will have to ensure this. Some of these clauses are also stored on the contract and can be viewed in query by the WF manager if required


We should upload after the model has been finalized.

Account Manager

For extending the PROJECT End Date, PM himeself will make required changes to make extension. CA will not be involved for this.

Project Manager

Not sure whether this happens. The initial submit did not go Project Manager through and submit can only happen when all details are entered. Hence after entering all details SO can be submitted and it will be enabled after you save the SO

Operational role is typically role associate is going to perform on the project where Project Primary Role is more in line with Costing and the same is used in Resource Estimation. Yes. whenever soft tagging/assingment happens PM will be informed via emails/worklist items. Proposed resources will need to be accepted by project managers. Workforce managers would be able to track service order status through online workbench and also extract relevant reports. Yes in case you are referring to Schedule Detail section on Assignment. The procedure is same as any location-billability changes/extensions. In fact it will be practice WFMs who will mark resource request for recruitment for lateral hires. Hence every practice will be responsible for their own recruitment.

Project Manager

Project Manager

Project Manager


YES and for Internal, Recruitment, Bench, unbilled cp am project Project Manager types as well. No Associate Yes Project Manager

Not directly. But the competency addition can be simplified by the Project Manager use of Qualification Profiles.

No it is not possible to attach a single line with 10 resources Project Manager attached, you need to create a line for every resource request on a single Service Order page

No No. It is not. This is handled by a batch program to cancel RRs for closed project. All the fitment happens within the ESA system even for subcontractors. No

Associate Associate Project Manager

Project Manager

Project Manager

PM always will have ability to evaluate the WFM assigned Project Manager resource before deciding and this evaluation can not be assigned to any one else.

As a process, competency updation is function within HCM. Soft-tagging option helps you work through this concept, but the resource cannot be hold for more than 7 days & will be freed if we do not receive a response from client or account teams. Not possible in ESA except in resume if the information is available.

Associate Project Manager

Project Manager

After signing of SOW, estimation takes place based on which SO Project Manager is raised. This marks the starting of Staffing process. Estimation has to be made, then the SO can be raised.

ESA will notify the PM of upcoming release date in next 10 business days. Workflow is built at several stages in the system. However a overall workflow guiding people through different steps in the modules does not exist Yes. The hierarchy is defined in the Staffing Process

Project Manager Project Manager


Yes & that's one of the primary objective of this implementation Client Partner we said that is the primary objective of the integration between CRM and ESA Pool Manager is a Peoplesoft term. Workforce Manager is a Project Manager Cognizant professional role being incubated from 2007 with endto-end ownership of workforce planning, deployment, career counseling, utilisation / worforce insight analysis plus compliance to global workforce deployability guidelines.

This can be done to extent of exploring opportunities in Cognizant Associate relative to their skills. When a resource is being considered for an assignment, there will be some discussion as well. SO / RR are used interchangeably as delivered. Project Manager

They would work with HR/Talent Managers as needed.

Account Manager

It will be sent to the Cognizant email address for the PM.

Project Manager


Project Manager

Once the service order is completed and submitted, the PM/AM Project Manager can see the person responsible for staffing in the SO as well as it can check to which pool/manager it is currently assigned. At any given time, they can log back into the system and check the status Yes, you can restrict number of hours in resource calendar. For Project Manager example you can assign a resource only for 2, 4..8 hours on any assignment. A resource can be assigned to more then one assignment at any point of time. ESA System has strict compliance rules built in. PMs cannot Project Manager affect Backdated changes. However, if the changes are after the freeze date, PMs can escalate the issue to respective Workforce Managers

No restriction on post dated SO creation for PM. No. Each resource has to be released individually. This is done intentionally to capture the feedback and release history of the resources from the PM. This has to be planned in advance.

Project Manager Project Manager

Project Manager

It is 7 days. After 7 days the resource soft tagging will be Project Manager removed. The cost for these days will continue to hit the practice. Current avaiable SLAs are posted on the SO page for information. Project Manager

Back dated assignments can be handled 1) creating back dates SO with the help of WFM and recommending the associate for whom back dated assignment is needed 2) WFM assigning the associate.

Project Manager

Yes Yes. The unit of work is always a project. SO, a request should be created to move a resource within an account for different projects. However, the PM can recommend a resource when creating a new request Yes, Contact your WFM for this -You have to approve Timesheets for contingent workers. -85% of information on contingent working is moving / moved from HCM. We are working to resolve the rest. Yes, but it is upto practice people to take a call. Not necessary. In all the cases, you need to work with WFM for checking out associate availability before proceeding to do the direct assignment. Yes. In fact the guideline is same porject, same location as in offhsore/onsite > 8 months for person to move to deployable pool.

Associate Project Manager

Project Manager

Account Manager Project Manager

WFM/SSO Project Manager

There will be cascading session for projects & contracts.

Project Manager

In fact there is a provision for soft tagging multiple associates for Project Manager carrying out evaluation, but only one person can be proposed and PM can approve/reject it.

No. It does not allow any one to upload the PPW Sheet. Only the Project Manager PM or any team members who are tagged as PM in the system can upload. A nightly feed goes to PPW Application from ESA with Project ID and PM details. Every Project has a PM associated with it. Only the PM Project Manager associated can raise RR for his/her project.

The competencies flow from HCM. Any new competency has to be updated in HCM from which, it will flow to ESA.

Project Manager

The PM should not be released till the all the approvals have Project Manager been done. The PM is never automatically released by the system. The PM himself has to go in and complete their assignment and they should not do that till they have approved all the timesheets PeopleSoft allows only 1 Project Manager per project. This role Project Manager can be assigned to anyone within the project team. Apart from this we have onsite and offshore Project Billing Coordinators who can be delegated to approve T&E reports for the project team.

No. Very different. Post-ESA, we have a single role with both WFM/SSO inside and outside view / ownership of the workforce. Earlier practice ops handled internal movements and grmg team would have primarily focused getting folks from outside. This question pertains to HCM. Competencies have to be WFM/SSO updated in HCM and the data will flow into ESA. RMG is keeping a close tab on the competency update compliance level across practice. For resource releases, the following are taken care by the system WFM/SSO Mails triggered to the project manager informing them of impending resource releases. One of the deployable guidelines is to move resources being released in the next 10 business days into the Deployable Pool. This process does not change. The process of hiring a sub contractor remains the same. However, ESA will have them established as a resource after they are hired. WFM will have to allocate them to a project after they are hired and they have to entertimesheet after they are hired. Several guidelines have already been put in place with the ESA system. The only guideline that was not forced was the 2 week release notification. Project Manager

Project Manager

Tracking is at RR level

Project Manager

This will be done through the assignment release. On completion Project Manager of a project, the resource will be released to the practice pool. For any transfers the subsequent assingment needs to be by raising SO and then recommending the resource. No, Under-performers have to be considered in Utilization The need to raise service order is solely dependent on project type i.e. for external projects and not on allocation percentage. For all other projects (bench, proposal, admin, recruitment, unbilled am cp, internal) direct assignment is allowed. Account Manager Project Manager

Rules around deployability have been decided by RMG & ESA Project Manager Business team and have been signed-off by Chandra. It cant be adjusted RMSSO holds the key for configuration and for some of the Account Manager decisions on configuration values will be made after discussing with Practice Ops.

Wherever, it is clear that the associate is under-leveraged, we would need to without fail ensure time bound redeployment to a 'right-fit' engagement in conformance to the global deployability guidelines provided. No it will not impact appraisal. The reasons are time spent in assignment, visa readiness (unused). These are conditions for deployability guidelines etc Threshold Metrics will be tracked in terms of Resource Rotation and the time spent by the resource in a project. Department transfer and location transfer. We are going to deactivate these values (DFR & LFR) as soon as conversion is over & they won't be there in the New ESA System. It is bench + potential deployable resources In case of Architects or especially skilled resources, they will be covered under Utilization. The resources will fall into Practice Deployable Pool as and when assignment ends They will have visibility to associate performance details when they consider candidates for assignment This is used by HR when WFM cannot find a resource in Cognizant and has to send a Recruitment request. HR hires resources against the job code specified on the SO. Backdated SO means that you have to create SO where required from date is less than today. This can be only done by Workforce Manager and that too before freeze date. Resource Management Shared Service Organization. This is renamed GWMG ( Global Workforce Management Group) SLA for RR Fulfillment are posted on RR page.

Project Manager


WFM/SSO Project Manager

Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager

Project Manager

Project Manager Project Manager

Project Role is basically the role that our associates play in a Project Manager Client project & we bill the Client based on this role. Ex: An SA in CTS can be playing a Project Lead Role for a Client assignment & we use this role to bill the client. I hour batch between Prolite. CRM is realtime. HCM is realtime Project Manager for employee data and master data and every half na hour for recruitment related information. All other systems are on a daily batch. Design for calculating Total Utilization has been signed-off by Account Manager ESA Steering Committee and RM Business Work Group. For any practice within Cognizant, the way to calculate Total Utilization remains the same.

The objective is to get your allocation as real time as possible. Project Manager Allocations after a freeze date should never happen. They should be updated as soon as you know you want a resource. It is not possible to a do assingment after freeze date.

The PM request the WFM of the related pool to find the associate Project Manager matching the skills. WFM will be able to find such a person in system without an SO and then PM can directly assign the person. can search for the associate ID / name in the system & make direct assignment. Yes, when a resource is being soft-tagged/proposed then the Project Manager current manager except manager of bench project gets an email alert. Before assignment of resource, negotiation with WFM and current manager has to take place.

PM should not be released until all the expenses have been approved

Project Manager

Even if a resource goes on long leave, he/she will continue to be Project Manager in the same project. PM can release him to the practice pool and to get him/her re-assigned the PM has to raise SO with recommendation for the same resource. It is purely based on prerogative of WF manager. He/She has to Project Manager take a call on the percentage match on skill set If he/she does not have any assingment he/she will reflect as Project Manager unassinged. As far as cost is concerned he/she will reflect to his/her Practice Bench

SLA for WF Manager in fulfilling RR is defined on the RR page.

Project Manager

Owning Practice for the unassigned portion.

Project Manager

If you are talking about worklist priority, the field is used for Project Manager informational purpose only to signify high importance of the worklist item. If this is SO priority, same is used by WFM as information so that they can expedite the fulfillment Committed status for associate who is assigned to project where Project Manager considered is status for generic resource. The competencies flow from HCM and if the macth for resource Project Manager will be always exact match agains competency specified on RR. Thus if person is needed then system will only search for a person having VB.Net as skill. Hence in this case skiil on RR has to be

This was a bug in the test system which has been fixed. Once you add the second row, the system should not prompt you to change the date on the first row.

Project Manager


Account Manager

No. The previous managers release feedback is not available however past project appraisal feedback is available.

Project Manager

No. WFM can raise a recruitment request to fulfill the RR if WFM/SSO he/she does not find a resource in pools. Since the Deployable Pool also has the resources that are getting released from current assignment in next 15 days, WFM has the data at his/her disposal to take a call. Thus WFM can still try to fulfill internallly. All Workforce managers All Workforce Managers of pool In general the WF manager works for the practice and he/she should not work decide his/her priorities which are detrimental to the practice. Since WF Manager reports directly to Practice Ops, the performance of WF Manager can be under Practice Ops review. RMSSO or GWFM group movement to deployable pool happens based on deployability guidelines where movement to global deployable pool happens by pool from RMSSO/GWFM in case of practices not adhering to overall utilization. RM SSO initially. The PM defined in the Projects in ESA will be the RAMS supervisor Now with ESA, Manager can raise a RR without sending mails or following up with TSA. This will considerably reduce the cases of spurious RRs. TSA role will fall off. That is the just the way PeopleSoft built the system. If it is not a activity of type expense then no one would be able to claim expenses. It is for Practice Ops to bring it up in front of Senior Management No, DMG is only to maintain accuracy & consistency. This is a process decision. We are using Hoovers to get correct name even before ESA is implemented. PMs cannot view any pools. It is only for WFM. WFM/SSO WFM/SSO WFM/SSO


WFM/SSO Project Manager Project Manager

Project Manager

WFM/SSO Client Partner

Project Manager

It is a part of HCM and currently it remains open in HCM

Project Manager

Yes. They will fall to global deployable pool only after discussion between RMSSO and WFM No, this wont affect Payroll


Project Manager

Yes only if you bill a customer for a proposal project. However, Project Manager in order to bill a resource on a proposal project you also have to create a contract in the system which will go-live in phase 3 Yes. This is already the case. Practice managers to refer resignation / non-performance issues to the Talent Manager direct. There would be reports available on this i.e. would practice ops be able to see all of their resources and what projects they are working on? For fulfilling a RR, WF manager has to recommend a resource. In this regard, he/she has to talk to the resource and explain the reason behind the recommendation. In fact in case of Move in and out of US or Domestic Transfer within US an email is triggered to Associate, PM, HR and Travel desk. Account Manager

Account Manager



If the expenses are still not recorded in ESA, there is now way for Project Manager the system to know that the expenses are pending. Hence we cannot give any warning. No, at this point it is not available Project Manager

We will take this as a feedback for future enhancements

Project Manager

No, ESA does not have this facility. Sometimes it could be a case Project Manager when SO was raised with dates well advance in future.

We will take this as a feedback

Project Manager

Yes for a Go-Forward project there will be only one value available & that is considered. No other options would be there

Project Manager

Can take this as an enhancement. This might not be Project Manager implemented for phase 1 but will take it into consideration for future phases At this point no, as only US visa information will flow from Whizza Project Manager application into ESA. But this would be in future when Whizza application will be rolled-out for other country visas, as this is also a critical issue. There was no employee data for contingent Workers in HCM and AM/PM/CP the assignments for Contingent workers did not exist in Projects 8.0. Their data can be uploaded in HCM with the help of local HR representatives. Once, their IDs are configured in HCM they will get established in ESA as Resources. Project Managers can them assign them in the Project team through Service Orders (Recommending Resources). Project Managers can view Timesheet defaulters for the Project in Managers Self Service. Time Sheet Defaulter report at the practice level will be run as a batch process biweekly (3 days after the period end date). The report generated will be sent to the Ops leads via email. For this time sheet period (Apr 1 to Apr 15) this report will run as a batch but manually and forwarded to the Ops leads. The batch process will start from next time sheet period (Apr16 to Apr30). Primarily, a Project Manager needs to ensure that the AM/PM/CP Assignment Status for all the resources (excluding self) in the Project is changed to Completed. Before this activity, Onsite and Offshore approvers also need to be changed to PM. The other check required is to Cancel all the open Service Orders, this can be done from Manage Generic Resources Page. After these activities are completed, the Project Manager should change his assignment to Completed and then inform Contract Administrators (CA) to Completed the project. Note the Project will continue to remain active (for accounting purposes) until the CA changes the project status to Closed. Upon completion of financial checks, the CA will inform when the project is Closed. AM/PM/CP

As a Business Requirement, no associate can have access to the Project Resource page (accessible through Project Definitions) until he is a member of the Project team with assigned role APM and above. However, they can see the tagging of Projects to Program through Enterprise Program Tree. For specific reporting needs related to allocation/resource utilization (for a Customer/Practice etc.), they can reach out to Workforce Managers of their respective Practices Proposal projects are costed based on the time booked by the associate against these projects. This time is also considered for utilization like any Assignment.

The Work Experience seen in the Resource Profile shows only those assignments that were converted based on the Conversion Strategy employed by ESA. Basically all current assignments as of the decided cut-off date as well as all history assignments to the same project (to capture aging on the project) were converted. We understand that this means some prior resource engagements are not part of the Work Experience but on an ongoing basis it would be updated with every new resource engagement. The fact that Resume Search feature is also available in ESA would ensure that your actual Work Experience (both in Cognizant and any other prior company) is readily available and searchable by your Workforce Manager. The ESA team is working to resolve an issue to get ESA access Project Manager for Contingent workers and has come up with an interim solution for your convenience. As a Project Manager in ESA, please complete the following steps to ensure Contingent workers in your team get access to ESA Timesheets. Check if the contingent worker is hired in HCM and has a regular 6-digit associate ID. If not, please contact the Talent Acquisition team in your geography with the name, project name and code, supervisor name, id and project location and other relevant details they request of you. Once the contingent worker is hired in HCM, check if he/she is available in ESA for assignment. If yes, assign the contingent worker to your project. If not, raise a ticket in remedy at https://esahd/ (Intranet) or (Internet) to ESA Helpdesk to ensure data from HCM is ported to ESA Once the contingent worker is available in ESA for assignment, raise a remedy ticket against ESA. This is to get Contingent worker in your team access to Timesheet.

The PM should insure appropriate pool is selected for a Resource Request in SO (if they do not, the appropriate action can be taken up by the Workforce Manager). Basically, the System defaults the Pool ID based on the Project Owning Department. For example: the Project Owning Department is a Vertical, the default Pool selected would be for that Vertical but if PMs know that the resources have to be sourced from a Horizontal they may update the Pool ID to the relevant Horizontal prior to submission

The ESA/HCM team has implemented a resolution for issues around failure of job requisition in HCM due to invalid combination of HCM SetID and job code / location in ESA. The Service Order creation page in ESA has been customized and the PM can now view a new field called the HCM SetID. While creating an SO, PM needs to select the required HCM SetID, Job Code and Location from the available list corresponding to the selected HCM SetID. Please ensure following steps while completing an SO/RR: a) Follow the navigation Resource Management > Request Resources > Create or Review Service Order. b) The prompt on this field shows a list of all valid SetIDs in HCM. HCM SetID is codified by the Business Unit (valid values BP for BPO and IT for non-BPO Business Units) and Country Code (for example IND for India). So, for an RR created for USA by the BPO business unit, the valid SetID to be chosen would be BPUSA. c) On selection of appropriate HCM SetID, the prompts for job code and location show the valid values corresponding to the HCM SetID (Note: The prompt for job code and location will be blank / incorrect if valid HCM SetID is not selected).

Project Manager

To reassign an associate, you need to raise a Service Order directly by using Create or Review Service Order and adding a new value. This is accessible from the menu item Resource Management > Create or Review Service Order. Note: For such SOs, no generic resource request is needed.

Project Manager

After releasing, the associate will continue to be in same practice Project Manager pool (main/deployable depending upon deploy ability guidelines). They need to be explicitly assigned to practice bench project by practice bench PM.

Recruitment Projects are only used for tracking time, cost and expenses related to Recruitment team and the associates working on these initiatives. Service Orders need to be raised to these projects only if there is a team augmentation requirement for Recruitment. For any organizational recruiting requirement, PM needs to Create Service Orders for their Projects and Work Force managers can tag Resource Requests as Mark for Recruitment if not fulfilled from within.

Project Manager

Upon promotion, the job code of the associate gets updated in Associate HCM. Once this is done, this information is reflected in the My Profile section under Resource Management. In the Assignment Page, accessible to the PM, the job code is automatically updated. -But the PM does need to update the Primary Project Role by creating a new assignment row. Once this field is updated, the cost of the associate will affect the project accordingly. It is the PMs discretion to update the Project Role as this field impacts billing (ESA Phase 3). -However, when the promoted associate is assigned to a new project (through Direct Assignment/Service Order); the Primary Project Role gets populated based on the promoted designation.


Project Mangers should proactively plan and release the associate on a future date if they are aware of the associates termination of employment. Subsequently the PM can raise Service Order for replacement.

Project Manager


All Associates get Access to ESA System by default. You need to Associate use your Network Id and Password to login. You will have access to Time Sheet Entry, Maintain Resource Profile and Expense Entry functions. Request for Security Access form from ESA Support team. Fill Associate the Security Access Form. Get Approval from The Immediate manager/ Dept.Head and forward it to ESA Support Team. Security Adminsitrator from ESA Support Team would provide the access as per the Till the User Id is Active in HCM Project Manager Only the Associate configured as Project Manager in Project Project Manager Costing module will get PM role and hence access to his project in ESA. ESA PM Access is not by designation Those users who joined as a PM will be allocated as PM for that Project Manager project in Project Costing module. After project allocation they will get the PM default roles through the daily process. Users get access to Time Sheet Entry, Maintain Resource Profile Associate and Expense Entry functions by default As a one time setup, All Associates and Project Managers have Associate been configured for their respective Roles If user is de allocated from project and not manager any more. Project Manager So his/her PM default roles will be deleted through daily process. Yes he will be able to book time against the project for their earlier assignment Project Manager

Associate can fill timesheet against the project partiall assigned Associate as per the assignment end date. For rest of the days time can be entered Bench/Recruiment project the template is created with macro programming and there are some controls which restricts the user to put in correct data. But the complications are not taken care as it is outside the scope. Associate

Billing Module is going live in PH3. Timesheets is part of Ph1 in Project Manager April. But one important thing is that timesheet would be getting integrated with Billing only in PH3 not now. Yes. He can, there are no such checks, as the intention is for the Project Manager associates to book time actually worked. Yes hours booked take precedence over assignment. Reconciliation of customer timesheets and Cognizant timesheets Project Manager will be a manual process and is done by the PM while approving the billable time Customer timesheets cannot be uploaded to PeopleSoft ESA as Associate there are multiple formats being followed for each customer. Yes - people will have to record time for bench projects. When Project Manager they are not fully allocated or partially allocated, the remainder of the time is recorded on bench projects. Yes, All subcontractors would need to fill in their timesheets from Contractor 9th April 2007. For this, they need to be allocated to the project Yes No Yes. No it does not. Yes they can Project Manager Project Manager Associate Project Manager Associate

Associate should select Offshore as the payroll is still in India. Associate Based on payroll associate should select the Onsite/Offshore flag It needs Personal/Vacation under Paid leave if it is paid, otherwise under Loss of Pay; Sick leave - FMLSP No restrictions on entering past time sheets. Mass Approval for time sheets can be done through Manager Self Service -> Travel & Expense Center -> Approvals. Users may face some performance degradation on this page as it performs simultaneous approval of timesheets. Associate

Associate Project Manager

There was no employee data for contingent Workers in HCM and the assignments for Contingent workers did not exist in Projects 8.0. Their data can be uploaded in HCM with the help of local HR representatives. The prolite entry still continues to be same as it is today. And submitting it to the ESA will also remain same. Only difference the associate can see is that the prolite hours getting rolled up to the three project activites. DFLT means Default billing location. This field is intentionally defaulted since its will impact ESA Phase 3 when Billing module goes live. Project Managers can view Timesheet defaulters for the Project in Managers Self Service. Time Sheet Defaulter report at the practice level will be run as a batch process biweekly (3 days after the period end date). Unassigned associates can fill timesheet against Recruitmnet/Bech projects which is available in the timesheet page and based out of associate home department

Project Manager


Project Manager

Project Manager


The activities(30+) listed in prolite are mapped to activities in Associate ESA. Once you enter time in Prolite, they are automatically mapped to the activities in ESA. once you enter time in prolite, do log in to esa after 2 hours and Submit. No. He will only loose timesheet and expense approver access. Project Manager He has to enter time in ESA in the Policy Time section before going to vacation As per design, the break up between billable and non-billable hours will be done by the PM/AM, while doing billing (in BYT now), and in the Billing Approval Screen in ESA. Associate

Project Manager

There is an real-time integration between prolite & ESA. Once an Associate associate enters time in prolite he can see that hours in ESA against a single rolled-up activity called Delivery & he has to Login to ESA & Submit the TS. The break up between billable and non-billable hours should be Project Manager done by the PM/AM, while performing billing tasks in BYT, and in the Billing Approval Screen in ESA. The timesheets will be entered by associates based on actual hours only purely from the pur If a resource is marked non-billable, the hours will not be billed to Project Manager the client, but they will be used for utilization calculation.

YES. There is no restriction on entering hours.We are asking Associate associates to enter actual hours worked on a project & it can be any value like 0, decimals, less than 8 or more. Also there is no restriction on time periods. Currently only 1 Onsite and 1 offshore approver can be assigned. Project Manager

Yes, project billing coordinator should be from the project team.

Project Manager

Cognizant holidays Please refer to the list on http://leave Associate Proposal projects will be costed based on the time booked by the Project Manager associate against these projects. I will get back to you on the treatment for utilization At the moment there is no restriction. Any number of cycles in the Associate future and in the past. Once you submit the TS in 8.9 you will see whom the TS has Associate been routed to for approval. This is at the bottom of page after submitting.

a) Family Medical Leave Act -Sick Leave Associate b) Holiday - Cognizant Holiday apart from Sat/Sunday. Not required to enter time here as c) Paid time off - All paid leaves as applied in http://leave d) Unpaid Leave -All LOP days as applie As we have said earlier, the project can have only one PM and Associate one onsite approver and one offshore approver. All resources in Europe and NA will be treated as onsite resources and resources in India will be treated as offshore resources Yes. As long as it is an csv file with data. The other PS data Associate validations will be done late. It is the billing location and will be effective from phase 3 roll out. Associate At the moment the system will automatically populate a "Default" location irrespective of what the file has. It is the resource location derived from the proejct. It will be Associate defaulted based on the associates location. He will be allowed to change it. And there will be only two values Onsite or Offshore. Proposal projects are costed based on the time booked by the Project Manager associate against these projects. This time is also considered for utilization like any Assignment. Timesheets will go live on 9th April and you will be able to see the Associate relevant links in the ESA application then. Please refer to the communication from Chandra on the same. At Associate

The excel upload template would be available on Cognizantonline Associate site. Time entry is not required for non-working days. However, Associate if you have worked/traveled/trained for Cognizanr on any of those days, it is imperative that you enter the actual time. This is subject to your PMs approval Time not utilized for work for working days needs to be entered Project Manager under Policy time heads viz. Family Medical Leave act, Paid leave, Unpaid leave, Holiday and Vacation. These heads are kept for HCM Supervisors understanding and approval. Associates must be YES - the timesheet for any resource who is tagged as a PM in Project Manager the system will be approved by their supervisor. This requires that the HCM supervisor for PM as in example is associated to that PM on Project Definition page in Project Costing module Yes all projects will have these 3 tasks. This was decided for simplicity in design for entering time. Billability/Non-billability as per above, will be taken care during billing only by the PM/AMs Project Manager

No No Yes, pay cost file would look cost the project if timesheet is entered, else it purely goes by the assignment percentage This can be considered as a future enhancement.

Associate Associate Project Manager Project Manager

We will definitely try to consider this in future as we have received Associate the same feedback from most of the sessions

Fill Activity ID : Delivery for Project related activities; Training for Professional training time spent; Travel for travel related to work Billing Location should be DFLT Onsite/Offshore should be entered depending your location for which time was entered


Drop a mail to Periappan, Prabu (Cognizant) with your ID and the Associate screenshot

This is because, you are not entering time on a particular project Associate for the relevant dates you were allocated. Log in to ESA system.Navigate to Resource Management > My Assignments View the current assignment and the previous ones from History link on Top Right Note down the assignment start dates and end dates for the relevant projects. Fill time for the respective projects only for the relevant dates on which you were allocated. For the other dates, enter the time against Bench Project.If the bench project is not reflected in the Project Lookup, dont enter time for the rest of the dates Either you have already submitted the timesheet, you cant Associate submit it again. However, you can view the Timesheet submitted earlier under Employee Self-Service -> View Or you have saved it for later, go to Employee Self-Service -> Modify Or PM has sent back the TS for edit, go to Employee SelfService -> Modify submission of timesheets through excel ESA allows remote upload Save and open the attached template and follow detailed instructions in Worksheet no. 2 You will get a mail on successful submission Else, see the error report mail and follow the resolution from above items this question has already been circulated earlier An email on Associate today. This is due to a technical glitch we are working to fix. We assure you that if you have filled up your timesheet on time; your name would not appear in a defaulters list.

You need to log into ESA and create a Time Report. In order to select your project, click on the Project and the system would give you search results among which you need to select the project Since you have already submitted the timesheet, you cant submit it again. However, you can view the Timesheet submitted earlier under Employee Self-Service Please get yourself allocated to the project. For this, you have to raise a request with local HR to get an ID. Once your ID is done, follow up with HCM to get it established. Your PM will then have to allocate yourself through a Service Order. Only after that, you will be able to fill up timesheets against that project starting from the date which you were allocated This is because of the system being too worked up due to too many submissions at a given time. Your timesheet is queued up and the status will be reflected once it is submitted. There is nothing that you have to do as of now The break up between billable and non-billable hours should be done by the PM/AM, while performing billing tasks in BYT, and in the Billing Approval Screen in ESA. The timesheets will be entered by associates based on actual hours only purely from the purpose of effort tracking without considering billability


Contract Administrator



Yes only if people go on vacations. No restrictions on entering past time sheets.

Project Manager Associate

We do not have any restriction on entering TS for any period in Associate ESA. So even if the associate is going on emergency leave, he can still come back & enter TS in ESA for his absence. The Excel option is strictly for associates at Client Locations who do not

Steering Committee(SC) has decided that it is a mandate for everybody to enter. For Timesheet in PH1, we are asking associates to enter actual hours they have worked on the project. When the Billing module goes live in PH3 the PM / AM will have the ability to segregate the Billable / Non-billable hours Nobody can do it as a proxy on behalf of associate. We are therefore pushing everybody to make sure that they enter TS in advance before they go on Leave. Also there is no restriction on entering TS for a period. ESA allows associates to enter timesheet in advance. The user selects the activity by clicking on the look-up Icon in activity ID field. So here itself he is aware of the activity against which he is charging time against. Once he selects the activity the ID for that gets populated in that field NO. But there are Reports available for him in terms of TS NonApproval & TS Defaulters

Project Manager Project Manager

Project Manager

Associate Project Manager


YES. There is no restriction on entering hours.We are asking Project Manager associates to enter actual hours worked on a project & it can be any value like 0, decimals, less than 8 or more. Also there is no restriction on time periods. We will definitely try to consider this in future as we have received Project Manager the same feedback from most of the sessions


Project Manager

Can be done if associate profile is updated with his/her personal Associate email id. For calculation of profitability we cap the hours at 40. So even if Project Manager people enter more then 40 hours, their total available time is taken as 40 hours only. The actual hours entered are used only for reporting purpose Currently only 1 Onsite and 1 offshore approver can be assigned. Project Manager

Yes. The system validates the start and end dates on the project. Associate

A lot of discussion was done about splitting time and expense Project Manager approvers. However, going forward time approval is as important as expense approval as the time entered will form the basis for invoicing. Hence this option was taken away. This reconciliation is going to be done by PM but that is in Phase Project Manager 3. Currently associates have to continue to enter time in customer TS as they do today & also enter it in ESA Once you submit the TS in 8.9 you will see whom the TS has Project Manager been routed to for approval. This is at the bottom of page after submitting.

There are No Legalities around this


Basically it is the same but a PM has to specify some reason when he does either of the above Subcontractors will be treated as any associate in the system. They will be assigned to projects and will be required to submit timesheets. Yes, one can submit time sheet for future period. There is no restriction on entering TS for any periods in ESA

Project Manager Associate

Project Manager

They will have access only to the new TS 8.9 System.

Project Manager

Associates will have to enter actual time. They can either enter Associate time at an activity level in Prolite or e-tracker or at a single default activity in ESA. If they enter time in Prolite or etracker, then the data will be ported to ESA where the timesheets Time sheets will not allow any data edit for the approver. In case Project Manager there is a change that is required by the PM then he has to send it back to the associate.

There are SLAs established for expense approval and they will be published Billable hours can be modified in the PAS screen

Project Manager Project Manager

It is based on hours entered but the hours are always capped at 40 hours per week and divided proportionately among all the projects based on time entry. If the hours entered are less then 40 hours, then we take allocations into consideration No.



Onsite /offshore PBC have to approve both Time sheet as well as Project Manager expense.

No. It will be a manual process for all associates.

Project Manager

Managers have rights to enter time on behalf of the associate by Project Manager proxy. The system will also track ho many times a proxy has entered time for an associate. This is not possible in the current release as FMS defines a Project Manager single calendar & not geo-specific calendars.

There is a real-time integration between Prolite & ESA. Once an Associate associate enters time in Prolite he can see that hours in ESA against a single rolled-up activity called Delivery & he has to Login to ESA & Submit the Timesheet Any associate (Client Partner and AM included) will be able to fill Project Manager time sheets only against the projects for which they are team members. For any opportunity the project will get created only after Scope and Requirement stage, so they will not be able to fill time sheet when the projects is in Generate Interest and Qualification stage. At any time all the associates can fill time sheets against the Bench and Recruitment project. As of now, Payroll is not driven by Timesheet Project Manager

A number of approvers got e-mails from stating that some AM/PM/CP timesheets could not be approved. The timesheets are processed by an Application Messaging engine. We noticed that due to a cache error during the peak time, the engine was overloaded and could not process all the timesheets (hence the email). This issue was fixed over the weekend. We urge you to spare time & approve these time reports again (if you got the email)


Timesheets submitted by associates are first checked for policy Project Manager time. If a timesheet has policy time, it is routed to the associates HCM Supervisor for approval. Once approved, it is routed to the PM (Project Manager) or onsite, offshore approver for approval of project time. In case of Send Back by HCM Supervisor, the timesheet is sent back to the associate for edits. After the associate re-submits it, PM receives the timesheet only when the HCM Supervisor finally approves it.


PMs can always assign approval of time and expense reports (phase 2) to Project Billing Coordinators (onsite/offshore approvers), with proper discretion. However, if you received the T&E report by mistake and you are not the PM or PBC, you can re-assign the same to another project member or the PM. This can be achieved by navigating to Travel and Expenses -> Manage Expenses Security -> Reassign approval work.

Project Manager


Associates often spend time on initiatives like Recruitment, Client Associate Visits, and Corporate Events etc. For logging time in Timesheets, they can classify these in 2 categories: a) Contribution to Recruitment & b) Contribution to other initiatives. Any associate can select and log time against two related Practice Recruitment Projects (fora) and Practice Bench Projects (forb) in the Project drop-down. The time entered will be approved by the Recruitment / Bench PMs and visible to the associates PMs and HCM Supervisors.

Associates can fill timesheets when they are on a long leave. They can specify the leave time under policy time. However, HCM supervisors need to ensure that appropriate data is entered and approved in Leave Management System. AMs or any team member of a project with assigned Project Role APM and above, can generate the timesheet defaulters report, which lists all the associates who have defaulted on their timesheet submissions for that period. This report is available at Project Costing -> Reports -> Cognizant PC Reports. These reports can be filtered by varied criteria. AM/PM/CP

System throws an error as the associate is not assigned to that project for that period for which they are trying to specify the timesheet. Associates may check their assignments at Resource Management -> My Assignments and submit time against a project, only if they are assigned to that project. Please note that associates can submit time against the Bench Project, if the assignment does not exist for a particular time period.

Delivery, Travel and Training are three standardized activities for which associates working across all departments in the organization need to charge time. The time related to Project Delivery should be charged against Delivery whereas all travel for work related time against Travel. Under the head Training, associates are required to fill time for all the activities performed inside/outside the organization which are related to Associates Professional Grooming. For example, if Cognizant wants you to attend or deliver a two day HR workshop in UK, you will be required to fill hours against training for the respective days. However, the time spent in Travel to and from UK should be booked under Travel. Training activities relate to work only and not any other personal workshops. When you fill your timesheets, notice that Delivery will come as a default activity. Time filled against various heads in Prolite and e-tracker has a mapping to these 3 activities in ESA. Time not utilized for work during working days needs to be entered under Policy time heads i.e. Family Medical Leave act, Paid leave, Unpaid leave, Holiday and Vacation. These heads are kept for HCM Supervisors understanding and approval. Associates must be enforced to enter time against the correct heads. There is no interface integration with the Leave application. HCM supervisors need to ensure that associates entering policy time in ESA also log in Leave requests.

Associates often spend time on initiatives like Recruitment, Client Visits, and Corporate Events etc. For logging time against such activities, they can classify these in 2 categories: a) Contribution to Recruitment b) Contribution to other initiatives. Associate can log time against the Practice Recruitment Projects for the first category (Point a) and Practice Bench Projects for the second category (Point b), in the Project drop-down. Time specified against these projects will be approved by the Recruitment / Bench PMs and will be visible to the associates PMs and HCM Supervisors. Associates can fill timesheets when they are on a long leave. They can specify the leave time under policy time. However, HCM supervisors need to ensure that appropriate data is entered and approved in Leave Management System. With a future enhancement in ESA, associates will be able to set certain default fields for timesheet entry like Project ID, Activity and Time Quantity. You will hear from us soon!

If associates are not able to access ESA through Internet or Intranet (which can be a case at Client ODCs/Locations), their timesheet submission can be as simple as mailing in a filled Timesheet template available at (or through ESA helpdesk). Do follow detailed instructions provided in the template to fill time, save it as yyyy_mm_dd_1xxxxxx.csv (example 2007_05_30_137018.csv) and mail it to . Note that only timesheet data sent through this template will be uploaded. After the associate submits the timesheets (TS) successfully, ESA scans them for Policy time. If Policy time is submitted, TS is routed to the HCM Supervisor (as defined in the HCM system). Once the HCM supervisor approves the TS, it is then routed to PM / Project Billing Coordinator (PBC) for approval. If the associate submits time against multiple projects, PM / PBCs of each project will receive the TS for approval in a sequential manner. Onsite / Offshore Approver (PBC) Timesheet After the PBC submits the TS successfully, ESA scans them for Policy time. If Policy time is submitted, TS is routed to the HCM Supervisor (as defined in the HCM system). Once the HCM supervisor approves the TS, it is then routed to PM for approval (as Compliance checks limit PBCs to approve their own timesheet). PM Timesheet TS containing Policy time are forwarded to the HCM supervisor. Compliance checks in the system prevent the PM/PBC from approving the PM timesheet. PM should define a Supervisor who will approve their Travel and Expenses (By default, it is the HCM supervisor here). However, if the PM wants their Project time to be approved by Delivery/Practice head, they should define this appropriately. For this, they can ensure the following at Project Costing -> Project Resource Page -> Information tab. -PM can verify if their (own) supervisor is correctly assigned. If not, they can assign Supervisor by checking the Supervisor checkbox against an associates name and entering appropriate supervisor ID. -PM can assign supervisors in similar fashion for senior members of the project to ensure their time and expense approvals are routed appropriately. Please note that once Phase 2 ESA Expenses goes live, the PM can always assign approval of time and expense reports (ESA Phase 2) to PBCs (onsite/offshore approvers), with proper discretion. However, if associates receive the T&E report by mistake and they are not the PM or PBC, they can re-assign the same to another project member or the PM. This can be achieved by navigating to Travel and Expenses -> Manage Expenses Security -> Reassign approval work.

Infrastruct ure







Security/Access Enhancement

Associate Project Manager


Account Manager

Technical Bug

Client Partner

Page Error Data Query

Contract Administrator WFM/SSO





Project Manager


Account Manager

Technical Bug

Client Partner

Page Error

Contract Administrator

Data Incorrect







Account Manager

Technical Bug

Client Partner

Page Error

Contract Administrator

Data Incorrect Data Query






Project Manager

Functionalilty Technical Bug

Account Manager Client Partner

Page Error

Contract Administrator

Data Incorrect


Data Query



AM/PM/CP Others


Project Manager


Account Manager

Technical Bug

Client Partner

Page Error

Contract Administrator

Data Incorrect


Data Query






Project Manager


Account Manager

Technical Bug Page Error

Client Partner Contract Administrator

Data Incorrect


Data Query Scenario



Project Manager


Account Manager

Technical Bug

Client Partner

Page Error

Contract Administrator DMG

Data Incorrect

Data Query





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