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Creator: Jozef Baranec Application: ARTS PDF Stratify v2.0 Version: and higher

Index: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. General Opening main dialog O Layer Manager Creating new layers Editing layer properties Selection server Adding/Removing objects to/from layer and view objects Removing layers Merge layers Add pages as Layers Preferences Help About & Registration DEMO limitations

A. General Tool buttons: - Advanced editing toolbar o Label: ARTS PDF Stratify o o o Icon: Action: opens Manage Layers dialog Enabled: when document is opened

Menu items - Edit > Preferences > o Label: ARTS PDF Stratify... o Action: Opens preferences dialog o Enabled: always - Plug-ins -> ARTS PDF Stratify -> o Label: Manage Layers o Action: opens Manage Layers dialog o Enabled: when document is opened - Plug-ins -> ARTS PDF Stratify -> o Label: Add pages as layers o Action: opens Add pages dialog o Enabled: always - Help -> About 3rd party plug-ins -> o Label: ATRS PDF Stratify... o Action: opens about dialog o Enabled: always - Help -> Plug-in help -> o Label: ATRS PDF Stratify... o Action: opens help file o Enabled: always

If Select Elements modeless dialog is visible and current document loose its focus (close or change doc) the dialog is closed

B. Opening Layer manager dialog (LMDlg) Manage Layers is modal dialog for managing layers and its properties. Opening this dialog is possible only when some document is open. When opening LMDlg or if current page changes, this should happen: - Fills tree view with existing layer names with usage data info in each sub nodes - The page view should change by showing Acrobats layers pane (dummy call to force Acrobat watching the layers)

Loop B.1 1. Open document without layers 2. Open main dialog with button on toolbar (Advanced editing) 3. The layers list should be empty Loop B.2 1. Open document without layers 2. Open main dialog with menu item (Plug-ins->ARTS PDF Stratify->Layer manager) 3. The layers list should be empty Loop B.3 1. Open document with layers 2. Open LMDlg with button on toolbar 3. Layers list should contain the same layers like on Acrobat Layers Pane (ALP) 4. Check boxes by the layer names should correspond with actual layer visibility (check with ALP) Loop B.4 1. Open document with layers 2. Open main dialog with menu item 3. Layers list should contain the same layers like on Acrobat Layers Pane (ALP) 4. Check boxes by the layer names should correspond with actual layer visibility (check with ALP)

C. Creating new layers can be done through layer manager dialog by clicking on New... button name of newly created layer is always New Layer # (# - number if this name already exists) created layer should be displayed in Dialog layers list and ALP as well newly created layer has current state set to visible and its created with default settings (see loops D)

Loop C.1 1. 2. 3. 4. Open document without layers Open LMDlg Click New button Check created layer in LMDlg and ALP

Loop C.2 1. 2. 3. 4. Open document with layers Open LMDlg Click New button Check created layer in LMDlg and ALP

D. Edit layer properties Edit Layer properties Dialog (ELDlg) can be opened from LMDlg when only one layer is selected Default layer settings: - Layer name: New Layer # - Default State: ON - Visibility: Visible when ON - Print: Prints when visible - Export: Exports when visible - Zoom level: No zoom level set Loop D.1 1. Open LMDlg, create new layer and click Edit... button on this layer 2. Check default layer settings Loop D.2 (layer name) 1. Open LMDlg and click Edit... button on any layer 2. Change layer name and click OK 3. Check layer name and props in LMDlg and ALP Loop D.3 (default state) 1. Open LMDlg and click Edit... button on any layer 2. Change layer default state and click OK 3. Check layer default state in ALP layer properties 4. Save, close and reopen document 5. Check visibility of edited layer in ALP, LMDlg and LEDlg Loop D.4 (visibility, print, export) 1. Open LMDlg and click Edit... button on any layer 2. Change visibility state to Never visible, click OK 3. Check layer props in LMDlg and ALP 4. Layer should be always invisible (show hide layer through ALP) 5. Repeat this loop for Always visible 6. Repeat this loop for print and export state Loop D.5 (zoom) 1. Open LMDlg and click Edit... button on any layer 2. Change layer zoom from value and click OK 3. Check layer props in LMDlg and ALP Loop D.6 1. Change layer properties randomly -

E. Selection server & Select Objects Dialog (SODlg) Selection server should be active when Select Objects in Layer dialog is visible Cursor: When SODlg is visible o it checks for page layout is always single page o checks for active tool always Layers Tool If document closes, the dialog is closed as well If page changes, the tool should clear selection and update object counters for active page

Loop E.1 (single click, single element) Set preferences: - Select text runs = false (whole text objects are selected) 1. select objects on page randomly (single click) 2. control selected element counter on LEDlg 3. check if each visible object on page can be selected

Loop E.2 (single click, multiple elements) Set preferences: - Select text runs = false (whole text objects are selected) 1. select objects on page using single click 2. add/remove objects to/from selection using shift key 3. control selected element counter on LEDlg

Loop E.4 Set preferences: - Select text runs = true (whole text objects are selected) 1. repeat loop A.1 2. check if text elements are selected as separate objects devided on text runs

Loop E.5 - Select text runs = true (whole text objects are selected) 1. repeat loop A.2

Loop E.6 (rectangle select) Set preferences: - Select text runs = false (whole text objects are selected) - Allow partial select = false 1. select objects on page using rectangle select 2. control selected element counter on LEDlg 3. check if each object inside rectangle is selected

Loop E.7 (rectangle select) Set preferences: - Select text runs = false (whole text objects are selected) - Allow partial select = true

1. select objects on page using rectangle select 2. control selected element counter on LEDlg 3. check if each object touching or inside rectangle is selected

Loop E.8 Set preferences: - Select text runs = true - Allow partial select = false 1. Repeat loop A.6 2. check selection of text runs

Loop E.9 Set preferences: - Select text runs = true - Allow partial select = true 1. Repeat loop A.6 2. check selection of text runs Loop E.10 1. Select/Unselect elements on page randomly Loop E.11 1. Change page while tool is active 2. Check the object counter 3. Repeat this loop with adding/ removing objects on different pages

F. Adding/Removing objects to/from layer and view objects This can be done only through Select Objects dialog is active

NOTE: When single text run is added into layer, this run is separated from the whole text object.

Loop F.1 Set preferences: - Select text runs = false 1. Select random number of text elements and add them to layer 2. Check Objects in layer counter 3. Clear selection 4. Click view objects (should highlight all objects in layer) 5. Repeat this loop for Image and other kind of objects

Loop F.2 Set preferences: - Select text runs = true 1. Select random number of text elements and add them to layer 2. Check Objects in layer counter 3. Clear selection 4. Click view objects (should highlight all objects in layer) 5. Repeat this loop for Image and other kind of objects Loop F.3 1. repeat loop F.1 and check layer visibility through ALP or LMDlg Loop F.4 1. repeat loop F.2 and check layer visibility through ALP or LMDlg Loop F5 1. Add/remove/view objects randomly (play with it :)

NOTE: This function can cause functional problems. Please test precisely and at least 1000 times ;)

G. Removing layers remove layer is possible from LMDlg

Loop G.1 (remove single layer) 1. Select one layer in LMDlg layer list 2. Check removed layer in ALP and LMDlg layer lists

Loop G.2 1. Repeat loop G.1 with more then one layer selected

H. Merge layers

is available in LMDlg with more then one layer is selected merged layer name is the name of layer which was selected as the first one merge layers works in the whole document only (cant choose pages)

Loop H.1 1. Select two empty layers and click Merge 2. Check layers list in ALP and LMDlg if there is only resulting layer

Loop H.2 1. Select two not empty layers and click merge 2. Check layers list in ALP and LMDlg if there is only resulting layer 3. Check layer by changing its visibility (is all objects was successfully moved) Loop H.3 1. Merge layers randomly

NOTE: This function can cause functional problems. Please test precisely and at least 1000 times ;)

I. Add pages as Layers

Add Pages Dialog (APDlg) can be opened either from LMDlg or from menu Can not be opened only if SODlg is active

Default settings: If some document is opened: - Current doc = checked - Other doc = unchecked o Name = disabled o Browse btn = disabled If no document is opened: - Current doc = unchecked, disabled - Other doc = checked o Name = enabled o Browse btn = enabled Pages to insert: All pages Page range: Disabled (enabled only if Page range is selected) Insert Layers into: New Document (disabled if no doc is open) Page Range: Disabled (enabled only if Page Range is selected) Page preview: If doc is known, shows the first page (of course can be changed), otherwise does not show anything.

NOTE: This function can cause functional problems. Please test precisely and at least 1000 times ;)

Loop I.1 Set Current radio button checked 1. check page preview for all pages 2. repeat this loop for more opened PDFs

Loop I.2 Set Other radio button checked 1. open file using browse button and check page preview for all pages 2. repeat this loop for more PDFs 3. repeat this loop for damaged PDFs (i.e. other file formats renamed to PDF)

Loop I.3 1. Change source file pages combo box and check Page Range edit box (enabled/disabled) 2. Repeat this loop for target pages combo box

Loop I.4 Set: - Other radio btn - open PDF - source page: first page - target page: first page 1. Click OK

2. Check inserted page objects and their layer (show/hide) 3. Repeat this loop for different Source pages 4. Repeat this loop for different Target pages New page and New Document) Loop I.5 1. Repeat loop I.4 with Current radio button

on target page (except of Page range) (except of Page range,


Loop I.6 1. Repeat loops I.4 and I.5 with Source Page range set (i.e. 1,3,5-9,12) 2. Repeat loops I.4 and I.5 with target Page range set (i.e. 1,3,5-9,12)

Loop I.7 Set: - Current radio btn checked - open PDF - source page: first page - target page: new page 1. Click OK 2. Check first page of current document for inserted objects and its layer 3. Repeat this loop with different source pages

Loop I.8 1. Repeat loop I.7 with Other radio button checked

Loop I.9 1. Repeat loop I.7 with target new document

Loop I.10 1. Repeat loop I.8 with target new document

Loop I.11 1. Create page layers randomly

Loop I.12 Set Preferences: - Use Page Labels as layer name = true 1. Insert any kind of page into any other and check layer name 2. Repeat this loop with source pages labeled and not labeled

Loop I.13 Set Preferences: - Use Page Labels as layer name = false 1. Insert any kind of page into any other and check layer name 2. Repeat this loop with source pages labeled and not labeled

Loop I.14 Set Preferences: - Group objects in page layer = true 1. Insert any kind of page into any other

2. Open LEDlg and select inserted page (should be selected as one object)

Loop I.14 Set Preferences: - Group objects in page layer = false 1. Insert any kind of page into any other 2. Open LEDlg and select inserted page (each object on inserted page can be selected separately)

J. Preferences Open preferences through preferences menu item Loop J.1 1. Open preferences dialog 2. Change check boxes 3. Hit OK 4. Reopen preferences dialog 5. check check boxes state

Loop J.2 1. Repeat loop J.1 with closing Acrobat after point 3

K. Help Run from help menu. Help file should be in the same folder as plug-in is with the name APStratify_User_Guide.pdf Loop K.1 1. Execute help menu item 2. Check if Help Document opens

Loop K.2 1. Repeat loop H.1 but rename or remove help file

L. About & Registration Open through acrobat help menu. Loop L.1 1. Open about dlg 2. Check plug-in names in each tab 3. check license button 4. check activation 5. check buy now button 6. check update button

M. DEMO limitations When using DEMO version - the Purchase dialog opens on first plug-in command (either Layer manager or Insert pages) - PDF is stamped after submitting Layer properties or after Creating layers from page - DEMO stamp cannot be selected as an object with Layers tool

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