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BI 275 Exam II Possible points: 132 Name________________________________ Score:

Answer the questions with the best choice possible. If you are confused about something, please ask a question. Carefully pay attention to words in bold when answering a question. Write all letters and numbers legibly or the answer may be thrown out. Write all answers on the exam. Section I: Matching: Match the following items/descriptions with the correct vocabulary term listed below. Choose the best answer. Each answer can only be used one time. (Answer these questions on the exam; 1.5 pts each)

1. _____ These cells destroy existing bone to make room for remodeling and new growth; Demolition cells 2. _____ This type of bone tissue forms trabeculae, receives nutrients via diffusion, & is the interior of bone 3. _____ There are 12 vertebrae in this vertebral region 4. _____ The ulnar nerve is found at this location 5. _____ The location where the forearm (antebrachial region) articulates with the humerus 6. _____ Anatomical term for the great toe 7. _____ A suture is an example of this type of joint 8. _____ The pubic symphysis is an example of this type of joint 9. _____ The knee is an example of this type of diarthrosis 10. _____ The shoulder is an example of this type of diarthrosis 11. _____ The tarsals are joined by this type of diarthrosis 12. _____ Extension past the anatomical position 13. _____ A pad of fibrocartilage situated between opposing bones of the knee 14. _____ Lubricates & supplies nutrients to joints in addition to acting as a shock absorber 15. _____ When the distal portion of the limb moves in a circle while the proximal portion stays in place 16. _____ Arm in anatomical position 17. _____ Flexion of the ankle joint and elevation of the sole 18. _____ Muscle fibers that contain large glycogen reserves, but few mitochondria 19. _____ Back up energy in the muscles to be used as soon as ATP is used up (roughly after 8-12 twitches) 20. _____ Repeated stimulus of the muscle until relaxation is inhibited
A B C D E F G H J K Amphiarthrosis Ball-n-socket Bursa Capitulum Cervical Circumduction Compact Dorsiflexion Ellipsoidal Fast-twitch M N O P R S T U V W Gliding Greater tubercle Hallux Hinge Hyperextension Lumbar Medial epicondyle Meniscus Osteoblasts Osteoclasts X Y Z aa bb cc dd ee ff gg Osteocytes Phosphocreatine Pivot Plantar flexion Pollex Pronation Rotation Saddle Slow-twitch Spongy hh ii kk mm oo pp ss tt vv xx Summation Supination Synarthrosis Synchondrosis Syndesmosis Synovial fluid Tetanus Thoracic Trochlear notch Ulnar notch

2 of 8 Section II: Labeling (2 pts each)


Use the drawing at the right to identify: 1. ____Mandible


2. ____ Parietal bone


Supraorbital Foramen

3. ____ Nasal bone 4. ____ Zygomatic bone

Ethmoid Bone Lacrimal Bone

Superior Orbital Fissure Optic Foramen


Inferior Orbital Fissure Infraorbital Foramen


Perpendicular Plate of Ethmoid Bone Vomer Mental Foramen

Use the drawing at the right to identify: 5. ____Coronal suture 6. ____Lambdoid suture 7. ____Occipital bone 8. ____Maxilla 9. ____Temporal bone 10. ____ Sphenoid bone

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Use the drawing at the left to identify:

11.____ Ossa coxae 12.____ Patella


13.____ Sacrum 14.____Xiphoid process 15. ____ False rib 16. ____ Lumbar vertebrae 17. ____ Tibia


Use the drawing at the right to identify: 18.____Metacarpals 19. ____Radius 20. ____Scapula

4 of 8 Section III: Multiple Choice: WRITE LETTERS CLEARLY (2 pts each) 1. _____ All of the following are cranial bones except: a. Parietal bones b. Occipital bone c. Temporal bone d. Maxillary bone

2. _____ Which is not a function of the periosteum? a. Isolates the bone from other tissues b. Provides a route for circulatory and nervous tissue to enter the bone c. Lines the marrow cavity d. Grows and repairs bone

3. _____ During bone formation, chondrocytes become calcified and die. Then, blood vessels grow at the cartilage edge and the perichondrium becomes osteoblasts. The next step is: (It was bullet 3 from the notes) a. Remodeling as growth occurs and creation of a marrow cavity b. Blood vessels penetrate the cartilage; bone formed at 1 center of ossification & spreads along the shaft c. Capillaries & osteoblasts migrate to epiphyses, creating 2 centers of ossification d. Epiphyses fill with spongy bone, while remaining cartilage thins

4. _____ Which of the following show fracture repair in the correct order? a. Fracture & bleeding; Calluses stabilize inner & outer surfaces; Dead fragments removed; Remodeling b. Fracture & bleeding; Dead fragments removed; Remodeling; Calluses stabilize inner and outer surfaces c. Fracture & bleeding; Remodeling; Dead fragments removed; Calluses stabilize inner and outer surfaces d. Fracture & bleeding; Calluses stabilize inner & outer surfaces; Remodeling; Dead fragments removed

5. _____ The patella is this shape of bone: a. Flat b. Irregular c. Long d. Sesamoid e. Short

6. _____ The only bone to articulate with the mandible is this bone? a. Temporal bone b. Occipital bone c. Parietal bone d. Lacrimal bone

7. _____ Which of the following is not a bone in the nasal complex? a. Frontal bone b. Sphenoid bone c. Ethmoid bone d. Zygomatic bone

5 of 8 8. _____ Which of the following is not a bone in the eye socket? a. Frontal bone b. Maxillary bone c. Temporal bone d. Lacrimal bone e. Sphenoid

9. _____ Which of the following statements about sinuses is false? a. Sinuses warm up air b. Ethmoid air cells & sphenoidal sinuses occur in the human body c. Sinuses function to protect the brain d. Sinuses lighten the weight of the skull

10. _____ Which statement about vertebrae is true? a. The atlas and axis are fused in the sacrum b. Vertebral discs are made of hyaline cartilage c. The spinous process projects posteriorly and can be felt through the skin d. The sacrum helps to protect the lungs & heart

11. _____ You are examining a bone. It is part of the appendicular skeleton. It articulates with the acromion of the scapula as well as the manubrium. Which bone is it? a. Humerus b. Clavicle c. True Rib d. Ulna

12. _____ Which of the following is not a part of the ossa coxae? a. Sacrum b. Ilium c. Ischium d. Pubis

13. _____Which statement about the lower limb is true? a. Only the fibula articulates with the femur; the tibia does not b. The tibia transfers weight to the calcaneus and then to the talus c. The femoral head articulates with the acetebulum of the pelvic girdle

14. _____ A large, rough projection is known as a: a. Process b. Head c. Tuberosity d. Trochanter

6 of 8 15. ____ The expanded end of the epiphysis, separated from the shaft by the neck is known as a: a. Process b. Head c. Tuberosity d. Foramen

16. ____ Which of the following statements about the knee is false? a. The popliteal ligaments reinforce the posterior of the knee b. The patellar ligament attaches the patella to the tibia c. The three collateral ligaments (lateral, medial, & anterior) cause stability of the knee when it is flexed d. A slight lateral roation of the tibia tightens the ACL and jams the lateral meniscus into a locked state

17. ____ The extensive range of motion of the shoulder is due to this fibrocartilage in the bony socket: a. Glenoid labrum b. Acromion c. Coracoid process d. Subcoracoid bursa

18. ____ If you tear collagen fibers in a ligament, you have a: a. Muscle cramping b. Sprain c. Muscle that has atrophy d. Muscle tear

19. ____Which statement about the sarcomere is false? a. Troponin helps to align myosin with the z disk b. Nebulin helps to stabilize actin c. Myosin is the thick filament d. Tropomyosin helps to inhibit contraction

20. ____ Which statement about the sarcomere is false? a. There are only thin filaments in the I band b. There are only thin filaments in the H band c. There are thick and thin filaments in the A band d. There are thick and thin filaments in the zone of overlap

21. ____ Which of the following scenarios is optimal for contraction with a proper length-tension relationship:

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22. ____ If you are doing repeated bicep curls, you are flexing your bicep brachii. Which statement is true of the triceps brachii when the bicep muscle is flexed: a. The tricep brachii is undergoing concentric motion b. The tricep brachii is undergoing eccentric motion c. The tricep brachii is undergoing isometric contraction

Section IV: Short answer

23. List two functions of muscular system other than movement and give an example for each. Then, list two functions of the skeletal system other than movement and give an example for each. (8pts)

Muscular System


Skeletal System



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24. MUSCLE CONTRACTION: Place the number that corresponds with each step of muscle contraction in the blank. Start with the first step in the far left blank. (10 pts) ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

1. ADP released 2. Cross-bridges detach when ATP binds to myosin 3. Troponin-tropomyosin roll out of the way 4. Nerve sends signal to contract 5. ATP Hydrolysis ATP ADP + P 6. Calcium enters cell 7. Active Site on actin exposed 8. Formation of cross-bridge between actin and myosin 9. Power stroke 10. Troponin binds calcium

Section V: Bonus Questions Be as specific as possible for additional points

A: Why does Botox (commercial name of botulinum) prevent wrinkles?

B. What is Tommy John surgery?

C. Why does muscular dystrophy eventually cause death?

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