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Primer Avance del Trabajo Final de Prcticas Pre-Profesionales para optar por el grado de Bachiller en Ciencias Fsicas


D. ASMAT C. Laboratorio de Fsica de Materiales Seccin Nanociencia y Nanotecnologa Universidad Nacional de Trujillo


XRD patterns of (A) MPA-capped Au nanoparticles, (B)Ru dicarboxyl mercaptopropanoate-functionalized Au nanoparticles, (C) Ru dicarboxyl mercaptopropanoate-Au nanoparticles heated to 600C in N2, and (D) RuxSyOz heated to 600 C in N2. [1].

DRX de nanopartculas de Au [2]


UV-Vis spectra of (a) aqueus layer 18 h of addition of NaBH4 solution, (b) organic layer after 7 days of a gings, (c) aqueus layer after 7 days of a ging, (d) aqueus layer at 0 time. (inset: reaction mixture after 18 h. and after 7 days of aging. [3]

(A) Representative UV-Vis spectra of gold nanoparticles synthesed cefaclor at 20 C (curve 1), 30 C (curve 2), 40 C (curve 3), 50 C (curve 4), 60C (curve 5) and 70C (curve 6). Inset shows the absorbance maxima of curves 1-6 vs. temperature. The absorption maxima of the gold nanoparticle spectra were determined after spectra were smoothed. [4]

Dispersed gold nanoparticles show a pronounced extinction band in the wavelength region where resonance occurs. A spectral red-shift is obtained when the particles aggregate, changing the colour of suspension from red to purple/blue. Photograph of dispersions of differently sized quantum dots, The emission wavelength of quantum dots can be tuned by the particles size. [5]

The UVvisible spectra of as-prepared gold nanoparticles obtained at different silver seeding amounts: (a) 0.343 1012 M; (b) 0.857 1012 M; (c) 1.715 1012 M; (d) 3.43 1012 M; (e) 8.57 1012 M; (f) 1.715 1011 M; (g) 3.43 1011 M. (This figure is in colour only in the electronic version) [6]

REFERENCIAS: [1]. S. Wang and W. Sim, Au nanoparticles Encapsulated in Ru Carbonyl Carboxylate Shells, Singapure, 2006 [2]. L. Huang, Z. Rui, M. Wang, N. Gu, Facile Synthesis of gold nanoplates by Citrate reduction of AuCl-4 at Room Temperature, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2006. [3]. P. Mukherjee, A. Nandi, Growth of Different Shape Au Nanoparticles through an Interfacial Redox Process Using a Conducting Polymer, India 2009 [4]. A. Khilesh, A. Prabhune and C. Perry, Antibiotic mediated synthesis of gold nanoparticles with potent antimicrobial activity and their application in antimicrobial coatings, India, UK 2010 [5]. D. Aili, M. Stevens, Bioresponsive peptide inorganic hybrid nanomaterials, London UK 2010. [6]. Z. Chuan, C. Min, C. Wen, et al, Wet Chemical Synthesis of gold nanoparticles using silver seeds: a shepe control from nanorods to hollow spherical nanoparticles IOP Publishing, China 2006.

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