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Geothermal energy is a powerful energy source, right under our feet.

The internal heat which drives this form of electrical energy production is derived from the upper
mantle of the earth

. Electrical energy production by the use of steam turning a turbine is common, but the use of
earth’s internal heat is what makes this form of energy production possible.

To do this, a large power plant has to be used.

We can generate geothermal energy by drilling deep holes into the earths crust, pumping cold water
through one end, and then by the time it rises back to the surface, the water can be hundreds of
degrees Celsius, which we then use as steam to drive a turbine which drives a generator, creating

Geothermal energy is one of the best natural energies around.

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Indian geothermal provinces have

the capacity to produce 10,600 MW of
power- a figure which is five time
greater than the combined power being
produced from non-conventional energy
sources such as wind, solar and biomass.
But yet geothermal power projects have
not seen the sunlight due the availability
of 192 billion tones of recoverable coal
reserves They are often described as
clean and green forms of energy because
of their minimal environmental impact
compared to fossil fuels. Examples are
the use of sunshine, wind, flowing water,
biological- and geothermal processes.
Because its source is the almost
unlimited amount of heat generated by
the Earth's core. Even in geothermal
areas dependent on a reservoir of hot
water, the volume taken out can be
reinjected, making it a sustainable
energy source.
Indian has 400 medium to high enthalpy
geothermal springs, clustered in seven province
shown in Figure 1. The most promising
provinces are i) The Himalaya, ii) Sohana,
iii) Cambay, iv) Son-Narmada-Tapi
(SONATA) and v) the Godavari. With the
recent volcanic eruption, the Barren Island, a part
of the Andaman-Nicobar chain of islands, is
added to the above list. Total power generating
capacity of these provinces is estimated to be of
the order of 10,000 MW. The chart below
summarizes the temperatures, heat flow values
and geothermal gradients of the geo thermal
provinces of India
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HOW DOES GEOTHERMAL the fluid (whether steam or water) and its

• Flow of magma up into

volcanoes, which discharge it as Steam
lava plants
• Flow of underground water, or :
steam, naturally heated deep in
the Earth They
• Flow of water, or steam, injected use Pacific Gas & Electric
and retrieved by human effort very
hot (more than 300° F) steam and hot
NEW INNOVATIVE TECHNIQUES water resources. The steam either comes
FOR FINDING "HIDDEN" directly from the resource, or the very
GEOTHERMAL SYSTEMS: hot, high-pressure water is depressurized
("flashed") to produce steam. The only
Geothermal Exploration and Drilling significant emission from these plants is
can be done using these techniques: steam (water vapor). Minute amounts of
carbon dioxide, nitric oxide, and sulfur
Ø Reconnaissance for Hidden are emitted, but almost 50 times less
Resources than at traditional, fossil-fuel power
Ø Basin and Range Exploration plants.
Ø Innovative Geothermal Exploration
Ø 3-D Magnetotelluric Modeling
Ø Geothermal Resource Exploration
and Definition Solicitation
Ø High-Temperature Instrumentation
Ø Well bore Integrity and Lost
Ø Hard-Rock Drill Bit Technology
Ø Cost Database and Simulators
Ø Diagnostics-while-Drilling (DWD)
Ø Acid-Resistant Cements
Ø Cement Structural Response


Geothermal power plant technologies

being used to convert hydrothermal fluids to
electricity. The conversion technologies are
dry steam, flash, and binary cycle. The type
of conversion used depends on the state of
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2008 to 2012. Consequence to the Kyoto

protocol, all the industrial countries are
encouraging development of new
renewable energy technologies.
Geothermal energy is gaining
importance as alternate source of energy.
Geothermal energy based power
production over the world has gone up
from 5800 MW to 8400 MW from 1998
to 1999. Thus all the countries, except
India, have started using geothermal
energy to generate power and support a
variety of industries. Nearly 70% of
India's power production is based on
coal due to the availability of huge coal
Binary plants : reserves in the country. Excessive use of
this source, without the use of strategies
They use lower-temperature, but to mitigate its effects, will have
much more common, hot water deteriorating effect on the quality of
resources (100° F – 300° F). The hot human life. In another decade, according
water is passed through a heat exchanger to the World Bank, emission of CO2,
in conjunction with a secondary (hence, SO2 and Nx will exceed 1500 million
"binary plant") fluid with a lower boiling tones, 1900 kilo tones and 1200 kilo
point usually a hydrocarbon such as tones respectively. This means CO2
isobutane or isopentane. The secondary emissions will be 775 million metric
fluid vaporizes, which turns the turbines, tones per year as compared to 1000
which drive the generators. The million metric tones per year produced
remaining secondary fluid is simply in the entire European Union! This may
recycled through the heat exchanger. lead to severe droughts, especially in
The geothermal fluid is condensed and developing countries like India, and
returned to the reservoir. Because binary reduce supplies of clean, fresh water to
plants use a self-contained cycle, the point where there are major threats to
nothing is emitted. Energy produced by public health. With global water
binary plants currently costs about 5 to 8 resources already under severe strain
cents per kWh. Because these lower- from rapid population growth and
temperature reservoirs are far more expanding economic activity, the danger
common, binary plants are the more is clear.
prevalentamounts of gases.
Though India has been exempted
SIGNIFICANCE OF from signing the Kyoto protocol, in
GEOTHEMAL ENERGY : future it has to be a part of this
convention and reduce emission of CO2-
In 1997, 'Kyoto protocol' which means reduction in usage of coal
says that industrialized countries will and other fossil fuels.
reduce emission of Green House Gases
(GHGs) by at least 5% compared to
1990 levels by the period extending from
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This is the time for India to launch Construction time can be as little as 6
its geothermal energy resources months for plants in the range 0.5 to 10
programme in a big way to implement MW and as little as 2 years for clusters
clean development mechanism (CDM). of plants totaling 250 MW or more. One
The country has enormous resources, such binary power plant in operation at
which are lying untapped. World Wineagel Developers geothermal site in
funding organizations and developed California, USA, generating 750 kW is
countries, which are using extensively shown in figure 2. This plant consists of
geothermal energy, are keen to promote two binary units with a gross efficiency
this energy sources to reduce GHGs by of 8.5% and a capacity factor of 109%.
India. Several such plants exists in China
across Indian's border. The Yangbajain
WHY GEOTHERMAL ENERGY: Geothermal Power Station in Tibet has
an installed generating capacity of 25
There is no doubt that the cost of MW ranking 10th in the world
electricity produced from coal is far less WHY INDIA IS NOT ABLE TO
expensive compared with other fuels. CASH AND BE THE WORLD BEST
The present day cost of one unit of PROCESSED FOOD EXPORTERS?
power is less than a rupee in the case of One of the India’s proudest
coal based power while liquid fuel based accomplishment has been achieving self
power costs about Rs. 2 per unit and sufficiency in food production and that
hydro power costs about Rs. 1.50. But the country’s produces a wide variety of
the expenditure spent to meet the agricultural products at prices that are
consequences (like disposal of fly ash; below world’s values in most cases India
treating the coal with high ash content is one of the world’s major food
etc) is high which automatically producers but accounts for less than
increases one rupee a unit to several 1.5percent of international food trade .
rupees. Now a time has come to look There is large scope for us companies to
into those alternate energy sources invest in food processing and packaging
which were not viable a decade ago due sector which is growing annually at 15
to non availability of technical know- to 20%. If such is the situation then
how. At present 1.5 percent of total REASONS :
power generation capacity comes from The problem lies in inadequate
non-conventional energy sources like infrastructure like cold storage,
wind, solar and bio-mass. In the next dehydration facility etc. About 75-80
fifteen years, according to the World percent of vegetables and fruits in India
Bank report, this energy supply could perish due to high water content. This
increase by seven times and above from industry requires about US$6 billion in
non-conventional energy sources investment in the next five years to
create necessary infrastructure, expand
Systems for use of geothermal production and storage facilities using
energy have proven to be extremely state-of-art technology to match
reliable and flexible. Geothermal plants international standards. Because of lack
are modular and can be transported of such facilities products worth US$2.5
conveniently to any site. Both baseline billion is wasted yearly out of which the
and peaking power can be generated.
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farm products accounts for US$ 1.5 ENERGY TO ELECTRICAL

billion. ENERGY:
Using conventional energy to
minimize wastage is expensive today Unlike other power plants that
and is going be the same or more rely on coal or other fossile fuels to
expensive in future with ever increasing create electricity for homes and
cost of conventional fuels.The cost of business geothermal resources to
conventional fuel makes the finished generate electricity. The natural heat
product very expensive. To compete of the earth creates geothermal
with international market and to promote resources .This heat comes from
the product in the local market, the molten rock called magma located at
amount spent in such process should be earth’s core deep below the
minimum. This can be accomplished by geothermal resources. This heat
using the country’s available geothermal comes from molten rock called
energy resources. To give an example, magma located at earth’s core deep
the table below gives a comparative below the geothermal Resource.
statement of cost involved in
dehydrating fruits using conventional
energy and geothermal energy. Over thousands of years rain water seeps
through cracks in the earth’s surface and
collects in AL
underwater reservoir heated
PINEAPPL fluid . to reach the superheated fluid
18 90 4950to 10000 feet
wells are drilled 5000
APPLE (Slices) 16 810 below the surface 4500
of the earth .these
wells, called production wells brings the
APPLE (CUBES) 16 810 4500
superheated fluid to the earth’s surface
where it can be used to generate
BANANA 1 24 1350 5625
electricity for homes and business
Courtesy: M/s Eco-Fruit Agro
Industry, Gautimala, Central America:
Cost in Rs.
Most food-processing and
greenhouse operators over the world
estimate that using geothermal resources
instead of conventional energy sources
saves about 80% of fuel costs – about
5% to 8% of total operating costs.
Worldwide, the installed capacity of
direct geothermal utilization is about
9000 MW and the energy used is about FLASHES WATER TO STEAM:
31,200 GWh/yr distributed among 38 This geothermal power plant
countries . uses crystallizer reactor clarifier
technology, a process that turns the
THE PROCESS INVOLVED IN geothermal superheated fluid into steam
CONVERTING GEOTHERMAL while remaining solids from it . the
steam while removing solids from it . the
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steam is used to drive a turbine and management a geothermal resource can

generator electricity. All remaining remain a renewable source of energy.
geothermal fluids are injected back into Water trapped deep within the earth will
the reservoir for reuse under its own naturally replace the superheated fluid
pressure, superheated fluid from the that is drawn from the geothermal
geothermal resource flows naturally to resource through surface wells. However
the surface through production wells. as it is possible to deplete the geothermal
the liquid flows towards the surface the resource by removing fluid faster than it
pressure decreases causing a small can be naturally replaced. To help
portion of fluid still within the well to prevent this steam used in the
separate or “flash” into steam . at the geothermal power plant passes through a
surface the superheated fluid and steam condenser that turns it back into fluid. At
mixture flows through surface pipe lines this stage it is possible to recover
and into a well head separator. Inside the minerals from the geothermal fluid
separator the pressure of the superheated before it is injected back into the earth.
fluid is reduce. this causes a large This condensed fluid along with the fluid
amount of the superheated fluid to that did not flash to steam is injected
rapidly vapourise and flash into high back into the underground reservoir.
pressure steam . the geothermal fluid Magma naturally reheats the fluid so it
that is not flashed into steam in the well can be reused again.
head separator flows to a second vessel The system works by capturing
called a standard-pressure crystallizer steam from wells and converting that
where additional amount of standard power into energy. It has the advantage
pressure steam is produced . the flash of delivering energy 24 hours a day, not
process continues in the low pressure intermittently. This technology injects
TURBINES AND GENERATORS: all the geothermal liquid back into the
Turbines are the primary piece of ground. That means there are no
equipment used to transform geothermal emissions, and geothermal wells are not
energy into mechanical energy. depleted. In most other plants,
Pressurised steam created from the geothermal steam is just released into the
geothermal superheated fluid flows atmosphere, eventually depleting the
through pipe lines to large steam turbine. steam available to the power plant. With
The force and energy in the steam is this method, that steam is put back into
used to spin the turbine blades. The the ground, so the water can be reheated
turbines turn a shaft directly connected and re-released, sustaining the
to an electrical generator. An electrical geothermal plants. This method uses air
charge is created when magnets rotate cooling instead of water cooling,
within the generator. Large copper bars allowing its system to be used in places
carry the electrical charge to a step up with water shortages.
transformer outside the plant. Within the
transformer the voltage is increased ADVANTAGES OF GEOTHERMAL
before the power is sent to the power ENERGY:
lines that carry it to homes and business.
SUSTAINING RESOURCES: 1 So the first advantage of using
Geothermal energy is a geothermal heat to power a power
sustainable resource because with proper station is that, unlike most power
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stations, a geothermal system does not The Demand for energy will continue
create any pollution. It may once in a to grow. Economies are expanding,
while release some gases from deep populations are increasing (over 2 billion
down inside the earth, that may be people still do not have electricity), and
slightly harmful, but these can be energy-intensive technologies are
contained quite easily. spreading. All mean greater demand for
2 The cost of the land to build a energy. At the same time, there is
geothermal power plant on, is usually growing global recognition of the
less expensive than if you were planning environmental impacts of energy
to construct an; oil, gas, coal, or nuclear production and use from fossil fuel and
power plant. The main reason for this is nuclear resources
land space, as geothermal plants take up
very little room, so you don't need to The Inventory of accessible
purchase a larger area of land. Another geothermal energy is sizable. And with
factor that comes into this is that because more exploration, the inventory can
geothermal energy is very clean ,you become larger. The entire world resource
may receive tax cuts, and/or no base of geothermal energy has been
environmental bills or quotas to comply calculated in government surveys to be
with the countries carbon emission larger than the resource bases of coal,
scheme (if they have one oil, gas and uranium combined. The
We can use it repeatedly without geothermal resource base becomes more
depleting it. available as methods and technologies
No contribution to global warming, for accessing it are improved through
No polluting emissions research and experience.
Low cost applications when
counting all costs Thus the geothermal energy is the best
Saving on health and its costs renewable source of energy.

It can only be used in some areas around
the world, where the crust is thin and hot
rocks are near the surface. Sometimes
the hot water that is pumped to the REFERENCES:
surface contains pollutants such as
sulphur. www1.eere.energyhttp://www.sustaina
The outlook for geothermal energy Geothermal energy - Energy from the
use depends on at least three factors: the earth's core
demand for energy in general; the
inventory of available geothermal cts/sources/renewable/
resources; and the competitive position ml
of geothermal among other energy The energy story - geothermal energy
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