EuroHedge Summit Brochure - April 2011

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24-26 april 2012 | palais de la bourse | paris

EuroHedge AsiaHedge bringing you closer to the InvestHedge hedge fund industry
The EuroHedge summit will address what the best strategies and opportunities are to maintain strong performance and grow your business in a challenging world.



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macro: Where next in this crisis-stricken economic cycle? Transparency and hedge funds: Shifting standards to a new paradigm Are investors getting what they want from hedge funds? Hedge fund CEOs: Dealing with a world full of challenges

Investors going direct: What are the lessons so far? Business and counterparty risk: Whats the latest thinking? Credit/distressed/event-driven: The big opportunity? regulation: The good, the bad and the downright stupid

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EuroHedge Summit 2012

Now in its ninth year, the EuroHedge Summit is Europes leading annual hedge fund event attracting a top-quality audience of more than 800 senior delegates from the international hedge fund community, primarily managers and investors, for two days of high-level debate and networking.
Under the theme of Strategies for a Challenging World this years Summit will address the big-picture issues for the hedge fund industry and the wider financial and economic worlds as well as the opportunities and challenges in specific strategies such as macro, event-driven, credit, emerging markets, commodities, equity and managed futures. With a packed programme of high-calibre speakers and panellists, the EuroHedge Summit will bring together all the leading participants in the industry to discuss the key issues and challenges facing hedge funds at a time of major opportunity and change. We look forward to seeing you in Paris in April.

Nick Evans editor, EuroHedge

Dont miss our keynote speakers

Persio Arida
BTG Pactual
Persio Arida is a managing partner and chairman of the asset management of BTG Pactual and a member of both Brazil and Global management committees. Prior to joining the bank, Persio worked in a variety of roles in the private and public sectors. He was governor of the Central Bank of Brazil, president of the National Economic and Social Development Bank, director of the board of the Central Bank of Brazil and special secretary of social-economic coordination, ministry of planning, budget and management. In the private sector, Persio was a board member of Banco Ita Holding Financeira SA, Banco Ita SA and of Sul-Amrica SA.

Kyle Bass

Hayman Capital Management

Kyle Bass is the principal of Hayman Capital Management LP.

Guillaume Rambourg

Verrazzano Capital

Hayman Capital Management serves as investment manager to the Hayman Capital Master Fund, LP and Japan Macro Opportunities Master Fund, LP. Kyle is a member of the board of directors of the University of Texas Investment Management Company. He is a founding member of the Serengeti Asset Management Advisory Board and serves on the board of directors of the Troops First Foundation, Business Executives for National Security, and Texas Ranger Association Foundation. Kyle has testified as an expert witness before the US House of Representatives, US Senate and Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission.

Guillaume Rambourg is the founder and CIO of Verrazzano Capital, a fund management company set up in Paris last October. Guillaume will be responsible for the management of two European equity long/ short funds, which will be launched in March 2012. Guillaume spent the first 15 years of his fund management career at Gartmore, where he co-managed the highly successful AlphaGen Capella and AlphaGen Tucana funds, alongside Roger Guy. He is a keen marathon runner. The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, which marks the start of the New York marathon, was the inspiration for the firms name.

EuroHedge Summit 2012 | 24-26 April 2012 | Palais de la Bourse | Paris

Companies at the EuroHedge Summit
More than 800 top industry participants are expected to attend the EuroHedge Summit. This year companies set to attend include:
36 South Capital Advisors Abaco Financials Fund Aksia Alpheus Advisors APK Appleby Arden Asset Mgmt. Arendt & Medernach ARK Armajaro Asset Mgmt. Arnova Asset Mgmt. Aros Capital Partners Aspect Capital Asterias Avoca Capital Barclays Wealth Baronsmead Partners Bellevie Family Trust bfinance Bingham McCutchen BlackRock Blennemann Family Investments Bloomberg Tradebook Europe Bluebay Asset Mgmt. Bluecrest Capital Mgmt. Brummer & Partners BTG Pactual Cairn Capital Limited Caisse des Dpts et Consignations CapeView Capital Carne Group Chenavari Investment Managers Cheyne Capital International Chilton Ciantar Associates Citco Fund Services Clarkson and Company Cogency Software COMAC Capital Conatus Courant Asset Mgmt. Coutts & Co CQS Crown Group Custom House Fund Services D. E. Shaw Danske Bank De Putron Fund Mgmt. Deraktuar DNB Asset Mgmt. Duet Asset Mgmt. Eaton Partners Efficient Capital Mgmt. EIM (France) Equator Capital Esemplia Emerging Markets Estlander & Partners Exane Asset Mgmt. Fauchier Partners Ferox Capital Finisterre Capital Finles Capital Mgmt. Fulcrum Asset Mgmt. GAM International Mgmt. Ganado & Associates, Advocates Goldbridge Capital Partners Grosvenor Estate Gruss Asset Mgmt. Habrok Capital Mgmt. Hamren-Larsson Family Office Hasenbichler Asset Mgmt. Hasma Capital Advisors Hayman Capital Mgmt. Hedge Fund Standards Board Howden Risk Partners IMC Asset Management B.V IMQ Investment Mgmt. Insparo Asset Mgmt. Instinct Capital Invicem Capital Kedge Capital LaCrosse Global Fund Services Laffitte Capital Mgmt. Lansdowne Partners Libra Equity LNG Capital Lockheed Martin Investment Mgmt Lord North Street Maj Invest Mako Global Man Group Man Investments Marfin Capital Partners Mariner Europe Market Bridge Capital Matheson Ormsby Prentice MaxCap Partners MCP Alternative Asset Mgmt. Meinad Millburn Ridgefield Corporation Miller Insurance Services MN Services Moore Capital Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Mgmt. Mourant Ozannes NCB Stockbrokers Nimbus Wealth Mgmt. Northill Notz, Stucki & Cie Oddo Asset Mgmt. Ogier Old Mutual Asset Managers OligoCapital OneWall Advisors Orangefield Group P. Schoenfeld Asset Mgmt. PAAMCO Parker Lloyd Group Perella Weinberg Partners PGGM Investments Poseidon PRVA Group Quality Capital Mgmt. RBC Dexia Investor Services Revere Capital Advisors Ridley Park Capital Mgmt. Russell Wood Ltd Saaj Group Sabre Fund Mgmt. Saemor Capital Sandell Asset Mgmt. Schulte Roth & Zabel Securis Investment Partners Signet Capital Mgmt. SMN Investment Services SS&C Fund Services Standard and Poors Stark Investments Strategic Assets Partners Stratton Street Capital Swedbank Tang Family Foundation Tenax Capital The Atlantic Philanthropies Toscafund Asset Mgmt. Towers Watson Tufton Oceanic USS Utah State Retirement Fund Vedege Beheer Verrazzano Capital Virtus Partners Vontobel Wadhwani Asset Mgmt. Westminster Wealth Mgmt.

Pre-conference evening: Tuesday 24 April
WiNE & CHEESE TaSTiNG rECEPTioN An informal and relaxed get together the day before the main conference begins. All delegates of the EuroHedge Summit are invited to taste a selection of French wines and a variety of regional cheeses. The evening also gives you the opportunity to pick up your badge before the crowds on Wednesday morning!

Day one: Wednesday 25 April

08.00 09.00
Doors open, registration and breakfast MaCro: WHErE NExT iN THiS CriSiS-STriCkEN ECoNoMiC CyClE? 2012 has so far seen a much brighter note returning to global markets after the gloom of 2011. But markets remain in the grip of macro and political events in Europe, the US, China and elsewhere and high levels of uncertainty remain about economic, financial and geo-political prospects. A panel of economists and managers will debate the big-picture outlook and the upside and downside risks. Speakers include: Jeffrey Brummette, OneWall Advisors; Jens Nystedt, Moore Europe Capital Management; Sushil Wadhwani, Caxton/Wadhwani Asset Management. Chairman: Gavyn Davies, Fulcrum Asset Management HEDGE fuND CEoS: DEaliNG WiTH a WorlD full of CHallENGES Macro uncertainty, political interference, regulatory reform, mounting compliance and operational burdens, investor unease and counterparty risk are all adding to the challenges facing hedge fund CEOs as they steer their firms through these turbulent waters. How is the industry changing? What will be the next big opportunities and risks? A panel of top CEOs will tackle the big industry issues. Speakers: Barry Goodman, Millburn Ridgefield; Jonathan Lourie, Cheyne Capital; Emmanuel Roman, Man GLG; Sir Paul Ruddock, Lansdowne Partners. Moderator: Robert Mirsky, KPMG Coffee break arE iNVESTorS GETTiNG WHaT THEy WaNT froM HEDGE fuNDS? Do investors know what they want from hedge funds? Do managers know what investors want? Are the investors getting it? How are their needs changing? How well are the interests of managers and investors really aligned? What most annoys, worries, pleases or excites investors? And what are the key developments and changes that they would most like to see in hedge funds in the near term? Speakers: Christopher Fawcett, Fauchier Partners; Nicola Meaden Grenham, Alpha Strategic; Niels Oostenbrug, MN Services; Jim Vos, Aksia kEyNoTE SPEakEr: PErSio ariDa, BTG PaCTual Persio Arida is a managing partner and chairman of the asset management of BTG Pactual and a member of both Brazil and Global management committees. See full biography on page 2.


10.45 11.15

Day one: Programme


12.45 14.00

lunch TraNSParENCy aND HEDGE fuNDS: SHifTiNG STaNDarDS To a NEW ParaDiGM A panel looks at how the industry is moving on from delayed reporting to active risk management and optimised portfolio construction, towards position level transparency against homogenous risk factors, and discusses the case for institutional investors: Does more transparency help increase asset allocation into hedge funds? Speakers include: Nathanal Benzaken, Lyxor Asset Management; Mark Geene, PGGM; Matt Roberts, Towers Watson. Moderator: Sophie van Straelen, Asterias

EuroHedge Summit 2012 | 24-26 April 2012 | Palais de la Bourse | Paris


STrEaM SESSioNS STrEaM SESSioN i: BuSiNESS aND CouNTErParTy riSk: WHaTS THE laTEST THiNkiNG? In the financial crisis of 2008, following the collapse of Lehman Brothers the issue of counterparty risk soared to the top of the agenda for hedge funds. It then seemed to wane in importance during the following recovery at least until the threat of contagion from the eurozone sovereign debt crisis started to rise again. Where does this leave the current best practice on this issue for hedge funds? A panel debate. Speakers: Malcolm Butler, COMAC Capital; Heath Davies, Signet Capital Management; Pat Trew, CQS; Simon White, Man GLG. Moderator: Marina Lewin, BNY Mellon Alternative Investment Services STrEaM 2: CoMMoDiTiES aND ENErGy: PoTENTial for SHoCkS? Investor demand for exposure to commodities is growing apace, with new types of commodity and energy-related strategies starting to broaden the ways that investors can access this increasingly important asset class. But there is also a growing view that commodity and energy markets could also have the potential for big shocks with the rising oil price being one major concern. The panel will look at the opportunities and risks for investors in commodity and energy strategies. Speakers to be announced

15.30 16.00

Coffee break STrEaM SESSioNS STrEaM 1: EquiTy MarkET NEuTral aND quaNT STraTEGiES While 2011 was a tough year for hedge funds in general, the equity market neutral and quant space was generally up again, with some funds delivering exceptional returns. A panel of managers talk about their approaches, and what makes them work. Speakers: Sven Bakker, Saemor Capital; Inigo Lecubarri, Abaco; Stefan Nydahl, Archipel Asset Management; Lawrence Staden, GLC. Moderator: Otto Francke, SEB
Please note this session will be held in french STrEaM 2: quEl aVENir Pour la GESTioN alTErNaTiVE EN fraNCE ? En pleine crise de la dette, face larrive prochaine des directives AIFM ou Solvabilit II, et aprs une anne 2011 mitige en termes de performance, la gestion alternative doit convaincre de sa capacit de rebond et dadaptation. Plus que jamais en recherche dalpha et de dcorrlation, soumis de fortes contraintes rglementaires, quelles solutions dinvestissement pour la place de Paris (plateformes de comptes grs, UCITS, fonds AIFM)? Quid du mouvement donshorisation? Quelles stratgies privilgies? Speakers: Laurence Boursican, Conatus Finance; Sylvie Dehove, Amundi Alternative Investments; David Lenfant, Laffitte Capital Management; Franois Marbeck, La Banque Postale. Moderator: Jrme Sutour, Cabinet Lefevre


Day one: Programme

rEGulaTioN: THE GooD, THE BaD aND THE DoWNriGHT STuPiD The financial services world is facing a tidal wave of new regulation in the aftermath of the crisis and hedge funds are no exception. The list of new and proposed global regulations is lengthening all the time and the consequences (whether intended or unintended) for all managers, investors and counterparties could be deep and far-reaching. What is the purpose and where is it all leading to? Speakers include: Andrew Baker, AIMA; Darcy Bradbury, D. E. Shaw/MFA; Thomas Deinet, HFSB kEyNoTE SPEakEr: kylE BaSS, HayMaN CaPiTal MaNaGEMENT Kyle Bass is the principal of Hayman Capital Management LP. See full biography on page 2.



CoCkTail rECEPTioN All delegates are invited to the official EuroHedge Summit cocktail party held at the end of the first day of the conference. Enjoy an evening of discussion and debate after the first day of conference sessions and keynote speeches.

Day two: Thursday 26 April
08.30 09.00
Breakfast CrEDiT/DiSTrESSED/EVENT THE BiG oPPorTuNiTy? The opportunity set in credit, event-driven and distressed investing around the world looks increasingly rich at a time of potentially huge financial, economic and corporate restructuring. But timing these types of strategies is never easy and this is not a normal business cycle. A diverse panel of credit, event and distressed managers will discuss the opportunities and challenges. Speakers: Dan Arbess, Perella Weinberg; Polina Kurdyavko, BlueBay Asset Management; Andrew Meares, CapeView Capital; Emmanuel Weyd, Eiffel Investment Group STrEaM SESSioNS STrEaM 1: EMErGiNG MarkETS: rENMiNBi aND oTHEr oPPorTuNiTiES The fast-moving development of the offshore renminbi market is arguably the biggest secular change in capital markets of the current era. A panel talk about the evolution of this market and how it will be changing the opportunity set for hedge funds. Speakers include: Paul Gooding, HSBC; Andrew Seaman, Stratton Street; Christopher Watson, Finisterre Capital STrEaM 2: oNSHorE aND offSHorE: HoW Will THE HEDGE fuND iNDuSTry EVolVE? The hedge fund industry began mostly as an investment business serving limited partners in the US and offshore companies for international allocators. But in an industry that was already becoming ever more institutional, the financial crisis has spurred the development of a lot more structures onshore leaving many top firms now offering a panoply of offshore and onshore structures including QIFs and SIFs and UCITS-compliant versions. Where is all this heading? A panel discuss. Speakers include: Peter Hughes, Apex; Richard Kobler, SMN Investment Services; Hilmi Unver, Notz Stucki


10.45 11.15

Coffee break STrEaM SESSioNS STrEaM 1: ClEariNG of oTC DEriVaTiVES THE iSSuES for HEDGE fuNDS With regulatory changes post the financial crisis driving some fundamental changes to the operation of the over-the-counter derivatives market and moving that OTC world towards central clearing a panel will discuss the practical issues and challenges this raises for hedge funds. Speakers include: Alison May King, Eurex Clearing; Spencer Woodward, BlueBay Asset Management.

Day two: Programme

STrEaM 2: STarT-uPS, SEEDiNG aND CaPiTal raiSiNG Capital-raising for hedge funds has never been harder particularly for smaller firms and start-ups. But there is also more seed capital available than ever before and there is an increasingly broad array of ways in which funds can raise assets through managed accounts, funds of one, strategic partnerships, seed deals, accelator capital and satisfy investors need for liquidity, transparency and control. How is the investor base changing? And how is the capital-raising environment changing? Speakers to be announced


CTaS: WHaT iS THE fuTurE(S)? Prior to the financial crisis in 2008, managed futures accounted for less than 10% of assets in European hedge funds that figure has since soared to well above 20%. With so much money now in managed futures, can CTAs still deliver the excellent non-correlated returns for which they are now so well known? And, if so, how? A panel of top managers discuss. Speakers include: Karsten Schroeder, Amplitude Capital. Moderator: James Skeggs, Newedge lunch


EuroHedge Summit 2012 | 24-26 April 2012 | Palais de la Bourse | Paris


kEyNoTE SPEakEr: GuillauME raMBourG, VErrazzaNo CaPiTal Guillaume Rambourg is the founder and CIO of Verrazzano Capital. See full biography on page 2.

Day two: Programme


iNVESTorS GoiNG DirECT: WHaT arE THE lESSoNS So far? A second major panel session focusing on the changing hedge fund investor landscape will discuss the experiences of the growing number of end-investors that are going direct to hedge funds rather than using traditional intermediaries and look at the continued blurring of lines between consultants and funds of hedge fund groups that are increasingly offering advice on bespoke investor portfolios. Speakers include: Heinz Blennemann, Blennemann Family Investments; Chris Jones, bfinance; Stephen Oxley, PAAMCO; Larry Powell, Utah Retirement System VolaTiliTy aND Tail riSk STraTEGiES Markets have started 2012 in a far more positive vein than seemed possible in the dark days of the second half of 2011. But the potential for shocks remains high at a geo-political, macro-economic and individual market/company level. For all investors, tail risk remains the big concern and protecting against further big downside moves is a priority, in markets that are likely to remain highly volatile. What kinds of strategies are managers offering that can hedge against or exploit tail risk? Speakers: Jerry Haworth, 36 South Advisors; Lee Robinson, Altana Wealth; Paul Sansome, Ferox Capital; Claire Smith, Albourne Partners Summit closes
This programme is subject to change. Visit for updates



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The euroHedge summit is renowned for its top-level managers and investors. More than 90 leading industry figures will participate on panels and present keynote speeches. speakers confirmed so far include:
Jerry Haworth, founding partner and chief investment officer ABACO Asset Management LLP inigo lecubarri, founder andrew Baker, chief executive officer Jim Vos, chief executive officer Claire Smith, research analyst and partner Nicola Meaden Grenham, chief executive lee robinson, founder and CIO karsten Schroeder, chairman Sylvie Dehove, deputy CIO


Heinz Blennemann, principal Spencer Woodward, co-head of operations, head of trade support and Polina kurdyavko, senior portfolio manager Marina lewin, managing director Stefan Nydahl, director, chief investment officer andre Esteves, chief executive officer Jerome Sutour, partner andrew Meares, portfolio manager Jonathan lourie, founder and chief executive officer Malcolm Butler, COO and partner laurence Boursican, consultant Patrick Trew, chief risk officer Darcy Bradbury, managing director

Peter Hughes, group managing director Sophie van Straelen, managing director Chris Jones, head of alternatives

EuroHedge Summit 2012 | 24-26 April 2012 | Palais de la Bourse | Paris

Emmanuel Weyd, fund manager of Eiffel Credit Opportunities alison May king, SVP clearing business relations Christopher fawcett, senior partner Paul Sansome, partner Christopher Watson, head of research Gavyn Davies, chairman lawrence Staden, principal kyle Bass, principal Thomas Deinet, executive director Paul Gooding, head of European RMB business development rob Mirsky, partner franois Marbeck, director of diversification investments David lenfant, business development and founding partner Sir Paul ruddock, co-founder and CEO Nathanal Benzaken, managing director, head of development managed accounts Manny roman, COO and Simon White, head of product and client operations Barry Goodman, executive vice president and director of trading

Niels oostenbrug, head of alternative investments Jens Nystedt, global strategist James Skeggs, head of research Hilmi unver, partner and head of alternative investments Jeff Brummette, founder and chief investment officer Stephen oxley, managing director Dan arbess, partner and portfolio manager Mark Geene, senior investment manager Sven Bakker, CIO otto francke, senior portfolio manager Heath Davies, managing director richard kobler, international business development andrew Seaman, executive partner and fixed income fund manager Matthew roberts, senior investment consultant, head of multi strategy hedge funds larry Powell, deputy chief investment officer Guillaume rambourg, founder and chief investment officer Sushil Wadhwani, CEO

Visit for further information on the speakers

Ticket deals & networking opportunities

available discounts
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If you list your performance data in the HedgeFund Intelligence database, register yourself and bring a colleague for free.

Let us take you to Paris this Spring!
EuroHedge invites all end-investors to attend the EuroHedge Summit 2012 completely free of charge. Whats more, well also provide you with a return ticket on the Eurostar from London for free! please contact: Shaun Rajiah T: +44 (0) 20 7779 8367 E:

If you subscribe to EuroHedge, InvestHedge, AsiaHedge, Absolute UCITS or AR Magazine you will receive 15% off.

15% subscriber discount

10% AIMA member discount

AIMA members receive a 10% discount.

Pre-event networking

Join the event on LinkedIn and network with attendees prior to the EuroHedge Summit:

Wine and cheese tasting reception

Tuesday 24 april 17.30 19.30 All registered delegates are invited to attend the EuroHedge Summit wine and cheese reception on Tuesday 24 April. Wine will be supplied by Humble Grape, a boutique wine merchant specialising in small-vineyard, high-quality wines from around the world. Enjoy a selection of regional French wines on a tasting journey that will include wines from Champagne, Bordeaux, Burgundy, Loire and French Country. Meet the winemakers and learn more about the regions in detail. In addition attendees can sample a selection of regional French cheeses, provided by leading Parisian caterer Dalloyau, who are the official caterer for the Summit.

EuroHedge Summit 2012 | 24-26 April 2012 | Palais de la Bourse | Paris

Travel & accommodation

The EuroHedge Summit 2012 is being held at its traditional venue, the Palais de la Bourse, in the heart of Paris. Venue
Palais de la Bourse Place de la Bourse 75002 Paris, France Tel: +33 (0) 1 4927 1470

Getting to Paris
By Eurostar: The Eurostar runs from St Pancras International, Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International stations in the UK to Gare du Nord, Paris in just over two hours. For further information and to book a ticket, visit By air: Paris has two main international airports, Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle (CDG) and Orly (ORY). CDG is served by taxi, limousine, Air France bus and TGV train, and is approximately 40 minutes from the centre of Paris. ORY is served directly by train, shuttle bus, scheduled bus services and taxi, and is approximately 30 minutes from the centre of Paris.

We have negotiated special rates with the following hotels. All hotels are within 15 minutes walk of the Palais de la Bourse. Hotel Mandarin oriental 251 rue Saint Honor, 75001 Paris Rates from 455 Please book through Alcep Travel and Events: Hotel Scribe Paris 1 rue Scribe, 75009 Paris Rates from 350 Please book directly with the hotel, quoting EuroHedge Summit as your reference: Hotel Banke Rue La Fayette 20, 75009 Paris Rates from 247 Please book through Alcep Travel and Events: Hotel Jules 49-51 rue La Fayette, 75009 Paris Rates from 200 Please book through Alcep Travel and Events: Hotel Millennium opera 12 Boulevard Haussmann, 75009 Paris Rates from 170 Please book through Alcep Travel and Events: HedgeFund Intelligence does not take responsibility for travel and accommodation bookings. Please make arrangements directly with hotels and travel companies.

Getting to the Palais de la Bourse

Taxi: Taxi ranks can be found on most main streets, at stations, and outside hotels. Metro: Palais de la Bourse is surrounded by several Metro stations; the nearest are Bourse (on line 3) and Grands Boulevards (on lines 8 and 9). For up-to-the-minute travel information, timetables, and metro maps, visit

Booking Form
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EuroHedge EuroHedge Summit 2012

This offer is only available to hedge fund managers and funds of funds that list their fund performance in the HedgeFund Intelligence database. It can not be used in conjunction with any other discount.

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