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/www. http:/ Benefits Of Robots Written by: Finn Orfano Edited by: Lamar Stonecypher Published Apr 27, 2009

According to Orfano, Finn (April 27, 2009) robots have many advantages. It has been developed by extended modern research, and is being used in numerous industries for achieving advantages which could not be possible with the human beings. There are some industries that are unsafe for the employment of human labor due to the existence of hazardous environments. Robots can be used effectively in such environments where handling of radioactive materials is involved, such as hospitals or nuclear establishments, where direct exposure to human beings can be dangerous for their health and since robots are capable of working in hazardous environments, more dangerous operations are being handled by robots. Thus the safety and health of workers is ensured, thereby reducing expenditures on health and medicines. Robots are now engaged in hoisting and moving heavy objects, and perform other unsafe tasks. Robots perform operations with superior exactitude, ensure uniformity of production due to which rejections are minimized, and reduce losses. Measurements and movements of tools being utilized are more accurate. Thus, the quality of the

product manufactured is improved manifold compared to the performance by human beings and it can work continuously without stopping, unlike human labor it need a break to rest and to eat. Thus, production is increased by the utilization of robots in industrial applications, and consequently profits of the production unit are increased. In many production establishments work required to be executed is awfully boring, being cyclic and repetitive, due to which it is difficult for the operators to remain fully dedicated to their tasks and generate interest in their work. When tasks are monotonous, workers tend to be careless, thereby increasing the probability of accidents and malfunctions of machines. Utilization of robots has eliminated problems associated with boredom in production and Most of the production units are required to function twenty-four hours, during day or night, on holidays, without any break so as to ensure increased production which is commensurate with the capacity of the machinery. Thus, human laborers who do not feel very comfortable working such odd hours can be employed accordingly. However, robots can be beneficially utilized whenever necessary. Advantages of Robotics in Engineering Written by: Harlan Bengtson Edited by: Lamar Stonecypher Updated Jul 9, 2010

As Bengston, Harlan (July 9, 2010) some advantages of robotics, like improved quality and quantity of production, are due to the mechanical nature and computerized control in industrial robotics technology. Other advantages of robotics are due to freedom from human characteristics like boredom and the ability to do dangerous tasks. Many industrial robots are in the form of a robotic arm. The image at the left shows Unimate, the first industrial robot, which has the appearance of a robotic arm. The image in the next section shows a contemporary industrial robotics arm. Due to its mechanical nature and computerized control, a robotic arm can carry out a repetitive task with great precision and accuracy, thus providing improved, consistent product quality. This would apply to quite a variety of production line tasks, like welding, assembling a product, spray painting, or cutting and finishing. the mechanical nature of the equipment and the computerized control, make industrial robotics technology more efficient and speedy, leading to higher production rates than with human labor. Another aspect of efficiency is that robots can be mounted from the ceiling and have no problem with working upside down. This can lead to a savings in floor space. This is an interesting set of advantages of robotics. There are a number of tasks that are too dangerous, too exposed to toxins, or just plain too

dirty for humans to conveniently do them. These are ideal robotics tasks. This includes tasks as simple as spray painting, because there is no need to worry about the robot inhaling the paint fumes! It also includes such daunting tasks as defusing bombs and such dirty tasks as cleaning sewers. This set of advantages of robotics is due to the fact that human characteristics like boredom from doing a repetitive task don't interfere with the functioning of a robot. There is some overlap with the first two categories of advantages of robotics, because the lack of interference from boredom leads to greater accuracy, quality, and rate of production. There is more to this set of advantages of robotics, however. Since a robot doesn't need to rest or eat, and never gets sick, a robotic arm can work 24/7, with only limited occasional downtime for scheduled maintenance.

According to Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V (February 22, 2011) the modern robots is a combination of speed with a accuracy, it suitable to making a product because it can work fast give more good quality unlike human employees, robot can work without stopping and resting and therefore robot can be operated anytime and can give more satisfaction to the customer demands and to get the best possible return on investment in the production. There is also another benefit of a robot that is not fully appreciated. robots are not especially fussy about their working conditions. This means that, in many cases, big economies

can be made on the amount of heating and lighting that would be required if human workers were employed to carry out similar tasks. This not only results in lower energy bills, but also in a reduced carbon footprint. Compact design is another characteristic of modern robots, which means that using them can save valuable space on the factory floor. Often they can also be used in areas such as those adjacent to fast-moving machinery, where a human operator would not be allowed to work unless expensive guarding and other safety features were provided. It is worth noting that today's robots are also suitable for incorporation in existing production lines.Then there are the issues of reliability and consistent performance. Because the best of modern robots incorporate modern technologies like brushless AC servomotors, they have very long service lives and require little maintenance. In addition, when used in conjunction with absolute position encoders, these servo systems ensure precise and repeatable operation. Scrap and reject rates are, therefore, minimized, once again leading to increased efficiency and reduced costs. (phar. 9-12)

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