Alpha Sigma News: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

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Alpha Sigma News

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Volume 47, Issue 4
Officers 20112012 President Marlene Wellman First VicePresident Jacqui Daves Second VicePresident Mickey Cole Recording Secretary Carolyn Sowell Treasurer Paula Miller Parliamentarian Shalan Inmon

March 10, 2012

Shalan Inmon Newsletter Editor 2598 CR 3 Slaton, TX 79364 806-996-5307

Alpha Sigma Sisters, Once again, congrats to Gencie for a wonderful program at the February meeting. It was so thrilling to see what our young teachers of today are doing in their classrooms with technology. Good news!!! We do have two young ladies interested in becoming members of Alpha Sigma. We need to ALL come out to welcome them to our chapter!!! Usually the five Lubbock chapters meet together in March but this year they have decided to decline. This meeting will be orientation and Alpha Kappa will join us with their new initiates. Remember, this is a meetingwe need a good count for the PACE Award that is coming in May. Different time/day March 20th5:00 PM Womens Club. This will not be a long meeting. We do need a head count as cookies and punch will be served. Please RSVP ASAP to me. Start planning now what homemade item you are bringing to the April meeting. This is our fundraiser meeting. It will be a silent auction. Should be lots of fun to see how crafty our members are. Remember, you dont have to be the craftee just the person who buys the craft!!!!! Look over the last page of this newsletter. If you would like to leave your pen for the chapter or the state organization, then please fill out the form and place with your important papers. All chapters feel privileged to pass along pens to new members from previous loved members. Thanks to all who worked on the nominating and achievement committees. Your service to our chapter is appreciated. May the March winds blow you in the right direction.meeting at the Womens Club on the 20th!!!!

Alpha Sigma Chapter Alpha State, Texas Area XII Chapter No. 42

Irish Blessing for Happiness May your troubles be less And your blessing be more And nothing but happiness Come through your door

Marlene Mission The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.

March 20, 2012, 5:00 p.m. Lubbock Womens Club Program Title: Prospective New Member Seminar Program Purpose:
To unite women educators of the world in a genuine spiritual fellowship To stimulate the personal and professional growth of members and to encourage their participation in appropriate programs of action

Happy Birthday!

Gencie Houy 9th Mary Rowlette 10th

Program Facilitator: Alpha Sigma Guests: Alpha Kappa

Meeting Dates for 2011-2012


March 20 April 14 May 5 June 21-23

New member orientation

PACE Award Early Registration State Convention

May 1

Initiates Brunch & Silent Auction 10:00 Founders Day Luncheon 83rd Alpha State Convention Las Colinas, TX 11:30

May 1



Leading women educators impacting education worldwide

2011-2013 THEME
Condolences to th0se we lost: Explore the Possibilities: Let Our Vision Light the Way

Silent Auction Fundraiser

Barbara Elliott--------cousin Alpha Sigma-------Dr. Margaret Peg Wilson Peg, our friend, we will miss you and your smile, your ideas, and your friendship.

April 14, 2012 10:00 a.m. Lubbock Womens Club Bring your handcrafted items or someones handcrafted items and your checkbook. Monies donated to our various charities.

Alpha Sigma Chapter The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Minutes February 18, 2012
Marlene Wellman called our meeting to order at Coronado High School. Kim Winchester was introduced as a guest. Nancy Vaughn presented the Delta Kappa Gamma Moment using a beautiful verse Desiderata by Max Ehrmann penned in 1906, but very applicable to 2012. The minutes were approved as printed. Paula Miller reported that we had $669.26 funds available. Committee reports: Achievement Awards---Gloria reported none will be awarded this year. Social and Welfare---Linda Wigner reported that Mary Rowlettes birthday card was ready for us to sign. Nominations--- Cindy Guinn reported on our slate of officers: President Shalan Inmon First Vice President Jacqui Daves Second Vice President Mickey Cole Recording Secretary Gencie Houy Treasurer Paula Miller Finance Kay Follis, Shirley Shelton Nominations Marilyn Gipson, Elizabeth Bowen, Cindy Guinn, Mickey Cole, Marlene Wellman Paula moved and Mickey seconded a suspension of the by laws. Motion carried. Gloria moved and Paula seconded to accept the slate of officers. Motion carried. Shalan moved to accept the report from the nominations committee. Motion carried. A discussion concerning the Scholastic Book Warehouse volunteer project was held. Marlene will contact the warehouse about dates for volunteers to work. The volunteers will receive $20/hour/person credit to purchase books. We will donate our books to Post Elementary. In addition, Shalan volunteered to prepare the ASTEF grant to match our money credits up to $500 and the monies would be donated to Post Elementary as well. The Area XII workshop will be help in Crosbyton at the First Baptist Church on September 8, 2012. The cost is $22 per person due by May 15, after May 15 the cost is $27. Gencie Houy presented an excellent program on the use of technology in the classroom. She used Smartboard technology to show a variety of lessons that allow the students to interact with the lesson. She also displayed our new website that has been submitted to state for approval. The meeting was adjourned with the singing of the Delta Kappa Gamma Song. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ To My Family and Friends: I have worn my jewelry with pride. When I can no longer wear it or upon my death, please return it to: _____My Chapter____________________________________ OR _____The Texas State Organization Yes No (please circle) request the ceremony of remembrance at my memorial service. For the name and address of the current chapter or state president, please contact: Texas State Headquarters P.O. Box 797787, Dallas, Texas 75379-7787 972-930-9945 Members Signature:_________________________________ Date:___________________________________________

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