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How atherosclerosis forms: The hardening of the arteries and is a build-up of yellowish fatty deposits (plaques) on the inside of the arteries.

Damage on the ENDOTHELIUM LINING due to: - High blood pressure in arteries - Chemicals from tobacco smoke

Cloth formed in the blood vessels are called THRMBOSIS

INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE begins as damages occur and white blood cells arrive at the damage site. - WBCs contains cholesterol which accumulates chemicals from the blood

This lead to ATHEROMA, which is a fatty deposit laid down onto the damage endothilial lining
Lumen become smaller

Fibrous tissue and Calcium ions (salts) builds up around the atheroma, turning it into a hardened plaque - This causes the vessels less elastic

Atherosclerosis causes the vessels to beome smaller and so less volume of blood can be transferred. This increases the blood pressure as the lumen become smaller, strain on the walls occur which makes further damage more plaque will be formed.


Problems caused by artherosclerosis & high blood pressure

ANEURYSM e.g. brain&aorta

Blood builds up behind the blockage and the artery bulges up causes the pressure to increase. The wall is weakened (aneurysm) which can be split open, leading to massive internal bleeding.

Inflammatory response

Atheroma Atherosclerosis Aneurysm

the response fo the body to damage tissue which involves swelling and increased blood flow bringing white blood cells to the area Fatty deposit initially laid down onto damaged arterial lining the build up of hardened fatty deposits on the arterial lining A bulge in the wall of an artery as a result of pressure of blood building up behind a narrowed area. This leaves the wall weakened and vulnerable to spliting open

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