Evapotranspiration Laboratory: by Keely Weinberger

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By Keely Weinberger
The purpose of the Evapotranspiration Laboratory was to utilize both the Thornthwaite Method and Penman Method to calculate potential evapotranspiration (U). These methods are commonly used because of their convenience. All of the data needed for the calculations can be obtained from the U.S. Weather Service or other Climatological databases. We utilized both U.S. Weather Service Climatological Annual Reports and data from the Office of the New Jersey State Climatology at Rutgers University for our calculations. The Penman Method differs from the Thornthwaite Method because the Penman Method calculated the daily potential evapotranspiration, while the Thornthwaite Method calculated the monthly potential evapotranspiration. These differences in methodologies allowed us to observe the variability of potential evapotranspiration on both a daily and monthly basis.

In order to make the Thornthwaite calculations using the Thornthwaite equation (see Appendix), I accessed data from the Office of New Jersey State Climatology at Rutgers Universitys Climatological website: http://climate.rutgers.edu/stateclim/?section=home&target=home. I clicked on the Monthly Station icon and found the Monthly Mean Temperature data and the Monthly Precipitation data for the Cape May 2 NW station. I then selected the year 1990 to analyze. Using the Cape May NW station data for 1990, I calculated all the components of Table 1, which I constructed in Microsoft Excel. Table 1 presents both given and calculated values and are as follows: precipitation {ppt (in.)}, temperature {T(oF)}, temperature {T(oC),} average monthly temperature divided by 5 then raised to the power of 1.51 {(Tm/5)^1.51}, the daylight coefficient (c coef), potential evapotranspiration (Pot.ET), precipitation {ppt (mm)}, available moisture (mm). We calculated for I and a as well. The directions of how to perform these calculations can be found in the Appendix under the heading: Thornthwaite on EXCEL. Next, I performed all the Penman calculations using data from the U.S Weather Service Climatological Report for October 1974. We followed the Penman Calculation directions (see Appendix) in order to construct a table in Microsoft Excel. These calculations utilize the three Penman equations noted in the Appendix. We calculated the following factors using the Penman equations: average temperature (oF), dew point temperature (oF), precipitation (in.), average wind speed (mi./hr), percent possible sunshine (%), solar radiation, reflectivity, precipitation (mm), possible sunshine (S), wind speed (w2) (mi./day), actual saturation vapor pressure (ea), dew point saturation vapor pressure (ed), humidity (ea-ed), slope of the saturation vapor pressure curve (A), temperature coefficient (B), evaporation (E) (mm), heat budget (H) (mm), potential evapotranspiration (U) (mm), and available moisture (AM) (mm). Some of the aforementioned factors were given as constants for New Jersey. Since the Penman equations solve for E, H, and U, these values are important parameters in the evapotranspiration of water. Because of their importance, I constructed a table (see Table 3) in Microsoft Excel to show evaporation (E), heat budget (H), potential evapotranspiration (U), as well as precipitation (ppt), and available moisture (AM). All of these parameters are related and work together for evapotranspiration. I also created graphs using some of the Penman calculations. Graphs 1-5 compare potential evapotranspiration to wind speed (mi./hr), humidity (ea-ed), average temperature (oF), precipitation (mm), and possible sunshine (S). The graphs were created using Microsoft Excel. Using the same values, I also constructed Table 2, which 1

shows the correlations between potential evapotranspiration, wind speed, humidity, average temperature, and possible sunshine. The correlation values were calculated using the CORREL function in Microsoft Excel.

Table 1: Thornthwaite Calculations Month ppt(in) T(oF) T(oC) (Tm/5)1.51 c coef Pot.ET ppt(mm) av.moist(mm) I equals January 3.32 40.90 4.94 0.98 0.84 9.69 84.33 74.64 61.82 February 1.77 41.40 5.22 1.07 0.83 10.37 44.96 34.58 a equals March 3.66 45.00 7.22 1.74 1.03 20.69 92.96 72.27 1.46 April 3.60 52.10 11.17 3.36 1.11 42.19 91.44 49.25 May 7.43 60.40 15.78 5.67 1.24 78.17 188.72 110.56 June 2.40 70.30 21.28 8.91 1.25 122.06 60.96 -61.10 July 4.37 76.10 24.50 11.02 1.27 152.44 111.00 -41.44 August 5.47 75.00 23.89 10.61 1.18 136.49 138.94 2.44 September 1.16 67.60 19.78 7.98 1.04 91.25 29.46 -61.79 October 2.08 62.10 16.72 6.19 0.96 65.89 52.83 -13.06 November 2.20 49.90 9.94 2.82 0.83 26.63 55.88 29.25 December 3.48 43.60 6.44 1.47 0.81 13.77 88.39 74.62 Table 1 shows precipitation {ppt (in.)}, temperature {T(oF)}, temperature {T(oC),} average monthly temperature raised to the power of 1.51 divided by 5 {(Tm/5)^1.51}, the daylight coefficient (c coef), potential evapotranspiration (Pot.ET), precipitation {ppt (mm)}, available moisture (mm). These values were calculated using the Thornthwaite Method. This method is used to determine monthly potential evapotranspiration. Table 2: Correlations Between Variables and Potential Evapotranspiration Variable Being Compared to Potential Evapotranspiration Correlation Coefficient (R) Windspeed (mi./ hr) Humidity (ea-ed) Average Temperature (oF) Precipitation (mm) Possible Sunshine (S)

-0.041768307 0.931014086 -0.129586595 -0.358196832 0.731476842

Table 2 shows the Correlation Coefficients (R) for windspeed (mi./hr) , humidity (ea-ed), average temperature (oF), precipitation (mm), and possible sunshine (S). All of these factors were compared to the calculated potential evapotranspiration. Graphs 1-5 show visually show the relationships demonstrated in this table.

Table 3: Calculated Values for Penman Method Precipitation Evaporation Heat Budget Potential Evapotranspiration Available Moisture (AM) mm) (E) (mm) (H) (mm) (U) (mm) (mm) 0 2.38 1.57 1.91 -1.91 0 2.50 1.15 1.78 -1.78 0 1.94 1.29 1.63 -1.63 0 2.23 1.26 1.75 -1.75 0 3.16 1.46 2.18 -2.18 0 3.87 1.70 2.49 -2.49 0 3.75 1.68 2.43 -2.43 0 2.47 1.66 2.09 -2.09 0 2.05 1.46 1.73 -1.73 0 2.24 1.69 1.92 -1.92 0 1.94 1.84 1.88 -1.88 0 1.22 1.70 1.52 -1.52 4.572 1.36 1.08 1.18 3.39 42.926 0.85 1.12 1.03 41.90 0 2.87 1.64 2.03 -2.03 0 0.00 1.09 0.67 -0.67 0 1.74 1.91 1.84 -1.84 0 1.90 1.40 1.65 -1.65 0 3.12 0.94 2.08 -2.08 0 2.60 1.13 1.94 -1.94 0 2.30 1.13 1.78 -1.78 0 3.37 1.05 2.16 -2.16 0 3.29 1.32 2.17 -2.17 0 2.41 1.08 1.70 -1.70 0 0.59 1.58 1.15 -1.15 0 2.85 1.41 2.03 -2.03 0 4.60 1.14 2.59 -2.59 0.762 1.62 1.54 1.57 -0.81 0 1.35 1.92 1.71 -1.71 0 1.24 1.11 1.15 -1.15 0 1.27 2.00 1.74 -1.74 Table 3 shows evaporation (E), heat budget (H), potential evapotranspiration (U), precipitation (ppt), and available moisture (AM). E, H, and U are extremely important because they directly influence the evapotranspiration of water. The values for this table were calculated using the Penman Methods and can be found in the Appendix.

Graph 1: Wind Speed vs. Potential Evapotranspiration

Potential Evapotranspiration (mm) 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0 5 10 15 Windspeed (mi./ hr)

Graph 1 compares windspeed (mi./hr) and potential evapotranspiration (U) (mm). There is no relationship between these two parameters.

Potential Evapotranspiration (mm)

Graph 2: Humidity vs. Potential Evapotransporation

3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 Humidity (ea-ed) 4 5 6

Graph 2 compares humidity (ea-ed) and potential evapotranspiration (U) (mm). There is a strong correlation between these two parameters because points on the graph are oriented in a linear fashion.

Potential Evapotranspiration (mm)

3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

Graph 3: Average Temperature vs. Potential Evapotranspiration

Graph 3 shows the comparison between average temperature (oF) and potential evapotranspiration (U) (mm). There is no relationship between these two parameters.


40 Average Temperature (oF)



Graph 4: Precipitation vs. Potential Evapotranspiration

Potential Evapotranspiration (mm) 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0 10 20 30 40 50 Precipitation (mm)

Graph 4 shows the relationship between precipitation (mm) and evapotranspiration (U) (mm). There is not an evident correlation between these parameters because there are so few data points for precipitation.

Potential Evapotranspiration (mm)

Graph 5: Possible Sunshine vs. Potential Evapotranspiration

3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Possible Sunshine

Graph 5 shows the relationship between possible sunshine (S) and potential evapotranspiration (U) (mm). It is difficult to determine a relationship between these parameters because the data points are plotted all over the board.

Based on Table 1, it is evident that there is a seasonal fluctuation in the potential evapotranspiration. As temperatures increase, there is more potential for evapotranspiration because higher temperatures mean that there is more energy (heat) to vaporize water. Table 1 shows a gradual temperature increase from January to April, and the potential evapotranspiration is directly proportional. Due to a large spike in temperatures in May, the potential evapotranspiration rapidly increases as well. Temperature and subsequently potential evaporation reach maximums in June. As the temperature decreases in fall and winter, potential evapotranspiration decreases as well. There does not seem to be a huge correlation between daylight coefficient and potential evapotranspiration. Although having more daylight should mean that there is more time during the day where water can evaporate, other factors must be able to override the daylight coefficients affect on potential evapotranspiration. Between May and June, there is only a hundredth of a degree difference in the day light coefficients, yet the difference in the potential evapotranspiration is 43.89. Thats a large degree difference in the potential evapotranspiration

rates with a negligible difference in the daylight coefficient. Increasing temperature affects potential evapotranspiration more than simply increasing the amount of daylight. Figure 1 also shows the relationship between available moisture, precipitation, and potential evapotranspiration. There is a strong relationship between the amount of precipitation and the amount of available moisture. In the months with the most amount of precipitation, there is a huge increase in available moisture. In May, 7.43 inches of rain fell, and because of this large precipitation event, the available moisture increased more than double what it had been the previous month. Again, temperature seems to have an impact on the available moisture. June and November received roughly the same amount of rainfall; however Novembers potential evapotranspiration is 29.35, while Junes is -61.10. This leads me to believe that temperature was the dominant factor affecting evapotranspiration. Even though logically speaking, I know that evaporation needs available water to take place, based on Table 1, there is not evident correlation between precipitation and potential evapotranspiration. The available moisture levels can be either negative or positive. A negative value indicates a water budget deficit, while a positive value indicates a water budget surplus. When a surplus occurs in available moisture, water can go in a multitude of places. Based on the equation: Precipitation = Evapotranspiration + Surface Runoff + Groundwater Recharge, the obvious place water would go first is evapotranspiration. Once evapotranspiration has reached a maximum, the surplus water not used in evaporation can go into surface runoff, which can lead to groundwater recharge. Water is stored in reservoirs as well. These reservoirs include: groundwater, streams, oceans, lakes, etc. Reservoirs can also be biologic components, such as in the roots and leaves of plants and in animals (since we are almost 98% water). Evaporation (E), the Heat Budget (H), and Potential Evaporation (U) are three parameters that strongly affect the evapotranspiration of water. Evaporation is important because to calculate E, you need to consider factors like wind speeds and humidity (available moisture in the air). High humidity would slow evapotranspiration, while high winds would increase the rate of evapotranspiration. Calculating the heat budget is all about heat energy. To calculate H, you need to consider the monthly radiation (R), the temperature coefficient (B), and the possible sunshine (S). Obviously, high monthly radiation means that the possibility of sunshine is high due to longer days. High radiation also means that temperature increases. If there is a high temperature and high amount of sunshine, evaporation rates should increase. The potential evapotranspiration (U) takes the slope of the vapor pressure curve (A) and the heat budget (H) into consideration. The vapor pressure curve is important in understanding how saturated the air can get. If there is a lot of moisture in the atmosphere, evaporation cannot take place as quickly as it would if the atmosphere was extremely hot and dry. Potential evapotranspiration is the amount of water that can be evaporated under a certain set of conditions. Based on Graphs 1-5, there are some factors that strongly influence evapotranspiration and others that do not. Humidity has a very strong correlation to potential evapotranspiration. The correlation coefficient is 0.93, and the points on the graph follow an almost perfect line. High humidity negatively affects evaporation because the atmosphere is almost at a saturation point of water vapor. Possible sunshine also showed a strong correlation to potential evapotranspiration with a correlation coefficient of 0.73. The more sunlight (heat) available to evaporate water, the higher the potential evapotranspiration is. Wind speed, precipitation, and average temperature did not show a strong correlation to potential evapotranspiration for this data set. The conclusions about precipitations affect on potential evapotranspiration are skewed in Table 2 because there are only 3 instances of minor rainfall. I was surprised to see a low correlation between temperature and evapotranspiration based on Graph 3.

Epstein CM. 2010. Watershed Hydrology Class Notes. The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Pomona, New Jersey. Staff of ONSJC, Rutgers University. 2010. Climate Data. Retrieved October 8, 2010 from http://climate. rutgers.edu/stateclim/?section=home&target=home.

APPENDIX Thornthwaite Equation

1. Thornthwaite equation: E = 16C(10Tm/I)a {where E stands for potential evapotranspiration (in mm); C is the daylight coefficient; Tm is the average monthly temperature (oC); a is an exponent derived from the heat index (I),I = S (Tm/5)1.51,and a = (67.5x108 3 I )-(77.1x10-6I2)+(.0179I)+(.492)}. 2. Penman equations: a. E = 0.35(ea-ed)(1 + 0.0098w) b. H = R(1-r)(0.18 + 0.55S)-B(0.56-0.92ed0.5)(0.10 + 0.90S) c. U = (AH + 0.27E)/(A + 0.27) {where ea = saturation vapor pressure at the mean temperature; ed = saturation vapor pressure at the dew point temperature; w = average wind speed; R = monthly radiation; r = albedo or reflectivity; S = percent sunshine expressed as a decimal; B = longwave radiation; A = slope of saturation vapor pressure curve; E = potential evaporation; H = heat budget; and U = potential evapotransipiration.}

Penman Calculations for October 1974 Data

Dew Point Temperature (oF) 54 49 41 43 54 61 61 48 49 54 55 60 60 63 7 45 39 31 30 40 47 50 37 38 44 47 56 57 60

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Average Temperature ( F)

Precipitation (in.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.18 1.69

Average Wind Speed (mi./hr) 8.5 8.8 12.4 8.9 8.6 8.1 9.6 9.6 6 7.6 7.5 7.6 9.2 11.4

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Percent of possible Sunshine (%) 82 27 72 98 100 100 81 97 96 100 97 47 0 1 34 0 91 91 81 92 94 100 76 19

67 56 55 43 40 37 37 46 52 48 51 52 53 49 60 63 63 Solar Radiation 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 8

62 56 49 34 21 22 22 28 39 37 49 40 36 43 57 58 58 Reflectivity 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.03 0 0 0 Precipitation (mm) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.572 42.926 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11.7 10.5 9.8 10.8 9.9 13.1 10.8 9.2 10.2 9.2 11.2 9.9 10.2 7.5 9.1 6.9 7.3 Possible Sunshine 0.82 0.27 0.72 0.98 1 1 0.81 0.97 0.96 1 0.97 0.47 0 0.01 0.34 0 0.91 0.91 0.81 0.92 0.94 1 0.76 0.19

50 78 95 77 64 1 65 Wind Speed (w2) (mi./day)

9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 Actual Saturation Pressure (ea)

0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15

0 0 0 0.762 0 0 0 Dew Point Saturation Vapor Pressure (ed)

0.5 0.78 0.95 0.77 0.64 0.01 0.65

128.52 133.056 187.488 134.568 130.032 122.472 145.152 145.152 90.72 114.912 113.4 114.912 139.104 172.368 176.904 158.76 148.176 163.296 149.688 198.072 163.296 139.104 154.224 139.104 169.344 149.688 154.224 113.4 137.592 104.328 110.376 Slope of the Saturation Vapor Pressure Curve (A)

10.516 9.204 6.541 7.013 10.516 13.629 13.629 8.604 9.204 10.516 11.229 13.629 13.629 14.529 17.53 11.987 11.229 7.013 6.541 5.686 5.686 8.041 9.841 8.604 9.841 9.841 10.516 9.204 13.629 14.529 14.529 Temperature Coefficient (B) Evaporation (E) (mm)

7.509 6.098 4.583 4.261 6.541 8.604 9.204 5.686 6.098 7.509 8.604 11.987 11.987 13.629 14.529 11.987 9.204 4.928 2.933 3.158 3.158 3.961 6.098 5.686 9.204 6.541 5.288 7.013 11.987 12.782 12.782

0.375 13.261 9


0.313 0.246 0.263 0.375 0.471 0.471 0.246 0.333 0.375 0.396 0.471 0.471 0.5 0.588 0.421 0.396 0.263 0.246 0.221 0.221 0.296 0.354 0.313 0.354 0.354 0.375 0.333 0.471 0.5 0.5

12.711 12.005 12.179 13.261 14.021 14.021 12.005 12.893 13.261 13.448 14.021 14.021 14.216 14.814 13.637 13.448 12.179 12.005 11.664 11.664 12.532 13.076 12.711 13.076 13.076 13.261 12.893 14.021 14.216 14.216 Potential Evapotranspiratio n (U) (mm) 1.57 1.15 1.29 1.26 1.46 1.70 1.68 1.66 1.46 1.69 1.84 10 1.91 1.78 1.63 1.75 2.18 2.49 2.43 2.09 1.73 1.92 1.88

2.50 1.94 2.23 3.16 3.87 3.75 2.47 2.05 2.24 1.94 1.22 1.36 0.85 2.87 0.00 1.74 1.90 3.12 2.60 2.30 3.37 3.29 2.41 0.59 2.85 4.60 1.62 1.35 1.24 1.27 Available Moisture (AM) (mm) -1.91 -1.78 -1.63 -1.75 -2.18 -2.49 -2.43 -2.09 -1.73 -1.92 -1.88

Degree-Days (H) (mm)

1.70 1.08 1.12 1.64 1.09 1.91 1.40 0.94 1.13 1.13 1.05 1.32 1.08 1.58 1.41 1.14 1.54 1.92 1.11 2.00

1.52 1.18 1.03 2.03 0.67 1.84 1.65 2.08 1.94 1.78 2.16 2.17 1.70 1.15 2.03 2.59 1.57 1.71 1.15 1.74

-1.52 3.39 41.90 -2.03 -0.67 -1.84 -1.65 -2.08 -1.94 -1.78 -2.16 -2.17 -1.70 -1.15 -2.03 -2.59 -0.81 -1.71 -1.15 -1.74

Evapotranspiration Exercise
Purpose The purpose of this exercise is for you to use two frequently used methods for the calculation of potential evapotranspiration. The Thornthwaite Method is used to determine monthly potential evapotranspiration while the Penman Method is used to calculate the daily potential evapotranspiration. One reason why these methods are used is because the input data is available from the U.S. Weather Service and therefore requires no further data collection. The drawback is that weather conditions may be different at the site you may need to analyze. (These calculations will be conducted using EXCEL.) The Thornthwaite Method The formula for the calculation of potential evapotranspiration is as follows. E = 16C(10Tm/I)a E stands for potential evapotranspiration (in mm) C is the daylight coefficient Tm is the average monthly temperature (oC) a is an exponent derived from the heat index (I)

I = S (Tm/5)1.51 a = (67.5x10-8I3)-(77.1x10-6I2)+(.0179I)+(.492) The Penman Equation The Penman Equation is actually three equations. There are as follows. E = 0.35(ea-ed)(1 + 0.0098w) H = R(1-r)(0.18 + 0.55S)-B(0.56-0.92ed0.5)(0.10 + 0.90S) U = (AH + 0.27E)/(A + 0.27) ea saturation vapor pressure at the mean temperature ed saturation vapor pressure at the dew point temperature w average wind speed R monthly radiation r albedo or reflectivity S percent sunshine expressed as a decimal B longwave radiation A slope of saturation vapor pressure curve E potential evaporation H heat budget U potential evapotransipiration Now do the following. Start a new EXCEL sheet. Discussion Questions Thornthwaite Questions 1. What is the seasonal pattern of potential evapotranspiration? How does this value reflect seasonal changes in temperature and daylight coefficient? 2. What is the seasonal pattern of available moisture? How does this reflect the seasonal change in precipitation and potential evapotranspiration? 3. Some of your available moisture values are positive, reflecting a water budget surplus, while others are negative, reflecting a water budget deficit. Where does water go to during a surplus and where does it come from during a deficit?

Penman Questions

4. Penman calculates three values, E, H, and U. What do these three parameters represent in the evapotranspiration of water? (Hint: find the meaning of the input parameters and how they influence evapotranspiration.) 5. Review your values for windspeed (w), humidity (ea-ed), possible sunshine (S), average temperature (Tave), and precipitation. Determine if there is a relationship between each variable and potential evapotranspiration (U).

Thornthwaite on EXCEL
1. Open EXCEL and type "Thornthwaite Calculation" in A1. Please note that when you have to enter a formula, I have depicted them here initalics. 2. Put your name in A3. 3. Put the year of analysis is A4. 4. Put name of weather station in A5. 5. Put the word "month" in A10. Type in the months of the year in A12 through A23. 6. Put the word "ppt(in.)" In B10. Type in the values for monthly precipitation in B12 through B23. 7. Put the work T(F) in C 10. Enter the temperature values (degree fahrenheit) in C12 through 23. 8. This data needs to be converted to degrees celsius. So type in the word T(C) in D 10. In D12 type in the formula =((c12-32)/1.8) . 9. Press enter, then go back to D12 and click on copy ikon. Now highlight D12 through D23, then click on paste ikon. 10. Go to E10 and type (Tm/5)1.51 . Now go to E12 and type =(D12/5)^1.51 . 11. Press enter, then go back to E12 and click on copy ikon. Now highlight E12 through E23, then click on paste ikon. 12. Delete any negative value found in E12 through E23. 13. Go to D 25 and type "I equals". Then go to E25 and type =sum(E12:E23). 14. Go to D27 and type "a equals". Then go to E27 and type the following very carefully =(.000000675*E25^3)-(.0000771*E25^2)+(.0179*E25)+.492 . 15. Now to go F 10 and type "c coef". Then enter the values for the daylight coefficient in F12 through F23. Daylight Coefficients at 40o N Latitude January February March April 6.0 8.3 11.0 13.9 May June July August 15.9 16.7 16.3 14.8 September October November December 12.2 9.3 6.7 5.5

Now go to G10 and type "Pot.ET". Go to G12 and type =(16*(F12)*((D12)*10/$E$25)^$E$27). Press enter, then go back to G12 and click on copy icon. Now highlight G12 through G23, then click on paste icon. 16. Go to H10 and type "ppt(mm)". Go to H12 and type =(B12*25.4) . Press enter, then go back to H12 and click on copy icon. Now highlight H12 through H23, then click on paste ikon.

17. Now go to I10 and type "av.moist(mm)" (i.e., available moisture). Go to I12 and type =(H12-G12). Press enter, then go back to I12 and click on copy icon. Now highlight I12 through I23, then click on paste icon. So precipitation in millimeters is in the H column, Potential evapotranspiration in millimeters is in the G column and available moisture in millimeters is in the I column.

Penman Calculation
The Penman calculation for potential evapotranspiration uses manipulated data from the U.S. Weather Service. This particular version of the Penman equation is from Ven Te Chow, 1964, Handbook of Applied Hydrology, p.11-26. The calculation is meant to be performed in EXCEL. [N.B., This calculation is based on the Atlantic City Weather Station at the airport at Pomona, New Jersey. The values for Total Radiation and Wind Speed are site specific. To use elsewhere Total Radiation needs to be set for the latitude of the site examined. Also, the height (h) above ground of the anemometer needs to be determined and placed in the equationwind speed = log 6.6/ log h. The average wind speed for a particular day must first be multiplied by the quotient of the above equation, then by 24 to change the units from miles/ hour to miles/ day.] A. Raw Data Entry Type the following headings: Day in A1, Average Temperature (oF) in B1, Dew Point Temperature (oF) in C1, Precipitation (in.) in D1, Average Wind Speed (mi./hr) in E1, and Percent of Possible Sunshine (%) in F1, Solar Radiation in G1, and Reflectivity in H1. 1. Using the information from the monthly weather summary for the Atlantic City weather station at the Pomona airport, enter the days in column A, the average temperature values in column B, the dew point temperatures in column C, precipitation in column D, the wind speeds in column E, and the percent of possible sunshine in column E. 2. Enter the same Solar Radiation Value for every day of your month from the values in the chart provided below. Also enter the value 0.15 for reflectivity for every day of your month. This value is used for the reflectivity of a typical forest. Solar Radiation Intensity for 40o N Latitude January February March April 6.0 8.3 11.0 13.9 May June July August 15.9 16.7 16.3 14.8 September October November December 12.2 9.3 6.7 5.5

B. Raw Data Manipulation Skip a column and type the following headings: Precipitation (mm) in J1, Possible Sunshine in K1, and Wind Speed (w2)(mi./day) in L1.

1. We must convert precipitation from inches to millimeter. Type =d2*25.4 in J2. After pressing ENTER, highlight J2 and COPY, then highlight the entire column from the first day to the last, then PASTE. 2. Now we must convert percent of possible sunshine to a decimal form. Type =F2*.01 in K2. After pressing ENTER, highlight K2 and COPY, then highlight the entire column from the first day to the last, then PASTE. 3. Now we must convert wind speed from mi./hr. to hr/day. But we also have to adjust the value to take into consideration the height of the anemometer above the ground (see note at top of page one). Type =E2*15.12 in L2. After pressing ENTER, highlight L2 and COPY, then highlight the entire column from the first day to the last, then PASTE. C. Enter Evaporation Parameters (ea, ed, A, B) 1. Make the following headings: actual saturation vapor pressure (ea) in N1, dew point saturation vapor pressure (ed) in O1, slope of the saturation vapor pressure curve (A) in P1, and temperature coefficient (B) in Q1. 2. Down load Saturation Vapor Pressure Chart. 3. Go to your first day and look up the average temperature. a. Now find it on the "Saturation Vapor Pressure Chart". Look to the right to the column heading "e (mmHg)". That is the value of the actual saturation vapor pressure (ea). Place that value in N2. b. Look to the next column to the right in the "Saturation Vapor Pressure Chart". That is the slope of the saturation vapor pressure curve (A). Place that value in P2. c. Now again look to the next column to the right in the "Saturation Vapor Pressure Chart". That is the temperature coefficient (B). Place that value in Q2. d. Go to the second day and repeat steps a through c. Repeat this procedure until the last day is covered. 2. Go to your first day and look up the dew point temperature. a. Now find it on the Saturation Vapor Pressure Chart. Look to the right to the column heading "e (mmHg)". This time it is the value of the dew point saturation vapor pressure (ed). Place that value in O2. b. Go to the second day and repeat step a. Repeat this procedure until the last day is covered. D. Calculate Evaporation, Accumulated Degree Days, Potential Evapotranspiration and Available Moisture Skip a column and type in the following headings: Evaporation (E) (mm) in S1, Degree-Days (H) (mm) in T1, Potential Evapotranspiration (U)(mm) in U1and Available Moisture (AM) (mm) in V1. 1. Go to S2 and type =.35*(N2-O2)*(1+.0098*L2). This is the formula E=0.35(ea-ed)(1+0.0098w2). After pressing ENTER, highlight S2 and COPY, then highlight the entire column from the first day to the last, then PASTE. 2. Go to T2 and type =(G2*(1-H2)*(0.18+0.55*K2))-(Q2*(0.56-0.092*O2^0.5)*(0.10+0.90*K2)). This is the formula H=R(1-r)(0.18+0.55S)-B(0.56-0.0092ed0.5)(0.10+0.90S). After pressing ENTER, highlight T2 and COPY, then highlight the entire column from the first day to the last, then PASTE. 3. Go to U2 and type =((P2*T2)+(0.27*S2))/(P2+0.27). This is the Formula U=AH+0.27E/A+0.27. After pressing ENTER, highlight U2 and COPY, then highlight the entire column from the first day to the last, then PASTE.


4. Go to V2 and type =J2-U2. This is the difference between precipitation and potential evapotranspiration. This difference is what is left over for surface runoff and ground water recharge. After pressing ENTER, highlight V2 and COPY, then highlight the entire column from the first day to the last, then PASTE.

Saturation Vapor Pressure & other Parameters

ToC ToF ToK e (mb) e (mmHg) A (mmHg/oF) B (mmH2O/day) -20 -4 253 1.25 0.938 0.042 8.235 -19 -2 254 1.37 1.028 0.050 8.366 -18 0 255 1.49 1.118 0.050 8.499 -17 1 256 1.62 1.215 0.054 8.633 -16 3 257 1.76 1.320 0.058 8.769 -15 5 258 1.91 1.433 0.063 8.906 -14 7 259 2.08 1.560 0.071 9.045 -13 9 260 2.25 1.688 0.071 9.185 -12 10 261 2.44 1.830 0.079 9.327 -11 12 262 2.64 1.980 0.083 9.471 -10 14 263 2.86 2.145 0.092 9.617 -9 16 264 3.10 2.325 0.100 9.764 -8 18 265 3.35 2.513 0.104 9.912 -7 19 266 3.62 2.715 0.113 10.063 -6 21 267 3.91 2.933 0.121 10.215 -5 23 268 4.21 3.158 0.125 10.369 -4 25 269 4.55 3.413 0.142 10.525 -3 27 270 4.90 3.675 0.146 10.682 -2 28 271 5.28 3.961 0.158 10.841 -1 30 272 5.68 4.261 0.167 11.002 0 32 273 6.11 4.583 0.179 11.165 1 34 274 6.57 4.928 0.192 11.329 2 36 275 7.05 5.288 0.200 11.495 3 37 276 7.58 5.686 0.221 11.664 4 39 277 8.13 6.098 0.229 11.834 5 41 278 8.72 6.541 0.246 12.005 6 43 279 9.35 7.013 0.263 12.179 7 45 280 10.01 7.509 0.275 12.355 8 46 281 10.72 8.041 0.296 12.532 9 48 282 11.47 8.604 0.313 12.711 10 50 283 12.27 9.204 0.333 12.893 11 52 284 13.12 9.841 0.354 13.076 12 54 285 14.02 10.516 0.375 13.261 13 55 286 14.97 11.229 0.396 13.448

14 57 15 59 16 61 17 63 18 64 19 66 20 68 21 70 22 72 23 73 24 75 25 77 26 79 27 81 28 82 29 84 30 86 31 88 32 90 33 91 34 93 35 95 36 97 37 99 38 100 39 102 40 104 41 106 42 108 43 109 44 111 45 113 46 115 47 117 48 118 49 120 50 122

287 15.98 288 17.04 289 18.17 290 19.37 291 20.63 292 21.96 293 23.37 294 24.86 295 26.43 296 28.09 297 29.83 298 31.67 299 33.61 300 35.65 301 37.8 302 40.06 303 42.43 304 44.93 305 47.55 306 50.31 307 53.2 308 56.24 309 59.42 310 62.76 311 66.26 312 69.93 313 73.78 314 77.8 315 82.02 316 86.42 317 91.03 318 95.86 319 100.89 320 106.16 321 111.66 322 117.4 323 123.4

11.987 12.782 13.629 14.529 15.475 16.472 17.530 18.647 19.825 21.070 22.375 23.756 25.211 26.741 28.354 30.049 31.827 33.702 35.667 37.738 39.905 42.186 44.571 47.076 49.702 52.454 55.342 58.358 61.523 64.824 68.282 71.905 75.678 79.631 83.756 88.062 92.562

0.421 0.442 0.471 0.500 0.525 0.554 0.588 0.621 0.654 0.692 0.725 0.767 0.808 0.850 0.896 0.942 0.988 1.042 1.092 1.150 1.204 1.267 1.325 1.392 1.459 1.529 1.604 1.675 1.759 1.834 1.921 2.013 2.096 2.196 2.292 2.392 2.500

13.637 13.828 14.021 14.216 14.413 14.613 14.814 15.017 15.222 15.430 15.639 15.851 16.065 16.281 16.499 16.720 16.942 17.167 17.394 17.623 17.855 18.088 18.324 18.563 18.803 19.046 19.292 19.540 19.790 20.042 20.297 20.554 20.814 21.076 21.341 21.608 21.878



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