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I:I The Hanged Man. Fear death by water.

the water she says tell me about the water how do you mean tell you like i havent been there and i want to know. tell me about the water she says yes i can tell you about it displacement i can tell you of the river road. the floating landscapes of our past. us. the fragile inhabitants. in the wasteland of youth. drifting refuse and the body as a foreign country. i can tell you i can tell you of loving I:II I see crowds of people, walking round in a ring. playmates; my sisters and brothers and I we ride off our horses are dressed as we are we are dangerous my horse is in front I correct the head hanging down to the side hood and holes for eyes. granddads cane is smooth and shiny from the his hand like electric touches on my inner thighs now were riding on the rim of the mountains and down over the dunes the horses draws a line in the sand between our feet. come fetch us here lyme grass around our ankles and we ride down to the river and they laugh when my horse drops its head in the water and are wet stuffed wool sock in harness. I have the hood over the eyes that are sore now cowl is wet at the hem and i walk away from the others with dripping horse head and cane in my hands lifting up my costume. i say this is wrong this is not how you do it theres supposed to be fires this is not at all how you play it i say I:III Thank you. when i come as lilly missy bastard

II:I Summer surprised us, coming over

A heap of broken images, where the sun beats,

sun: i see palm trees and sun it looks like a holiday but it is not holiday. it is we who must bathe in the swimming pool and someone is dead but we have to swim anyway you are already ahead and im not used to wearing bikini in the morning. plastic clasp will not close bra is too big in front i am behind and can not really see you the sun is bright. bites. i know youre ahead and sun. hits the water the sun. reflected up in my face floating on the underside of palm leaves

II:II You gave me hyacinths first a year ago; ()

II:III I could not

Speak, and my eyes failed, I was neither

Living nor dead, and I knew nothing,

eyes: i want to tell you about the eyes. on the day they operate me. i still think ill be back. not quick of course. but im thinking about how the heat will affect the eyes if the eyes will be ok in the bright sunlight. i want to tell you about the b l i n d n e s s at night because of the operation and that they told me. it would happen. here i know the rooms be heart. hands find the door frame the door handle the wall. the next door. the sound of my hand moving against the wallpaper as i move towards the door. that i so wished you were there and that i realize then i have become alone

III:I Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing. she has tinsel hair she is under the lilacs oh its e x t r a o r d i n a r y it smells like heaven i love it who are you she says she s a y s w h o i am the one who feasts i say i hold your hand we walk past the lilacs. iits e x t r a o r d i n a r y i I have puffy kittens eyes l i l a c eyes

III:II And I will show you something different from either

they called me the hyacinth girl.

in the mountains, there you feel free and i will show you the lunch hour warrior proud feathers ancient eyes tribal costume my first costume is hovedprydelse perler krigsmaling i get portrayed in national news papers. im a child of kongeriget danmark. she tears it up to be torn between to wander here to wander her down town

III:III Will it bloom this year? desert flowers are unpredictable desert creatures sting and bite

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