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Edge of the Unsane

Brink Destruction. Invention. These are my enemies, for I, Grey, balancing here on the horizon, need only sky and sea beneath my feet, a woven two to lick at Judgment's heels. My, what a dog, Judgment is. The sky is bare, the ocean barren. Deafening noiselessness stretches tense over a thousand leagues until, at the hour, the wayward harp strikes magic: The red sun rises and beats proudly at my back, and it is that I must turn and yawn my bleeding eyes at it, at a halo churning fire around a darker silhouette of mist and aberrations scaling the water-top. I who have danced upon the shadows of Valhalla make way for who comes: a walker, joy-crester, on his waves, but the Brink remains silent. No jubilee for a sincere age come-gone, no woes over a new awakening that I might sink into. Callousness may have hurt had I remembered what a heart once felt like. But, I'll have plenty of oblivion to contemplate such deliberate nihilism. The boy fleshes out of the sky-light, fair-haired and captivating the Brink with new force, a ventilationous life full of green eyes. I measured those eyes and made over to him. Here, take this. Neither hot nor cold but what could have this texture? Skin? Yes, it is my hand, nobbed and gnarled when one would have expected it to have been worn smooth. Surprised? It's just for show. The real dragon's hiding slither-near. Definitely Vague Whos there? called the boy. He looked around, or what passed for around, since the world could have swiveled with him all the same, like two plates of a blue atop a deeper blue. Hello? He could have sworn he heard somebody, or felt tappingbeating? He strained to listen. SLITHER-NEAR!! exploded in his eardrum, and he fell on his butt. Whos yelling?! yelled the boy, covering his ears. YOU, GREEN, ARE YELLING. The one named Green soured his face. I, GREY, AM PISSED TO MEET YOU! Hey, would you quit it?! Stop yelling! WE CAN ALL HEAR YOU, SO YOUTHAT IS, YOU, GREENDONT HAVE TO SPEAK SO QUIETLY. said Grey. Are you making fun of me?! Grey considered this question, and then forgot about it. COME WITH ME TO MY SHACK! Who are you?! asked the boy earnestly. Where am I? What is this place? What happened? I, GREY, CAN ANSWER ALL OF YOUR QUESTIONS BUT ONE: YOU, GREEN, ARE ATMETAPHYSICALLY SPEAKINGTHE BRINK. That answered only one of my questions. NO, THAT ONLY ANSWERED PRECISELY ONE LESS THAN FOUR OF YOUR ILL-PHRASED QUESTIONS. I, GREY, MAY POTENTIALLY NOT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. He paused. WITH OR WITHOUT SYRUP, DO YOU, GREEN, SUPPOSE? What?

AT MY SHACK. YOUR BREAKFAST. WAFFLES. WOULD YOU, GREEN, LIKE WAFFLES AT MY BREAKFAST SHACK WITH OR WITHOUT SYRUP? Greens belly felt like he had ingested a ball of needles. His hunger humbled him. With syrup, if I may, please. EXCUSE ME? Um, with syrupsir? EXCUSE ME? With syrup! I want waffles with syrup! OH, OKAY, THEN. NOW WHERE IS MY SHACK? Green coughed. Wouldnt you know where you, uh, put it? Also, where are you? Are you invisible? Grey looked around. Grey was still looking around. Grey? WHO? You, Grey! OH, YES, WHAT IS IT? Where are you? WHO? You, Grey! I, GREY, AM ATMETAFICTIONAMILY SPEAKINGTHE BRI Yes, yes, I get it. WHO? Green snapped. Waffles! The waffles get it! THATS CURIOUS. THEY DONT EVER GET MUCH OF ANYTHINGBESIDES SYRUP. WOULD YOU, GREEN, PLEASE LEAD THE WAY OUT TO MY CEDARWOOD BREAKFAST SHACK? How would I, Green, know the way to your, Greys, blasted shack?! WERE ALREADY HERE. Were already at the shack? MAYBE, THIS IS THE BRINK. I, GREY, CANT REALLY BE MORE VAGUE, BUT I, GREY, CAN TRY TO ELUCIDATE: YOU, GREEN, HAVE STUDIED SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS, YES? No? AND HAVE INEVITABLY RACED TO THE END OF A MOBIUS STRIP? Not really, no. AND HAVE ATTEMPTED TO DIVIDE BY ZERO? Nope. HAVE YOU, GREEN, EVER KISSED A GIRL? I really wanted to, one time, but I THEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! Green exhaled. I wanted DO YOU THINK IT MIGHT BE UNETHICAL TO EAT A THINKING CREATURE? Wait, what? YOU, GREEN, ARE SOMEWHAT WELCOME. YOUR WAFFLES ARE DONE. BUT, YOU, GREEN, SHOULD CHEW BEFORE SWALLOWING.

Numbing Feeling

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