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ITMETSS 2012 (28th 29th April , 2012) at Nagpur THEME : Business Management Sub Theme: Labour Relations and

d HRM Title: Causes of Absenteeism and its Remedies. Author: Mrs. Parul Chaubey , Lecturer , G.H. Raisoni International Academy for Creative Teaching, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India Contact details: 9923466191 Email:

Abstract :
Absenteeism over the past few years have grown like a chronic disease , which is slowly eating the industrial progress of our country. The effect of absenteeism firstly reduces the income of the workmen . Consequently the loss is also to the employer both in discipline and efficiency and thus the industry suffers due to loss of production and income. The absenteeism affects adversely both the employee and the worker and give rise to many industrial unrest and labor problem. It also affects the attitude of the workers towards industry and industrial life. This paper states the basic causes of Absenteeism and suggests some remedies to reduce the factor of absenteeism to some extent.

Title: Causes of Absenteeism and its Remedies. Author: Mrs. Parul Chaubey , Lecturer , G.H. Raisoni International Academy for Creative Teaching, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India Contact details: 9923466191 Email:

Absenteeism is a habitual pattern of absence from a duty or obligation. Traditionally, absenteeism has been viewed as an indicator of poor individual performance, as well as a breach of an implicit contract between employee and employer; it was seen as a management problem framed in economic or quasieconomic terms. ( , 2012 ) . More recent scholarship seeks to understand absenteeism as an indicator of psychological, medical, or social adjustment to work. A growing number of official and private publication records absenteeism as the major hinderance in overall industrial development. According to C R Hemanth ( 2011 ) , the success registered and the obstacles encountered in to the implementation of industrialization programme in spite of the fact that industrial sociologist and psychologist could reveal the reason for absenteeism as religious factors over indebtedness , frequency of sickness frequency of visits to home-town, no provision of transport by the company , bad habits like drinking, gambling, further analysis of the possibilities of remedial measures based on the cultural background have to be done .Absenteeism is adversely affecting the optimum utilization of human resources , in fact not only the utility factor of human resources but it is an

industrial malady affecting productivity, profits investments and the absences workers themselves. An

increasing rate of absence adds considerable cost to the industry and social loss occurring from Absenteeism cannot be determined accurate . The effect of absenteeism in industrial productions cannot be measured easily. The Higher the absenteeism , the greater the production loss for the country. People who are working in industry and other area related to the industrial production also suffer. ( Anonymous 2 , 2012 ) . Labour Bureau, Simla interpret Absenteeism as the total of man shifts lost because of absence as a percentage of the total number of man shifts scheduled to work it excludes authorized vacation privilege leave, strike, lockout, lay-off or regularized overs for the computation of absenteeism rate, on the other hand annual survey of industries takes in to account all the instances of workers absence with a view to ascertaining the costs of the time lost as a percentage of the total labor cost . A general definition of absenteeism includes time lost because of illness and accident and time away from the job due to personal reasons whether authorized or unauthorized. Authorized absence on leave with pay is also treated as absence . Organization is paying handsome wages, bonus, gratuity, improved working condition,

adequate, welfare facilities, modern machine etc. Even though all those facilities are given to the workers, there is a constantly increased rate of absenteeism. The absenteeism problem cant be fully eradicated. But one can minimize this problem of absenteeism of industrial labour from work , which will definitely help in reducing the adverse effects of absenteeism.

Objectives :
Following objectives were focused for this research 1) To identify the reasons for absenteeism. 2) To identify suitable remedies to reduce absenteeism.

Research Hypothesis :
1) The common reasons for remaining absent from work are personal reasons 2) Congenial atmosphere at work place and better understanding may help to reduce absenteeism.

A- Sample : For the present study the author decided to select 30 working people from both the genders from a leading Educational Institution located in Central India. The sample was selected by random method. They were categorized into two groups gender wise i.e Male & Female . B- Tools used : A self developed questionnaire was used with 20 questions relating to personal and official information. The questionnaire was a structured questionnaire and the questions were targeted and closed ended and were so designed so as to gather information regarding marital status , level of dependency , monthly income , work environment , type of family , reasons for irregularity etc . C-Statistical Analysis :

For the purpose of analyzing the collected data , percentage method is used because for quantitatively small sample of 30 , researcher found it more suitable and reliable.

Data Analysis :
The answers of the questionnaire were statistically treated through percentage method, which were recorded as below :

Section A of the questionnaire consisted of 11 questions relating to demographic details of the respondents . the analysis of which is as follows ;

1) 27 % of the sample was female and 73% male employees. 2) 40 % of the total sample belongs to age group of 26-30 yrs , 27 % belongs to the age group of 31-35 years and rest above 35 years 3) 87 % of the sample is married while rest 13 % are unmarried. 4) 83 % of the sample have a work experience of more than 5 yrs while the rest 17 % are having below 5 year experience. 5) 93 % of the sample possess a Post Graduate Degree and the rest 7 % are holding Graduation degree. 6) 60 % of the sample is living in a nuclear family setup and 40 % are residing in a joint family system. 7) 24 % of the sample is having a monthly income upto 10000/- ,56 % are having monthly income upto 15,000/- and 20 % are having monthly income above 15000/8) 50 % of the sample have less than 5 family members and another 50 % have more than 5 family members 9) 80 % of the sample have more than 2 dependent members and rest 20 % have less than 2 dependent members. 10) 90 % of the sample have their working hours between 10:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m and rest from 8:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m 11) 10 % of the respondents commute by company provided vehicle while 90 % respondents commute through their own vehicle.

Section B of the questionnaire consisted of 5 questions relating to punctuation , frequency to remain absent from work and probable reasons thereof;

1) 100 % of the sample stated that they are allowed 3 times a month for late reposting . 2) 70 % of the sample stated that the consequence of being late without permission is scolding , 20 % stated that it is extended working hours and 10 % stated that there are no consequences. 3) 100 % respondents stated that they remain absent from work occasionally 4) 100 % of the sample stated that they remain absent from work only because of personal reasons.

5) 80 % of the sample stated that the consequence of being remain absent from work without prior permission is salary deduction while 20 % said that they face adverse attitude of superior and colleagues.

Section C of the Questionnaire was an opinionnaire and consisted of 5 questions relating to factors leading to absenteeism and its probable remedies ;

1) 20 % of the sample opined that good employee-employer relationship will improve employees regularity , 30 % agreed to Harmonious Work Environment and 50 % agreed to better future prospects and wage hike. 2) 50 % of the sample opined that Better Attendance Policy will surly lead to reduction in absenteeism and other 50 % agreed to other factors like Job rotation , recognition , availability of transport etc. 3) 70 % of the sample stated that personal counseling will definitely help in reduction of absenteeism while 30 % disagreed to it. 4) 90 % of the sample agreed that increase in paid leaves will help in reduction of absenteeism. 5) 85 % of the sample stated that 100 % attendance if kept as a parameter in performance appraisal then absenteeism will definitely reduce absenteeism.

Female workers have more tendency to remain absent from work. Employees from the age group of 31-35 more frequently takes leave. Personal problems are the main reason for absenteeism Employees living in Joint Family System are more regular to work Employees with less income frequently remain absent from work Lack of Transportation is one of the main reasons for absenteeism Lack of morale & interest in work is a reason to remain absent from work. Unsuitable working hours leads to absenteeism. Warning and scolding does not have much effect on reduction of absenteeism. Bright future prospects , personal counseling , increase in paid leaves and wage hike will definite help in reduction of absenteeism.

Suggestions :
In order to reduce absenteeism a special clinical method should be adopted which may contains following activities :

Encouraging good attendance through incentives schemes. Award linked with attendance.

Counseling. Social counseling. Psychological counseling. HRD Programme Through circulars. Review of absenteeism Involvement of union representatives. Guidelines for punishments Motivating the employees Conducting workshops. Monthly analysis of absenteeism Adoption of chronic absenteeism by executives.

Conclusion :
From the findings it could be concluded that Absenteeism is the most common problem in industrial sphere and the basic reasons behind absenteeism are Industrial fatigue , Indebtedness , In adequate leave facilities , Local festivals , Family Problems and Inadequate Work Environment . To tackle this problem a strategic clinical analysis and remedial action has to be taken by the employer . Although these problems cannot be fully solved but still much can be done by the organizations to reduce absenteeism to a greater extent.


Anonymous 1 <>surfed on 09 April 2012

Anomynous 2 09 April 2012

Hemanth C.R <>surfed on 10 April 2012

Mamoria C B ( 2008 ) Personnel Management , Udaipur.

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