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What conservatives think of EP

Topic 2: Environmental Policy


In 2010 Britain signed the Kyoto Protocol which has been designed to ensure the

stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate change. At the recent Durban conference, the UK is one of the few countries to have pledged climate finance beyond the initial fast-start period to support the establishment of the Green Climate Fund.

The recent Durban conference has achieved some significant steps: Emissions targets for all countries other than the poorest and least developed. Agreement to a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol from 2013. Adoption of the Durban Platform a roadmap to a global legal agreement applicable to all parties. Establish the Green Climate Fund to support policies and activities in developing

countries. There is still much to do as the measures agreed upon at the Durban conference alone will not limit global warming to 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels.

The UK faces significant environmental challenges with an estimated 30,000 deaths


attributed to air pollution each year and lives of at least 200,000 (Two Hundred Thousand) people shortened by several years, the UK is the third- worst industrial polluter in the EU. The UK is in breach of EU emissions control requirements and has requested for an extension to be in compliance by 2015. Air Pollution costs the British economy about GBP 20 Billion each year. Global warming will affect the whole of UK significantly with higher temperatures by 1 0 C and London summers being over 40 would be common a scenario. global warming. The Climate Change Act 2008 passed the resolutions for 80% overall cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and establishing a Committee on Climate Change as independent advisor to the UK government to prepare for climate change. The 2011 Budget also has several environmental Initiatives like
[5] [4]

C and malaria outbreaks, contaminated drinking water

Over 5 million people in England and Wales living and working

in properties are at risk of flooding from rivers or the sea due to increase in water levels due to

Setting up a Green Investment Bank with Initial Capitalization of GBP 3 Billion

which will invest in research and development of new clean technologies.


Establishing a Floor Price for Carbon to ensure that carbon fuels are not the

cheapest source of fuel which will provide an incentive to produce and use renewable energies. Investing GBP 200 Million in regional railways. After months of campaigning by the Conservative party alongside local County Councillors and the West Lancashire Conservative Group, the Environment Agency declared to not to implement the plans to flood valuable land in West Lancashire. The conservative party recognizes that biodiversity loss and the need to enhance biodiversity are significant policy issues requiring adequate revision to the conservation credit policy. Conservation Credits will not resolve these issues and a robust biodiversity conservation framework is required to be implemented. The Conservative Party supports the initiatives of the government


environmental protection. But the conservative government does not want to impose further burdens on the private sector which is expected to deliver economic growth. Climate change and related issues are considered as soft issues especially keeping in view the current economic turmoil globally and in the UK. The UK needs to prepare to withstand the economic crisis and possible recession within Europe with Greece and other EU nations facing sovereign debt crisis. Low GDP growth of 0.9% is expected for the upcoming year which is 50% of March estimates.
[1] Financial Times, December 13 2011 [2] Fiona Harvey, UK government puts thousands of lives at risk over air pollution features, The Guardian [3] Harvey [4] Louise Gray, Global Warming will bring killer heat, floods, and storms to Britain, The Telegraph, November 17 2009 [5] Louise Armstead, Nuclear boss Sir Adrian Montague to head Green bank, The Telegraph, May 25 2011 [6] UK sets CO2 floor price at 16 in 2013, Factor CO2, April 15 2011 [7] Britain: A lighter shade of green, The Economist, May 7 2011, 61

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