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David Weinberger Evan McNamara Chris Poitras Jason Fox

ELEC 586-06Motors and Controls Prof. Siben Dasgupta Wentworth Institute of Technology November 18th, 2010

Purpose: The purpose of this laboratory experiment is to fully analyze a three phase induction motor from nearly every angle. We will perform a no load test and a blocked rotor test to evaluate the physical parameters of the motors circuit and subsequently develop the equivalent circuit of the motor. Also, we will apply a varying load to the motor and study the torque output characteristics as well as the overall efficiency of the motor as the load increases. The information we experimentally uncover will be very important as we move forward in system design and integration as we will be able to fully analyze nearly every aspect of a three phase induction motor from three simple tests that take under two hours to complete. Principle: The operation of an induction motor is somewhat intuitive, given its name. In such a motor, power is transferred from the stator to the rotor by electromagnetic induction. Because of this, induction motors are sometimes referred to as a rotating transformer. When connected in a normal phase sequence, an induction motors rotor will rotate anti-clockwise. In the most basic sense, the polyphase input to the motors stator induces a rotating magnetic field within the motor housing. The windings on the rotor are then electromagnetically charged, and through the magic of physics, they follow the rotating magnetic field of the stator, which causes the rotor to physically rotate. There are two basic types of induction motors, the squirrel cage and the wound rotor induction motor. The motor available in the Wentworth laboratory is a wound rotor motor which has three phase windings terminating at a series of three slip rings. The slip rings are then connected to a three phase rheostat which allows the operator to adjust the output resistance of the system and thus the speed. In the specific configuration in the Wentworth laboratory, the rotor slip rings have been

connected to a wye connected network of 1 ohm resistors, which makes it the equivalent of a squirrel cage motor. A squirrel cage induction motor is made from a slotted core of laminated steel which has cast aluminum conductors, end rings, and fan blades. Very large squirrel cage motors use brass bars and brass end rings that are brazed together to form the squirrel cage. The most important part of any motor is its nameplate, which contains all the important design information pertinent to the specific motor. Most nameplates will list the required input voltage, rated output power, synchronous speed, operating frequency, and rated current draw. From the synchronous speed and operating frequency, we can determine the number in poles in the motor using Equation 1. Also, based on the rated output power, typically in horsepower, we


can determine the rated electrical output quite easily with a simple conversion factor (1hp=746Watts). If we consider a certain efficiency for the motor, operating at a specified power factor, we can calculate the rated current and compare it to the nameplate rated current. Typically, the nameplate rated current is higher than the actual rated current by a certain percentage, which is called the service factor. The service factor basically indicates that the motor can run at a higher than normal load for short periods of time. Continuous loads should be sized to the calculated rated current. Many important characteristics of the induction motor is dependent on something called the slip speed, which is the difference between the rotor and synchronous speed, namely the frequency of the voltage induced in the rotor loop. The frequency of the voltage induced in the rotor loop is related to the slip speed, as well as the frequency of the stator, by Equation 2.


Often times the slip speed is expressed as a percentage, or % slip, which is the ratio of the slip speed and the synchronous speed. We can easily calculate the percent slip according to Equation 3. % 100


Much like a transformer, an induction motor can be evaluated by performing a no load test. If we run an induction motor at no load, any readings we are able to make off of it are representative of the rotational and core losses, as well as small rotor and stator copper losses, which can then be used to calculate efficiency, if required. It should be noted that the motor speed is not dependent on voltage, necessarily. Naturally, a certain voltage is needed to induce a rotating magnetic field in the stator, but once the motor is running at rated synchronous speed, the input voltage is not really that important, as long as you do not exceed the nameplate rated input voltage. However, with the more voltage at the motor terminals, the more current the motor will draw because of more losses in the motor itself. Naturally this has an effect on the power factor of the power coming in to the terminals of the motor. In this particular laboratory exercise, we are concerned with the overall performance of the motor under varying load conditions. Such a test will then allow us to calculate the efficiency of the motor. When considering the efficiency, we must consider several key components where power is lost. Power is lost in the induction motor through the stator and rotor copper windings, the core magnetizing component, the friction and windage of the rotor, and miscellaneous stray power losses. As with any system, we can evaluate the efficiency as a ratio of output power to input power. The output power is the percent rated load the motor is driving and the input power is the sum of the output power and the losses. Naturally, because there are losses in power from the stator terminals to the rotating shaft, no motor is 100% efficient and we represent the efficiency as a fraction of 100%.

To evaluate the efficiency of the motor experimentally, we must run a no load test and a locked rotor test. Under no load conditions, the input power to the motor represents the fixed power losses (i.e. the core and frictional/windage losses) and a small no load equivalent of the stator and rotor copper losses. In the blocked rotor condition, we can experimentally determine the motors starting torque and current. These values become very important when determining whether or not a specific motor will be able to accelerate when driving a particular load. From these two tests, we can develop an equivalent circuit of the motor. We can determine the stator and rotor resistances by using the equation highlighted in Equation 4 and the test data for 3 blocked rotor power and current. From this equation, we can then find the blocked rotor voltage per phase using Ohms Law and ultimately we can find the equivalent reactance of the copper, also by Ohms Law. The equivalent reactance can be viewed as one half being the rotor reactance and the other half being the stator reactance. From the no load test, we can measure the open circuit input power and current which can then be used to find the power factor and subsequent power factor angle according to traditional three phase network analysis practices. Under no load conditions, there is still some copper loss because the magnetic circuit is still being excited, and the loss can be calculated using Equation 4, but substituting the open circuit current for the short circuit current. From the standard induction motor power flow diagram, we can calculate the core power loss component according to Equation 5, where the frictional/winding loss is provided by the manufacturer. (5) (4)

With the core loss component known, we can calculate the core resistance according to Equation 6. It should be noted that the open circuit voltage of Equation 6 is a phase voltage, not line to 3


line. To find the magnetizing reactance, we must first find the magnetizing current by vector analysis. This analysis can be simplified to Equation 7 and ultimately the magnetizing reactance sin (7)


can be found by solving Equation 8. With the parameters from the blocked rotor test and the open circuit test, we can now draw the equivalent circuit of the three phase induction motor. With the equivalent circuit in place, we can decipher almost anything we need to about the motor, most importantly the efficiency, as previously discussed. Naturally, these power conditions will change with varying load and input current, and the following experiment addresses just that issue. The following is a fantastic guide to tracking the efficiency and torque characteristics of an induction motor for varying load conditions and the above is an excellent approach to analyzing such situations.

Figure 1 Power Flow Map Equipment: Motor Generator Set 0-300V AC Voltmeter 0-20A AC Ammeter 0-3.0kW AC Wattmeter Console containing: o AC Starter o Three Phase Power Supply o Three Phase Variac o DC Machine used as a DC Generator o Resistance Load Bank
Procedure: A PERFORMANCE OF INDUCTION MOTOR UNDER LOAD 1. In this experiment, you are going to observe the characteristics of the induction motor under loaded condition. 2. Let us review the methods of loading an induction motor. Load can be applied to an induction motor by two ways: By applying a brake on the shaft of the motor. By applying resistive loads on a DC generator of a Motor Generator set.

You will use motor generator set to load the induction motor in this experiment. A schematic diagram of a Motor Generator Set is given below:

3. Make sure that your induction motor is connected to operate as a squirrel cage motor as shown on the circuit diagram below. 4. Connect the DC machine to operate as a shunt generator as shown in the figure below. Adjust the 500 ohm rheostat to the maximum resistance position by rotating counterclockwise (Auxiliaryresistance OUT).

5. Explain the operation of your MG set to load the induction motor in the space given below: 6. Have your instructor check your machine and meter connection before starting the AC machine. You will be using two wattmeter for measuring the total watts applied to the induction motor. Note: You have only one ammeter on the control board, so you have to use an ammeter insertion plug to measure the current in phases B &C. The details of the wattmeter connections are shown below. Remember that when using only two wattmeter on three phase system as shown below, the total wattage is the sum of the readings on the two meters. If one of the meters goes downscale below zero, reverse the current or voltage coil connections of the meter and record the reading as the negative. Subtract the negative reading from the positive reading on the other wattmeter to obtain total wattage. As motor loaded down, the negative reading will go positive. It may be necessary to again reverse the connection to obtain the positive reading. 7. Start the motor. Record the volts, amps, active watts, torque, and speed of the motor and the armature volts and amps of the dc generator for several steps of load on the generator from 0 to about 3.0 kW(motor current not to exceed 10 amps maximum). Record your results in table 1.

8. Calculate apparent watts, total active watts, and power factor. 9. Calculate apparent watts, total active watts, and power factor. 10. Disconnect the wiring on the DC Generator side and leave the AC po B. DEVELOPMENT OF EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT OF AN INDUCTION MOTOR FROM NO LOAD AND BLOCKED ROTOR TESTS. Today you are going to develop the equivalent circuit of the induction motor from No Load and Blocked Rotor tests. 1. NO LOAD TEST: For no load test, the rated voltage is impressed upon the stator winding and motor operates freely with the generator coupled to the motor. Under these conditions, the input to the motor represents (1) fixed losses (core and frictional and windage losses), and (2) a small no load equivalent stator and copper losses. This test is very similar to the transformer open circuit tests. You have already performed the no load test earlier. Review the results and record your results in table 2. 1. BLOCKED ROTOR TEST: Lock the rotor securely in position (use the worm and wheel attachment). Reduce the input voltage to zero and connect it directly to the stator terminals. Slowly increase the input from zero up to the voltage which causes the rated line current to flow. The test is very similar to the short circuit test of a transformer. Perform the locked rotor test as described above and record the results in table 3:

Motor Volts Amps (A1) Amps (A2) Apparent Watts Watts (W1) Watts (W2) Total Active Watts Power Factor RPM Torque (lb-ft) Total Copper Losses % Efficiency Generator Volts Amps Watts Load Watts

208 5 5 1801 -140 860 720 0.40 1700 2.2 202.5 0.49 110 2.5 275 300

208 5.5 5.5 1981 0 1040 1040 0.52 1700 3.8 245.0 0.61 110 5 550 600

208 6.2 6.2 2234 140 1180 1320 0.59 1700 5.5 311.4 0.64 110 7 770 900

208 6.8 6.8 2450 320 1370 1690 0.69 1600 6.8 374.5 0.68 107 9 963 1200

208 7.4 7.3 2648 420 1520 1940 0.73 1600 8 437.6 0.69 103 11 1133 1500

208 8.1 8 2900 520 1640 2160 0.74 1550 9.2 524.9 0.68 100 12.5 1250 1800

208 8.8 8.6 3134 600 1760 2360 0.75 1400 10.2 613.1 0.67 96 14.5 1392 2100

208 9.3 9.2 3332 700 1880 2580 0.77 1350 11.2 693.1 0.67 93 15.5 1441.5 2400

208 9.8 9.8 3531 800 1980 2780 0.79 1300 11.9 777.9 0.66 90 18 1620 2700

208 10 10 3603 840 2080 2920 0.81 1300 12.6 810.0 0.67 87 18 1566 3000

No Load: Volts 208 Blocked Rotor: Amps (A1) 9.9 Amps (A2) 10 Volts 65 Watts (W1) 180 Watts (W2) 630 Total Watts 810 Power Factor 0.72 Amps (A1) 4.8 Amps (A2) 4.8 Watts (W1) -340 Watts (W2) 690 Total Watts 350

Load Watts Calculation Efficiency Torque (ft*lb) pf Experiment Torque Speed Stator Current

300 0.49 2.14 0.40 2.2 1700 5

600 0.61 3.29 0.52 3.8 1700 5.5

900 0.64 4.18 0.59 5.5 1700 6.2

1200 0.68 5.79 0.69 6.8 1600 6.8

1500 0.69 6.61 0.73 8 1600 7.35

1800 0.68 7.43 0.74 9.2 1550 8.05

2100 0.67 8.78 0.75 10.2 1400 8.7

2400 0.67 9.84 0.77 11.2 1350 9.25

2700 0.66 10.84 0.79 11.9 1300 9.8

3000 0.67 11.43 0.81 12.6 1300 10

Torque vs. Speed

12 10 Torque (ft-lbs) 8 6 4 2 0 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800

Speed (RPM)

Figure 2 Generated Torque as a Function of Motor Speed

Stator Current vs. Torque

12 Stator Current (A) 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 Torque (ft-lbs) 8 10 12

Figure 3 Stator Current as a Function of Developed Torque

Efficiency vs. Torque

0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 2 4 6 Torque (ft-lbs) 8 10 12

Figure 4 Motor Efficiency as a Function of Developed Torque

Power Factor vs. Torque

0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 2 4 6 Torque (ft-lbs) 8 10 12


Figure 5 Power Factor as a Function of Developed Torque Sample Calculations: Blocked rotor test: 1 3 3 1.35 2 180 630 2.7 2.7 2 4.8 2 4.8 4.8 810 186.624

3 4.8 1.35 1 2

3 37.53 4.8


37.53 7.82




2 2 2

7.34 2

3.67 3.67

7.34 2

No load Test: 1 1 3 2 2 2 4.8 3 4.8 2.7 186.6 340 690 350

From the manufacturers data, Friction Loss Pfw=100 W 350 3 3 208 63.4 186.6 100 63.4

2047.2 2047.2


.979 120 4.7

4.7 25.5

RR=1.35 RS=1.35 XR=3.67 XS=3.67 RC=2047.2 XM=25.5 Total Friction Loss = Pfw = 100W Total Core Loss = PCore = 63.4W Analysis: The graphs seen in Figures 2 through 5 displays expected results for an induction motor. As can be seen in Figure 2, the amount of torque developed by the motor declines as a function of time. Given this is an induction motor, rather than a synchronous machine, it is expected that there will be a negative correlation between torque and motor speed on the upper end of operating speeds. Figure 3 shows a positive correlation between developed torque and current draw. Because the motor was held at a constant voltage, increased current is needed to increase the power drawn to generate torque. The efficiency curve generated by experimental data also shows the expected steep increase in efficiency as a function of torque up to its peak efficiency with a very slight drop off in efficiency as developed torque increases. The power factor curve also follows an exponential increase, and approaches a maximum power factor of slightly greater than 0.8.

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