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Table of Content for the Guide of Basic Computing Skills (711)

Lesson 1. Basic concept Lesson 2. Computer organization Lesson 3. Software and programming language Lesson 4. Communication and computer network Lesson 5. Operating system Lesson 6. Using Windows Xp Lesson 7. Basic of Ms Dos Lesson 8. Working With Text Lesson 9. Working with tables, graphics and pages Lesson 10. Document views and formatting Lesson 11. Mail Merge Lesson 12. Basic of ms excel Lesson 13. Formatting worksheets Lesson 14. Formulas and functions Lesson 15. Charts and Graphics Lesson 16. PREPARING SLIDES Lesson 17. FUNDAMENTAL OF INTERNET. 3 4 7 9 11 14 15 17 19 20 22 23 25 27 29 31 32



Lesson 1.

Basic concept

Ques 1. what is a computer? Why is it known as data processor? Ans. A computer is an electronic device, which is used to accept, store, retrieve and process the data. It is called a data processor because it is mainly used for processing data for producing meaningful information. Ques 2. what are the important characteristics of a computer? Ans. The characteristics of computer are speed, accuracy, diligence, versatility and storage. Ques 3. what is the first mathematical devices and when was it build? Ans. The first mathematical device is Analytical engine, 1823. Ques 4. who is called the father of computer technology? Ans. Charles Babbage is called the father of computer. Ques 5. Into how many generations the evolution of computer is divided? Ans. The evolution of computer is divided in five generation. Ques 6. what is VLSI? Ans. VLSI is stands for Very Large Scale Integration. Ques 7. The personal that you see today is which generation of computer? Ans. personal computer belong to Fourth Generation.

Ques 8. Why is computer is known as data processor? Ans. computer mainly used for processing data for producing meaningful information that is why computer is known as data processor. Ques 9. Explain in brief the various generations in computer technology? Ans. Generation of computer means the technical evolution over the period of time. computer generation can be divided into five parts, and these are:1. first generation of computer:- In this generation the computers were large in size, Vacuum tubes were used and ENIAC was the first computer of this generation. 2. Second generation of computer:- In this generation Transistors were used in place of Vacuum tubes, transistors were small in size, that is why the size of computer got reduced. IBM1920, IBM 1401 and CDC 3600 are the example of second generation computer. 3. third generation of computer:- In this generation computers used integrated circuits. These circuits are known as Chips. IBM 360, IBM 370,VAX 750 are the example of third generation computer. 4. fourth generation computer:- The present day computers are the fourth generation of computer that started around 1975. they uses Large Scale Integrated Circuit. 5. Fifth generation of computer:- This generation is still in developmental stage and researches are going on in this area in USA and Japan. Artificial Intelligence are used in this generation of computers. And Artificial Intelligence allow the computer to take its own decision.


Ques 10. write a short note on the fifth generation of computer. What makes it different from fourth generation computer? Ans. This generation is still in developmental stage and researches are going on in this area in USA and Japan. Artificial Intelligence are used in this generation of computers. And Artificial Intelligence allow the computer to take its own decision. Thus fifth generation computers are referred as thinking machines. The concept of artificial Intelligence make it different from fourth generation. Ques 11. Why did the size of computer get reduced in the third generation computer? Ans. In the third generation the Integrated Circuit are used. A single IC has many transistors, resistors and capacitors built in a single thin slice of silicon. That is why the size of computer get reduced. Ques 12. Discuss briefly the computer application in various fields. Ans. Now-a-days we find the computer applications in almost every sphere of life. Some of the prominent areas of computer applications are:1. In tourism 2. In banks 3. In industry 4. In transportation 5. In education 6. In entertainment.

Lesson 2.

Computer organization

Ques 1. what are the five basic operations performed by the computer? Ans. The five basic operations that a computer performs are input, storage, processing, output and control. Ques 2. What is the full form of ALU, CU, and CPU? Ans. ALU : arithmetic logic unit. CU : control unit. CPU : central processing unit. Ques 3. choose the correct answer. (a) The unit which of performs arithmetic and logical operation is called (1) ALU (2) editing (3) storage (4) output. (b) The ALU and CU jointly known as (1) RAM (2) ROM (3) CPU (4) none of the above (c) The process of producing results from the data for getting useful information is called. (1) output (2) input (3) processing (4) storage Ans. A. 1. B. 3. C. 1. Ques 4. Distinguish between bit and byte. Ans. A bit is an acronym for binary digit, which stands for one binary piece of information. This can be either 0 or 1. A byte is equal to 8 bits. Ques 5. Define volatile and non-volatile memory. Ans. The memories which are erased if there is a power failure , are known as volatile memories. The memories, which do not loose their content on failure on power supply, are known as non-volatile memories. ROM is non-volatile memories.


Ques 6. Write True or False : (a) There are two kinds of computer memory-primary and secondary. (b) The computer takes inputs in the form of 0 and 1. (c) The storage of the data and programs in the RAM is permanent. (d) PROM is a secondary memory. (e) The memories, which do not loose their content on failure of power supply, are known as non-volatile memories. Ans. A. TRUE B. TRUE C. FALSE D. FALSE E. TRUE.

Ques 7. convert the following numbers into decimal system: (a) (1100001)2 (b)(2315)8 (c) (121A)16 Ans. A.97 B. 1229 C. 4234 Ques 8. Convert the following from one number system to another number system. (a) (572)10 = ()8 (b) (a=29)16 = ()10 (c) (101101.01)2 = ()10 (d) (3572)8 = ()16 = () 2 (e) (256)8 Ans. A. (1074)8 B. (41001)10 C. (45025)10 D. (77A)16 E. (10101110)2 Ques 9. Distinguish between impact and non-impact printers. Ans. Impact printers use the familiar typewriter approach of hammering a typeface against the paper and inked ribbon. Non-impact printer do not hit or impact a ribbon to print. They use electro-static chemical and ink-jet technology. Ques 10. Define soft copy and hard copy. Ans. A hard copy terminal provides a printout on paper whereas soft copy terminal provides visual copy on monitor. Ques 11. Write true or false: (a) In addition to text , laser printers are very adapt at printing graphics. (b) The magnetic tapes and magnetic disk are primary memories. (c) A CD-ROM is read only memories. (d) Mouse is an output device. Ans. A. true B. false C. true. D. false E. true.

Ques 12. Define the five basic operations performed by any computer system. Ans. The five basic operations are:1. Input:-This is the process of entering data and programs in to the computer system. 2. Storage.:- The process of saving data and instructions permanently is known as storage. 3. Processing:- The task of performing operations like arithmetic and logical operations is called processing. 4. Output:- This is the process of producing results from the data for getting useful information. 5. Control:- The process of input, output, processing and storage is performed under the supervision of a unit called Control Unit. 5|Page

Ques 13. What is an input device? How does it differ from output devices? Ans. Input device:-Input device are used to enter data and programs in to the computer system. But output devices show the useful information. Ques 14. Differentiate between (a) RAM and ROM . (b) PROM and EPROM. (c) Primary memory and secondary memory. Ans. A) RAM stands for Random Access Memory. Because it is possible to randomly select and use any location of the memory directly for storing and retrieving data. It store the data and instructions temporarily. It is called read/write memory and it is also called volatile memory. ROM stands for Read Only Memory. It store the program permanently and it is called non-volatile memory. The ROM stores some standard processing programs supplied by the manufacturer to operate the personal computer. The ROM can only be read by the CPU but it can not be changed. B) PROM stands for Programmable Read Only Memory. In PROM it is not possible to modify or erase programs stored in ROM, but it is possible for you to store your program in PROM chip. Once the programs or instructions are written in PROM cannot be erase or changed. EPROM stands for Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. EPROM chip can be programmed time and again by erasing the information stores earlier in it. The chip can be reprogrammed using a special programming facility. Ques 15. Explain cache memory. How is it different from primary memory? Ans. A small memory chip is attached between CPU and Main Memory whose access time is very close to processing speed of CPU. It is called Cache memory. Ques 16. Write short notes on: (a) Control unit (b) Random access memory. (c) Laser printer (d) Ink-jet printer (e) Thermal printer Ans. Control unit:- The control unit determines the sequence in which computer programs and instructions are executed. It decides when to start receiving data, when to stop data it, where to store it, etc. Random Access Memory: The storage of data and instructions inside the primary storage is temporary. It disappear from RAM as soon as the power to the computer is switched off. RAM is also known as volatile memory. Laser printer:- Laser printer utilizes a laser beam to produce an image on a drum. The light of the laser alters the electrical charge on the drum wherever it hits. The drum is then rolled through reservoir of toner, which is picked by the charged portioned of the drum. Finally the toner is transferred to the paper through a combination of heat and pressure. Laser printers produce very high quality print and are capable of printing an almost unlimited variety of fonts. Inkjet printer:-Ink-jet printers work by spraying ionized ink at a sheet of paper. Magnetized plates in the inks path direct the ink onto the paper in the desired shapes. Ink-jet printers are capable of producing high quality print approaching to that produced by laser printers. A typical ink-jet printer provides a resolution of 300 dots per inch, although some newer models offer higher resolutions. 6|Page

Thermal printer:- Thermal printer produce images by pushing electrically heated pins against special heat-sensitive paper. Thermal printer are inexpensive and are used in most calculators and many fax machines. They produce low-quality print and the paper tends to curl and fade after a few weeks or months.

Lesson 3.

Software and programming language

Ques 1. what are program, programming and software? Ans. program is a set of instruction given to the computer by the user. Software is a set of computer programs and procedure that describe the programs. Programming is the process of software developing. Ques 2. Differentiate between system software and application software. Ans. Application software is a set of programs to carry out operations for a specific application. System software is a set of programs written for performing tasks such as controlling all operations required to move data into and out of the computer. Ques 3. Write true or false. (a) The set of instructions given to the computer is called programming. (b) Application software is a set of programs to carry out operations for a specific application. (c) UNIX is a multi-user operating system. Ans. A. FALSE B. TRUE C.TRUE

Ques 4. What is the difference between FORTRAN and COBOL? Ans. FORTRAN is used for scientific application whereas COBOL is used for business application. Ques 5. Differentiate between machine language and assembly language. Ans. Machine language is the only language that is directly understood by the computer. It is written in binary form that is 0 and 1. the set of symbols and letters forms the assembly language. Ques 6. Write true or false: (a) Low level language and high level language are two major types of programming language. (b) Machine language is the only language that is indirectly understood by the computer. (c) Assembly language is second generation language. Ans. A. TRUE B. FALSE C. TRUE.

Ques 7. What is the difference between interpreter and complier? Ans. Both compiler and interpreter are program translators used for translating highlevel language into machine language. While compiler scan the entire program first and then translates it into machine code, an interpreter translates and executes the program line by line. Ques 8. Give some examples of high level language. Ans. FORTRON (Formula Translation) and BASIC(Beginner All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) are some of the high level languages. 7|Page

Ques 9. Write true and false for the following statements: (a) High level language are problem oriented language. (b) Object program generated by compiler is machine independent. (c) The disadvantage of interpreter is that it is time consuming. Ans. A. TRUE B. FALSE C. TRUE

Terminal question
Ques 10. Describe the concept of software and hardware. Ans. Any physical part of the computer system that can be touched by hand or tangible part of computer system is called hardware and non-tangible part of the computer system is called software or a set of computer programs is called software. Ques 11. Define computer language. Ans. Ques 12. State the three different categories of computer language. Ans. Ques 13. What is machine language? Why is it required? Ans. Machine language is the language of computer and it is only language that is directly understood by the computer. We also call it machine language and it is written as strings of 1s and 0s. it on the basis that computer is designed. When this sequence of codes id fed to the computer, it recognizes the codes and converts it into electrical signals needed to run it. Ques 14. Describe the advantage and disadvantages of machine language. Ans. Advantages of machine language: The program of c language run very fast because no translation program is required for the CPU. Disadvantages of machine language: 1. It is very difficult to program in machine language. The programmer has to know details of hardware to write program. 2. Machine language is hardware dependent. 3. The programmer has to remember a lot of codes to write a program, which results in program error. 4. It is difficult to debug the program. Ques 15. What id assembly language? Explain its advantages over machine languages. Ans. . In this language, the machine codes comprising of 1s and 0s are substituted by symbolic codes( called mnemonic codes ) to improve their understanding. The set of symbols and letters forms the assembly language and a translator program ( called Assembler ) is required to translate the programs written in assembly language into machine language for execution by the computer. It is considered to be a secondgeneration language. Advantages over machine language: 1. It is easier to understand than machine language. 2. it is relatively easier to correct errors and modify program instructions. Ques 16. Differentiate between (a) Source program and object program. 8|Page

(b) Higher level language and machine language (c) Compiler and interpreter Ans. Source program and object program: The program written by the programmer in higher- level language is called source language. After this program is converted to machine language by the complier it is called object program. Higher-level language and machine language: The high level language are user friendly, similar to English language. Some examples of high level language are: COBOL, BASIC and C etc. A program in machine language is written in binary digit. That is why it takes long time to write a program and difficult to read, write and understand. Machine language programming is usually limited to the machine. Machine language is generally called lowest-level language. Complier and interpreter: Complier translates the instructions of higher-level language to machine language. It is called complier because it complies every program instruction given in high-level languages into machine language. Thus complier is program translator like assembler but more sophisticated. It scans the entire program first and then translates it into machine code.

Lesson 4.

Communication and computer network

Ques 1. Define communication protocol. Ans. The data communication software instructs computer systems and devices as to how exactly data is to be transferred form one place to another. The procedure of data transmission in the form of software is commonly called protocol. Ques 2. What is the difference between asynchronous and synchronous transmission? Ans. In asynchronous transmission data is transmitted character by character as you go on typing on keyboard. On the other hand, in the synchronous mode, the saved data is transmitted block by block. Ques 3. State weather true or false: (a) The basic requirement for working of a communication system are sender, medium and receiver. (b) Electric or electromagnetic encoding if data is called transmission. (c) In full duplex the communication channel is used in both direction at the same time. (d) Analogue signal is measured in volts and its frequency in Hertz. (e) The technique by which a digital signal is converted to analog form is known as modulation. Ans. A. TRUE B. FALSE C. TRUE D. TRUE E. TRUE Ques 4. Differentiate between LAN, MAN, WAN. Ans. LAN is a private network restricted to limited geographical area. MAN is restricted to a city (5-50km range ),whereas WAN covers great distance usually a country or the world. In LAN computer terminal and peripheral devices are connected with wires and coaxial cables whereas in WAN communication is done thorough telephone lines and satellite links. The speed of the data transmission is much higher in LAN than in MAN or WAN. 9|Page

Ques 5. what are the different types of network topology? Ans. There are three major types of network topology. They are star topology, bus topology, and ring topology. Ques 6. State true or false. a) Networks used to interconnect computers in a single room, rooms within a building or buildings on one site are called Wide Area Network(WAN). b) The term wide area network (WAN ) is used to describe a computer network spanning a regional, national or global area. c) The speed of data transmission is much higher in WAN than in LAN. Ans. A. FALSE B. TRUE C. FALSE Ques 7. Differentiate between internet and intranet. Ans. The internet is a network of networks information in every field starting from education, science, health, medicine, history and geography to business, news, etc, can be retrieved through internet. Intranet is the use of internet technology for communication within the firm and between the firm and those organization and individuals with whom the firm does business. Ques 8. Define the following terms briefly: a) E-mail b) EDI c) Teleconferencing Ans. E-mail:E-mail stands for electronic mail. Through e-mail we can transfer data anywhere in the world within second. EDI:EDI stands for electronic data interchange. In simple terms, EDI is computer to computer communication using a standard data format to exchange business information electronically between independent organizations. Teleconferencing:- It refers to electronic meeting that involve people who are at physically different sites. Ques 9. Define computer network. What are its main objectives? Ans. Computer network is a communication between two or more device located at difference places. The main objectives of the computer network are:1. LAN (Local Area Network ) single building 2. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network ) city 3. WAN (Wide Area Network) country, continent, global. Ques 10. Differentiate between analog and digital transmission of data. Ans. The transmission pattern, which is in continuous waveform, is analog signal. It varies over a continuous range with respect to sound, light, and radio waves. Analog signal is measured in Volts and its frequency in Hertz. A digital signal may assume only discrete set of values within a given range. A digital signal is a sequence of voltage represented in binary form. Ques 11. Explain in brief different communication media. Ans. Some major communication media are:1. Twisted pairs cable: Twisted pairs cable are commonly used in local telephone communication. These are usually made up of copper and the pair of wires is 10 | P a g e

Terminal question

twisted together. Data transmission speed is normally 9600 bits per second in a distance of 100 meter. 2. Coaxial cables: This cable is able is to transfer data at higher rate. This cable is used for long distance telephone lines and Local Area Network. 3. Microwave: Microwave system uses very high frequency radio signals to transmit data through space. 4. Satellite: A communication satellite is a microwave relay station placed in outer space. INSAT IB is such a satellite that is accessible from anywhere in India. in satellite communication, microwave signal is transmitted from a transmitter on earth to the satellite in space. The main advantage of satellite communication is that it is single microwave relay station visible from any point of a very large area. Ques 12. Differentiate between : a) Simplex and full Duplex transmission Ans. In simplex mode the communication can take place only in one direction. The receiver receives the signal from the transmitting device. For example- Radio, TV, Pager transmission. In full duplex mode, the communication is used in both directions at the same time. for example telephone line. b) Audio and video conferencing Ans. Audio conferencing is the use of voice communications equipment to establish an audio link between geographically dispersed persons, one that allows them to conduct a conference. Video conferencing is the use of television equipment to link geographically dispersed conference participants. The equipment provide both sound and picture.

Lesson 5.

Operating system

Ques 1. Write any five main feature of win.98. Ans. These are the main features of win. 98:1. Creates the links between the user and computer. 2. Handles internal function such as managing the computer memory. 3. It is graphical user interface. 4. The world wide web is easily accessible from anywhere through windows. 5. Supports DVD digital and audio. Ques 2. Explain the following terms used in application of mouse: (a) pointing, (b) clicking, (c) double clicking, (d) dragging. Ans. Pointing:Moving the mouse to place the pointer on an item is called pointing. Clicking:Pointing to an item on the screen and the quickly pressing and releasing the left mouse button is called clicking. Double clicking:Pointing to an item and then quickly pressing the mouse button twice is called double clicking. Dragging:Pointing to an item and then quickly holding down the mouse button is called dragging. 11 | P a g e

Ques 3. What is desktop? What are the main items you see on a desktop? Ans. The desktop is placing where useful things are accessible by the user, depending on which options you choose during installations. Ques 4. What are the main components of my computer? Ans. The main components of my computer are:Hard drive `C`, floppy drive CD ROM drive, printers , control panel, dial up networking and schedule task. Ques 5. What are the feature of windows explorer? Ans. Instead of opening drives and folders in separate windows, the user can browser the content in a single window in a hierarchical structure. Ques 6. What are the steps for permanently deleting a file? Ans. On the desktop double click Recycle bin. In recycle bin select the fie or folders you want to permanently delete. On the toolbar click delete. The confirm file delete dialog box appears. Then click yes, the file is permanently delete from the computer. Ques 7. Write the utilities of the following tools tab options of the properties window in my computer. A) Error-checking status, Ans. It is a utility that lets you check your computer for errors. If you accidentally turned your computer off without properly shutting down. It will run when you restart your computer and perform a scan on your hard drive. B) Backup status, and defragementation status. Ans. This utility let you backup important stuff so you will never lose anything in case your computer was damaged. Defragmentation status: Use this utility to make your computer run faster. The more you use the computer the more it gets tired and old. Defragmentation will refresh it. Ques 8. What are the utilities of the following in windows 98? a) my document Ans. This is where you store all your personal stuff like files, anything you create with your computer. b) recycle bin Ans. It provides space for deleted files from folders or desktop, and provide a second chance to recover files deleted. c) internet explorer Ans. It is a piece of software called a browser that lets you explore the internet. You might have another icon like Internet connection that will help you configure your computer to access the Internet. d) network neighborhood. Ans. Provides access to shared resources on your computer and other computers on your local and wide area networks. If your computer is connected to a network, you can use network Neighborhood to browse network resources in the same way you browse the contents of your computer. Ques 9. Explain briefly the functions of start button and taskbar. Ans. Start button gives you access to all applications on your computer, every time you install software on your system, you can easily have access through the Start button. Taskbar is laying at the bottom of desktop it has start button, quick launch area, notification area and date & time. 12 | P a g e

Terminal Question

Ques 10. Explain the steps in creating a folder. Ans. These are the steps for creating a new folder:-1. On the desktop double My computer. My computer windows open . 2. Double click disk drive or folder in which you want to create a folder. The drive or folder window open. 3. On the file menu, point to new, and the click folder. Type a folder name, and press enter. The new folder appear in the location you selected. Ques 11. Explain the steps in opening a file or folder. Ans. These are the steps for opening a new folder:-1. On the desktop, double click my computer, my computer windows opens. Otherwise you click on start and choose programs windows Explorer. 2. Double click the file that contains the file or folder you want to open. 3. Double click the file or folder you want to open. Ques 12. Explain the following a) Minimize, maximize/Restore, and close Ans. Every windows has three squares at the top right of screen. The minus sign is minimize. A minimized windows is still open, and a window button appear on the taskbar. The double square is maximize. You can maximize the window of your file to fit the entire screen. If you click again the application takes the usual size if you have several files opened, maximizing put them on the top of each other so you can see only one file at the top, by restoring you will have all the files visible on the desktop, just choose one and start working: you can write and draw at the same time very easily. To close anything just press on x. b) Title bar Ans. The title bar resides at the top of the screen. It displays the name of the program in which you are working. It also displays the name of the file or folder or drive you are working with. c) The scroll bar Ans. The scroll bar is used to go through the text, just drag the scroll bar until you reach the location. d) Menu bar. Ans. Windows 98 provides a variety of menus you can use to choose and perform different tasks. The most frequently used menu in Window 98 in Start menu. In addition to start menu, there are many windows and programs that have their own sets of menus and commands. Ques 13. Explain the steps in using files and printers controlled by others? Ans. you can use files and printers that are shared on the other computers. To use a shared folder or printer, follow the steps given below: i. Double-click Network Neighborhood ii. Double-click the icon for the computer that controls the folder or printer you want to use. If the computer you are looking for is not in your workgroup or domain, first click Entire Network, and then double-click the appropriate workgroup or domain. iii. To use a shared folder or printer, double-click its icon. Ques 14. What is the shortcut? How do you create shortcut? Ans. Select the file or folder you want to create shortcut. Right click on the file or folder. On the menu that appears, click shortcut. The shortcut appears on the selected area.

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Lesson 6.

Using Windows Xp

Ques 1. Write true or false for the following statements. a) Deleted file or folder are stored in the recycle bin. b) Under edit menu you can rename the file. c) Windows provides a quick and easy way to install new software. Ans. A. TRUE B. FALSE C. TRUE Ques 2. Fill in the blanks: a) Under file, click and select folder. b) If you drag an item while pressing the .you can create a shortcut to the file. c) When you start the computer system, the task bar appears ..on the screen. d) When file or folders are deleted from ..windows places them in the recycle bin. e) To select non-consecutive file or folder press the hold down.. key. Ans. a) right mouse button b) Right c) Bottom d) Hard disk e) CTRL key. Ques 3. Explain the steps to search for a file or folders. Ans. Steps for searching file and folder are:1. Go to start click at search click at all file and folders fill the name of file and folder and click at search. Ques 4. Describe the following: a) Recycle bin Ans. It provides space for deleted files from folders or desktop, and provides a second chance to recover files deleted. b) Task bar Ans. The task bar appear on the bottom of the screen and by default remains visible when windows is running. Whenever a program is run or a window is opened, an icon representing the program appears on the task bar. c) Quitting a program Ans. To quit a program select the close button (x) in the upper right corner of the window or click on file menu and select Close option. d) File management in windows Ans. File management in windows can be done through windows Explorer or my computer. Windows Explorer display the hierarchical list of files, folders and storage devices on your computer. Windows Explorer can be used to copy, move, rename, and search for files and folders. Ques 5. What are the steps to delete a file or folder from the computer? Ans. 1. Click on start, and then click on My documents. 2. Click on the file or folder you want to delete. 3. Under file, click at delete. 4. Files or folders can also be deleted by right clicking the file or folder and then clicking delete. 14 | P a g e

Terminal Question

Ques 6. Explain the steps to install software in the computer. Ans. 1. Click start, click control panel 2. Double click at add or remove programs 3. Click on Add new programs, and then select the source where the software to be installed is located such as CD or Floppy drive. 4. Now follow the instructions on your screen to install the software. Ques 7. Describe the steps to rename a file or folder. Ans. 1. Click on start, and then click on My documents. 2. Click on the file or folder you want to rename 3. Under file click rename. 4. Type the new name, and then press enter key. Note: file or folder can also be renamed by right clicking it and then clicking rename.

Lesson 7.

Basic of Ms Dos

Ques 1. Write true or false for the following statements a) Shortcut menu feature allows access to various Word command faster than using options on the menu bar. b) In the collapsed menu, all the commands will be displayed. c) For both show and hide rules, the command is view Ruler. d) The black vertical blinking line in the typing area in a word document is the insertion point. e) The use of the Scorllbars is to set margins in a document. Ans. A. TRUE B. FALSE C. TRUE D. TRUE E. FALSE Ques 2. To view shortcut menu, we need to: a) Click the mouse b) Right click the mouse c) First click and then right click the mouse. Ans. Right click the mouse. Ques 3. Horizontal scale is useful to quickly set: A) Margins B) Tabs C) Indents D) All of the above Ans. All of the above. Ques 4. What is the command to start the word program using start button? Ans. Programs Microsoft word Ques 5. What are the shortcut keys using keyboard for opening a new document? Ans. CTRL+N key.

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Ques 6. What is the command on the menu bar to save? a) A new file b) existing file Ans. a) file save b) file save as Ques 7. What are the steps to print a document on a different paper size in print dialog box? Ans. Select the appropriate paper size in scale to paper size: under zoom and then click ok. Ques 8. Status true or false: a) Window menu allows you to work with two documents simultaneously. b) A pass word can be upto 10 characters and not in case sensitive. c) You can open the file even without using the password once you have protected it. Ans. A. TRUE B. FALSE C. FALSE. Ques 9. CTRL+F is the keyboard shortcut for a) Help b) Save c) Find d) Replace Ans. c.

Terminal Question
Ques 10. Writes any two uses of ruler in Word Program. Ans..The rulers display horizontal and vertical scales that reflect the width and height of your typing area. Ques 11. What is a mouse pointer? Ans. When you move the mouse around in the typing area, the mouse pointer is in the shape of a thin I- beam. If you move the mouse pointer to some existing piece of text and click the mouse, you will see the insertion point in that spot of the text. As you move the mouse near the menu bar and toolbars, the mouse pointer become a pointing arrow. Ques 12. What is end-of-document marker? Ans. The horizontal line (like a short underline) at the end of the document (seen only when word is in Normal view) is called end of document marker. This marker lets you know where the end of document occurs. Ques 13. What are the keyboard shortcuts for open, new, close and save file commands? Ans. Ctrl+ O to open an existing files. Ctrl+ N for new document. Ctrl+ W to close the file. Ctrl+ S to save the file. Ques 14. Define the steps in protecting a document from accessing. Ans. 1.Steps in protecting document from accessing:1.When the file is open, select File Save as command on the menu bar. The save as dialog box appears. Move the cursor on the Tools tab on the top right side of Save as dialog box and click. Click at security option now enter the password to open and password to modify. Now click at Ok and re-enter the password to open and password to modify. Now click at save. 16 | P a g e

Ques 15. How do you modify a password given to protect a document? Ans. If you suspect that some one know your password you can change it or modify it by typing present password in password to open : box and new password in password to modify: box in the save dialog box. Ques 16. Explain the steps in printing a documents multiple pages in a single sheet of paper? Ans. If you want to print multiple pages of a document in a single sheet of paper, follow these steps:1. Open the document to printed. 2. Choose file print command on menu bar. The print dialog box will open. Select the options like print range, number of copies, Printer name etc. see that printer is switched on and the paper is available in the printer tray. 3. Select the appropriate paper size in pages per sheet: under zoom in print dialog box. 4. Click ok. Ques 17. Write any three options available in the print dialog box? Ans. These are three main options available in print dialog box:1. Select printer name. 2. Page range. 3. Number of copies.

Lesson 8.

Working With Text

Ques 1. The keyboard combination for a non-breaking space between two words: a) ALT+SHIFT b) SHIFT+ENTER c) CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR Ans. C) CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE/BAR Ques 2. What will happen to the cursor when you use the following keyboard shortcuts? a) HOME b) END c) CTRL+ HOME d) CTRL+ END Ans. a) Beginning of the line. b) End of the line. c) top of the document. d) End of the document. Ques 3. What are the shortcuts for selecting: a) A whole word , b) whole paragraph c) several words or lines d) entire document Ans. a) Double click within the word. b) triple-click within the paragraph. 17 | P a g e

c) Drag the mouse over the words, or hold down SHIFT key while using the arrow keys. d) Choose Edit Select All command on the menu bar or press CTRL+A keys. Ques 4. State true or false: a) It is a good practice to insert many spaces you need to move a text across a line. b) We can us BACKSPACE key to delete smaller selection of text. c) Ariel is a style menu name.\ d) The font size is measured in points. Ans. A) False b) True c) False d) True Ques 5. The shortcut key to insert a new file: a) ENTER b) SHIFT+ENTER c) ALT+ENTER Ans. B) SHIFT+ ENTER keys. Ques 6. By default, the tab stops are set at: a) 0.3 inch intervals b) 0.4 inch intervals c) 0.5 inch intervals Ans. C) 0.5 inch intervals Ques 7. What is a drop cap? Ans. A drop cap is a large letter that begins a paragraph and drops through several lines of text. Ques 8. State true or false a) One and half line spacing causes 16 points. b) Using standard toolbar, you can have up to 4 columns in a paragraph. c) Format painter button on the standard toolbar is useful in applying a style. d) Single spacing causes 12 point line spacing. Ans. A) false b) True c) True d) False Ques 9. The command in the menu bar is used in access the bullets and numbering dialog box. Ans. Format bullets and numbering. Ques 10. What is the difference between copying text and moving text? Ans. Copying means to make a copy of the selected text and the insert in another location , leaving the original text unchanged moving text means to remove the selected text from one location and insert it in another location. Ques 11. To view the elements on a clipboard, you select . Ans. View Toolbars Clipboard Ques 12. State true or false: a) choosing Edit copy command on the menu bar and pressing CTRL+C keys are different actions. b) You cannot use custom dictionary to remove a word. c) You can select synonyms of a word from shortcut menu by right click. d) The spelling and grammar checker can be activated by pressing F7 on the keyboard. Ans. A) False b) False c) True d) True.

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Lesson 9.

Working with tables, graphics and pages

Ques 1. State true or false: a) It is not possible to convert text into table. b) Auto Shapes features is not for drawing different geometrical shapes. c) You can sort a table by maximum 3 columns. d) The table sort feature in word is only to sort numbers and not for sorting text. Ans. A) FALSE B) FALSE C) TRUE D) FALSE. Ques 2. The command on menu bar to add an images from a file . Ans. Insert picture from file Ques 3. The command on menu bar to edit a graphic .. . Ans. Viewtoolbars pictures Ques 4. The command on menu bar to insert auto shapes. . Ans. Insert picture auto shapes or view toolbars auto shapes

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Ques 5. Explain the following: a) Inserting rows and columns Ans. Inserting rows:- Table Insert Rows above or rows below command on the menu bar, or select an entire row and right click with the mouse. Choose Insert row from the shortcut menu. Inserting column:- Table Insert Column to left or Column to Right command on menu bar, or select the column, right click with the mouse, and select Insert columns. b) Resizing a table Ana. A four sided moving arrow and open resizing handle will appear on the corners of the table if the mouse is placed over the table. click and drag the open box handle to resize the table. change the column widths and row heights by clicking the cell dividers and dragging them with the mouse. c) Sorting text. Ans. Short text command will attempt to sort selected text alphabetically, numerically, or chronologically (date) at your request. Ques 6. What do you mean by adding clipart? Ans. Clipart means inserting the image from Microsoft library to a document. Ques 7. Define auto shapes. Ans. The auto shapes toolbar will allow you to draw many different geographical shapes, arrows, flow chart symbols, stars, and banners on the document. Steps to activate the Auto shape :Insert Picture Auto shape or view Toolbars Auto shapes from the menu bar, Ques 8. Explain table properties in word. Ans. Table properties allow us to modify or changing the alignment, Size, text wrapping, Border and setting etc. 19 | P a g e

Ques 9. What is the difference between text wrapping and alignment? Ans. Alignment represents the starting location\point of text. It means from where we are typing text (left, right and centre) in document. And text wrapping represent the ending point (wrap to window, wrap to ruler and no wrap) of the line.

Lesson 10.

Document views and formatting

Ques 1. What is header and footer? A header is text that is added to the top margin of every page such as a document title or page number and Footer is text added the bottom margin. Ques 2. The shortcut key to insert a page break: CTRL+ENTER Ques 3. How do you delete a page break? Switch over to Normal View , click on the Page Break line and press DELETE key. Ques 4. State true or false: a) You cannot change start value of page numbers in a particular section of a document. False b) Words columns feature allows you to create upto 45 columns. True c) You can not remove a section break konce inserted. False Ques 5. Define book-mark. Bookmarks are used to mark items and location in a document. Ques 6. 40 keys. The name for a bookmark can contain upto

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Ques 7. State true or False a) Word enables you to store frequently used text , graphics and other items and quickly insert them into documents. b) Each time you visit and close the index tab In the Index and Tables dialog box, Word will not ask you whenever you want to replace the selected index. Ques 8. What are steps to create a Bookmark in a document? Ans. These are the steps to create a Bookmark:1. Choose Insert Bookmark command from the menu bar. The bookmark dialog box appears. 2. Type a name for the bookmark in bookmark name box. 3. Now click at Add button. Ques 9. What is the advantage of using AutoText entries? Ans. Auto text is an easy way to store and retrieve boilerplate text, graphics, address, letter closings, memo distribution lists, logos and just about anything else that you can create with word. Ques 10. Explain the steps in creating AutoText entries. Ans. To create auto text entries follow these steps:1. Simply select the text you want as AutoText. 2. Choose Insert AutoText AutoText commands from menu bar. 3. Now click at Add, click at Ok when you finished. 20 | P a g e

Ques 11. What is the advantage of AutoComplete feature in word? Ans. When a yellow ScreenTip message appear as you type, anticipating your next word or phrase. For example, after you type the word will suggest the rest of the phrase. When you see the suggested pop-up phrase, press the Enter key or press F3 to have word complete the phrase for you. Ques 12. Explain the steps in finding and replacing text? Ans. Follow these steps to find and replace text:1. Choose Edit Find option. Now Find and Replace dialog box appears. 2. Here enter the word in Find What box which word we want to find and click at find next. 3. This find and replace dialog box can be used for finding and replacing words. Ques 13. Write steps in creating columns of unequal width in word document? Ans. Follow these steps to create column of unequal width:1. Go to Format Columns commands from menu bar. 2. Select the type of column layout (unequal width) in preset area and click at Ok. Ques 14. Write steps in inserting a page number. Ans. Follow these steps to inserting a page number:1. Go to Insert Page number 2. Now appears the page number dialog box, choose the page number position and alignment and click at Ok. Ques 15. How do you delete a section break? Ans. The easier way to delete section breaks is to find and remove the extra section break indicator in the document. To do this switch over the Normal view, click on the Section break line and press Delete key to remove the section break. Ques 16. How do you add border and shading to pages in a document? Ans. Follow these steps to apply border and shading to page:1. Select the pages to receive borders and shading. Choose Format Border and shading command on the menu bar. The border and shading dialog box appears. 2. Click on Page border tab and select the border style options you prefer. 3. Click on the Ok when finished. Ques 17. Write steps in inserting a chapter heading in a Header. Ans. Follow these steps to insert chapter heading in a Header:Press alt+ctrl+1 for chapter heading 1. And type chapter name. Now press alt+v+h for header and footer. Go to Insert Filed select field name StyleRef and then select style name Heading 1. Now click at Ok. Ques 18. Explain any three uses of editing a graphic. Ans. Three uses of editing a graphics are : 1. Resize 2. Cropping. 3. Contrast, brightness and color setting. To make the graphics as it will become document friendly and user desired. Ques 19. Write steps in converting tables to text. Ans. Follow these steps to convert table to text:1. Select the table. 2. Now go to Table Convert Table to text on the menu bar. 21 | P a g e

3. Now click at Ok.

Lesson 11.

Mail Merge

Ques 1. What is the difference between main document and merge document in Mail Merge? Ans. In mail merge operation, the personalized document (such as a letter) is called as the main document. When you merge the main document with data source, a third document called merge document will be produced. Ques 2. In Mail Merge, a usingor . Ans. Mail merge helper or word table. data source can be created

Ques 3. You can merge the data records to ____ or __ Ans. A new document or printer. Ques 4. To send the merge documents for electronic mailing, it is necessary that your computer has the .. connection. Ans. Internet. Ques 5. State true or false: Using mail merge features you can merge address list in a single letter that can be sent to different people but you cannot insert variable fields in the body text of the letter. It is not possible to send the merged documents for fax without fax machine connected to your computer. The data records created in a worksheet using excel cannot be used as a data source for Mail Merge. Ans. a) False b) true c) false.

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Ques 6. Briefly explain the following: a) Main document, b) Data source, and c) Merge document. Ans. Main document:- In a Mail Merge operation, the personalized document ( such as; a standard letter , or envelope, or mailing label) is known as the main document. It is the document containing the text and graphics that stay the same for each version of the merged document for example, the return address and body of a form letter. Data Source:- Data source is a file that contains the name and addresses or any other information that vary with each version of mail merge document. Merge Document:- When you merge the main document with data source, a third document is produced that is called merge document. Ques 7. Write any two feature of mail merge. Ans. Mail merge feature are: 1. With the help of mail merge we can merge list of name and address on the single letter. That can be send to different people as there address and name easily. 2. A directory, label list or the envelop can be merged as the first feature also. Ques 8. Write steps in creating a main document for form letter. Ans. Follows these steps for creating a main document for form letter:22 | P a g e

1. Open a new document. Select Insert Date and Time now select the date format and click at Ok. 2. Leave some space to insert addresses through merge field later. Do not type anything in this space. You can insert addresses from data source through data field later. You can also insert fields anywhere in the body of the letter. 3. Type the body of the letter. 4. Now save your document. Ques 9. Explain steps in editing existing data records in mail merge. Ans. Follows these steps to edit into existing data records:1. Open the data source file and then select View Toolbars Database 2. Now click on data form button. The word will display the data source in the data form dialog box. Ques 10. How do you create a data source using word table? Ans. Follow these steps for creating a data source using word table:1. Insert a table by selecting Table Insert Table command on the menu bar. 2. Type the data field name on the top row of the table. start typing the data records from the second row. 3. Now save the table as a word document. Now your data source is ready. Ques 11. Write steps in using Excel worksheet as a data source for your Mail Merge. Ans. Follows these steps:1. Start Excel program. Open worksheet. 2. Type the data field name on the top row of the worksheet. Start typing the data records from the second row. 3. After finishing the data records save the worksheet. 4. Select the data field name and data records you typed in the worksheet, and then click on copy button in the standard toolbar. Close the file then exit Excel program. 5. Open word document, open a new document and then click on paste button. The data will be copied to word document in a table form. Save the document. Your data source document is ready.

Lesson 12.

Basic of ms excel

Ques 1. Write true or false for the following statements a) To modify a preset header or footer click the custom header and custom footer buttons. b) Autofill helps you to add the contents of a cluster of adjacent cells. c) Charts features help you in presenting a graphical representation of data. d) Click the edit button to print the worksheet. e) Pivot table allows you to perform data analysis. Ans. A) TRUE B) FALSE C) TRUE D) FALSE E) TRUE Ques 2. Fill in the blanks: a) When the active document is protected the command name changes to .. . workbook. 23 | P a g e

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b) Select .. from the menu bar to view how the worksheet will print. c) A password can be upto .. characters long. d) You can restrict access to your workbook in .. ways. e) Check .if you want the gridlines the cells to be printed on the page. Ans. a) Unprotect b) Print preview c) 255 d) three e) gridlines Ques 3. List any four application of MS Excel. Ans. It have entering editing analysis and storing for data applications. Ques 4. What are the main features of MS Excel? Ans. Some of the main feature of the ms excel are:1. Auto Sum 2. List Auto Fill 3. Auto Fill 4. Auto Shapes 5. Wizard 6. Charts 7. Pivot Table 8. Shortcut Menus

Ques 5. Differentiate between a worksheet and workbook. Ans. Workbook: - A collection of worksheet is called workbook. Worksheet: - A single page of workbook is called worksheet. Ques 6. What are the different types of data that can be entered into worksheet cells? Ans. You can enter various types of data into worksheet cell:1. Numbers: 2. Text: 3. Date and time: 4. Date in series: Ques 7. Explain three different ways you protect your workbook. Ans. These are three ways for protecting workbook: 1. Protect Sheet:- Select Tools Protect Sheet commands and click. This feature prevents changes to cell on worksheets, items in chart, and graphic objects on a worksheet or chart sheet. 2. Protect Workbook: - Select Tool Protect Workbook commands and click. This feature protect a workbooks structure and window. You can prevent changes to the structure of a workbook so that sheets can not be deleted, moved, hidden, unhidden, or renamed and new sheets can not be inserted. You can also protect windows from being moved or resized. 3. Protect for sharing: - Select Tool Protect and share workbook commands and click. Ques 8. What are the three different ways you save your workbook? Ans. These are the three different ways to save workbook: 1. Go to File Save as 2. Ctrl + s 3. Click at save button on the standard toolbar.

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Ques 9. How do you find a single number or name you want in a large worksheet containing thousand of numbers and names? Is it possible to replace a name or number with some other name or number? How? Ans. If you want to find name and number that is already typed in the worksheet. This is done through Edit Find. You can also replace a name or number with new data through Edit Find Replace. Ques 10. How do you select a cell, a single column, a single row, a cluster of cells, and an entire worksheet? Ans. Cells to select Mouse action One cell Click once in the cell A single column Click at column label A single row Click at row label A cluster of cell Drag mouse over the cells. Entire worksheet Click at the intersection (whole sheet button) of rows and column. Ques 11. Differentiate between move cells and copy cells. Ans. Move cell: - To cut contents that will be moved to another cell select Edit Cut from the menu bar. Copy cell: - To copy the cell contents, select Edit Copy from the menu bar. Ques 12. Explain the use of Freeze panes. Ans. If you have a large worksheet with column and row headings, those heading will disappear as the worksheet is scrolled. By using the freeze panes feature, the heading can be visible at all times. Steps for applying the Freeze panes: 1. Select a single row. 2. Go to Window Freeze panes from the menu bar. Ques 13. What are the different features available in page setting command? Ans. These features are included in page setup: 1. Paper size, orientation of data. 2. Margins 3. Header/footer 4. Page number 5. Sheet Ques 14. Describe different features available in print command. Ans. Following are the features of the Print command: 1. Print range: - Select either all page or range of pages to print. 2. Print what: - Select selection of cells highlighted on the worksheet, the active worksheet or all the worksheets in the entire workbook. 3. Copies: - Choose the number of copy that should be printed.

Lesson 13.

Formatting worksheets

Ques 1. Write true or false for the following statements: a) Format cells dialog box offers you more option than the alignment buttons on the formatting toolbars. b) Click edit to preview the formatting changes on the worksheet. 25 | P a g e

c) If the field is a time select time from the category box. d) To unhide the column select format column unhide from the menu bar. e) Choose Edit style to display the style dialog box. Ans. a) true b) false c) true d) true e) false Ques 2. Fill in the blanks: Modify the by clicking the modify button. In excel all style are . Hiding columns or rows will help you to . unwanted changes. If the toolbars is not already visible on the screen select . . To change the data format select the . From the format cells windows. Ans. a) attributes b) cell styles c) prevent d) view toolbar formatting e) number tab. Ques 3. Explain the following terms in brief:

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a) AutoFit, b) AutoFormat. Ans. Auto Fit: - Auto fit allow us to adjust a column width or a row height according to the widest entry of a column or tallest height of a row. Auto Format: - Excels Auto Format feature uses table styles, which are predefined collections of number formats, fonts, cell alignments, patterns, shading, column widths and row heights to have a polished look of ranges of cells you specify. Ques 4. What is the format painter? When do you think format painter is useful in Excel? Ans. If you have formatted a cell with a certain font style, date format, number format, border and other formatting options and want to format another cell or group of cells the same way, place the cursor within the cell containing the formatting you want to copy. Click the format painter button in the standard toolbar. Now highlight the cells you want to apply the same formatting. Ques 5. Ans 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Explain different preset styles available in Excel. Comma: - Adds commas in numbers as there numeric place. Comma[0] : - it round the number as hole number. Currency: - It adds the $ sign before the number. Currency: [0]: - It rounds the number and adds $. Normal: - It is a general format number. percent : - Adds a percent sign.

Ques 6. Explain steps to create a new style. Ans. Follow the steps to create a new style: 1. Highlight the cell you want to add a style to. 2. Select Format Style from the menu bar. 3. Click at modify button. 4. Check all the items under style includes that the style should format. 5. Click Add to preview the formatting changes on the worksheet. 6. Highlight the style you want to apply to the paragraph and click at Apply. Ques 7. How to copy styles from one open workbook file to another? Ans. Follow these steps to copy styles from one workbook to another: -

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Ques 8. What are the different tabs available in Format cells dialog box? Ans. These tabs are available in format cell dialog box: - Number, Alignment, Font, Border, Patterns and Protection. Ques 9. What are the different features available in: a) Number tab, b) Border tab and c) Patterns tab in Excel`s Format cells dialog box? Ans. Number tab: - This tab consist of general, number, currency, Accounting, date, time, Percentage, Fraction, Scientific, text, Special etc. Border tab: - This tab consists of Presets (None Outline, Inside), Border, Line style and color. Pattern tab: - This tab consists of Cell shedding color and Pattern. Ques 10. How do you: a) Hide a column, b) Unhide a column, c) Hide a worksheet, d) Unhide a worksheet? Ans. A) 1. For hiding the column select the column and press right click now click at hide. B) 1.For unhidden the column go to the cursor close to the intersection of the hidden column and right click and now click at unhidden.

Lesson 14.

Formulas and functions

Ques 1. Write true or false for the following statement. a) In Excel you can enter up to 255 characters in a single cell. b) The syntax function consists of equal sign. c) In Excel formulas must begin with plus sign. d) Calling cells by just their column and row labels is called non relative referencing. e) Range is the location of all the values from which the COUNTIF will choose. Ans. a) true b) true c) false d) false e) true Ques 2. Fill in the blanks. a) Choose _________ command while keeping one the field name active. b) A pivot table is an interactive ____________ to summarize and analyse data from an existing list or table. c) There are __________ ways to filter a database d) It you do not see the pivot table tool-bar choose________ . e) If the range is not correct enter the range in the ________ . Ans. a) Data form b) worksheet table c) two d) view tool bars e) dialog box. Ques 3. What is the use of parenthesis in formulas? Ans. In the formula parenthesis calls the function of the formula/module, as sum(A1+B1+n). In the parenthesis there are data which needs function to do work. Ques 4. Write a formula in Excel to execute the following equations: a) The value of P,T and R are stored in A1, B1 and C1 cells respectively. You are requested to find the values of I(PTR)/100 and store it in D1. b) The value of X and Y are stored in A10 and B10 respectively. You are requested to find the value of Z=Xy and store it in C10. Ans . 27 | P a g e

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a) Click d1 cell and type =A1*B1*C1/100 b) Click c10 cell and type =A10^B10 Ques 5. Writes the basic properties of formulas. Ans. 1. A formula may consist of operators, cell references, range names, values and functions. 2. A formula always start with and equal to (=) sign. 3. When a formula is entered in the cell, and then the enter key is pressed; only the calculated result is displayed in the cell and not the formula. 4. If we makes a cell, containing formula, as an active cell, though it still shows the value, but in the formula bar, the formula is displayed. Ques 6. While working on excel, the following error messages have appeared in your worksheet. What do you mean by this? a) #Value! B) #DIV/O! C) #NUM! Ans. A). # Value! :- An incorrect argument or operator is used in the formula. B). #DIV/O! :- A divisional by zero has occurred in the formula. C). #NUM! :- An incorrect number is used in the formula. Ques 7. Explain the following terms in Excel: a) relative referencing, b) absolute referencing, and c) mixed referencing. Ans. A)Relative referencing: - Calling cells by just their column and row labels is called relative referencing. B) Absolute referencing:C) Mixed referencing: Ques 8. Describe the steps in using AutoSum formula. Ans. Follows these steps: 1. Select the cluster adjacent cells. 2. Now click at Sigma sign. 3. Highlight the group of cells that will be summed. 4. Now press enter key. Ques 9. Write the syntax of the following functions in excel . a) SUM B) AVERAGE C) TODAY. Ans. A) SUM: - sum(a1:a45) B) AVERAGE: - average(b1:b10) C) TODAY:- today() Ques 10. Writ any two function names in each of the following categories: a) Financial, b) Math & trig, c) Statistical. Ans. A) IRR, MIRR, NPER, NPV etc. B) SUM, SUMIF, SUMSQ, POWER etc. C) AVERAGE, COUNT, COUNTIF etc. Ques 11. What is function wizard? Ans. With the help of the function wizard we can see/view all functions available in Excel.

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Ques 12. Explain the following terms in Excel: a) manual recalculation, b) automatic recalculation. Ans. Manual recalculation:- On selecting this option, the recalculations of the complete worksheet is done only on pressing F9 key. This option can be selected by choosing Tools option and then click on calculation tab. Automatic recalculation: - This is default mode in which the change in the value of the cell causes the recalculations of the whole worksheet automatically. Ques 13. Explain the steps in generating a Data Form. Ans. Follows these steps for generating a Data Form: 1. Enter the column heading in the first row of the worksheet. 2. Choose Data Form 3. The dialog box is appeared, and now click at new. 4. Now fill-in the appropriate details in the box against each field name. 5. To finish the entry of records, click on close. Ques 14. What is the different between: a) Basic sorts and B) Complex sorts? Ans. Basic Sort: - Arranging the records in either ascending or descending order of a field (column) is called sorting. To executing the basic sorting (ascending or descending) based on one column, highlight the cells that will be sorted and click on the Sort (Ascending or descending) button on the standard toolbar. Complex Sort: - For applying the Complex sorts follow these steps: 1. Highlight the rows and columns that will be sorted. 2. Select Data Sort from the menu bar. 3. Select the first column for sorting from Sort dialog box. 4. Select the second and third column for sorting, if necessary. 5. If the selected cells have text headings in the first row, Mark my list has header row. 6. click on the options button for special non-alphabetic or numeric sorts such as months of the year and days of the week. Ques 15. What is PivotTable Reporter? Ans. A pivot table is a interactive worksheet table you use to summaries and analyse data from an existing list or table. You can update a pivot table whenever changes occur in the original source data. The original data remains intact, and the pivot table stays on the worksheet you created it on. Ques 16. Write the steps in using AutoFilters. Ans. Follows these steps to Auto Filters: 1. Select any cell of the database range you want to filter and choose Data Filters AutoFilter command. 2. Click the arrow in the column that contains the data you want to display. 3. Select the item you want to display.

Lesson 15.

Charts and Graphics

Ques 1. Write true or false for the following statements: a) Format picture display all the images properties in a separate window. b) Activate the image you wish to edit by clicking on it once with the mouse. c) Line charts show the proportion of each component value to the total value in a data series. 29 | P a g e

d) Pie charts are useful to compare the trends over time. Ans. a) true b) true c) false d) true

e) false

Ques 2. Fill in the blanks: a) Each AutoShape can be rotated by first clicking ________ button on the drawing tool bar. b) More _________ effects can be changes using the picture toolbar. c) _____ displays all the image properties in separate window. d) _______ show the relative contributions that each data series takes up. e) Enter the name of the chart and titles for ________ . Ans. a) free rotate X, Y axes. b) picture c) format picture d) Area charts e)

Terminal Question

Ques 3. What is the importance of charts and graphics in providing information? Ans. The information with pictorial representation becomes more meaningful and easier to consider. Ques 4. Briefly explain any 5 different components of a chart? Ans. Components of the chart are: 1. Chart title: - A title given to the whole chart. 2. X-Axis Title: - A title given to the X-Axis data range. 3. Y-Axis title: - A title given to the Y-Axis data range. 4. Data label: - The value of the data series plotted. 5. Legend: - Specifies the colour, symbol or pattern used to mark data series. 6. Tick Marks: - These marks are used to show the scaling of X- axis and Yaxis. Ques 5. Explain the process of creating a chart using chart wizard dialog box. Ans. Follows these steps for creating chart using chart wizard: 1. Select the data range. 2. Click the chart wizard button on the standard toolbar. 3. Chart type Choose the chart type and the Chart subtype if necessary. Click next. 4. Chart source data Select the data range and click Next. 5. Chart options: - Enter the name of the chart and titles for the X-axis and Yaxes. 6. Chart Location: - Click at As new sheet (new sheet), click at As object in (existing sheet). Ques 6. Briefly explain the following: a) Chart sheet, b) embedded chart. Ans. Chart sheet: - During the chart creation if we create the chart on separate is called chart sheet. Embedded sheet: - If chart is created on the existing sheet then it is called Embedded sheet. Ques 7. Briefly explain the following: a) Bar charts b) Pie charts c) Stacked column charts Ans. Bar chart: - Bar chart compare distinct items or show single items at distinct intervals. It is similar to column chart except that in this chart value axis is horizontal (X-axis) and category axis 30 | P a g e

Stacked column chart: - These is vertical (Y-axis). Pie chart: - These charts show the proportion of each component value to the total value in a data series. chart can be created by selecting the data range and then choosing a column chart that has a stacked style. This chart combines the advantages of both area charts and column charts. Series values are stacked to show the relative contribution of each series and then reflected at discrete intervals. Ques 8. List any four feature of chart Formatting toolbar. Ans. These are the feature of chart formatting toolbar: 1. Chart objects list: 2. Chart type: 3. Legend table: 4. Data table view: 5. Angle text: 6. Display data by column or row:Ques 9. How do you copy a chart to ms word created in ms excel? Ans. First of all select the chart and click copy now open the destination document in word and click paste. Ques 10. List any five categories of AutoShapes in Excel. Ans. Following are the categories of Auto Shapes in Excel: 1. Lines. 2. Connectors. 3. Basic shapes. 4. Block arrows. 5. Flow chart. 6. Stars and banners. 7. Call outs. Ques 11. You are asked to prepare a flow chart. What kind of AutoShapes would like to use? Ans. During follow chart preparation we use AutoShape such as process, alternate process, decision, terminator, connector, store data etc. Ques 12. Explain the steps in adding a clip Art to your worksheet? Ans. Follow these steps for adding Clip Art: 1. Insert Picture Clip art form the menu bar. 2. To find an image, click in the white box following Search for clips. 3. Select the picture and now drag and drop to workplace.

Lesson 16.


Ques 1. State true or false for the following statements: A) In both normal view and outline view you can see: current slide, slide outline, and notes. B) Using the contrasting colors for the text and background to slides is not a good practice. C) While preparing slides use long phrases sentences to convey your message. Ans. a) true b) false c) false Ques 2. a) 14, How many slide layouts are available in New slide dialog box? b) 26, c) 24, d) 17. 31 | P a g e

Ans. c) 24. Ques 3. The PowerPoint dialog box is useful to create a new presentation using: a) AutoContent wizard and design template b) AutoContent wizard and design template c) Design template and Blank Presentation d) Both a) and c) above Ans. d) AutoContent wizard, design template, and Blank presentation. Ques 4. Which of the following views is shown in the presentation of slides in a conference? a) Slide view b) Slide sorter view c) Outline view d) Slide show view Ans. d) slide show view . Ques 5. Write three important feature of PowerPoint. Ans. The main feature of Ms PowerPoint are: 1. Powerpoint gives you several ways to create a presentation. 2. Creating slides is the root of all your work with PowerPoint. You can get your ideas across with a series of slides. 3. Adding text will help you put your ideas into words. 4. The multimedia feature make your slides sparkle. You can add clip art, sound effects, music, video clips etc. 5. Preparing a presentation is easy in PowerPoint. One you have created slides, you can put them in order, time your slide show, and present them to your audience. Ques 6. Explain any one method of creating a presentation. PowerPoint gives you several ways to create a presentation. When you start your PowerPoint Program, you see a dialog box that asks whether you want to open an existing presentation , or create a new presentation using AutoContent Wizard , or Design Template, or Blank presentation. If the PowerPoint dialog box does not appear, select FileNew command on the menu bar. Ques 7. Write two method of changing the view to slide show view. Ans. 1. By pressing F5. 2. Go to View Slide show.

Terminal Question

Lesson 17.


Ques 1. Fill in the blanks. A) ________ is a network term used to indicate the standard used by a network for communication. B) File transfer protocol, is a ___________ software used to upload and download file. C) Hotmail is the _______ D) The commands typed in the client computer are sent to the _________ . E) The basic objective of FTP are to give flexibility and promote sharing of files and. _______ . 32 | P a g e

Ans. a) Protocol b) internet utility provider e) data

c) Mail server

d) local internet service

Terminal Question

Ques 2. State weather the following statements are true or false. a) WWW is the acronym for the world wide web b) In TCP/IP connection, the user will get only textual matter of a web page. c) Gateway access is also known as level-one connection. d) Good example of network with level one connectivity within in India is that if VSNL. e) E-mail is known as URL ( uniform resource locator) f) Leased connection is also known as direct internet access or level three connection. g) With DSL, user can make and receive telephone calls while connected simultaneously to internet. h) Cable connection has slower speed than dial up connection. Ans. a) true b) false c) true d) true e) false f) true g) true h) false Ques 3. Explain in brief the concept of e-mail. Ans. E-mail standing for Electronic mail. Electronic mail is paperless method of sending messages, notes or letter from one person to even many people at the same time via Internet. It is very convenient and fastest way for sending messages. Ques 4. What are the basic objectives of FTP? Ans. The basic objectives of FTP are: 1. To give flexibility and promote sharing of computer programs, files and data. 2. To transfer data reliably and more efficiency over network. 3. To encourage implicit or indirect use of remote computers using Internet. 4. To shield a user from variation in file storage systems among hosts. Ques 5. What is the difference between leased connection and Dialup connection? Ans. Dial up Connection: - Dial up connection provides connection to the Internet through ISP or host for client. It is also known as level Two connection. Leased connection: - Through leased connection our computer is directly connected to the Internet using high speed transmission lines. It is more secure and expensive and it is also known as level three connection. Ques 6. Explain in brief. a) TCP/IP connection b) Telnet c) Gateway Access d) Shell connection Ans. A) TCP/IP provides easier access with multimedia sound and pictures and support display text and graphical display. B) TELNET provides the access to the remote computer and allows us to become a user on the remote computer. C) Gateway access: - Gateway access is known as Level- one connection. Mainly it is used to connect two different type of network and also provide the access to the Internet from a network. D) In this type of connection, the user will get only textual matter of the web page. This connection does not support graphics display. 33 | P a g e

Ques 7. Explain in brief the working principle of cable modern connection. Ans. The principle of the cable modem connection is: It divides the connection into lots of bands, and translates the data in the bands into signals that that can be carried through cable lines. Cable modems change these signals into IP packets that your computer can understand. Ques 8. How does a search engine gets the required information from the web? Write the names of 2 popular search engines. Ans. Search engine take one of more words entered by the user, search the contents of every web page stored in their databases and display the result. Search engines tend to index (record by word) all of the terms on a given web document or they may index all of the terms within the first few sentences, the Web site title, or the documents metatages. Internet directories are on line Web sites that place Web page into one or more categories. Web page s are usually listed with a brief description and their URL. Ques 9. Explain the following terms. a) DSL B) ISDN. Ans. DSL: - DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line. DSL connects your home or office to the Internet through the same telephone wire that comes from the telephone pole on the street. Like ISDN, with DSL, user can make and receive telephone calls while connected simultaneously to the Internet. ISDN: - ISDN stands for Integrated Services Digital Network. ISDN offers Internet connectivity at speeds of up to 128 kbps through the use of digital phone line.

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