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Shawn Levi 3 April 2012 Period 2, APUSH Mr.

Espinosa Cornell notes Containment of Communism Question What was a side reason to drop the atomic bomb on Japan? What was Stalin's advancement and development like on the A-Bomb? What was the Baruch Plan aboot? Answer It was to intimidate Stalin and Russia to show the power of the United States. It was used to stop soviet expansion. Stalin organized a ring of spies to steal classified united states information, and took German scientists (that were scared away by nazis). It was an effort made by the united states to monitor all foreign countries production of the A bomb. The United States offered that all other nations show and halt their production of the nuclear weapon, and if the foreign countries do, the US would halt their production as well. Obviously, this was not liked, and it was against the soviets. They did not comply. It started to develop by Stalin's want to conquer. He was in Europe, trying to convert everyone to communism. It was the line in the sand between communism and democracy. Kennan wrote the publication Foreign Affairs. In it he said that The United States needs to follow a policy of firm and vigilant containment of the Soviet Union's expansionist tendencies. It was a civil war between communists and democrats. Soviets supported this war with money to spread communism. It said that the US had to spread democracy and stop communism on a global scale. It gave permission for the US to start loading money onto other countries. The US and Soviets investing in other countries through proxy wars. It was to win support. Since communists did not believe in religion, and the US was based around WASPs, "God is on our side" was a grand slogan during this time. Since Europe was destroyed due to WWII, the soviets had the opportunity to invade and make Europe communist. The marshall plan

How did the cold war start to develop?

What was the Iron Curtain? What was the containment policy thingymagiger?

What was the Proxy War in Greece about?

Truman Doctrine what was it?

What is a cold war? What was a morale booster to the U.S public?

Describe the Marshall plan

What was the Berlin Airlift?

counteracted this by giving 12.5 billion through four years through the ECA (Economic Cooperation Administration). This coorperation offered aid to any country in need, including the soviets. Stalin was afraid of Germany being restored. The United states and France and Britain were helping to restore and consolidate Germany. Stalin cut off west Germany by closing railroads and highways. However, Truman refused to give in, so the US initiated an airlift to supply West Berlin with goods for survival. It drove the Communists out.

Another Red Scare What were the Loyalty Boards? Truman made an Executive Order to create boards to purge communist sympathizers and spies. Anyone related to communism lost their jobs, such as the ACP, ASP, IWW, etc. They were proof that Soviet spy rings really were stealing a-bomb secrets. Inflation occurred, so there were many strikes during this time period. Since there was a class conflict, Unions were pro-communism It was meant to weaken Unions to strengthen capitalism and fight communism. Union leaders had to pledge they would never join the Communist Party. Also, it outlawed Closed Shops. States could pass Right to Work laws, which created the Open shop. Also, no secondary boycotts. Employers could sue unions, Federal employees were forbidden from striking, and there was an 80 day cooling off period. Strikes were pretty much halted altogether. They investigated subversive groups where commies may be employed. Many movies were sympathetic to commies. Republicans investigated Hollywood. The Hollywood Ten refused to answer the HUAC's questions using the first amendment. They went to prison. D: So, studio bosses created blacklists of any actors tied to communism and ostracized them. Richard Nixon, currently a senator, used the testemony of a communist spy to ridecule the reputation of Alger Hiss (FDR adviser and pro new deal). In the end, he was convicted for perjury.

What were the Venona Files? Describe the Unions during this time

What was the Taft-Hartley Act?

What was the House Un-American Activities Committee? What was the hollywood controversy about?

What was the Alger Hiss Case?

What was Dennis v US?

What was the McCarran Internal Security Act What was the Rosenberg Case?

Pretty much, Under the Smith Act, members of the American Communist party were convicted for advocating overthrow of the government, when they had only spread communist literature. They appealed to the supreme court, who then agreed with their conviction. The government was allowed to arrest and detain suspicious people during a national emergency. Both Rosenberg's were members of the American Communist party, and passed nuclear secrets to the USSR through spying. The only evidence was a testimony from a former business partner. Obviously, this claim was fake, but in a time of crisis, it was enough.

1949: A year of Dramatic Change So... What about the Jews? They got their own country, Israel, due to pity over the deaths in WWII. This was widely accepted. US supported israel, while the arab states were supported by the soviets and did not like israel. The treaty of North Atlantic Treaty made the alliance called NATO. An attack on one is an attack on all. US isolationism was no longer eminent. It passed overwhelmingly The nationalists were fighting the communists in a civil war. The US and China had a common enemy, Japan. Anyways, the US aided the nationalists with a bunch of cash, but it didn't work. communism took over in China. It was a fear that the USSR would team up with the people's republic of china. The United States had made a Hydrogen bomb while the soviets had made an atomic bomb. The National Security council advised the president to use harsher methods against communism including Covert actions, economic pressure, propaganda campaigns Japan owned North Korea since 1910. The Soviets advanced into north Korea. The Allies had agreed to make an independent Korea, but Soviets made an authoritarian communist government. Eventually, on 1950, south korea was invaded by north korea. The war was a bloody, Limited War. Using Human Walls, air force, and other disasterly tactics, this war entangled China in its effect, causing the US to be against China as well.

What is NATO?

What was going on in China?

What was the production of bombs like at this time? What was NSC 68?

Talk about the Korean War

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