TOM 302 Syllabus

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Technology & Operations Management Department

TOM 302: Managerial Statistics

Professor: Office: Phone: email: Office Hours: Dr. Jeffery L. Guyse Building 94-216 (909) 869-5357 Tues: 1:00 2:00 PM Wed: 2:00 5:00 PM Thurs: 7:00 8:00 AM


"Managerial Statistics, Custom for Cal Poly Pomona" by Weiers ISBN-13: 978-1-111-63426-1, ISBN-10: 1-111-63426-2 Statistix 9 (Tallahassee, FL: Analytical Software, 2003).
STA 120 and MATH 125 and microcomputer proficiency Statistical techniques for business, using point and confidence interval estimation, one and two-sample hypothesis testing, Chi square testing, simple and multiple regression. Eight Weekly quizzes will be taken online (Blackboard AKA Bb) that relate to the recommended homework. See Pages 3 & 4 of this syllabus for full details. There are no make ups/extensions for the quizzes. Two exams will be given in class. The exams are closed book, closed notes, but you will use the software. There are no make ups or early exams. 8 online quizzes (200 points total), midterm exam (150 points) and final exam (150 points). Grading as follows out of 500 Points total: A: 92.5% and up B+: 87.5% to 89.9% C+: 77.5% to 79.9% D+: 67.5% to 69.9% F: 60% and below A-: 90% to 92.49% B: 82.5% to 87.49% C: 72.5% to 77.49% D: 62.5% to 67.49% B-: 80% to 82.49% C-: 70% to 72.49% D-: 60% to 62.49%

Prerequisites: Topic:




General Itinerary of Course Coverage Date 09/22 09/26-09/29 10/03-10/06 10/10-10/13 10/17-10/20 10/24-10/27 10/31-11/03 11/07-11/10 11/14-11/17 11/21-11/24 11/28-12/01 12/05-12/09 Topic Introduction Data Collection & Sampling Methods Visual & Numerical Descriptions of Data Normal Distribution, Sampling & Estimation (Quantitative) One & Two Sample Tests (Quantitative) Estimation, One & Two Sample Tests (Qualitative) MIDTERM In-Class 11/03 Chi Square Simple Regression & Correlation Multiple Regression (online only) No face-to-face class on 11/24 (Thanksgiving) Multiple Regression Final Exam Week1

Please check the university final exam schedule for exam day and time. Note that this is NOT a one-dayper-week class, it is a Tuesday/Thursday class; we are merely substituting the Tuesday meetings with our hybrid content.

Quiz Information

All quizzes run from 5:00 AM Sunday morning and expire sixty (60) hours later at 5:00 PM on that Tuesday of the same week. Actual dates and coverage listed on the next page of this syllabus. Given the time window to complete the quizzes (60 hours), make-ups/extensions are not permitted. There are no exceptions to this policy.
All quizzes will: Be based on the weekly PowerPoint and required reading assignment detailed on the next page. Be in the ASSIGNMENTS folder on Blackboard during the availability time listed on the next page. Contain 25 questions. Be True/False and Multiple Choice type questions. Have questions presented one at a time with no backtracking. Have questions randomly drawn for each student from a large set and then randomized again. Have only one (1) attempt. Have a one (1) hour time period to complete the quiz once started. Quiz scores are curved at the end of the quarter (after all quizzes are finished) with the percentages shown on Page 1 of this syllabus applied to your average quiz score as follows: 21 + = A 20 = A19 = B+ 18 = B 17 = B16 = C+ 15 = C 14 = C13 = D+ 12 = D 11 = D10 and below F

For example, if someone had an average quiz score for the 8 quizzes of 15, they would receive 75% of the 200 points (which is equal to 150) for all of their quizzes combined at the end of the quarter. If you get logged out of the quiz do not panic. Read the following carefully: Close your browser entirely, then re-launch and log back into Blackboard. o Go to "Assignments" and click on the quiz, it will start right up where you left off. o If it gives you an error message, restart your computer and try again. The timer continues to run, so make sure to get back in as soon as possible so that you can finish in the one hour allotted. In any case, if you leave yourself enough of a time buffer, you will be able to resume taking the quiz, even if the hour limit has passed. Send me an email explaining what happened if you go over the one hour limit. If you do not send me an email prior to the quiz expiring, you will receive no credit for the quiz (0 out of 25 points).

Quiz Schedule and Coverage All quizzes run between the dates below. The quiz will be in the Assignments folder from 5:00 AM Sunday morning and expire sixty (60) hours later at 5:00 PM on that Tuesday. There are no make ups/extensions on quizzes. No exceptions. Required Quiz No. Availability PowerPoint for the Specific Quiz Required Reading from Text for the Specific Quiz


All of Chapter 4


All of Chapter 1 Sections 3.1 3.4 Sections 2.2 and 2.4 Sections 7.1-7.3 Sections 8.1-8.3 Sections 9.1-9.3, 9.5, & 9.7 Sections 10.1, 10.2, 10.4, 10.5, 10.7 Sections 11.1 11.3, 11.7 Section 6.2, 7.4, 8.4, 9.6, 9.7 (proportions only), & 10.6.





No Quiz. Midterm Exam in Class 11/03

6 7 8

11/06-11/08 11/13-11/15 11/20-11/22

6 7 8

Sections 13.1-13.5 Sections 2.5, 3.6, 15.1, 15.2, 15.4, 15.5 Sections 15.3, 15.6, 16.1-16.3, 16.5 16.7

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