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MILS671: The Non State Soldier American Military University Martin S. Catino, Ph.D., Instructor

Anwar al-Awlaki: A Study in Al Qaida Capabilities

I. Summary: Anwar al-Awlaki possessed extraordinary skills that were utilized by Al Qaeda to increase its reach, power, and recruitment. The very exultation of this jihadist indicates both the capabilities, and skills that were sought by AQ, and that proved effective. His death in September 2011 ended his work but not the profile that AQ finds so attractive and valuable for its cause. The diligent student seeking to understand and combat Non State Soldiers should understand these capabilities, how they are cultivated, and how they are utilized both individually and also collectively toward the strategic aims of the group.


II. Capabilities 1. English language skills, and cultural intelligence of the United States. Born in the United States, and living there during his college years, Awlaki acquired valuable language and cultural skills pertaining to the human terrain of the United States. He later exploited these skills masterfully in his propaganda and recruitment. His hybrid background (Western and Eastern [Arabic, Yemen]) facilitated his work bridging both worlds for the transit of jihadists from English speaking countries to conflicts zones in Muslim and Arabic lands. 2. Human resource training. Trained in Human Resource Development (received a Ph.D. in this subject from George Washington University). Awlaki used these skills to recruit, motivate, reach, and organize jihadists. He aptly stated in his infamous 44 Ways to Support the Jihad: The field of Jihad is wide and it demands many skills. The brothers and sisters need to learn these skills and then use them to serve Islam. I emphasize on using them to serve Islam because we hear a lot about Muslims claiming that the reason why they are studying and pursuing degrees is to serve Allah but in the end they end up serving their pockets and selfish desires. 3. Technology and Mass Communication Skills--Understanding of the Cyber Terrain. Awlaki understood and utilized technology to agitate, propagandize, instruct, organize, train, and recruit. His ability to foster conditions promoting individual acts of terrorism for the jihad are evident not just in the case of Fort Hood Shooting but also in the conditions leading to the successful recruitment of Westerns into the jihad and their movement to conflicts zones in the Mideast and South Asia. By effectively exploiting the cyber terrain, Awlaki increased AQ abilities to foster homegrown terrorists, among the deadliest capabilities of any terrorist group. 4. Mentorship and sanctuary. Awlakis contacts with jihadists like Hasan at Ft. Hood, 9-11 terrorists, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (the Underwear bomber), the 2005 London subway bombers, a 2006 terror cell in Toronto, and others demonstrate his unique ability to mentor would be terrorists and direct them toward the highest aims of AQ. His unique charisma and ability to counsel jihadists was pivotal for the execution of some of the most important and visible of AQs attacks.


Awlaki revealed yet another asset in his repertoire of terrorist assets: sanctuary for extremists. During his nurturing of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the jihadist who attempted to detonate a bomb in his underwear while on board a flight from the Netherlands to Detroit, Michigan on 25 December 2009, Awlakis tribal network emerged as an essential component of protecting that operation. Awlakis extensive tribal network provided protection and cover for Abdulmutallab and thereby facilitate the terrorist activity that ensued. III. Sources: 1. Video Anwar al-Awlaki Killed: How US Got the Terror Leader HD: The Byzantine Empire - Anwar Al Awlaki [1/3] The life of Anwar al-Awlaki

Exclusive | Ray Suarez: My Post-9/11 Interview With Anwar al-Awlaki 2. Articles/Primary Sources: Anwar Awlaki, 44 Ways to Support Jihad. had.pdf

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