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The Chamber s New Puppet

The Henry Chamber of Commerce has a new Puppet who announced candidacy for State House District
109. His announcement told us nothing about his qualifications or what he will do for the citizens of Henry, Newton and Rockdale counties. Instead the announcement was yet another attack piece on our 4-term Conservative Republican incumbent Rep. Steve Davis. If you want to run against an incumbent conservative it seems there would be truthful grievances against him. Instead The Chamber's Puppet pursued the personal vendetta launched by the Chamber of Commerce and their other puppets over the last couple of years.

FALSE: Davis made $25,000 off of the Obama bailout money. The money a company that
Rep Davis works for as a Broker earned commissions paid by private banks over a 5-month period at the end of 2009, not with government funds. Those commissions were honestly and legitimately made for standard real estate transactions and the money earned was distributed appropriately to licensed real estate agents within the firm not to Rep Davis personally. The Puppet did not say anything about the wife of a Henry Commissioner who continues to work in the NSP real estate program in Clayton County, or the wife of a different and current Henry County State Representative who continues to work in the NSP real estate program in both Henry and Clayton counties. Additionally, by the Puppets standards many elected officials from Henry County would have to cease their personal law practices, civil engineering, environmental services, real estate and car sales businesses due to the standard of not doing any business with government entities. Does the Puppet not understand that the General Assembly is a citizens legislature and that it is not illegal to do business with a government entity so long as you are not in a personal decision making capacity for the government entity providing with the project?

So why is this old issue coming up again? The Chamber of Commerce and a handful of elected officials launched Political Opposition to Rep. Davis because he continues to oppose commuter rail and the expansion of MARTA into Henry County, he protected a small business and private property owner from government seizure of their property for non governmental purposes (eminent domain), and he protected taxpayers against the fiber optic fiasco by refusing to pass a flawed Technology Authority. And Rep. Davis opposed Tax Allocation District s which was placed to a referendum in 2010 and lost voter approval just as Rep Davis predicted it would.

FALSE: The Puppet says after years of virtually no real accomplishments from Steve Davis,
our community is demanding change. The only thing Georgians and citizens in District 109 want is strong conservative leadership in the State House AND WE HAVE IT with Rep. Davis. Apparently the Puppet believes personal property rights, education, and transportation improvements are NOT important. Apparently the Puppet doesn t believe representation of individuals is important. Apparently the Puppet doesn t believe that tough criminal justice reform and tough sexual predator laws are important. Apparently the Puppet doesn t believe protecting the life of the unborn or traditional family values are important.

Apparently the Puppet doesn t know what he is talking about or he is simply just doing what he is told. I can t wait to see a debate of real issues with the Puppet and Rep Davis.

Since Rep. Steve Davis took office he has refused to simply do as he is told by the high-andmighty. He has consistently served and protected taxpaying citizens regardless of the attacks he has received because of these stances. The Double Standard from Chamber and their puppets is appalling. Rep. Davis s conservative voting record and his tireless efforts on behalf of taxpayers simply not accepted by the Gimme-Your-Tax-Dollars for our agendas leadership at the Henry Chamber. Ironically, Rep Davis has 100% rating with the Georgia Chamber of Commerce that has praised him for his work to reduce taxes and regulations on the businesses of this state.

He has also had the support of National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) for his positions to protect small business. The Puppet says we need a Representative who will put taxpayers first. He says he is active in the Chamber of Commerce, but has served on no committees, and has shown no community leadership through any of their programs. He says he is a Conservative Republican, but he is a stranger at the Henry County GOP or RWHC events and meetings. As a newcomer to the political arena the Puppet should be cautioned in taking the approach he has just started as those that live in a glass house shouldn t throw stones. I am now hearing all kinds of rumors on the type of person the Puppet is and I will undoubtedly get more information and be able to share with all of you over the coming months.

FALSE: In other press releases written by a local pundit Rep. Davis is lambasted saying he has
not filed campaign disclosure reports and owes money to the state. For technical issues with the filing system at the Georgia Ethics Commission Rep. Davis s son appeared on a list produced by that office and has been promptly corrected by the younger Davis as all of his reports have been filed accurately and on time. Rep Davis himself has paid fees for some minor technical filing errors over the years that many campaigns fall prey too, look below to see a list of current elected officials or candidates that have Outstanding late non filers fees from Henry County. However, Rep Davis was never charged or censured and he has been completely exonerated of any wrongdoing from the multiple attacks from the Chamber and his opponents over the last couple of years. These nonstop failed complaints were filed not only with the State Ethics Commission but also the House Ethics Committee and the Georgia Real Estate Commission and all of them have been dismissed. It is NOT correct to believe that every Henry County Judge, School Board Member, City Councilor and County Commissioner or candidate on the following list of 50 local officials are self-serving and guilty of unethical behavior. See the current list of Outstanding Late Non Filer fees posted at

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

View Details BASLER , JOHNNY B - Outstanding Fees/Reports $125 View Details BLOUNT , ERNEST D - Outstanding Fees/Reports $125 View Details BOWMAN , REID ALLEN - Outstanding Fees/Reports $125 View Details BROWN , YUL MONTA - Outstanding Fees/Reports $500 View Details DAVIS , STEVEN SCOTT - Outstanding Fees/Reports $125 View Details GONSAL , EDITH B. - Outstanding Fees/Reports $75 View Details HARRISON , STEPHEN PACE - Outstanding Fees/Reports $75 View Details MCGARITY , ARCH W. - Outstanding Fees/Reports $125 View Details NICHOLSON , TOM R. - Outstanding Fees/Reports $25 View Details PIPKIN III, JOHN ANDREW - Outstanding Fees/Reports $150 View Details SMITH , DOUGLAS WAYNE - Outstanding Fees/Reports $125 View Details STAMEY , RANDY L. - Outstanding Fees/Reports $375

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

View Details STEWART , RUFUS L. - Outstanding Fees/Reports $75 View Details THOMPSON , SWAINE - Outstanding Fees/Reports $125 View Details VARNER , KAMALI - Outstanding Fees/Reports $125 View Details VICKERY , JAMES CHARLES - Outstanding Fees/Reports $500 View Details VINCENT , SANDRA - Outstanding Fees/Reports $250 View Details WIGGINS , NICHELLE AMELIA - Outstanding Fees/Reports $125 View Details WILLIAMS , ALPHONSO M - Outstanding Fees/Reports $250 View Details DABNEY , SHIRLEY - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $625 View Details EDWARDS , BEVERLY ANN - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $375 View Details EVANS , FRED - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $625 View Details GILBERT , KATHRYN - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $250 View Details HOLMES , BRUCE - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $25 View Details NELSON III, HOUSTON E. - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $125 View Details REID JR., CHARLES L. - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $125 View Details BYRD , HENRY L. - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $125 View Details COLEY , RAIFORD W. - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $250 View Details HEARN SR., CHARLES RICHARD - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $125 View Details HUTCHISON , STEVE E. - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $250 View Details LOWE JR., ARLEY J. - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $125 View Details MEEKS , MARTIN R. - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $125 View Details MITCHAM , MARY ANN - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $125 View Details TALMADGE III, HERMAN EUGENE - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $250 View Details WALLS , HAROLD NELSON (WILLIE) - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $250 View Details WOODS , JACQUELINE D. - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $25 View Details ASHE , VERNON ROBERT - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $125 View Details BROWN , SAMUEL MILTON - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $125 View Details CARTER , W. L. - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $250 View Details DEWBERRY , JOHN HENRY - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $125 View Details DOERR , H VIANN - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $25 View Details FLYNN , JUSTIN - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $125 View Details LINDSEY , LORENE M. - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $375 View Details POWERS , WAYNE ALAN - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $250 View Details PRESTON , BRIAN - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $125 View Details PRICE , ROBERT - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $500 View Details ROSSER , JAMES - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $125 View Details SEGUIN , WAYNE - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $125 View Details STOOKSBURY , BRANDON LYNN - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $275 View Details WARD , FRANCES - Outstanding Fees/Reports - $75

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