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Emotions - people can get carried away by their emotions and make bad situation worse - when we experience an emotion, we experience many physical changes, such as faster heartbeat and more adrenaline in the blood, and we become more active, jumping around, gesticulating and slamming doors we need to control our emotions and be sensitive towards other people's emotions - the reason we have emotions is to help us survive when there is danger (primitive man needed this excitement to help him survive in a dangerous world), but if we become slaves to our emotions, our lives can be a mess emotional illiteracy when we can't 'read' our feelings (the opposite is emotional intelligence) - you can be highly intelligent in the traditional sense, but if you are constantly angry or depressed and unable to manage relationships, then what's the point of being a genius? - emotional intelligence includes self awareness[knowing your emotions, recognizing your feelings as they occur and discriminating between them], mood management[handling feelings so they're relevant to the current situation and you react appropriately], self-motivation[dicrecting yourself towards a goal], empathy[recognizing feelings in others] and managing relationships[handling interpersonal interaction, conflict resolution, and negotiations] - emotions interfere with thinking, and, in modern society, they can create problems at home and at work. They can damage our health, cause mantal suffering ande even lead to tragedies such as killings therefore we should control our emotions - emotionally intelligent people are aware ot the emotions in themselves and others and can analyse problem situations and do something to improve them - if we can manage our feelings and deal effectively with others, we are more likely to live contented lives 2. Food for thought - the use of GM technology could be the only way to produce food in sufficient quantities in the future (the world's population is expanding rapidly due to that we need to produce more food) - however, at present nearly 40 precent of the world's food crop is lost every year to insects and diseases with GM technology, we can produce plants that produce natural pesticides and are resistant to viruses this will lead to higher crop yields and healthier plants in addition, it will reduce the present need to spray crops with cemicals that pollute the soil - GM could harm our ecosystems a plant that is producing a particular toxic chemical could spread its toxic gene trough the food chain we mights become genetically modified ourselves - howeyer, while pests thet feed on these plants may be poisoned, so might also the beneficial insects, such as bees, thet feed on the pests

As the use of the Internet as a soruce of information becomes more widespread, there will be little need for traditional schools. - while the Internet provides information, schools can provide knowledge, critical thinking skills and,
above all, social interaction that you can't get over the Internet - Internet provides us with a great bulk of information in a short time - learning on your own and using Internet implies being independent (distinguishing between improtant and unimportant etc) - the teacher is no longer the biggest authority - you can find out about things when you want to - most children and adolescents are not crazy about learning (they use Internet for entertainment) teachers can be motivating; classmates can make learning easier - some people learn more easily when they hear things (multiple intelligences, different learning styles)

ESEJ s priprema Nowdays the Internet has become an easily available source of information in most places. As a result, it is widely believed that the importance of traditional school might be questionable in the future. Altough others are convinced in the opposing view, both can be supported. The Internet presents the greatest competition to books and teachers when it comes to information. First, the quantity of information obtainable is huge wich means that one computer with Internet access can replace many teachers. Consequently, students don't depend on teachers or the textbooks to find something out. Another point is that learning online develops critical thinking since the user has to distinguish between differen kinds of facts and not just take them all for granted, which is a skill that will be vital in the future world of work. However, most young people are not crazy about individual learning and frequently use computers mostly as a tool for entertainment. Therefore, they can be motivated for learning by teachers as well as classmates. Furthermore there are different learning styles which result from different types of intelligence and some of us learn more easily when we hear things from others. Finally, in order to use the Internet for learning one needs to own a computer and be able to afford access to it, which implies a certian standard of living. In conclusion, traditional school will have to deal with the fact that teaching information is a waste of time and start enabling the young people to use that information in order to create something new. In my opinion, traditional school will survive, but it needs to be radically reformed.

Can you imagine our lives without the benefit of cars, refrigerators, computers and all the other products thet we take for granted? However, these technological advances also have their drawbacks. Some modern technologies create environmental problems trough both the energy sources they use and the waste they produce.

paragraph 1: Many technological solutions require the use of energy sources thet threatens the

argument 1: burning fossil fields causes global warming + support argument 2: nuclear fuel radiation nuclear bombs recommendation: focus on clean sources of energy, e.g. wind waves paragraph 2: Industrial and household waste threatens the environment argument 1: industrial easte pollutes land and drinking water + support argument 2: problem of disposing of household waste + support recommendation: more recycling; more waste disposal plants
Whether or not eating meat is wrong for his Ethics project.
for - man is omnivore, i.e. can eat meat and vegetables, e.g. teeth - we need certian proteins for meat for balanced diet against - killing is cruel, e.g. factory farming -damage to environment, e.g. Brazilian rainforest cut down to make way for cattle

Should euthanasia be made legal?

The young generation. - young people need to belong to a group that provides an identity;they want to have fun and pursue their interests - the content of youth culture is unimportant, as style has no particular meaning. All thet matters is that the youth culture is different from the parents' culture -the great difference for the young people of today compared with 50 years ago is the degree of choice they have in their lives. Society is more affluent, so young pepole have access to money which was not the case before - the content of youth cultures is not unimportant and does not appear by magic but as a reaction to the mainstream culture of society - the so-called youth cultures are a product of the consumer society. As soon as young people got money, they became a market and therefore a target of big business The influence of the media. - media present models of behaviour which influence peopel by convincing them that they could achieve the same results as those portrayed in a film - people influence on our behaviour; we are more likely to vote for a cartian political party after hearing the views of a respected family member, friend or a colleague than after reading a newspaper or watching the news -the media does have an impact on the way we think and behave, for example of this would be portrayal of women in films, magazines and adverts in terms how physically attractive they are and how good a housewife they are; this then creates cultural expectations on the part of both women and men as to the role of women in society. Similarly, people might be affected by continual exposure to violence on TV over long periods of time; the result, in some cases, might be a desensitisation to violence and thus a greater acceptance of it The Internet. Internet: - on paper knowledge is restricted and isolated. once digital it becomes global, interconnected. Often, it becomes free. - one CD-rom costing tens of pounds can access an encyclopaedia costing hundreds - electronic media brings information to as many as possbile as cheaply as possible Book: - no extensive hardware, software, password or downloading stands between the human eye and the printed page - everyone likes to curl up with a good book; books for the beach and bed, disks for dana - CD degrade and decay. Disks become obsolete and the information stored on them lost. Books will last forever if stored properly SPORT DOES MORE HARM THAN GOOD. HOW DO WE LEARN? Gender differences in achievement in education. - the way parents raise their children; toys given to the children boys are often given things that they have to build, such as Lego kits, and so on, which will foster interest in technical subjects. Girls, on the other hand are more likely to be given dolls with which they will probably play games thet involve the use of caring and language. As consequence, girls will be more interested in humanities and subjects percieved to involve caring, like education and medicine - effect of the pressure thet girls and boys exert upon each other

-teachers treat girls and boys differently- expectations of society

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