Meeting Notes FINAL WEB Jan 12 - 2012

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Stonegate HOA Board Meeting

January 12th, 2012 6:30 PM Caldwell Free Methodist Church

1. Opening a. 6:38pm Roll Call i. Present: Mr. Orton, Ms. Porter, Ms. Hill, Ms. Baker ii. Agenda additions: 1. Signs, Dog Park, JDubs contract iii. Motion: Ms. Porter motioned to approve the agenda. Second: Ms. Hill. Vote: All approved. iv. Motion: Mr. Orton motioned to approve the minutes. Second: Ms. Hill. Vote: All approved. Financial Report a. Review of statement of income and expense b. Year end statement c. Past due report d. Homeowner report e. Discussion on the XXXX: Give them one more month; give letter asking for payment by end of February in the spirit of working together; If they dont pay we will add the interest back on. f. Need to research XXXX g. Motion: Ms. Baker motioned to approve the three financial reports. Second: Ms. Hill. Vote: Unanimously approved. h. Budget (see notes on income and expense statement) i. See if Ms. Gigray has bark estimate Ms. Baker. If not, obtain quote for bark and benches. ii. Agreed to proposed budget Current Business a. Email forwarding form Gmail not working b. NNO review, second bounce house for older kids c. Sprinkler blow outs for XXX; Blow outs late, JDub offered to fix any that had problem; Need to make sure people dont fix if broken so JDUB can fix; Add this into newsletter. Discussion of a timeline for JDUB to perform blow outs next year. Mr. Orton will talk with JDUB. d. Mr. Orton will get a quote for the tree maintenance bill e. Sand and grease cleaning went well. Should do this every year, but can get away with every other year. Will use this person again. f. Mr. Orton replaced the entrance light fixture twice, even with solar modification it still failed. He will obtain a higher quality fixture. Motion: Mr. Orton motioned for the approval of new fixture and possibly new photo cell. Second: Ms. Baker. Vote: Unanimously approved g. Ms. Hill will compose a letter to ask for basketball stands to be moved. h. If cars are parked illegally, can call code enforcement. i. Ms. Hill will call code enforcement on house that has trees overgrowing onto the sidewalk. j. Chickens put on newsletter stating pros and cons, included with special mailing newsletter and encourage people to attend so can have a quorum vote on issue. k. Include self check list and reminder of front lights and tree requirements. l. Mr. Porter had the idea of creating a dog park in the common area. Can bring to HOA at annual meeting; need to research liability. m. Motion: Mr. Orton motioned for Ms. Baker to purchase 2 plastic signs and locks. Second: Ms. Hill. Vote: Unanimously approved. n. Annual Meeting i. Separate mailing in middle of February for annual meeting, Extra newsletter will be approved by email. ii. Date for executive meeting March 1st, 2012 at 6:30. iii. Ms Baker has HOA water iv. Ms. Porter will get cookies Close a. The next meeting will be a special meeting March 1st, 2012 at 6:30 P.M. at the Caldwell Free Methodist Church. b. 8:35 P.M. Motion: Ms. Porter motioned to adjourn the meeting. Second: Ms. Hill. Vote: Unanimously approved. 1 of 1




Stonegate HOA Meeting Notes

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