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Heat TransferAsian Research, 40 (1), 2011

Mixed Convective Flow of Immiscible Viscous Fluids in a Vertical Channel

J. Prathap Kumar,1 J.C. Umavathi,1 and Basavaraj M. Biradar2 Department of Mathematics, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga-585 106, Karnataka, India 2 Department of Mathematics, Rural Engineering College, Bhalki 585 328, Karnataka, India

Combined free and forced convection flow in a parallel-plate vertical channel is analyzed for immiscible viscous fluids taking into account the effect of viscous dissipation. Three types of thermal boundary conditions are described. These thermal boundary conditions are isothermal-isothermal, isoflux-isothermal, and isothermalisoflux for the leftright walls of the channel. The coupled nonlinear governing equations are solved analytically using the regular perturbation method. Separate solutions are matched at the interface using suitable matching conditions. The results are represented graphically for various governing parameters such as the ratio of Grashof number to Reynolds number, viscosity ratio, width ratio, and conductivity ratio for equal and different wall temperatures. It is found that the viscous dissipation enhances the flow reversal in the case of a downward flow while it counters the flow in the case of an upward flow. 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 40(1), 125, 2011; Published online 22 October 2010 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/htj.20324 Key words: perturbation method, viscous dissipation, interface conditions, mixed convection

1. Introduction Heat transfer for free and mixed convection in vertical channels occurs in many industrial processes and natural phenomena. It has therefore been the subject of many detailed, mostly numerical studies for different flow configurations. Most of the interest in this subject is due to its applications, for instance, in the design of cooling systems for electronic devices, chemical processing equipment, microelectronic cooling, and in the field of solar energy collection (see Lavine [1] and Barletta [2]). Some of the published papers, such as Aung and Worku [3], Barletta [4], and Boulama and Galanis [5] deal with the evaluation of the temperature and velocity profiles for the vertical parallel-flow fully developed regime. As is well known, heat exchanger technology involves convective flows in vertical channels. In most cases, these flows imply conditions of uniform heating of a channel, which can be modeled either by uniform wall temperature (UWT) or uniform heat flux (UHF) thermal boundary conditions. Ingham et al. [8], Cheng et al. [6], and Hamadah and Writz [7] also reported on flow reversal situations in mixed convection in a vertical channel for different wall heating conditions. 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1

It is well known that buoyancy plays an important role on the forced fluid flow and heat transfer in a heated vertical channel. For an aiding flow with a sufficiently high Gr / Re2, where Gr is the Grashof number and Re is Reynolds number, the fluid near the heated walls is accelerated to a very high speed, causing the flow reversal in the central portion of the channel in order to maintain mass conservation. On the other hand, in general, a recirculation flow is observed near the heated walls when the opposing buoyancy force is strong enough to reverse the forced flow locally. Consequently, an understanding of mixed convection heat transfer becomes important and necessary. Habchi and Acharya [9] numerically investigated the aiding mixed convection of air. Their results show that the air temperature increases with Gr / Re2 and the Nusselt number decreases monotonically. A similar study was performed by Aung and Worku [10] indicating that buoyancy force can cause a severe distortion in the velocity profile especially under asymmetric heat condition. Aung and Worku [3] and Lavine [1] proposed the criteria for the presence of reverse flow in vertical and inclined ducts, respectively. Ingham et al. [8, 11] observed that poor heat transfer results for a flow retarded by an opposing buoyancy force, but for a large and negative Gr / Re2 the heat transfer is rather effective. Actually, heat transfer may be greatly enhanced over the section containing a strong reverse flow. Umavathi and Malashetty [12] and Umavathi et al. [13] presented a numerical and analytical study of mixed convection in a vertical porous channel using the BrinkmanForchheimer model with various combinations of boundary conditions and with viscous dissipation effects included. All these studies pertain to a single-fluid model. Most of the problems relating to the petroleum industry, geophysics, plasma physics, etc., involve multi-fluid flow situations. A number of complex, interacting transport phenomena may take place in a non-isothermal multi-fluid system. Traditionally, macroscopic problems of a multi-fluid flow and transport are modeled in which various fluids are regarded as distinct fluids with individual thermodynamics and transport phenomena and are mathematically described separately by the basic principles of convection of each fluid and by the appropriate interfacial conditions between various fluids. An important assumption usually met in this model is the interfacial thermal and chemical equilibrium between the fluids. Packham and Shail [14] analyzed a stratified laminar flow of two immiscible liquids in a horizontal channel. Later Shail [15], Loharsbi and Sahai [16], and Alireza and Sahai [17] dealt with two-phase MHD flow and heat transfer in a parallel-plate channel. Following the work of Alireza and Sahai [17], Malashetty and Umavathi [18] and Malashetty et al. [19, 20] studied the free convective flow field and heat transfer of conducting two fluid flows in vertical and inclined channels. The purpose of the present study focuses attention on the fully developed laminar mixed convection in a vertical channel filled with two viscous immiscible fluids. The thermal boundary conditions on the left and right walls are described as isothermal-isothermal, isothermal-isoflux, or isoflux-isothermal respectively. The buoyancy force, viscosity ratio, width ratio, and conductivity ratio and boundary effect are all considered so as to extensively investigate their distinct influence on flow profiles. Nomenclature b: Br: Cp: g: ratio of thermal expansion coefficient (2 / 1) 2 Brinkman number (1U(1) / K1T) 0 specific heat at constant pressure acceleration due to gravity 2

Gr: GR: h: h1: h2: K: K1: K2: m: n: p: Re: T: U(i): 0 u: T1, T2: X, Y:

Grashof number (g1h3T / n2) 1 1 dimensionless parameter ( Gr / Re) defined in Eq. (23) width ratio ( h2 / h1) width of region-I width of region-II ratio of thermal conductivities ( K1 / K2) thermal conductivity of the fluid in region-I thermal conductivity of the fluid in region-II ratio of viscosities (1 / 2) ratio of densities (2 / 1) dimensional pressure Reynolds number (U(1)h1 / n1) 0 temperature reference velocity ( [dP / dX] [h2 / 48i]) i velocity temperature of the boundaries space coordinates Greek Symbols

: : T: : : : n: :

thermal diffusivity coefficient of thermal expansion difference in temperature (T2 T1) dimensionless parameter defined in Eq. (44) non-dimensional temperature (Ti T0) / T viscosity kinematic viscosity density of the fluid Subscripts

1 and 2: refer to quantities for region-I and II, respectively 2. Mathematical Formulation The geometry under consideration illustrated in Fig. 1 consists of two infinite parallel plates maintained at different or equal constant temperatures extending in the X and Z directions. The region 0 Y h1 / 2 is occupied by viscous fluid of density 1, viscosity 1, thermal conductivity K1, and thermal expansion coefficient 1, and the region h2 / 2 Y 0 is occupied by another viscous fluid of density 2, viscosity 2, thermal conductivity K2, and thermal expansion coefficient 2. The fluids are assumed to have constant properties except the density in the buoyancy term in the momentum equations (1 = 0[1 1(T1 T0)] and 2 = 0[1 (T2 T0)]). A fluid rises in the channel driven by buoyancy forces. The transpose properties of both fluids are assumed to be constant. We consider the fluids to be incompressible and the flow is steady, laminar, and fully developed. It is assumed that the only non-zero component of the velocity q is the X-component Ui (i = 1, 2). Thus, as a consequence of the mass balance equation, one obtains 3

Fig. 1. Physical configuration. Ui =0 X so that Ui depends only on Y. Under these assumptions the streamwise and the transverse momentum balance equations yield Region-I g1(T1 T0) d2U1 1 P + n1 2 = 0 1 X dY (2)


P =0 Y Region-II g2(T2 T0) d2U2 1 P + n2 2 = 0 2 X dY



P =0 Y


where P = p + 0gx(P1 = P2 = P) is the difference between the pressure and the hydrostatic pressure. As can be seen from Eqs. (3) and (5), P depends only on X so that Eqs. (2) and (4) can be rewritten as 4

Region-I g1(T1 T0) d2U1 1 dP + n1 2 = 0 1 dX dY (6)

Region-II g2(T2 T0) d2U2 1 dP + n2 2 = 0 2 dX dY (7)

Let us assume that the walls of the channel are isothermal. In particular, the temperature of the boundary at Y = h1 / 2 is T1, while the temperature at Y = h2 / 2 is T2, with T2 T1. These boundary conditions are compatible with Eqs. (6) and (7) if and if only dP / dX is independent of X. Therefore, there exists a constant A such that dP =A dX (8)

Considering Eq. (8), by evaluating the derivative of Eqs. (6) and (7) with respect to X, one obtains T1 =0 X T2 =0 X so the temperature also depends only on Y. By taking into account the effect of viscous dissipation the energy balance equations can be written as Region-I
2 d2T1 n1 dU1 1 2 + =0 Cp dY dY




2 d2T2 n2 dU2 2 2 + =0 Cp dY dY


Equations (6), (11), (7), and (12) allow one to obtain a differential equation for Ui, namely, 5

Region-I d4U1 1g1 dU1 = K1 dY dY4 Region-II d4U2 2g2 dU2 = K2 dY dY4
2 2



The boundary conditions on Ui are both no slip conditions and those induced by the boundary condition on T, by Eqs. (6) and (7) are U1 = 0 at Y = h1 , 2 U2 = 0 at Y = h2 2 at Y= Y= h1 2

d2U1 A g1TRT = + 2n1 dY2 1 d2U2 A g2TRT = 2n2 dY2 2 U1 = U2 1 dU1 dU2 = 2 dY dY

at at at at


Y=0 Y=0 Y=0 Y=0 (15)

1 1 d2U1 2 1 1 d2U2 A = 1 2 2 + 1 1 2 2 dY 2 2 dY d3U1 2 1 K2 1 d3U2 = dY3 1 2 K1 2 dY3


Equations (13) to (22) can be written in the dimensionless form by employing the dimensionless quantities U1 U(1) 0

u1 =

; u2 =

T2 T0 U2 T1 T0 Y1 Y2 ; 1 = ; 2 = ; y1 = ; y2 = ; (2) h1 h2 T T U0

1U(1) g1Th3 U(1)h1 T T1 Gr 1 0 0 ; Re = n ; Br = Gr = ; GR = ; RT = 2 2 1 Re T K1T n1 The reference velocity U(i) and the reference temperature T0 are given by 0 6


U(1) = 0

T1 + T2 Ah2 Ah2 1 2 ; U(2) = ; T0 = 0 2 481 482


Moreover, the temperature difference T is given by T = T2 T1 if T1 < T2. As a consequence, the dimensionless parameter RT can only take the values 0 or 1. More precisely, the temperature difference ratio RT is equal to 1 for asymmetric heating, i.e., T1 < T2, while RT = 0 for symmetric heating i.e., T1 = T2, respectively. Equation (8) implies that A can be either positive or negative. If A < 0, then U(i), Re, and GR are negative, i.e., the flow is downward. On the other hand, 0 if A > 0, the flow is upward, so that U(i), Re, and GR are positive. Based on Eqs. (16) and (17), then 0 Eqs. (13) to (15) can be rewritten as Region-I d4u1 du1 = GR Br 4 dy dy Region-II d4u2 du2 = mnbKh4GR Br 4 dy dy The boundary and interface conditions become 1 u1 = 0 at y = , 4 u1(0) = mh2u2(0) u2 = 0 at y = 1 4
2 2



GR RT d2u1 2 = 48 + 2 dy nb GR RT d2u2 = 48 2 2 dy
du du1 =h 2 dy dy d2u1 1 d2u2 48(nb 1) 2 = nb 2 dy dy
3 d3u1 1 d u2 = 3 nbKh dy2 dy


y= y= 1

1 4

at at at

y=0 y=0 y=0 (20)


3. Solutions 3.1 Special cases Case-I: 7

The solution of Eqs. (18) and (19) can be obtained using Eq. (20) in the absence of viscous dissipation, that is, when the parameter, Br = 0. Thus, in this case the dimensionless velocity components u1 and u2 are given by Region-I u1 = E1 + E2y + E3y2 + E4y3 Region-II u2 = E5 + E6y + E7y2 + E8y3 Further using Eq. (16) in Eqs. (6) and (7), we obtain the energy balance equations as Region-I (22) (21)

1 =

d2u1 1 48 + 2 GR dy



2 =

d2u2 1 48 + 2 A2GR dy


With the help of velocities given by Eqs. (21) and (22) the analytical solutions for energy balance Eqs. (23) and (24) for Br = 0 become Region-I 1 =


(48 + 2E3 + 6E4y)


Region-II 2 = 1 (48 + 2E7 + 6E8y) GR nb (26)

Case-II: The solution of Eqs. (18) and (19) can also be obtained when buoyancy forces are negligible and viscous dissipation is dominating, i.e., GR = 0 and Br 0, so that a purely forced convection occurs. Under this condition solutions of Eqs. (18) and (19) for u1 and u2, using boundary and interface conditions given by Eq. (20) are given by 8

Region-I u1 = F1 + F2y + F3y2 + F4y3 Region-II u2 = F5 + F6y + F7y2 + F8y3 (28) (27)

Again using Eq. (16) in Eqs. (11) and (12), we obtain the energy balance equations when Br 0 as Region-I d21 du1 = Br dy2 dy Region-II d22 du2 = Br Kmh4 2 dy dy The boundary and interface conditions for temperature are RT RT d (0) 1 d2(0) 1 1 1 = , 2 = , 1(0) = 2(0), 1 = 4 4 2 2 Kh dy dy
2 2




Using Eqs. (27) and (28), and solving Eqs. (29) and (30) with the boundary conditions Eq. (31) we obtain Region-I 2F2 + 3F2F4 4 2F2F3 3 F2 2 3F2 3F F 2 1 = Br 4 y6 + 3 4 y5 + 3 y + 3 y + 2 y + Cy + D 10 5 6 Region-II


3F2 2F2 + 3F6F8 4 2F6F7 3 F2 2 3F F 6 2 = BrKmh4 8 y6 + 7 8 y5 + 7 y + 3 y + 2 y 10 5 6

+ Ey + F 9 (33)

3.2 Perturbation method We define the dimensionless parameter = Gr Br = GR Br Re (34)

and assume its values are small (|| << 1). Equation (34) shows that does not depend on the reference temperature difference T. The fact that the product GR Br(=) is assumed to be very small can be explored to use the regular perturbation method. To this end the solutions are assumed in the u(y) = u0(y) + u1(y) + 2u2(y) + = nun(y)


Substituting Eq. (35) in Eqs. (18) and (19) and equating the coefficients of like powers of to zero, we obtain the zero- and first-order equations as follows: Case 1: Isothermal-isothermal (T1 T2) walls Region-I Zero-order equations: d4u10 =0 dy4 First-order equations: d4u11 du10 = dy4 dy Region-II Zero-order equations: d4u20 =0 dy4 First-order equations: d4u21 du20 = mnbKh4 4 dy dy 10
2 2





The corresponding boundary and interface conditions given in Eq. (20) reduce to Zero-order equation: u10 = 0 at y = , u20 = 0 at y =

1 4

1 4

GR RT d2u10 1 at y = 2 = 48 + 2 4 dy nbGR RT d2u20 1 = 48 at y = 4 2 dy2

u10 = mh2u20 at y = 0, du10



du20 at y = 0 dy

d2u10 1 d2u20 + 48(1 nb) at y = 0 2 = nb 2 dy dy

3 d3u10 1 d u20 = at y = 0 nbKh dy3 dy3


First-order equations: u11 = 0 at y = , u21 = 0 at y = u11(0) = mh2u21(0),

1 4

1 4

d2u11 1 2 = 0 at y = 4 dy

du21 d2u21 1 du11 = 0 at y = , =h at y = 0 dy 4 dy dy2

3 d3u11 d2u10 1 d2u21 1 d u21 = = at y = 0, at y = 0 nb dy2 dy3 nbKh dy3 dy2


Solutions of zero- and first-order Eqs. (36) and (39) using boundary and interface conditions in Eqs. (40) and (41) are u10 = C1 + C2y + C3y2 + C4y3 u20 = B1 + B2y + B3y2 + B4y3 u11 = P1y8 + P2y7 + P3y6 + P4y5 + P5y4 + C5 3 C6 2 y + y + C7y + C8 6 2 B5 3 B6 2 y + y + B7y + B8 6 2 (42) (43) (44)

u21 = Q1y8 + Q2y7 + Q3y6 + Q4y5 + Q5y4 + 11


Further using Eq. (16) in Eqs. (6) and (7), we obtain the energy balance equations as Region-I

d2u1 1 1 = GR48 + 2 dy
Region-II d2u2 1 2 = nbGR48 + 2 dy which on using Eqs. (42) to (45), 1 and 2 can be expressed as Region-I



1 =

1 48 + 2C3 + 6C4y + (56P1y6 + 42P2y5 + 30P3y4 + 20P4y3 + 12P5y2 + C5y + C6) GR



2 =

48 + 2B3 + 6B4y + ( 56Q1y6 + 42Q2y5 + 30Q3y4 + 20Q4y3 + 12Q5y2 + B5y + B6) nbGR (49)

Case 2: Isoflux-isothermal (q1 T2) walls For this case, the thermal boundary conditions for the channel walls can be written in the dimensional form as h2 dT1 h1 q1 = K1 dY at Y = 2 , T = T2 at Y = 2


The dimensionless form of the above equation can be obtained by using Eq. (16) along with T = q1h1 / K1 to give d1 Rqt 1 1 = 1 at y = 4 , 2 = 2 at y = 4 dy (51)

where Rqt = (T2 T0) / T is the thermal ratio parameter for isoflux-isothermal walls. Other than the no-slip conditions at the channel walls, two more boundary conditions in terms of U1 are required to solve Eq. (13). These are induced by the conditions given by Eq. (51) and are obtained from Eq. (6) as follows. 12

Differentiating Eq. (6) with respect to Y with dP/dX = A gives d3U1 g1 dT1 + n =0 1 dY dY3 Equation (52) is non-dimensionalized by using Eq. (16) to give d3u1 d1 + GR =0 dy dy3 Evaluating Eq. (53) at the left wall y = 1/4 yields d3u1 1 = GR at y = 3 4 dy (54) (53) (52)

The other boundary condition at the right wall can be shown to be the same as that given for the isothermal-isothermal wall when RT is replaced by Rqt such that d2u2 GR Rqt 1 = 48 at y = 2 4 dy2 (55)

The integrating constants that appeared in Eqs. (42) to (45) are evaluated using boundary conditions in Eqs. (40), (41), (54), and (55). Case 3: Isothermal-isoflux (T1 q2) walls For this case, the thermal boundary conditions for the channel walls can be written in the dimensional form as q2 = K2 dT2 dY at Y= h2 , T = T1 at Y= h1 2 (56)

The dimensionless form of the above equation can be obtained by using Eq. (16) along with T = q2h2 / K2 to give d2 = 1 dy at y= , 4

1 =

Rtq 2

at y =

1 4


where Rtq = (T1 T0) / T is the thermal ratio parameter for isothermal-isoflux walls. Other than the no-slip conditions at the channel walls, two more boundary conditions in terms of U2 are required to solve Eq. (14). These are induced by the conditions given in Eqs. (57) and (7) as follows. Differentiating Eq. (7) with respect to Y with dP / dX = A gives 13

d3U2 g2 dT2 + n =0 2 dY dY3 Equation (58) is non-dimensionzed by using Eq. (16) to give d2 d3u2 + GR nb =0 dy dy3 Evaluating Eq. (59) at the right wall y = 1 / 4 yields d3u2 1 = GR nb at y = 4 dy3




The other boundary condition at the right wall can be shown to be the same as that given for the isothermal-isothermal wall when RT is replaced by Rtq such that GR Rtq d2u1 1 at y = 2 = 48 + 4 2 dy (61)

The integrating constants that appeared in Eqs. (42) to (45) are evaluated using boundary conditions in Eqs. (40), (41), (60), and (61). 4. Heat Transfer The heat transfer parameters on the walls of the channel q1 and q2 can be expressed as q1 = K 1 T d1 h1 dy at Y=

h1 , 2

q2 = K2

T d2 h2 dy



h2 2


The above equations expressed in terms of the Nusselt numbers become Nu = (1 + h) Nu_ = d1 dy at y= , (63)

1 4

(1 + h) 15 15 21 105 6C P P + P P + 6P5 C5 GR 4 64 1 128 2 8 3 4 4 1 d2 h dy at y= 1 4

Nu+ = 1 + Nu+ =

1 1+ nbGR

1 21 105 15 15 (64) 6B + Q + Q + Q + Q + 6Q5 + B5 h 4 64 1 128 2 8 3 4 4

The integrating constants which appeared in all the above solutions are not presented in order to save space. 14

5. Results and Discussion Analytical solutions for the steady mixed convection of two immiscible viscous fluids in a vertical channel is analyzed. The nonlinear equations are solved using the regular perturbation method with the product of GR.Br, where GR is the ratio of Grashof number to Reynolds number and Br is the Brinkmann number as the perturbation parameter. The flow field in the case of asymmetric heating (RT = 1) and symmetric heating (RT = 0) are obtained and depicted in Figs. 2 to 9. Plots of u versus y for asymmetric heating (RT = 1) with GR = 0, 200, 400 are shown in Fig. 2. For GR = 400 there is a flow reversal near the cool wall (y = 1 / 4) which is similar to results obtained by Barletta [2] considering only one viscous fluid model. Figure 3 shows the temperature profiles for asymmetric heating with Br = 0, 2, 4 which is again the exact graph obtained by Barletta [2] for the one fluid model. In Figs. 2 and 3 we have fixed the ratios of physical parameters as 1 so that two-fluid models represent that of a one-fluid model which we can compare with the Barletta paper. Figure 4 shows the velocity profiles u for GR = 500 (both assisting and opposing flows) and = 0.1, 0.8. It is observed that for large values of GR, flow reversal occurs both at the cold and hot walls. The effect of GR and on temperature is not significant. The effect of viscosity ratio, width ratio, and conductivity ratio for asymmetric heating are shown in Figs. 5 to 9. As the viscosity ratio m increases, velocity increases in region-I whereas it decreases in region-II as seen in Fig. 5. Flow reversal is observed near the cold wall. The effect of viscosity ratio m on temperature is minimal. The effect of width ratio h on the flow is shown in Figs. 6 and 7. The effect of h is to suppress the flow in both regions. The effect of the conductivity ratio K

Fig. 2. Velocity profiles for different values of GR. 15

Fig. 3. Temperature profiles for different values of Br.

Fig. 4. Velocity profiles for different values of GR and . 16

Fig. 5. Velocity profiles for different viscosity ratio m.

Fig. 6. Velocity profiles for different values of width ratio h. 17

Fig. 7. Temperature profiles for different values of width ratio h.

Fig. 8. Velocity profiles for different values of thermal conductivity ratio K. 18

Fig. 9. Temperature profiles for different values of thermal conductivity ratio K.

on velocity and temperature is shown in Figs. 8 and 9, respectively. As the conductivity ratio increases the flow is suppressed. The magnitude of suppression is almost equal for both the regions. Velocity and temperature profiles for symmetric heating RT = 0 are shown in Figs. 10 and 11. Here also u increases for assisting flow (GR, ) > 0 and decreases for opposing flow (GR, ) < 0. The temperature increases for both assisting and opposing flows. Figures 12 to 15 display the effect of GR and on the flow for isoflux-isothermal and isothermal-isoflux wall conditions for asymmetric heating. The velocity increases for assisting flow (GR, ) > 0 and decreases for opposing flow (GR, ) < 0. The temperature increases for both assisting and opposing flows but the magnitude of promotion is significant for assisting flow as seen in Fig. 13. It is also observed that the effect is highly significant near the cold wall. The effect of GR and on velocity and temperature are depicted in Figs. 14 and 15 respectively. The effect of GR and on velocity is similar to isoflux-isothermal wall conditions. The temperature increases for both assisting and opposing flows but the magnitude of promotion is significant for the opposing flow as seen in Fig. 15. It is also observed that the effect is highly significant near the hot wall. The effect of width ratio h and conductivity ratio K on the Nusselt number is shown in Fig. 16. It is observed that as width ratio h increases, the Nusselt number at the cold wall increases whereas it decreases at the hot wall. The influence of conductivity ratio K is to promote the Nusselt number at the hot wall whereas it demotes it near the cold wall. 19

Fig. 10. Velocity profiles for different values of GR and .

Fig. 11. Temperature profiles for different values of GR and . 20

Fig. 12. Velocity profiles for different values of GR and in isoflux-isothermal case.

Fig. 13. Temperature profiles for different values of GR and in isoflux-isothermal case. 21

Fig. 14. Velocity profiles for different values of GR and in isothermal-isoflux case.

Fig. 15. Temperature profiles for different values of GR and in isothermal-isoflux case. 22

Fig. 16. Nusselt number profiles for different values of width ratio h and conductivity ratio K. Figure 17 shows the validation of the initial solution. The validation of solutions considering two terms and three terms of perturbation series on velocity is shown in Table 1 for different values of GR and . It is observed that for GR = 100 and = 0.1, 1.0, 8.0 there is not much difference in the values of velocity. For GR = 500, the values of velocity show more difference for two- and three-term

Fig. 17. Zero-order velocity profiles for different values of GR. 23

Table 1. Values of Velocity for Different Values of GR and for ui = ui0 + ui1 = (0()) and ui = ui0 + ui1 + 2ui2 = (0(2)) for i = 1, 2

perturbation solutions for = 8.0. However the nature of velocity profiles do not vary for two- and three-term perturbation solutions. It is very interesting to observe that fixing equal values for viscosity, width, and conductivity for fluids in both the regions we get back the results of Barletta [2]. The new results are obtained considering different fluids with unequal values for physical parameters. It is found that viscosity ratio increases velocity in region-I and decreases velocity in region-II as m increases. Width ratio and conductivity ratio suppress the flow. 6. Conclusions The problem of steady laminar mixed convection flow in an infinite vertical channel for different viscous fluids in the presence of viscous dissipation is discussed. Three different combinations of thermal left-right wall conditions were presented. Various analytical solutions on the flow and temperature fields for different special cases with isothermal-isothermal, isoflux-isothermal, and isothermal-isoflux wall heating conditions were obtained. Graphical results were displayed for different parameters governing the flow and heat transfer. Considering equal values for viscosities, widths, and conductivities for fluids in both regions we obtain the results reported by Umavathi et al. 24

[13] and Barletta [2] for the one-fluid model. It is also found that the viscosity ratio increases the velocity field in region-I and decreases in region-II. Width ratio and conductivity ratio suppress the flow. Literature Cited 1. Lavine AS. Analysis of fully developed opposing mixed convection between inclined parallel plates. Warme-und Stoffubetragung 23, pp. 249-257, 1988. 2. Barletta A. Analysis of combined forced and free flow in a vertical channel with viscous dissipation and isothermal-isoflux boundary conditions. J Heat Transf 1999;121:349356. 3. Aung W, Worku G. Theory of fully developed, combined convection including flow reversal. J Heat Transf 1986;108:485488. 4. Barletta A. Fully developed mixed convection and flow reversal in a vertical rectangular duct with uniform wall heat flux. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2002;45:641654. 5. Boulama K, Galanis N. Analytical solution for fully developed mixed convection between parallel vertical plates with heat and mass transfer. J Heat Transf 2004;126:381388. 6. Cheng CH, Kou HS, Huang WH. Flow reversal and heat transfer of fully developed mixed convection in vertical channels. J Thermo Phys Heat Transf 1990;4:375383. 7. Hamadah TT, Wirtz RA. Analysis of laminar fully developed mixed convection in a vertical channel with opposing buoyancy. ASME J Heat Transf 1991;113:507510. 8. Ingham DB, Keen DJ, Heggs PJ. Flows in vertical channels with asymmetric wall temperatures and including situations where reverse flows occur. ASME J. Heat Transf 1998;110:910917. 9. Habchi S, Acharya S. Laminar mixed convection in a symmetrically or asymmetrically heated vertical channel. Num Heat Transf 1986;9:605618. 10. Aung W, Worku G. Developing flow and flow reversal in a vertical channel with asymmetric wall temperature. ASME J Heat Transf 1986;108:299304. 11. Ingham DB, Keen DJ, Heggs PJ. Two dimensional combined convection in vertical parallel plate ducts, including situations of flow reversal. Int J Numer Methods Eng 1988;26:1645 1664. 12. Umavathi JC, Malashetty MS. Magnetohydrodynamic mixed convection in a vertical channel. Int J Non-linear Mech 2005;40:91101. 13. Umavathi JC, Prathap Kumar J, Chamka AJ, Pop I. Mixed convection in a vertical porous channel. Transport Porous Media 2005;61:315335. 14. Packham BA, Shail R. Stratified laminar flow of two immiscible fluids. Proc Camb Phil Soc Conf 1971;69:443448. 15. Shail R. On laminar two-phase flow in magnetohydrodynamics. Int J Eng Sci 1973;11:1103 1108. 16. Lohrasbi J, Sahai V. Magnetohydrodynamic heat transfer in two phase flow between parallel plates. Appl Sci Res 1987;45:5366. 17. Alireza S, Sahai V. Heat transfer in developing magneohydrodynamic Poiseuille flow and variable transport properties. Int J Heat Mass Transf 1990;33:17111720. 18. Malashetty MS, Umavathi JC. Two-phase magnetohydrodynamic flow and heat transfer in an inclined channel. Int J Multiphase Flow 1997;23:545560. 19. Malashetty MS, Umavathi JC, Prathap Kumar J. Two-fluid magnetoconvection flow in an inclined channel. Int J Trans Phenomena 2001;3:7384. 20. Malashetty MS, Umavathi JC, Prathap Kumar J. Magnetoconvection of two-immiscible fluids in a vertical enclosure. Heat Mass Transf 2006;42:977993.

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